September 2010
Carnegie Library features The Woman Who Prospers Book
Continental Broadcasters embrace “The Institute for Financial Culture” Almost 50 representatives of local and international media attended our official presentation of The Institute for Financial Culture during the Latin American version of the National Religious Broadcasters convention called COICOM. The event was held in the Dominican Republic Sept 9-14.
The library of the world-renown Carnegie organization in Puerto Rico held a special book introductory ceremony for The Woman Who Prospers last September 11th.
Several international Evangelical leaders joined Dr. Arnold Enns COICOM president- in support of the new vision for a continental organization that will become a platform for stewardship ministries. The organization will serve the Church and the nations of Latin America and have its continental offices located in Guatemala City.
Puerto Rico National Director Nilda Perez was invited to lecture on the book which she co-authored with Guatemalan psychologist Melvy de Leon and Dr. Andrés Panasiuk.
For a look at what we are doing in Spanish visit us at www.culturafinanciera.org
The invitation was an unexpected honor and a unique opportunity to be salt and light to the Puerto Rican society.
Your monthly support helps us to serve hundreds of thousands of people every month through our broadcasting outlets: radio, TV, magazines, books and the above first class web site.
The Woman Who Prospers is a financial Bible study based on the Proverbs 31:10-31.
Our Continental Media Director, Milenka Peña, and Dr. Andrés Panasiuk introduce the IFC to international broadcasters and leaders at COICOM.
Global Freedom Concepts PO BOX 161909 Atlanta, GA 30321 404-477-4045
Mission Update MISSION UPDATE The Woman Who Prospers Tour JULY Continues throughout Guatemala. 2010
More than 4,000 women gathered at one of the largest Mega Churches in Guatemala to learn what a “Proverbs 31 woman” would do financially. Rochelle and Andrés Panasiuk were invited to teach not only at the gathering, but also to men, young people, and the whole 16,000-member congregation throughout the week of Sept 22-27. Over 89 people made a first time profession to faith commitment. Praise God for the opportunity and exposure of God’s Word.
Recording artist Ingrid Rosario leads worship during The Women Who Prospers event at Christian Fellowship Church September 24th.
Prayer Corner
This week we are in the heart of Mexico, speaking at a renowned men’s conference. We will report back to you in next month’s newsletter.
Look to the LORD and his strength: seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11
Please keep us always in your prayers: → Oct 1-3 National Men’s event in Irapuato, Mexico- Pray for safety and the leading of the Holy Spirit. → Oct 12-16 Recording of “Cultura Financiera” TV shows, and “10 Laws of Financial Doom and Restoration” Conference in Matamoros, Mexico. → Oct 28-30 The Institute for Financial Culture will be holding a “The Women Who Prospers” event in Bolivia. Pray for open hearts to hear God’s word. → Some of our Financial Needs: $2000 Lawyer expenses to finalize the 501c3 nonprofit doc. $3000 Web designer, media and publications → Pray for Moises Vasquez –Director. Wisdom as he moves forward with the Institute for Financial Culture in Guatemala City. → Praise God for such a great ministry trip to Guatemala in September! → Praise God for the ministry opportunities opening up in Argentina, Paraguay and other Latin-American countries.
Staff Member of the Month Dozens of letters arrive to our Guatemalan office every week as a result of our radio and web out reach. Deisy Piraneque has been answering those letters with biblical and practical guidance for the last ten years. Thank you, Deisy!
Thank you LORD, for hearing our prayers and meeting our needs.
Global FreedomGlobal Concepts PO BOX 161909 Atlanta, GA 30321, Tel: (404) 477-4045 Freedom Concepts PO BOX 161909 Atlanta, GA 30321 404-477-4045 GlobalFreedomConcepts.org