CANADIAN CHICKEN DELIVERING ON SUSTAINABILITY THE CANADIAN CHICKEN SECTOR: DID YOU KNOW? Chicken farmers in Canada follow a national, mandatory Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program that is enforced and includes third party audits. Chicken farmers in Canada follow a national, mandatory Raised by a Canadian Farmer On-Farm Food Safety Program which has received full recognition from the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. Over the last 40 years, the Canadian chicken sector has: ○ Decreased its carbon footprint by 37% ○ Decreased its water consumption by 45% ○ Worked to ensure that now, 62% of the sector’s energy comes from renewable resources Canada’s 2,800 chicken farmers are here for you. For more information, please visit:
Chicken is Canada’s number one meat–and for good reason. Its taste, nutritional profile, and versatility make it an excellent choice for Canadians and their families. The average Canadian consumes 35.1 kgs of chicken per year—and Canada’s chicken farmers are proud to deliver on your expectations for excellence. We know that sustainability is important to Canadian consumers. They want to know where their food comes from and they want to know that the work behind producing it is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable—chicken farmers deliver.
Over 90% of Canada’s chicken farms are family-owned. Our farm families are proud to bring Canadians the chicken they trust. Canadian chicken farmers take their stewardship seriously and are proud of the innovation and hard work they put in every day. For Chicken Farmers of Canada, sustainable chicken production means protecting animal health and welfare, producing safe chicken, preserving the health of the land and of Canadian farms, and contributing to the Canadian economy by providing affordable food to Canadians.