Global Operations Brainstorm Kit

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GO Brainstorm Kit

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Generate Ideas Brainstorming is a powerful tool used anytime you need to generate ideas. The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of them, using insights from the reaseach you gather. Brainstorming is used often and can be done in person and online. Together, As A Team Brainstorming with a diverese team can yeild many positive outcomes. It brings together various different thoughts from across your group and organization. Exercising this as a team also allows you to build on each other’s ideas.

Remotely, Through Technology “Do you always have to brainstorm togther?” No, you don’t. Sotrmboard is a website that allows you to conduct one time or ongoing brainstorm sessions with individuals in and outside your company. This platform allows you to still gather ideas, even when people are miles apart.

Setting Expectations It’s important to call out and know that you will NOT come out of a brainstorm with the winning idea or outcome. You CAN count on receiving a path that will ultimately assist you in defining the solution for your project.

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6 Steps To A Successful Brainstorming Conducting a good brainstorm involves discipline and preparation. Begin with a well-framed question that focuses on a specifc issue, whiles giving the team to think creatively. 1


Gather a diverse team

Post and group like ideas


Frame up the challenge or problem


Prioritize and rank ideas


Generate ideas individually


Report out and vote

Facilitators: Be sure to go back and share outcomes of the ideas with the participants'

Attendees: Be prepared to not receive an update or know the outcome

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Rules For Brainstorming

DERFER JUDGEMENT There are no bad ideas, stay focused on generating.

BUILD ON EACH OTHERS’ IDEAS Think “and” rather than “but”.



Exhaust all possibilities before moving on.

Try to engage the left and right sides of the brain.

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ENCOURAGE WILD IDEAS They can provide break through insights.

GO FOR QUANTITY If ideas generation slows down, provide a prompt of switch topics. 4

How Many People Do I Need? Small Group Best for groups of 3 to 10, and impromtu sessions. Length of time can be 10 min to 30 min


Large Group



Remote Brainstorm


All materials in Sm. Group

Access to Stormboard @

Post It Notes

Additional Note Pads

How to set up a Stormboard*:

Stickers for Voting


Flip Charts

Hand toys – i.e.. Slinky, etc.

1. Create a Storm 2. Select Storm name and template 3. Add participants and start Storming!

Large Group Best for groups of 11 or more and should be planned in advance for space needs. Length of time can be 30 min to 1 hour.

Remote Works best for intl. partners and groups that want to build on ideas. *Watch Tutorial on Stormboard here: Stormboard Tutorial Marriott International confidential and proprietary information


Brainstorm Checklist Before The Session

During The Session


Request individuals from areas other than your own


Assign tables to increase diverse groups


Secure a room that is well lit


Encourage play with table materials


Define the brainstorm topic


Set time limits to brainstorm


Gather supplies (Post It, Sharpies, and Sensory items) and place them on the tables *


Encourage sharing of ideas, synthesize the ideas to like synergies. This is the perfect time to add to any idea using “Yes, and..�


Schedule some housekeeping time on both ends to prepare and debrief


Group votes on best idea and builds the concept

*(Brainstorming supplies are available outside the yard in the filing cabinet) Marriott International confidential and proprietary information


Putting It All Together Synthesis helps translate ideas/obersations into opportuniteis. Aggregating, editing, condesing data and thoughts will allow you to create a clear direction for ideation.

3 Tips for Synthesis:

USE DIVERSE INPUTS Mix the hard (facts and figures) with the soft (stories, observations, quotes). Marriott International confidential and proprietary information

DIG DEEPER Always ask “Why?� to reveal deeper meanings and hidden solutions.

EDIT & FILTER Be prepared and willing to let go of ideas


From Idea‌To Concept During concepting, build upon the top idea, possibly bringing several ideas together. Following the brainstorm, you can use the built out concept to engage stakeholders and identify unknowns. The concept sheet gives you a framework to start down a path towards a solution.

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1. NAME IT: Keep it simple and memorable, use it to convey feeling.

4. BACK IT UP: What insights does the concept ladder up to?

2. MAKE IT VISUAL: A clear, visual representation that sticks with the viewer.

5. CONSIDER: How will this work? What other things need to be considered to make it happen?

3. DESCRIBE IT: What are your major features? What needs are being met and why is it compelling?

6. ALIGN IT: How does the idea benefit the company/project and support the brand?


Am I Missing Anything Else? Q: When the brainstorm is over, what should I do with my concept map? A: Utilize the concept map to share the best ideas presented with your stakeholders. From that discussion, you can best identify ways to move forward to potentially test concepts. Q: Have I have captured all angles of the issue through this brainstorm? A: The truth is perhaps not. You may have to report out, have a dialogue around the ideas. Depending on that outcome, another brainstorm session may be needed. Q: TBD A: Marriott International confidential and proprietary information


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