GHC NEWS FLASH Mar. 27, 2015

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NEWS FLASH TODAY: March 27, 2015 Featured GHC News | GHC Events | Global Health Roundup | Advocacy Update Save the Date |Member Spotlight | Join GHC

Remember to check out GHC's new and improved website -for event and news updates! April is Frontline Health Workers Month at GHC. If you or your organization is interested in submitting a blog to be featured on GHC's website relating to this topic or other areas of interest, please contact our team.

--Featured GHC News-

GHC is headed to the 68th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva in May. Find more details about joining the delegation, participating in policy scrums, and preparing for the meeting here.

On March 16, GHC launched the Global Health Briefing Book on Capitol Hill. "Taking Stock: Why U.S. Investments in Global Health Matter," is an online resource for members of U.S. Congress and their staff. This biennial publication comprises briefs on crucial global health issues, such as health systems strengthening, malaria, vaccines and immunization, and maternal and child health, and this year includes impact stories. Read more about the launch event and explore the briefing book.

Upcoming GHC Events 

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GHC's next Happy Hour Salon will take place on Tuesday, March 31 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM ETat La Tasca in Washington, DC. Catch-up with old colleagues and connect with new fellow global health advocates. RSVP here. GHC's next WHA Policy Scrum will take place on Wednesday, April 8 at 11:00 AM ET. Topics to be discussed include Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Register here. In collaboration with GHFP II, GHC is hosting its annual The Future of Global Health 2015 (TFGH15) networking event on Thursday, April 16 in Washington, DC. Mark your calendars and get ready for exciting and engaging conversations around global health. Register here (tickets are limited).

Global Health Roundup 

The Every Woman Every Child secretariat has posted the Global Strategy Working papers, a collection of documents drafted by committees of multi-sectoral experts. These papers, which call on non-health sectors that impact RMNCAH outcomes to contribute to meeting the goals and targets, will be the content for the Global Strategy for Women's, Girls' and Adolescents' Health. The Global Strategy will be the definitive policy guide for implementing the RMNCAH targets within SDG Health Goal #3. The comment period on these paperscloses April 15. EWEC encourages you, your teams and your partners to review and comment on the papers .

The WHO Director-General has established a High-level Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity to prepare a report specifying the approaches and combinations of interventions that are likely to be most effective in tackling childhood and adolescent obesity in different contexts around the world. Read more about the Commission and the report here.

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The Secretariat of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) recently announced the production of PMNCH 2014 Progress Report. PMNCH in 2014 focused on two main areas of work: drawing attention to the remaining gaps in reaching the MDGs, including newborn and adolescent health, and promoting greater visibility for women's, children's and adolescent health in the global development framework emerging as part of the post-2015 sustainable development goals (SDGs). UNICEF has made all its data on health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, child protection, and HIV/AIDS publicly available, in an easily searchable format which includes redesigned country profiles and a new data visualization tool for the creation of charts, maps and graphs. The themes for the upcoming Global Maternal Newborn Health 2015 Conference, which will be held October 18-21 in Mexico City, have been announced as: quality care, integration, and equity. The six conference tracks are listed in detail here. Documents like WHO's Strategies toward ending preventable maternal mortality (EPMM) will likely be part of conference discussions. When is business at its best? When it competes, innovates, and creates better solutions for the world's social problems. This is shared value. Join GHC and the Shared Value Initiative on May 12-13 at the Conrad New York, to share best strategies and roll up your sleeves to generate new business solutions to social issues. The Shared Value Leadership Summit will gather the world's leading thinkers and doers of shared value to deliver the "how-to" of building a shared value strategy that truly showcases business at its best. GHC members will receive $300 off the ticket price using the code GHC at registration.

Advocacy Update 

This week both the House of Representatives and the Senate voted on budget resolutions for Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16). Although a budget resolution is not binding and is not presented to the President, it provides a blue print of budget totals and allocations for the appropriations committees. The House budget resolution, which passed 228 yeas to 199 nays, cuts funding for international programs by 16% from FY15 levels. The Senate budget

resolution, passed late last night with 52 yeas and 46 nays, reduced funding for international programs by 5%. The two chambers will now reconcile the budget resolutions.

Save the Date: Upcoming Events in the Community . Global Health & Innovation Conference: 2015 March 28 - 29 New Haven, CT Afghanistan: Transforming its Health System to Address the Needs of its People April 2, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Washington, DC Culture Change at the Peace Corps Empowering Volunteers to Report Sexual Assault April 2, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Washington, DC More upcoming events here

Member Spotlight: World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Mission: World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Join GHC for 2015! .

GHC is a global health membership organization supporting and connecting advocates, implementers, and stakeholders around global health priorities worldwide. Your membership dues help ensure maximum impact of GHC advocacy, events, and activities.

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