Mission Update Commissioning Day
Pray for Andres and Rochelle on April 22 Dr. Andres & Rochelle Panasiuk’s home church -Blackshear Place Baptist Church- will hold a Commissioning Service for the Panasiuks on Sunday, April 22nd. They will be praying over them and sending them out to the Mission Field -Mexico.
March 2012
Rethinking How We Teach Economy...
“While a protest of an introductory economics class at Harvard University last semester seemed inspired more by the Occupy movement than by academic criticism, it raised questions about how the teaching of economics should change in light of the financial crisis...” -The New York Times April 2, 2012.
It seems young people are looking for a True North in national economic thinking. Both, the political and financial institutions failed them. Our challenge: to present the emerging generation with solid, Biblical, financial truths that will stand the test of time.
Liz Meyer
Marketplace Outreach Thousands of entrepreneurs hear God’s Word through “The Ten Irrefutable Laws”
Spiritual harvest at the largest church in Panama. Thank You!!! for all your faithful support to Global Freedom Concepts & our Ministry Partners!
4,500 in Chicago
More than 30 people made profession of faith in Jesus when Hosanna Church’s Senior Pastor, Edwin Alvarez, made the altar call after Dr. Panasiuk preached on Stewardship. Stewardship is an issue of the heart and people respond to this message. We constantly bring people to the Lord when we talk about money. 5,600 in Long Beach, CA
Global Freedom Concepts is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that depends on God’s blessing and on the generosity of partners like you.