Navigator App Training Guide

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NAVIGATOR APP TRAINING GUIDELINES Welcome to the Renaissance Hotels Navigator app for iPad. This app provides a visual aid for you while you interact with Discovers, to help them create a pleasant arrangement of activities while staying with us.

DEPLOY APP TO IPAD Before proceeding in these steps, please verify that your iPad is operating under iOS 9 and is an iPad 2 or newer. Please do not use iPad Air for this app. If you are not operating on iOS 9, please go into your settings on the iPad and download iOS 9 before moving forward. 1) To deploy the Navigator App you will need to reset your iPad. To do this you will need to go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings on the iPad. 2) An Apple App store account will be required for accessing the Apple App Store. a) When setting up the Apple App store account, the best practice is to use a generic email address rather than a personal email account. Each full service property should have a email address (where MARSHA is the property Marsha code) that can be used. If you need assistance in setting up the Apple App store account, please contact your local IT associate for help. b) It is suggested to purchase an iTunes gift card to use in place of a credit card when setting up the Apple App store account.


3) Your APP Account ID and password has been created and can be located via your Landit task list. The name of your APP Account ID is ‘app-MARSHA-airwatch’ where MARSHA is your MARSHA Code. For example, the APP Account-ID for property BNASH would be app-BNASH-airwatch. 4) Once you have APP Account ID/password and Apple ID/password, you need to Install and Configure AirWatch Agent. a) On your Apple device select the App Store icon. If the App Store icon is not present you will need to erase and reset the iPad. If you need assistance resetting the device, please contact your local IT associate for help.


b) Search for AirWatch Agent


c) Download the application – Select GET, Select INSTALL to begin the download


d) Open Agent application after installation completes to configure the AirWatch Agent


e) Select Server Details


f) Enter the Server g) Enter the Group ID Marriott h) Select Next or Go


i) Enter your APP Account ID and password (from Step 3 above) and select Next or Go


j) Review the Terms of Use and select Accept


k) Select Redirect & Enable to begin installation of AirWatch


Select Install



Enter your device Passcode when prompted. This will be the Passcode you set when activating your iPad


m) Select Install when the install profile screen appears


n) Review the warning message and select Install


o) Select Trust when the Remote Management screen appears


p) Select Done to close the window


q) Select Open when the - Open this page in “Agent” - screen appears


r) Select Done to close the window


s) If you receive a screen-pop AirWatch Would Like to Send You Push Notifications, Select OK

t) Click your device Home button to get to your Home Screen


5) Retrieve Navigator from the Marriott App Store a) Select the MarrApps icon to launch the Marriott Enterprise App Store


b) Select Install next to the Navigator entry in the list


c) Select Install on the Confirm Installation screen


d) Select Install to install the application on your iPad


e) The MarrApps app store may not change the status of the Navigator app from Processing to Installed immediately, this is normal. Click your device Home button to get to your Home Screen.


f) You will see the Navigator application when the installation is completed.

If you have any questions concerning the above instructions, please refer to the FAQ that has been created. For further assistance, please contact us at .


APP SETUP (FIRST TIME ONLY) ____________________________ 1) Open the app* by tapping on the ‘R Navigator’ icon on the iPad home screen noted in Figure 1.1. HOT TOPIC: Make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi when you open the app for the first time. It will work offline after everything is loaded once, and it is best to connect the device to Wi-Fi once a week.

Figure 1.1


2) Welcome Screen: Here, you will choose the physical location of your hotel, which will be used by the app as the default location for Finds. **Note: If you do not see this screen, someone has already performed the initial setup process. Skip down to the 'Using the App' section.

Figure 2.1 HOT TOPIC: If you do not see this screen, someone has already performed the initial setup process. Skip down to the 'Starting a New Guest Session' section. a) Tap the ‘Enter Location’ field and begin typing in your location (the hotel you work at) to see the options. Select the correct location. Tap ‘Confirm’ to save the location.

HOT TOPIC: If you have confirmed the above information and then decide you need to edit it, you will need to reset the app to edit.


d) Navigator Login: Each Navigator must log in to use this app. In Figure 2.2, you will see how to tap the ‘Navigator Name’ field, and begin typing. Type in your first name and last initial. Then hit the gold arrow to continue.

Figure 2.2 e) You will now receive a pop-up asking you to input the EID. Tap the field and begin typing in the EID of the navigator whose name you entered on the last screen. Tap the gold button to save and continue.


f) Upon logging in, you will land on the Navigator Menu as shown in Figure 2.3. After setting up the app for the first time, opening the app will take you to the Navigator Menu. This screen gives you all of the basic options you will need if you are opening the app for the first time during your shift. If you do not see the “Navigator Menu� Title at the top, find the white circular Navigator icon in the bottom right corner. Tapping this button will take you to the Navigator Menu.


Figure 2.4 f) In Figure 2.4, in the top right corner of the Navigator Menu, it tells you who is currently logged into the app. If this is NOT you, please log out (we will get to this shortly in step 3 below).


3) Let’s try tapping the 'Log Out' button in Figure 2.4. You will be taken back to the Navigator Login screen as shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 a) You will notice, in Figure 2.5, that there is a text field to input Navigator Name, as well as one or more names listed below. Names that have been logged in will be saved in this list. b) If this IS your first time using the app on this specific iPad, please type in your first name and last initial. You will now receive a pop-up asking you to input the EID. Tap the field and begin typing in the EID of the navigator whose name you entered on the last screen. Then hit the gold arrow to continue. The ROOMS LEADER OF YOUR HOTEL should have entered the current navigators into the iPad. c) If this is NOT your first time using the app on this specific iPad, please select your name rather than typing it in. d) Select a name with which to login. You should now be back to the Navigator Menu from step 1. e) Accidentally enter a name twice, misspell a name, or need to remove a Navigator? Simply swipe left on the name you want to remove and tap the 'Delete' button. A pop-up will ask if you are sure. Tap the “Remove” button to delete the name.


STARTING A NEW GUEST SESSION _________________________________

Figure 3.1 3) When you start a session with a new Discover, select the gold ‘New Guest Session’ button as shown in Figure 3.1. You will arrive on the Browsing Screen. This is essentially the 'Homepage' for the guest experience, where you can access all features.

HOT TOPIC: Sessions are saved on the individual iPad that was used to search the finds. To retrieve a saved Discover session, you will need to use the same iPad that the Discover was originally on. If your hotel has multiple iPads, be sure to note what iPad the Discover was using. HOT TOPIC: You will need to log out of each session once you are finished using the iPad. This will prevent confusion when trying to locating a previous Discover session. If you cannot locate the Discover’s session, you will need to remember to look for the information on the other tablet.


Figure 3.2 a) Starting from the top left, there is a search box in Figure 3.2. You can tap into this to search for Finds. Search terms such as bar names, cuisine types, or a street name.


Figure 3.3 b) In Figure 3.3, you’ll notice in the right corner is the gold ‘My Finds’ button. HOT TOPIC: If (and only if) you are in a location in China, you will see a language selector next to the ‘My Finds’ button. Tap this to toggle between English and Chinese.


Figure 3.4 c) Going down to the bottom left in Figure 3.4, there is a ‘Location’ selector displaying your default hotel location. If your Discover is interested in seeing Finds from another hotel location, you can select the location here. Tap the button and begin typing your desired location. Select the hotel location from the list that populates. HOT TOPIC: This will only change the location for THIS CURRENT Session. Once you begin a new Session, the location will always return to the default of your property location. Also, you may switch the location mid-way through a Session without losing your selected Finds—and you can add Finds from more than one location to a single Discover’s list.


Figure 3.4

e) In the middle of the bottom bar is the local time as noted in Figure 3.4. The time will ALWAYS reflect the time of the time zone in which you are physically in, even if you change the location.


Figure 3.5 f) In the bottom right corner in Figure 3.5, there is a 3-day weather forecast. This will also reflect the physical time zone’s weather.


Figure 3.6 g) In Figure 3.6, right above the weather forecast is the 'Navigator button = “R”'. Tapping this will take you back to the Navigator Menu. (There will be an ‘X’ button to return back to your session at any time.)


Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8

h) In the middle sector of the screen, there are four rows of Finds. Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8 demonstrates how each row represents one category: Food, Drink, Shop, and See/Do. Try swiping left and right through each of these rows to see various Finds specific to that category.


Figure 3.9 i) All Finds have a ‘+’ icon on them as shown in Figure 3.9. This icon will add the Find to My Finds. Tap this icon and see the number increase on the gold My Finds button in the top right. j) If you tap anywhere on a Find that is not the ‘+’, you will see a Detail View of that find (see step 6 below).


Figure 3.10 k) On the right side, each category has a 'View All' button. As shown in Figure 3.10, the color represents the category that it coordinates to (Navy is food, pink is drink, black is shop, mint is see/do). Tap on one of the 'View All' buttons to move on to the coordinating Category View.


Category View

Figure 4.1 4) In Figure 4.1, this view displays all Finds in the previously selected category. Finds will be displayed with a name, photo, and short description. You again have the ability to add to My Finds by tapping the ‘+’ icon.


Figure 4.2 a) The white tab bar on top of Figure 4.2 tells you the category you are viewing. Want to see a different category? No problem. Tap on the category icon you want in the white bar to easily flip between the four categories.


Figure 4.3 b) In the top left of Figure 4.3, there is a 'Sorting' selector. Tap this to change the order in which the Finds display. 'Distance' will display Finds starting with those closest to the hotel. 'Date' will display Finds ordered by how recently they were added to the database of Finds. ‘Name’ will display Finds alphabetically. c) Let’s tap on one of the Finds to see the Detailed View (mentioned in step 3j.)


Find Details View 5) The Find Details View will appear as a pop-up on top of the previous screen. If you have multiple Finds in this category, you can swipe left and right to view other Finds within the same category.

Figure 5.1 a) In Figure 5.1, the 'Add to My Finds' button has the same effect as the ‘+’ button on the previous screens.


Figure 5.2 b) On the top right of the pop-up shown in Figure 5.2, there is a 'View Map' button. Tap that to display the Map View. You will see the location of the Find in comparison to the hotel. Tap the 'View Details' button to return back to the main Find Details View. Hot Topic: You’ll notice that you can now see the hours, address, and phone number of the establishment. In addition, there is a link to the finds website for further browsing.


Figure 5.3 c) Below the large gold 'Add' button is information about the Find. If a website is listed, you can tap the website icon to view the Find’s website without leaving the Navigator app. At any time, tap the ‘X’, or anywhere outside of the pop-up to return back to the previous screen. d) Play around and add some Finds to 'My Finds'. If you want to access the gold 'My Finds' button in the top right, tap once outside of the pop-up, and once again on the gold button to access 'My Finds'.


My Finds 6) This view will show you all of the Finds that you’ve added to the current Session’s List along with all of the details.

Figure 6.1 a) In Figure 6.1, on the right side of each of the Finds, there is a white ‘X’ icon. Tap this to remove an item from the List.


Figure 6.2 b) Upon tapping, you will get a pop-up asking if you are sure you want to remove the item like in Figure 6.2. Removing an item will only remove it from the My Finds list. It will NOT delete the Find from the app.


Figure 6.3 c) On the top right, there is a 'View Map' button. This action works in the same way as the pop-up detailed view map. The only difference is that it shows all of the Finds in the List in one view. Tap this button to see your Finds on a map in comparison to the relevant hotel location(s). Map pins are colorcoded by category. Tap on one of the pins to see the name of the Find. Tap the ‘X’ icon to remove. Tap the 'View Details' buttons in the top left to go back to the My Finds view.


Figure 6.4 c) On the bottom bar shown in Figure 6.4, there are options to Print, Email, and Save the Session. Let’s try tapping the 'Save' button first.


Figure 6.5 d) Save: Upon tapping the ‘Print’, ‘Email’, or ‘Save’ button, you will always get this 'Save Session' dialogue, but only once for each Session as shown in Figure 6.5. This will allow you to access sessions for guests returning at a later TIME. Once a session is saved, it will automatically update whenever you add or remove things from its List. Tap through the fields to type in the name and check-out date for the Guest you are currently assisting. Phone number is optional, but can be useful if the Guest wants you to phone in information updates, such as confirmed restaurant reservations. Then tap the gold 'Save Session' button.


Figure 6.6 e) Print: Now let’s try tapping the 'Print' button... If you have not already saved, you will be prompted to do so, otherwise printing is immediately available. As you can see from Figure 6.6, a pop-up will appear on the bottom left part of the screen with printer options. Tap the 'Select printer' field to choose the appropriate printer. If the Guest would like more than one copy, tap the ‘+’ button to increase the page count. Tap the 'Print' button to finish. Hot Topic: Your iPad should have access to connect to a wireless printer. If you are having an issue printing or locating a printer, please see a Room Leader or your IT professional.


Figure 6.7 f) Email: Tap the ‘Email’ button and a pop-up will appear with a field to enter the guest’s email address shown above in Figure 6.7. The subject and body copy of the email will be populated automatically, and will also contain a PDF attachment of all of the guest’s Finds that were selected during the session. Their email address will NOT be saved into the session details. Tap the gold ‘Send Email' button, and the guest should receive an email shortly.


FIND RETURNING GUESTS _________________________

Figure 7.1 7) Did a guest come back asking for that restaurant name again? Did they decide they would like an email of the finds you showed them earlier? Not a problem. In Figure 7.1, simply tap the grey 'Find Returning Guest Session' button. a) This screen may contain confidential guest information, and should only be viewed while the iPad is in the hands of a Navigator. You must enter the 4-digit app pin to access this screen. Tap the 4 digit PIN to continue. If you mistyped a digit, use the backspace arrow to delete. Upon correctly entering your PIN, you will gain access to the Returning Guest Session screen. If you entered an incorrect pin, a red error message will appear at the bottom of the screen.


Figure 7.2 b) Upon correctly entering your PIN, you will gain access to the Returning Guest Session screen as demonstrated in Figure 7.3.


Figure 7.3 HOT TOPIC: If you are the first person using the app, this screen may be empty. This screen will display a list of SAVED Sessions, sorted chronologically from most recent Session to oldest.

HOT TOPIC: Sessions will expire automatically after the check-out date. c) If you want to resume a previous Session, tap on any of the items in the list as noted in Figure 7.3. If not, tap the back arrow in the top left corner to go back to the Navigator Menu.


Resetting the App 8) In order to reset the app, go to the iPad home screen as shown in Figure 8.1 (where all the app icons live), and press and hold on the Navigator app icon until the ‘X’ appears in the corner of the app icon. Press the 'X' icon, and then press the ‘Delete’ button on the confirmation pop-up. This will delete all data associated with the app, including PIN, default location, user logins, and saved guest sessions.

Figure 8.1 Now, you must reinstall the app using AirWatch. Make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi, and begin the setup from step 1 in “Deploy App to iPad” section. Success! You have now learnt how to use the Navigator iPad app. Once you are finished, you can tap the 'Navigator Button’ in the lower right corner of any page to start over, or let the iPad timeout by itself to take you to the Navigator Menu.


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