JobPrep September 2012

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Global Information Technology




September 2012

The Voice of Career Insight

Job-Hunting Tips From People Who Found Jobs

In this issue Top 10 Recession Proof I.T. JobsP.1-P.2 Job Hunting Tips from People Who Found Jobs P.1/P.2

Career coaches can drone on

How To Be Faster At Your Computer P.3

about resumes, networking and Upcoming Classes and Social Media P.4 interviewing



how do real people get real jobs in a tight job market?

Top 10 Recession Proof I.T. Jobs

We interviewed a half dozen job seekers who landed posi-

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor

As the dramatic pace of change contin-

tions in the last few months, and

Statistics, the most recent recession began

ues, the need for specialized skills grows

they told us some surprising

in December, 2007 and ended in June,

more acute: companies have increasing-





2009. While that may technically be true,

ly complex networks (systems analysts,

within three weeks of reaching

many of the statistics that describe the cur-

programmers), more transactions to pro-

out to a new company. Others

rent economy have yet to return to their pre

cess (cybersecurity, software engineer-

found their jobs on Craigslist or

-recession values. Today, a number of IT

ing, United Communications [UC]), and




professionals question whether job stability

more data than ever (data analytics). A

coaches rarely mention. Job

within IT is a thing of the past, based on

range of vertical sectors incorporate the

seekers called, blogged and

current trends.

newest technological innovations, and

tweeted their way into new

Recession-proof? Re-

roles, proving that in this job

cession resistant? The

market, tenacity and creativity

idea is that certain skills

go a long way.

exist for which demand

One thing we heard is that

outweighs supply. Moreo-

Today, a number of IT professionals question whether job stability within IT is a thing of the past, based on current trends.

these include healthcare, advertising, telecommunications, gaming, and a host of other industries. Of course, the overlap

you need to actively reach out to

ver, these terms attract

companies you admire. Aman-

adherents who believe

da, an admissions officer and

that one simply needs the

teacher in New York City, was

right combination of skills to flourish even

ty, programming, etc.) extends across

gainfully employed when she

during an economic downturn. In the area

every business sector. IT teams are in-





between types of indemand skillsets (analytics, networking, securi-

of IT, the constant innovation requires

creasingly comprised of mobile app de-

earlier this year. She had asked

workers to not only hone specific skills, but

velopers (Android, Apple, Windows

for a raise and gotten less than

expand their expertise to become indispen-

Phone 7), programmers with diverse lan-

she requested, so she was

sable to their employer, increase their earn-

guage skills (Java, HTML5, Cobol, C++),

ready for a change.

ings potential-and ensure their employment

engineers experienced in


Web 2.0, Software as a

As an admissions officer, she

Continued on page 2.

Job-Hunting Tips From People Who Found Jobs cont.

works with many schools. At one school, Amanda thought the person who had the equivalent of her job might retire. So she sent a letter and

Top 10 Recession-

attached a copy of her résumé. She wrote about how much she valued

Proof I.T. Jobs!

the programs and the students the

Continued from Page 1

school produced. The school invited her in for an interview, and she got an offer three weeks later.

Service (SaaS), and cloud

pertise is required at the

digm shift. As the transition

as well as project manag-

start of most IT infrastruc-

to ICD-10 (International

you feel an affinity toward an organi-

ers, cybersecurity experts,

ture projects and operations

Classification of Diseases)

zation or company, reach out to

and even User Experience

development as opposed to

rapidly continues, those

them," says Amanda. "Tell them

(UX) designers.

being applied afterwards,

with expertise in project

for example, as a perimeter

management, EMR/EHR

change and gain momen-

defense. In addition, de-

(Electronic Health Records)

on quality, not quantity. After Kym

tum, IT professionals need

mand exists for developers

implementation, business

Lino graduated from college in May

to remain versatile

she blasted her résumé across the

and ready to expand

Internet. "I would sit on my couch for

their expertise. That's

eight hours at a time and apply for

nothing new. Howev-

every job that I qualified for, on every

er, the speed of inno-

job site, and I didn't get any feed-

vation and advances

back," says Lino, 24. She used Ca-

in everything from

reerbuilder,, her alma

nanotechnology to mobiliza-

who can build secure appli-

3. Gaming

mater's job search website and re-

tion and the cloud requires

cations, network engineers

Research firm Gartner


IT workers to stay ahead of

with security certifications,

predicts 70 percent of lead-

the curve, especially during

and architects who under-

ing global companies will

an economic downturn.

stand how to secure sys-

have at least one "gamified"

to show off your expertise. When she

One thing is certain: innova-

tems and processes. Cy-

application by 2014. Know-

applied to a public relations agency

tion won't slow down the

bersecurity is an evolving

ing Ruby on Rails, Python

that maintains its own blog, one of

way an economy will. In the

trend that includes security

and MSNet is a rare and

her interviewers asked if she kept a

following article, we exam-

intelligence analysts, secu-

highly sought-after skill

blog and updated it at least several

ine recession-proof IT jobs

rity engineers and security

along with having good,

times a week. Lino produces three

across several industries


working knowledge of C++.

different blogs, and she says her

and explore what makes

2. Healthcare

side activity helped her to land an

them indispensable in to-

The digitization of

offer. "My blogs showed that I know

day's economic climate.

"This might seem obvious, but if

what specifically interests you."

As technology trends

Another nugget of advice: Focus



like Lino also suggests writing a blog

how to self-edit," she says. "I know

1. Cybersecurity

the technology."

Today, cybersecurity ex-

intelligence and ana-

As technology trends change and gain momentum, IT professionals need to remain versatile and ready to expand their expertise.

lytics-all related to healthcare-are highly sought after as well as those with capabilities related to Health Informatics.

4. Mobile Development Essentially, the mobiliza-

healthcare currently under-

tion movement is well un-

way represents a true para-

derway. Professionals who can develop for the small

How to be faster at your computer

If you use your computer clumsily, you can end up wasting valuable time, mucking up your workflow. With a little focus and concentration, you can cut down on the time you waste on menial tasks and

screen are in demand. In-

System ensures that a range

digital presence in ways that

creasingly, companies are

of tools (email, handsets, fax,

accommodate that mobile

seeing the value of mobile de-

IM, telepresence) and the


velopment, from mobile apps

devices with which infor-

9. IT Human Resources


that lure new customers to us-

mation is relayed

Whether it's gaming or data-


ing mobile apps to increase

(smartphone, tablet, desktop,

sales. With that will be the upward trend of needing versa-

laptop) are in synch. UC tech- find the best placement candinicians must be adept at sim- dates and enact the perfect

tile, inventive and capable de-

ultaneously maintaining a

employer/employee match,

check your finger placement.

velopers to help companies

number of moving parts-

capable IT-focused HR work-

Even if you've got everything

and clients capitalize on the

having wireless, routing and

ers represent a critical compo-


mobile explosion.

networking abilities as well as

nent and much-needed re-

yourself down by overusing

PM are critical in this role.

source for IT. Those at the

your favored fingers. Learning

7. Software Engineer/

cross-section of IT and HR

to "touch type" like they taught

can take advantage of a high-

you in school will up your

ly-specialized need in the in-

words per minute.

5. Big Data/Analytics When it comes to Big Data, there is a need not only for MySQL and HBase skills, but

Developer The increase in Web and

Cognos and Informatica exper-

mobile applications as well as

tise, to name a few. Data

the expansion of Web 2.0,

Warehouse architects and de-

center networking, in order to


become more productive. Money Crashers suggests simple adjustments that can you




1. Learn to type. If you hunt and peck, your eyes may need to drift away from the screen to




2. Use the mouse only as a

10. Online Advertising: IT-

last resort. The mouse is a

SaaS, and cloud computing

based SEO/SEM/Social Me-

clumsy device that requires

velopers will be key as data

mean that the need for appli-

dia Specialist

you to break your work flow.

counts increase while mobili-

cations expertise will continue

zation expands.

to grow.

Increasingly, the skillset of

Tab, escape and directional

an SEO or SEM specialist

keys are easier to access and

8. Creative Design/User

approaches IT-level expertise.

more precise.

Experience (UX) Designers

Social Media , HTML5 coding,

UX Designers are at the

and analytics capabilities are


manage and finesse intercom-

forefront of meshing our old

just some of the types of skills

memory and a newer operating

munication between diverse

network-based desktop famili-

system will all increase the

business sectors is crucial.

arity with the mobile device

speed of your rig. Those who

Maintaining a high-functioning

experience. Companies will

upgrade almost never regret

Unified Communications (IC)

be expected to expand their

their investments .

6. TeleCommunications While processing power and storage are key, the ability to

Marcial’s Say: Apple releases iTunes Match

3. Upgrade your hardware. A hard



Upcoming I.T. Workshops at Global I.T. 10/12/2012 @ 3pm Professional I.T. Resume Critique Melissa Lecznar, Job Placement Manager at Global Information Technology will be doing some IT resume critiquing at Global Information Technology on Friday, October 12, 2012 at 3pm! Very limited seats. Do not miss out on this great opportunity. Have your resume critiqued by professionals for free! If you are interested, sign up on our website at:

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