August 2010
Have you ever been taken away by a novel that sent you off to a far away land in a distant past? If you like Og Mandino or Who Moved My Cheese, you’d get carried away by our next project...
Your donations at work! The Ten Irrefutable Laws of Doom and Restoration is our most recent venture in partnership with Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Hundreds of Pastors are called to surrender as they acknowledge God’s Ownership. Dr. Andrés Panasiuk closed his second sermon, on August 6th, at a National Leadership Conference in Orlando, with a call to obey the Biblical principle of Ownership. Hundreds of pastors and church leaders came forward. They surrendered areas in their lives that they had never given to the Lord before -especially their finances! Dr. Nino González and the mega-church he pastors, Iglesia El Calvario, coordinates this annual leadership conference in Orlando every August.
This book is written as a historic novel. It features at its core an in-depth Bible study on the Prodigal Son’s Parable -looking at it from a financial perspective. Hidden between the pages readers will find treasures of Biblical principles on Stewardship... and ONE Universal Law that could change their lives forever! The largest secular book distributor in Mexico pickedup the book for distribution... and Mexico is a nation with over 100 Million people! This project is a unique missionary venture, placing a Biblical tool in the hands of secular audiences. Praise the Lord for that!
Global Freedom Concepts PO BOX 161909 Atlanta, GA 30321 404-477-4045
Mission Update MISSION UPDATE JULY 2010
300 people come to the Lord in the Chicago area! Almost 1000 people attended the Spanish language event with Dr Luis Palau at Calvary Church in Naperville. Thousands more attended the events in English, over the Aug 13-15 weekend. Andrés teamed-up with Dr. Luis Palau, preaching in Spanish during Sunday morning services. This was a very successful evangelistic outreach.
Nilda Pérez: “¡Puerto Rico es Número Uno!” Puerto Rico is the first country to enter a formal agreement with The Institute for Financial Culture. Voting unanimously, the Board of Trustees decided to embrace the new vision.
This month brought to us another season of successful TV recordings with the 700 Club!
This will create a platform stewardship ministries, which empower them to transform stewardship culture within Body of Christ.
Their new endeavors will be lead by Nilda Pérez. Nilda is a successful business woman who is currently working on her doctorate degree in business administration. She is also a radio personality, international conference speaker and published author.
Fellowship of Companies for Christ International FCCI's 31st International Conference September 26-30
In a business world shaken by economic
Larry Burkett
and political uncertainty, 2010 is a perfect time to go Back to the Basics. What does it mean to "lead a company for Christ"? How do you intentionally plan to have Kingdom impact in and through your business? Can you know if you and your business are really being transformed?
Plan to join FCCI in Marana, AZ (Tucson area). FCCI is a partner with Global Freedom Concepts, working as one body in Latin America. This Conference will be celebrating the life of it's co-founder Larry Burkett. Get more info at www.fcci.org
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We are thankful to the Lord for bring to our team a person with such a high level of experience.
Global Freedom Concepts is a non-profit organization that depends on God’s blessings and on the generosity of partners like you.
Send-in your Commitment Card Today!
Global FreedomGlobal Concepts PO BOX 161909 Atlanta, GA 30321, Tel: (404) 477-4045 Freedom Concepts PO BOX 161909 Atlanta, GA 30321 404-477-4045 GlobalFreedomConcepts.org