Cardiac Surgeries at Global Hospitals Changing lifestyles and eating habits coupled with increasing work-related stress, has ensured that the incidence of cardiac problems has grown many folds in recent times. The Advanced Heart, Lung & Vascular Institute at Global Hospitals, Chennai takes a holistic approach to advanced cardiac care and brings world-class infrastructure, treatments and diagnostic facilities closer to patients in India! Given that each individual has a varied lifestyle, eating habits and ability to cope with the stress and strains of daily life, the Global Hospitals’ Advanced Heart, Lung & Vascular Institute takes a personalized approach to cardiac care ensuring that each individual receives adequate, appropriate and advanced intervention. The emphasis is on not just cure but also prevention and post-surgical care. A continuous and ongoing effort is undertaken to ensure that our patients have access to the most advanced cardiac procedures and technologies made available to them. Application of latest technologies ensures that diagnosis is accurate; treatment is appropriate; and recovery is faster. However, technology is just one part of our commitment to excellence in cardiac care. An expert panel of specialists working with highly capable support systems prove our commitment to the prevention, treatment, and cure of heart disease. Technology has come to play a great role in our day to day lives and healthcare has been revolutionized by the application of modern methods. Technology helps detect earlier, treat in time and recover quickly. Some of the common surgeries undertaken at Global Hospitals includes: Primary PCI - Primary PCI is the best modality of treatment available to some acute MI patients. Global Hospitals Heart, Lung, and Vascular Institute is committed to provide 24x7 facility of primary PCI for acute MI patients. Peripheral Interventions – This method includes carotid artery stenting, aorta and other peripheral arterial interventions which are performed routinely. Pacemaker/ICD/CRT – The hospital also provides solution for all rhythm disturbances of heart. Pediatric Cardiology Interventions – The hospital is committed to provide innovative technology and high standard of care for pediatric patients. Well-qualified pediatric cardiologists perform all types of pediatric interventions.
Heart Bypass Surgery – A surgical method which creates a new route, called a bypass, for blood and oxygen to reach the heart versus an open-heart surgery, in which the patient's heart is opened and surgery is performed on the internal structures of the heart. Beating Heart Surgery – It is a way to perform surgery without stopping the heart by using a special device to stabilize the part of the heart that is being operated. Open Heart Surgery for Valvular Heart Disease Including Repair and Replacements or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) – A surgical method to reroute the flow of blood through a new artery or vein that is grafted around diseased sections of the coronary arteries. Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting - A procedure that involves temporarily inserting and blowing up a tiny balloon and placement of a stent to help prop the artery open and decrease the chance of it narrowing again.