Kiwi Muslim Directory 8th edition

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Halal Food Directory

Refugee and Migrant Resources, Tourist - Places to visit

Prayer Times, Articles, School & Islamic Centers, Guide & Much More..

Ramadan Calendar Supported by The Federation of Islamic Association of NZ [FIANZ]

Kiwi Muslim Directory is a project for the community



Halal Food Guide 13 2 4 5 6 7 8 33 35 37 47 60 62 65 66 67 73

Acknowledgements Letter From Project Manager Message from FIANZ Message from Ulema Council NZ Message from FIANZ Ulema Board Know About Islam Caterers Guide History of Muslims in NZ Business Directory List of Ulema in NZ Nikah Guide Article: Tips for New Muslims Funeral Guide Volunteer Fasts Islamic Support Organisation Article: Everlasting Values of Islam

1 or 3/ Jan 2 / Jan 23 / Jan 30 / Jan 6 / Feb 14 / Apr 17 / Apr 25 / Apr 5 / Jun 27 / Sep 23 / Oct 25 / Dec 26 / Dec

New Year’s Day Day after New Years Wellington Anniversay Auckland Anniversary Waitangi Dai Good Friday Easter Monday ANZAC Day Queen’s Birthday Daylight Saving starts Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

76 82 85 88 90 92 94 103 104 106 107 108

Government and Non-Government Agencies Article: Social Etiquette Social Services Birth Guide Muslim Kids Schools/Universities/Polytechnics Refugee and Migrant Services Emergency Contacts Quiz Islamic Yearly Calendar 2017 Ramadan Timetable Prayer times (Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton, Queenstown, and Wellington) 126 Commonly Used Phrases by Muslims

Tourist Guide

Islamic Centres


48 Zakah Guide


Important Islamic Dates (Tentative please check with your Islamic Centre)

Apr 24 May 27 Jun 21 Jun 26 Sep 2 Sep 22 Dec 1

Isra and Mi'raj Start of Ramadan Laylat al-Qadr Eid Al Fitr Eid al Adha 1st Muharram (Islamic New Year) Prophet's Birthday

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All thanks to ALLAH (SWT) who has helped us produce this directory. The Kiwi Muslim Directory staff would like to thank the following without whom this edi on would not have been possible, Br. Ahmed Bhamji, Br.HazimArafeh,Dr. Anwar Ghani, Br. Javed Khan, FIANZUlema Board and Commi ee, UlemaCouncil NZ, Dr.SaleemMangera, Br Mohammed Abdul Aleem, Br Mohammed Moses,Br Asif Koya, Br Ahmed Mangera, Br. Asin Ali, Br. Rasheed Ahmed, Sr. Nisha Dean, Br. Mahmood Dean, Br. TaghiDerhamy, Br. Mohammed Farook, Br. Imam Murtuza, Br Taufil Omar, Br Aarief Rasheed, Ulemas/Imams, Islamic Organisa ons& commi ee members. To all past and present adver sers, all Individuals and Organisa ons who we have missed men oning. Last but not the least all the community members who are using the Kiwi Muslim Directory in their daily life. This Directory is published by Kiwi Muslim Directory, PO Box, 13967, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand1643. Phone: +64-9-9403 786, +64-21 176 8023 Email:, Website:

Contributors: Sheikh Amir Mubarakpuri, Chairperson, FIANZ Ulema Council, Br Abdullah Drury Mu i Musayyab Sahib

Sheikh Im yaz Boda. Sr. Arifa Afzal New Muslim Project Muhammad Abdul Aleem

Publisher: M Naveed Ahmed Islamic Advisor: Sheikh Im yazBoda Legal Advisor: Taufil Omar, Kiwi Lawyers Project Manager: Mohammed Nawaz Designer: Faizhal Arif Santosa

Website: Syed Mohiuddin, Ask Imam Service: Sheikh Khaleel Ahmed Nadat Admin Support: Nadir Mohammed, Nabeela Ahmed

DISCLAMIER: The informa on contained in this Directory has been provided by the organisa ons and individuals. This directory does not necessarily include all Muslim businesses. It is up to the discre on of the owner to list their business. If you find any informa on in this Directory to be out of date, we would appreciate hearing about it so we can update the entries, which will be done on an on-going basis. The updated informa on can be viewed online at The Publisher and the Editor accept no responsibility for errors and omissions. While every effort has been made to make the Directory as comprehensive as possible, Ahmeds Biz, Kiwi Muslim Directory absolves them of all the responsibility rela ng to such errors and omissions. If your organisa on, group or services are not listed and wishes to be included in future edi ons, please free to contact us. IMPORTANT NOTE: When contac ng any takeaway or restaurant, users are advised to enquire carefully about the Halal status. Copyright: The contents of this publica on can be reproduced by acknowledging Kiwi Muslim Directory. Request to Organisa ons/Individual: Any duplica on/reproduc on of this concept will not please ALLAH SWT. May Allah Help us all.

Muslim Directory



Letter from the Project Manager Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim - (In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful) Assalaam Alaikum (Peace be with you) Alhamdulillah, the 8th edi on of the Kiwi Muslim Directory is in your hands. The mercy of Allah and the support from the community and adver sers, have made this possible. We would like to thank Allah (SWT) the most merciful and the most beneficent for giving us the strength and persistence to publish this edi on of the Kiwi Muslim Directory. I would like to update you on what we have accomplished since the last edi on and the main changes and updates for this edi on of the Directory. In August 2016, Tourism NZ launched the “Halal Food Guide” in collabora on with Kiwi Muslim Directory and FIANZ. This collabora on has established us as the leading provider of halal food informa on in New Zealand. The major change in the 8th edi on of the Kiwi Muslim Directory is the removal of free lis ngs from the print edi on of the directory, in order to benefit our adver sers. This does not include free lis ngs for halal food & products and essen al businesses. These will s ll be in the print edi on, only other businesses free lis ng will be removed, but they will be available on our website. We have executed this a er much considera on and 7 edi ons of suppor ng Muslim Businesses with free lis ngs. Other addi ons to this edi on include a variety of useful informa on such as tourist des na ons, social service organiza ons and other informa on which can be viewed in the contents. We are also developing a mobile applica on for iOS and Android, which will be able to search for halal food according to your loca on and have the ability to navigate. It will also have prayer mes and Islamic centre depending on your loca on. Since its launch in 2009, Kiwi Muslim Directory's vision is to u lize the web and print media to build bridges between the various Muslim organiza ons, centres, mosques, leaders, volunteers and our community at large. Our aim is to unite the New Zealand Muslim community and Alhamdulillah, we are realizing the poten al of this service in bringing community stakeholders together and helping them to connect and communicate. Alhamdulillah, today the directory is in the homes of many New Zealand Muslims and is widely recognized. We have taken great care to improve the directory from the feedback and sugges ons received from the community. We are humbled to be able to serve the Muslim community in a crea ve way and we request you to remember us in your duas. On behalf of the Kiwi Muslim Directory, I would like to thank the Ulema, Islamic Centres/Organisa ons and the community for advising and suppor ng us to deliver this project at various stages. Thank you all, for being with us throughout these years and giving us your trust, love and support! JazakallahKhair Mohammed Nawaz

Muslim Directory


Muslim Directory


Muslim Directory


Muslim Directory


Know About Islam

What is Islam? Islam is the second largest religion in the world with 1.7 billion followers as of 2015. Islam means “submission to the will of God” and is derived from the Arabic word Salaam, which means peace. Islam is not a new religion. It is in principle the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all His Prophets. 'Say: We believe in Allah and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and to the Prophets from their Lord; we make no dis nc on between any of them, and to Him we submit.'(Holy Qur'an 3:83) The message which was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last Prophet, is Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form. Who are Muslims? Muslims are the ones that accept willingly the supreme power of Allah, acknowledge his oneness and follow the commands and teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Followers of Islam are of every race and na onality and are spread throughout the world. Islam is based on five pillars and a Muslim must have resolute belief in all of them. They are, the declara on of faith, prayers as prescribed 5 mes a day, fas ng during the month of Ramadan, paying Zakah (charity) and performing Hajj which is the pilgrimage to Makkah every Muslim must complete once in their life me provided they have the means.

Muslim Directory


Know About Islam Quran and Hadith? The holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), who was the last and final messenger of Allah. The Quran is the last revealed word of Allah and affirms and completes the total process of revela on which is divine guidance for all of humanity. The Qur'an is the basic source of Islamic teachings and laws and deals with the bases of creed, morality, history of humanity, worship, knowledge, wisdom, the God-man rela on, and human rela onship, in all aspects. The Quran is in the Arabic language but transla ons of it can be found in about 50 other different languages. The hadith is the comprehensive record of all the sayings and ac ons of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) recorded by his companions. The Hadith explains, elaborates and provides context to Quranic verse. Islam – a complete way of life. Islam is a religion which provided guidelines for humanity to follow in all aspects of life. The guidance is vast and incudes social, moral, poli cal, economic and spiritual aspects of life. Islam answers to the age old ques on, what is the purpose of life? It is a simple, ra onal and prac cal religion that teaches unity, the oneness of God, the prophet hood of Muhammed (PBUH) and concepts of life a er death. Do Islam and Chris anity have different origins? No. Together with Judaism, they go back to the prophet and patriarch Abraham, and each of the religions main prophets are directly descended from his sons, Muhammad from the elder son Ishmael, and Moses and Jesus from the younger son Isaac. Abraham established the se lement which today is the city of Makkah, and built the Ka'ba towards which all Muslims turn when they pray. What is the Ka'ba? The Ka`ba is the place of worship which God commanded Abraham and Ishmael to build over four thousand years ago. The building was constructed of stone on what many believe was the original site of a sanctuary established by Adam. It is the place all Muslims turn to during prayer.

Muslim Directory


Know About Islam What are the Five Pillars of Islam ? They are the framework of the Muslim life: faith, prayer, concern for the needy, self-purifica on, and the pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able. The 5 pillars are Shahadah, Salaah, Zakaat, Saum and Hajj. 1. Shahadah This is to believe that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger. 2. Salaah These are prayers that are performed five mes a day. Prayers are led by an Imam in the Mosque. Prayers are made at dawn, mid-day, late-a ernoon, sunset and nigh all. Each salaah is performed facing towards the Kaba and is compulsory for all Muslims. Prayers are said in Arabic and Wudhu (ablu on) is performed before praying, to clean the body and purify the soul. In Salah, Muslims follow a set movements called rakaahs which include kneeling, bowing down and si ng. The Prophet said, "The prayer offered in congrega on is twenty five mes more superior (in reward) to the prayer offered alone in one's house or in a business centre." 3. Zakaat This is charity given to the poor and needy. Zakat means "purifica on." Each Muslim calculates his or her own zakah individually. The Prophet also said: "Charity is a necessity for every Muslim." 4. Saum (Fast) This is fas ng in the 9th month of the Islamic calendar called Ramadan. It is an obligatory act for all adults and children from puberty. It helps develop self-control and helps us to overcome selfishness, greed and laziness. Muslims must abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk during this month. The fast is meant to remember the needy and seek nearness to Allah. 5. Hajj This is the pilgrimage to Mecca during the Islamic month of Zul – Hijjah. It is compulsory for all Muslims who are sane to perform Hajj at least once in their life me. Everyone wears white clothes to show we are all equal.

Muslim Directory


Know About Islam Why is the family so important to Muslims? The family is the founda on of Islamic society. The peace and security offered by a stable family is greatly valued, and seen as essen al for the spiritual growth of its members. A harmonious social order is created by the existence of extended families; children are treasured, and rarely leave home un l the me they marry. What about Muslim women? Islam sees a woman, whether single or married, as an individual in her own right, with the right to own and dispose of her property and earnings. A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the bride for her own personal use, and she keeps her own family name rather than taking her husband's.Both men and women are expected to dress in a way which is modest and dignified; the tradi ons of female dress found in some Muslim countries are o en the expression of local customs. The Messenger of God said: 'The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manner and kindest to his wife.’ How do Muslims treat the elderly? In the Islamic world there are no old people's homes. The strain of caring for one's parents in this most difficult me of their lives is considered an honour and blessing, and an opportunity for great spiritual growth. God asks that we not only pray for our parents, but act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are par cularly honored: the Prophet taught that 'Paradise lies at the feet of mothers'. When they reach old age, Muslim parents are treated mercifully, with kindness and selflessness. In Islam, serving one's parents is a duty second only to prayer, and it is their right to expect it. It is considered despicable to express any irrita on when, through no fault of their own, the old become difficult.

Muslim Directory


Know About Islam The Quran says: Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and be kind to parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, do not say 'uff to them or chide them, but speak to them in terms of honor and kindness. Treat them with humility, and say, 'My Lord! Have mercy on them, for they did care for me when I was li le'. (17:23-4) How do Muslims view death? Like Jews and Chris ans, Muslims believe that the present life is only a trial prepara on for the next realm of existence. Basic ar cles of faith include: the Day of Judgment, resurrec on, Heaven and Hell. When a Muslim dies, he or she is washed, usually by a family member, wrapped in a clean white cloth, and buried with a simple prayer preferably the same day. Muslims consider this one of the final services they can do for their rela ves, and an opportunity to remember their own brief existence here on earth. The Prophet taught that three things can con nue to help a person even a er death; charity which he had given, knowledge which he had taught and prayers on their behalf by a righteous child. How does Islam guarantee human rights? Freedom of conscience is laid down by the Quran itself: 'There is no compulsion in religion'. (2:256) The life and property of all ci zens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether a person is Muslim or not. Racism is incomprehensible to Muslims, for the Quran speaks of human equality in the following terms: O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into na ons and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honoured of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All Aware (49-13) To find out more about Islam, please contact a local Scholar – Pg 47 Reference: Understanding Islam and the Muslims, prepared by The Islamic Affairs Department, The Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington DC., Consultants The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK, 1989.

Muslim Directory



Guidelines on how to use the Halal Food Guide & Criteria for food outlets to be listed in the Directory are as below: Types of listing in the directory. 1. Halal outlets owned by Muslims 2. Halal outlets certified by certifying authorities. (Alkaussar Halal Meat and Inspection Limited - ALKAHMI, The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand - FIANZ, New Zealand Islamic Development Trust - NZIDT, New Zealand Islamic Meat Management Limited – NZIMM) 3. List provided by the local Islamic Centre contact. NOTE: Our Ulama strongly advise Muslims to stay away from eating at places where the food is not Halal certified. Along with this, non-Muslim operators will also claim that their Chicken or Meat is from such and such Halal source. Under such circumstances seafood and full vegetarian menus can be another option, provided the premises does not include alcohol and meat products in their menus. However there is another issue of contamination. This means that even if the meat is purchased from Halal Certified sources. There is a great risk of the Pans, Pots, Utensils and other Non-Halal meats to come into contact with the Halal products. Halal Food Listings FIANZ written next to the listing means that the outlet is certified by the authorities. We also suggest the users to check the expiry date on the certificate and if the certificate is issued in the name of the business/outlet that is claiming the certification. Owner's name written next to the listing means that the outlet is owned and managed by a Muslim person. And that he/she is assuring the halal-ness of food Vegetarian Listings We have identified some vegetarian/vegan restaurants for your convenience, these are neither certified nor Muslim owned, but claims to be pure vegetarian. Please check before consuming. Disclaimer: Kiwi Muslim Directory is not a Halal Certifying Authority. The Muslim Directory provides halal food listings in good faith upon the basis of information provided by the Muslim retailers - verified at the time of listing and also halal certified list. Hence we have included the names of the owners for you to ensure halal status. We take no responsibility for the continuing accuracy of these listings until the next edition of the Kiwi Muslim Directory is launched and stress that you should verify all food is Halal prior to making any purchase. We would also request the ummah (community) to inform us at if you find the ownership of any outlet has changed and/or if the outlet is no longer halal. We will update this on the website accordingly.

For updated information please see the website.

Muslim Directory


Halal Food Guide

Kiwi Muslim Directory is working together with the Ulema, local Islamic Centres and Halal Certifiers in providing this Guide.


Halal Food Guide

COUNSELOR/SOCIAL AUCKLAND WORKER Bakeries/Halal Snack Foods/Sweet Shop Bake n Beans - P: 09 6207869, Br Shally Rana 1484 Dominion Rd, Mt Roskill 58B, Hobson Street, Auckland CBD 82 Carr Road, Mt Roskill Cedar Café & Bakery - 827 Dominion Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland. P: 09 620 5400, Br. Abdul Majed & Abdul Saddik Chefs Patisseries & Catering Br Azam Riazuddin 48, St. George Street, Old Papatoetoe. P: 09 2779964 204 Stoddard Road Mt. Roskill P: 09 6200 321 Kiwi Diner (Humis Enterprises) - 531 Great South Rd, Otahuhu. P: 09 2764786 Br. Tamiq Hussain Pita House - 277A Neilson Street, Onehunga Br. Ali P: 09 636 2005 Shefco Baklawa Café - 46 Stoddard Rd, P: 09 620 5400. Br. Abdul Majed & Abdul Saddik Snacks & Scoops - 2033 Great North Rd, Avondale. P: 09 820 7434 Mahmood Khan Grocery Stores Apna Bazaar - Unit 1A 157 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland. P: 09-629 4035 Br Sajid Barakah Foods – Middle Eastern Foods & Supplies, 171 Archers Rd. Glenfield, 09 4442324, Br Mohamed Caspian Network - 891, Mt. Eden Road, Mt Eden P: 09 623 3311 Br. Reza Get Fresh Veges & Spice Centre 81, Station Rd, Otahuhu. P: 09 2767779 Br Naushad Ali Get Fresh Super Market - 99 Westney Rd., Mangere, 09 2757195 Br Naushad Ali Indian Spice City - 10 Anzac Ave, Auckland CBD. P: 09 3794786 Br Hidayat Kokate Indian Spice World - 222, Hobson Street, Auckland CBD. P: 09 3794786 Br Hidayat Kokate


Khyber Foods & Spices - 164 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 4222 Br. Zeb Mohammed Munchy Mart - L2 Kate Edgers Student Commons, University of Auckland, 9-11 Symonds St, Auckland. P: 09 3695872 Br Anis bhamji Qundahari Bazaar Ltd - 1 St Jude St, Avondale Br. FarhadHotaki P: 09 828 4331 Spice World - 7 Wingate Street, Avondale. P: 09 8207434 Br Mahmood Khan Halal Meat Stores NORTH North Shore Meat Centre, 171 Archers Road, Glenfield. P: 09-442 0068, Br. Farouq CENTRAL AVONDALE /MT ROSKILL/SANDRINGHAM

A1 Halal Chicken - 4A, 151 Stoddard Road, Mt. Roskill. P: 09 620 0697. W: Br Yeasin. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 17 Auckland Halal Meats - 526 Sandringham Road, Sandringham. P: 09 846 5115 Br. Shahid, Avondale Halal Meats - 11/2 Landsford Cres, Avondale. P: 09 8287869. Br. Imran Khan Halal Meat & Spices - 133 Blockhouse Bay Road, Avondale, P: 09 8200243. Br Yonus Imam Halal Meats Nz Ltd - 1274 Dominion Road, Mt Roskill. P: 09 6206886 Br Imam. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 17 Khans Halal Butchery - 543 Sandringham Rd, Sandringham. P: 09 815 3466 Br Farooq Khan's Halal Meats - 272 Blockhouse bay Road, Avondale. P: 09-828 8568 Br. Khalid Hussain Mohammed's Halal Meats Retail Shop 208 Richardson Road, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 9798 W: Br Faizal, SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 15 Premium Meats - 6/64 Stoddard Rd, Mt. Roskill. P: 09 6296209 Muslim Directory





Halal Food Guide

Shefco Halal Meats - 164 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 8080 Br. Ahmed Eskaf Younus Halal Meat &Spices 1482b Dominion Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland. P: 09 6292721. Br Zakir WEST Food For Less (Butcher Shop only) 13 Veronica St., New Lynn. P: 09 8264387 – FIANZ Certified Kelston Halal Meat & Spices - 4003 Great North Road, Kelston. P: 09 8186381 Br. Mohammed Mushtaq Ahmed Khans Westside halal meats ltd 5/52 Lincoln Rd, Henderson. 09 8364353, Br. Aslam Khan & Br.Shafeel Khan Westcity Halal Meats NZ Ltd - 427 Great North Road, Henderson. P: 09 8354786, Br. Shiraz – 021 1675383 SOUTH Continental Meat & Spices - Unit 57 G Cavendish Drive, Manukau, P: 09 263 8080 Br. Ahmed Essop Food for Less (Butcher Shop Only) 64 Atkinson Ave, Otahuhu . P: 09 8264387 – FIANZ Certified Get Fresh Halal Meats - 67 Station Road, Otahuhu. P: 09 270 8399 Br. Naushad Ali Get Fresh Halal - 99 Westney Rd, Mangere. P: 09 2757195 Br. Naushad Ali Hunters Cnr Halal Butchery - 164 Great South Road, Hunters Cnr, Papatoetoe P: 09-2799771 Br. Fariq Khan Kwality Halal Meats Ltd - 10 Station Road, Otahuhu. P: 09 270 8412, Br. Naushad Ali Sr. Sunema Ali Pasifika Halal Meats - 2/59 Shirley Road, Papatoetoe. P: 09- 279 4388. Br Liaqat Ali Saver Supermarket Manukau Ltd 1 Ronwood Ave., Manukau, P: 09 263 6948. Br. Rizwan Mohammed Hussain Shefco Halal Meats - 1/16 Lambie Drive, Manukau. P: 09 263 8780, Ahmed Eskaf SuperCity Halal Meats Ltd - 545 Great South Rd, Otahuhu, Auckland. P: 09 2763777 Br. Rahid Imraaz Hussain.

EAST Pita House - Halal Meat, 2 Cortina Place. Pakuranga P: 09 577 5718, Br Ali Pizza Shops / Fast Food EAST Flame Pizza Limited - Unit 15, 123 Ormiston Rd, Flatbush, Auckland. P: 09 2770842 – FIANZ Certified Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 23 SOUTH Airport Kebabs & Pizza - 7/203 Kirkbride Rd, Mangere. P: 09 275 7800. Br. Shafiq, FIANZ Certified Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Pizza, Fast Food Pizza Express Otahuhu - Unit No.3, 507 Great South Road, Otahuhu. P: 09 270 0955. FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 23 Milanos Pizza - 154 Great South Rd, Papatoetoe. P: 09 2571114 FIANZ Certified Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food Milano's Pizza & Grilled Chicken - 5/726 Great South Road, Manukau. P: 09 2624040 FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food WEST Flame Hobsonville - 7/160 Hobsonville Point Rd, Hobsonville. P: 09 416 1906. FIANZ Certified Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 23 CENTRAL Istanbul Kebabs and Pizza - 96 Queen St, Auckland CBD. P: 09 337 0518 Br Ali, Cuisine: Kababs, Pizza, Fast Food Kebab and Pizza To Go - 37 Park Rd, Grafton. P: 09-307 6675, Br. Amin Jameel Fast food, Pizza Pizza Express - Unit 207A Mt Roskill retail centre, 22 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill. P: 09 5555735 FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 23 City Pizza - 1278 Dominion Road, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 9955 - FIANZ Certified Cuisine: Pizza, Fast Food

Muslim Directory





Halal Food Guide

Restaurant / Takeways NORTH AUCKLAND ALBANY Campus Food Base 1 (Kebab) Massey University, Quadrangle B South Kiosk (in quad behind main entrance), Albany. P: 09 404 1800. Br Abbas Froozanfar Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Campus Food Base 2 (Café & Restaurant) Gate 4, Massey University, P: 404 0800 ext: 43719, Br Abbas Froozanfar Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebab on Queen - Westfield Shopping Centre, Albany. P: 09 925 9250, Br Ismail Salman. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway BIRKENHEAD Kebab Serai - 31 Mokoia Rd, Birkenhead. P:09 419 5650. Br. Mohammed Farrag. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Papa Tasty Kebab - Highbury Mall, 35 Mokoia Road, Shop 25, Birkenhead. P: 09 419 5602. Br. Akbar Ganji Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway BROWNS BAY Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine - Shop-4, 26 Anzac Road, Browns Bay. P: 09 972 0602. Br Ahmed. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebab Serai - 2A Inverness Rd, Browns Bay. P: 09 476 5657. Br Ali Reza Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Lovers - Corner 178 Carlisle Rd, Browns Bay. P: 09 478 8894, Br Shahram Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway GLENFIELD Kebab Salateen, Level 3, Glenfield Mall, Glenfield. P: 09 444 9645, Br G Mustafa Sahi Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Persia Kebab, 168 Wairau Rd, Glenfield. P: 09 444 2163, Br Siavash BENAMI Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food

MILFORD Kebab Serai - 188 Kitcheners Rd, Milford. P: 09 489 1588, Br Yashar, Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food NORTHCOTE Curry Corner - Food City Foodcourt, Shop 1, 4/10 Kilham Ave, Northcote, P: 09 419 6065, Br Mohammed Salim Cuisine: Indian Food Kebab on Campus - Ground floor AS building AUT Akoranga Dr, P: 027 417 0639, Br Mahmoud Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food TAKAPUNA Sharzad Kebab, 118 Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna P: 09 486 1980. Sr Sharzad Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Olive Kebabs Shorecity, Shorecity, Takapuna. P:09 978 6454, Br Shahram Sultani Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway WAIRAU PARK Eat Indian - Link International Food Court, 23 Link Drive, Wairau Park, North Shore. P: 09 443 6774 .Br Mustafeez Khan. Cuisine: Indian Food. Seating & toilets available CENTRAL AUCKLAND Auckland CDB, Newmarket, Grafton, Ponsonby & Parnell Anatolia Kebab - 18 Wellesley St, Auckland CBD. P: 09 377 4449, Owner: Ali Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Akbar Durbar Indian Takeaway 51 to 61 Hobson Street, Auckland. P: 09-3095752. Br Hanan Cuisine: Indian Celine Mediterranean Cuisine - 12 Darby St, Auckland City. P: 09 373 2450, Br Khaled Masroujeh. Cuisine: Mediterranean. Donair Kebab - 283 K'Rd, Auckland City. P: 09 300 6057. Br Mohammed Anwar Hussain Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway

Muslim Directory





Halal Food Guide

Downtown Kebab - 2, Queen Street, Auckland. P: 09 379 7091. Owner: Ali Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Istanbul Kebabs and Pizza - 96 Queen St, P:09 337 0518, Br. Ali. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Pizza, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebabs on Queen - 51 Customs St, Auckland City. P: 09 302 2755, Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Pizza, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebab King - Ground floor, WC building AUT City Campus Wellesley St East, P: 09 921 9448, Br Mahmoud Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebab King - Ground floor, AS building AUT City Campus Wellesley St East, Br Mahmoud Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebab King - 3/103 Symonds St, Grafton, Auckland, Br Mahmoud Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebabs On Queen - 45 Customs St, Auckland City, P: 09 973 4085, Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebabs On Queen - 4C Fort St, Auckland City. P: 09 302 2636, Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Kebabs On Queen - 300 Queens St, Auckland City, P: 09 303 1030, Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Lebanese Café - 327 K'Rd, Auckland City. P: 09 302 3177. Brs Abdullah and Br Amin Cuisine: Café, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway Little Algiers - 551 K'Rd, Auckland City. P:09 336 1560 Br Jamaldeen Cuisine: Mediterranean. Little Greece - Lim-chour Food Court, Shop 4, 184 Karangahape Road, Auckland CBD. P: 09 3073908. Br Mahmood Cuisine: Café, Kebabs, Fast Food. Takeaway

NZ Kebab and Sensational Chicken 11 Mount St, Auckland City. P:09 366 1624, Br Hanif Patel Cuisine: Chicken, Kebabs, Fast Food, Takeaway. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 19 Pita House City - 96 Symonds St, Auckland CBD. P: 09 309 3176. Br Ali Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Saleh, International Foodcourt 233 - 237 Queen St, International Foodcourt, Auckland City. P: 09 377 8872, Br Saleh. Cuisine: Turkish Kebab, Fast Food, South American. Star Kebab - Food Alley, Level 2, 9 Albert Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland. P: 09 3773353, Br. Ali Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. The Kebab House - 97A K'Rd, Auckland City, P:09 309 8733, Br Farmanullah Khwaja Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Unikebabs - New Foodcourt, University of Auckland, 38 Princes St, Auckland City. P: 09 377 9888 Br. Abdul Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Uncle Man's Restaurant & Takeaway 277 Karangahape Road, Auckland 09-377 1799 Cuisine: Malaysian, European GRAFTON Betsia Kebabs - 9 City Rd, P: 09 366 7691, Br Siyavash Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food. Betsia Kebabs - 199 Symonds St, Grafton. P:09 307 0107, Br Siyavash. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Kebab To Go - 37 Park Rd, Grafton. P:09 307 6675. Br Amin Jameel Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Khyber Tandoori - 19 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton P: 09 379 3095, Br Idrees Cuisine: Indian Turkish Kebab Express - 7 Mt Eden Road, Grafton. P: 09 377 8499 Daryoush Naghizadah Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food

Muslim Directory


GREY LYNN Grey Lynn Turkish Kebab - 536 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn P:09 360 6268, Br Amir Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food KINGSLAND Grill and Shakes - 473 New N Rd, Kingsland. P: 09-846 5111. Owners: Br Farhan and Sr Zeenat. Seating Cuisine: grilled continental food, desserts and shakes. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 23 NEWMARKET Cantina Rialto - Rialto Food Court, Rialto Centre, 163 Broadway, Newmarket, P: 09 529 1544, Br Nazi Jalali Eden Kebab - 2/66 Broadway, Newmarket. P:09 522 6899, Br Darush Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Seating available PARNELL Parnell Kebab - 126 Parnell Rd, Parnell. P: 09 3033665. Br Mahmoud Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food . Limited seating POINT CHEVALIER Turkish Kebab & Burger - 1218 Great North Rd, Point Chevalier. P: 09 845 5151. Br Mohammed Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food PONSONBY Papa's Kebabs - Ponsonby International Foodcourt, 106 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby. P:09 360 5950. Br Hasan Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food . Has seating arrangements and toilets in court Roti Shop - Ponsonby International Foodcourt, 106 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby. P:09 360 7585.Br Zulfiqar Cuisine: Indian Food, Has seating arrangements and toilets in court Zap Lai - Ponsonby International Foodcourt, 106 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby. P:09 361 6256 Br Salim Mohammed. Cuisine: Laos Food CENTRAL AUCKLAND Epsom, Ellerslie, Blockhouse Bay, Mt Roskill, Mt Albert, Mt Eden, Three Kings, Onehunga, Hillsborough, Royal Oak, St Lukes & Sandringham

BALMORAL Urumqi Ltd - 598 Dominion Rd, Balmoral. P 09 6235072. Br Irfan Ali, Cuisine: Chinese BLOCKOUSE BAY Akbar Durbar - 1/193 New Windsor Rd, Blockhouse Bay. P: 09 627 9020, Br Hannan – 09-6277425. Cuisine: Indian Haji Baba Takeaway - 135 Blockhouse Bay Rd, Avondale. Entrance on Crayfrod St, P: 09 828 5833 Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food EPSOM Epsom Turkish Kebabs - 467 Manukau Rd, Epsom. P:09 630 0019, Br Seyed Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food MT ALBERT Roadside Kebab - 933 New North Rd, Mt Albert. P: 09-846 0996. Br Javed and Br Etem. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Rocket Kebabs - 762 New North Rd, Mt Albert, P:09 846 2300, Br Rauf Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food . MT EDEN Eden Kebab - 2/891 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden. P: 09-6231616. Br Daryoush Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Kebab Stop - 395 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden. P:09 623 1315, Br Ayyub Khan Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food MT ROSKILL Baklawa Café - 46 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. P: 021 278 5050. Br Abdul Majed. Cuisine: Middle Eastern Cedar Café & Bakery - 827 Dominion Rd, Mt Roskill. P: 09-6205400, L: English, Arabic. Br Abdul Majed . Cuisine: Middle Eastern. Chefs Halal Fried Chicken Ltd 196 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill, P: 09-6205785. Br Farouq, FIANZ Certified Cuisine: Fast Food, Sri Lankan, Indian Chicken Run - 208 Richardsons Rd, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 9798, Br Faizal Cuisine: Fast Food and Pizza. Takeaway. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 15

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Halal Food Guide





Halal Food Guide

Des Traditions - 2/64 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. P: 09 887 7487. Br Kamran Khan Saqib. cuisine: Indian, Pakistani, Takeaway, Seating and Toilets Hyderabad Kitchens - 7/190 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 5888 Cuisine: Indian Kebabs Sensation - 22 Stoddard Rd, Mt. Roskill, Auckland. P: 09-9722249 Br Mudassar Maqbool. FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food NZ Kebab and Sensational Chicken 1253 Dominion Rd Extension, Mt Roskill. Br Hanif Patel. Cuisine: Chicken, Kebabs, Fast Food. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 19 Tasty Kebab Ltd - 56 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. P: 09 620 8407. Br Samiulla, Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food ONEHUNGA Kebabs On Queen - Dressmart, Onehunga. P:09 636 6616, Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Pita House - 277A Neilson St, Onehunga, P: 09 636 2005, Br Ali Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food ROYAL OAK Royal Kebab- 734 Manukau Rd, Royal Oak, P:09 625 8755, Br Mohammed Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food SANDRINGHAM Bawarchi Indian Restaurant 523 Sandringham Rd, Sandringham. P: 09 8455525, Br Azim. FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: Indian. Takeaway Sitting/Toilet SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 17 Paradise Takeaway - 591, Sandringham Rd, Sandringham, P: 09 845 1144 Br Waseem FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: Indian. Kebab of Turkey - 541A Sandringham Rd, Sandringham. P: 09 815 5325. Takeaway. Br Shahadi. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food ST LUKES Kebab King - Westfield Shopping Centre, St Lukes. P:09 845 8481, Br Mahmoud Alharden. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Sitting/Toilet

EAST AUCKLAND Glen Innes, Remuera, St Heliers, Pakuranga, Panmure, Botany Downs BOTANY Theobroma Chocolate Pavilion - Shop SPK201, Botany Town Shopping Centre, Botany. P: 09 272 3688 – FIANZ. Sr. Rehana PANMURE Queens Kebab - 129 Queens Rd, Panmure. P:09 570 5536, Br Majid Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food PAKURANGA Pita House Pakuranga Fresh Halal Meat 2 Cortina Place. Pakuranga P:09 577 5718 Br. Ali Cuisine: Kebabs, Fast Food REMUERA Kebab Serai - 332 Remuera Rd, Remuera, P:09 522 5656, Br. Saeed. Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Upland Kebabs - 600 Remuera Rd, Remuera, P:09 520 0845, Br Firouz Bakhsh . Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food ST HELEIRS Karachi Kebabs, Burgers and Café 1/429 Tamaki Drive, St Heleirs. P: 09 5755 775. Br Syed Shafi Ahmed Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food SYLVIA PARK Kebabs On Queen - Sylvia Park Shopping Centre, P:09 579 2950 Br Ismail. Seating available at foodcourt SOUTH AUCKLAND Flat Bush, Otahuhu, Papatoetoe, Manukau, Mangere, Manurewa, Pukekohe, Takanini

MANGERE GetFresh Halal Takeaway - 99 Westney Rd, Mangere. P: 09-2757195 – Br. Naushad Ali Cuisine: Indian, Fast Food, Take away. MANUKAU Kebabs Salateen - Westfields Mall, Manukau City Centre. P: 09 263 9055, Mudassir – 022 106 9930 Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Sitting/Toilet Taste of Malaysia - 615 Great South Rd, Manukau. Supervised by: Shaik Shafee, Cuisine: Indian, Malaysian seating/toilets.

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Halal Food Guide

MANUREWA Country Fried Chicken - 323 Great South Rd, Manurewa. P: 09 268 2200, Br Mohammed Ayyub, Cuisine: Fast Food, Takeaway. Lazeez Indian Takeaways - 6/214 Great South Rd, Manurewa. Behind ASB Bank. P:09 267 6404,Br Adnaan Cuisine: Indian Sitting 15 OTAHUHU Chicken Bites - 23 Hall Ave, Otahuhu, P:09 276 4744, Sr Farida Bano Cuisine: Fast Food Halal Tasty Food - 283 Great South Rd, Otahuhu. P:09 276 6401, Br. Mohammed Afzal Khan. Cuisine: Indian, Chinese, Fast Food Kiwi Diner (Humis Enterprises) - 531 Great South Rd, Otahuhu, Auckland P: 09-2764786 Br. Tamiq Hussain. Cuisine: Indian, take away

Glendene Kebabs and Café - 240 Great North Rd, Glendene.P: 09-8361442. Br Rahim Kebabs on Queen, Lynnmall Shopping Centre, New Lynn. P: 09 827 2731. Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish, Kebabs, Fast Food Lajawab Indian Cuisine, 2A West Coast Rd, Kelston Mall, Kelston. P: 09 845 6262. Mrs Ali Karrar. Cuisine: Indian LJS Waitakere, Waitakere Mega Centre, Vitasovich Avenue, Henderson. P: 09 836 2809. FIANZ Certified cuisine: Fish and Chips Maral Cafe, 114B West Coast Rd, Glen Eden. P:09 813 3152, Br Nasir Ibrahimi Cuisine: Kebabs, Fast Food Moroccan Kebab, 295 Huia Rd, Woodlands Park, Auckland. 09-948 4719, Br. Khalid Bouladam Cuisine: Moroccan, Kebabs, Fast Food Roadside Kebab, Unit 2b, Lincoln North PAPATOETOE Shopping Center, P: 09 838 3563, Chefs Patisserie & Catering - 48 St George Br Javed & Etem. Cuisine: Kebabs, Fast Food Street, Papatoetoe, P & F:09 277 9964, Tokhi Turkish Kebabs & Pizza, 260G Br Azam Riazuddin Cuisine: Indian Swanson Rd, Henderson. P: 09 837 0110. Hunters Corner Curry House, 4/147 Kolmar Owner- Farid Sidiqi. Rd, Papatoetoe. P: 09 250 0006. Cuisine: Kebabs, Fast Food, limited seating. Br Asad Wali, Br. Faheem Afroz Wali. Village Kebab, 423 Titirangi Rd, Titirangi, Cuisine: Indian P: 09 817 1275, Br. Amir Quality Samosa & Takeaway, 711B Great Cuisine: Kebabs, Fast Food South Rd, Papatoetoe. P:09 270 6323 West Gate Food Hall - 220 Fernhill Dr, Br Abdul Latif. Cuisine: Indian & Chinese Westgate Shopping Centre, P:09 833 3372, Karachi Kebabs, Shop 34, Hunters Plaza. Br Salem Cuisine: Malaysian. Indian, South P: 09 27 99949 Br Syed Shafi Ahmed, American, Thai, Kebabs and Seafood. Cuisine: Fast Food, Takeaway. Seafood Karachi Indian Cuisine, Shop 36, Hunters Ocean Harvest Seafoods, Shop 5D, Plaza, Papatoetoe, P:09 279 3366, Clendon Shopping Centre, Syed Shafi Ahmed. Cuisine: Indian 451 Roscommon Rd, Clendon, Auckland. P: 09 267 2029 Raw Fish only WEST AUCKLAND Takanini – Fish Mart - South Gate, Henderson, Glen Eden, Glendene, Shopping Centre, Takanini, Auckland. Lincoln, Massey, New Lynn, Westgate. Aastana Indian Cuisine - 260C Swanson Rd., P: 09-2960053 Br. Aiyaz Ali Shah. Cuisine: Fish, Fast Food Henderson, P: 09-8381014. COUNSELOR/SOCIAL GREYTOWNWORKER Br. Altamash Khan. Cuisine: Indian Restaurant / Takeaway Curry Mahal Indian Food Dine & Takeaway Aroma India, 74 Main St, Greytown, - 5 Vitasovich Ave, Henderson, Auckland. P: 06 304 8080. Mohammed Daud Khan P: 09 836 7184 Br Salman owner Cuisine: Indian Cuisine: Indian Muslim Directory


COUNSELOR/SOCIAL HAMILTON WORKER Halal Meats / Grocery Firdaus Halal Meat - Shop 4, 5 X Roads Shopping Centre, Hamilton. P: 07 8555914 Br Waris Ali FIANZ Certified Khyber Food and Spices and Halal Meats Five Cross Roads Shopping Centre, Hamilton. P: 07-8358011. Br. Br. Shan Rauf - FIANZ Certified Firdaus Halal Meat - Shop 4, 5 X Roads Shopping Centre, Hamilton. P: 07 8555914 Br Waris Ali FIANZ Certified NZ Prime Halal Meats - 162 Clarkin Rd. Hamilton. P: 07-855 5243. Br. Kazimiya Waikato Butcher - 410 Grey St, Hamilton. P: 07 856 2893. Br. Mohammed Sulaiman Khyber Food and Spices and Halal Meats Five Cross Roads Shopping Centre, Hamilton. P: 07-8358011. Br. Shan Rauf FIANZ Certified Restaurants / Takeaways Kebabs on Queen - Centre place Shopping Centre 501 Victoria St, Hamilton Central. P: 07 838 3938. Br Ismail Cuisine: Turkish and Fast Food Kebab Salateen - Food Court, Te Awa Mall, The Base Shopping Centre, Mahunga Dr, Te Rapa, Hamilton. P: 07 8509162, Br. Khalid. Cuisine: Turkish and Fast Food Kebab Salateen - 26 Ward St, Hamilton. P: 07-8393375 Br Muddasar Maqbool Cuisine: Turkish and Fast Food Pizza Express Hamilton (Seven86 Limited) Shop 6, Gordonton Road, Chartwell, Hamilton. P: 07-974 2251 – FIANZ certified. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 23 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL HAWERA WORKER Local Support: Visitors can Contact Br. Ashraf Ali, 027632562, he is happy to help the tourists and visitors regarding Halal food. COUNSELOR/SOCIAL HAWKES BAY - HASTINGS WORKER Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine 111 Heretaunga St, East Hastings. P: 06 870 3307. Br Adam Tekinkaya. Halal Meat is available at Dynamic Meats shop - Corner of Maraekakaho Rd and Plunket St, Stortford Lodge, Hastings 4120

Phone: 06-870 6550, information received from Hawkes Bay Islamic Centre. Island Food Mart - 121 Russell Street North Hastings (06)8786796, Br. Kalandar Hussain COUNSELOR/SOCIAL LEVIN WORKER Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine - 196 Oxford Street, Levin. P: 06 368 7924. Br Ahmed COUNSELOR/SOCIAL MASTERTONWORKER Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine - 172 Queen Street, Masterton. P: 06 370 3681 Br Ahmed COUNSELOR/SOCIAL NAPIER WORKER Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine 303 Gloucester St, Taradale, Napier. P: 06 844 2587. Br Ahmed Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine - 88 Dickens St, Napier. P: 06 834 1170. Br Ahmed COUNSELOR/SOCIAL NEW PLYMOUTH WORKER Amadinah - 103 Devon St East, New Plymouth. P: 06 759 7034. Sr Norhayati Abdullah Café Turkey - 145 Devon St East New Plymouth. P: 06 7591012 Br Hussaiyan Can, Br Ismail Can. Star Anise Café - 54 Buller St, New Plymouth, 06 757 4544 (info supplied by New Plymouth Islamic Centre) Grocery stores / dairy / spice shop Taranaki Fresh - 629 Devon Rd Waiwakaiho, New Plymouth. P: 06 2150707. Br. Sadiq COUNSELOR/SOCIAL PALMERSTON NORTH WORKER Halal Meat / Grocery Apollo Dairy - 76A Apollo Rd, Palmerston North, P: 06 356 2891. Br Nishar Ali Palmy Food City - 77 Cook St, Palmerston North. P: 06 356 8068. Br. Zulfiqar Hyder Bhat Moshim's Discount House 401 College Street, Palmerston North. Phone: 06 358 1093. Br Imtiyaz. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 27 Restaurants / Takeaways Café Eminem - 94 Broadway Ave, Palmerston North. P: 06 353 1360. Sr Zeliha Desert Rose - 21 B Rangitikei St. P: 06 354 4654. Br Salih Osman

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Halal Food Guide





Halal Food Guide

Indian love Story - Shop 9A 358 Albert Street, Palmerston North. P: 06 3532000. Br Akbar or Br Shabbir Kebbaba - The Plaza, Shop 5, P: (06) 354 4941. Br Abbas Pacha's Healthy Doner Kebabs 167 Cuba St. P: 06 357 7055 Palmy Food City - 77 Cook St, Palmerston North. P: 06 356 8068. Br. Zulfiqar Hyder Bhat COUNSELOR/SOCIAL ROTORUA WORKER Grocery: Moshims - 1197 Amohau St, Rotorua. P: 07 348 2388. Restaurants / Takeaways Ali Baba's Tunisian Takeaways 1146 Tutanekai St, Rotorua. P: 07 348 2983, Br Ramzi Amiri. Glocal - 1148 Tutanekai St. Rotorua. Br Ramzi Amiri. Mecca Kebabs & Expresso 1195, Tutanekai St, Rotorua. P: 07-3492466, Br. Ayhan Semiz COUNSELOR/SOCIAL TAIHAPE WORKER Straits Kitchen - 59 Hautapu Street, Taihape. P: 0274 165 742. Br. Saifudin Abu & Siti Khalijah Mohamed COUNSELOR/SOCIAL TAUPO WORKER Best Kebabs - 75 Tongariro St, Taupo. P: 07 378 9058. Br Mohammed Ali Ceylan Kebab Turka - 29 Tongariro St, Taupo. P: 07 377 1108 Br. Vedat Coskuan COUNSELOR/SOCIAL TAURANGA WORKER (Information provided by local contact Meat / Grocery Choice food and spice - 504 Cameron Road, Tauranga 07-571 4450 Colorado dairy shop - 1306 Cameron Road Tauranga 07-578 3326 Restaurants & Takeaways Turkish Star Kebabs - Fraser Cove Shopping Centre 261D Fraser Street, Tauranga, P: 07 579 6390. Br. Mustafa Demiryson. COUNSELOR/SOCIAL TE AWAMUTUWORKER Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine, 57 Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu. P: 07 871 8146. Br Ahmed COUNSELOR/SOCIAL TE KUITI WORKER Islamic Centre Kitchen open – 70 Taupiri Street , Te Kuiti. Contact: Shan Ali P: 07 8788333

Te Kuiti Superette - 205 Rora Street, Te Kuiti. P: 07 8788333 / 027663500. Br Shan COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WAIRARAPAWORKER Indian Taj Restaurant - 109 High St N, Carterton. Wairarapa. P: 06-379 5600 Br. Mohammed Daud Khan COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WANGANUI WORKER Grocery: Wanganui Spice & Vege Mart 90 Puriri St, Wanganui. P:06 344 3703 Sr Feroza Restaurant / Takeaway Café Anatolia Turkish Cuisine 159 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. P: 06 348 7180. Br Ahmed COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WELLINGTONWORKER Halal Meat / Grocery Moshims Newtown Food Mart 2-6 Wilsons St, Newtown, Wellington. P: 04 389 3162, Br Mohammed Shaheed Khan Wellington Halal Meats Limited 155 A, Riddiford St., Newtown, Wellington. P: 04-380 0900. Br Yaqoub Khan Abdullah's Halal Butcher Waitangirua Mall, Waitangirua. Porirua East Restaurants Indian Sweets & Snacks - 176 Riddiford Street, Newtown. FIANZ Certified Forbidden City - 1/44 Queens Dr, Lower Hutt. P: 04-569 8118. Owner: Br. Amin Cuisine: Chinese Aladdins Turkish Café Warehouse Complex, 52 Parumoana St, Porirua. P: 04 237 7776 Br. Serdar. Zaras Turkish Café - Arzum Kebab, 199 Main St, Upper Hutt. P: 04 528 8772. Br. Ugur Hasbi KOKCU Café Laz - 121 Riddiford St, Newtown, Wellington. P: 04 389 3073. Br Fikriye Sabah Kebabs on Queen - 89 Courtenay Pl, Wellington. P: 04 801 6557, Br Ismail Kebabs On Queen - Lambton Square Shopping Centre 180 Lambton Quay, P: 04 499 7178. Br Ismail Marrakech Café - 305 Evans Bay Parade, Hatatai, Wellington. Ph: 04-3862884. Br Abdul Jaani/Ghani - FIANZ Certified Muslim Directory


Mughlai Mer-curries - 2/250 Willis Street, Wellington. Phone: (04) 382 8554. Br. Ishaq Baksh – 021 235 4814. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 27 Port Muziris - 288 High Street, Lower Hutt, Wellington. P: 04 5666506. Br. Sidhik Ashraf. FIANZ Certified. Cuisine: South Indian Real Kebabs - 266 Karori Rd, Karori, Wellington. P: 04 476 8600. Br Mehmet Real Kebab - 184 Jackson St, Petone. P: 04 5862655. Br Mehmet COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WHANGAREIWORKER Halal Meat / Grocery Rasheeds' Shop N Save - 3 Maunu Rd, Whangarei. P: 09-438 4683 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL SOUTH ISLAND WORKER COUNSELOR/SOCIAL CHRISTCHURCH WORKER (Information provided by local Islamic Centre)

Halal Meat / Grocery Halal New Zealand Meat - 292A Lincoln Rd, Addington, Christchurch. P: 03-339 6344. Br Shoresh Bashariti Krazy Price Mart - 431 Tuam Street, Philipstown, Christchurch. P: 03 3898786. Br. Ameer Maihan Supermarket and Halal Meat Ltd Middle Eastern. 303 Colombo St, Sydenham Christchurch, P: 03-332 1897. MEFCO - 24A Acheron Dr, Christchurch. P: 03 343 3025. Br Hassan Spice Heaven - 103 Stanmore Rd, Linwood, Christchurch. P: 03 381 6163. Br Txie, meat supplied by Mohammed Haq Restaurant AFG Restaurant - 318 Linclon Rd, Addington, Christchurch. P: 03 338 7029. Br Abdul Egyptian Kebab House - 479 Papanui Rd, Christchurch. P: 03 352 4469. Br Saeed

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Halal Food Guide





Halal Food Guide

Ariana Pizza Kebab - 491 Papanui Road, Christchurch. 03-352 0652 Br. Naeem Kebab Inn - Bush Inn Shopping Centre, Corner of Waimari and Riccarton Roads, Upper Riccarton. (03) 343 41 37 Sabry's Souvlakis - 389a Main South Road, Hornby, Christchurch. Phone 033441313 Dubba Dubba - Healthy Moroccan cuisine, 11B Waimairi Rd, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch. COUNSELOR/SOCIAL DUNEDIN WORKER Information provided by local contact Dilaans Turkish Café - 263 Thames St Oamaru. P: 03 434 9534. Br Abdullah Ozkan. 10 seats. Anatolia Turkish Cafe - 126 Princes St, Dunedin. P: 03 474 1444. Br. Murat Day 36 seats Ozan Turkish Café - 104 Gordon Rd, Mosgiel, Dunedin. P: 03 489 0900. Br Gokhan. 28 seats. Yilmaz Turkish Takeaway & Pizza 906 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 479 0089. Br Yilmaz K L Aroma Restaurant & Café 252 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 4778279. Br Ruwaiz Sunrise Kebabs - Meridian Mall, 285 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 474 0277. Br Taha Sila Turkish Restaurant - 17 St Andrew St, Dunedin. P: 021 0286 3933. Br Ziya Gol Nandos Restaurant - 137 St Andrew St, Dunedin. P: 03 477 0005 Leckies Butchery - 153 Forbury Rd, Dunedin South. P: 03 455 0060 Dunedin Poultry - 8 McBride St, Dunedin South. P: 03 455 0460 India Garden Restaurant and Takeaway 10 Hanover St, Dunedin. P: 03 477 2495 Maki-mono Sushi - 420 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 470 1165 Adana Turkish Café and Takeaway 130 King Edward St, Dunedin South. P: 03 456 4050. Br Sinan Dogantimur Chilando Mexican Taqueria - Store 108 Lower Level Foodcourt, Meridian Mall, 285 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 471 8429

Café Nestli Turkish Kebab - 355 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 4741344. Br Ramazan Tekinkaya Mr Souvlaki - 136 King Edward St, South Dunedin. P: 021 0230 6445. Br Mahmmoud Jawawdeh Spice Traders - Store 107 Lower Level Foodcourt, Meridian Mall, 285 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 474 7524 Hakoya - Golden Centre Foodcourt, 251 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 477 8544 Shahi Tandoor - 351 George St, Dunedin. P: 03 4701597 Dost Turkish Cafe Takeaway - 15 Princes Street, Dunedin. P: 03 477 2477 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL INVERCARGILL WORKER Mevalana Kebabs - 61 Tay St, Invercargill. P: 03 218 6468. Br Mustafa Ala Turka - 91A Dee St, Invercargill. P: 03 214 5190 Br Ahmed Tekinkaya Turkish Kebabs - 37 Esk St, Invercargill, P: 03 218 3399, Br Ali Uzun COUNSELOR/SOCIAL MARLBOROUGH WORKER Yumyum Kebabs - 10B George Street, Blenheim 7201, P: 03 578 7577. Br Arshad. Cuisine: Traditional Turkish Kitchen Local Support - Shall assist Tourists for Halal Food – Contact: Fouad Shah 0064 3 9293166 or 0064 273532125 or Br Muhammad Zayd Ian Blissett on ph: 03 5783944 or 0064 276449793 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL QUEENSTOWN WORKER Turkish Kebabs - 30 Camp St. O'Connells Pavilion, Queenstown, P: 03 441 3424, Br Osman Turkish Kebabs - 53 Main St, Gore. Br Ali Uzun. 20 seats Turkish Kebabs - The Mall, Skyline Arcade, Queenstown. P: 03 441 3180 Br Osman Local Support: Shall assist Tourists for Halal Food. Contact: Br. Nadeem P: 021 105 1523 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WANAKA WORKER Turkish Kebabs - Pembroke Mall, Ardmore St, Wanaka. P: 03 443 7622, Br Ekrem.

Muslim Directory




Revive - P: 09 303 0420 24 Wyndham St, Auckland Central. 33 Lorne St, Auckland Central. COUNSELOR/SOCIAL NORTH ISLAND WORKER Roops Vegetarian Takeaways COUNSELOR/SOCIAL AUCKLAND WORKER 489 Richardson Rd, Mt Roskill Auckland Indian Sweets & Snacks P: 09 626 4459 24 Avenue Road, Otahuhu P: 09 2703275 Shivani - Restaurant, 0800744826 852 Dominion Road, Mt Roskill 23 Eric Baker Place, Papatoetoe P: 09 629 3275 905 Dominion Road, Mt Roskill 64 Stoddard Road (Inside Lotus Super Sunflower Vegetarian Restaurant - Shop 6, Market) Bikanervala - 2 White Swan Road, Mt Roskill 50 High St, Auckland City. P: 09-3020616. P: 09 6276400 The Bluebird Café - 299 Dominion Road, Bikanervala Metro - 19/368 Queen St. Mt Eden. P: 09 623 4900 Auckland CBD Wise Cicada - Vegan Café, 88 Broadway, Bikanervala Henderson - 214 Universal Newmarket. P: 09 529 9529 Drive, Henderson. 09 8353565 Xotic Sweets & Snacks - 245 Mount Albert Dosa Plaza Rd, Sandringham. P: 09 620 5786 875 Dominion Road, Mt Roskill HAMILTON P: 09 629 6290 Chinese Healthy Vegetarian IMAX Building 291, Queen Street 148 Ward Street, Hamilton. 07 838 0805 P: 09 3091111 14 B, Botany Junction – 227 Te irrirangi NEW PLYMOUTH Drive, Manukau 09 2749999 The Loving Hut - 178 Devon St East, Jai Jalaram Khaman - 39 Boundary Road, New Plymouth, 06 759 0447 Auckland 09 627 6200 NAPIER The unBakery – Café Chantal Shop & Café - 45 Hastings Street, 1a Summer Street, Ponsonby Napier. P: 06 835 8036. P: 09 555 3278 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL TAURANGA WORKER 385 New North Rd., Kingsland Falafel Metro - 45 Grey Street, Tauranga. P: 09 550 7377 P: 07 5795424 Mithai Café - 685 Sandringham Rd, Sandringham P: 09 620 0117 WELLINGTON Mumbai Chaat Aunty Mena Vegetarian Café - 167 Cuba St, 71 Taylor Street, Blockhouse Bay Wellington P: 04 382 8288 P: 09 8209393 Higher Taste - Old Bank Arcade, Corner 1A, Kitchener Road, Sandringham. Customs-house Quay and Hunter Street, P: 09 846 93 93 Wellington. P: 04 472 2233 Ras Vatika Indian Vegetarian Café Nature Vegetarian - 519 High Street, Lower 596 Dominion Road, Balmoral Hutt P: 04 5604567 P: 09 623 2145 Pranah Café - 120 Riddiford Street, Rasoi Vegetarian Restaurant Newtown, Wellington. P: 04 389 8100. 211 Karangahape Road Newton COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WHANGARAIWORKER P: 09 377 7780 Gopal's - 6 Vine Street, Whangarei. Raw Power Café P: 09 438 9388 Floor 1/10 Vulcan Lane, Auckland. (09) 303 3624 Muslim Directory


Halal Food Guide




Halal Food Guide

COUNSELOR/SOCIAL SOUTH ISLAND WORKER COUNSELOR/SOCIAL CHRISTCHURCH WORKER Antidote Cafe and Juice Bar-Shop 6 Carnaby Lane, New Brighton, Christchurch. P: 03 5952126 Dream Garden Vegetarian Café 62 Kendal Ave, Russley. P: 03 358 8485 Lighthouse Café - 186 Shaw Avenue New Brighton, Christchurch P: 03 388 5184 GT Organic Cafe & Grocer - Unit 7, 478 Cranford St (at near Main North Rd), Christchurch, P: 03 52 0184 Shroom Room Café - 48 welcome bernard London Street, Lyttelton, Christchurch. 03 328 9459. The Lotus Heart - 363 St Asaph Street, Christchurch P: 03 379 0324 Water Drop Vegetarian Café - 2 Harakeke Street, Riccarton P: 03 341 6276 Welcome Chinese Vegetarian Café 2 Wharenui Road, Riccarton P: 03 348 2630 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL DUNEDIN WORKER Potpourri - 97 Stuart Street, Dunedin. P: 03 477 9983 The Joyful Vegan Café Caravan farmer's market, Dunedin Railway Station on Saturday mornings. P: 027 522 2382 Taste Nature Restaurant - 131 High Street, Dunedin P: 03 474 0219 COUNSELOR/SOCIAL MOTUEKA WORKER Krishna's Arcadia Café - 265 High Street, Motueka Township COUNSELOR/SOCIAL FIANZ HALAL LIST WORKER Bakery & Café Bake & Beans 360 Fresh (KZS Foods Ltd), 82 Carr Road, Mt. Roskill, Auckland Butcher Food for Less, 13 Veronica Street, New Lynn, Auckland Food for Less, 64 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu, Auckland Halal Meat and Spices Limited, 133 Blockhouse Bay Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026 Kelston Halal Meat & Spices (Abdul Kadir Trading Ltd), 4003 Great North Rd, Kelston, Auckland

Pasifika Halal Meats, 2/59 Shirley Road, Old Papatoetoe, Auckland Super City Halal Meats NZ Ltd, 545 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland West City Halal Meats, 427 Great North Road, Henderson, Auckland Younus Halal Meat & Spices, 1482-B, Dominion Road, Mt. Roskill, Auckland Ilam Halal Meat, 162 Clarkin Road, Hamilton Khyber Foods & Spices, Shop 5, Fifth Avenue, 5 Cross Roads, Hamilton Pizza – Burger – Kabab Takeaways Airport Kebabs & Pizza Ltd, 7/203 Kirkbride Road, Mangere, Auckland Flame Hobsonville, 7/160 Hobsonville Point Rd, Hobsonville, Auckland Flame Flatbush, Unit 15, 123 Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, Auckland 2016 Kebabs Sensation (Auckland Kebab Ltd.), T103/22 Stoddard Road, Mt. Roskill, Auckland Milano's Pizza & Grilled Chicken (Milano's Ltd), 5/726 Great South Road, Manukau, Auckland Milano's Pizza & Grilled Chicken (Milano's Ltd), 154 Great South Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland Pizza Express Otahuhu Ltd, Unit 3, 507 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland Pizza Express Hamilton (Seven86 Limited), Shop 6, Gordonton Road, Chartwell, Hamilton Café, Restaurant & Takeaway Bawarchi Indian Food (Bawarchi NZ Ltd,), 519 - 523 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland LJS Waitakere, Waitakere Mega Centre, Vitasovich Avenue, Henderson Paradise - Dine In and Takeaway, 591 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland Westgate Food & Curry Corner, Shop L-10, Westgate Shopping Centre, 2/2 Fernhill Drive, Massey Muslim Directory


EFS: Organic, Greek and Coconut, Natural, Strawberry Indian Sweets & Snacks (Rakesh Industries Mousse, Reduced Fat, Lemon Mousse, Greek, Limited), 176 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Cheesecake Wellington Nutritionally Focussed: Low Fat Sweetened Mango, Organic, Low Fat Sweetened Vanilla, Skimmers, Reduced Kareem Indian Takeaway, 25B Waitoa Road, Fat, Low Fat Greek, Low Fat Sweetened Strawberry Hataitai, Wellington Fresher Foods Ltd: 12MM Frozen French Fries, 13MM Frozen French Fries, 10 MM Frozen French Fries, 7 MM Marrakech Café, 307 Evans Bay Parade, Frozen French Fries, 6 MM Frozen French Fries, 13 MM Wellington Chilled French Fries, 10 MM Chilled French Fries, 3 KG Potato Fritters Port Muziris (Muziris Foods Limited), Ginellis (Ginelli and Sons Ltd): Vanilla Bean, South Indian Cuisine, 288 High Street, Lower Chocolate Hutt, Wellington Greenmount Foods: Cooked Stocks from Lamb, Beef and Veal, Cooked Sauces containing Lamb and Beef, Manufacturers Pasta Sauce containing Beef or Veal, Cooked Stock, Soup Anzco Foods Green Island Ltd: Raw and Cooked and Sauce containing Sea food Burger Patties Harraways & Sons Ltd: Harraways Rolled/ Whole Back Country Foods Ltd: Beef Teriyaki Grain Oats Organic and Regular, Harraways Flavored Oats, Harraways Flavored Muesli, Nicolas Muesli, Caffe Coffee (NZ) Ltd: Flavoured Powders for Hot Harraways Cereal Flakes, (Rye, Barley, Wheat)

and Cold Beverages: Drinking Chocolate, Double Fudge Mocha, Garnishing Chocolate, Ice Latte, Caramel, Vanilla, White Chocolate, Chai Latte, Iced Mocha, Toffee Coffee Corson Grain Ltd: Popcorn, Maize Grits and Maize Flour Dairy Products NZ Ltd: Yoghurt Natural Soft Serve Regular, Probiotic Yogurt Style Soft Serve-Tart, Yoghurt Natural Soft Serve Premium, Powdered Soft Serve – Standard, Natural Soft Serve Regular, Powdered Soft Serve Mix – Premium, Natural Soft Serve Low Fat, Powdered Vanilla Soft Serve Mix, Natural Soft Serve Premium, Powdered Premium Chocolate Soft Serve Mix, Chocolate Soft Serve Regular, Coconut Soft Serve Low Fat, Premium Chocolate Soft Serve Regular, Coconut Soft Serve Regular, Chocolate Soft Serve, Coconut Soft Serve High Fat, Vanilla Soft Serve, Sorbet-Mango, Guava, Pineapple, Apricot., Regular Thick Shake 4% Milkfat, Feijoa, Peach, Raspberry, Lemon, Chocolate., Original Powdered Yoghurt Soft Serve Mix, Strawberry, Banana, Pawpaw, Mango and Yogurt Style Soft Serve Mix Queenstown, Pineapple & Black Doris Plum. Fresh Yogurt Based Tart Soft Serve, Chocolate Coconut Soft Serve., Kiwifreeze Dairy Based Powder Blend, Vanilla Coconut Soft Serve., Queenstown Based Powder Blend, Plain Coconut Soft Serve., Queenstown Dairy Based Powder Blend, Pineapple & Coconut Soft Serve, Probiotic Yogurt Style Soft Serve-Mild, Coconut & Black Doris Plum Soft Serve Denheath Desserts NZ Ltd: Denheath Gourmet Custard Squares, Denheath Cheesecakes, Denheath E.Squares and Profiteroles Eagle Consumables (Eagle Direct): Selling: Virofex Wipes - Fragrance Free EasiYo Products Ltd: Everyday: Apricot, Peach, Banana, Raspberry, Berry Smoothie, Strawberry, Boysenberry, Summerfruits, Caramel, Sweet Greek, Cherry, Unsweetened Greek, Forest Fruit, Toffee Lemon, Tropical Smoothie, Mango, Vanilla, Natural, Vanilla Bean Smoothie, Pear Gourmet: Peach n Cream, Mixed Berry, Raspberry n Cream, Greek Style Passionfruit, Greek n Honey, Greek n Cranberry, Custard, Strawberry n Cream, Pineapple with Coconut Bits, Vanilla Peach with Bits, Blueberries n Cream, Greek Style Rhubarb, Greek n Coconut, Lemon and Ginger, Crème Brulee, Greek Mango and Coconut, Greek Style Raspberry and Lemon,

Heinz Watties Ltd : Frozen and Dehydrated Vegetables: Brand Name: Watties, Heinz, Haymarket and Private Label / Co. Pack Independent Fisheries Ltd: Frozen Hoki Fillets, Southern Blue Whiting Fillets J.H.Whittaker's and Sons: All Chocolate Products, (Excluding Rum and Raisin Block) Juice Products New Zealand Ltd: Carrot Juice Concentrate, Black Currant Juice NFC, Celery Pomace, Carrot Juice NFC, Blackcurrant Seed- in Puree, Apple Puree, Carrot Puree, Blackcurrant Seedless Puree, Cherry Puree, Carrot Pomace, Blackcurrant Pomace, Broccoli Puree, Organic Carrot Juice Concentrate, Organic Blackcurrant Juice Concentrate, Boysenberry Puree, Organic Carrot Juice NFC, Organic Feijoa Juice NFC, Apricot Puree, Organic Carrot Pomace, Beetroot Juice Concentrate, Plum Puree, Organic Carrot Puree, Beetroot Juice NFC, Nectarine Puree, Purple Carrot Juice Concentrate, Beetroot Puree, Carrot Pulp, Purple Carrot Juice NFC, Beetroot Pomace, Yellow Carrot Juice, Purple Carrot Puree, Celery Juice Concentrate, Yellow Carrot Puree, Purple Carrot Pomace, Celery Juice NFC, Yellow Carrot Juice Concentrate, Black Currant Juice Concentrate, Celery Puree Konig Gourmet Foods Ltd: Processed Beef, Mutton and Lamb Products MAXX Honey Ltd: Pure New Zealand Honey McCain Foods (NZ) Ltd : Peas, Carrot Strips, Baby Peas, Whole Beans, Super Sweet Corn, Cut Beans, Diced Carrots, Sliced Beans, Sliced Carrots, Baby Beans Midlands Apiaries Ltd: HONEY (Manuka, Clover, Honeydew, Multiflora, Wildflower & Pasture) Prepared Produce Ltd: Fresh and Prepared: Fruit, Vegetables And Culinary Herbs Profruit 2006 Ltd: Fruit Juice Concentrate Quality Foods Southland Ltd: Aryzta Danish Products All Sizes: Pain au Chocolate, Apple Strudel, Cinnamon Whirl, Vanilla Chocolate Twist, Vanilla Sultana Whirl, Vanilla Sultana Twist, Chocolate Roll, Apple Cinnamon Comb, Vanilla Chocolate Palmier The Better Drinks Co Ltd: Charlie's Range of Products: Juices 300ml/500ml/1L/1.5L/2L: - Apple Juice,

Muslim Directory


Halal Food Guide





Halal Food Guide

Orange Juice, Orange Juice low pulp., Quenchers 500ml & 1.5L:- Lemonade, Limeade, Raspberry, Mango Orange, Sicilian Blood Orange, Smoothies 300ml & 1L: - Mango Coco, Spirulina. Coolers: - Mango Peach Passion COCO, Pomegranate Rasp COCO. 50 % Kids Juice Drink 200ml: Apple, Orange, Apple & Blackcurrant Water 600ml, 650ml, 1L, 1.5L:- Spring Water, Honest Water in Eco-Bottle

The New Zealand Dessert Company Ltd:

Boysenberry Cheesecake, Apple & Blackberry Crumble, Passionfruit Cheesecake, Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumble, Strawberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Bavarian, Mixedberry Cheesecake, Caramel Bavarian, Apple Crumble, Salted Caramel & Chocolate Cheesecake, Raspberry Creme Brulee Cheesecake Recipe Arts Ltd: Classic French Vinaigrette, Honey Mustard Vinaigrette, Saffron & Orange Vinaigrette, Blue Cheese Dressing, Sesame & Soy Vinaigrette, Classic Caesar Dressing, Smoked Chilli Vinaigrette, Lime & Parmesan Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette, Surti Indian Samosa: Indian Samosa & Surti Yoghurt Talley's Group Limited – Blenheim: Frozen Vegetables Talley's Group Ltd: Potato Fries, Corn, Peas, Broad Beans Talley's Group Ltd: All seafood processed at Ward Street premises, including marinated mussels & half-shell mussels Taura Natural Ingredients: 1082303 - Apple Pieces, 1192402 - Orange Pieces, 1205903 - Apple Pieces, 1433701 - Orange Pieces, 1192302 - Apricot Pieces, 1342401 - Pineapple Pieces, 1433801 - Apricot Pieces, 1342402 - Pineapple Pieces, 1394606 - Banana Pieces, 1155102 - Raspberry Pieces, 1192502 - Blueberry Pieces, 1192701 - Raspberry Pieces, 1317701 - Blueberry Pieces, 1010503 - Strawberry Pieces, 1121305 - Caramel Flavoured Pieces, 1103304 - Strawberry Pieces, 1121314 - Caramel Pieces, 1103308 - Strawberry Pieces, 1090512 - Mango Pieces, 1192602 - Strawberry Pieces, 1433902Mango Pieces / Flakes, 1301901 - Strawberry Pieces, 1076201 - Orange Pieces, 1366602 - Strawberry Pieces, 1192401 - Orange Pieces Venerdi Ltd: Gluten Free Bread, Pizza Bases and Buns (Ambient & Frozen), Frozen Gluten Free Bagels (714), Frozen Gluten Free Pita Bread (915)

COUNSELOR/SOCIAL NZIDT HALAL LIST WORKER Tegel – Auckland, Christchurch & New Plymouth Open Country Dairy Limited - Auckland Chamipon Flour Milling - Christchurch Canary Interprises – Pukete Neat Meat - Parnell, Auckland Davis – Mt. Wellington, Auckland NZ Binxi (Oamaru Foods) – Oamaru Paneton French Bakery – Ponsonbay, Auckland Greenmount Foods – Mt. Maunganui & Hastings

Prepared Foods Processing Limited – Palmerston North The Tatua Co-Operative Dairy Company Limited – Morrinsville McCallum – Waitakere, Auckland G.S Hall – Mt. Wellington, Auckland Breadcraft – Masterton Pic's Production T/A Pic's Peanut Butter – Nelson Prepack Limited – Palmerston North B & H Foods Ltd – Panmure Heavens Bakery Ltd - Greenmeadows, Napier GrainCorp Foods NZ Ltd – East Tamaki, Auckland Infinity Lifestyle – Parnell, Auckland Goodman Fielder – Christchurch Goodman Fielder Dairy Longburn – Palmerston North MeyCov Food Limited – Gracefield, Lowerhut, Wellington Oceania Dairy Ltd – Canterbury Meatco – Christchurch Franklin Foods Ltd – Pukekohe Taranaki Bio Extracts – Okaiawa Kerry Ingredients Ltd – Otahuhu Gelita New Zealand Limited – Christchurch Newly Weds Foods (New Foods Coating) – East Tamaki, Auckland Mauri Anz – Otahuhu Taylor Pass Honey – Blenheim, Marlborough BeeNZ Ltd – Katikati Unitech Industries Ltd – Henderson Shott Beverages – Petone, Wellington Synlait Milk Limited – Rakaia Dairyworks Limited – Christchurch Danone Nutricia NZ Ltd (Early Life Nutritions) – Balclutha Ixom Operation Pty Ltd – Mt. Maunganui & Morrinsville Jack Link's Ltd – Mangere, Auckland Deep South Ice Cream – Christchurch Westland Milk Products – Christchurch Florentines Food Services NZ Ltd – Mt. Maunganui DM Dunningham Ltd - Penrose, Auckland Popa's Pretzels - Auckland Muslim Directory


The following guide to help Food and Function caterers and coordinators understand nators understand the special dietary requirements of their Muslim

“Oh you who believe eat of lawful things that we have provided you with, and be grateful to Allah if it is indeed he whom you worship” Al-Baqarah 2:172 What does Halal mean? v Halal is an Arabic word, meaning lawful, and is the Islamic dietary law that identifies food permitted for Muslims. v Non-halal is also referred to in Arabic as Haram (meaning not permissible) v Alcohol and pork products are NOT permitted (not HALAL) including pork lard, ham and bacon) v For processed foods to be Halal, they must be free of alcohol and pork, and must not have come into contact with either of them during the manufacturing process. Ÿ


Where can I get Halal meat? Butchers: There are several authorized butchers in New Zealand that supply Halal meat. Visit the Kiwi Muslim Directory website ( for a list of Halal outlets. Pre-packaged meat: Chicken from certain suppliers are certified Halal. What precautions must I take during the food preparation? All utensils, crockery, glass, serving dishes and food preparation surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before use. Halal meat should be purchased from an authorized Halal butcher. Ensure that the ordering of Halal and non-Halal meat is done separately. A separate surface work area, chopping board and knife should be used for HALAL MEAT AND PRODUCTS ONLY and should be thoroughly cleaned before use. Make sure you can tell between the Halal meat and the non-Halal by labeling them or by putting on different toppings etc.… Never cook Halal and non-Halal meat in the same container. If possible, cook Halal meat in a separate oven to non-Halal. If separate ovens aren’t available, Halal meat should be cooked in a separate container to non-Halal to avoid contamination. Once it’s been cooked, keep the Halal meat and Halal dishes away from non-Halal meat and dishes and make sure that they are easily identified. Halal dishes SHOULD BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED so not to cause confusion with the non-Halal dishes. Muslim Directory


Caterer’s Guide



Caterer’s Guide


Separate serving utensils should be used and retained for Halal meat and Halal products only. Use vegetable oil when frying any food such as chips, spring rolls, etc. Don’t cook or serve any food that has had alcohol (such as beer or wine) added to it (however little the quantity). Ensure salads do not contain any non-Halal meat or pork and the cheese used is Halal. Take extra care to ensure that all the Halal food does not make even accidental contact with non-Halal food through mixing utensils, spillages and drops. Once such contact has been made the food cannot thereafter be consumed by Muslims under any circumtances.

Are there any special requirements when it comes to non-meat products? Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ



Fruit, vegetables, dairy products, grains/cereals, herbs and spices are Halal. If making sandwiches, avoid any butter substitutes made with animal fat. The label will indicate use of such fat. It is safe to use e-numbers listed on the Vegetarian Societies website Any biscuits provided should contain no animal fats other than butter. Also check the label to ensure that cochineal has not been used in their production as this is not vegetarian Food items should not contain gelatin (unless it is of a vegetarian variety). Alcohol should not be used in the preparation of any food. No animal fat should be used in any cooking, and when cheese is used it should be of the kind labeled ‘vegetarian’ which indicates that it has not been made with rennet which comes from animal source. Potato chips that have beef fat/tallow are NOT permitted

How do I serve non-halal and Halal food at the same venue? •Where no special arrangements have been made to cater for halal meat, Muslims are generally happy to eat vegetarian food that has no animal fat or by-products used in its production. •Most fish dishes are also permissible, provided there is no contamination with other non-Halal products or cooked in BEER batter. •If non-halal meat and fish dishes or sandwiches are provided as part of a meal, ensure that they are on separate platters and label them to avoid confusion. •Where alcoholic drinks are being served ensure that they kept separate from the non-alcoholic ones. •If using an external caterer for an event, underline that any meat and fish items must be on completely separate platters. Source: Crescents of Brisbane Inc., with a minor variation for New Zealand. Approved by: Sheikh Imtiyaz Boda: Islamic Advisor, Kiwi Muslim Directory

Muslim Directory



Author : Abdullah Drury

The first Muslim family to se le permanently in New Zealand arrived in April 1854, within 15 years of the Treaty of Waitangi. Wuzerah and Mindia, and their sons, came from India and se led in Canterbury to work for Sir John Cracro Wilson (1808-1881), a re red Anglo-Indian civil servant. The family se led in Cashmere and later worked in transpor ng stone for the famous Christchurch cathedral. Wuzerah's son Piro drowned in 1862 and is believed to be the first Muslim buried here. Wuzerah himself died in 1902. From the 1890s onward men from the Punjab and Gujarat regions of India started arriving and a er the 1930s some of these men or their sons began to bring out wives and children. In 1936 the first interna onal Muslim student arrived when Abdul Habib Sahu Khan (1918–2007), an ethnic Indian from Fiji, enrolled at Otago University to study medicine. In 1950 the “New Zealand Muslim

Muslim Directory


Associa on” (NZMA) was established in Auckland as the first Islamic organisa on in this land. There were approximately 200 Muslims in the country at the me. In 1951 the MS Goya brought dozens of Muslim refugees from eastern Europe to Wellington. In 1953 Avdo Musovich (19192001) from Montenegro jumped ship in Auckland and claimed poli cal asylum. He became involved in the NZMA Execu ve Commi ee un l 1981. In 1959 Akif Keskin (1923-1991) from Macedonia established the first Turkish restaurant in all New Zealand, in Dunedin. That year the NZMA acquired a property for use as an Islamic Centre in central Auckland and the following year Maulana Ahmed Said Musa Patel (1937-2009) arrived from the Gujarat to be the first trained Mullah here. Over 1962-1964 the Wellington-based “Interna onal Muslim Associa on of New Zealand” (IMAN) was created and in 1977 the “Muslim Associa on of Canterbury”

BELIEVERS TO THE BRIGHT COAST: A SHORT HISTORY OF THE MUSLIMS OF NEW ZEALAND In the 1960s Abbas Ali and Hajji Mohammed Hussain Sahib, both from Fiji, secured employment at freezing works (in the Wairarapa and Waikato regions respec vely) and undertook the first commercial Halal slaughter of animals. Over the 1960s and 1970s there was an influx of east European, Asian and Fiji Indian migrants, refugees and students who made various contribu ons to the different Associa ons. In 1969 the first Tablighi Jama'at visited New Zealand and they have been staging regular annual Ijtema gatherings since 1976. In 1979 there were around 2000 Muslims across all New Zealand and representa ves of the various Muslim Associa ons met to create a na onal Muslim organisa on to co-ordinate minority affairs, especially with regard to the Halal meat issue. In April 1979 the “Federa on of Islamic Associa ons of New Zealand” (FIANZ) was formed with Kosovaborn Albanian refugee turned businessman Mazhar Krasniqi as inaugural president. He was immediately followed Hajji Abdul Rahim Rasheed (1938-2006) from Fiji. In 1982 Sheikh Khalid Kamal Abdul Hafiz (1938-1999) from India came to Wellington to serve as Imam. Within a few years the Saudi trained Mullah became the senior spiritual advisor to FIANZ. Since 1984 the Islamic Federa on has been undertaking Halal cer fica on for export meat. From the 1980s to the present period there has been a steady increase in the number of Muslim immigrants, refugees and students from Asia, the Middle East and Africa. There has also been a corresponding increase in the size, scope and number of Muslim organisa ons, agencies and ins tu ons, especially in Auckland. The Islamic Educa on and Dawah Trust was created in 1990 and currently operates the Al Madinah School and Al Zayed Girls College in Mangere, Auckland. In January 2008 the growing Shia minority held their first Ashura commemora on programme in

Auckland, led by the Fa ma Zahra Charitable Associa on. Elsewhere the Muslim Associa on of Canterbury constructed the first mosque in the South Island over 1984-85 and in 2004 hosted the Na onal Islamic Converts Conference. The Otago Muslim Associa on was formally registered in July 1995 and the Southland Muslim Associa on in April 2008. In 2002 Sheikh Eshaq Te Amorangi Morgan KirekaWhaanga established the Aotearoa Maori Muslim Associa on and became involved in Dawah ac vi es amongst indigenous folk. According to the 2013 census there are currently 47,799 Muslims in New Zealand: approximately 21% were born in the Pacific Island, 25% in New Zealand, 23 % in Africa and the Middle East and around 26% in Asia. Over 32,000 Muslims live in Auckland. The figures also reveal that the number of Maori Muslims increased from 99 in 2001 to 1,083 by 2013. There were also 1536 Muslims counted among the Pacific Islander community, of whom the most famous is rugby player and heavyweight boxer, Sonny Bill Williams. The number of European Muslims stands at 4,353, whilst Asian Muslims account for just over 20,000. In the final analysis the flag of Islam has been flying peacefully in the Land of New Zeal for over 170 years. The one consistent feature of the Muslim minority in New Zealand is the fact that it is made up of several overlapping, interac ve and evolving communi es. This diverse community is not a monolith. Progress has been achieved in every field through prayer, piety, apprecia ng differences, and through the posi ve collabora on and frui ul rela ons with the wider popula on.

Photo Credits: NZMA: For further information, see: Abdullah Drury, Islam in New Zealand: The First Mosque (Christchurch, 2007) Abdullah Drury, "Mostly Harmless", Waikato Islamic Studies Review, Volume 1, Number 1 (March 2015) Sheppard, William, "New Zealand's Muslims and Their Organisations", New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies Volume 8, Number 2 (December, 2006), pp. 8–44.

Muslim Directory


For Businesses with FREE listings see the website : “Deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly” (Quran - 2:279) Ÿ Essential Services Islamic Store - Pg 64 Circumcision/Doctors - Pg 89 Halal Tours/Travels - Pg 103 Madrasa/ Sunday Classes - Pg 90 Marriage Celebrants - Pg 60 Schools - Pg 46

Ÿ Index : Accountants - Pg 38 Dentists - Pg 40 Driving School - Pg 44 Electrical and Refrigeration - Pg 40 Freight and Forwarding - Pg 39 Hardware - Pg 44 Immigration Consultants - Pg 43 Lawyers - Pg 45 Martial Arts - Pg 45 Money Transfer - Pg 41 Pharmacy - Pg 42 Physiotherapists - Pg 42 Travel Agencies - Pg 42, 44

Muslim Directory











ISLAMIC GUIDENCE Ulama (Islamic Scholars) Of New Zealand Arranged Alphabetical No


Afď€ liation

Contact No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Mufti Irshad Motara Mufti Musayyib Sahib Mufti Zubair Sheikh Aabid Ghodawal Sheikh AbuAnas Bennabi Sheikh Abubakar Bangi Sheikh Abubakar Patel Sheikh Ahmed Sheikh Ajmal Sheikh Amin Ruhani Sheikh Amjad Ali Sheikh Anwar Sahib Sheikh Ayyub Bhikoo Sheikh Basheer Ahmed Diwan Sheikh Faruq Barolya Sheikh Haneef Rawat Sheikh Harun Sheikh Hassan Farid Shireh Ali Sheikh Hemayatullah Haqiqzai Sheikh Idris Musa Bhaiji Sheikh Irbaz Sheikh Izharulhaq Faiz Sheikh Kalim Hussain Sheikh Khalil Nadat Sheikh Manzur Husein Sheikh Mohammad Amir Sheikh Mohammed Patel Sheikh Muhammad Rayhaan Diwan Sheikh Muhammed Yoosuf Shafee Sheikh Nahid Riaz Ali Sheikh Rafat Najam Sheikh Rifash Manzoor Khan Sheikh Sarfaraz Ali Sheikh Shahim Sheikh Tasleem Sheikh Yusuf Khan Molvi Haji Mohammed Abdul Shafeez Moulana Azmal Dean

Madrasah Uthmaniya / Auckland Islamic Trust Airport Masjid Ranui Masjid West Auckland Al-Farook, Otahuhu Al-Manar Trust New Lynn Islamic Centre Al Iqra Islamic Centre, Takanini Onehunga Islamic Centre Abu Hurayrah Trust, Kelston Independent Al-Madina School At-Taqwa, Manukau Ponsonby / Independent UCNZ Northshore Independent Masjid E Bilal, Glen Eden Ponsonby Al-Furqan Trust Masjid As-Salam Glendene Airport Masjid Airport Masjid independent Al-Farook, Otahuhu Al-Farook, Otahuhu Masjid Abu Bakr Siddique , Pakuranga Al-Farook, Otahuhu Fianz/IED Trust Mount Roskill Islamic Trust /Masjide Umar Baitul Mukarram Roskill South Ranui Masjid West Auckland Dannemora Auckland University Dannemora / Independent Avondale/Al-Madina Masjid e Ayesha Masjid e Ayesha Ranui Masjid West Auckland Al Mustafa Jamia Masjid (SAMA) Masjid Abu Hurairah (Kelston Islamic Centre)

Sheikh Gamal Albanna

Muslim Assoiciation of Canturbury

022 050 3371 022 103 5814 021 081 88122 021 054 0794 022 016 0269 021 263 7861 022 614 3261 021 08199446 021 027 63017 021 138 9983 021 624 786 027 517 1107 021 181 3165 09 627 4340 021 039 1199 021 039 6932 09 378 8200 021 145 5113 027 582 7552 021 029 13335 021 216 1222 021 060 1271 021 663 842 022 671 6102 021 135 1907 021 242 4560 021 025 32786 021 026 24169 021 154 3712 021 025 41619 021 134 0501 021 081 51372 021 136 3111 022 082 8101 021 158 9395 021 057 9040 021 2982851 022 6844690


03 348 3930


Sheikh Asraarul Haq

Al-Huda Mosque, Duniden

021 104 1146

HAMILTON 1 2 3 4

Molvi Abdul Khadir Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed Sheikh Suhaib Qadir Sheikh Usama Qadir

Hamilton West Islamic Centre Independent / Hamilton Independent / Hamilton Independent / Hamilton


Azam Khan

Hawera Islamic Centre

07 8477414 021 026 57910 021 264 9925 022 093 9881

HAWERA 021 456740


Sheikh Feroz Khan


021 299 8965


Sheikh Ahmed Abdelkader Ghoneim

Tauranga Mosque

021 154 2470


Sheikh Abdullah

Te Kuiti Islamic Centre

021 034 5139


Sheikh Abdul Jabbar Sheikh Khaled Said Sheikh M Husain Zewada

Porirua / IMAN Newlands Islamic Centre IMAN Wellington Masjid

Muslim Directory


021 170 0850 021 123 9745 021 025 44406

Islamic Guidance


ISLAMIC CENTRES NORTH ISLAND Te Ika a Maui, meaning the fish of Maui

Islamic Centres

AUCKLAND REGION Al Iqra Islamic Centre - (Takanini Islamic Centre): 12A Tironui Station Road, East (off Tironui Rd), Takanini, Auckland. Contacts: Sher Gul +64 212664352, Jhinna Ali +64 27 4428785 Imam: Sheikh Abubakar Suleiman Patel +64 22 6143261 Activities: Daily Madrasa, local gust. For other activities contact Madrasah Classes: Yes Jumaah: Yes 5 Daily prayers, Normal Timings: Azan 12.40, Jamat 1.00 pm Day Light Saving: Azan 1.40, Jamat 2.00 pm Woman Facilities: YES Donations: Westpac, 03-03990937558-00 Al-Manar Trust - 72 Carr Rd Mt Roskill Auckland, Phone : 09 971 9596 Email : W: Contact Br. Abdulsalam Belgacem, Imam: Sheikh Abu Anas +64 22 016 0269 Activities: 5 Daily prayers, Library for Islamic literature such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, audio and videos. Weekend school for teaching Arabic and Islamic education. General Activities include: Islamic lectures, short courses for men and women, Arabic classes, and youth programme. Madrasah Classes - Yes - Every Mon, Tue & Wed – 5pm to 7pm: Quran classes for boys and girls. Sunday Weekend school 10am – 2pm Jummah – No Prayer facilities for Women - YES DONATIONS: Al Manar Trust, National Bank For Sadaqah & Projects: Acc#: 06-0177-0140367-02 (Reference: ProjectName) For Zakaat Only: Acc #: 06-0177-0140367-05 (Reference: Zakaat) Al Noor Educational trust Imam: Hafiz Junaid 0211283220

Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah - Yes 1:45pm @ 64 Everglade drive, Everglade Girl Guide hall Normal Timings: Day Light Saving: 1:45pm Eid ul fitr Salah 9:00 Eid ul adha 8:30 (@ Botanical Gardens 102 Hill Road Manurewa) Prayer facilities for Women – yes for eid AUT Muslim Prayer Room (Managed by: Al Hikmah Trust ) - the City campus in WT012, on Lorne Street, Auckland CBD Open week days and weekends 5am-11pm. Contact and Imam: Sheikh Rafat Najm 021 134 0501 Salāt Al-Jum`ah - Yes 2 - 3 Jamaat on Fridays Summer: Session one at 1.30pm, Session two at 2.00pm, Session three at 2.30pm Winter: Session one at 12.30pm, Session two at 1.30pm Prayer facilities for Women – YES AI-Falah Islamic Centre - Dannemora, 1/8 Laidlaw Way (off Ormiston Rd), Dannemora, Auckland. Contacts: Chairperson Haji Raffiq Mohammed 0272800977, Trustee, Haji Mohammed Shafi Uddin 021673314 Imam: Sheikh Riaz Ali 021 0254 1619 Activities: 5 Daily Prayers, Jummah Salaah (2 Sessions), Chidren's Classes, Youth Programs, Sports, Monthly Lectures, tafsir Quran, tafsir hadith Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salat Timings 2 Jamaat on Fridays Friday Prayer – 1st Jamaat - 12.40pm Khutba and 1.20pm Khutba in winter Friday Prayer – 2nd Jamaat - 1.40pm Khutba and 2.00pm in summer Prayer facilities for Women – Yes DONATIONS: Please call the centre. Al Farooq Cultural & Dvpt. Trust Centre 34 Portage Road, Otahuhu. Contact: Maulana Manzur Hussain – 09 276 9789, +64 21 135 1907 Muslim Directory


Mohammed Azeem +64 27 369 2786 Email : Imam: Mohammed Abid Hafeji Ph: 021 054 0794 Activities: masjid is under construction as a result of which we are only having 5 time daily prayers, madrasah classes on the premise and Jumah at Kath Day hall, Mason Ave, Otahuhu. Ulamas are available for all community services including marriage. Prayer Facilities for women: Not until the new masjid is ready Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salat Timings Normal Timings: Azan 12.40, Jamat 1.00pm Day Light Saving: Azan 1.40, Jamat 2.00pm Donations: required for Masjid Construction Please call Shaikh Manzur or Bank 06-0583-0556720-01 Al Maqtoum (Airport Masjid) - South Pacific Islamic Centre, 91 Westney Rd, Mangere, Auckland. Contact: Br. Ashiq Ali 09 2560341 Imam: Qari Idris Bhaiji, PH: 021 029 13335, Imam: Mufti Musayyab Sahib P: 022 103 5814 Imam & Religious advisor for IED Trust: Moulana Muhammad Amir P: 021 242 4560 Facilities: Airport Masjid is open 24 hours so that it is easy for those travelling, out and about to perform their Salaah and take a break at the Masjid. Activities: 5 Daily prayers, Tafseer, Free Adult Quraan and Fiqh, Tableegh program, Islaahi Majlis. Call Imam for more information. Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salat timings: Normal timings, First Adhaan: 12.40pm Daylight timings, First Adhaan: 1.40pm Prayer Facilities for women: YES for Travelers Donations: Contact Imam Al-Mustafa Jamia Masjid - (South Auckland Mosque), 26 Mangere Rd, Otahuhu, Auckland. P: 09 - 276 6725 W:

Contacts: Mohammed Farouk Khan – President, 027 485 1354, Ibrar Sheikh – Secretary, 0212408786 Imam: Molvi Haji Mohammed Abdul Shafeez – 0212982851, Events and Activities at the centres: 5 Daily prayers, Weekly Programme,Quran Daras, Adult Quran Classes, Hadith, Madni Dhikr, Sisters Programme, more info on website. Madrasah Classes Yes Monday to Friday 5-7pm Jummah Salat Timings: Normal: 12:40pm, Day Light Saving: 1:40pm Prayer Facilities for women: YES Donations: Please contact the Secretary Auckland Hospital - (Only Jummah Salaat) Venue: The Chapel ,Level 6( Above the main entrance) Time:1.00 to 1.30pm Auckland International Airport International terminal, 1st Floor – Departure food court, by Mc Donalds - Sign displayed " MUSLIM PRAYER AREA" – open 24 hours. Jumma Salat – YES at 2.00 pm throughout the year. Auckland Domestic - Heading upstairs next to the conference rooms. From the ground floor, take the yellow doors next to Air NZ check in counters & take the stairs to go upstairs. Open 24 hours. Baitul Mukarram Islamic Centre (Roskill South Islamic centre) - 1484b Dominion Road, Mt Roskill. Entrance -rear carpark behind younus halal meats Sheikh Rayhaan Diwan 02102624169 Ustaad Muhammad Kalam Alam 021 234 7019 Imam: Hafiz Abdul Sabur Salim 020 4056 1550 Activities: 5 times daily Salaah, Quraan Tafseer, etc. Madrasah classes YES, M - F 5:00pm till 7:00pm Jummah Salat : Timings: Normal - 1:30pm Khutbah

Muslim Directory


Islamic Centres



Islamic Centres

Timings: Daylight saving - 2:30pm Khutbah Prayer Facilities for women: NO Donations: Yes, contact the Imam Birkenhead Islamic Association Birkenhead Islamic Center, 79 Onewa Road, Birkenhead, North Shore. Contacts Br. Fayyum Khan, Mobile: 021 471 351 Secretary, Br. Zaheer Babar, Mobile: 021 124 1013 Email: Jummah Salaat: No Prayer Facilities for women: No Donations: Please support the Masjid Bank account detail; Birkenhead Islamic Association, 02 - 0112 - 0109369 – 83 - BNZ Bank Masjid Abu Bakr Siddique, East Auckland Islamic Trust - 5 Cortina Place, Pakuranga. Contacts: Chairman: Moh'd. Rafique Munif Ph.021-203-7862 Imam: Sheikh Khaleel Ahmed - 022 671 6102 Activities: 5 times daily Salaah , Daily Madrahsa, local gust and general activities, Quran Tafseer, Youth programmes, Marriage Celebrant / Nikah, Funeral Arrangements Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salat Timings: Normal Timings: 12.40pm, Day Light Saving: 1.40pm Prayer Facilities for women: YES Donations: Bank Accounts:(ANZ Bank) Donation Account :01-1837-0070902-00. Zakaat Account :01-1837-0070902-04 Glen Innes Islamic Centre - 127 Elstree Ave, Glen lnnes, Auckland. Contact: President Br. Anwar Mehter, 09-5702597, Imam: Hafiz Molvie Mohammed Shoeb Activities: 5 Daily prayers, Madrahsa, local gust, Eid Salat and other activities. Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salat Timings: Normal Timings: 12.40pm, Day Light Saving: 1.40pm

Prayer Facilities for women: NO Imam Reza Mosque - 7b Astley Ave New Lynn, Auckland P: 09-827 1919 Islamic Ahlul Bayt Foundation of NZ 27 Ben Lomond Cres, Pakuranga. Contacts: P: 09-5771127. E: Imam: Aalim Dr. Ali Borooni 02108250568 Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salah: sharp at 12.30pm Prayer Facilities for women: YES Donations: Contact 02108250568 Lynfield Islamic Centre - Friday prayers at Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall May Road Mt Roskill Contact Person: Abdul Haque Mohamed (Trustee) 021 252 6567/022 025 2656. Mukbul Patel (Trustee) - 021 024 34380 Imam: Maulana Haji Ahmad Jummah Salat Timings: Khutbah at 1.15pm. Day Light Saving: Khutbah at 2.15pm. Donation: contact committee member Prayer Facilities for women: No Masjid Abu Hurairah (Kelston Islamic Centre) - 45 Cartwright Road, (off Sabulite Rd), Kelston Contact: Zakir Hussain (09)8182968, M: 0274313720 Imam: Azmal Dean, M: 02102763017 Activities: Madarsa Classes Mon – Thurs, Program every Wednesday, Ladies program every Sunday 3pm – 4pm for more information phone Imam Madrasah Classes - Yes Jummah Salat Timings – Normal 12.40pm Day light saving – 1.40pm Prayer Facilities for Women – YES Donations: Contact Br. Zakir Masjid As-Salam - 3 Akatea Road Glendene, Auckland Imam and Khateeb and Khadim Hemayatullah Haqiqzai 0275 827 552 Muslim Directory


E mail : Event and Activities Weekly dars every Wednesday after Maghrib prayer. Madrasah Classes - Yes, boys and girls from 5:30pm till 7:30 pm Monday to Friday. Jumuah salat time - khutbah start 12:40 pm Salat start 1:10 pm or day light saving khutabah start 1:40 pm salat start 2:10pm Prayer Facilities for women: YES Donations: ANZ Bank, 06-0185-0496961-00 Maunatul Islam Trust of New Zealand 45 Thomas Rd, Mangere. Contact: Br. Tahir Samut Chairman 0274816947 Azad Sheikh- Secretary 0211790468 Imam - Molvi Mohammed Razak 0210366286 or Molvi Karim Samut - 0220889396 Activities: 5 times daily prayers, Dikr Mehfil : 11th of every Islamic Month, Milad / Daras : 2nd Saturday of every Month, Important Islamic events of the month are conducted, Marriage celebrant : Mohammed Shamim Khan Mobile: 0211748611 Counselling : Personal Programmes are welcomed Madrasah Classes - Mon-Fri 5pm-7pm Prayer Facilities for Women - No Jummah Salat Timings Normal Timings: 12:45pm Day Light Saving: 1:45pm Masjid Ayesha - a Project of The Clendon Trust 96 Maich Road, Manurewa, Auckland. Contact: Chairman: Abdul Qayyum – P: 0211 146 656, Secretary: Mohammed Sahim – P: 0274 500 869 , W: Imam: Maulana Mohammed Tasleem Rahim – Phone 0211 589 395 Office: 09 264 0660 – not attended full time Activities: Adult's Qur'aan classes; Senior's Islamiyat, Hadeeth Daras, Bi-monthly, Jalsah – 3rd Saturdays every second month Dawah Activities: Daily Senior Citizens

Programs: Crime Watch weekly, Welfare Activities: Regularly on needs basis, Girl's Seminars: As advertised, Ladies Programs: Wednesday and Saturdays, Project Development: On-going basis Other services: Marriage celebrant & Nikaah, JP Services, Funeral arrangements, Community and Family consultations, Social welfare services, Dispute resolution, Inter-faith dialogue, Network with Government and nongovernmental agencies, and other Mosques and Centres Madrasah Classes – Yes, Mondays to Fridays 5.00 to 7.00pm Prayer Facilities for Women - YES Jummah Salat Timings: Winters12.40 pm Day Light Saving:1.40 pm Masjid Donations: Masjid Ayesha Account 38-9006-0577696-00 - KIWI Bank Masjid At-Taqwa - 58 Grayson Ave, Manukau City, Auckland, P: 09-2777175, Imam and Chairman : Dr. Shaykh Mohammad Anwar Sahib, P: 0275171107, Mohammed Rafiq, Trustee/ Secretary, P: 021-1060456, Muntazeem Khan, Trustee/ Asst Secretary. P: 021435865, Mohammed Afiz CA, Trustee / JP& Marriage Celebrant. P: 021 800361 Activities: Dawah: Islamic Resource Centre (NZIIC), Annual Summer Camp, Weekly Stalls at local flea markets and reaching out to the National Community, Sports: Various indoor and outdoor sports for men and women, Learning: Madrasah classes for children and elders, Arabic Language, Qur'aan Tajweed, Various other courses throughout the year, Programmes: Daily Hadith Commentary, Weekly Lectures on Qur'an Tafseer and Seerah of the Prophet (PBUH), Monthly Lectures first Saturday of the Month. Social Services: Religious Guidance Marriage and Family Counselling, Youth Support, Educational advice, Justice of the Peace Services, Marriage Celebrant Services, Funeral services Madrasah Classes – Yes

Muslim Directory


Islamic Centres



Islamic Centres

Jummah Salat Times: Normal Timings: 12.35pm Day Light Saving: 1.35pm Prayer Facilities for Women - YES Masjid Donations: At taqwa Trust, 02-0191-0043002-008 – BNZ Bank Masjid E Bilal - 7 Waikaukau Road, Glen Eden Contact: Mohamad Hanif Yusuf Ravat +64 21 0396932 President: Mohammed Atik Jummah Salat Times: Yes Normal 12.45pm Daylight saving 1.45pm Prayer Facilities for women: No Madrasah Classes - Yes Donations: Contact Masjid-E-Umar - Mt Roskill 185 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill. Contacts: Ahemad Bhamji Chair person, 021786888 Br. Mohammed Moses 0274 330383 Imam: Moülana Mohammed Patel. P: 02102532786 Activities: Darse hadith every Tuesday after Maghreb in summer after isha in winter local Jaula :every Wednesday after Maghreb till after isha Bayan in winter, after asr till after Maghreb Bayan in summer, children madrasa classes boys and girls separated age 5-15 Monday to Friday From 5:00pm to 7:00pm,youth activity in weekends occasionally Madrasah Classes – Yes Jummah Salah: Normal 12:55pm Daylight saving 01:55 Prayer Facilities for Women: No Donations: Contact Br. Mohammed Moses 0274 330383 Masjid Al Noor (Avondale Islamic Centre) 122 Blockhouse Bay Rd, Avondale, Auckland. P: 09 974 2742 Haider Lone – Administrator Mobile: 027 578 6786, Email: Jummah prayer: Normal 12:50 pm,

Daylight saving 01:50pm Women facilities: yes Donations: BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS: 12-3033-0614950-00 REF : Your Full Name followed by: AICMOSQUE Contact: Aruf Khan: 021 216 9309 or Email: for a receipt. Middlemore Hospital - Prayer Room Hospital Road, Otahuhu (behind Reception at the Main Entrance) Mt Albert Islamic Centre - (Only Friday prayers) Rocket Park, New north Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland Contact: Br Muhammad Ali 098150700, M: 02111244114 Imam: Events and activities at the centre: Fridays pre Khutbah lectures & Jummah prayers for sisters and brothers, E-Magazine: Rocket Science (monthly) Jummah: yes Prayer Facilities for Women: YES Donations: Mount Albert Islamic Trust, KIWI Bank 38-9009-0739910-01 New Lynn Islamic Centre - 13 Ward Street, New Lynn. Contacts: Shamim Khan 0274876429, Haroon Hussien 0274300177, Mohammed Riyaz Khan 0211535721 5 Imam: Sheikh Abubakar Husain, 0212637861 Activities: daily Salah, Jummah, Quran tafsir held on every Wednesday and Thursday plus talim after magrib Salah daily. Gust every Monday, Sisters weekly programme every Sunday 10.30 to 12pm, Hajj programme organize 4 Sundays every year Madrasah Classes – Yes, 5 to 7 pm Monday to Friday Jummah Salah Normal 12.40pm, Daylight saving 1.40 pm Prayer Facilities for Women: YES Donations: New Lynn Islamic Trust. 123045:0614964:00:57 - ASB Bank Muslim Directory


North Shore Islamic Centre - 9b Kaimahi Drive, (off Target Rd), Glenfield, North Shore, Auckland. P: 09 - 4412493 Imam: Always in the masjid Madrasah Classes – Yes Jummah Salaat at Glenfield Leisurel Centre1.45pm (Jamat Time), next to Glenfield Mall entrance from Bentley Ave. Parking 30 Downing St, Glenfield, Normal 12.30pm – 1.30pm Daylight saving 1.30pm – 2.30p Prayer Facilities for Women: YES Donations: contact committee member Onehunga Islamic Centre - 140, Church St., Onehunga, Auckland. Contact: Br. Dr. Salim Mangera, 021-634767, Imam: Moulana Qari Ahmed - 02108199446 Activities: Mondays-Dars e Quran after Maghreb (Isha in winter) & Adult classes. Local Gust Tuesday from Asr (Maghreb in winter). Monthly program check at the centre. Madrasah Classes – Yes Jummah Salah Normal 12.40pm Daylight saving 1.40 pm Prayer Facilities for Women: YES Donations: Yes, Contact Dr. Salim Mangera, 021-634767 Ponsonby Masjid - 17 Vermont St, Ponsonby, Auckland P: 09 - 378 8200 Contact: President – Br. Liyakat Ali, Mobile: 027 369 5446, Secretary, Firoz Patel (021)222-4179, Imam Shaik Haroon P: 09 - 378 8200 Activities: General prog every Friday. Local Gust every Sat Madrasah Classes – Yes Mon-Wed 5-7pm, Sat-Sun 10am-12.30pm. Jummah salah Normal 12.40pm, Daylight saving 1.40 pm Prayer Facilities for Women: YES Donations: yes contact secretary

Papatoetoe Islamic Centre/ Counties Manukau Islamic Cultural, & Development Trust - 63 Park Ave, Papatoetoe Contact Br. Mohammed Shamim, 0272793031 Imam: Hafiz Farid Madrasah Classes – Yes Jumah: Yes Prayer Facilities for Women: NO Donations: contact committee member Pukekohe Islamic Centre - 107 Princess St, Pukekohe. Contact Br. Kaja Peer on 09 2382994 Imam: Hafiz Yousuf Activities: Every Thursday local gust and general program every 4th week. Madrasah Classes – Yes Jumaah: Yes Prayer Facilities for Women: Donations: contact committee member West Auckland Mosque, Ranui Islamic Centre - 31-33 Armada Drive, Ranui, : Ph:098339072 Contacts President Br. Muhammad Faiaz 0275900076, Secretary Br, Imran Ali 0210302429, Imam: Mufti Zubair 02108188122 Activities Monday and Wednesday – Men's Quran Classes after Isha Prayer Tuesday – Tableegh Program – after Isha Thursday – Quran Tafseer and Fiqh after Isha Prayer Friday – Women's Quran Class – 5pm to 7pm Saturday – Children's Islamiyaat Class – 10:30am to Zohr prayer Sunday – Women's Quran Tafseer and Arabic class – 10am to Zohr Monthly Program – Family night – First Saturday of every month from Maghrib to Isha Madrasah Classes – Yes Mon-Fri 5pm-7pm Jummah Salat: Normal 12:40pm.

Muslim Directory


Islamic Centres



Islamic Centres

Daylight saving 1:40pm Prayer Facilities for Women: Donations: Bank – ANZ – 115397-0185009-11 Westgate Islamic Centre - 144 Triangle Road, Massey Auckland Contact Br. M Eshaaq Ali 021614951 Imam: Activities: 5 times prayer - for more information phone Madrasah Classes - Yes Prayer Facilities for Women – YES Jummah Salat : Normal 12.40pm Daylight saving 1.40pm Donations: Contact Br. Eshaaq Ali Facilities for STUDENTS in Auckland Most of the Schools/Institutes/Universities provide prayer facilities for Muslim students, please contact the office. AUT North Shore Campus - Room AP112A Open daily 8.00 am - 5.00 pm during semesters Manukau Institute of Technology Prayer Room - *North Campus, NP101, *South Campus, Women: L301, Men:E203 Massey University - Albany Campus Auckland, Student Association Club room for Salaat/Prayer The University of Auckland - Muslim Prayer Room:(Male/Female): Situated in the basement of the Chemistry Building (301),301 B074 for Girls, B072 ( MALE ) -- Symonds Street, City Campus. Note: There are no Friday Prayers held at this facility. Unitec Mt Albert - Muslim Prayer Room – Building No 160, Gate 4, Carrington Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland HAWKE’S BAY REGION Ÿ HASTINGS (Heretaunga) Hawkes Bay Baitul Mokarram Masjid & Islamic Centre - 718 Heretaunga St East, Hastings, Contacts: Mohammed Naeem 0274057250, Saeed Ahmed 0211231171, Javlon Kadirov 0273868887

Jumah Salat Timing Normal : 12.30pm, Daylight saving 1.00pm Prayer Facilities for Women: NO Donations: Urgently needed for Imam's wages and Masjid's extension. Please contact Mohammed Naeem 0274057250 Ÿ NAPIER (Ahuriri) Napier Islamic Centre - 49 Gloucester st, Napier Email: Contacts Mohammed Naeem 0274057250, Javlon Kadirov 0273868887 Friday Salat Timing N/A Prayer Facilities for Women: NO Donations: urgently needed for a new masjid construction or purchase please contact Br. Mohammed Naeem 0274057250. Bank Account: Account # 02-0700-0091599-00 Bank of New Zealand Musallah in Napier - back of Cafe Anatolia (88 Dickens st.). Contact: Br Javlon Kadirov 0273868887 Jummah Salat Yes: Normal 12.20pm, Daylight saving : 1.20 pm. MANAWATU-WANGANUI REGION Feilding Islamic Trust - 23 Poole St, Feilding. Contacts: Mohammed Taiyab – 021313239 Donations: Bank Acc #06-0266-0169102-00 Ÿ PALMERSTON NORTH (Te Papaioea) Palmerston North Islamic Centre 81 Cook St,Palmerston North, General Enquiries: Phone: +64 (0)2196 1968 President Br Zulfiqar Haider Butt, Br Rashad Sayed +64210432140 Email: Imam: Jummah Prayers start at 12:30 pm Normal , 1.30pm Daylight saving Web: For Donations Bank Of New Zealand - Manawatu Muslims Association Inc. General Donations: BNZ Account # 02-0630-0221537-00 Muslim Directory


Imam Fund: BNZ Account # 02-0630-0221537-04 Janaza (Funeral) Project: BNZ Account #02-0630-0221537-02 Massey Islamic Center, c/o Massey Muslim Society, Massey University Palmerston North General enquiries (Dr Ibrahim) +64226473148,President (Rashad Syed) +64210432140 Open 24hours. Email:, Prayer time table - Website: For donations: ANZ - Massey Muslim Society, Account number- 06-0729-0682202-00 Ÿ TAIHAPE Ad-Deen Taihape Islamic Trust - 3 Tui St, Taihape 4720 Saifudin Abu (president) 0211912148, Events and Activities at the centres: Daily obligatory prayers. Small kitchen that can be used for preparing meals or heat ups. Prayer Facilities for Women Yes Jummah Salat Timings - Only available when Jamat and imam from other centre in Taihape. Ÿ WANGANUI (Whanganui) MASJID -E-BILAL (Islamic Association of Wanganui) - 68 Talbot Wanganui East, Wanganui River, New Zealand 5001 Contact: Shamsuddeen, P: 0212219029 Jummah Salat – Normal: 12.40p Daylight saving : 1.20p Facilities for Women – yes NORTHLAND REGION Ÿ WHANGAREI (Whangārei-terengaparaoa ) Whangarei Islamic Centre - 11C Porowini Avenue (off Maunu Road, opposite Northland Club), Whangarei (The masjid is at the rear of the property) Tel: Contacts: Imran 021516091 / Al Azad 0210690789 Notes: Please phone the contacts to get the door code Imam : Suhail Musa

Activities: Quran and Arabic classes available. Men's and ladies' study groups meet in the masjid on Saturdays after Maghrib prayer. Salat jummah starts at 1:30 p.m. all year round. Facilities for Ladies – YES Donations: Required - Currently fundraising to purchase masjid instead of renting TARANAKI REGION Ÿ HAWERA (Hāwera) Hawera Islamic Centre - 20 Turuturu Road, Hawera, Taranaki 4800. Tel: 06 - 278 8263, Contact: Br. Ashraf Ali, 027632562, Imam: Azam Khan – 021456740 Jummah salat timings: Normal is 1pm, Daylight saving : 3. 30pm. Prayer Facilities for Women: YES Donations: With a small centre like HAWERA we are always looking for donations to help in finishing the centre. Please contact Br. Ashraf Ali for more information – M: 027632562. Ÿ NEW PLYMOUTH (Ngāmotu) New Plymouth Islamic Centre 185 Smart Road, Hillsborough, New Plymouth. Website: : Email: President: Adeel Baig 0279420032 Activities Sunday Madrassah held on Sundays from 10:00am to 12:00pm Five daily prayers and Jummah prayers Jummah Salah time: Normal : 12:30pm Daylight saving : 1:30pm Prayer Facilities for Women: Yes Donations: Taranaki Savings Bank Ltd, Main Branch, Devon St East, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Muslim Association of Taranaki, 153953-0357272-00 Swift code is TSBANZ22. WAIKATO REGION Ÿ HAMILTON Jamii Mosque - (Waikato Muslim Association), 921 Heaphy Terrace, Hamilton. P: 07 - 855 0567 email: masjid phone : 07 855 0567

Muslim Directory


Islamic Centres



Islamic Centres

Contact: Secretary: Dr Hamid Mohammed,, P: 0211735149 Treasurer: Mukhtar Ali Boya,, P: 0211079296 Events and Activities: Early Childhood Education - 3-5 years of Age, Islam Awareness week, Daily quran tafsir/Hadith sessions, Counselling Services Jummah Salat : Daylight saving: khutbah starts at 1:40pm Normal: Khutbah starts at 12:40pm Prayer Facilities for Women Yes Hamilton West Islamic Centre 45 Bandon Street, Frankton. Hamilton Contact: Mohammed Hassan JP P: 0274744201 E: Imam: Abdul Kadir Saquafi Al Kamil, Khateeb/ Imam P: 07 84 77 414 , Activities 5-times salaat Jumah Salaat / Tarawih/ Eid and All religious function Children Class four days in week Every day after magrib : hadith class for men Every day after Fajar :tafseerul quran. Last Saturday each month : Ladies learning programs Weekly taleem every Monday, Jummah – Normal 12.30pm Day light saving 1.30pm Prayer Facilities for Women Yes Donations: Required for construction please contact Br. Hassan – M: 027474420 Or Imam 0220470656 University of Waikato - Hamilton Prayer room Knighton Road, Hamilton 3240 LG.0.21, L Block (Prayer Room for males) LG.0.22, L Block, (Prayer room for females) Ÿ HUNTLY Huntly Islamic centre - 9 Bridge St, Huntly (Contact Abu Nazim in AKL) P: 09-8271183

Ÿ TAUPO Taupo Islamic Centre 57 Kaimanawa Street , Taupo New Zealand 3351 For Salah Times contacts Br. Abdul Khuddus - + 64 220921657 Mohammad Zubair Ahmad +64212486786 Salāt Al-Jum`ah (Friday Prayer): Yes Ÿ TE AROHA Te Aroha Islamic Centre - 44 Rewi Street, Te Aroha E: Contact: Br. Sheraz Karim - 0274843712 Shamsul Ahmed – 0211671490 Donation: Westpac (SWIFT Code – WPACNZ2W) A/C 03-1573-0077309-00. Required for construction, please contact 0211671490 for more information. Ÿ TE KUITI Te Kuiti Islamic Centre - “Markaz-e-Jaitoon” 70 Taupiri Street (Ground Floor), Te Kuiti Contact: Shan Ali P: 07 8788333, M: 0276635000 Imam: Sheikh Abdullah – 0210345139 Activities: Daily Prayer, Local Gust Every Tuesday, Out of town Gust Every Thursday. Facilities for Women – YES for Travelers Jummah Prayers start at 1:30 pm Winter , 1.30pm Summer WELLINGTON REGION WELLINGTON (Te Whanganui-a-Tara ) Masjid Al-Ameen - 64 Kenmore Street, Wellington Jummah Adhan Time: 1.15pm Khutbah will be delivered by Sheikh Khaleed Said Lower Hutt Islamic Centre - (Hutt Valley Trust) 14 Hunter Street, Taita, Lower Hutt P: 04 - 970 2925 Contacts: Chairman, Sameer EL-Matary – hanif jr - 0211404319

Muslim Directory


Activities: the daily and Friday prayers. Weekly Islamic classes for children, youth and adults. Jummah Salah– Normal– 12.30pm, Daylight saving 1.30pm Women Facility – YES Newlands Islamic Centre - 40 Bracken Rd, Newlands. P:04 477 0290 Imam: Sh. Khaled Said P: 0211239745 E: Activities Children Islamiat Class | Every Monday & Thursday 6:30pm - 7:30pm Adult Islamiat Class | Every Sunday 6:30pm 7:30pm Mob: 021 025 45085 (Br. Zaid Al-Dabbagh) Email: Jummah Salat: Summer it 1pm first Athan, Winter – 1.35pm Facilities for Ladies - YES Donations: Al-Hijra Islamic Education Trust 03-0502-0203545-07 Upper Hutt Islamic Centre (The Wellington Islamic Trust) - 30 Tawai Street, Trentham5018 Upper Hutt Contact Person: Faizan Bakrawala0212111256 Shaymud Khan-0210796393 Activities: daily Five times and Jummah prayer, hosts local and overseas jamaat with ladies as well( Staying in local house) outgust- Wednesday and Local GustThursday Jummah time is fixed throughout the year @1:30PM first Azaan and 1:45PM Khutba (Arabic only) Woman Facilities: NO Donation: Yes (This is temporary rented premises. Trust is working on buying new premises for Islamic Centre.) Wellington Mosque 7-11 Queens Drive, Kilbirnie, P: 04 - 387 4226 Imam: Mohammed Zewada - 02102544406

Email:, Contact: Tahir Nawaz (President, Int Muslim Association of NZ ) (President), +6427 571 0929 Email: on Activities: Full masjid facilities / services, Quran/Islamiyat classes on Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, School holiday programme for children, Ladies' programmes, FIANZ Islam awareness Week launched yearly at this Centre Inter-faith dialogue, Regular dawah activities.Marriage Celeberants Jummah Salat Normal timing Athan,12.40p Daylight saving – 1.40pm Khutba 1.50pm Facilities for Ladies – YES Porirua Islamic Centre - 58-60 Waihora Crescent, Waitangirua, Porirua East. Tel: 04 - 235 6637 Imam: Moulana Shaik Abdul Jabbar 0211700850 Jummah Salat – Normal : 12.35p Daylight saving : 1.35p Activities : (1)Programs in porirua Islamic Centre Quran islaameyaat classes Wednesday tursday 5:15 to 6:45pm And Sunday 11:00am to 1:05pm. Darse quran on friday after magrab to isha. (2)Feqhe Islam class on Tuesday after isha to 30 minutes. (3)Stories of prophets peace and blessing on them, on Monday after isha to 30 minutes. Victoria University-Wellington - Muslim Prayer Rooms - 19 Kelburn Parade, Room 202A, Kirk Building, Kelburn Campus Room 404, Railway West Wing, Pipitea Campus WelTec Petone Campus - Prayer Room, Opp International Student Office, T-Bloack Student Hub, WelTec Petone Campus 11 Kensington Ave, Petone, Lower Hutt, Wellington

Muslim Directory


Islamic Centres



Muslim Association of Marlborough, C/o Marlborough Community Trust - 25 Alfred St., Blenheim. CANTERBURY REGION Contact: President Br Muhammad Zayd Ÿ CHRISTCHURCH (Ōtautahi) Muslim Association of Canterbury - Masjid Blissett Ph: 0276449793 E: Treasurer Br Arshad 0212104608 Al Noor - 101, Deans Ave, E: Riccarton, Christchurch. P: 03-348 3930. Secretary Br Sulieman Farah 03 5778599 Contacts: Mohamed Jama 021-114-8011 E: Email: Imam: Temporary Imam Br Fouad Shah Imam Gamal ph: 03 9293166 or 0273532125 More info and current activities at, Events and Activities at the centers: Kids Facilities for STUDENTS/VISITORS Arabic/Quràn recitation classes on Saturday Lincoln University: Male and female after Zuhr Salah, Maghreb Salah in Muslim prayer rooms are located in Annex A - entrance opposite the Stewart computer Congregation every Saturday. Br Muhammad Zayd Ian Blissett labs. ph: 03 5783944 is the only Muslim JP University of Canterbury-Christchurch: available in Marlborough, hence his facilities Prayer Room, Forestry Road, behind the are available to whole community and large. International Student Support Centre Br Fouad Shah is a qualified and trained University of Canterbury, Lincoln Counsellor, currently working as a Alcohol University, Hagley Community College and Other Drugs Clinician with a local Maori Christchurch Polytechnic Institute Health Service, for further information Technology (CPIT) central campus all about his services, please contact provide dedicated Muslim prayer facilities 0220604043. for both men and women. Time for Jummah Salat : Winter 12:30pm Ÿ TIMARU (Te Tihi-o-Maru) onward & Summer from 1:15pm onward at Timaru Muslim Association - 5 George Upstairs Seminar Room, Marlborough Street, Timaru, New Zealand 7910 Community Centre, 25 Alfred St, Blenheim. Email: Prayer Facilities for Women: YES President: Mr. Teddy Abdean To make Donations; Email: , Bank Name: Cooperative Bank, Blenheim, Ph: 027 2738008 NZ Branch Secretary: Ms. Hacer Tecnicalkaya, Acc Name: The Muslim Association of Marlborough Inc. Email: Acc Number: 02-1246-0270312-031 P: 02040320145 Jummah Salat time : 1.30pm all year round Swift Code: BKNZNZ22 OTAGO REGION Facilities for women = YES Ÿ DUNEDIN (Ōtepoti) DONATIONS: Timaru Muslim Association Inc, BNZ Stafford Street Branch, Timaru The Otago Muslim Association Inc - Masjid Al Huda - 21 Clyde St,, Dunedin North. Account No: 02-0888-0103263-00. Swift Ph: 03 4771838. Code: BKNZNZ22 E: MARLBOROUGH REGION Contact: Steven James Johnston - Mobile: Ÿ BLENHEIM (Wairau) +64 27 705 3980 Te Wai Pounamu, the waters of greenstone

Islamic Centres

Muslim Directory


ISLAMIC CENTRES SOUTHLAND REGION INVERCARGILL (Waihopai) Southland Muslim Association Inc. - 31 Fairview Ave, Hawthorn dale. Invercargill 9810. Info@Sma.Org.Nz Contact : Reza Abdul-Jabbar 0272404382, President: Sahizad 02102726406, Secretary: Shamir Ali 02102491844 Friday Khatib Reza Abdul-Jabbar Donations: Southland Muslim Association Inc - WESTPAC Bank Masjid AC No:03 1745 0104001 00 Janaaza Fund AC No:03 1745 0104001 01 Friday Salaat: normal1.15pm Summer1.45pm Prayer Facilities for Women: Full facilities kitchen/rest area/own ablution Ÿ

Muslim Directory


Islamic Centres

IMAM: Sheikh Asrarul Haque Obaidullah, Mobile: +64 021 104 1146 Activities: Prayers, dawah seminars, iftar gatherings, eid celebrations, sports activities Other Facilities: Sunday Islamic School, Marriage Celebrants Jummah Salat Timings Normal Timings: 1.10pm Day Light Saving: 1-10pm Prayer Facilities for Women YES Facilities for STUDENTS/VISITORS University of Otago Prayer room - Archway, rooms B16 and B17, DUNEDIN, NZ Ÿ QEENSTOWN (Tahuna) Friday Prayer Facility available – Please contact Turkish Kebabs, O'Connells Pavilion, Queenstown, P: 03 441 3424, Br Adam Br Osman in foodcourt. They will guide you to the facility.

NIKAH GUIDE The holy prophet (P.H.B.U) has said “Nikah is my way and my sunnah, those who dislike my sunnah are not connected to me”. Reference : Al- Bukhari Nikah Guide

Translation: “In the name of Allah, O’ Allah! Protect us from the evil of Satan and also protect the offspring you bless us with.” (Bukhari, Muslim) Primary Requirements of Nikah 1) Mutual agreement by the bride and the groom 2) Two adult and sane witnesses 3) Mahr (marriage-gift) to be paid by the groom to the bride either immediately (muajjal) or deferred (muakhkhar), or a combination of both Secondary Requirements of Nikah 1) Legal guardian (wakeel) representing the bride

2) Written marriage contract ("Aqd-Nikah) signed by the bride and the groom and witnesses by two adult and sane witnesses 3) Qadi (State appointed Muslim Marriage (Celebrant). An appointment with the Marriage Celebrant to be made and fill the form Notice of Intended Marriage BDM 60 (NZ Govt requirement) can be downloaded from 4) Khutba-tun-Nikah to solemnize the marriage

MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS Islamic Education and Dawah Trust – AUCKLAND Khalil Ahmed Nadat, Auckland 0226716102 Ayaaz Khan - Mob: 021399963 Sarfaraz Sher, Auckland 021 081 88122 Fiaz Khan - Mob: 021 260 9104 Maunat ul Islam - Mangere - Mohammed Khadija Patel - Mob: 0211032148 Shamim Khan, Mob: 0211748611 Khushru Master - Mob: 0211403096 Mount Roskill Islamic Trust Mohammed Afiz - Mob: 021800361 Mohammad Amir - Auckland 021 027 63017 Mohmed Patel, Auckland 021-02532786 New Zealand Muslim Association Saadik Jawan Khan - Mob: 0210702789 +64 21 741 277 Mohammed Tamiq Hussain - 027-2772786 Al Farooq Islamic Development - Otahuhu - Mohammed Hassan - Hamilton Seyed Yoosuf - Auckland 0272044358 Maulana Kalim – 021 663 842 South Auckland Muslim Association Inc Al Hikmah Trust - Auckland, Rafat Najm, 09-2766678 021-1340501 Abdul Salam - Auckland Clendon Trust - Mohammed Tasleem Gul Zaman - Auckland Rahim, Imam Masjid Ayesha Auckland, Kamal Basha - Auckland 021-1589395 Mohammed Hasan - Auckland Indonesian Muslim Society In Auckland Muhammad Hameed - Auckland Zed Assegaf, Auckland Mohammad Amir - Auckland 021 027 63017 Islamic Ahlul Bayt Foundation of New

Zealand - Ali Boorooni, Auckland 09-5771127 Muslim Directory


Nikah Guide

CHRISTCHURCH Farid Ahmed Muslim Association Of Canterbury (MAC) Muse Awale - Christchurch, 0211556147 MANAWATU Muslim Association Incorporated Mohammed Hussain, Auckland OTAGO Muslim Association Incorporated (03) 477 1838 Asrarul Obaidullah - Dunedin Steven Johnston - Dunedin WELLINGTON International Muslim Association of New Zealand Incorporated Abdul Jabbar - Porirua 021 170 0850 Khaled Said - Wellington Mohamed Zewada - Wellington 021 025 44406 Tahir Nawaz - Wellington 027 571 0929

Please contact the local Islamic Centre for more information and Marriage Celebrant in your area. See page: 48


Tips for New Muslims Are you a new Muslim who has just converted to Islam? If so, here are a few ps to try and make things a bit easier for you in your new life as a Muslim... By New Muslim Project, Auckland

Do's Ÿ




Do take things slowly. Think of learning about and prac cing Islam as a marathon and not a sprint. If you go too fast, too soon, you will likely get confused and burn out. Do maintain es with your family, and try to improve your rela onship with them, as Islam instructs us to. This is the best form of dawah to family members who may be concerned about your conversion to Islam. Do maintain a connec on with the mosque; At the beginning it may feel strange and 'foreign' in the mosque, and you may feel that people are looking at you, but this feeling will quickly go. Also, there is usually one guy that stares at everyone in the mosque, so don't worry about it that much. If you force yourself to go regularly, it will soon begin to feel less 'foreign', and more 'normal' as you get used to it. Do try a ending a number of different mosques un l you find one that suits you Do a end regular talks at the mosque Do a end regular classes at the mosque Do search out local Islamic events and talks on the Internet/Facebook Do maintain your 5 daily prayers, and make dua (supplica on) to keep your connec on with Allah Do keep reading the Quran – even if a few verses a day – to maintain your connec on with the Quran and boost your Iman (faith) Do make dua (supplica on) to Allah to keep you steady on your path and make things easy for you

Don'ts Ÿ

Don't assume that someone knows what they are talking about just because they dress in a long white robe, wear a turban, have a nice beard and 'looks religious' (same goes for sisters). Find someone you trust, and who is knowledgeable, and always use them as your reference point for inquiry/informa on; Your local imam is a good star ng point (although he may also dress in a long white robe, wear a

Muslim Directory


Tips for New Muslims turban, have a nice beard and 'looks religious' - he usually does know what he is talking about). Ÿ Don't listen to everyone about everything. Lots of people will want to tell you lots of different things about Islam when they meet you. They are only trying to help :) But this may confuse and overwhelm you with informa on. Again, remember to take things slowly. As stated above, find someone you trust – an Imam, or a knowledgeable brother/sister – and if you are confused, always go to ask them to clarify what you have been told by others. Ÿ And again, don't go too fast. As stated several mes above, take things slowly. There is a tendency to get caught up in the excitement of becoming a Muslim, and wan ng to go too fast, too soon. This will usually result in burn-out. Pace yourself, and take things one step at a me. You have your whole life to learn, and implement Islam into your life, God willing. Again, think of it as a marathon and not a sprint.

regarding New Muslims You may have seen someone declare their shahadah before. Maybe at the mosque or a dawah stall. There are o en tears of joy and hugs – but did you ever wonder what happens the day a er the shahadah? A lot of the me new Muslims lack ongoing support to help them adjust to their new life as a Muslim. Here are a few ps/do's and don'ts when it comes to helping new Muslims, and what they need…

Do's Do take their phone number and ac vely keep in contact with them – don't wait for them to text you. Ÿ Do invite them to the masjid for talks/study circles Ÿ Do invite them out to dinner with other brothers/sisters to help them create new social contact. Ÿ Do be suppor ve, and non-judgemental. Remember that new Muslims have only just started, and have o en come from a completely different mind-set to what you may be used to. Give support and advice, but don't judge. Ÿ

Don'ts Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Don't tell them they need to change their name. Don't tell them that they now have to dress in a shalwar kameez/thobe. Don't tell them that they are be er than other Muslim's because they are a convert/revert.

Muslim Directory


Tips for New Muslims Don't treat them like a celebrity/freak show and try and take photos with them at the masjid (yes this happens some mes). Ÿ Don't try to get them married off straight a er they have converted/reverted. This o en doesn't end well. Ÿ Don't overload them with informa on and rules. Remember, the Prophet (SAW) preached the Oneness of Allah and Tawhid for thirteen years before many of the laws that we live by today were revealed and introduced in Madinah. Implemen ng Islam was a slow change for the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him]). Expec ng new Muslims to strictly abide to every single rule, before they know Allah, is like pu ng Medina before Makkah. Had Allah (SWT) through the Prophet (PBUH)) tried to implement these rules before the Sahabah were ready, they would have been reluctant to change; this is a similar situa on with New Muslims today. Take it easy, take it slowly, and help build that love for Allah. Once that love for Allah is there, the rules will become easy to follow. Without knowing Allah, it will be hard to follow the rules, and new Muslims will likely burn out. We think the most important piece of advice, as stated above a few mes is to take things slow and build a solid founda on on which New Muslims can se le and remain firm. This can be done through educa on and learning the basics of Islam, as well as maintaining prayer, going to the masjid, and socialising at the mosque/study circles with other like-minded Muslims. Remember though, everyone is different, and there is no 'one size fits all approach'. These are simply a few ps, that will hopefully be of assistance inshaAllah :) Ÿ

See Local Islamic Scholars on page: 47 See Islamic Centres on page: 48 See Women Support Groups on page: 71 Ÿ Islamic Books and needs Amaano Shop, 224 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland. P: 09- 6293257 Sohana Enterprises Ltd, 32A Sta on Road, Otahuhu, Auckland. P: 09-2769789 Ummah Store, 18 Farrelly Ave, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand, (rare premises. By Appointment) P: 09 620 5759, Online Shop. W: For more information and support contact: New Muslim Project, Level 5 | 396 Queen Street | Auckland 1010. P: 09.280.1615 | 021.466.7002 Facebook:

Muslim Directory


Allah says: "Innalilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon" To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return." (Quran Surat Al Baqarah 2:156) "Every soul shall have a taste of death, then to us you will be ultimately returned." (Quran Surat Al Ankaboot 29:57) Death is a very painful and emotional time, yet one that may be filled with hope and mercy. Muslims believe that death is a departure from the life of this world, but not the end of a person's existence. Rather, eternal life is to come, and we pray for God's mercy to be with the departed, in hopes that they may find peace and happiness in the life to come. Information for Health care providers: If the patient has no family members around, please contact a Muslim Imam – For Islamic Guidance See page no: Procedure For Salat ul Janazah The following is a brief description of Salat ul Janazah: (1) The Imam should raise his hands, recite the Takbeer, and then tie his hands as in all other Salats. Those offering the Salat should follow, and then recite Sana and Surat ul Fatihah silently. (2) The Imam should say the Takbeer audibly a second time. He may or may not raise his hands while doing this. Others should follow, and then recite then invokes peace and blessings on the Prophet (pbuh). This is wajib. (3) The Imam should recite the Takbeer a third time while others should follow. Then everyone should offer dua (supplication) for the deceased person. (4) The Imam should recite Takbeer a fourth time as above. Everyone should then offer prayers for the Muslim community in general, again silently. (5) Finally, the Imam should recite Salam as in all other prayers to complete Salat ul Janazah. Salam may be offered once to the right only, or once each to the right and then to the left as in all other prayers. This would complete the Salat ul Janazah. FUNERAL SERVICES New Lynn Islamic Centre - Sheraj Ali AUCKLAND 0274844232 or 09-6271424 Al Farooq Cultural & Dvpt. Trust Centre SAMA (South Auckland Muslim Shaikh Manzoor: 021-1351907 Association) - 09-2766725, At-Taqwa - Manukau Br Ibrar Sheikh 021 240 8786, Mohammed Anwar, 0275171107, Haji Molvi Mohammed Safik 021 1333455, 09-2777175, Br Abdul Shakeel Ahmed 021 537 633, Mohammed Rafiq 021-1060456, Br Naushad Ali 021 1373885, Mohammed Afiz 021 800361 Molvi Abdul Shafeez 021 298 2851 Islamic Ahlul Bayt foundation of NZ Working together Group (WTG) - FREE Abu Murtaza (Amer Salman) Ph: 092777276 Janazah (Funeral) Service P: 022 4 JANNAH (WORK) CELL 0274813912, Sayed Taghi (0224 526624) Derhamy Ph: 09 8496672, Abdul Razak BLENHEIM / MARLBOROUGH ( Abu Mohammed ) Ph: 098184010 Muslim Association of Marlborough NZMA (New Zealand Muslim Association) - Br Muhammad Zayd Ian Blissett Sheraj Ali - 027 484 4232, ph: 03 5783944 Mohd Sahid - 0275448929, Ayub Patel – 09-3786158. NZMA has a free CHRISTCHURCH Janaaza transportation service for the area Muslim Association of Canterbury covered by NZMA – P: 0800 5262292 Mansoor Khawaja Masjid E Umar - Mt Roskill. Mohamed Jama - Phone: 0211148011 Shaikh Khalil Ahmed Nadat 0226716102 Muslim Directory


Funeral Information



FUNERAL INFORMATION DUNEDIN The Otago Muslim Association Inc Masjid Al Huda - Steven James Johnston Mobile: +64 27 705 3980

Funeral Information

HAMILTON See Waikato HAWERA Islamic Centre - Br. Ashraf Ali, 027632562 HAWKE’S BAY Baitul Mokarram Masjid & Islamic Centre Saeed Ahmed 0211231171 INVERCARGILL Southland Muslim Association: 027 311 7962 MANAWATU REGION / PALMERSTON NORTH North Islamic Centre - P: 0274 555 895 (Brother Riaz), Imtiyaz 021 523 786. Email: NAPIER Islamic Centre - Mohammed Naeem 0274057250 NEW PLYMOUTH Islamic Centre - 0800 786 000 TAURANGA Muslim Association Imam Ahmed Abdelkader 0211542470 TE KUITI Islamic Centre - Sheikh Abdullah – 210345139 WAIKATO Waikato Muslim Association - Funeral coordinator: Mohammed Akabai 0211431207 Hamilton West Islamic Centre Mohammed Hassan P: 07-8463070, Mob: 0274 744201, Mohammed Hanif 07-8434154 WELLINGTON Wellington Islamic Centre - Yakub Khan P: 04-3800 900

WHANGAREI Whangarei Islamic Centre - Br. Imran Ali P: 021 516 091 For all other area please contact your Islamic Centre SEE PAGE 48 or visit our website Voluntary Fasts Ÿ Six Days in the Month of Shawwal Ÿ Fasting the Ninth Day of Dhul-Hijjah (12th Islamic month) Ÿ Fasting the Ninth, Tenth or Tenth, Eleventh Day of the Islamic Month of Muharram (1st Islamic month) Ÿ Fasting Mondays and Thursdays Ÿ Fasting most of the month of Sha'ban (8th Islamic month) Source:

Muslim Directory


New Zealand Islamic Meat Management Limited (NZIMM) - P: 04-3852033; Khalid FakirE: AUCKLAND Afghan Association of NZ Inc. - PO Box 27 527, Mt Roskill, Auckland. P: + 64 9 281 5720 +64 22 320 8767 W: Hekmat Acting Chairperson Al-Hikmah Trust (AHT) - Bringing together students and youth in the fold of Islam in a fun way to assist young Muslims grow up with a strong Islamic faith and identity and at the same time, become useful members of the wider New Zealand society. Support and guidance for Muslim Students. Provides youth activities, chaplaincy services, spreading knowledge. Contact: Sheikh RafatNajm, P: 021 1340501 (No txt please); Web: Al-Ikhlas Trust - is an incorporated charitable trust that provides a focal point for the Muslim community in the eastern suburbs of Auckland. PO Box 51-718, Pakuranga, Auckland 2140. Web: HALAL CERTIFYING AUTHORITIES Al-Iman Foundation NZ (Iranian Muslim ALKAUTHUR - Level 4, 369 Queen Street, Association of NZ) - 7B Astley Ave, New Auckland. (09) 306 8934, E: Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Iman, W: tion represents Islam under the teachings of Contact: TaoufikElidrissi Ahlulbayt. Special services for Persian Asia Pacific Halal Services New Zealand PTY speaking brothers and sisters are available. 2011 LTD (APHNZ) - Level 2, Prime Property House, 2 Woodward Street, Wellington 6142 09-827 1919 E: P: +64 4 473 4675 Br. FeridounSalehi, P: 021 2926840; M: +64 212 376 571 Bus 09-3778090 CONTACT: Mr. Mohamud Mohamed Al Manar Islamic Trust - 72 Carr Road, Federation of Islamic Associations of New Mt Roskill, Auckland. Organises Auckland Zealand Inc. (FIANZ) - Lower Ground Floor, Eid Day, lectures, activities, library, also fundraises for various charities.Web: Wellington Islamic Centre Building, P: 09 971 7-11 Queens Drive, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 9596Shaykh Abu Anas: +64 22 016 0269 P: 04-3878023 E: Al-Mustafa Charitable trust - In western W: Auckland this centre facilitates followers of New Zealand Islamic Development Trust Ahlulbayt in Islam. 3 Drury St., New Lynn, (NZIDT) - Level 4, 369 Queen Street, Auckland. Centre P: 021 1028844; Auckland. (09) 306 8934, E: E:, W: Web: TaoufikElidrissi Mustafa-Charity-Centre

NATIONAL Ulama Council of New Zealand (UCNZ) National organisation of religious scholars in New Zealand. PO Box 57090, Owairaka, Auckland 1340. E:; Web: Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand (FIANZ) - National Body. Providing a unified voice for the New Zealand Muslim community and an internationally recognised Halal certification, Daw'ah, education, welfare and other Islamic activities. Lower Ground Floor, WellingtonIslamic Centre Building, 7-11 Queens Drive, LyallBay, Wellington. P: 04-3878023 Web: Federation of Muslim Scholars of New Zealand (FMSNZ) - is a body operating under Attaqwa Trust and has members in several cities throughout New Zealand. nz/ AotearoaMaori Muslim Association President: TeAmorangi Muhammad 'Izhaq' Kireka-Whaanga

Muslim Directory


Information Guide



Information Guide

Contact: Amir Amin Abu Hanin, P: 021 403072; Algoritmi Education Trust - To establish a school teaching the New Zealand school curriculum, Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. For more information Abdulmajeed Saddik - 0212785050, Mohamed Ragador -0221758828 see Auckland Islamic Trust - Fatwas, Madrasa and Islamic education. Contact P: 09 390 5759. Bangladesh Association New Zealand Inc. aims to bring together the Bangladeshi community living in New Zealand and keep them updated about the various services BANZI offers. +64 21 156 5709, E:​ W: Bangladesh New Zealand Friendship Society (BNZFS) - Bangladesh New Zealand Friendship Society (BNZFS) Inc. is committed to provide an advancement and assistance in prospects for Bangladeshis residing in New Zealand 1830/ Discover Islam NZ - c/- Al-Manar Trust, Mt. Roskill, Auckland. P: 09- 9744377 W: Discover Islam NZ is a social network for new Muslims. Aims to help new Muslims integrate into the community and understand how to interact in different situations. Fatima Zahra Charitable Association - is a charitable trust established for the purpose of providing various different social and cultural services. 7/59 Victoria Street, Onehunga, 1061 Auckland, New Zealand Web: Furqaan Trust - Mainly focuses on the family's wellbeing, Islamic education, cultural activities based on Islamic values, and sports for the youth. Islamic classes - 3 days a week Saturday and Sunday mornings and Monday afternoons for children as well as adults. Eid celebrations, holiday activities, and cultural and

Islamic lectures, camps for youths and others activities. 51 O'Donnell Avenue, Mount Roskill. P: 09-6295237. Contact: Hassan Shireh 021 1455113 Iqra NZ Trust - is a not-for-profit organisation set up in 2008 to publish an "Auckland for Muslims" booklet, followed by "New Zealand for Muslims" in 2009. It is now available as a freely downloadable "NZFM" app (Android and Apple). Contact Br Adam Brown Phone: 021 1163075. Indonesian Muslim Society in Auckland (Humia Trust) - The contact person is Milky Sunkar. . 021-948-642 International Centre for Children Charitable Trust (ICCCT) - is a charity working with a global network of local communities to help provide necessities of life to disadvantaged orphans. ICC accepts donations/Zakat/ Sadaqa. W: ; E: Islamic Ahlulbayt Foundation Of New Zealand - 27 Ben Lomond Cresent, Pakuranga Heights, Manukau, Auckland 2010. P: 09-5771127; E:, W: Islamic Care (Islamic Community Aid Relief Education) Halal Services and Support Meeting the Needs of our Ummah and the Communities Phone: 0224001624 Islamic Educational and Dawah Trust - charitable trust to promote Muslim religious teaching and practice, education, study, hospital facilities and the general benefit and advancement of Muslim ideals and religion. 20 Westney Road, Mangere, Auckland. Contact: Ashik Ali P: 09-2560341; Web: Muslim Council of Auckland - 4 The Enclave, Totara Heights, Manukau City 2105. Contact Br. Azeem P: 09-2692786; 021 565526. E: New Muslim Project - The Vision is to support & help new Reverts to Islam in AotearoaNZ. Office 5A2, Level 5, 396 Queen

Muslim Directory


St (entrance via Mayoral Dr), Auckland City. P: 09-2801615; SMS: 022 6279500; E: Web: New Zealand Muslim Association (NZMA) Auckland. P: 09-378 8200 NZMA has fourbranches, namely Ponsonby Masjid, Ranui Masjid, Masjid Al Noor, Avondale and North Shore cebtre. These branches have their own Management Committee to run the day to day affairs. Five times daily prayers and Juma prayer is performed at these places in addition to regular programmes for Youth, Children (Madrasa) and Ladies programs. President, Br. IkhlaqKashkari, Mobile: 021 741 277, Email: Secretary: Br. Shayaz Khan, Mobile: 027 223 7515, Email: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 59 New Zealand Milad Committee - Auckland. P0 Box 23536, Papatoetoe, Auckland. Contact Mushtaq Sheikh. P: 021 479365 New Zealand Nejashi Trust Inc. (NZNT) is a community trust founded by Muslim Ethiopians and Eritreans living in Auckland. They sublease a warehouse at 166 Stoddard Road, Mt. Roskill, Auckland. In front of Masjid Umar, Mt Roskill (beside Khyber). Project coordinator: JibrilMussa, P: 021 803134; E: Pakistan Association of New Zealand - To promote friendship and goodwill between the people of Pakistan and New Zealand Atta urRehman Qureshi, President, Mob: 021 207 0071 Pearl of the Islands Foundation - To promote dialogue and education, To improve the educational, cultural and overall social well-being of our community through its established institutions, platforms and activities, To develop social awareness through lectures, seminars, conferences, concerts, festivals, study tours, camps and humanitarian aid campaign. Phone: +64 9 551 3 33 Unit B, Level 1/404-412 Khyber Pass Rd, Newmarket 1023, New Zealand

Rasheed Memorial Dawah Trust Inc. (formed by the late Abdul Rahim Rasheed Q.S,O). It now seeks to exist as a collaborative knowledge-based organisation dedicated to contributing to its community by nurturing leaders and demonstrating Islamic principles through practical sustainable projects. P: 09-6205996; Web: SeekersHub Auckland Point - is connected to SeekersHub Global and is committed to making the best of relevant, authentic global scholarship. SeekersPoint Auckland P: +649 282 6484 e: Somali Federation Community Inc Contact: Br. Abdikadar Mohamed, President, P: 09-6204209; Mob: 021 0376834; E: South Auckland Muslim Association (SAMA) - To serve and engage Muslims by promoting and advocating social harmony in a multicultural environment. P: 09-276 6725 P O Box 22 807, Otahuhu, Auckland 1640. Email Web: Sri Lankan Society Of New Zealand Inc PO Box 27629, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1440. Email: W:, Contact: FarookKalanther 0212420593 The Muslim Volunteer Network New Zealand - is a place for volunteers to connect with Islamic Organisations and Events and Those in Need. Is a service of Islamic Community Aid Relief Education Trust (Islamic Care) For all donations, please use the following details: ISLAMIC COMMUNITY AID RELIEF EDUCATION TRUST, ASB - Bank Account Details: 12-3018-0193393-00 , Urdu Hindi Cultural Association of New Zealand - The main aim of this association is to promote the two main languages of India and Pakistan. Contact: Syed Mujeeb – 0211602135 Working Together Group - has specialized teams to deliver services, some of which are

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focused to the Muslim community and some are extended to the wider community of New Zealanders. These teams include the MediaMind Team, the MuslimCare team, Helping Hand Project, Janaza Project in addition to other teams in formation stages. For more information please contact Br. Ismail Waja - 0212129282 W: CHRISTCHURCH / OTAGO Bangladesh Club - To preserve and foster the culture, language and heritage of Bangladesh in Christchurch. 03- 3417037Postal Address: 86 Avonhead Road, Avonhead, Christchurch 8042Mr Helal Uddin, President - P: 03-341-7037, M: 027-397-4690 E: Canterbury Somali Community Association - To maintain the wellbeing and culture of the Somali community in Canterbury. 19 Bramwell Street, Christchurch, 8061. PO Box 32-131, Christchurch, 8147. Mohamed Jama, M: 021-114-8011, E: Canterbury Muslim Community Trust CMCT was founded to progress the work of the Canterbury Building Bridges Muslim Advisory Group (CBBMAG) which was established to support our local Muslim community. Contact: Rob Dewhirst, chairperson, M: 021 022 759 63 E: HajjNZ - is dedicated to providing quality services at affordable prices. HajjNZ is a registered charity (under NZ Halal Union Trust), meaning we are not interested in maximising profits from our customers and can get you the best quality services for our prices. E: P: 021 4NZHUT (021 469488); Postal: 145a Yaldhurst Road, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042,New Zealand Iraqi Community in New Zealand To promote Iraqi culture in New Zealand, to be a contact for Iraqi people in Christchurch,

to assist members to retain their Iraqi identity and to adjust to New Zealand society Postal Address: 37B Karnak Crescent, Christchurch, 8042 Dr Mohammad Jabawe, Phone: 03-342-1328, Mobile: 027-228-0154 New Zealand Halal Union Trust (NZ-Hut) A charitable trust, managed by volunteers, promoting the Qurbani (‫ )اﻷﺿﺣﯾﺔ‬practice among the Muslims in developed countries (USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand). PO Box 80051, Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. E: Web: www. P: +64-3-3389454 Otago Muslim Student Association - A club for all Muslim students on the University of Otago campus. Conducts various activities. FB: Web: clubs/club-details/123/ E: 027 226 8647 Otago Muslim Association - 21 Clyde Street, Dunedin 9016. P: 03 4771 838 Pakistani Association of Canterbury - New Zealand, A community organisation for people of Pakistani origins. 0064 22 1935, Web : United Afghan Association of Canterbury 1 Leacroft Street Bishopdale, Christchurch, New Zealand 03-359 3006 PALMERSTON NORTH Massey Muslims Society Islamic Centre, Behind the Lake, Turitea Campus, Massey University, Palmerston North 4440. Tel: 0800 MASSEY (Extn 85403)President Rashad Ahmed Syed Mobile: 021 0432 140 Email:

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WAIKATO Waikato Muslim Association (WMA) - PO Box 665, Hamilton. P: 07-8550567; E: Web: WELLINGTON Afghan Association of Wellington Inc Mohammad Ali Amiri JP P: 0210637900 Al-Hijrah Education Trust - 40 Bracken Rd, Paparangi, Wellington 6037 Web: IMAN: The International Muslim Association of New Zealand - 7-11 Queens Drive, Kilbirnie. P: 04-3874226; Web: Tahir Nawaz (President, M: +6427 571 0929 The Wellington Somali Council - supports community integration and achievement. Our vision is to establish a sustainable, caring and cohesive Somali community. W: Riddiford House, Level One, 94 Riddiford St, Newtown, Wellington 6021. Contact: E: admin@somalinz.orgP: (04) 380 2451; E: Islamic Shia Association of Wellington - PO Box 11233, Manners St Central, Wellington 6142. 021 129 7285E: Web: WHANGAREI Northland Muslim Community Youth Centre - Whangarei Islamic Centre, 11C Porowini Avenue (off Maunu Road) opposite the Northland Club. (The masjid is at the rear of the property. Do not park beside the upholstery business please.) 021516091 / 0212722989 WOMEN’S SUPPORT GROUPS / ORGANISATIONS Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand (IWCNZ) - NATIONAL BODY - supports Muslim women and women's groups in their local communities, centres and mosques. Contact: Dr.MaysoonSalama - (021) 236 9254

AUCKLAND EthNix Links & Advocacy Network (ELAN) Community Support and Development Advocacy, Intercultural & Human Rights Affairs, Ethnic Women's networking events, Injury Prevention. Contact Anne Degia-Pala QSM, 021813607, Family First Welfare Trust - Contact Anne Degia-Pala QSM, 021813607, Fatimah Foundation - is a registered Charitable Trust, providing: Social Services Support, GoldCare Services, Drug Realization, PantryPak Partnership, Convert Connect and many other services. See website for info:, 87, Station Road, OtahuhuAuckland 1640. P: 09-2767680. Mobile 0275251200 Hurun Trust - provides support for victim women and children as well as for men to build peace and harmony at home according to Islamic Guidelines. P: 09-6200969 or E: Web: Islamic Women's Council New Zealand Auckland Contact Anne Degia-Pala QSM, 021813607, New Zealand Ethnic Women's Trust (New Zealand Somali Women's Association) - is established to implement activities to support the resettlement and integration of migrant and refugees into New Zealand. P.O.Box 57168, Owairaka, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1340. Tel 09 8157373 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 81 Rasheed Memorial Trust Inc. - P O Box 131056, Onehunga, Auckland, NZ Email: Tel/Fax: + 64 9 620 5996 Umma Trust - A Charitable Trust to provide social services to refugee and migrant communities with a specific focus on the wellbeing of Muslim women and children

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who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Ferndale House, 830 New North Rd., Mt Albert, Auckland. P: 09-8150153 E: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 81 Young Muslim Women's Association (YMWA) - Young Muslim Women's Association (YMWA) is a non-profit and nonpartisan organisation committed to supporting and nurturing the Islamic identity and values of Muslimahs in the Auckland region. E: Web: CHRISTCHURCH Muslim Association of Canterbury Womens Subcommittee - 101 Deans Avenue, Christchurch. P:027 396 1311

WELLINGTON International Muslim Association of New Zealand (IMAN) - Contact: Rehanna Ali, Women's Group Coordinator: 021 623931 WAIKATO Women's Organisation of the Waikato Muslim Association (WOWMA) - Focus on our female youth, also have adult female programmes. Women's branch of the Waikato Muslim Association, contact Sr. Aliya Danzeisen, Web: yourwowma WHANGAREI Northland Muslim Community Youth Centre - Whangarei Islamic Centre, 11C Porowini Avenue Whangarei. Contact Sr. Shirley: 021 02235124

New Zealand Halal Food Guide published by Tourism New Zealand in collaboration with Kiwi Muslim Directory and FIANZ.

Muslim Directory


The everlasting values of Islam "A rider will travel from Sana'a (a city in Yemen) to Hadhramaut (a region in the southwest of the Arabian peninsula) fearing none but Allah…."(Bukhari) The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded us to maintain social solidarity and coopera on, to open our hearts to our fellow human being, and to help one another at all mes. He said, "Do not cut rela ons between each other! Do not turn your backs on each other! Do not grow hatred between each other! O Allah's servants! Become brothers!"(Muslim) The Importance of Jus ce The Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, considers jus ce to be a supreme virtue. It is a basic objec ve of Islam to the degree that it stands next in order of priority to belief in Allah's exclusive right to worship (Tawheed) and the truth of Muhammad's prophethood. Allah declares in the Quran: “Allah commands jus ce and fair dealing...” (Quran 16:90) And in another passage: “O you who believe, be upright for Allah, and (be) bearers of witness with jus ce!...” (Quran 5:8) Therefore, one may conclude that jus ce is an obliga on of Islam and injus ce is forbidden. The centrality of jus ce to the Quranic value system is displayed by the following verses: “We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the Measure in order to establish jus ce among the people…” (Quran 57:25)

The root of the word Islam, silm, refers to "making peace, being in a mutually peaceful environment. The "submi ng the self and obeying" here means "submi ng to jus ce and righteousness in order to reach peace and safety and being in a peaceful environment by one's free will." Since Islam means living in a peaceful environment that emerges as a result of submission to Allah, the Qur'an asks that all humanity should embrace silm, peace, and reminds us to avoid following Satan. As stated in the verse: “O you who believe! Come in full submission to Allah, all of you, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, for indeed he is a manifest enemy to you (Qur'an, 2:208). The purpose of Islam In order to be able to portray a fair image of Islam, we have to consider its divinely inspired purposes, which yield, as a result, a just worldly order. By applying preven ve measures to ensure security of wealth, life, mind, religion, and reproduc on, Islam aims to build a society in peace, serenity, friendship, collabora on, jus ce, and virtue. Social peace In Islam, the right to life is an absolute value, as Allah Almighty says: “He who kills a soul will be as if he had killed all humankind; and he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind” (Qur'an 5:32). When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) explained Islam's poten al to contribute to safety and peace in society, he specified one goal in his me as the following: Muslim Directory


The everlasting values of Islam emphasized love, sympathy, and kindness towards all. He also emphasized that we must show each other great apprecia on. He said, "One who is not grateful to mankind is not grateful to Allah." (Tirmidhi) Islam teaches us to open our hearts and minds to help the needy and the des tute without any dis nc on of colour, creed, race or religion. One has to rise above these biases and prejudices. Humanity is just one and one family. We are from one father and one mother. Abdullah bin Masood (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said: “ The en re humanity is Allah's family, and Allah loves him most from among this family, who benefits the family most. [Mishkawt] Islam, a Complete Way of Life Islam is not a religion in the common and distorted sense, for it does not confine its scope to one's private life. It is a complete way of life and is present in every field of human existence. Islam provides guidance for all aspects of life - individual and social, material and moral, economic and poli cal, legal and cultural, and na onal and interna onal. The Qur'an enjoins human being to embrace Islam without any reserva on and to follow Allah's guidance in all areas of life. Islam is interna onal in its outlook and approach and does not admit barriers and dis nc ons based on colour, clan, blood, or territory, as was the case before the advent of Muhammad. Unfortunately, these prejudices remain rampant in different forms even in this modern age. Islam wants to unite the en re human race under one banner. To a world torn by na onal rivalries and feuds, it presents a message of life and hope of a glorious future.

“Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away from jus ce. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness…” (Quran 5:8) Serving Humanity Serving and trea ng fellow human beings with courtesy and kindness is an essen al part of a good moral conduct. The Holy Qur'an details the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and all succeeding prophets from his son, Prophet Ishaque (AS)'s progeny. Their covenant is men oned in the glorious Quran in these words: “Remember when We took a pledge from the Children of Israel: 'Worship none but one God; be good to your parents and kinsfolk, to orphans and the poor; speak good words to all people; keep good words to all people; keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms. Then all but a few of you turned away and paid no heed.” (Quran 2: 83-84) The mission of Islamic life is to be of service and a source of comfort, and not a cause of hardship or discomfort to others. All human beings are not alike; some are well to do while others are under-privileged. Islam demands from the former to serve the la er and provide them what they need for survival. The blessings we enjoy day and night are given by Allah (SWT), and we did not earn, nor did anything special to deserve them. It is Allah's mercy for which we should be thankful and the best way to thank Him is to let u share those blessings that we have with those of us who do not have. Serving and helping others is serving Allah in the sight of Islam. If someone stretches his hand out to you to seek help, and if it returns empty, you than have refused to help Allah. To please Allah is through pleasing His bondsmen. The One in the heaven becomes kind to you if you are kind to those who inhabit the earth. The Prophet (peace be upon him)

Sheikh Muhammad Amir Muslim Directory




Information Guide

ADDICTION The Alcohol Drug Helpline - provides friendly, non-judgmental, professional help and advice. If you are concerned about drinking or drug taking we can assist with information, insight and support. Phone 0800 787 797. List of providers available on Quitline - New Zealand: Quitting smoking is hard work but you don't have to do it alone. If you are thinking about quitting, are working to become a non-smoker, or you have relapsed - you will find support information by calling 0800 778778; CHILD Barnardos New Zealand - Providing services to at-risk and disadvantaged New Zealand children and their families. Details of services and offices throughout the country. Freephone: 0800 4 BARNARDOS; Child, Youth and Family - is the statutory child protection agency in New Zealand. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, or are worried about a child or young person, you can call our freephone number anytime: Freephone: 0508 FAMILY (0508 326459); Child Helpline - Offers confidential, free telephone information, advisory and listening service.Freephone: 0800 366694; E: W: Child Safety Foundation NZ - Promoting child safety through educational programmes, advocacy, media campaigns, and partnerships. 0800 244 5372 National Office: P O Box 151134, 15 Veronica Street, New Lynn, Auckland FamilyCareNZ Children's Commissioner - The Commissioner speaks on behalf of all children and young people to ensure their rights are respected and upheld 0800 224 453 Office of Children's Commissioner: Information about children's rights. Freephone: 0800 224453;

Parent to Parent - Empowering parents, caregivers and whanau of children with disabilities, health impairments or special needs through support and provision of information. Phone: 0508 236 236 Parents of Vision Impaired - 0800 312 019 Plunket - Provides a caring, professional well child and family/whÄ nau service. Committed to providing universal access to services for all children and families regardless of ethnicity, location or ability to pay. Freephone: 0800 933922; FAMILY Family and Community Services (MSD) work with other government and non-government agencies, and communities to give families access to information and coordinated social services. Family Planning - works to promote a positive view of sexuality and to enable people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being. FPA provides sexual and reproductive health information, clinical services, education, training and research. Freephone: 0800 46365463; GENERAL Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand. Freephone: 0800 101996; Affinity Services – (Muslim Mental Health Service) 300 Great South Road (Level 1), Greenlane, Auckland. Contact Muslim Mental Health Team on (09) 531 4040. Web: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 83 Allergy New Zealand - is a national charity that provides information, education and support to improve the quality of life for the tens of thousands allergy sufferers and their families. Freephone: 0800 340800; Arthritis New Zealand - A national non-profit committed to supporting those with arthritis. Support services, education, Muslim Directory


self management programmes, lobbying, and research funding. 0800 663 463 Balance NZ - is a charitable trust that makes a difference in the lives of those affected by mental health issues with a focus on mood disorders. For support in your region visit Births, Deaths and Marriages - registers and maintains New Zealand birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change information. Freephone: 0800 225252; Brain Injury Association - Information and education for people with brain injury and their families so they can better understand the implications of the injury. Freephone: 0800 272464; Cancer Society – Support - 0800 CANCER 0800 226 237. Career Services - is New Zealand's leading provider of independent career information, advice and guidance. Freephone: 0800 222733; Charities Services NgāRātongaKaupapaAtawhai, promotes public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encourage the effective use of charitable resources. Charities Services, Level 8, 85 The Terrace, Wellington Central 6011 Freephone - 0508 CHARITIES (0508 242 748) Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) - is a voluntary organisation providing FREE, confidential information and advice to anyone about any query. Freephone: 0800 367222; Consumer Affairs - Consumer information, investigations of unsafe products, policy advice. Consumer NZ - Independent, not-for-profit organisation whose work covers a wide range of activities relating to consumer protection and product comparisons. Community Law Centre - Community legal services including legal advice, legal assistance and representation, legal information, legal education and law reform activities. Website has free legal information, fact sheets and guides. There are 25 centres throughout NZ. Visit website for contact details: Deaf Aotearoa - New Zealand: focuses on promoting awareness of, access to and advancement of New Zealand Sign Language – to help strengthen the rights of Deaf people and give them the confidence to be an active part of society. National Office P: (09) 828 3282. Visit website for locations in your region: Depression Helpline - Call to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions. Freephone 0800 111757; Diabetes New Zealand - Educates and informs people about diabetes, its treatment, prevention, and cure. Freephone: 0508 342238; Disability Resource Centre - is a not-forprofit community-focused organisation committed to meeting the needs of disabled people, older persons and their families/ whanau. 14 Erson Avenue, Royal Oak, Auckland 1061, P: (09) 625 0322 or 0800 625100; W: Elections NZ - If you are turning 18 or a permanent resident you can contact or visit the website to enroll. Electoral Enrolment Centre, Freephone: 0800 367656; Employment Relations - Basic information on laws relating to the workplace. Outlines the main rights and obligations of employers and employees. Freephone: 0800 209020; Depression Helpline - Depression is a very common but potentially serious illness. People with depression don't usually get better on their own. If you think you may be suffering from depression, phone the Depression Helpline 0800 111 757. Health and Disability Commissioner - is an independent agency set up to: Promote and protect the rights of consumers who use health and disability services. Help to resolve problems between consumers and providers of health and disability services.Improve the quality of health care and disability services. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights applies to all health and disability services in New Zealand. 0800 112 233 Health and Disability Advocacy - Advocates assist you to resolve your complaint about a

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health or disability service. An advocate assists by listening to your complaint, giving you information about your rights and options for resolution, then supporting your decision. Freephone 0800 555050; Housing NZ - provides New Zealanders with access to good quality, affordable homes. It is also the New Zealand government's main advisor on housing. Freephone: 0800 801601; i-SITE - New Zealand's official visitor information network with 90 i-SITEs nationwide. Itinerary planning and information. Bookings nationwide accommodation, transport, activities, transport. Free maps, weather and mountain safety information. Internet kiosks. Local information - events, attractions, restaurants. Please select your closest centre from website when travelling around New Zealand for tourist information. Freephone: 0800 4748369; Immigration New Zealand - Auckland residents call (09) 914 4100, Rest of New Zealand Freephone: 0508 558855; LifeLine - Free, professional, confidential telephone counselling services and professional 'face to face' counselling P 09 522 2999 (If calling from outside Auckland) 0800 543 354 - 24 hours, 365 days a year. IHC - is New Zealand's largest provider of services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. It advocates for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with an intellectual disability, and supports them to live satisfying lives in the community. 0800 442 442 Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand - Works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing. Our work seeks to influence individuals, whanau, organisations and communities to improve and sustain their mental health and reach their full potential. P: (09) 300 7010; National Heart Foundation - The Heart Foundation of New Zealand supports the community, researchers and medical professionals, reducing heart disease through education and intervention.

New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) ensures the supply of safe blood products. Contact for Blood Donations. Freephone: 0800 GIVEBLOOD (0800 448325); New Zealand Customs Service website Here you will find information about entering and leaving New Zealand, and bringing in and sending out goods – as well as ways to contact us directly if you need more help. 0800 428786 (0800 4 CUSTOMS)​; NZ Federation of Disability Information Centres - 0800 625 100 (Auckland only) Other Area - 0800 693 342 New Zealand Police - provides policing services 24 hours a day and operates from more than 400 community-based police stations throughout New Zealand. Crimestoppers - To provide information about crimes anonymously, freephone 0800 555111 (New Zealand only) NZ Transport Agency - Building a better transport system for New Zealanders. Licensing vehicle, driver licence, road and travel info, vehicle registration, etc. Freephone: 0800 822422; MEN SUPPORT Gandhi Nivas Safe House for South-Asian Men - 09 274 7823 Male Friendly New Zealand Men's & Fathers' Support Groups Directory Marhaba – Supported Accommodation for Muslim Men. P: (09) 531 4040, W: SENIOR CITIZENS & VARIOUS SUPPORT SERVICES

Age Concern - Not-for- profit dedicated to promoting the quality of life and well-being of older people. Has information and advice on elder abuse, and resources for those working with older people who are concerned about violence. Visit website for contact details for your region. Alzheimers New Zealand - support for the people affected by dementia 0800 004 001 Muslim Directory


Parkinsons NZ - A non-profit, voluntary organisation, providing support, education and information for people with Parkinsons 0800 473 4636 Red Cross - New Zealand Red Cross is part of the largest humanitarian organisation in the world, helping people wherever they might be - internationally or in our own communities. Freephone: 0800 RED CROSS (0800 733276); Safer Aotearoa Family Violence Prevention Network (SAFVPN) - SAFVPN is a network made up of member organisations and individuals who are committed to promoting wellbeing and preventing violence in the family/whanau. SAFVPN also provides information, support and learning about Family/Whanau Violence Prevention. 137 Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland. P: (09) 278 9266 Sahaayta Counselling and Social Support Primary focus remains the safety well-being of South-Asian migrant and refugee families. Provides culturally appropriate counselling services. Level 1, Unit 6, 6 Osterley Way, Manukau. P: 09 - 280 4064, Shanti Niwas Charitable Trust - Working with socially isolated senior citizens of Indian and South Asian origin living in the Auckland region. Also provides Elder Abuse and Neglect prevention services, SNEH – Emergency Home, DOSTI – Visiting Services. P: (09) 622 1010; St John - is at the frontline of medical response providing Ambulance Services throughout New Zealand. Also part of the broader landscape of health and social care, through our provision of first aid training, event medical services, medical alarms, youth programmes and a wide range of community programmes. 0800 785 646. The Asian Network Inc. (TANI) - TANI is a pan-Asian community organisation working for the betterment of Asian community's life and wellbeing. P: (09) 815 2338; SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 87 The Broadcasting Standards Authority NZ The BSA was set up to oversee the broadcasting standards regime in New Zealand. Freephone Infoline: 0800 366996;

The Ministry of Education - is the Government's lead advisor on the education system, shaping direction for education agencies and providers and contributing to the Government's goals for education. P: (04) 463 8000; W: The Ministry of Justice - delivers court and tribunal services including collection of fines and reparation, provides policy advice and negotiates Treaty of Waitangi claims on behalf of the Government. Contact details for local courts can be found at The National Poisons Centre - is a 24/7 Poisons Information Service available to all New Zealanders. Supported by the Ministry of Health and ACC, the NPC maintains a database of poisonous substances in NZ and Australia, and provides professional advice during poisoning incidents. 0800 POISON 0800 764766 The NFD (National Foundation for the Deaf) - promotes the interests of nearly half a million deaf and hearing impaired New Zealanders. It focuses on breaking down barriers for people with hearing loss. The Foundation promotes the appreciation of good sound, and encourages all New Zealanders to protect and preserve their hearing.0800 867 446 The Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (RNZFB) is the country's main provider of sight loss habilitation and rehabilitation service. Freephone: 0800 243333; Tourism New Zealand - Website features a database of tourism industry operators in New Zealand. Victim Support - is a community organisation that helps people hurt by crime and other trauma. They provide emotional and practical support, information, financial assistance, referral to other support services and advocacy for victims' rights. Free Helpline: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842846); WorkbridgeInc – A professional employment agency for people with disabilities, illness and injury, who are New Zealand Residents or holders of an open Work Permit. Workbridge also works with members of the Deaf community. P: 0508 858-858 Web:

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WOMEN ATWC' - to reconnect families/whanau and empower them to take control of their decision making so they can face the future with hope. St Mary's Family Centre 10 Beatty Street, Otahuhu, Auckland P: (09) 276 3729 W: New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation A non-government funded charitable trust promoting awareness, providing information and education. Freephone: 0800 902732; Shakti Community Council Inc. - Women in crisis can call our 24-hour, toll-free crisis line. 0800 742584 (0800 SHAKTI); Shine* - National domestic violence charity helps keep people safe from abuse. Offers helpline, training and consultancy services throughout New Zealand. Freephone: 0508 744633;

Women's Refuge - Information, advice, and support for women, children, families and whanau experiencing family violence. 0800 REFUGE 0800 733 843 Ÿ For Muslim Women Support Groups please see page: 71 YOUTH Canteen - Supporting young people aged 13 – 24 living with cancer. 0800 226 8336. Youth helpline - counselling, support and youth development services - Talking to someone helps. Call 0800 376633 or Free TXT 234 for support with bullying; YouthLaw TinoRangatiratanga Taitamariki Free community law centre for children and young people nationwide. Provides free legal services to anyone aged under 25 who are unable to access legal help elsewhere, or those acting on their behalf. Freephone: 0800 884529, W:

Muslim Directory



Social etiquette when visiting Muslim Homes in New Zealand


slam is a complete way of life. Spirituality is viewed in Islam as uniquely comprehensive. Social work knowledge and skills are socially constructed. Many Muslims in New Zealand have come from dierent countries following dierent tradi ons like Somalia, South Africa, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Germany, United Kingdom, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and so on. As the Quran clearly teaches, diversity in terms of gender, na on, colour, language, and tribe is to be valued as the signs of God: "O mankind, verily We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and have made you into na ons and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most pious" (Quran 49:13). "And one of his signs is the crea on of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues (languages) and colours; most surely there are signs in this for the learned" (Quran 30:22). Health and Social work professionals need to understand the dierent challenges that the Muslim community in New Zealand is encountering. The true Islamic values of family es, spirituality based methods of resolving social problems and community support are waning with today's contemporary life. The larger family base is shrinking and the number of nuclear families with a smaller number of children is rising. This explains that the support that Muslims used to receive from their extended family members has reduced. The grandparents and extended family are no longer available as social support leading to isola on and social problems. The fabric of love and togetherness is almost waned. When a professional plan to visit a Muslim family he or she should note basic e que es and values of Islam to break the barriers to engage in a result oriented communica on: 1. Gree ng Muslim Men or Women As you enter into any Muslim household, the gree ng Assalamu Alaikum (may peace be with you) can be used. Although it is considered acceptable in some Muslim families in New Zealand for young adults, men and women, to embrace, it is completely unacceptable in Islam. An embrace usually entails a hug or par al hug and kissing both cheeks.

Muslim Directory



Social etiquette when visiting Muslims home in New Zealand

2. Gender Interac on Islam strongly discourages mixing between in par cular unmarried men and women. Even less prac sing Muslims households, where men and women do sit together, there are s ll few rules to be adhered by default. A) No touching of the opposite sex, no ma er how innocent. B) Conversa on should either be between a group of women, a group of men, or the en re group together. Private conversa ons between an unmarried man and woman are not encouraged. C) When two members of opposite sex are in conversa on, it should be rela vely serious and businesslike. Overly cheerful speech could be misinterpreted. D) Flirta ous conversa on should be avoided. Entering the home of a Muslim family Most Muslims adhere to the e que e of removing their shoes before entering the home. They will usually reserve a place just outside the main front door or in the entry way for shoes. This is seen as both religious and cultural. Cleanliness is a crucial aspect in Muslim homes. As a ma er of courtesy, visitor should remove shoes before entering into main sea ng area of a home. Ÿ

Ÿ Offering food Muslims consume Halal Food. Halal means permissible, Alcohol and pork products are NOT permi ed (forbidden) including pork lard, ham and bacon. Vegetarian food does not always mean Halal. For example, vegetarian sushi might have rice vinegar with added Alcohol or a sweet muffin / cake might have vanilla essence with alcohol content in it.

It is a sign of respect to follow these basic rules when visit to a Muslim household. They will no ce and appreciate sensi vity and good manners shown. Ÿ

If you need to know more please contact a Islamic Scholar – See page no: 47 Prepared by Br. Muhammed Abdul Aleem Reviewed by Sheikh Mohammed Amir

Muslim Directory


Fatimah Foundation - is a registered Charitable Trust, providing: Social Services Support, GoldCare Services, Drug Realization, PantryPak Partnership, ConvertConnect and many other services. 87 Station Road, Otahuhu, Auckland. P: 09 2767680. W: Hurun Trust - provides support for victim women and children as well as for men to build peace and harmony at home according to Islamic Guidelines. P: 09 620 0969 E: Muslim Focus - Islamic therapeutic counselling services to Muslims on marriage / divorce issues, family violence, mental health & drugs addiction, youth issues, Chaplaincy and counselling. Minimum fee involved. Appointment necessary, contact: Sheikh Muhammed Shafee, Imam /Marriage Celebrant & Registered Social worker. Mobile: 021 1543712 Email: or Muslim Mental Health Service - Affinity's Muslim Mental Health Service aims to raise mental health awareness among the local Muslim community. The service has a specific focus on education by engaging people through educational workshops, networking, and mental health resource stalls at cultural events. Phone for more information 531 4040, W: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 83 New Zealand Ethnic Women's Trust (New Zealand Somali Women's Association) established to implement activities to support the resettlement and integration of migrant and refugees into New Zealand. P.O.Box 57168, Owairaka, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1340. Tel 09 8157373 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 81 Umma Trust - A Charitable Trust to provide social services to refugee and migrant communities with a specific focus on the wellbeing of Muslim women and children

who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Frendale House, 830 New North Rd., Mt Albert, Auckland. P: 09-8150153 E: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 81 Working Together Group - has specialized teams to deliver services, some of which are focused to the Muslim community and some are extended to the wider community of New Zealanders. These teams include the MediaMind Team, the MuslimCare team, Helping Hand Project, Janaza Project in addition to other teams in formation stages. W: COUNSELOR/SOCIAL WORKER Sheikh Amjad Ali - Contact: 021 624 782, 09 624 0723 (H) and 09 215 8064 - Urdu, Hindi, English Jasmine Faiza - qualified Muslim Counsellor, 021 1460285 Urdu, Hindi, English Moveena K Rasheed - Counsellor (Dip in Counselling) Contact: 021 024 72258 Urdu, Hindi, English Sr. Waseema Ahmed - 0210424113 Seyed Shafee Mohamed Yoosuf - Registered Social Worker & Muslim Religious/Cultural Advisor to DHB's & NGO's, Auckland. Mobile 021 154 3712, email:, Sr. Zoya Salim Kara – Counsellor P: (09) 280 4064 L: Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Urdu and English FREE LEGAL SERVICES Just Community - Community issues including community and family mediation, free of charge. E: W: Aarif Rasheed P: 09 282 6484 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 83 CHARITY The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Every Muslim has to give in charity." The people then asked: "(But what) if someone has nothing to give, what should he do?" The Prophet replied: "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)." The people further asked: "If he cannot find even that?" He replied: "He should help the

Muslim Directory


Social Service



Allah said : Spend (on charity)’ O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you Social Service

It was related by al-Bukhari (also by Muslim) on the authority of Abu Harayrah R.A from the Prophet SAW who said Cash donations to a registered charity for $5 or more can receive a tax credit - a third back of the donation Email: needy who appeal for help." Then the people asked: "If he cannot do (even) that?" Phone: 021 08310030 The Prophet said finally: "Then he should Kiwi Trust for Palestinian Children Relief perform good deeds and keep away from was founded in 2012 in New Zealand for the evil deeds, and that will be regarded as charitable deeds."- Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, aim to support Palestinian children and families. P: 020 4008 4921 E: Hadith 524 Bank Account: ANZ Cash donations to a registered charity for $5 bank 06-0574-0285180-00 or more can receive a tax credit - a third Umma Trust - Supporting Women and famiback of the donation lies. Frendale House, 830 New North Rd., Charity, Zakah and any form of donation can Mt Albert, Auckland. P: 09-8150153 be given at the Islamic Centres – Please ask E: your imam. For a List of Islamic Centres See page no Voice of Islam TV - Screening of Islamic Topics P: 021 990 387 is a Al Manar Trust - see website: charitable trust, needs donations for screen for online payment option Syria Relief, Ramadan Food ing. Pack, Sadaqah & Projects, Zakaat Working Together Group (WTG), FIANZ – Have various fundraising appeals OTHER CHARITIES year round – call 04-3878023 or see Humanitarian Charities Fatimah Foundation - is a registered Amnesty International Charitable Trust, Supporting Women and 0800 AMNESTY families. P: 09-2767680. Kia Ora Gaza - Hurun Trust - Supporting Women and famiNZ Red Cross - lies. Contact: (09) 620 0969 0800 RED CROSS E: ICC Charitable Trust - NZ: Have various char- OXFAM - 0800 600 700 ity options, eg: sponsor a child, etc. Contact Save the Children 0800 167 168 Br. Muhammed Ali - TEAR Fund - Jannah Road Charity Trust - Helping Our Muslim Communities In Need. Accept 0800 800 777 donations for various causes, contact more UNICEF - 0800 243 575 information. Jannah Road Op Shop. 164/E World Vision - Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041. 0800 800 776 Muslim Directory


SOCIAL SERVICES Victim Support - (04) 474 8862 Women's Refuge (04) 802 5078 Environmental and Animal Charities

Guide Dog Services - 0800 24 33 33 NZ Bird Rescue - 09) 262 2260 SPCA - Royal Sociaty for Protection Cruelty to Animals - (09) 827 6094 WWF-New Zealand 0800 4357 993 Women's Refuge (04) 802 5078 Other list of charities related to health, research, local, social services etc., on Kiwi Muslim Directory website

Don't forget to claim your tax credits on donations made

Muslim Directory


Social Service

Children, Elderly and Family Service Charities

Age Concern - 04 801 9338 Barnardos NZ - 0800 BARNARDOS ChildFund New Zealand 0800 808 822 Family First - 09 261 2426 Kidcare Foundation - +64 9 522 2333 Orphans Aid International 0800 677 426 Shanti Niwas Charitable Trust – Senior Citizens 09 6221010 Shine - against domestic violence 0508 744 633 Variety - The Children's Charity +649 520 4111


ً ً ً ‫وﻣﺳﻠﻣﺎ‬ ّ ‫ﺣﺎﻣدا‬ ّ ‫وﻣﺻﻠﯾﺎ‬ In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Important aspects after the birth of a child Birth Guide







It is Sunnah to call out the Adhaan into the right ear and Iqaamah into the left ear of the new born baby {Tirmidhi vol. 1 pg. 183, Jaame'us sagheer} It is preferable to perform Tahneek as soon as the child as delivered {Saheeh Muslim vol. 2 pg. 209} Tahneek means to chew a fresh or dry date thoroughly till it becomes very soft and then to put it into the baby's mouth. Honey may also be used. {Sharah Muslim of Imaam Nawawi pg. 208, Mirqaat-ul-Mafaateeh vol. 8 pg. 154} It is preferable to perform the Tahneeq through a praiseworthy person {Ibid} Should a praiseworthy person not be present there, then it should be taken to them for Tahneek {Ibid} It is preferable to have the child named by a praiseworthy person {Ibid} It is preferable to name the child after the names of the past Ambiyaa and virtuous people {Muslim with the Sharah of Imaam Nawawi vol. 2 pg. 206} It is permissible to name the child as soon as it is born. The child can also be named on the seventh day {Sharah Muslim vol. 2 pg. 208-209} On the seventh day the hair of the child should be removed and weighed. The value of silver equivalent to the weight of the child's hair should be given in charity. {Tirmidhi vol. 2 pg. 278} It is preferable to perform Aqeeqah for the new born child on the seventh day {Tirmidhi vol. 2 pg. 278} The method of aqeeqah is that if a boy is born, two goats or two sheep should be slaughtered. If a girl is born, one goat or one sheep should be slaughtered. If one cannot afford to slaughter two goats or two sheep for a boy he may slaughter one as well. {Tirmidhi vol. 2 pg. 278} If the Aqeeqah is not done on the seventh day, it should be done on the following seventh day, so on and so forth. The method of calculating the seventh day is that, for example the child is born on a Friday, Aqeeqah should be made on the following Thursday. It is Sunnah for a male child to be circumcised (See below Circumcision services). The child may be circumcised as per its strength, there is no age limit but it should not be delayed. If it is done while the child is young the child will endure less pain. {Raddul Muhtaar vol. 6 pg. 751 H.M Saeed}

Prepared by: [Mufti] Musayyab Sahib Auckland, New Zealand

Muslim Directory




For More Information phone a Scholar – See page: 47 For Birth Registration – see website: or Phone: 0800225252 For Collection of Baby Names – See website : For NGO Support see page: 67

CIRCUMCISION SERVICES CityMed Medical Centre - Ground Level, Quay West Building, 8 Albert St, Auckland City P: 09 377 5525 Country Medical Clinic - 76 Main Road, Kumeu P: 09 4128722 Eastmed Doctors - 188, Saint Heliers Bay Road, Saint Heliers, Auckland P: 09 585 0188 East Tamaki Healthcare - Level 1, Shop N215, Sylvia Park Shopping Centre, Mt Wellington, Auckland P: 573 1265 Fellbrook Medical Centre - 33 Fellbrook Street, Manurewa, Auckland P 09 269 0088 Fred Thomas Health Family Medical Centre 2 Fred Thomas Drive Takapuna Auckland P: 09 972 9020

Hillsborough Medical Centre - 165 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland P: 09 625 7010 Langimalie Health Centre - 1 Fleming Street Onehunga Auckland P: 0800 030 902 Langimalie Health Centre Panmure - Auckland Mt Roskill Medical & Surgical Centre (East Tamaki Health Care) - 445 Richardson Rd Mt Roskill Auckland P: 09 627 8552 New Windsor Medical Centre - 275 New Windsor Rd New Windsor Auckland. P: 09 626 7511 Onehunga Medical Practice 147 Onehunga Mall Onehunga, Auckland. P : 09 636 5119 Otahuhu Medical Centre - 463 Gt South Rd, Otahuhu, Auckland. P:(09) 276 2822 Point Chevalier Medical & Surgical Centre 1181 Great North Road Point Chevalier Auckland. P: 09 846 6244 The Doctors - New Lynn - 19 Delta Avenue New Lynn Auckland. P: 09 827 7810 Turuki Health Care - 2/32 Canning Crescent, Mangere, Auckland. P: 09 275 5788 Turuki Health Care - 62 Queens Road, Panmure, Auckland. P: 09 570 8643 Westgate Medical Centre - Westgate Shopping Centre, Fernhill Drive, Massey, Waitakere, P : 09 833 3134

Muslim Directory


Birth Guide


MUSLIM KIDS Most Islamic centres have some form of activities for children. Please contact your nearest centre. Ÿ Madrasah's for children are in all Islamic Centres. Please see the contact details of Islamic centres in your area see Page: 48 AUCKLAND STATE INTEGRATED/ CONTRIBUTING MUSLIM SCHOOLS Al Madinah School (Year 1 – 13) 8 Westney Road, Mangere, Auckland. P: 09 275 5195 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 46 Iqra Academy School (Year 1-6) (Algoritmi Education Trust) 70 Carr Road, Auckland 09 6200130 Zayed College for Girls (Year 7 – 13) 44 Westney Road, Mangere, Auckland. P: 09 255 0904 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 46 Ÿ

Muslim Kids

MADRASAH / QURAN CLASSES / ISLAMIC EDUCATION Al Noor - Madrasa - Hafiz Junaid P: 09-2781860, 0211283220 Auckland Islamic Trust Ph: 09 390 5759 Aims to provide a caring learning environment for our pupils and to provide both basic and elementary Islamic education. Current Projects: Madrasah Uthmaaneyah, Islamic Educational Classes, Adults Quraan Classes, Higher Educational Courses, Hifz Classes, Programs, Dawah, Q&A. Dar-ul Quran Auckland - is an initiative to establish a full-time Quran school & Islamic community centre for both men & women in Mangere, New Zealand. E: W Darul Uloom Auckland Trust (2009) Shaikh Amjad Ali Al-Madani, 021 62 47 86 (M). IQRA Academy - providing ISLAMIC MORAL EDUCATION to our beloved children. Quran Classes, E-learning etc., for more information see Kottaab online Egyptian Arabic School for Quran Classes - NZ Coordinator – 0220797898,

Madrasah Miftaahul Uloom Lil Banaat {The key to knowledge} - taught under the supervision of Mufti Musayyab Sahib, 541 Massey Road, Mangere, Auckland. PH: 022 103 5814 A Madrasah for females who wish to excel in Islaamic studies. TIMINGS: Monday to Friday 5 pm – 7 pm (for school going girls), 9 am – 12 pm (for older females staying at home). Special classes can be arranged for the weekend for those interested. Quran Academy NZ - is a project under AlAmeen Trust; offers opportunity for everyone to learn the Quran, Fast, Easy and Effective. nz/ Contact: Dr. Nora Amin: +64210787685 Email - Sunday school Avondale - Children/youth classes in English (Variety of Islamic themes), Venue: Avondale Islamic Centre, Blockhouse Bay Road 2.30pm - 4.00pm every Sunday. Contact Sr. Waseema Ahmed 0210424113 Sunday School North Shore – Hoda – 0212668187 Ÿ Madrasah at all Islamic Centres – See Masjid/Islamic Centre on Page: PLAYGROUPS Baitul-ilm Playgroup - set up with Muslim mothers and children in mind, based in Sandringham, Auckland. Ideal for all mums with children up to 5 years of age. Sandringham Community Centre 18-20 Kitchener Road Sandringham, 1025 Auckland, New Zealand. Tue and Thurs 10am -2pm, School Term. Fees: $2.50 per child or $4 for a 2 or more. Phone: 0211338538 Nejashi Toy Library - Offers a variety of ageappropriate toys and puzzles with English and Arabic alphabets for kids aged 0- 8 years old. Library Hours: Saturdays, 12:00pm12:45pm. For more info, please contact Br. Jibril on 021 803 134. The Ethnic Playgroup (HAWO TAAKO) - at Wesley Community Centre, 740 Sandringham Rd, Mt Roskill. Monday to Friday during term time, 12:30pm-3:30pm. P: 09-8157373 or 09 629 6280 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 81 Muslim Directory


Marhaba - helps the children of our Muslim community to learn the Arabic language and Islamic studies, by providing a broad-based educational program which allows the kids to choose from a range of activities presented in fun and interesting ways. W: HAMILTON Iqra Educare - 921 Heaphy Tce, Claudelands, Hamilton 3204. P: 07-855 0568. Email: DUNEDIN / OTAGO An-Nur Childcare Centre - 110 Melbourne St, South Dunedin, P: 03 456 1988., The Otago Muslim Association - 21 Clyde Street, Dunedin 9016 Tel: +64 (3) 477 1838

runs a Sunday school for children between the ages of 4 and 15 years. CHRISTCHURCH An-Nur Childcare Centre - 48 Springs Rd, Hornby, Christchurch P: 03-3493223; E: An-Nur Kiwi Academy - Primary & secondary education – Upcoming project. Web: Islamic Classes in Christchurch - a public display of all currently active ongoing Islamic classes in the Christchurch region by various teachers and organizations. WELLINGTON Haleema Kindergarten, 16-20 Hunter St, Lower Hutt (Next to the Islamic Centre), P: 04-5672788 Caters for 40 children (3-5 years). text at 027 200 9784.

Muslim Directory


Muslim Kids



Education Guide

State Integrated School in Islamic environment. (Islamic education and the New Zealand national curriculum) Al Madinah School - (Year 1 – 13), 8 Westney Road, Mangere, Auckland. P: 09 275 5195 E: w: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 46 Iqra Academy School - (Year 1-6), (Algoritmi Education Trust) 70 Carr Road, Auckland 09-6200130 W: Zayed College for Girls - (Year 7 – 13), 44 Westney Road, Mangere, Auckland. P: 09 255 0904 E: w: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 46 UPCOMING MUSLIM SCHOOLS An-Nur Kiwi Academy - Al-Noor Charitable Trust, 48 Spring Road, Hornby, Christchurch 8042. For more informationcontact Br. Alayan, Phone: 03-3493223 Ÿ List and details of other State schools in NZ can be found on: NORTH ISLAND Auckland University of Technology - Free Phone: 0800 288 864 Web: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 93 Massey University - P: 0800 MASSEY, Web: The University of Auckland - P: 0800 61 62 63 Web: Victoria University of Wellington - Phone: 04-472 1000 Web: Waikato University - 0800 924 528 Web: SOUTH ISLAND Otago University - P: 0800 80 80 98, Web: Dunedin School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy - Tel 64 3 479 1200 University of Canterbury - 0800 827 748, Web: Lincoln University - Phone: 0800 106 010 Web:

POLYTECHNICS / INSTITUTES NORTHLAND Northland Polytechnic - P: 0800 162 100, W: AUCKLAND Manukau Institute of Technology P: 0800 22 62 62 Web: UNITEC - Course Information Centre, P: 0800 10 95 10 Web: TeWānanga o Aotearoa - 0800 355 553 Web: WAIKATO Wakato Institute of Technology P: 0800 2 946 832 BAY OF PLENTY Bay Of Plenty Polytechnic - 0800 2677659 W: ROTORUA Waiariki Institute of Technology P: 0800 924 274 Web: www. WELLNGTON Wellington Institute of Technology P: 0800 935 832 Web: WEST COAST Tai Poutini Polytechnic - P: 0800 800 411. Web: CANTERBURY Polytechnic Institute of Technology, CPITP 0800 24 24 76, Web: Aotaki Polytechnic - Private Bag 902, Timaru 7940. P: +64-3-684 8240 or 0800 4 AORAKI (0800 426 725). OTAGO Otago Polytechnic - Private Bag 1910 Dunedin, P: +64-3-477 3014 or 0800 762 786. Email: SOUTHLAND Southern Institute of Technology 133 Tay Street, Invercargill 9840 P: 64 3 211 2699, 0800 4 0 FEES (0800 4 0 3337), E: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 91 Muslim Directory




Migrants Guide

Welcome to NZ, Nau Mai Haere Mai SETTLEMENT ADVICE & SUPPORT New Zealand Now - for your settlement information needs please visit website or phone 0508 558 855. E: This service is located at the Citizens Advice Bureau in 30 areas nationwide. Call 0800 FOR CAB (0800 367 222) or CAB Language Connect - is free, independent and confidential. Phone 0800 788 877 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 103 Language Line - Language Line is available from Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm and Saturday 9am - 2pm 0800 656 656 E: Website: AUCKLAND Auckland Regional Migrant Services - Three Kings Plaza, 532 Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings Auckland, 1042 . P: 09 625 2440 Web: Auckland Refugee Community Coalition (ARCC) - 773 New North Road, Mt Albert Auckland, New Zealand Tel: + 64 9 846 0110, Mob: + 64 21 1179 648, Email: W: e; Auckland Refugee Council - P: [00] 649378-7434, E: → W: Refugees as Survivors New Zealand - Phone (09) 270 0870,Free phone: 0800 4 RASNZ (472 769) Email W: Christchurch Resettlement Services - Level 1, 283 Lincoln Road, Addington, Christchurch, (03) 335 0311 Email Marlborough Migrant Centre - 21 Henry Street Blenheim 7201, P: 03 579 6410contact manager M: 022 657 9018 W:

Nelson Multicultural Council,4 → 2 Bridge Street Nelson, 7010 Phone: 03 539 0030, Email: Newcomers Networks - is a network of groups throughout New Zealand welcoming newcomers. Anyone can join. Nationwide. Email New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils - The Federation's primary role is to promote, support and share information among the Regional Councils and New Zealand's Ethnic Communities. Email: Website: (04) 916 9177 Red Cross - refugee resettlement services – (Auckland, Lower Hutt, Manawatu/Whanganui, Nelson, Porirua, Upper Hutt, Waikato, Wellington City) – 080073327677 Waikato Migrant Resource Centre 46G Boundary Road, Hamilton Phone 07 853 2192 Email: Website: WELINGTON ChangeMakers Refugee Forum (Wellington) - Level 3, 39 Webb St, Wellington. P: 04 801 5812 E: Website: Refugee Trauma Recovery - Level 6, 186 Willis Street, TeAro, Wellington, P 04-8050350 E: W: KNOW YOUR CITY City Councils Auckland City Council: (09) 301 0101, W: Christchurch:(03) 941 8999 , W: Dunedin: 03 477 4000 W: Hamilton: 07 838 6699, W; Wellington: 04 499 4444 W: Muslim Directory




Migrants Guide

For other cities please see the Local Government NZ website: SOCIAL SERVICES Ÿ See Kiwi Muslim Directory Page: 85 EMERGENCY SERVICES Police, Fire, Ambulance – 111 Civil Defence - The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management leads the way in making New Zealand and its communities resilient to hazards and disasters. The website has details and contacts of local civil defence groups. Human Rights Commission - Works for a fair, safe and just society, where diversity is valued and human rights are respected. Freephone Info line: 0800 496877; SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 83 HEALTH Healthline - is a free telephone health information service for all the family. The service is staffed by registered nurses who will assess your health needs. Freephone: 0800 611116 for free 24-hour health advice; Plunket line – child health and parenting. 0800 933 922 Doctors and Health Care providers – See FINANCE SERVCES Banks: Ÿ ANZ : 0800 269 296 Ÿ ASB : 0800 803 804 Ÿ BNZ : 0800 275 269 Ÿ Kiwi bank 0800 11 33 55 Ÿ Westpac 0800 400 600 Community Services Card - The Community Services Card can help you and your family with the costs of health care. You'll pay less on some health services and prescriptions. Free phone on 0800 999 999 with any questions and How to Apply. SuperGold Card - is a discounts and concessions card issued free to all eligible older persons. Free phone: 0800 254 565. SAVING FOR RETIREMENT KiwiSaver Information - /kiwisaver or call 0800 549 472

AmanahKiwisaver & Investments – Sharia compliant investment group, 0508 AMANAH (262624) SEE OUR AD ON BACK COVER TAX Inland Revenue - The New Zealand Inland Revenue website provides information and services related to taxes and specific social policy services we administer. Freephone: 0800 227774; Taxation (IRD): Applying for IRD no, Working for Families, Tax refund, etc. more info on website: or call 0800 227 774 Working for Families Tax Credits 0800 227 773 WELFARE SERVICES Work and Income - provides financial assistance and employment services throughout New Zealand. 0800 559009; General Inquiries – Multilingual - Arabic 0800 668 008 - Cantonese 0800 664 004 Farsi 0800 996 006 - Hindi 0800 993 003 Khmer 0800 994 004 - Mandarin 0800 661 001 - Maori 0800 662 002 - Punjabi 0800 995 005 - Samoan 0800 663 003 - Somali 0800 997 007 - Tongan 0800 669 009. Service Express - 0800 333 030 - An automated service where you can get details about your benefit(s) quickly. Working for Families - 0800 774 004 - NZ Superannuation 0800 552 002 - Residential Care Subsidy 0800 999 727 - Residential Support Subsidy 0800 999 779 - War Pensions 0800 553 003 - Student Finance/Study Link 0800 889 900 - Overseas Entitlements/International Services - UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Republic of Ireland 0800 771 001 - Australia 0800 777 227 - All other countries 0800 777 117 TRANSPORT The official New Zealand road code - is a user-friendly guide to New Zealand's traffic law and safe driving practices. You will be tested on this information in your theory and practical driving tests. http://www.nzta The New Zealand Automobile Association Inc. - 0800 500 44424-hour AA Roadservice: 0800 500 222 Mobile: *222 Muslim Directory




Migrants Guide

The NZ Transport Agency - creates transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand. Driver licensing: 0800 822 422, EDUCATION/QUALIFICATION Childcare Barnardos: 0800 227 627 Jemmas 0800-536627 New Zealand Kindergartens Inc. - P: 04 4710775 Ÿ Madarsa: See page no: Ministry of Education - 0800 225 Ÿ Also see Kiwi Muslim Directory for Schools and Universities on Page: NZQA - administers the National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEAs) for secondary school students and is responsible for the quality assurance of non-university tertiary training providers. 0800 697 296, W: English Language Partners - Working in partnership with refugees and migrants. Have centres all over New Zealand. Visit website to locate the centre near you. P: 04 471 2382 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 95 Literacy Aotearoa - is established to develop, promote and deliver accessible high quality literacy services designed to ensure the peoples of Aotearoa are critically literate and able to realise their full social, cultural and economic potential. 0800 678910 DynaSpeak - is a leading school of English within TeWānanga o Aotearoa, one of New Zealand's largest tertiary institutions and part of the New Zealand government's state education system.Level 3, 3055 Great North Road, New Lynn, Waitakere. P: 0800 355344. E: W: SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 95 EMPLOYMENT Careers New Zealand - is the government agency responsible for leading the career development of all New Zealanders. Helps for decisions about work and learning in New Zealand. 0800 222 733,

NEW to New Zealand Trade Me Jobs - Student Job Search - HOUSING, POWER & CONNECTIVITY Building and Housing Group - Tenancy Advice: For tenancy advice, bond and information: Call 0800 TENANCY (0800 83 62 62) Housing New Zealand - Trade Me Property - Power Ÿ Contact Energy 0800 809 000 Ÿ Electric Kiwi Ÿ Energy Direct NZ0800 567 777 Ÿ Energy Online 0800 089 089 Ÿ Flick Electric Co. 0800 235 425 Ÿ Genesis Energy 0800 300 400 Ÿ Giving Energy Ÿ GLOBUG 0800 723 729 Ÿ King Country Energy 0800 523 637 Ÿ megaENEGY 0800 634 283 Ÿ Mercury Energy 0800 101 810 Ÿ Meridian Energy 0800 496 496 Ÿ Nova Energy 0800 668 236 Ÿ Opunake Hydro 06 928 3501 Ÿ Payless Energy 03 669 0126 Ÿ Powershop 0800 1000 60 Ÿ Pulse Energy 0800 785 733 Ÿ Tiny Mighty Power Te Awamutu: (07) 870 3490 Cambridge: (07) 823 2590 Ÿ Trustpower 0800 878 787 TELECOMMUNICATION Fixed line, broadband and mobile phone Ÿ Spark - 0800 800 123 Ÿ Vodafone - 0800 800 021 Ÿ 2 Degrees - 0800 022 022 Ÿ Skinny - 0800 4754669 Ÿ Slingshot - 0800 892 000 Muslim Directory



Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Zakah or alms can be defined as that portion of a person’s wealth which is designated for the poor. The term is derived from the Arabic verbal root meaning “to increase”, “to purify”, and “to bless”. It finds its origin in Allah’s command: “Take Sadaqah (charity) from their property in order to purify and sanctify them” (Quran 9:103). That is why this kind of Sadaqah is called Zakah, for by paying it one is aspiring to attain blessing, purification, and the cultivation of good deeds.The rate of Zakah which is fixed by Rasulullah SAW is two and a half percent (2.5%) of one’s capital (1/40).

Who can take Zakah ?

• Those in debt • In the way of Allah • The destitute traveller

The revenues of charity may also be offered to certain institutions like welfare hospitals and schools and to orphanages etc. Institutions like these are established for the welfare of the poor.

Whether the revenues of charity should be spent on all those who deserve it, scholars of Fiqh explain that a donor should not necessarily contribute indiscriminately, he may choose only one and contribute to it. The person in charge, however, has to give priority to socially more urgent cases, and then to less urgent ones.

When is Zakah Paid? Your Zakãh year starts on the date the wealth is equal or exceed the Nisãb. Zakãh is then payable after one lunar year has passed and every year thereafter on that date.

Where should Zakah be distributed ?

It is preferred to give Zakãh locally if deserving recipients exist It can also be distributed to the Muslims who are in poverty worldwide.

Why Zakah ? Islam encourages employment, entrepreneurial activity, trade and the equitable distribution of wealth. In order for commerce to benefit society, Islam imposes several obligations on those involved in wealth creation. Amongst these is the obligation of Zakãh, the third of five pillars of Islam.

Why Zakah ?

Zakatable Assets Zakah is generally imposed on: •Gold and silver, in any form; not on other metals •Financial assets such as cash, banknotes and stocks •Merchandise for business •Livestock •Income derived from rental business MINUS PERSONAL LIABILITIES BUSINESS LIABILITIES.

Nisab is the term used for the threshold at which Zakah becomes obligatory. The Nisab of gold is 20 Mithqal, (7.5 Tolas or 87.48 grams or 3.086 Ounce or 2.8125Troy Oz), The Nisab of silver is 200 Dirhams, (52,5Tolas or 612 grams or 21.635 Ounces or 19.6875 Troy Oz of pure silver). The Nisab of other kinds of monies and currencies is to be scaled to that of gold and silver, e.g. 87.48 grams of pure gold, or to that of silver, e.g. 612 grams of pure silver. The rate of Zakah which is fixed by Rasulullah SAW is two and a half percent (2.5%) of one’s capital (1/40)

Muslim Directory


Zakah Guide

What is Zakah ?


Tourist Guide

NORTH ISLAND AUCKLAND Mission Bay / St Joseph Reserve - Tamaki DrvNear Patterson Ave – Beach, Walks. Located alongside Tamaki Drive. The area also has a wide range of eateries – some halal Mt Eden – Climb over the volcano and see 360 degree of Auckland. Art Galleries - Corner Kitchener and Wellesley Streetsnext to Albert Park Parnell Rose Gardens, 85 Gladstone Rd, Parnell Auckland Domain - Established City Park containing museums, memorials & the entire blast crater of Pukekawa volcano. Botanical Garden (Manurewa) - 102 Hill Road, Waiheke Island (Free) - is in the Hauraki Gulf - Take a ferry (Paid) Devonport - (Devonport Beach, Cheltenham Beach, Torpedo Bay, Mt Cambria Reserve) One Tree Hill - One Tree Hill & Cornwall Park Wynyard Quarter - Auckland's waterfront Ambury Regional Park - 43 Ambury Road, Mangere Bridge, Auckland: The farm park habitat for shorebirds. Great outing for kids and families Anawhata - Waitakere Ranges. Anawhata is a beach on the coast of New Zealand west of Auckland. Can only be reached by foot.

Arataki Visitor Centre - 300 Scenic Dr, Oratia, Waitaker. Gateway to the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park. Atiu Creek - farm in Tapora - Great views of the Kaipara Harbour Awhitu Regional Park - Brook Road, Waiuku – Beach/Regional Park Cascade Kauri Regional Park - Lake Wainamu and Fairy Falls are located in the northern part of the Waitakere Cornwallis Regional Park - for family picnics and swimming. Duder Regional Park - 889 North Rd, Whitford, Howick Hamlins Hill Mutukaroa - Penrose, Auckland. Amazing views, bush walks Huia - tidal beaches, picnic spots, campsites and choice of walks. Hunua Ranges - Falls Road, Hunua - Good hiking paths, scenic views, water fall. Great place for picnic. Karekare Regional Park - Beach Valley Rd, Piha.Great location to walk around with some amazing views. Spectacular beaches and wilderness areas Long Bay Regional Park - Beach Road, Long Bay, Auckland. Great Kids Play ground, lots of areas to relax. Beach to enjoy. Mt Victoria - 4A Albert Rd, Devonport Mahurangi Regional Park - Mahurangi West Muriwai Regional Park - 458 Motutara Muslim Directory


Road, Muriwai Beach - Great place to see wildlife (gannets). Great viewing platforms and black sand surf beach Omana Regional Park - Maraetai, Auckland. Great place for family picnics and walks Pakiri Regional Park - 63 M Greenwood Road, Pakiri Piha - Waitakere ranges popular spot for swimmers and surfers. Scandrett Regional Park - Mahurangi East Shakespear Regional Park - 1468 Whangaparaoa Road, Army Bay Tapapakanga Regional Park - 95 Deerys Road, Orere Point ( offOrereMatingarati Road) Tawharanui Regional Park - 1181 Takutu Road, Tawharanui - white sand beaches Tawhitokino Regional Park - 265 Kawakawa Bay Coast Road, Clevedon Te Arai Regional Park - Te Arai Road, Te Arai Point TeHenga - Bethells Regional Park, the Waitakere Ranges - Beach Te Rau Puriri Regional Park - 2911 South Head Road, South Head Waharau Regional Park - 1748 East Coast Road, Whakatiwai - near Hunua Ranges great picnic spots, walks Waitakere Ranges Waitawa Regional Park, 1168 Clevedon Kawakawa Road, Clevedon Wenderholm Regional Park - 37 Schischka Road, Waiwera – Beach, Park Whakanewha Regional Park - 75 Gordons Road, Waiheke Island - beach Whakatiwai Regional Park - 1377 East Coast Road, Whakatiwai Whatipu Regional Park COROMANDEL REGION Antiques Capital, Paeroa - The antiques capital of New Zealand. Karangahake Gorge Historic Walkway - The Karangahake Gorge famous walkway follows the old Paeroa to Waihi railway line. L&P Bottle – iconic Waikawau Beach - Waikawau Beach Rd, Waikawau

HAWERA Tawhiti Museum - 401 Ohangai Rd, Hawera - It is a spectacular museum, the museum makes you aware of the different aspects of New Zealand history. Hawera Water Tower - 105-111 Albion St, Hawera - information at I Site KERIKERI Matakana Chocolate Factory - 6 Mill Ln, Warkworth 0941 The Stone Store & Kemp House - Kerikeri Mission (Oldest Stone House in NZ) - 246 Kerikeri Rd, Kerikeri Oranges - (during season) Rainbow Falls - Rainbow Falls Rd &Waipapa Rd, Kerikeri NEW PLYMOUTH Brooklands Zoo - 30 Brooklands Park Drive, New Plymouth Pukekura Park - Fillis St, New Plymouth Park is in the centre of New Plymouth PALMERSTON NORTH New Zealand Rugby Museum - 326 Main St, Palmerston North Palmerston North Clock Tower PAIHIA Treaty of Waitangi Grounds - 1 Tau Henare Dr, Waitangi Haruru Falls - Waitangi River, Paihia Paihia Harbour and water front walk Paihia harbour, Bay of Islands, Paihia ROTORUA Rose Garden &Rotorua Museum Government Gardens, Queens Dr, Rotorua 3046 Lake Front Walk - Lakefront Dr, Ohinemutu, Rotorua 3010 Kuirau Park (Thermal Park) - Pukuatua Street &Ranolf Street, Rotorua 3010 Blue And Green Lakes - 723 TaraweraRd, Rotorua TAUPO Huka Falls - Taupo Lake Lake Garden

Muslim Directory


Tourist Guide


TOURIST GUIDE City walk For more information visit Taupoi-SITE, 30 Tongariro St (the main street in Taupo's town centre) TAURANGA McLaren Falls Park - McLaren Falls Road Tauranga Art Gallery - 108 Willow St, Tauranga

Christchurch Central - Christchurch New Brighton Pier - Brighton Mall Sumner - (Beach) Akaroa Harbour Lyttleton Container City - 114 Cashel Street, Christchurch Christchurch Botanic Gardens - 6 Rolleston Ave, Christchurch - The botanic gardens are TEKUITI a beautiful and relaxing. Kiritehere Beach DUNEDIN Otorohanga 'Kiwiana Town' - 27 Turongo St, Worlds Steepest Street (Baldwin St) Otorohanga Baldwin St TE AROHA Botanical Garden - 12 Opoho Rd, North Mokena Geyser - Te Aroha Domain, Te Dunedin Aroha Historic Building (Train station precinct) WAIKATO REGION Dunedin Peninsula Hamilton Gardens - 18 uniquely Gardens QUEENSTOWN Cobham Drive Hamilton Lake Wakatipu walk Lake Rotoroa – Lake Domain Drive, City walk Hamilton Coronet Peak - (Snow Mountain) Hot water beach - Ocean Beach, Ocean Beach Road, Kawhia AJ Hackett Bungy Jump - (free to viewers) inside the 'Station Building', Corner of Raglan - Beach Shotover& Camp Streets Queenstown WELLINGTON Mrs Jones Fruit stall - (Cromwell) Botanical garden & Rose Garden (the best) GREYMOUTH - 101 Glenmore, Wellington Punakaiki Pancake Rock - Punakaiki Water Front walk (behind Te Papa Shanty Town - 316 Rutherglen Rd, Museum) - 55 Cable St, Wellington Rutherglen, Greymouth Mt Victoria - Wellington FOX GLACIER Lyell Bay Drive Glacier Government Building Tour - (Free) Lake Matheson WHANGAREI Blue Pools / Roaring Falls / Bruce Bay (SH6) The Basin - (in town) TIMARU MT Parihaka Caroline Bay - Timaru Port, Timaru – Beach, Whangarei Falls - 6 Ngunguru Rd, Tikipunga, playground, Skate Park, Walks Whangarei Te Ana Maori Rock Art - 2 George St, Timaru Abbey Caves - 208 Abbey Caves Rd Central, Timaru - Art Galleries, Shopping, Museum SOUTH ISLAND TRAVEL & HALAL TOUR AGENTS BLENHEIM Alison Tours - 0204515253 Pollard Park - Mayfield, Blenheim - peaceful Halal Tour NZ Ltd - Auckland, Phone: +64 9 parks, great for children. Nice walk paths 282 3773 CHRISTCHURCH MK Tours NZ Ltd - Unit 14/203, Kirkbride Hagley Park - 14 Riccarton Avenue, Ÿ

Tourist Guide

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Road. Mangere. P: 09 275 0007 Ikhlas Tours Ltd. - 77 Gifford Avenue, Mt Roskill, Auckland 021 20 91079 Silva Travels - 689, Sandringham Road Extn., Sandringham, Auckland. P: 09-6206201 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE: 44 Ÿ For Currency Exchange and Banks see Page: 96 Ÿ For Emergency Services See Page: 129 Ÿ For Vehicle Breakdown services See Page: 96 Ÿ For Food on the go see Halal Food Guide on page: 13

For more free and paid attractions see: Tourism NZ - Maori Tourism - i-site - Emergency Contacts Ambulance: 111 (Select Ambulance )or Your Local Ambulance no : __________________ Fire: 111 (Select Fire) or Your Local Fire no: __________________ Police: 111 (Select Police) or Your Local Station no: __________________ Your Doctor: __________________ Accident & Medical 24hrs: 520 9555 Healthline: 0800 611 661 Medical Alarms: 0800 502 323 Plunket: 0800 933 922 Poison Help Line: 0800 764 766 Citizens Advice Bureau -0800 FOR CAB (0800 367 222) Funeral Information - See Pg 65 Ethnic Affairs Language Line - 0800 656 656 Civil Defence: Auckland Regional Council - 09-3662000 Wellington Regional Council - 04-2845708 Environment Canterbury Regional Council 03-3662359 Environment Waikato Regional Council 0800 800401 Immigration NZ: 0508 558855, Auckland; 09-9144100 Inland Revenue: 0800 227774 Work and Income NZ - 0800 559009 School/Uni Contact: __________________

Muslim Directory


Tourist Tourist Guide Guide



QUIZ 8th Edition : Duas in the Quran!


Congratulations to the last years Quiz winner, Momin Asim Student of Ar Rahman Youth Classes, Avondale Islamic Centre, Auckland

Allah Subhanahu Wataala quotes many beautiful and useful duas in the Quran as examples for us of how people turned to Allah in all different circumstances. We should also learn these duas, said in Allah's perfect words in the Quran, and call upon Allah with them 1. Allah Ta'ala quotes the following dua. Who does Allah say made the dua? Rabbanaa zalamnaaa anfusanaa wa illam taghfir lanaa wa tarhamnaa lanakoonanna minal khaasireen “Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers." (Al-Quran 7:23) A. Prophet Adam & Hawwa C. Prophet Musa & his people B. Prophet Musa & Prophet Harun D. Prophet Yusuf’s Brothers 2. Who made the following dua as they were being tortured by Firown? Rabbibni lee 'indaka baitan fil jannati wa najjinee "My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise…” (Al-Quran 66:11) A. His adopted son, Prophet Musa B. His wife, Asiya

C. The sorcerers when they declared that they believed in the Lord of Musa and Harun. D. Prophet Harun, Prophet Musa's brother

3. Which Prophet made the following dua and why? Annee massaniyad durru wa Anta arhamur raahimeen "Verily, distress/hardship/adversity has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy." (Al-Quran 21:83) A. Prophet Musa because Firown was after him C. Prophet Ayyub because he was extremely ill B. Prophet Ibrahim because he was in the fire D. Prophet Yusuf because he was thrown into a well by his brothers 4. Which Prophet made this dua? Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer "My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!" (Al-Quran 28:24) A. Prophet Yusuf B. Prophet Isa C. Prophet Musa D. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) 5. Can you figure out which Prophet, blessed with Allah's bounty and favours, said this dua: Rabbi awzi'nee an ashkura ni'mata kal lateee an'amta 'alaiya wa 'alaa waalidaiya wa an a'mala saalihan tardaahu wa adkhilnee birahmatika fee 'ibaadikas saaliheen “My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants.” (Al-Quran 27:19) A. Prophet Yaqoob B. Prophet Sulaiman

C. Prophet Ibrahim D. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Muslim Directory



QUIZ 8th Edition : Duas in the Quran!

6. This Prophet went through a tough life, but never gave up hope and belief in Allah. In the Quran, Allah described his story as the best of stories. Which Prophet was this? His dua is quoted in the Quran: Faati ras samaawaati wal ardi Anta waliyyee fid dunyaa wal Aakhirati tawaffanee muslimanw wa alhiqnee bissaaliheen “The (only) Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter, Guardian, etc.) in this world and in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one submitting to Your Will), and join me with the righteous." (Al-Quran 12:101) ............................................................................. 7. Which group of people made the following dua? Rabbanaaa aatinaa mil ladunka rahmatanw wa haiyi' lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa “Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!" (Al-Quran 18:10)


A. The people of the cave B. The sorcerers when they became believers C. Prophet Isa and his disciples D. Prophet Musa, Prophet Haroon and the Israelites 8. Who made this dua quoted in the Quran, and for whom was it made? Wa innee u'eezuhaa bika wa zurriyyatahaa minash Shaitaanir Rajeem I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and for her offspring from Shaitan (Satan), the outcast (Al-Quran 3:36) A. Prophet Muhammad for his daughter Fatima (R.A) B. Hanah (A.S) for her daughter Maryam (A.S) C. Hawwa (A.S) for her daughter, the first female to be born on Earth D. Prophet Ibrahim for his wife Saara

9. Which Prophet made this dua for help against his people when they proved completely stubborn and oppressive and unjust and simply refused to believe? Rabbanaf tah bainanaa wa baina qawminaa bilhaqqi wa Anta khairul faatiheen “Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, for You are the Best of those who give judgment." (Al-Quran 7:89) A. Prophet Lut against his people B. Prophet Muhammad against the Quraish

C. Prophet Yunus against the people of Nineveh D. Prophet Shuaib against the people of Madyan

10. Who made this famous dua that we recite often? Rabbanagh fir lee wa liwaalidaiya wa lilmu'mineena Yawma yaqoomul hisaab “Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established." (Al-Quran 14:41) A. Maryam (A.S) B. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)


C. Prophet Isma'il D. Prophet Ibrahim Submit your answers by 30th April 2017 to to win a prize. Your Name, Age, Madrasa and Address

Muslim Directory


Gregorian / Hijri Calendar for 2017 January 2017

February 2017

March 2017

Rabi Al-Thani - Jumada Al-Awwal 1438 H

Jumada Al-Awwal - Jumada Al-Akhir 1438 H

Jumada Al-Akhir - Rajab 1438 H



Calendar 2017



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June 2017











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Ramadan - Shawwal 1438 H

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July 2017

August 2017

September 2017

Shawwal - Thul-Qedah 1438 H

Thul-Qedah - Thul-Hijjah 1438 H

Thul-Hijjah 1438 H - Muharram 1439 H

S M T W T 6










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F 1


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October 2017

November 2017

December 2017

Muharram - Safar 1439 H

Safar - Rabi Al-Awwal 1439 H

Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1439 H

S M T W T 1









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May 2017




F 3


Shaban - Ramadan 1438 H


S 1


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April 2017


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F 3


Rajab - Shaban 1438 H



S M T W T 1









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Muslim Directory



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Muslim Directory

















































































Note : 1. Fajar Salah can be prayed 5 minutes after imsaak 2. This time are indicative only, for exact timing please collect a ramadhan timetable from your islamic center















































































































































Dunedin IMSAAK




























































Hamilton IMSAAK




























































Queenstown IMSAAK




























































Wellingtonn IMSAAK

Prayer Time Table

Dua for breaking the fast Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ‘ala rizq-ika aftarthu

Dua for keeping the fast wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan































Christchurch IMSAAK

Ramadhan Calendar 2017 / 1438 Hijri

Latitude = 36° 51' S, Longitude = 174° 45' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

AUCKLAND Prayer Times



Prayer Time Table





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4:14 4:15 4:16 4:17 4:18 4:19 4:20 4:21 4:23 4:24 4:25 4:27 4:28 4:29 4:31 4:32 4:33 4:35 4:36 4:38 4:39 4:41 4:42 4:44 4:45 4:47 4:48 4:50 4:51 4:53 4:55

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1:24 1:25 1:25 1:26 1:26 1:27 1:27 1:27 1:28 1:28 1:29 1:29 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:31 1:31 1:31 1:32 1:32 1:32 1:32 1:33 1:33 1:33 1:33 1:34 1:34 1:34 1:34 1:34





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5:35 5:37 5:38 5:39 5:40 5:41 5:43 5:44 5:45 5:46 5:47 5:48 5:49 5:50 5:51 5:52 5:53 5:55 5:56 5:57 5:58 5:59 5:59 6:00 6:01 6:02 6:03 6:04 6:05 6:06 6:07

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1:34 1:33 1:33 1:33 1:33 1:32 1:32 1:32 1:32 1:31 1:31 1:31 1:31 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:29 1:29 1:29 1:28 1:28 1:28 1:28 1:27 1:27 1:27 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:25

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:16 5:16 5:17 5:17 5:18 5:18 5:18 5:19 5:19 5:19 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:23 5:23 5:23 5:23 5:23 5:23 5:23 5:23

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10:35 10:34 10:34 10:34 10:34 10:33 10:33 10:33 10:33 10:32 10:32 10:31 10:30 10:30 10:29 10:28 10:28 10:27 10:26 10:25 10:24 10:23 10:22 10:21 10:20 10:19 10:18 10:17 10:16 10:15 10:13

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4:56 4:58 4:59 4:01 4:02 4:04 4:05 4:07 4:08 4:10 4:11 4:13 4:14 4:15 4:17 4:18 4:20 4:21 4:22 4:24 4:25 4:26 4:28 4:29 4:30 4:32 4:33 4:34

6:36 6:37 6:38 6:39 6:41 6:42 6:43 6:44 6:45 6:46 6:47 6:48 6:49 6:50 6:51 6:52 6:54 6:55 6:56 6:57 6:58 6:59 7:00 7:01 7:02 7:03 7:04 7:05

1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:35 1:34 1:34 1:34 1:34 1:34 1:34






9:31 9:29 9:27 9:26 9:24 9:23 9:21 9:19 9:18 9:16 9:14 9:13 9:11 9:10 9:08 9:06 9:05 9:03 9:02 9:00 8:58 8:57 8:55 8:54 8:52 8:51 8:49 8:48 8:46 8:45 8:43

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6:08 5:09 5:10 5:10 5:11 5:12 5:13 5:14 5:15 5:16 5:16 5:17 5:18 5:19 5:20 5:20 5:21 5:22 5:23 5:24 5:24 5:25 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:29 5:30 5:30 5:31

7:34 6:35 6:36 6:37 6:37 6:38 6:39 6:40 6:41 6:42 6:43 6:43 6:44 6:45 6:46 6:47 6:48 6:49 6:49 6:50 6:51 6:52 6:53 6:54 6:55 6:55 6:56 6:57 6:58 6:59

1:25 12:25 12:25 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:21 12:21 12:21 12:21 12:21 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:18 12:18

5:23 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:19 5:19 5:18 5:18 5:17 5:17 5:16 5:16 5:15 5:15 5:14 5:13 5:13 5:12

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10:12 10:11 10:09 10:08 10:07 10:05 10:04 10:03 10:01 10:00 9:58 9:57 9:56 9:54 9:53 9:51 9:50 9:48 9:46 9:45 9:43 9:42 9:40 9:39 9:37 9:35 9:34 9:32

APRIL 2017

MARCH 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:11 5:11 5:10 5:09 5:09 5:08 5:07 5:06 5:05 5:05 5:04 5:03 5:02 5:01 5:00 4:59 4:58 4:58 4:57 4:56 4:55 4:54 4:53 4:52 4:51 4:50 4:49 4:48 4:47 4:46 4:45

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

6:26 6:26 6:25 6:24 6:24 6:23 6:22 6:21 6:20 6:20 6:19 6:18 6:17 6:16 6:15 6:14 6:13 6:13 6:12 6:11 6:10 6:09 6:08 6:07 6:06 6:05 6:04 6:03 6:02 6:01 6:00

8:01 7:59 7:58 7:56 7:55 7:54 7:52 7:51 7:49 7:48 7:47 7:45 7:44 7:42 7:41 7:39 7:38 7:36 7:35 7:33 7:32 7:30 7:29 7:27 7:26 7:25 7:23 7:22 7:20 7:19 7:17

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


4:44 3:43 3:41 3:40 3:39 3:38 3:37 3:36 3:35 3:34 3:33 3:32 3:31 3:30 3:29 3:28 3:27 3:26 3:25 3:24 3:23 3:22 3:21 3:20 3:19 3:18 3:17 3:16 3:15 3:14

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7:16 6:14 6:13 6:11 6:10 6:08 6:07 6:06 6:04 6:03 6:01 6:00 5:59 5:57 5:56 5:55 5:53 5:52 5:51 5:49 5:48 5:47 5:46 5:44 5:43 5:42 5:41 5:40 5:38 5:37


8:42 7:40 7:39 7:37 7:36 7:34 7:33 7:32 7:30 7:29 7:27 7:26 7:25 7:23 7:22 7:21 7:20 7:18 7:17 7:16 7:15 7:14 7:12 7:11 7:10 7:09 7:08 7:07 7:06 7:05

Latitude = 36° 51' S, Longitude = 174° 45' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

AUCKLAND Prayer Times

JUNE 2017




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JULY 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Prayer Time Table

MAY 2017 Date

Latitude = 36° 51' S, Longitude = 174° 45' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

AUCKLAND Prayer Times



Prayer Time Table





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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


5:01 5:01 5:02 5:02 5:03 5:03 5:04 5:04 5:05 5:05 5:06 5:06 5:07 5:07 5:08 5:08 5:09 5:09 5:10 5:10 5:11 5:11 5:12 5:12 5:13 5:13 5:14 5:14 5:15 5:15 5:15

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Latitude = 43° 31' S Longitude = 172° 37' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)






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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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APRIL 2017

MARCH 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Prayer Time Table

JANUARY 2017 Date

Latitude = 43° 31' S Longitude = 172° 37' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)


JUNE 2017

MAY 2017

Prayer Time Table





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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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JULY 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


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Latitude = 43° 31' S Longitude = 172° 37' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)






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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:23 5:23 5:24 5:25 5:25 5:26 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:28 5:29 5:30 5:30 5:31 5:31 5:32 5:32 5:33 5:33 5:34 5:34 5:35 5:35 5:36 5:36 5:37 5:37 5:38 5:38 5:38

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Prayer Time Table


Latitude = 45° 52' S Longitude = 170° 30' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

DUNEDIN AUCKLANDPrayer PrayerTimes Times



Prayer Time Table





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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:52 5:52 5:52 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:53 5:53

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10:54 10:52 10:50 10:48 10:46 10:44 10:42 10:40 10:38 10:36 10:34 10:32 10:30 10:28 10:26 10:24 10:22 10:20 10:18 10:16 10:14 10:11 10:09 10:07 10:05 10:03 10:01 9:59

APRIL 2017

MARCH 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:32 5:31 5:30 5:29 5:27 5:26 5:25 5:24 5:23 5:22 5:20 5:19 5:18 5:17 5:15 5:14 5:13 5:11 5:10 5:09 5:07 5:06 5:05 5:03 5:02 5:01 4:59 4:58 4:56 4:55 4:54

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

6:47 6:46 6:45 6:44 6:42 6:41 6:40 6:39 6:38 6:37 6:35 6:34 6:33 6:32 6:30 6:29 6:28 6:26 6:25 6:24 6:22 6:21 6:20 6:18 6:17 6:16 6:14 6:13 6:11 6:10 6:09

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


4:52 3:51 3:49 3:48 3:47 3:45 3:44 3:42 3:41 3:39 3:38 3:37 3:35 3:34 3:32 3:31 3:30 3:28 3:27 3:25 3:24 3:23 3:21 3:20 3:19 3:17 3:16 3:15 3:14 3:12

6:07 5:06 5:04 5:03 5:02 5:00 4:59 4:57 4:56 4:54 4:53 4:52 4:50 4:49 4:47 4:46 4:45 4:43 4:42 4:40 4:39 4:38 4:36 4:35 4:34 4:32 4:31 4:30 4:29 4:27

7:28 6:26 6:24 6:22 6:20 6:18 6:17 6:15 6:13 6:11 6:09 6:07 6:06 6:04 6:02 6:00 5:59 5:57 5:55 5:53 5:52 5:50 5:48 5:47 5:45 5:44 5:42 5:40 5:39 5:37


8:50 7:48 7:46 7:44 7:43 7:41 7:39 7:37 7:35 7:33 7:32 7:30 7:28 7:26 7:25 7:23 7:21 7:20 7:18 7:16 7:15 7:13 7:12 7:10 7:09 7:07 7:06 7:04 7:03 7:02

Latitude = 45° 52' S Longitude = 170° 30' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

DUNEDIN AUCKLANDPrayer PrayerTimes Times

JUNE 2017




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

6:04 6:05 6:06 6:08 6:09 6:10 6:11 6:12 6:13 6:14 6:15 6:16 6:17 6:18 6:19 6:20 6:21 6:22 6:23 6:24 6:24 6:25 6:26 6:27 6:28 6:29 6:30 6:30 6:31 6:32 6:33

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6:44 6:44 6:44 6:44 6:44 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:41 6:41 6:40 6:40 6:39 6:39 6:38 6:37 6:37 6:36 6:35 6:35 6:34 6:33 6:32 6:31 6:30 6:29 6:28 6:27

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12:42 12:42 12:42 12:42 12:43 12:43 12:43 12:43 12:43 12:43 12:43 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:45 12:45 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44 12:44

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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7:00 6:59 6:58 6:56 6:55 6:54 6:53 6:51 6:50 6:49 6:48 6:47 6:46 6:45 6:44 6:43 6:42 6:41 6:40 6:40 6:39 6:38 6:37 6:37 6:36 6:35 6:35 6:34 6:34 6:33 6:33

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JULY 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

2:46 2:46 2:47 2:47 2:48 2:48 2:49 2:49 2:50 2:51 2:51 2:52 2:53 2:54 2:54 2:55 2:56 2:57 2:57 2:58 2:59 3:00 3:01 3:02 3:02 3:03 3:04 3:05 3:06 3:07 3:08

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

4:01 4:01 4:02 4:02 4:03 4:03 4:04 4:04 4:05 4:06 4:06 4:07 4:08 4:09 4:09 4:10 4:11 4:12 4:12 4:13 4:14 4:15 4:16 4:17 4:18 4:18 4:19 4:20 4:21 4:22 4:23

5:04 5:05 5:05 5:06 5:06 5:07 5:08 5:09 5:09 5:10 5:11 5:12 5:13 5:14 5:14 5:15 5:16 5:17 5:18 5:19 5:20 5:21 5:22 5:23 5:24 5:26 5:27 5:28 5:29 5:30 5:31

Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

3:09 3:10 3:10 3:11 3:12 3:13 3:14 3:15 3:16 3:17 3:18 3:19 3:20 3:21 3:21 3:22 3:23 3:24 3:25 3:26 3:27 3:28 3:29 3:29 3:30 3:31 3:32 3:33 3:34 3:35 3:35

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6:57 6:58 6:59 7:00 7:01 7:02 7:03 7:04 7:05 7:06 7:07 7:08 7:09 7:10 7:11 7:12 7:13 7:14 7:15 7:16 7:17 7:18 7:19 7:21 7:22 7:23 7:24 7:25 7:26 7:27 7:28

Prayer Time Table

MAY 2017 Date

Latitude = 45° 52' S Longitude = 170° 30' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

DUNEDIN AUCKLANDPrayer PrayerTimes Times



Prayer Time Table





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

5:41 5:39 5:37 5:35 5:33 5:31 5:30 5:28 5:26 5:24 5:22 5:20 5:18 5:16 5:14 5:12 5:10 5:08 5:06 5:04 5:02 5:00 4:57 5:55 5:53 5:51 5:49 5:47 5:45 5:43

7:07 7:05 7:03 7:01 6:59 6:57 6:56 6:54 6:52 6:50 6:48 6:46 6:44 6:42 6:40 6:38 6:36 6:34 6:32 6:30 6:28 6:27 6:25 7:23 7:21 7:19 7:17 7:15 7:13 7:11

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

4:33 4:31 4:29 4:27 4:25 4:22 4:20 4:18 4:16 4:14 4:12 4:11 4:09 4:07 4:05 4:03 4:01 3:59 3:58 3:56 3:54 3:53 3:51 3:49 3:48 3:46 3:45 3:43 3:42 3:41

6:14 6:13 6:11 6:10 6:08 6:07 6:06 6:04 6:03 6:02 6:00 5:59 5:58 5:57 5:56 5:55 5:53 5:52 5:52 5:51 5:50 5:49 5:48 5:47 5:46 5:46 5:45 5:44 5:44 5:43

1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:24 1:24 1:24 1:24 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:27

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

3:36 3:37 3:38 3:39 3:39 3:40 3:41 3:42 3:43 3:43 3:44 3:45 3:46 3:46 3:47 3:48 3:48 3:49 3:50 3:51 3:51 3:52 3:53 4:53 4:54 4:55 4:55 4:56 4:57 4:57

4:51 4:52 4:53 4:54 4:54 4:55 4:56 4:57 4:58 4:58 4:59 5:00 5:01 5:01 5:02 5:03 5:03 5:04 5:05 5:06 5:06 5:07 5:08 6:08 6:09 6:10 6:10 6:11 6:12 6:12

6:09 6:11 6:12 6:13 6:14 6:15 6:17 6:18 6:19 6:20 6:22 6:23 6:24 6:25 6:27 6:28 6:29 6:30 6:32 6:33 6:34 6:35 6:37 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:42 7:43 7:44 7:45






7:30 7:31 7:32 7:33 7:34 7:36 7:37 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:42 7:43 7:44 7:45 7:47 7:48 7:49 7:51 7:52 7:53 7:55 7:56 7:57 8:59 9:00 9:02 9:03 9:04 9:06 9:07

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5:40 5:38 5:36 5:34 5:32 5:30 5:27 5:25 5:23 5:21 5:19 5:16 5:14 5:12 5:10 5:08 5:05 5:03 5:01 4:59 4:57 4:54 4:52 4:50 4:48 4:46 4:44 4:41 4:39 4:37 4:35

7:09 7:07 7:05 7:03 7:01 6:59 6:57 6:56 6:54 6:52 6:50 6:48 6:46 6:44 6:43 6:41 6:39 6:37 6:35 6:34 6:32 6:30 6:29 6:27 6:25 6:24 6:22 6:20 6:19 6:17 6:16

1:28 1:27 1:27 1:27 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:24 1:24 1:24 1:24 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:23 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22 1:22






Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

6:32 6:32 6:33 6:34 6:34 6:35 6:36 6:36 6:37 6:37 6:38 6:39 6:39 6:40 6:40 6:41 6:42 6:42 6:43 6:44 6:44 6:45 6:45 6:46 6:47 6:47 6:48 6:49 6:49 6:50

10:03 10:05 10:07 10:09 10:11 10:13 10:15 10:17 10:19 10:21 10:23 10:25 10:27 10:29 10:32 10:34 10:36 10:38 10:40 10:42 10:44 10:46 10:48 10:50 10:52 10:54 10:56 10:58 11:00 11:02

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3:40 3:38 3:37 3:36 3:35 3:34 3:34 3:33 3:32 3:31 3:31 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:29 3:29 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:31 3:31 3:32 3:33 3:33 3:34 3:35 3:36 3:38 3:39

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6:13 6:14 6:14 6:15 6:16 6:16 6:17 6:17 6:18 6:19 6:19 6:20 6:20 6:21 6:22 6:22 6:23 6:24 6:24 6:25 6:25 6:26 6:27 6:27 6:28 6:28 6:29 6:30 6:30 6:31 6:31

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9:09 9:10 9:12 9:13 9:15 9:16 9:18 9:20 9:21 9:23 9:24 9:26 9:28 9:29 9:31 9:33 9:35 9:36 9:38 9:40 9:42 9:44 9:45 9:47 9:49 9:51 9:53 9:55 9:57 9:59 10:01



5:17 5:17 5:18 5:19 5:19 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:22 5:23 5:24 5:24 5:25 5:25 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:29 5:29 5:30 5:30 5:31 5:32 5:32 5:33 5:34 5:34 5:35

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

8:29 8:31 8:32 8:34 8:35 8:37 8:38 8:40 8:41 8:43 8:44 8:45 8:47 8:48 8:50 8:51 8:53 8:54 8:55 8:57 8:58 9:00 9:01 9:02 9:04 9:05 9:06 9:07 9:09 9:10

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


5:35 5:36 5:37 5:37 5:38 5:39 5:39 5:40 5:40 5:41 5:42 5:42 5:43 5:43 5:44 5:44 5:45 5:46 5:46 5:47 5:47 5:48 5:48 5:49 5:49 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:51 5:51 5:52

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9:11 9:12 9:14 9:15 9:16 9:17 9:18 9:19 9:20 9:21 9:22 9:23 9:24 9:24 9:25 9:26 9:27 9:27 9:28 9:28 9:29 9:29 9:30 9:30 9:31 9:31 9:31 9:31 9:32 9:32 9:32


11:04 11:06 11:07 11:09 11:11 11:13 11:14 11:16 11:17 11:19 11:20 11:21 11:23 11:24 11:25 11:26 11:27 11:28 11:28 11:29 11:30 11:30 11:31 11:31 11:31 11:32 11:32 11:32 11:32 11:32 11:31

Latitude = 37° 46' S Longitude = 175° 16' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

HAMILTON Prayer Times





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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1:32 1:31 1:31 1:33 1:31 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:29 1:29 1:29 1:29 1:28 1:28 1:28 1:28 1:27 1:27 1:27 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:24 1:24 1:24 1:23

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:16 5:16 5:17 5:17 5:18 5:18 5:18 5:19 5:19 5:19 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22

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10:38 10:38 10:38 10:38 10:37 10:37 10:37 10:36 10:36 10:35 10:35 10:34 10:33 10:33 10:32 10:31 10:30 10:29 10:29 10:28 10:27 10:26 10:25 10:24 10:22 10:21 10:20 10:19 10:18 10:16 10:15

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APRIL 2017

MARCH 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:10 5:09 5:08 5:08 5:07 5:06 5:05 5:04 5:04 5:03 5:02 5:01 5:00 4:59 4:58 4:57 4:56 4:55 4:54 4:53 4:52 4:51 4:50 4:49 4:48 4:47 4:46 4:45 4:44 4:43 4:42

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

6:25 6:24 6:23 6:23 6:22 6:21 6:20 6:19 6:19 6:18 6:17 6:16 6:15 6:14 6:13 6:12 6:11 6:10 6:09 6:08 6:07 6:06 6:05 6:04 6:03 6:02 6:01 6:00 5:59 5:58 5:57

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

4:41 3:40 3:39 3:38 3:37 3:36 3:34 3:33 3:32 3:31 3:30 3:29 3:28 3:27 3:26 3:25 3:24 3:23 3:22 3:20 3:19 3:18 3:17 3:16 3:15 3:14 3:13 3:12 3:12 3:11

5:56 4:55 4:54 4:53 4:52 4:51 4:49 4:48 4:47 4:46 4:45 4:44 4:43 4:42 4:41 4:40 4:39 4:38 4:37 4:35 4:34 4:33 4:32 4:31 4:30 4:29 4:28 4:27 4:27 4:26

7:13 6:12 6:10 6:09 6:07 6:06 6:04 6:03 6:02 6:00 5:59 5:57 5:56 5:54 5:53 5:52 5:50 5:49 5:48 5:46 5:45 5:44 5:42 5:41 5:40 5:39 5:37 5:36 5:35 5:34


8:40 7:39 7:37 7:36 7:34 7:33 7:31 7:30 7:29 7:27 7:26 7:24 7:23 7:22 7:20 7:19 7:18 7:16 7:15 7:14 7:13 7:11 7:10 7:09 7:08 7:07 7:06 7:05 7:04 7:03

Prayer Time Table

JANUARY 2017 Date

Latitude = 37° 46' S Longitude = 175° 16' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

HAMILTON Prayer Times

JUNE 2017

MAY 2017

Prayer Time Table





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

5:30 5:31 5:32 5:33 5:33 5:34 5:35 5:36 5:36 5:37 5:38 5:39 5:39 5:40 5:41 5:41 5:42 5:43 5:44 5:44 5:45 5:46 5:46 5:47 5:47 5:48 5:49 5:49 5:50 5:50 5:51

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:58 5:58 5:58 5:57 5:57 5:56 5:56 5:55 5:55 5:54 5:53 5:53 5:52 5:51 5:51 5:50

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

3:10 3:09 3:08 3:07 3:06 3:05 3:04 3:04 3:03 3:02 3:01 3:00 3:00 2:59 2:58 2:58 2:57 2:56 2:56 2:55 2:55 2:54 2:54 2:53 2:53 2:52 2:52 2:51 2:51 2:51 2:50

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JULY 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

2:53 2:53 2:53 2:54 2:54 2:55 2:55 2:56 2:56 2:57 2:57 2:58 2:59 2:59 3:00 3:00 3:01 3:02 3:02 3:03 3:03 3:04 3:05 3:05 3:06 3:07 3:07 3:08 3:09 3:09 3:10

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

4:08 4:08 4:08 4:09 4:09 4:10 4:10 4:11 4:11 4:12 4:12 4:13 4:14 4:14 4:15 4:15 4:16 4:17 4:17 4:18 4:18 4:19 4:20 4:20 4:21 4:22 4:22 4:23 4:24 4:24 4:25

5:10 5:11 5:11 5:12 5:12 5:13 5:13 5:14 5:15 5:15 5:16 5:16 5:17 5:18 5:18 5:19 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:23 5:23 5:24 5:25 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:29 5:30 5:31

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


3:11 3:11 3:12 3:13 3:13 3:14 3:15 3:15 3:16 3:16 3:17 3:18 3:18 3:19 3:20 3:20 3:21 3:21 3:22 3:23 3:23 3:24 3:24 3:25 3:25 3:26 3:26 3:27 3:27 3:28 3:28

4:26 4:26 4:27 4:28 4:28 4:29 4:30 4:30 4:31 4:31 4:32 4:33 4:33 4:34 4:35 4:35 4:36 4:36 4:37 4:38 4:38 4:39 4:39 4:40 4:40 4:41 4:41 4:42 4:42 4:43 4:43

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Latitude = 37° 46' S Longitude = 175° 16' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)

HAMILTON Prayer Times





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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6:13 6:12 6:11 6:10 6:09 6:08 6:07 6:06 6:05 6:04 6:03 6:02 6:01 6:00 6:00 5:59 5:58 5:57 5:57 5:56 5:55 5:55 5:54 5:54 5:53 5:53 5:52 5:52 5:52 5:51

1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:07 1:07 1:07

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

3:29 3:29 3:30 3:30 3:31 3:31 3:32 3:32 3:33 3:33 3:34 3:34 3:34 3:35 3:35 3:36 3:36 3:36 3:37 3:37 3:37 3:38 3:38 4:38 4:39 4:39 4:39 4:40 4:40 4:40

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7:25 7:25 7:26 7:27 7:28 7:29 7:29 7:30 7:31 7:32 7:33 7:34 7:35 7:35 7:36 7:37 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:41 7:42 7:43 7:44 8:45 8:46 8:47 8:48 8:49 8:50 8:51

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6:56 6:54 6:53 6:51 6:50 6:48 6:47 6:45 6:44 6:42 6:41 6:39 6:38 6:36 6:35 6:33 6:32 6:31 6:29 6:28 6:27 6:25 6:24 6:23 6:21 6:20 6:19 6:18 6:16 6:15 6:14

1:09 1:09 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03






Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

6:05 6:05 6:05 6:05 6:06 6:06 6:06 6:07 6:07 6:07 6:08 6:08 6:08 6:09 6:09 6:10 6:10 6:10 6:11 6:11 6:12 6:12 6:12 6:13 6:13 6:14 6:14 6:15 6:15 6:15

9:31 9:32 9:34 9:35 9:37 9:38 9:40 9:41 9:43 9:44 9:46 9:48 9:49 9:51 9:52 9:54 9:55 9:57 9:58 10:00 10:01 10:03 10:04 10:06 10:07 10:09 10:10 10:12 10:13 10:14

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5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:52 5:52 5:52 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:54 5:54 5:55 5:55 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:59 5:59

1:08 1:08 1:09 1:09 1:09 1:10 1:10 1:11 1:11 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:13 1:13 1:14 1:14 1:15 1:15 1:16 1:16 1:17 1:17 1:18 1:18 1:19 1:19 1:20 1:20 1:21 1:21 1:22

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5:56 5:56 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:58 5:58 5:58 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:04 6:04 6:04

7:23 7:24 7:25 7:25 7:26 7:27 7:28 7:29 7:30 7:31 7:32 7:33 7:34 7:35 7:36 7:37 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:41 7:42 7:43 7:44 7:45 7:46 7:47 7:48 7:49 7:50 7:51 7:52


8:52 8:53 8:54 8:55 8:56 8:57 8:58 8:59 9:01 9:02 9:03 9:04 9:05 9:07 9:08 9:09 9:10 9:12 9:13 9:14 9:15 9:17 9:18 9:20 9:21 9:22 9:24 9:25 9:27 9:28 9:29



4:50 4:50 4:50 4:50 4:51 4:51 4:51 4:52 4:52 4:52 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:54 4:54 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:56 4:56 4:57 4:57 4:57 4:58 4:58 4:59 4:59 5:00 5:00 5:00

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

7:53 7:54 7:55 7:56 7:57 7:58 7:59 8:00 8:02 8:03 8:04 8:05 8:06 8:07 8:08 8:09 8:10 8:11 8:12 8:14 8:15 8:16 8:17 8:18 8:19 8:20 8:21 8:22 8:23 8:24

Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:01 5:01 5:02 5:02 5:03 5:03 5:04 5:04 5:05 5:05 5:06 5:06 5:07 5:07 5:08 5:08 5:09 5:09 5:10 5:10 5:11 5:11 5:12 5:12 5:13 5:13 5:14 5:14 5:15 5:15 5:15

6:16 6:16 6:17 6:17 6:18 6:18 6:19 6:19 6:20 6:20 6:21 6:21 6:22 6:22 6:23 6:23 6:24 6:24 6:25 6:25 6:26 6:26 6:27 6:27 6:28 6:28 6:29 6:29 6:30 6:30 6:30

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10:16 10:17 10:18 10:20 10:21 10:22 10:23 10:24 10:26 10:27 10:28 10:29 10:30 10:31 10:31 10:32 10:33 10:34 10:34 10:35 10:35 10:36 10:36 10:37 10:37 10:37 10:38 10:38 10:38 10:38 10:38

Prayer Time Table


Latitude = -46° 59' S Longitude = 168° 24' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from N)




Prayer Time Table





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

3:56 3:58 3:59 4:00 4:02 4:03 4:05 4:06 4:08 4:10 4:12 4:13 4:15 4:17 4:19 4:21 4:23 4:25 4:27 4:29 4:31 4:33 4:35 4:37 4:39 4:42 4:44 4:46 4:48 4:50 4:52

5:58 5:59 6:00 6:01 6:02 6:03 6:04 6:05 6:06 6:07 6:08 6:09 6:11 6:12 6:13 6:14 6:16 6:17 6:18 6:20 6:21 6:22 6:24 6:25 6:27 6:28 6:30 6:31 6:32 6:34 6:35

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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APRIL 2017

MARCH 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

5:40 5:39 5:38 5:37 5:36 5:35 5:34 5:32 5:31 5:30 5:29 5:28 5:27 5:25 5:24 5:23 5:22 5:20 5:19 5:18 5:16 5:15 5:14 5:12 5:11 5:10 5:08 5:07 5:06 5:04 5:03

Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


5:02 4:00 3:59 3:57 3:56 3:55 3:53 3:52 3:51 3:49 3:48 3:46 3:45 3:44 3:42 3:41 3:40 3:38 3:37 3:36 3:34 3:33 3:32 3:30 3:29 3:28 3:27 3:25 3:24 3:23

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8:58 7:56 7:54 7:52 7:50 7:49 7:47 7:45 7:43 7:41 7:40 7:38 7:36 7:35 7:33 7:31 7:30 7:28 7:26 7:25 7:23 7:22 7:20 7:19 7:17 7:16 7:15 7:13 7:12 7:10

Latitude = -46° 59' S Longitude = 168° 24' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from N)


JUNE 2017




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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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JULY 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Prayer Time Table

MAY 2017 Date

Latitude = -46° 59' S Longitude = 168° 24' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from N)




Prayer Time Table





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


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Latitude = 41° 28' S Longitude = 174° 76' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)






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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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APRIL 2017

MARCH 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Prayer Time Table

JANUARY 2017 Date

Latitude = 41° 28' S Longitude = 174° 76' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)


JUNE 2017

MAY 2017

Prayer Time Table





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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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JULY 2017 Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

Muslim Directory


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Latitude = 41° 28' S Longitude = 174° 76' E Time = GMT+12H Qiblah = 103° 31' W (from true N)






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Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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1:11 1:11 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:09 1:09 1:09 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05






Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Muslim Directory


Asr Sha Asr Han Magrib

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Prayer Time Table


Commonly used words/phrases

by Muslims bless you BismillahirRahmanir Rahim - In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful."

A Adhan - Call to prayer. Ahlul-Kitaab - "People of the Book" (qur'anic term for Jews & Chris ans). Akhirah - The Day of Judgment. Alaihi salaam - Peace be upon him (A.S.): whenever we say the name of a prophet or an angel Alhamdulillah - Praise be to Allah Allah - God. Allah hu Akbar - "Allah is most great," or "God is great." Al-Saum - The fast. AssalaamuÁlaikum - Gree ngs Peace be upon you Salam means peace. Asr - A ernoon prayer. Astaghfirullah - I beg Allah for forgiveness Ayat - Verses, proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revela ons.

C Caliph - Imam or Muslim ruler. Caliphate - Muslim state. D Dawah - Dissemina on of the message of Islam; invita on to become a Muslim. Deen - Faith. E Eid Al-Adha - The four day celebra on star ng on the tenth day of Dhul-Hijja (the twel h month of the Islamic calendar. Eid Al-Fitr - The three day celebra on breaking the fast of Ramadan.

B Baitullah - "House of Allah"; mosque. BarakAllahufeekum - May Allah

F Fajr - Dawn (before sunrise) Muslim Directory


Commonly Used Phrases by Muslims Jama'at - A group of people, a party with a common manifesto. Jannah - Heaven, paradise JazakAllahukhair - May Allah reward you for the good Jihad – To Strive or to Struggle; (eg Smiling in tough moments is Jihad, keeping pa ence in hard mes is Jihad)

prayer. Fatwa - Islamic ruling. H Hadith - Report of a statement or ac on of the Prophet Hajj - One of the five pillars of I s l a m . T h e p i l g r i m a g e to Makkah is required of every able Muslim at least once in a life me. Halal - Lawful or permissible. Haram - Unlawful or forbidden. Hijab - “Covering."

K Ka'ba - The house built by Abraham with the help of his son Ishmael. The holy Qur'an says that this was the first house built for mankind, located in Makkah, where Muslims go for the Hajj. Kafir–Disbeliever

I I aar - The light meal eaten by Muslims breaking their fast a er sunset. Imam - A religious leader or head of a local Islamic Centre. Iman - Faith, belief. Innaalillaahiwainnaailayhiraaji'o on - To Allah we belong and to Him is our return Insha Allah - If Allah wishes Iqamat Al-Salat - The offering of prayers perfectly. Isha' - Late evening prayer. Islam - Submission, surrender and obedience (to God)

L La hawlawalaquwataillahbillah There is no strength nor power except Allah M Maghrib - Sunset (evening) prayer. Masha Allah - As Allah has willed Masjid - Mosque; the place where salat or prayer is offered, also serves as the center of all ac vi es of the Muslims.

J Muslim Directory


Commonly Used Phrases by Muslims T h i s i n c l u d e s i d o l a t r y, polytheism, or a ribu ng divinity to a person. Sawm - Fas ng. Shari'ah - Divine law. Suhoor - The meal eaten by fas ng Muslims just before dawn. Sunnah - "Way", "manner" or "method" (of the Prophet). Subhaanallah - Glory be to Allah Sura - Chapter of the Qur'an, of which there are 114.

Mu'min - Faithful. Muslim - A person who submits to Allah and prac ces the religion of Islam. Muharram - Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar Q Qiblah - The direc on in which all Muslims turn their faces in prayers — towards the Ka'ba in Makkah. Qur'an- Holy book or sacred scripture. it was revealed over a period of 23 years.

T Tawhid - Monotheism.

R Ramadan - The month of fas ng; the ninth month of the Hijri calendar. Riba' - Usury

U Ummah - Na on or community. Umrah - (Minor) pilgrimage. Z Zamzam - The sacred well inside the Haram (grand mosque) in Makkah. Zakat - Poor's due. One of the five pillars of Islam.Zakat cons tutes about 2.5 percent of one's annual wealth. Apart from the regular voluntary charity. Zuhr - Noon, mid-day prayer.

S Saheeh - "Sound" or "correct"; referring to authen c hadith. Salat (Namaz) - Prayer. One of the five pillars of Islam. Sal allahualeihiwasallam (S.A.W.) - Peace be upon him (PBUH) whenever we say the name of Prophet Muhammad Shari'ah - Divine law. Shirk - The act (sin) of regarding anything as equal with God.

Muslim Directory


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