About this report
The hedge fund industry added 641 people to its collective workforce in August 2022 – the largest net increase in at least four months. Talent flow data generated at the same time in the cycle for July (+612) and June (+610) recorded lower net gains than August’s. And while the overall number of hires and exits may have been down month on month – as might be expected at the height of the summer slowdown – the fall in the number of exits was larger than the fall in the number of hires; encouraging signs during a difficult period for hedge fund recruiters.
How do we know all this? Vision. What is Vision? Vision is the new data service from Hedgeweek. Each month, Vision uses AI to interrogate multiple data sources – including social media, regulatory and tax filings, and news items – and identify people that have joined and/or left one of the 2,600+ hedge fund management firms Vision currently tracks. The top-level results are presented in this, Hedgeweek’s new monthly report, Vision: Hedge Fund Talent Flow (internal moves and promotions are also captured by Vision but not yet covered in this report). The underlying results – including contact details – can be accessed on request.
Using Vision, Hedgweek can estimate that around 120,000 people work for hedge fund management firms (the definition of the ‘hedge fund industry’ used throughout this report). The ebb and flow of this talent is a vital indicator of current and future business development trends. The insights in this monthly report – and the trove of underlying data attached to each of the 1,158 movers – could give you the edge you need in an increasingly competitive market. Read on to learn more.
moves in the
industry in August 2022
made by
firms in August 2022
entrants to the HF industry in August 2022
people moving to and/or from HF firms in August 2022
the HF industry
People leaving a HF firm for a non-HF firm
People moving from one HF firm to another HF firm
People joining a HF firm from a non-HF firm
Analyst note: Moves to and from non-HF firms include some ‘unknown’ firms which may include HF managers. All data throughout this report sourced from Vision (Hedgeweek) and subject to revision.
August is typically a quieter month for financial services people moves (and activity in general) and so it proved in 2022. Vision data tracked a total of 1,158 workers moving to and/ or from a hedge fund management firm in August: a 6% drop compared to the same point in July’s monthly data gathering cycle, the second month-on-month decrease in a row. Of the 1,158 total movers, 215 exited the hedge fund industry and 856 joined it (and 87 moved within).
Net industry
Total HF
New York hires
ex-New York hires
Fig 5: New hedge fund ‘key decision makers’ from hires and promotions
Fig 5: New hedge fund 'decisionmakers' from hires and promotions
Analyst note: All data in this report is subject to revision as new data becomes available.
Fig 6: Notable new key decision makers
Fig 6: Notable new decisionmakers
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
decision makers
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Chief Compliance Officer
SurgoCap Partners
Marathon Asset Management | Connecticut
Chief operating officer
Credit-focused Marathon appointed Chris Brown as its new chief compliance officer last month. Brown joined from Axa Investment Managers, where he’d spent eight years.
The heralded new firm from former Lone Pine MD Mala Gaonkar has hired three people in the past three months, according to Vision data including a data scientist
4There were 67 new ‘key decision makers’ created last month, through a mixture of new hires and internal promotions (key decision maker or ‘Level 1’ hires are defined here as roles within a firm’s C-suite and/or with control function responsibilities). Like last month, there was a roughly 80/20 split between decision makers created by hires/promotions. Overall, Vision tracked 136 internal moves in August, where an individual’s role/title changed.
Among key departments, only sales/IR saw a MoM uptick in hires, and its 76 July total is down from 87 in May More significant, then, is the continuing – albeit undulating upward trend in investment office activity, as firms look to capitalise on the volatile, but potentially fruitful, trading environment There were 14% more front office hires in July (309) than in May (267), including multiple PM hires at ExodusPoint (4) and Balyasny (3)
Chief of Global Economics
Brevan Howard | New York
Chief people officer
Brevan Howard counted three key decision makers among its August hires, including David Seif, joining the New York office as Chief of Global Economics from Point72 Asset Management.
Head of Data Management
Citadel | New York
One of the hedge fund industry s largest start ups, Alex Karnal's Braidwell has hired three people in the past three months and one in July according to Vision data Mane Global Chief risk officer
Multi-strategy specialist Citadel made more than 40 new hires in August but only one that Vision defined as a key decision maker: Joshua Webman, Head of Data Management.
Launched in early 2021 by ex Moore Capital PM Rami Abdel Misih, Mane Global has been steadily adding staff, including two in the last two months, according to Vision data
Fig 7: Flow of hedge fund talent
Fig 7: Flow of hedge fund talent – HF hires by location
HF hires by location
Fig 7: Flow of hedge fund talent – HF hires by location
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Analyst note: Sankey chart based
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
hedge fund moves in
location data
for entrance firm and exit firm.
Fig 8: HF hires, change in location
Fig 8: HF hires, change in location
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Fig 8: HF hires, change in location
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Fig 9: HF moves, by HF hub
Fig 9: HF moves, by HF hub
Fig 9: HF moves, by HF hub
Excludes intra-hub moves. Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: GFM Vision
Source: GFM Vision
New York
ex-New York
ex New York
Rest of the world
(to a different hub)
(from a different hub)
External moves out of the hedge fund industry
External moves out of the hedge fund industry
fund industry
from May to June
firms hiring from outside the hedge fund
to June
increase in. Small increase in. ExternMay to June. Small increase in.
Florida may have been touted by some as the hedge fund industry’s epicentre in waiting exemplified by Citadel’s relocation from Chicago to Miami – but Vision data continues to show a flow of talent into the traditional hub of New York Of the 586 hedge fund moves tracked in July where location data was available for entrance firm and exit firm, only New York hedge funds saw a greater number of new entrants than new exits
constant from May to June Small increase in firms hiring from outside the hedge fund industry ExternMay to June Small increase in
increase in
June. Small
Chicago to Miami – but Vision data continues to show a flow of talent into the traditional hub of New York. Of the 586 hedge fund moves tracked in July where location data was available for entrance firm and exit firm, only New York hedge funds saw a greater number of new entrants than new exits.
As it was in July, New York attracted more hedge fund talent from other US states in August (49) than it lost to other US states (30). Overall, New York saw a net inflow of 25 hedge fund workers, while the rest of the US saw a net outflow of seven. In a recent sign of New York’s continuing appeal, D.E. Shaw & Co. has chosen to remain in the city when locating its headquarters, moving from Midtown to the far west side of Manhattan.

Fig 11: Flow of hedge fund talent – HF to HF moves by firm AuM
Fig 11: Flow of hedge fund talent
Fig 11: Flow of hedge fund talent – HF to HF moves by firm AuM
HF to HF moves by firm AuM
Fig 12: HF to HF moves, change in bracket
Fig 12: HF to HF moves, change in bracket
Fig 12: HF to HF moves, change in bracket
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
All HF moves,
AuM bracket
Fig 13: All HF moves, by AuM
Fig 13: All HF moves, by AuM bracket
External moves out of the hedge fund industry
constant from May to June. Small increase in firms hiring from outside the hedge fund industry ExternMay to June Small increase in ExternMay to June. Small increase in. Small increase in. ExternMay to June. Small increase
for nearly half
Unsurprisingly, larger firms continue to be the drivers of hedge fund hiring activity, accounting for nearly half (47%) of the 976 hires in July However, it is also notable that, among the 114 people moving between hedge fund firms, a recruit was more likely to have stepped down an AuM bracket than stepped up an AuM bracket, suggesting that smaller managers continue to see value in paying for talent (and experience) from larger peers
External moves out of the hedge fund industry remain constant from May to June. Small increase in firms hiring from outside the hedge fund industry ExternMay to June Small increase in ExternMay to June. Small increase in. Small increase in. ExternMay to June. Small increase in.
Excludes intra-bracket
Fig 13: All HF moves, by AuM bracket
Excludes intra bracket moves Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Excludes intra bracket moves. Source: Vision (Hedgeweek)
Durable Capital Partners
Public and private equity
Mane Global
first in at
Global – launched in early 2021
ex-Moore Capital PM Rami Abdel-Misih – added
hire in August, taking its 3-month hiring total
three, according to
SurgoCap Partners
latest Vision
the new firm
former Lone Pine MD Mala Gaonkar, has hired
people in the past three months, including a data
in July.
Move ID Name New role New firm
New firm AuM New firm location Further info
$10bn+ London,UK g $10bn+ Texas, US g <$1bn Luxemburg g < $ 1bn Cape Town, SA g $10bn+ Dubai, UAE g <$1bn Frankfurt, Germany g $1-5bn New York, US g
$10bn+ New York, US g $10bn+ New York, US g <$1bn Shanghai, China g
$1-5bn Mumbai, India g <$1bn Stockholm, Sweden g <$1bn Stockholm, Sweden g <$1bn Paris, France g $5-10bn London, UK g $bn+ Boston, US g <$1bn London, UK g <$1bn London, UK g $bn+ London, UK g $bn+ Singapore g
this data?
<$1bn London, UK g
$1-5bn New York, US g
$10bn+ Amsterdam g $10bn+ London, UK g
$10bn+ Texas, US g $10bn+ Singapore g $5-10bn Boston, US g
$10bn+ New York, US g $10bn+ New York, US g <$1bn London, UK g <$1bn California, US g $1-5bn New York, US g <$1bn San Francisco, US g <$1bn Portsmouth, US g $5-10bn California, US g $10bn+ New York, US g <$1bn New York, US g $10bn+ US g
$10bn+ New York, US g $10bn+ London, UK g
Move ID Name New role New firm New firm AuM New firm location Further info
$10bn+ London, UK g
$10bn+ New York, US g
$10bn+ London, UK g
$10bn+ New York, US g
$5-10bn New York, US g
Known service providers EN0010-0722
Prime broker(s) Auditor(s) Law firm(s) Fund admin(s)
Known service providers EN0011-0722
Prime broker(s) Auditor(s) Law firm(s) Fund admin(s)
Known service providers EN0012-0722
Prime broker(s) Auditor(s) Law firm(s) Fund admin(s)
What is Vision?
Vision tracks talent. Every month, Vision provides you with circa 1500 ‘people moves’ from 2600 managers within the hedge fund space. Ranked by seniority, these curated downloads show the firms that are hiring, the areas they are hiring in and the individuals that are fueling these moves.
What do you get in Vision’s monthly downloads?
Up-to-the-minute and actionable information. Each monthly download provides your business with key information on each move including:
• Name of mover, job title and function
• Contact details
• New firm/old firm of mover
• AuM bracket of new firm/old firm
• Geographic location
How do we build this data?
Proprietary tech working with human intelligence. Each month, Vision uses AI to interrogate multiple data sources – including social media, regulatory and tax filings, and news items – to identify people that have joined and/or left one of the 2,600+ hedge fund management firms Vision currently tracks.
How can you use Vision?
Vision will give you an edge in a competitive and crowded market.
Customers are already using Vision to:
• Identify every promotion, exit and arrival at hedge fund management firms
• Capture the names and contact details of new hedge fund decision makers
• Benchmark their firm against peers – including service provider comparisons
• Get early information on likely launches and strategy shifts from targets
• Source information that protects current client relationships
• Verify and build pipeline – winning new business
To find out more get in touch with us
Speak to the Vision team
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click here to learn more
To understand more about Vision and how it can help your business track talent flow and maximise engagement, please contact: vision@globalfundmedia.com
CONTRIBUTORS: Tony GriffithsDirector of content tony.griffiths@globalfundmedia.com
Michael HuntHead of data content michael.hunt@globalfundmedia.com
Scott Newman Art Director scott.newman@globalfundmedia.com
Global Fund Media Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of
be reproduced, stored
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Investment Warning: The information provided in this publication should not form the sole basis of any investment decision. No investment decision should be made in relation to any of the information provided other than on the advice of a professional financial advisor. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The value and income derived from investments can go down as well as up.