Wonders of Allah’s Creation

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Children! Did you ever wonder? "How did the universe form?" "How did the sun and the moon begin to exist?" "Where were you before you were born?" "How did the seas, trees, and animals come about?" "How do the colourful and lovely scented fruits that we love, such as bananas, cherries, plums and strawberries, emerge from the dark soil? Who gives them their colours and scents?" "From where does the tiny bee learn how to make such tasty honey? How does he make a honeycomb that has such smooth corners?" "Who was the first human?" "Your mother gave birth to you. But the first human couldn’t have had a mother or a father. So how did the first human all of a sudden appear?" In this book, you will learn the correct answer to all of these questions.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author, who writes under the pen-name Harun Yahya, was born in Ankara in 1956. He studied arts at Istanbul’s Mimar Sinan University and philosophy at Istanbul University. Since the 1980s, the author has published many books on faithrelated and scientific issues. Harun Yahya is wellknown as an author who has written very important works disclosing the invalidity of the theory of evolution. Some of the books of the author have been translated into English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian, Arabic, Polish, Russian, Bosnian, Indonesian, Turki, Tatar, Urdu and Malay and published in the countries concerned. Harun Yahya’s books appeal to all people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, regardless of their age, race, and nationality, as they center around one goal: to open the readers’ mind by presenting the signs of Allah’s eternal existence to them.

ISBN 1-84200-037-3

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Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. 1 Wynne Road London SW9 OBB United Kingdom

ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author, who writes under the pen-name HARUN YAHYA, was born in Ankara in 1956. Having completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara, he then studied arts at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University and philosophy at Istanbul University. Since the 1980s, the author has published many books on political, faith-related and scientific issues. Harun Yahya is well-known as an author who has written very important works disclosing the imposture of evolutionists, the invalidity of their claims and the dark liaisons between Darwinism and bloody ideologies. His pen-name is made up of the names "Harun" (Aaron) and "Yahya" (John), in memory of the two esteemed prophets who fought against lack of faith. The Prophet's seal on the cover of the author's books has a symbolic meaning linked to the their contents. This seal represents the Koran as the last Book by Allah and the last word of Him and our Prophet, the last of all the prophets. Under the guidance of the Koran and Sunnah, the author makes it his main goal to disprove each one of the fundamental tenets of godless ideologies and to have the "last word", so as to completely silence the objections raised against religion. The seal of the Prophet, who attained ultimate wisdom and moral perfection, is used as a sign of his intention of saying this last word. All these works by the author centre around one goal: to convey the message of the Koran to people, thus encouraging them to think about basic faith-related issues, such as the existence of Allah, His unity and the hereafter, and to display the decrepit foundations and perverted works of godless systems. Harun Yahya enjoys a wide readership in many countries, from India to America, England to Indonesia, Poland to Bosnia, and Spain to Brazil. Some of his books are available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Urdu, Arabic, Albanian, Russian, Serbo-Croat (Bosnian), Uygur Turkish, and Indonesian, and they have been enjoyed by readers all over the world. Greatly appreciated all around the world, these works have been instrumental in many people putting their faith in Allah and in many others gaining a deeper insight into their faith. The wisdom, and the sincere and easy-to-understand style employed give these books a distinct touch which directly strikes any one who reads or examines them. Immune to objections, these works are characterised by their features of rapid effectiveness, definite results and irrefutability. It is unlikely that those who read these books and give a serious thought to them can any longer sincerely advocate the materialistic philosophy, atheism and any other perverted ideology or philosophy. Even if they continue to advocate, this will be only a sentimental insistence since these books have refuted these ideologies from their very basis. All contemporary movements of denial are ideologically defeated today, thanks to the collection of books written by Harun Yahya. There is no doubt that these features result from the wisdom and lucidity of the Koran. The author certainly does not feel proud of himself; he merely intends to serve as a means in one's search for Allah's right path. Furthermore, no material gain is sought in the publication of these works. Considering these facts, those who encourage people to read these books, which open the "eyes" of the heart and guide them in becoming more devoted servants of Allah, render an invaluable service. Meanwhile, it would just be a waste of time and energy to propagate books which create confusion in peoples' minds, lead man into ideological chaos, and which, clearly have no strong and precise effects in removing the doubts in peoples' hearts, as also verified from previous experience. It is apparent that it is impossible for books devised to emphasize the author's literary power rather than the noble goal of saving people from loss of faith, to have such a great effect. Those who doubt this can readily see that the sole aim of Harun Yahya's books is to overcome disbelief and to disseminate the moral values of the Koran. The success, impact and sincerity this service has attained are manifest in the reader's conviction. One point needs to be kept in mind: The main reason for the continuing cruelty and conflict, and all the ordeals Muslims undergo is the ideological prevalence of disbelief. These things can only come to an end with the ideological defeat of disbelief and by ensuring that everybody knows about the wonders of creation and Koranic morality, so that people can live by it. Considering the state of the world today, which forces people into the downward spiral of violence, corruption and conflict, it is clear that this service has to be provided more speedily and effectively. Otherwise, it may be too late. It is no exaggeration to say that the collection of books by Harun Yahya have assumed this leading role. By the Will of Allah, these books will be the means through which people in the 21st century will attain the peace and bliss, justice and happiness promised in the Koran.


To The Reader In all the books by the author, faith-related issues are explained in the light of the Koranic verses and people are invited to learn Allah's words and to live by them. All the subjects that concern Allah's verses are explained in such a way as to leave no room for doubt or question marks in the reader's mind. The sincere, plain and fluent style employed ensures that everyone of every age and from every social group can easily understand the books. This effective and lucid narrative makes it possible to read them in a single sitting. Even those who rigorously reject spirituality are influenced by the facts recounted in these books and cannot refute the truthfulness of their contents. This book and all the other works of the author can be read individually or discussed in a group at a time of conversation. Those readers who are willing to profit from the books will find discussion very useful in the sense that they will be able to relate their own reflections and experiences to one another. In addition, it will be a great service to the religion to contribute to the presentation and reading of these books, which are written solely for the good pleasure of Allah. All the books of the author are extremely convincing. For this reason, for those who want to communicate the religion to other people, one of the most effective methods is to encourage them to read these books. It is hoped that the reader will take time to look through the review of other books on the final pages of the book, and appreciate the rich source of material on faith-related issues, which are very useful and a pleasure to read. In these books, you will not find, as in some other books, the personal views of the author, explanations based on dubious sources, styles that are unobservant of the respect and reverence due to sacred subjects, nor hopeless, doubt-creating, and pessimistic accounts that create deviations in the heart.



Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. I Wynne Road London SW9 OBB United Kingdom

February, 2002

Copyright © Harun Yahya 2001 CE First Published by Vural Yay›nc›l›k, Istanbul, Turkey First Turkish Edition published in 1999 Published by: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. I Wynne Road London SW9 OBB United Kingdom Website: http://www.taha.co.uk E-Mail: sales@taha.co.uk All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrivial system or transmitted in any form or by any methods, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. All translations from the Qur'an are from "The Noble Qur'an: a New Rendering of its Meaning in English" by Hajj Abdalhaqq and Aisha Bewley, published by Bookwork, Norwich, UK. 1420 CE/1999 AH By Harun Yahya Translated By: Tuba Addas Edited By: Abdassamad Clarke A catalog record of this book is available from the British Library ISBN 1-84200-037-3 Printed and bound by: Secil Ofset in Istanbul Address: 100 Y›l Mahallesi MAS-SIT Matbaacilar Sitesi 4. Cadde No: 77 Ba¤cilar-Istanbul / TURKEY Website: www.harunyahya.com E-mail: info@harunyahya.com

































Ch ild ren ! D id y ou ever wonde r? “H ow d id the uni v e rse form?” “How did the sun and the moon begin to exist?” “Wh ere wer e you before you w e re born?” “H ow d id t he seas, tre e s, and ani mal s come a b ou t?” “How do the colourful and lovely scented fru its th a t we l ove , such as bananas, cherri es, p lu m s a n d straw berri es, eme rge from the dark soil? Wh o g ives the m thei r col ours and scents?” “From wh er e doe s the ti ny be e l earn how to make such tasty honey? How does he make a h on ey c omb that has such smooth corne rs?” “Wh o wa s the fi rst human?” “Y ou r m othe r gav e bi rth to you. But the fi rst h u ma n c ou ld n’ t hav e had a mothe r or a father. So how did the first human all of a sudden a p p ea r?” In this book, you will learn the correct a n swer to a ll of these que sti ons. Do you know what this correct answer is? Every th in g that you se e around you, i ncl udi ng


y o u r s e l f , y ou r frien d s, y ou r parents, the earth, the sun, the food that you love, bananas, cherries, strawberries, colourful roses, violets, beautiful scents, human beings, cats, dogs, ants, bees, horses, birds and butterflies, in sho r t e v e r y th in g wa s c rea ted by Al l ah. We asked you, “Did you ever think: from w he r e d oe s th e tin y b ee lea r n how to make such t as t y hon e y ?” Well, A lla h is the One Who te aches t he be e how to m a ke h on ey . But there are those people who tell stories about these things. They don’t believe that Allah has created everything and they invent stories about it. These people are called “evolutionists” and the story that they tell is c a l l e d “ e v o lu tion ”. W e w an t y ou to lea rn what i s the truth, and t ha t i s w h y we h a ve sta rted by te l l i ng you the r igh t t h i n g s. In th e sec on d part of the book, we w il l s h ow y ou h ow th ose wh o bel i e ve i n e vol uti on de c e i v e p e op le. If a fter y ou hav e re ad thi s book, so m e on e c om es u p to y ou one day and asks you to believe in the theory of evolution, you can t hen t e l l him th a t th e th eor y of evol uti on i s not r igh t , an d Alla h is th e Crea t or of eve rythi ng.




D o y ou kn o w what the uni ve rse i s? I t is endless space and everything that it holds, earth, the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars. Even if you walk millions and millions of miles you will not be able to reach the end of space, a n d in fa c t, you have hardl y re ached i ts b eg in n in g . The re ason for that i s that sp a c e is too large to descri be. Earth exists within this limitless space. Along with earth, the sun, moon, and millions of stars exist in

i t a s well. S o h ow d id a ll of these thi ngs form? How did the sun come into being, for e x am ple? O r h ow d id our earth appear? There are two types of responses to t hi s qu estion . O n e of the se re sponses i s r i gh t a n d th e oth er is w rong. Those who r e s p on d wron g ly a re al so bel i e ve rs i n the theory of evolution. On the n ex t p a g e, we w i l l fi rst show you the wrong response and then the right on e.




THE WRONG RESPONSE: T hose wh o resp on d i ncorre ctl y say: The uni v e rse w as alwa y s th ere a n d i t came about by i tse l f. That i s , a l ot of su b sta n c es came togethe r on thei r own by chance to form the sun, stars, earth, seas, t r e e s , rivers a n d mou ntai ns. Don’t you think this thought is illogical? If a friend of yours came to you and said something l i k e : “I h a d p u t some s oi l , stones, and a l i ttl e bi t of w a ter in sid e a b ig box. I wai te d for a coupl e of years and then a computer emerged from this b ox .” Wou ld y ou b elieve hi m? You w oul d probabl y t hi n k th a t y ou r frien d was joki ng, l yi ng or mad. Evolutionists openly tell a tall story just like that. A computer cannot form all by itself as a r e s ul t of som e c oin c idence s. F i rst, some one pl ans what the computer is supposed to be like, and d e c i d es wh a t c om p on ents are to be use d. The n, i n large factories, engineers, technicians and h u n d red s of workers c o me toge the r. They use huge machinery to put the computer together. That is t o s ay , wh en y ou see a computer you woul d know that it did not just happen all by itself. Isn’t it ob v i ou s th a t in tellig ent pe opl e make computers? T he su n , ea rth a n d other pl ants are much l arger t ha n a c om p u ter. S o, if the re are those who make c om pu ters, th ere m u st be a power that create s the s u n , ea rth , m oon a n d stars.

THE RIGHT RESPONSE: D i d y ou u n d ersta n d w hat the ri ght re sponse i s? A l l a h is th e Crea tor of the sun, earth, pl anets, and stars. Everything in the universe is perfect and orderly. That is because Allah created the universe, and He has put everything where it b e l on g s. 12

If a friend of yours had put some soil, stones and a little bit of water inside a box and then came to you and said that after waiting for a couple of years a computer emerged from the box, would you not break into laughter at the thought?


HOW DID ALLAH CREATE THE UNIVERSE? S c i en tists h a ve m a de a v e ry i mportant di scove ry i n r e c en t y ea rs. Th is important di scove ry w as that b e f o r e th e u n iverse was formed, there w as nothi ng e l s e . T h ere wa s n o la n d, no ai r, no water, and the re w e r e n o sta rs; th ere w as eve n no space. I nsi de thi s n ot hi n g n ess, th ere wa s thi s ti ny spot. Thi s spot w as s o t i ny th a t it wa s d iffi cul t e ve n for an e ye to see . A l o t of ma tter h a d b een squee z ed togethe r i nsi de this spot. Then, in an instant this spot exploded. W he n it ex p lod ed , a ll t he matte r that was squee z ed inside it flew about. After that, the pieces of matter joined together to first form atoms, then from those atoms, stars, our sun, earth and the other planets. The scientists named this explosion the “Big Bang”. Everything in the universe was f o r m ed a s a resu lt of thi s Bi g Bang. Here you have to think about something very im p orta n t. Let’ s i magi ne that you put the pieces of a puzzle randomly inside a balloon. After that, you fill your balloon with air and then suddenly pop it. That is to say t he ba lloon “b ig b a n g ed” . What happens to the puzzle’s pieces t ha t you h a d stu ffed i nsi de the bal l oon? C ou l d th ese p iec es form a beauti ful v i l l a or an airport—something even you could hardly m an a g e—in th e mid d le of your room? Or w oul d they scatter all over the room? Of course, they would 14

s c a t t er a ll over y ou r r oom. You woul d have to put t o g e t her th e p u zzle’s pi eces for the m to form an a i r port or a h ou se. Allah is the Maker of the “Big Bang”, the Organiser of the matter that scattered in space a f t e r th e “B ig B a n g ”. By bri ngi ng toge the r al l thi s matter, He is also the Creator of the sun, earth, p l a n e ts a n d sta rs. Wh e n Al l ah w i shes somethi ng to be, He gives the order “Be” and it comes into being. Allah is Superior and He is the Strongest. His strength is enough for everything. When He w an t s someth in g , H e c an create i t i mmedi ate l y. A l l a h h a s sen t u s H is book “ The Qur’ an” through w hi c h H e in trod u c es H imse l f and Hi s cre ati on to us. We can find all the right answers to every question from the Qur’an and the Sunnah (The Prophet Muhammad’s way of life). For example, w he n we a sk, “H ow h a s Al l ah cre ate d e ve rythi ng?” A l l a h resp on d s in th e Qur’ an by sayi ng: “He (Allah) is the Originator of the heavens and the earth… He created all things and He has knowledge of all things.” (Surat al-An’am: 101)

ALLAH CREATED EARTH FOR US A l l a h is th e O n e Wh o cre ate d earth, the sun, stars and moon. So how did all the living things on earth come into being? Imagine a huge planet with its surface completely empty. There are no humans or a n i m al s , n o p la n ts or in sects. Earth has been decorated in a lot of detail for l i v i n g t h in g s to su rvive. Al l ah i s the One Who has gi ve n earth all these details. Otherwise none of us would h a v e b e en a b le to live, n ei ther you, nor your pare nts, or i n d e ed a n y of y ou r frie nds woul d hav e bee n he re. L e t ’ s c on sid er h ow A llah create d the earth so that l i v i n g t h in g s c a n su rvive: 1. Think about‌ how orderly everything in the u n i v e r s e is. Th e su n h a s be e n put i n the e xact posi ti on f r om w hic h it c ou ld wa rm us and gi ve us l i ght at the s a m e t i me. If th ere were no sun, the re woul d not have been one living thing on earth. Neither us, nor the a n i m al s n or a n y oth er c reature s w oul d hav e be e n abl e to live. 2 . Al la h h a s a lso d istanced the sun from earth to j u s t t h e rig h t ex ten t. If e arth was a l i ttl e bi t cl oser to t he s u n , th e h ea t wou ld hav e scorche d i t and w e w oul d n ot h a v e b een a b le to live . I f e arth w as a l i ttl e more distant from the sun, then glaciers would have covered it and again, few living things would have been able to survive. This is one of the reasons why there is no life on other planets, because they are e i t he r t o o c lose to th e sun or too di stant from i t. 3. As you know, living things need to breathe in or de r t o live. We n eed oxygen i n the ai r so that we can b r e at he . Ex a c tly th e rig ht amount of oxyge n e xi sts i n the air so that human beings can breathe. If there w e r e a l ittle b it m ore or a l i ttl e bi t l e ss, ne i ther w e , n or t h e a n ima ls, n or th e pl ants w oul d hav e survi v e d, 16

"He (Allah) is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth..." ( S u r a t a s h - S h u r a : 11 )

be c a u s e, a s we h a ve a lready sai d, w e nee d to breathe i n o r de r to live. For th is w e nee d oxygen. 4 . On e of th e most important thi ngs that make i t pos s i b l e for u s to su rvive i s w ate r. No organi sm can l i v e w i th ou t wa ter. For t hi s reason, Al l ah has create d some parts of earth as water. Three quarters of e ar t h ’ s su rfa c e is c overe d w i th w ate r. Howeve r, the re i s n o w a ter on a n y of t he othe r pl ane ts nor i s the re any water on the moon that you see at night. The essentials for living things are only available on e ar t h . Many events on earth make it possible for us to live. If even only one of these events doesn’t take pl a c e , no livin g th in g woul d be l eft on e arth. So, i s i t possible that these thousands of events have come together spontaneously and formed such a place as earth? Of course not. Not even one of these events cou l d h a p p en b y c h a n c e. Al l ah has create d earth for hu m an b ein g s. A n d , b ec ause of thi s, earth i s the most s ui t ab l e p la c e for u s. You can give the following example to those that claim earth and the whole universe were formed by chance. Let’s say that you are playing on the beach and you see some big waves approaching, so you go home. When you return to the beach after a few hou r s , you see a n a ma zing si ght. On the shore there i s a wonderful city made of sand. There are houses, hospitals, an airport, and buses. There are even hu m an fig u res. Y ou a sk a fri end who i s passi ng i f he knows how these things occurred. If he replied, “ I t h i n k t h e b ig wa ves th a t reached the shore must hav e f or m e d th em ,” wh a t woul d you thi nk? Woul dn’ t you be suspicious that your friend imagined it, or wouldn’t you laugh thinking that he must be joking or had pe r ha p s b ec om e in sa n e? 18

DO YOU THINK THIS IS POSSIBLE? You are playing on the beach and, all of a sudden, big waves approach. So, you quickly leave for home.

When you return to the beach after a few hours, you see an amazing sight. There on the shore is a wonderful sandcastle. The recent big waves couldn’t have formed this castle “by chance”. It is impossible for such a beautiful neat building to have formed by chance, and just in the same way it is impossible for living things to have formed on earth by chance.


I t is imp ossib le for w av e s to hav e forme d such a perfect city from sand by coincidence. It is ob v i ou s th a t som eon e who i s an expert i n bui l di ng s u c h cities h a d a rrived, bui l t i t and l eft. H owever, c erta in p eopl e – eve n though they are p r o f e s sors or sc ien tist s – acce pt such a ri di cul ous i d e a . Th ey won ’t sa y , “W av e s forme d the ci ty made of sand”, but they would say “Tiny pieces of matter, namely the atoms, came together by c h a n c e a n d th ey forme d the sun, stars and earth all by themselves.” This is because these people wouldn’t want to say that Allah created everything. They defend the wrong without believing in the right. We will explain who these p e op l e a re in m ore d et ai l tow ards the e nd of the b ook .

The Surrounding Protective Shield of Earth: The Atmosphere D o y ou kn ow th a t ev e ry day many me teors fal l on e arth ?


Meteors are stones that break off from planets or are the remnants of material from stars. They go about in space, and from time to time fall on the surfaces of planets causing them great damage. But, because Allah has surrounded our planet with a protective shield, they don’t do us much harm.

W h en meteors fa ll on other pl ane ts, they create giant craters, but when they fall on earth, they don ’ t c a u se m u c h h a rm. So h ow d o meteors cause gre at damage to the s ur f a c es of oth er p la n ets but not to the surface of e ar t h ? The reason for this is the atmosphere that surrounds earth. The atmosphere encircles our planet as a protective shield. A meteor entering t h e atmosp h ere sh rin k s through combusti on. When i t c omes c loser to th e surface of e arth, i t become s e v e n s ma ller. Th erefore , the me teor become s v e ry small or even diminishes and disappears completely by the time it reaches the surface of t h e e arth , a n d c a u ses us no harm. T h e a tm osp h ere d oesn’ t onl y pre ve nt the harm o f m e teors b u t it a lso absorbs harmful rays that come from the Sun. Yet again, if these harmful r a y s were a b le to rea ch e arth’ s surface, i t w oul d ha v e been im p ossib le f or l i vi ng thi ngs to survi v e . T h e two c h a ra c terist i cs we hav e menti oned here are more than enough to show us that the atmosphere is not some haphazard thing. Allah— Who has endless mercy upon all living things on earth and Who at the same time has eternal pow e r —h a s c rea ted th e atmosphe re, and wi th thi s atmosphere, He protects us from da n g er.

The atmosphere encircles earth as a protective shield. Thanks to the atmosphere, we are protected from many threats without even realising it.

Can Atoms Think? A s w e expl ai ned e arl i e r, after the Big Bang, particles emerged a n d c ame togethe r as ATOM S. Wel l , d o y ou know w hat an atom i s? Let us fi rst expl ai n to you what an atom is like. We can compare the atoms to marbles. But these marbles would be too tiny, u n l i k e a n y th in g y ou h ave see n be fore. N o w, look a rou n d you! E v e rythi ng that you see i n r ea lity is m a d e of the se marbl es, name l y the atoms. The chair on which you are sitting, the b ook in y ou r h a n d , y o ur mothe r, your teacher at school, the television that you watch, apples, m e l o n s, a n d th e c h ocol ates i n the ki tchen, your p e t , wa ter, th e flowers i n your garde n, your toys, and even your body, all are made up of these a t o m s . A s we exp la in ed e arl i e r, the stars and suns that make up the universe and the world in which we live are also formed of atoms just like you. In all the places in which you go a b ou t a n d a ll th e corners that you turn, the re a re a toms. You cannot see these little things that we call atoms, because they are a lot smaller than y ou c a n ima g in e. Th ey are so smal l that e ve n w i th t he la rg est mic rosc o pe s, i t i sn’ t possi bl e to see e v e n on e of th em . To be abl e to compre hend the t i ny size of th e a tom, l ook at thi s exampl e: Ima gi ne that you have a key i n your hand. Without a doubt, it is impossible for you to see the


atom s th a t ma ke up thi s ke y. I f you say, “I must see these atoms”, then you m us t visu a lise th e key to be as l arge as e arth. If you were able to visualise the key to be as l a r ge a s ea rth th en eve ry atom i nsi de i t w oul d be a s l arg e a s c h erries a nd so you coul d see the m. Well, how did all the atoms come together after the Big Bang? The atoms are lifeless. The y don’ t have any mi nds or any intelligence. They cannot make any decisions. They cannot say, for example, “Come on, let’s get together a n d form a sta r” or “L et’ s come cl ose r and form e a r t h ”. We c a n a lso u s e the fol l owi ng e xampl e: We already mentioned a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces of this puzzle are lifeless and, like atoms, they cannot make decisions. If you spread them about, they cannot have thoughts such as “Well, let’s get together a n d f orm a c a stle or a human! ” Then let’s ask again: “How did all these stars, planets, humans and animals that are m ad e u p of a toms c ome i nto bei ng? I f the atoms did not make a decision, then who put them t o g e t her?” Of course, nothing around us can occur by c oi n c id en c e. A lla h is the One Who bri ngs atoms together. Allah has created all the vastness of space, the planets, stars, earth, animals, plants a n d hu ma n s from a toms.

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How are Humans Made of Atoms? We have said that atoms come together to form h u m an b ein g s, b u t, of c o urse , you must be wonde ri ng how this can happen. First, atoms come together to f o r m C E LLS . A g a in , we a r e l earni ng some thi ng ne w : So, w ha t i s a c ell? The bodies of all living organisms are made up of c e l l s . E v en if c ells a re n ot as smal l as atoms, they are s t i l l v e r y sma ll a n d c a n n ot be se e n w i th the naked e ye . W e c a n try to ex p la in th ei r ti ny si z e wi th the fol l ow i ng e x am pl e : If we b rou g h t toge the r about 10, 000 cel l s, w e could make up something just about the size of the head of a pin. This is why you cannot see them. But cells are the building blocks of humans, ants, cats, r o s e s , t r ees, a n d a ll oth er l i vi ng organi sms around you. Y ou , f o r in sta n c e, a re made up of tri l l i ons of ce l l s. S o, w here d id a ll th ese tri l l i ons of ce l l s come from? L ook a t y ou r b roth er. He w asn’ t the re two ye ars ago, t he n al l of a su d d en h e appe are d and sl owl y he started t o gr o w . H ow d id th is a m az i ng eve nt happe n? Your brother started out as a single cell in your m o t he r ’ s a b d omen . B u t thi s si ngl e ce l l was stori ng a l ot of important information inside. All the information t ha t h a s ma d e y ou r b rothe r i nto who he i s use d to be s t o r e d i n th is c ell: h is eye col our, hai r col our, hei ght, e t c. Then this cell grew a little and started to divide. First, it divided in two. However, here something happened that you would find very interesting: The


month 3

month 4

month 5- 6

month 7-8-9

information in the cell did not divide into two. That m e a n s th e sa me in form a ti on w as dupl i cate d i n the two ce l l s . A fter th is, th e c ell s conti nued to di v i de and the s am e i nform a tion d u p lic ati on happened i n al l of the m, r e s u l t i ng in ma n y c ells with the same i nformati on. Then t h e s e w e re d ivid ed in to o the rs, and othe rs di v i de d i nto others. This event continued until millions of cells f or m e d . While all this was happening, something you would ne v e r g u ess took p la c e! These cells, although they contain the same information, started doing tasks that are different f r o m e a c h oth er. S ome o f the m formed your brother’ s skin. Some others formed his muscles, yet others his s k e l e t o n , a n d oth ers h is brai n neurons. While the cells continued to multiply, the group of ce l l s t ha t wa s a lmost like a bal l started to take shape. As y o u ca n see in th e p icture s at the top of the page , f i r s t y ou r b roth er’s h ea d appeare d, fol l owed by hi s thi n ar m s an d th en h is leg s. The ce l l s conti nued to grow and divide and after nine months, they turned into a com pl e t e b a b y . Y ou m et hi m for the fi rst ti me whe n he w a s “ born ”. All the things that we have said until now may surprise you. You probably have thought about why ce l l s t o ok on d ifferen t tasks or how the y w e re abl e to com bi n e in su c h a n ea t shape . Al l ah i s the One Who does al l of t h is. Cells a re tin y bei ngs that are i nvi si bl e to the



n a k e d ey e. Like a toms, i t i s i mpossi bl e for ce l l s al l on their own to make decisions or to come t o g e t her to form a h u man be i ng. I t i s nonse nse to even think that your brother or other human b e i n g s a re m a d e u p of cel l s that came togethe r by c oi n c id en c e. A l l a h , th e Crea tor o f al l , has create d al l human beings perfectly and He has told the people to t hi n k a b ou t th is in th e Book that He has se nt us: Does not man recall that We created him before when he was not anything? (Surah Maryam: 67) You, like your brother and all other human beings, started to grow from a single cell, con t i nu ed to g row a n d turne d i nto a ful l person. R i gh t n ow, y ou a re livi ng a ni ce l i fe i n thi s worl d. You owe all of this to Allah. Allah shows great mercy to you and gives you many blessings. So, don ’ t ever forg et to thank your Cre ator, Al l ah. 26

Ou r b od ies a re p erf ect organi sms that al l ow us to live on earth in comfort, to run and play, to r e a d a n d write a n d , in short, they l et us pe rform each and every task. These organisms are so wonderful that one cannot make anything that resembles them even with the most advanced t e c h n olog y . How much do you know about this body of yours, which works non-stop and repairs itself w h e n it ru n s d own ?






Did you know that your body is made up of fats, proteins, water, carbohydrates and minerals?


OUR WINDOWS ON THE WORLD: EYES Ea c h org a n in our bodi es i s v e ry i mportant to us . O u r lives wou ld c hange i f e ve n onl y one of the m were missing. For example, our eyes… Did you ever think what you would have done if you didn’t have your eyes? You wouldn’t be able to know what your p a r e nt s , b roth ers or sis ters, or fri ends l ook l i ke . You w o u l d n ’t b e a b le to see al l the be auti ful thi ngs. You w o u l d n ’t b e a b le to p lay most of the game s you now d o. You wou ld n ’t b e abl e to read thi s book or se e t he c olou rfu l p ic tu res i n i t. You woul dn’ t be abl e to imagine what a rabbit or a dog looks like, because y ou w o u ld n ever h a ve seen one. You w oul dn’ t be abl e to watch cartoons on TV. You wouldn’t be able to p e r f or m y ou r ta sks with e ase . You mi ght not eve n be a b l e t o fin d y ou r wa y around home . You w oul dn’ t b e ab l e to see a n y c olours or shape s, nor w oul d y ou k now wh a t lig h t is or be abl e to noti ce any o f th ese th in g s. T he l i st i s e ndl ess. Allah created all humans with eyes with wh ic h th ey can see . Al l ah has gi ve n h u ma n s th is ver y i mportant asse t. Our eyes serve very important functions. They perform critical processes of which we are c om pl etely u n a wa re, a nd onl y after whi ch we can se e around. L e t u s b riefly exa mine how w e see : E v e ry ob j ec t in th e worl d re fl e cts and e mi ts l i ght on to its surroundings. For instance, while you are l ook i ng a t th is b ook, the l i ght re fl e cte d and e mi tted from this book is going to the back of your eye t hr o u g h y ou r p u p il. This light, after going through a series of p roc esses a t th e b ack of your e ye , turns i nto an electrical signal. This electrical signal goes to your brain. At the back of your brain is the c en tre of vision that make s i t possi bl e for you 28

to see. The centre of vision is a small area. This is the tiny area where the electrical signals form the image of the book and t h a t i s wh en y ou see th is book. E v e n try in g to exp la in these processe s as bri e fl y as pos s i b l e ta kes su c h a long ti me , w hereas the proce ss i s i n s t an ta n eou s. Th ese processe s happe n so fast that when you look at the book, at that instant you are ab l e t o see it.

I s n ’ t it su c h a p erfec t syste m? I f you re me mber, w e had mentioned evolutionists earlier in the book. We al s o m en tion ed th a t th ese pe opl e be l i e ve that e arth, the universe, the stars and all living things are a r e s u l t o f c h a n c e. Th ose who say thi s say the same about our eyes. They say, “The eyes occurred by t h e m s e l ves a n d th rou g h coi nci de nce .” Can such a com pl e x a n d won d erfu l s yste m form by i tsel f? L et us gi v e a n ex a mp le to cl ari fy how ri di cul ous thi s o p i n i on is: Engineers have manufactured the photographic and video cameras by copying the human eye. How e v e r , n on e of th is equi pment gi ve s as cl ear a v i ew as your eyes do. Now lift your head from the book and look around you. Isn ’t y ou r v i si on cl ear? There i s no bl ur, 29

s now y d ots or missin g li nes i n your vi si on. Now l ook at your television set. Quite often, you see snowy dot s o r skip p ed lin es in the i mage. E v e n whe n these don ’ t h a p p en a n d even wi th al l the new technol ogy, t e l e v i sion s still d o n ot produce the pe rfe ct i mage s t h a t y ou r ey es d o. N o w, let’s th in k for a mome nt. Thi s means that o u r e y es a re a lot more adv anced and are of bette r qu a l i ty th a n a n y vid eo or photographi c camera or t e l e v i sion . Wh a t wou ld you do i f some one came up t o y o u a n d sa id som ethi ng l i ke the fol l owi ng? “ T here wa s a storm that cause d some el ectri cal ca b l e s, sc rews, h a m mer s, screw dri v e rs to fl y out the


d oor a n d win d ows, to fly out of the house , and then a l l of t h em g ot tog eth er i n the backyard. Then there was some rain and thunder and these things were m i x e d with th e soil. S ome ti me passe d and I saw a t e l e v i s ion set em erg e. I pi cke d i t up and brought i t h om e .� You would probably think that that person is either insane or lying, because as we all know, television sets are made in huge factories where there are hundreds of engineers, designers and specialised personnel. It is impossible for a t e l e v i s ion set to form on i ts ow n.

Cou ld it b e th at our e ye s, whi ch are of much better quality than television, have occurred by themselves? Of course not! J u st a s a television doe sn’ t come about on i t s own , b u t som eo ne doe s manufacture i t, our eyes are also not a result of coincidence. Allah is the One Who created our eyes in such a way that they see in t h ree- d im en sion s and wi th col oure d i mage s so clearly. This is why we have to thank Alla h for every th ing beauti ful that we are ab le to see.

OUR EARS THAT HEAR WITHOUT ANY CRACKLE Allah has created our ears perfectly just like our eyes. Imagine a stereo, for instance. Even if you turn on the best of stereos, you hear some cr ac k l in g a n d h issin g s ounds. Radi o channe l s often become mixed up. Right now, don’t talk but just listen! Do you hear any hissing? Your ears never produce any. You hear the sounds marvellously cl e a r l y . Well d on ’t y ou thi nk that your e ars coul d also have produced crackling just like stereos? Allah has created our ears perfectly and we are able to hear the sounds around us without e x p e r i en c in g a n y d isto rti on. Al l a h h a s c rea ted our ears i n such a w ay that w e a re u n a b le to h ea r ce rtai n sounds that woul d disturb us. The blood in our body, for instance, f l ow s very fa st a n d it make s a l ot of noi se duri ng i t s c i rc u la tion . H owever, our ears do not hear the noise that it makes. Our planet also produces


quite a strong noise while it spins. Nevertheless, A l l a h h a s c rea ted ou r e ars so i deal l y that we don't hear this noise. Allah is very caring towards us. This is the reason why, throughout our lives, He d oe s n ’t let u s h ea r n oises that wi l l di sturb us. This is why we have to thank Allah for His benevolence. Allah has stated the following in a v e r s e in th e Q u r’a n : “Allah brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing nothing at all, and gave you hearing, sight and hearts so that perhaps you would show thanks.” (Surat an-Nahl, 78)

Here is a diagram that shows the inside of your ear. Your earflap collects the sounds, and the sound finally reaches the centre of hearing in your brain by moving inside your ear. And it is there that your hearing takes place. Earflap Stirrup Anvil Cochlea Hammer

Cochlear nerve

Eardrum Auditory Canal Eustachian tube Earlobe


OUR HEART THAT NEVER TIRES F or u s, ou r h ea rt is an esse nti al organ. I t b e a t s a b ou t seven ty - two ti me s pe r mi nute and about forty million times per year. To u n d e r s t a n d wh a t a tiring acti v i ty thi s i s, just make a fist with your hand and then relax it, and continue making a fist and relaxing it. How many m i nu t e s d o y ou th in k y o u w i l l be abl e to ke e p thi s up? Your heart, which is about the size of your fist, continues this action throughout your life without becoming tired or even stopping once. Our hearts don’t stop even while we are asleep. If we become excited, our heart beats faster, and it beats slower w hi l e w e rest. O u r h ea rt make s al l the se adjustme nts a u t o m atic a lly wh ile we are total l y unaware. E v e r y time ou r h ea rt be ats, i t pumps bl ood around ou r bod ies. Wh a t we n ee d to survi v e i s i n thi s bl ood. Every one of our cells receives the necessary oxygen a n d f ood th ey n eed from the bl ood. Our heart pumps a b ou t 4 3 ,0 0 0 litres ( a p prox. 11, 000 gal l ons) of bl ood per day. Do you know just how much blood this means? This is about enough to fill 150 bathtubs. Wouldn’t you become tired if you tried to e m pt y a sin g le b a th tu b ful l of water with just a cup? Now imagine having to empty 150 bathtubs of water with just a single cup. Probably you wouldn’t have been able to accomplish such a difficult task. However, our heart does such a task


an d h a s d on e so sin c e th e day w e were born an d w i l l c on tin u e to d o so unti l the day w e die. Moreover, it never takes a break. You, for example, would take a break while doing a difficult chore. You would p rob a b ly ne e d to l i e dow n, or take a rest, but our hearts Blood cell d on ’t b ecome ti re d, because they a re esse nti al for our survi v al . I t i s sma ll b ut i ts task i s enormous. Thi s is wh y Al l ah has cre ate d i t i n such a Heart wa y that i t neve r ti re s.


It is unimaginable for a country to be without a network of roads, railways or seaways. A unique network in your body allows it to function faultlessly. These are the blood vessels of our circulatory system. Inside these Artery v e s s e l s , t h e b l o o d f l o w s t h a t t h e h e a r t continuously pumps. The blood carries countless materials from one part of the body to another. It distributes food continuously to each part of the body and collects waste materials. 35

DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS AN ARMY IN THE BODY THAT PROTECTS US AGAINST GERMS? T he p la c es wh ere we si t, the ai r we bre athe, the t hi n g s we h old a re fu l l of ge rms and v i ruse s, but w e ar e u n a b le to see them. Germs and v i ruse s are small organisms that cause diseases in human b e i n g s. We c a n n ot see them w i th our e ye s but the y c a n ca u se u s to b ec om e si ck and to l ose strength. T here a re oth er org ani sms w e are unabl e to see . These make up the army that lives inside us and protects us against our germ and virus enemies. T hi s army is c a lled th e “ I mmune System” . O u r immu n e sy stem exi sts wi thi n our bl ood. The c e l l s th a t ma ke u p ou r i mmune system are cal l e d t he w h ite b lood c ells. When an enemy enters our body, our blood works just like a laboratory. It immediately produces very special substances to fight the enemy and reproduces more cells matching the enemy’s strength. A ferocious battle begins. Sometimes the army in our body wins the battle without us feeling it and the germs and viruses die.


The importance and benefits of vaccination: Dangerous germs are given to the body after being made ineffective. In this way, the immune cells recognise them and take measures to protect you against them.




Weapon Killer M a n u f a c t u r e r Weapon Suppressor Memory

The white blood cells, approximately more than a trillion, form a very advanced army. Each one of this army’s personnel has its unique job. Some of them monitor whether there are any foreign bodies entering the blood stream, while others form the chemical substances that will destroy the enemies and others attack the enemy. When the virus enters the body, the immune cell that acts as a guard notices it.

The guard cells calls the other immune cells by warning them. Meanwhile, the necessary weapons are being produced.

Meanwhile, the viruses enter the body cells in order to multiply. The immune cells kill these body cells and in so doing they destroy the viruses. Result: Our body wins the battle. 37

Sometimes we do feel this b a ttle. You say how ? When we have a feve r! Of course, you must have had a fever at least a couple of times by now . That was whe n your enemy was fighting the army inside your body. During the battle, your body uses up all its energy and needs some more. If y ou go out to run, whi l e your body is en gaged i n a battl e, you w oul d be using up all the energy that your body needs to fight. In this case, your army would lose the battle and you would fall sick. However, when you get a fever, y ou natural l y l i e dow n to re st, and y ou r army use s al l your av ai l abl e While you wear a bandage to energy. In doing so, the army protect yourself, the soldiers could be victorious. When our inside you fight for you. tem p e rature ri se s, our body gi ve s u s t h e m essa g e “rest!” D o you kn ow wh a t wo ul d have happened, i f we di d not have an immune system? Shortly after we were born, the first germ that entered our body would have killed us. Because Allah is very merciful and caring towards all humans, He has created each human being with an immune system. As we have realised from the beginning of this book, we owe Allah each m i nu t e of ou r lives for our be i ng able to see beautiful things and b e i n g ab le to ea t d elic ious food. That is why we have to think a b ou t Alla h in every th ing we se e a n d s ay “O A lla h , I a m g r ateful to You for giving me all these b l e s s i n g s”.


Di d y ou kn ow th a t the l i v i ng thi ngs that you se e e v e r y d a y h a ve very in teresti ng fe ature s? Af t er c rea tin g ea rth, Al l ah cre ate d many l i v i ng things on it. One of these living things is the hu m an b ein g . We told you earl i e r how the human being was created. There are beings other than humans on this planet. These are the animals an d pla n ts. In this section, we will explain the am az in g fea tu res of s ome of the se an i m als a n d p la n ts. S ome of the se could be animals that you s e e e very d a y wh en y ou are o u t f o r a wa lk, p la y in g in the backyard or sitting on the terrace. You probably haven’t gi v e n a lot of thought to t h e i r u n iq u e f e a t ures.

When Allah creates people, He gives them some features to c on stantl y remi nd them of Hi m. F or example, you can see the pictures of a h uman and a mosqui to on thi s p a g e. The mosqui to i s thousands of times smal l e r than the human. But, no matter what, the human is totally defenceless against the mosquito while sleeping in bed. Whatever she does, she will not be a b l e t o p reven t th e m osqui to from bi ti ng. Al l ah has given the mosquito many special features, even t hou g h it is a lot sm a ller than the human bei ng. As a r e s ul t of th is, H e wa n ts humans to ponder. He w ants them to understand that humans can do nothing, even against a mosquito, without His wish. In this way, human beings should realise that they have a b s ol u tely n o p ower in f ront of Al l ah. N o w , th in k a b ou t y oursel f. You go to bed and hear a c on t i nu ou s b u zz. Th is i s the buz z of a mosqui to. As y ou c a n see in th e p ic tu re the mosqui to i tse l f i s ti ny, b u t i t s n oise is very str ong. Thi s i s due to a uni que t al e n t t h a t A lla h g a ve it. How e ve r, do you know why t he m o sq u ito is try in g c onti nuousl y to bi te you? Come on now ; let’s tell y ou a b o ut the i nteresti ng adv e nture of a m osq u ito. A mosquito at work! In the bottom picture, can you see how the abdomen of the mosquito reddens as a result of the blood that it sucks?


THE AMAZING ADVENTURE OF THE MOSQUITO Mosquitoes are creatures with which most hu m an s a re fa m ilia r be cause of the i r vi si ts to our hom e s d u rin g th e su mmer. Did you ever get the chance to look at a m os q u ito c losely ? If n ot, l ook at the pi cture on the pr e v i o u s p a g e a n d we can study i t toge the r. Do you k n ow wh y th e a b d om en of thi s mosqui to i s red? Hi s ab d omen is red b ec a u s e i t i s fi l l e d wi th the bl ood o f t he p erson on wh om the mosqui to has l anded. Why do mosquitoes suck blood? Many people believe that the mosquitoes feed on blood. In r e a l i ty , mosq u itoes feed on fl ow e r ne ctar. T h e fema le m osq u ito i s the onl y one that sucks blood, and that is for the sake of the eggs that s he ca rries. After learning this, you will probably view mosquitoes with different eyes. There are things about mosquitoes that will surprise you even m or e . A s y ou kn ow mosqui toes are cre ature s that l i v e o n la n d a n d th a t fl y, but the y grow i n water an d a fter th ey m a tu re, they come out of the water w i t hou t even g ettin g we t. Di d you eve r he ar of thi s i nc r e dib le story ? If y ou di d not, then re ad on and y o u will b e q u ite su rp ri se d.

The Adventure Begins‌ The adventure of the small mosquito begins when the mother mosquito leaves her eggs on ponds or wet leaves. Yet, she doesn’t leave her eggs at random. She aligns them neatly side-byside. The eggs resemble a raft. Do you know why


The mother mosquito links her eggs in the shape of a raft to prevent them from sinking. the mother mosquito arranges her eggs in this shape? S h e g ives h er eg g s thi s shape be cause , si nce they h a v e b een left on wa ter, the e ggs coul d e asi l y si nk. I f t he y are lin ked in th is w ay, the ri sk of si nki ng wi l l no l on g e r b e th ere. Th e wh i te e ggs that the mother l i nes up with care immediately begin to darken. Insects and birds don’t notice these eggs because their colour is dark. In this way, the eggs are safe from b e i n g atta c ked b y in sects and bi rds. So, from w here d oe s a tin y mosq u ito egg l earn to change i ts col our? Obviously, this tiny egg couldn’t have this k now l e dg e. Th e mosq u it o that i s the mothe r of thi s e g g al so c a n ’t kn ow h ow to change i ts col our. Al l ah i s t he O n e Wh o c h a n g es the col our of the e ggs. Al l ah i s very merciful and is the Protector of the living things He creates. He changes the colour of the m o s q u i to eg g s to p rotect the m. Wait! The mosquito’s adventure has only just b e g u n . Th e little on es insi de the e gg soon turn i nto wormlike creatures called larvae. These larvae, as y ou c a n see on th e n ext page, stay i n w ate r w i th the i r heads upside down. How do you think these larvae breathe when their heads are in water? Allah has created them with an organ that allows them to b r e at he. D o y ou kn ow w hat thi s organ l ooks l i ke ? I t 42

looks like the diver’s snorkel the child in the next picture is using. T h i s i s a tu b e a n d th e to p of i t stays out of water. The air that goes through this tube allows the tiny mosquito that is under w a t e r t o b rea th e. How ever, th ere is a n i mportant probl e m. Thi s Mosquito t u b e s t a y s ou t of wa ter but eve n the sl i ghtest w a v e c o u l d c a u s e w a t e r t o e n t e r i t a n d t h i s w o u l d larva mean that the tiny mosquito would drown. This doe s n ’ t h a p p en . A stic ky substance at the e nd of thi s t u b e p reven ts wa ter fro m e nte ri ng i t. Do you thi nk that the larvae you see in the picture could have s ai d , “ Let’s p u t a stic ky substance at the e nd of our t u b e , s o th a t wa ter d oe sn’ t ge t i nsi de ” ? Coul d l i ttl e mosquitoes have such intelligence and talent? Obviously little mosquitoes cannot think of doing s uc h t hin g s. A lla h is th e One Who create s the tube so that they can breathe and the sticky substance at t h e e nd of th e tu b e so t hat water doesn’ t ente r. As y ou c a n see, A lla h does not prote ct just you, He al s o protec ts a ll oth er li vi ng creature s. Don ’t th in k th a t th e adv e nture i s ov e r. I t i s sti l l goi n g o n . Meanwhile, the little mosquitoes change their s k i n s a c ou p le of tim es. F i nal l y, the y take the shape t h a t y o u see on th e left . I t sti l l doe sn’ t l ook l i ke a mosquito, does it? This phase of the mosquito is called the pupal stage. Inside the shell called the cocoon, the mosquito matures completely and takes the true shape of a mosquito. He becomes ready to fly with his antenna, mouth, feet, wings, and the eyes that make up a la rg e p or ti on of i ts he ad. But fi rst, he mu st g et out of the she l l . Mosquito cocoon


The mosquito that has come out of its cocoon is standing on water! Allah protects the mosquito from sinking with a sticky substance that He created for its feet.

The Mosquito is Out for the First Time! T he c oc oon is first torn from the si de of the he ad. However, the mosquito faces a very important danger before it is born. What if the cocoon fills w i t h w ater? In th a t c a se, the mosqui to woul d drow n. H ow e v e r, th e h ea d p ort i on of the cocoon i s cove red with a special sticky substance that prevents the h e a d of th e mosq u ito from comi ng i nto contact wi th w at e r . This is a very important moment, because the mosquito must stand on water on the tips of its feet, and it must not wet its wings. Even the s l i g h t est win d c ou ld c a use the mosqui to to ti p ov e r in the water and die. The mosquito manages this w i t h g rea t skill, b ec a u se Al l ah create d hi m wi th thi s t al e n t .

How is the Mosquito Able to See You and Sting You at Night? D i d y ou ever won d er? I t i s dark at ni ght and you are lying down on your bed. You are covered with y ou r q u ilt. O n ly a little part of your arm i s exposed. Yet the mosquito comes around in the darkness of n i g h t ; it sees a n d stin g s that smal l part of you. So, w hi l e you a re u n a b le to see anythi ng at ni ght, how 44

d oe s t h e m osq u ito m a nage to see ? Mosquitoes are able to see the living things around them with the heat that they radiate, w hi c h is a kin d of lig ht i nvi si bl e to us. Si nce thi s type of sight is not reliant on visible light, they can find our blood vessels even during the d a r k n ess of th e n ig h t. This is a unique talent. Due to this, scientists w e r e a b le to in ven t a came ra that capture s i mage s b y m e a n s of h ea t. Eve n i f i t i s dark, thi s came ra images the surroundings as if it were daylight. Can you imagine? People copying a small mosquito! Could a mosquito possibly know more t ha n a h u ma n , esp ec ial l y coul d i t know more than a scientist? Of course not! Allah has given the mosquito extraordinary abilities. People are in a w e of th ese extra ord i nary tal ents and try to copy them. They invented the aeroplane by copying b i r ds . Peop le h a ve c opi e d many othe r thi ngs afte r s e e i n g th em in n a tu re. F or now, l e t us conti nue the a d v e n tu re of th e mosqui to.

The Mosquito at Work! The technique that the mosquito uses to suck bl ood is so metic u lou s that i t astoni she s pe opl e. First, the mosquito lands on a target. For

Mosquitoes see the living creatures around them according to their heat patterns. This is how a mosquito sees a group of people and then chooses its target.


example, your arm… Then, with its needle-like tube, it chooses a suitable spot for itself. The n e e d l e of a m osq u ito re sembl e s a syri nge and i t i s protected with a special sheath. During blood suction, the needle is released from this sheath. Ma n y p eop le th in k th at the mosqui to pi erce s the skin by inserting its needle into it, whereas the mosquito uses a different method to do so. It m o v e s its lower j a w b a ck and forth, just l i ke a saw a n d , with th e h elp of its l ower jaw, cuts the ski n. It inserts its needle into this opening and when the needle reaches the blood vessel, it starts to s u c k b lood .

Doctor Mosquitoes! You could ask, “Can mosquitoes become doctors?” After reading this page you will say, “ T he y rea lly a re d oc tor s! ” W hen y ou g et a c u t, afte r a w hi l e, your bl ood stops dripping of its own accord. This is because blood can coagulate and stop flowing. Allah has c r e at e d b lood with th i s uni que qual i ty to prote ct human beings. If blood did not coagulate on its ow n, t h e tin iest c u t on our fi nge r or a w ound from a f a l l wh ile ru n n in g c oul d cause you to di e si nce y ou w ou ld n ’t b e a b le t o stop the bl e e di ng. This is quite a vital benefit for us. However, m o s q u itoes m ig h t n ot be too happy about i t. Why? B e c a u se, j u st wh en th e mosqui to starts to suck our blood, it would harden and not go up the mosquito’s tube. If this were so, the mosquito would not have existed, because none of the m o s q u itoes wou ld h a ve be e n abl e to fee d protei n t o t heir eg g s. A g a in , A ll ah has cre ate d mosqui toe s 46

with a unique skill that is just right for this process. How? Before the mosquito begins to suck blood, it secretes a special liquid, given it by Allah, into the b l ood vessel of th e p er son on whom it has landed. In this way, the blood in that area d oe s n ’t c oa g u la te a n d so the m o s q u ito is a b le to su ck i t. This liquid has another rare quality. While the mosquito does all these things, you won’t feel a thing, because this s u b s t an c e n u mb s th e are a that the mosqui to cuts. T hi s l i q u id is j u st like a anae stheti c the de nti st or s u r ge on u ses. D oc tors admi ni ste r a certai n drug so t ha t you won ’t feel p ai n, and you don’ t. You se e , the mosquito works just like a doctor. First, it a n a e sth etises a n d th en i t sucks. A f t er th e m osq u ito bi te s you, you fee l a l i ttl e itching and swelling. The reason for this itching a n d s wellin g is th is liqui d. You might think that all these things take a long time. The mosquito, however, manages most of t h ese in a very sh or t ti me . You fee l the bi te of t he mosq u ito on ly a fter i t has fi ni she d i ts job and p a c k e d a wa y its eq u ip me nt. Now, let’s think together. The mosquito is as large as the tip of a pencil, but the jobs it m an a g es a re very imp ortant and compl ex. Do you t hi n k th a t it is p ossib le for a mosqui to to thi nk al l of t hese th in g s th rou gh? To preve nt the fl ow of a human’s blood, to anaesthetise the area that it c u t s so th a t it d oesn ’t cause pai n, to make an e ye 47

that can see easily even at night, to arrange its eggs in the shape of a raft so that they don’t s i n k … It c ou ld n ot in ve nt any of the se, ri ght? Allah has created every living being with the f e at ures most su ita b le for i t so that they can fe e d themselves, protect themselves and survive. This shows just how caring, merciful and protective A l l a h is. If a mosq u ito i s abl e to conti nue i ts l i fe , for








protecting it. Allah neither misses anything, nor does He forget. This is why everything that a m o s q u ito n eed s is c om pl ete. Nothi ng i s mi ssi ng.

You can see in this picture, the course of action that a mosquito takes when it bites a human being. The mosquito does not suck blood to feed. It sucks blood only to feed its eggs. Furthermore, you won’t feel a thing while the mosquito does these things, since the mosquito anaesthetises the area that it cuts.

The mother mosquito feeds the eggs inside her with the blood that it sucks. 48

THE FLY IS ONE OF THE BEST FLYING CREATURES ON EARTH W e h a ve so fa r m enti one d the spe ci al feature s o f t h e mosq u ito. In real i ty, al l the i nsects that w e see around us have interesting features. For example, flies are able to fly superbly from the m om e n t th a t th ey a re born. We can eve n say that, when it comes to flying, flies are the most t a l e n ted c rea tu res. A fly c a n fla p its wings about 500 to 1000 ti me s pe r s ec on d . S top h ere and thi nk for a mome nt. The f r am e of tim e th a t we menti on i s not an hour and not a minute; it is just a second. That is, it is ab ou t th e sa me tim e a s the ti me i n w hi ch you cl ose an d op en y ou r ey es. You see ; the fl y has fl apped i t s w i n g s a t lea st 5 0 0 ti mes w hi l e you cl ose d and o p e n ed y ou r ey es. N ow th in k a b ou t th e fol l ow i ng: What w oul d you do i f y ou were a sked to ope n and cl ose your arms o n l y 10 tim es a n d n ot 500 ti mes? Wi thout a doubt i t i s im p ossib le for y ou to manage thi s 500 ti me s with the type of muscles your body has. The fly, w i t h i ts extra ord in a ry body muscl es, manages thi s task that neither you nor mature adults can pe r f orm . Moreover, flies do not fee l any di ffi cul ty w h i l e fla p p in g th eir wi ngs; thei r wi ng muscl es do not wear out. This is because Allah has created t h e m with su c h a ma g ni fi ce nt system. If you were to watch a fly closely, you would witness that it experiences no difficulty while t a k i ng off; th is m a y n o t have see me d surpri si ng to you and you may have taken this for granted. However, this is a very important and difficult m ov e . 49

You know quite a lot about helicopters and aeroplanes. Well, do you know how long humans h a v e been a b le to u se t hem? The machi ne s that are a b l e to fly tod a y were de ve l oped onl y duri ng the l a s t c en tu ry . Th is m ea ns that a hundred years ago, there were no aeroplanes or helicopters like the ones that exist today. Engineers and technicians r e s e arc h ed for a very l ong ti me; they worked for many years and developed this machinery only a short while ago. Look, this is very important: Today, none of the machines that fly have the 50

complete ability to take off like flies do. This f e at ure exists in some hel i copte rs to some e xtent. H ow e v er, even a fter a l l these l engthy e fforts and the strong specially-developed engines, these h e l i c op ters still d o n o t have the abi l i ty to fl y as p e r f e c tly a s flies. N o w, exa min e th e first fl y that you come upon. S e e w ha t y ou n otic e: y ou wi l l noti ce e spe ci al l y that t he f ly d oesn ’t fly in a strai ght l i ne . The fl y can take off towards any destination it wants by m ak i ng ma n oeu vres. It can, for exampl e, z i gz ag i n t he a ir, a n d ma ke a b rupt turns. I t can l and on any surface, no matter how unsuitable. It can even l a n d o n c eilin g s or verti cal wal l s wi th e ase . N o fly in g ma c h in e can manage al l these thi ngs. T r y t o im a g in e in y ou r mi nd’ s e ye the take-off of an aeroplane and a fly, and decide which one is m o r e su c c essfu l. Now, this question may have occurred to you: W ho t ea c h es th e fly a l l these move s? Agai n, what we see here is the presence of Allah the Most Powerful. Allah is the One Who has given the fly s u c h i mma c u la te fly in g abi l i ty.

When it comes to flying, even the helicopters that are manufactured by humans with the most advanced technologies are not as successful as flies.


THE TINY PRODIGIES THAT PRODUCE HONEY Do you know who makes the honey on your b r e akfa st ta b le? Y ou will p rob a b ly repl y, “ ye s! ” We al l know that b e e s ma ke h on ey . H owe ve r, do you know just how m uc h th ese b ees work to make the honey from the m o m e n t th ey a re b orn unti l the mome nt they di e, or j ust h ow g ivin g a n d i nte l l i ge nt they are? Come on ; l et’s stu d y tog eth er how Al l ah has create d the bees… I n a b eeh ive, th ere i s one quee n, a few hundre d male bees and a workforce of thousands of i n f e r tile fema le b ees, the worker bee s. (The total n u m ber of b ees in th e be e hi ve can re ach 80, 000). The worker bees perform all the activities inside the hive. Some duties of the worker bees are as f o l l ows: Building the honeycomb, cleaning and p r o t e ctin g th e h ive, fee di ng the que e n be e and the m al e b ees, c a rin g for the be e l arvae, and fe e di ng them with the royal jelly, honey and pollen, building cells for the eggs to grow in, cleaning


these rooms, maintaining the heat and moisture inside the hive, collecting nectar, pollen, water a n d r esin , etc . We had mentioned earlier the life story of a m o s q u ito. Now, let’s take a l ook toge the r at what t y pe o f life th e worker bee l eads. A worker b ee lives be twee n 4 to 6 wee ks. F or 3 weeks after its birth it lives inside the hive. Its first job is to take care of the growing bees. It feeds the baby bees with the honey and pollen it takes from s t o r ag e. When the worker bee becomes 12 days old, suddenly, b e e s wa x sta rts to be produced in its body. The beeswax is e x t r e m e l y important for b e e s , b ec a u se th e bees build their honeycombs with b e e s wa x. Y ou will s e e t he p ic tu re of a honeycomb when you turn t he pa g e.

It is impossible to form a perfectly hand-drawn honeycomb.


Isn’t it neat? Could you have made such neat hexagons side by side without a ruler? F u r t h erm ore, ta ke a b l ank pi ece of paper and start t o d r aw h exa g on s from one e nd of the paper whi l e a f r i en d sta rts to d raw from the othe r. We re you able to come up with a neat honeycomb shape, right in the middle of the paper, without leaving any spaces? You weren’t able to, right? This is s om e t h in g th a t even a dul ts are unabl e to manage . Your teachers, parents, even your grandparents w o u l d n ot b e a b le to a chi eve such a task. To be abl e to do this, you would need some instruments and you would have to do very complicated c a l c u la tion s. H owever, the ti ny be e , e ve n whe n i t i s just 12 days old, can make such a perfect h on e y c omb . Wh a t's more, i t doe s thi s wi thout usi ng a n y i nstru men ts. A l l th e b ees sta rt m aki ng he xagonal hone ycombs from the corners, and meet in the middle. You might have noticed that the honeycombs are the same height. How can a bee manage such tasks that even humans are not able to carry out and w i t h su c h ex c ellen c e? You see Al l ah i s the One Who l e t s t h e b ee d o th ese thi ngs. Al l ah has create d the b e e w ith th is ta len t. The responsibilities of the worker bee are not j u s t t hese. A m on g its duti e s, unti l i t i s 3 wee ks ol d, are storing royal jelly and pollen in the honeycombs, keeping the beehive clean and throwing dead bees and garbage outside the b e e h i ve. D u rin g th e la s t stage of i ts 3-wee k duty, i t s t ar t s its la st ta sk of serv i ng as a securi ty guard a n d protec tin g th e b eehi v e from enemi es. Whe n the three weeks are over, the bee becomes skilled e n ou g h to c ollec t roy a l je l l y, pol l e n and w ate r. 55

T h e worker b ee b ec ome s e xhausted after w orki ng non - s t o p for a n oth er 2 to 3 w e e ks and di e s. Du r i ng th eir b rief lives, the bee s work non-stop. I n ad d i t i o n , n o on e tea c h es the m the work that they are supposed to do. They start to work straight after bi r t h . Ju st th in k, if a n ew -born baby w e re to get out of its bed, first make its bed, wash up, and then begin to take care of the other babies; wash them, feed them, dress them. Isn’t this just impossible? Yet, bees manage such an impossible task, because Al l a h h a s c rea ted th em wi th the capabi l i ti es to do so.

The Honey Bees that Dance Di d a n y on e ever tell you that be e s hav e a dance? Som e bees look for a food source outsi de the be e hi ve . Af t e r fly in g a b ou t a ll day l ong, the y fi nd the i r ow n source and take with them as much royal jelly as t h e y ca n , a n d th en th ey re turn to the i r hi ve . There i s s t i l l a l ot more roy a l j el l y l eft at the source but the be e c a n n ot c ollec t it a ll w i thout the he l p of the othe r bees. The scout bee keeps the location of the food source in mind and quickly returns to the hive to gather its friends. It starts to make moves that Bees dance by making movements resembling the figure "8". Their dance has a purpose: To show their co-workers the location of a food source.


resemble the number 8 on the honeycomb. The numbers of times the bee turns or shakes its abdomen are signals that indicate the distance of the food source from the hive. By the end of the da n c e , th e oth er b ees hav e understood the l ocati on of the food source and they quickly leave for the f l ow e r s th a t a re th eir ne w food source. W he re d o y ou th in k t i ny bee s have l e arnt how to com m u n ic a te b y d a n c in g? Of course, the One Who has given them this knowledge is their Creator and P r ot e ctor, A lla h .

Did You Know that Bees Make Honey for Us as Well? Bees can produce much more honey than they need. As you know, bees make honey in their a b d om en s. Th eir tin y b odi es make enough honey for t he m s e lves a s well a s fo r pe opl e. But why are the bees so giving? Why don’t they j u s t m a ke h on ey for th emsel v e s rathe r than thi nki ng of our needs as well? Honey is very nutritious for p e op l e . Th is is th e rea son why Al l ah has create d bee s w i t h t he a b ility to m a ke hone y and has orde red the m

The bee stores honey in the cells it builds so perfectly. Here is the amazing honeycomb of the bee!


to make it in great quantities. Allah says in a v e r s e in th e Q u r’a n : Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl: 68-69)


U n til n ow, we on ly tol d you about the cre ature s t ha t y ou a re u sed to se e i ng around you. How e ve r, there are creatures that we don’t usually see around us, but we come across in books or on t e l e v i sion . Th ese c rea t ure s al so hav e ve ry speci al features. We will now tell you about a few of these. Read all of them very carefully, because w he n y ou d o, y ou will be ve ry surpri se d, and at the same time you will say, “How wonderfully Allah h a s crea ted th em”.

HOW DO PENGUINS LIVE ON SUCH A FREEZING CONTINENT AT THE SOUTH POLE? P e n g u in s live a t th e pol ar re gi on of our pl anet. The unique feature of the pole is its amazing c ol d n ess a n d th a t it i s al ways cov e red wi th snow and ice. The weather is so cold that it forms g l a c i ers a b ove th e sea. Now, thi nk about how col d y ou feel wh en y ou g o o ut to pl ay snowbal l s i n the winter. You would feel cold even if you were w e ar i n g a swea ter, a coat, a cap, a pai r of gl ove s a n d a sc a rf. Wh en y ou are pl ayi ng snowbal l s, the temperature is probably only 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) below z e r o . Th e p en g u in s live i n a pl ace w here t he t emp era tu re fa lls to 40 0 C (104 0 F ) b e l ow zero. Moreover, the penguins don’t have a n y coa ts, swea ters or gl ov e s, and the y live in a place that is a lot colder than ou r s . Th ey wa lk on ic e w i thout any shoes South Pol e and they don’t even become sick. They


don’t have homes. They sleep on ice. If y ou were to lie dow n on i ce for eve n a few min u tes, y ou w oul d become seri ousl y si ck. Noth in g h a p p ens to the pengui ns. Why? It is b ec a u se Al l ah has create d the m i n such a way that they can live in such a freezing e n v i r o n men t. Pen g u in s’ bodi e s and the i r feature s a r e v ery d ifferen t from ours. Due to thi s, the y can live in the coldest weather without any d i f f i c u lties. A l l a h h a s c overed pengui ns’ bodi es w i th a ve ry t hi c k la y er of fa t, so that they w on’ t fe e l the col d. The layer of fat prevents them from feeling the cold, and acts as a fur. Conversely, the layer of f at s u rrou n d in g ou r b o di e s i s qui te thi n and thi s i s w hy we q u ic kly b ec ome col d. Thi s i s why w e have t o wea r th ic k c loth es i n col d weather. Th e p en g u in d isp l ays great devoti on towards i t s eg g s a n d b a b ies. Pe ngui ns i ncubate the i r e ggs during the coldest weather. Unlike other creatures, it is not the female penguin that incubates the eggs but the male. The female pe n g u in la y s on ly on e egg and the n l e av e s i t to the male. She leaves for distant places to find food f or her h u sb a n d a n d baby. Because of al l the i ce an d s n ow th a t su rrou nds them, she has to trav e l f a r t o b e a b le to fin d food. T he ma le p en g u in incubate s the egg for exactl y four months. The penguin carries the egg in be t w een h is feet a n d duri ng the se four months, he ne v e r on c e lea ves it o n the ground. I f he were to do so, the egg would freeze and die within a m a t t er of m in u tes. The male penguin is so patient that for four


m on t hs, h e m oves a b ou t with the egg between hi s f e et. Th is is wh y h e is unable to go hunting and remains hu n g r y. Th e wea th er is very cold. When the weather becomes unbearably cold, all the male penguins get together even if they are carrying eggs When penguins go b e t w e e n t h e i r f e e t . T h e y c o m e c l o s e hunting, they leave their t o e a c h oth er, form in g a ci rcl e , and young in this position. The i n t hi s wa y , th ey wa rm each othe r up. young penguins that keep T h e y c on tin u ou sly switch posi ti ons so close together don't become t h a t t he on es left ou ts i de the ci rcl e cold. can also become warm. Just as the e gg i s a b ou t to h a tc h , the mother pe ngui n re turns f r o m h u n tin g . S h e feed s her baby w i th the food that she has stored in her throat. To prevent the baby f r o m freezin g , th e mothe r and fathe r pengui ns carry it in between their feet and keep it warm with the fur of their abdomen. As y o u c a n see, A lla h h a s gi v e n these l ove l y creatures some exquisite features. Allah ha s cr e a ted th e p en g u in wi th a body that protects it from the cold, and has also m a d e i t very d evoted . B ecause the y are so dedicated, they take wonderful care of t h e i r o ffsp rin g . Th is feature has be e n gi v e n to the penguins millions of years ago. The penguins that have lived before and the ones t h a t are livin g n ow h a ve not change d a bi t whe n i t com e s to th e d evotion that the y di spl ay.


CAMELS CARRY WATER TANKS ON THEIR BACKS Ju st a wh ile a g o , we menti oned the pe ngui ns t ha t live in th e c o l dest part of earth, and how Allah has created them appropriately for that e n v i r o n m en t. O n th e othe r hand, camel s are ani mal s t ha t w e re c rea ted to survi v e the hotte st cl i mates on e a r t h . Ca m els a re c om monl y used for transportati on i n t h e desert. D eserts a re vast areas of sand and the

t e m pe ra tu res in th ese a re as can ri se as hi gh as 50 0 C (1220 F). Y o u m ig h t h a ve ex p e ri e nce d te mperatures around 300 C (860 F). Even at such a temperature, you immediately become tired and thirsty when you are ou t a n d p la y in g . C am els c a n still g o for ki l ome tre s at te mperatures of 500 C (1220 F). They can stay without water for days. This is because Allah has also created their bodies very differently from ours. Camels store the water they drink inside them for long periods and they que nch thei r thi rst with the water they carry wi thi n the m. Feeding is also a problem in the

desert, since the desert is dry land and there is almost no vegetation. There are only cactuses and o t he r t h orn y p la n ts. Th e camel ’ s mouth and l i ps are s o t ou g h th a t wh en it b i te s, i t can e ve n pi erce a hol e i n t he sole of a sh oe. Th i s i s why i t can e asi l y fe e d on t h or ns a n d keep h u n g er aw ay. A s well a s th a t, th e h ai r that cove rs the ski n of the ca m e l protec ts it from the i ntol e rabl e he at. Al l ah has m a d e t he c a mel’s feet wi de be cause they al ways w al k o n de s ert sa n d . D u e to thei r wi dth, the camel ’ s fe e t don’t sink in the sand. In addition, Allah has made the skin under the camel’s feet very thick. In this w a y , t he soles of th eir f ee t ne ve r burn. T he r e a re very freq u e nt sandstorms i n the desert. Di d y ou ever witn ess a strong wi nd whe n you were at t h e b e a c h ? Y ou wou ld n ot have bee n abl e to ope n your e y e s b ec a u se y ou h a d to try to preve nt al l the sand f r o m g ettin g in th em. If that w i nd were to become a bit stronger, you wouldn’t have been able to see ah e a d . H owever, c a m els hav e two l aye rs of e ye l ashe s. These lashes weave into each other just like a trap an d t h ey p rotec t th e c a mel ’ s e ye s duri ng sandstorms. Allah has created every living thing with the features that are most suitable for their habitat. There are no penguins in the desert, for instance. Since the penguin’s features are not suitable for desert conditions, the penguin would die quickly in the desert. Similarly, camels could not survive near the poles. Allah has created everything where they s hou l d b e. A lla h is th e stronge st and He has endl ess knowledge. Allah creates everything without any shortcomings. Allah informs us of the camel’s cr e at i o n in th e Q u r’a n as: “Have they not looked at the camel—how it was created?” (Surat al Gashiya: 17) 64

THE BEE HUMMINGBIRD As you can see, this bird is small enough to stand on a pencil. Even with their small size, the bee hummingbirds t r a v e l v ery lon g d ista n c es and duri ng thi s trip, they flap their wings around two and a half million times. Just how many times can you lift and put down your a r m s ? I f y ou try to lift the m up and put them down only about 50 times, the next day your arms would ache. However, this tiny bird does this t w o an d a h a lf m illion ti mes and nothi ng happe ns to i t . A l l a h h a s c rea ted these bi rds wi th the abi l i ty to h a n d l e su c h a n extrem ely di ffi cul t task.


THE DEFENSIVE CRAB: THE HERMIT There are many interesting creatures living in the






themselves by the most unusual methods. Hermit crabs, for instance, use live weapons to protect themselves from octopuses and other enemies. There is a type of vegetation that exists at the bottom of the ocean. The hermits collect these plants and put them on top of their shells. The reason for this is that these plants have thorns that are painful to the touch. In this way, the h e r m its p rotec t th emse l v e s from the i r predators. Do not forget that hermit crabs could not have t hou g h t of su c h a b ril l i ant pl an al l on the i r own. A l l a h h a s ta u g h t th em how to protect the msel v e s.


BOOBY, THE BIRD THAT SWIMS Boobies are birds that dive into water from great heights, and they have webs between their t o e s . A lla h h a s g iven the m thi s fl i pper type of foot especially, so that they can swim on the surface a n d i n th e d ep th s of the sea. Boobi es di v e as w e l l . They dive into the sea to catch fish and they r e m a in u n d er th e wa ter to sw i m l ong di stance s.


DO FISH FLY? Flying fish don’t fly with wings like b ird s, b u t th ey sl i de on fi ns that resembl e a bird’s wings. They travel about 56 kilometres (35 miles) in an hour. These s m al l fish c a n m ove faste r i n water by spreadi ng t he i r fin s a n d liftin g thei r tai l s out of the water. I n t h is wa y , th ey slid e sw i ftl y i n w ate r.

Flying fish gain speed by spreading out their wing-like fins. 68

THE HERON The heron displays great skill in catching fish. It stands up spreading its wings in an u m br ella sh a p e a b ove its head. This produces a shadow and prevents reflections from the surface of the water. Now, the heron can clearly see its prey under the surface of the water. The wings of the bird form a circular shadow on the water’s surface, and it always fishes inside this c i r cl e .


THE OSTRICH The ostrich is a bird that runs extremely fast. It can run at speeds of up to 70 kilometres (45 miles) per hour. The ostrich has only two toes on e ach of i ts fe e t, and one of these toes is much larger than the other one. The uniqueness of the ostri ch i s i ts abi l i ty to run only on its big toe .


THE POLAR BEAR The polar bear can run very fast on ice with his levelled, hairy claws and non-slippery soles. Polar bears, with their thick furs, have a very important p r o t e c tor in su c h c old pol ar w e ather. A 10 cm (4 inch) thick layer of fat prevents the cold from affecting them. This is why they can swim in icy cold waters with speeds of 10-11 km/hour (7 miles/hour), for distances of about 2000 km. (1250 miles). Allah has created polar bears, like penguins, so that they can survive in such cold habitats, and He has positioned them in the c ol d e st p a rts of ea rth , at the pol es, the pol ar be ar at the North Pole and the penguin at the South P ol e . A l l a h h a s a lso g iven pol ar bears a ve ry strong sense of smell. Their sense of smell is so acute that they can easily pick up the smell of a seal h i d i n g b en ea th 1 ,5 metre s (1, 6 yards) of snow . I n a d d ition , it h a s an e xtra eye l i d that i s l i ke a membrane. This membrane acts as “a pair of sunglasses� and protects them against snowb l i n d n ess.


CHEETAH: THE FAST RUNNER Cheetahs are known as the fastest running a n i m als on la n d . Th ey can go ove r short di stances with great speeds. They can accelerate up to 75 k m . (4 5 m iles) p er h ou r w i thi n a few se conds. Some cheetahs can run more than 600 metres (650 y a r ds ) a t th e u n b eliev abl e spee d of 113 km/hour ( 7 0 miles/ h ou r) .


THE INTERESTING METHOD OF GAZELLES Some creatures use the method of leaving scents t o bord er th eir territori es. For example, the gazelle uses long thin twigs and plants, as well as a substance, which smells l i k e t ar, sec reted b y g l ands directly under its eyes to mark its territory. This scent lets other gazelles know that this territory already has an owner. Reindeer, on the other h a n d , h a ve sc en t g la nds on the ti ps of thei r re ar feet. The substance secreted by these glands makes it possible for them to mark their territories. Rabbits mark their territory with a s u b s ta n c e sec reted b y gl ands on thei r chi ns.


THE GECKO’S FEET SUCTION CUPS The gecko is a type of lizard that lives in h ot cl i mates. I ts most amaz i ng fea tu re is it s abi l i ty to wal k on v e rti cal fla t su rfa c es w i th e ase . The ge ckos can ea sily c limb eve n on gl ass w i th the hel p of th e su c ti on cups on the ti ps of the i r toes. In addition, they have hidden claws in their toes. When they reach uneven s u r f a c es, th ey let ou t the se cl aws just l i ke a cat a n d con tin u e th eir wa lk.

THE BASILISK THAT RUNS ON WATER What would you think if you saw a lizard running on water? You could say, “I’m probably dreaming”. This is not a dream; it is reality! The l i z a r d, n a m ed th e b a sili sk, can run on w ate r and i t c a n d o th is ex trem ely f ast. F l aps at the back of i ts f e e t allow it to sp la sh the water. These fl aps curl u p w hen it wa lks on land. I f i t comes across any


danger, it quickly gets into water and starts to r un f a st. Mea n wh ile, the fl aps on the back of i ts f e e t op en a n d p rovid e i t the w i dth that w i l l al l ow i t t o r u n on wa ter.

DUCKS D u c ks c a n fl y wi th spe e ds of up to 50 km. (30 miles) per hour. In addition, they keep on changing direction to protect themselves from predators. When they n e e d to d ive in to wa ter, the y do i t so fast that i t becomes extremely difficult for hunters to hunt t he m d own .

ELEPHANT’S LONG TRUNKS The trunks of elephants contain 50,000 muscles. When needed, these muscles contract, m ak i ng it p ossib le for the el ephant to push e ve n t he h ea viest of loa d s. The trunk, at the same ti me, c a n p erform su c h d elicate tasks as col l ecti ng pea seeds and cracking them open in the elephant’s mouth. The trunk, which is practical in so many w ay s , c a n a lso b e u sed as a l ong fi nger, a trumpe t or a l o u d sp ea ker. Th e trunk can hol d about 4 l i tres (7 pints) of water for drinking or showering the b od y . 76

Y ou ma y h a ve h ea rd the se speci al fe ature s of the c r e at ures we h a ve m en tione d for the fi rst ti me. The y all have very awesome features, don’t they? These a r e o n l y a few of th e a w e some creature s on earth. T he r e a re th ou sa n d s of ani mal s on e arth l i ke the se t ha t y o u m ig h t n ot h a ve see n or he ard of yet. Wel l , could all these animals have achieved such i n t e r e s tin g fea tu res b y chance ? Of course not! Al l ah is the One Who has created them with all these f e at ur e s a n d u n iq u e q u al i ti es.

Your parent prepares your meal everyday and b r i ng s it to th e ta b le. T he re are di ffe rent type s of v e g e t ab les a n d fru it on the tabl e. Wel l , di d you e ve r w o n d e r wh ere th ey a ll c ome from? A l l p la n ts, flowers, fr ui t and v e getabl e s grow i n d a rk soi l . So, how do be auti ful l y


sc e nte d red roses or strawbe rri es, or wonderfully scented, waterfilled yel l ow l emons e me rge from the dark soil, which does not smell so g ood ? Each plant, vegetable, flower and fru it h as di fferent smel l s, col ours and tastes. Apricots, peaches, watermelons, oranges, cherries, strawberries, bananas, grapes, and figs have each different taste, smell a n d sh ape . Al l ah has cre ate d the m al l for u s. Al l of the m are del i ci ous, and at the same time, have the vitamins and the minerals that are essential for us. There are different fruits for win ter and summe r, each one me e ti ng ou r n eeds. The orange s, tange ri nes and grapefruits, for instance, that come out in winter have an abundance of vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the strength of our body against the

w i nt e r ’ s c old . D u rin g th e summer, jui cy frui ts such as watermelons, cherries, cantaloupe and peaches come ou t . I n th e su mmer, th e weather become s hot, causi ng ou r b od ies to lose wa ter , and w e are abl e to repl ace t hi s w a ter with th e h elp of these frui ts. None of these have happened by accident. The w at e r melon h a sn ’t d ec ided by i tsel f, al l of a sudde n, t o e m e rg e d u rin g th e summer. Nei ther di d the taste s a n d s m ells of a ll of th es e frui ts just happe n. No frui t c ou l d d ec id e its sc en t. C oul d an orange , for i nstance , decide, “let my scent be this”, “let my colour be or an g e ”, “let m e b e swee t” , “ l et me shi e l d my pi e ces with a cover” and “let me divide into slices, so that p e op l e ca n ea t m e with ease ” ? O f c ou rse n ot! Allah creates fruit for people with such features that are more beneficial for them, so that they will c on t i nu e to b e stron g a nd heal thy, and enjoy the frui t t he y e a t. For th is rea so n, w hen w e e at some thi ng w e like, we must never forget that Allah created it and g a v e i t to u s. We mu st thank Al l ah for the be auti ful t hi n g s t h a t H e h a s g iven us and shown us.

So far, we have mentioned our planet, our bodies and the living creatures on earth. We asked, “How c ou ld a ll o f these have occurre d?” Just th in k, ea rth was create d and the re w as n oth in g on i t, and the n al l of a sudden living things appeared on it. In the seas, there were the fish and the seaweed, and on land humans, lions, 80

ca t s an d a n ts sta rted to appear. A bi rd started to fl y in the sky from nowhere. How could all of these cr e at ur es h a ve su d d en ly appe are d? Ob v i ou sly , A lla h h a s c r eate d al l of the m. Allah is the Creator of everything that we see ar o u n d u s. Al l a h first c rea ted th e uni ve rse and then our pl ane t. Af t e r t h a t, H e c rea ted the ani mal s, pl ants and human be i n g s . It is very ea sy for Al l ah to create al l of the se, because He is very Powerful. Allah can do what He w a n t s i n a n in sta n t. As w e told y ou b efore , some pe opl e do not w ant to accept a truth that is so clear. These people called “ e v o l u t i on ists”, sa y th a t , “ eve rythi ng happe ned on i ts o w n” . T h i s is n on sen se. Wh a t do you thi nk w hen you come home and see a freshly baked cake? Do you not say, “ Hm m , my m oth er h a s b ake d a cake ” ? Thi s me ans that i f t he r e is som eth in g c oncre te w e can se e , the n there m u s t h a ve b een someon e who made i t. Do you know what the lie that these evolutionists t e l l i s l ike? It is j u st like sayi ng, “ No one bake d that ca k e i n th e kitc h en ; it b ake d i tsel f by acci de nt” . What would you answer if you heard this? You would probably say, “What nonsense, could a cake bake itself? Someone must have baked it.” What if the pe r s o n n ex t to y ou still insi sts and says: “ The scre w s of t h e k i t ch en c u p b oa rd s b ecame l oose and the cupboards s t a r t e d to roc k. D u rin g thi s rocki ng, the fl our, butter, s ug a r an d c oc oa fell from them and mi xe d. The y mi xed in just the right proportions. That is to say that e v e r y t hin g wa s j u st th e ri ght amount, the sugar, the coc oa … Wh ile th e mix was fal l i ng off the cupboard, i t j us t ha p p en ed to d irec tl y fal l i nto a baki ng di sh that w a s s t a n d in g ex a c tly a t the poi nt of the i r fal l . Just at 81

that moment, an earthquake took place, and I d on ’ t kn ow h ow th e d i sh got i nto the ove n, but i t j u s t did . Even a ll th es e coi nci de nce s are sti l l not e n ou g h to b a ke th e c ake. The re had to be anothe r c oi n c id en c e a n d th a t is that the ov e n had to be at the correct temperature setting. Right then, a n ot her th in g h a p p en e d by chance: the ove n’ s di al t ur ne d on a n d th en la te r i t turned off by i tse l f at t he prec ise momen t the cake was done, and so the oven turned itself off before the cake was b u r ned . ” D o y ou th in k th a t anyone w oul d bel i e ve such a s t o r y ? O f c ou rse, n ob ody woul d! Then think for a moment: to form the sun, stars, seas, lakes, mountains, fish, cats, rabbits and human beings is a lot harder and more complex than producing a cake, but even a cake c ou l d n ot oc c u r b y itse l f through chance . The n to say that the sun or humans have come about on their own is very foolish. If there is someone baking the cake, then there is a very Intelligent Being Who has created the sun and humans. This B e i n g is A lla h , ou r Lord. T hrou g h ou t th e sec o nd part of our book, we w i l l talk about the evolutionists who don’t believe in the presence of Allah and who say, “everything h a p p en ed on its own ”. The se pe opl e try to confuse ot he r s b y sa y in g th in gs that are not true . However, when a person says things that are not true, the falsehood that he tells becomes apparent. If the person across from him were s m ar t , h e wou ld im medi atel y unde rstand that the other one is not telling the truth. These evolutionists have many loopholes in their tall tales. Let us see for ourselves how unbelievably nonsensical are the things they tell us and how a p p a ren t th eir fa lseh oods are… 82

People who do not believe in Allah have an idea. This idea is called the “theory of evolution”. The people who believe in the t h e o r y o f e v o l u t i o n a r e c a l l e d CHARLE S DA RWI “ e v ol u tion ists”. N The person who has proposed the theory of evolution was called Charles Darwin and he lived about 150 years ago. Darwin did not believe that Allah created all living things. According to him, everything happened on its own and purely by accident. He thought that creatures c h a n g ed sh a p e in to other cre ature s and thi s i s how a l l t he c rea tu res c a m e about. Thi s me ans, accordi ng t o Da r w in , th a t on e d a y, fi sh turned i nto re pti l e s by c h a n c e. A n oth er d a y b y more l uck, re pti l e s started to f l y t hu s b ec omin g b ird s. Accordi ng to the story that Darwin proposed, humans were formed from apes. This means that, to Darwin, your ancestor was an a p e ! N o w, to u n d ersta n d Darwi n’ s tal l tal e bette r, go a n d v i ew th e p ic tu res on the next page . My grandfather was a fish!

How long before I can get on land?

I am almost there

Will I become a dog or a bird?

Will I become a man when I am older?

The evolutionists’ claim is so ridiculous that it often becomes material for comic strips.


As we explained to you before, the tiniest part t ha t ma kes u p a n ima te and i nani mate thi ngs i s the a t o m . Th is mea n s th a t in real i ty, you are made up of b i l l i on s of a toms th a t hav e come togethe r. When earth appeared for the first time, there were no creatures on it. There were only some inanimate things. Evolutionists—believers in D a r w i n —sa y th a t on e d ay some of the se atoms came t og eth er b y c h a n ce. Thi s means that there was a strong wind or maybe a cyclone one day

af t e r ea rth wa s form ed, and i t hel pe d the se atoms com e t og eth er. Wh a t h appened to these atoms after t h a t , you a sk? According to Darwin’s story, these atoms joined to make cells. As you know, every living thing is m a d e u p of c ells. Th e ce l l s uni te to make our eye s, e ar s , blood , h ea rt, a n d i n short, al l of our body and the cells are very complex. It is impossible for something so complex to be made of atoms that ha v e come tog eth er b y chance. In a cell, there are hundreds of different tiny organs. We could relate the cell to an enormous f a c t o r y ex c ep t th a t we hav e to reme mber that i t i s organic and not mechanical; it is just a way of s pe a k i n g . If y ou p a y a ttenti on to the pi cture on the next page, you will notice that it resembles a f a c t o r y. 84

The cell looks like a very advanced factory with its production centres, transportation devices, storage department, and many other departments. There are many activities taking place in this factory. Some of the personnel inside the cell work as engineers and others as chemists or foremen. Don’t ever forget: the cell is a structure that is so small, that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. I n a c ell, th ere a re manufacture rs, transporte rs for the materials, entrance and exit gates, production centres, message carriers, energy con t r ol c en tres, etc . Wel l , do you thi nk that i t i s possible for a factory to form all by itself, with stones, soil, and water coming together after a pos s i b le storm a n d a ll of i t by chance? Of course not! Everyone would laugh at such a ridiculous cl a i m . Neverth eless, evol uti oni sts do make a cl ai m t h a t is j u st a s rid ic u lo us by sayi ng, “ the ce l l was f or m ed b y c h a n c e”. As sta ted in th e evo l uti oni sts’ al l e gati on, these cells formed living things when they came t og e t her b y some kin d of l uck. 85

THEN LET THE EVOLUTIONISTS CARRY OUT A DARWINIAN EXPERIMENT! Let them get a huge barrel. Allow them to put i n s i d e t his b a rrel a ll th e atoms that the y wi sh. Pe rmi t them to put inside the barrel whatever else their hearts desire. Let them put inside the barrel all the t hi n g s n ec essa ry to ma ke a l i v i ng be i ng. The n they can e i t he r wa rm u p or elec tr i fy thi s barre l . Al l ow the m to carry out whatever they want freely. They can keep w at ch o ver th e b a rrel for mi l l i ons of ye ars. (They can pass the task to younger evolutionists, as their l i f e t i m e s wou ld n ot b e enough.) W ha t wou ld h a p p en a s a re sul t of al l thi s? D o y ou th in k th a t la mbs, v i ol ets, cherri es, bunni es, bees, melons, cats, dogs, squirrels, roses, plums, s t r a w berries, fish , elep h ants, gi raffes, and l i ons coul d come out of this barrel? Could a person who thinks, becomes joyful, becomes excited, enjoys listening to m us i c an d rea d in g b ooks come out of thi s barrel ? O f c ou rse n ot! Neither could anyone like the professors keeping watch over the barrel emerge. Not only could a p r o f e s s o r n ot em erg e, n o t e ve n one of the professor’ s t r i l l i on s of c ells c ou ld emerge . A t o ms a re lifeless. Ca n l i fel ess matter l i nk togethe r t o pr o d u c e a livin g , la u ghi ng, thi nki ng bei ng? C ou l d a n in tellig en t pe rson bel i e ve such a thi ng? Of c ou r s e , n o livin g th in g coul d come out of that barrel . T ha t i s im p ossib le, b ec a use l i vi ng thi ngs are n’ t made u p of l i feless ma tter c omi ng togethe r by coi nci dence . A l l a h crea ted a ll livin g t hi ngs. Al l ah de ci ded to create humans, mountains, lakes, lambs, lions, and flowers when there was nothing around, and He has created e v e r y t h in g from n oth in gness just by gi v i ng the order “ B e !” 86

Only these materials are needed for the Darwinian experiment, because evolutionists claim that the substances such as iodine and zinc that you see above came together by chance to make living things. So, let them come and mix all of these substances together inside a huge barrel. Allow them to do to it whatever they want. After that, let them wait for as long as they want.

No matter what they do, even if all the scientists join their efforts together, they cannot produce even a single cell of a living organism from inside this barrel. A professor cannot make another professor by mixing lifeless matter. This, of course, is because Allah is the only One Who creates human beings, pineapples, roses, peacocks, tigers, melons, gazelles, and butterflies.

A s s ta ted b y th e th eo ry of evol uti on, a l i vi ng thi ng evolves with time, that is to say, it develops other f e at ur e s, a n d th en tu rn s i nto another l i v i ng be i ng. F or i n s t an c e, a c c ord in g to evol uti oni sts’ bel i e f, a repti l e , as a result of some events, evolves into a bird. So, what are these events that they claim cause the r e pt i l e to c h a n g e in to a nothe r creature ? E v ol u tion ists b elieve that e vol uti on take s pl ace as a result of two separate events that occur simultaneously, called “mutation” and “natural s e l e c t i o n ”. Th is, a c tu a lly, i s an i l l ogi cal bel i e f and i t d oe s not h a ve a n y sc ien t i fi c basi s. "Why?" you say. L e t u s s e e wh y , tog eth er.

WHAT IS NATURAL SELECTION? The simplest explanation for natural selection is that the strongest creatures survive, whereas the w e ak d isa p p ea r. L e t ’ s ex p la in th is with the fol l owi ng e xampl e: We will say, for instance, that there is a herd of d e e r an d th a t p red a tors are constantl y attacki ng thi s p a c k . I n th is c a se, th e de e r wi l l start to run fast and only the fastest running and most agile deer will survive. In time, weak and slow deer will completely disappear, as the predators hunt them down. There would only be healthy and strong deer in existence. T he r e f ore, a fter som e time, the dee r pack w oul d onl y c on s i s t of stron g d eer. 88





The events we have mentioned u n til thi s moment are correct, but they have nothing to do with evoluti on. E v ol uti oni sts say that a deer, after continuously evolving, would turn into another living thing, a giraffe, for example. This is wrong, because no matter how fast a deer runs, or how long it extends its neck upward, it cannot tu rn in to anothe r cre ature , a l i on or a giraffe, for example. This can only happen in fairy tales. You probably all know the story about the frog that turns in to a p rin c e. A frog can turn i nto a pri nce on ly in a fa iry tal e . How e ve r, i t i s i mpossi bl e for a deer to change into a lion or another living thing in real life. However, evolutionists— a l t hou g h most of th em are adul ts and possi bl y e ve n scholars and professors—believe in such a story! Do y ou k now wh a t th is is like? I t i s as if a child, who has just listened to the fairy tale of the frog t ha t t u rn s in to a p rin c e, pi cks u p a f rog , kisses it a n d wai ts f o r i t to b ec om e a p rin c e . W e c a n c on c lu d e th a t: N at ur al selec tion c a n n ev e r c h a n g e a sp ec ies of a n i m al s in to a n oth er s p e c i e s , for exa mp le a d e e r i n to a lion or a g i r af f e . It c a n on ly c a u s e t h e m em b ers of that a n i m al sp ec ies, a h erd o f de e r f o r i n s ta n c e, to b ec ome stronge r. 90

WHAT DOES MUTATION MEAN? Mutations are the adverse changes t h a t t a ke p la c e in a l i vi ng organi sm’ s bod y . R a d ia tion or c h emi cal substance s cause mutations. The effects of radiation and chemical substances on l i v i n g t h i n g s a r e a l w a y s h a r m f u l . Mutations are harmful Ab ou t 5 5 y ea rs a g o, d uri ng the Second events that have made a child like this. World War, an atom bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The atom bomb spread r a d i a tion a rou n d th e area and thi s ca u s e d a lot of h a rm to peopl e. The r a d i a tion c a u sed most of the pe opl e e i t h e r to b ec om e seriousl y i l l or di e. M o r e o ver, it d estroy ed some bodi l y s y s t e m s of th e exp osed peopl e, and t h i s i n tu rn c a u sed th ei r chi l dren to be born eith er sic k or cri ppl ed. An oth er su c h even t took pl ace i n t h e R u ssia n c ity Ch ernobyl i n 1986. There was an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, and this A lamb that ended up with ca u s e d ra d ia tion to spre ad ove r the five legs due to a mutation. whole city, surrounding areas and even as far as W e s t e rn Eu rop e. Ju st as i n J a p a n , th e p eop le wh o were living there at the time and their children who were born subsequently either became crippled or di e d o f ra d ia tion . The pictures that you People whose feet have been damaged as a result of mutations. 91

have seen all show how people and other living t hi n g s h a ve b een c rip p led after mutati ng as a re sul t of r ad i a tion . Y ou c ou ld a sk wh a t does thi s hav e to do wi th our t o p i c ? We m en tion ed ea rl i e r that evol uti oni sts cl ai m t ha t l i v in g th in g s tu rn ed i nto other speci e s and thi s i s h ow t h ey evolved . Th ey, for i nstance, say that fi sh t ur ne d in to rep tiles. If you were to ask, how can a fish turn into a reptile, they would reply: One day a fish mutates, that means that it goes through an event just like t he c h i ld ren in Ja p a n who were e xposed to radi ati on. B e c a u s e of th is mu ta tio n, the body of the fi sh goe s t hr o u g h some c h a n g es a nd one day, mi l l i ons of years l a t e r , y ou wou ld c ome a cross a crocodi l e that use d to b e a f i sh ! This claim is nonsense. Furthermore, as we mentioned above, mutations are always harmful to living creatures. They either cripple them or make t he m v ery sic k. Non eth e l ess, the the ory of e vol uti on s t i l l m ain ta in s th a t mu tati ons have cause d the fi sh t o e v ol ve a n d c h a n g ed them i nto repti l e s. Thi s i s just t o o f a n ta stic a lly u n b elievabl e for anyone to bel i e ve . I f mu ta tion s were b e nefi ci al , w hen the radi ati on leak occurred, everyone would have gone to Chernobyl to evolve into more advanced beings. In fact, everyone has fled from Chernobyl, and the adverse affects of Chernobyl incident are still e v i d e n t. We can compare evolutionists’ claims with the f o l l ow i ng exa mp le: If y ou took hol d of an axe and hi t a black and white television with it, could you c h a n g e th is television into a col oure d one? Of course n ot ! I f y ou ra n d omly h it a tel evi si on w i th an axe , you would end up with a smashed set. Just as hitting






s om e t h in g h a p h a za rd ly wi th an axe produces damage , m ut at i o n s h a rm livin g b e i ngs. That is to say, mutations don’t turn a living c r e at ur e in to som eth in g be tte r, as evol uti oni sts argue . Then, let us summarise what we have mentioned u n t i l n ow: Evolu tion ists cl ai m that a creature evol ve s into another creature or a species into another s p e c i e s . Th ey sa y th a t the se change s occur as a re sul t of t w o th in g s, m u ta tion s and natural sel ecti on, but w e have already seen that neither natural selection nor mutation can change the features of a living being. Furthermore,




b e i n g s , a s we h a ve seen i n the pi cture s.

A 100 million-yearold fossil of an ant. As you can see, ants a hundred million years ago were just like the ants of today. That is to say, they have not evolved!




TO BEGIN WITH What is a Fossil? A f os sil is a p a rt of an ani mal or a pl ant that has b e e n de a d a lon g time—u sual l y thousands of years. I t i s preserved in rock formations in the earth's crust. In order for a plant or an animal to become a fossil, it must be buried almost immediately after it dies. For e x am pl e , if th ere wa s a bi rd on the ground and a heap of sand suddenly fell on it causing it to die, the r e m a i n s of th is b ird c ou ld hav e survi v e d to the present day. Similarly, there is a resin of some trees that b e c om e s fossilised b y g e ol ogi cal processe s and i s then c a l l e d “ a mb er”. S om etime s thi s re si n fl ow e d ove r bugs, and the bugs died inside the resin. In this way, it solidified, and amber and bugs have been preserved without damage for millions of years until our time. T hu s , w e c a n lea rn a b ou t cre ature s that l i v e d l ong ago. T he s e r em a in s of th e c re ature s are cal l e d fossi l s. You c a n s e e som e of th ese fos si l s i n the fol l owi ng pages.

What Does “A Transitional Form” Fossil Mean? The most important falsehood that evolutionists i n v e n t i s th e “tra n sition al forms” . I n some evol uti oni st books, these are sometimes called “intermediate t r a n s i t i o n a l form s”. 95

As you know, evolutionists claim that creatures evolve from each other. They state that the first c r e at ur e c a m e a b ou t b y chance . I n ti me , that cre ature c h a n g e d in to a n oth er, a nd that othe r cre ature turned i n t o a n oth er c rea tu re a nd so on. L e t us i l l ustrate thi s with an example: Evolutionists say that fish, for e x am pl e , h a ve c ome from a cre ature that resembl e s a s t ar f i s h . Th is mea n s th a t one day, due to mutati on, a starfish lost one of its arms, and during the next m i l l i o n s of y ea rs it lost al l of i ts arms e xcept for some that started by themselves to develop into fins. Meanwhile and simultaneously, all the other changes t ha t ar e n ec essa ry for a starfi sh to change i nto a fi sh t o ok p l a c e. ( It is im p ossi bl e for somethi ng l i ke thi s to happen but we are just putting together a scenario!). A c c or di n g to th e ta le of e vol uti oni sts, a starfi sh has to g o t h r o u g h ma n y p h a ses to turn i nto a fi sh. I f you l ook at the drawing below you will understand better just h ow a b s u rd th is c la im is. Imaginary transitional forms

Starfish fish C r e a tu res th a t were p assi ng phases betwee n defi ni te species are called transitional forms. Moreover, according to the theory of evolution, these creatures all ought to have had half-complete organs. Furthermore, there ought to have been many later transitional forms such as fish that turned into reptiles, as they suggest. These in-between species w o u l d ha ve to h a ve h a d hal f fee t, hal f fi ns, hal f l ungs a n d h a l f g ills. If th ese c re ature s had real l y e xi sted the n we should be able to find their remains, namely their 96

Millions of fish and starfish fossils have been found. However, not one fossil has yet been found of a transitional form—as in evolutionists’ tall tale—that would show how starfish evolved into fish.

A 50 million-year-old-fish fossil

A 100-150 million-year-old starfish fossil In the above pictures, you can see fish and starfish fossils along with pictures of how they look today. As you can see, neither of them has changed one bit. They are just as they were millions of years ago.

A 150 million-year-old crab fossil

Can you see any difference between the two crabs?! 97

f o s s i l s , bu t it is extrem ely i nte resti ng that so far w e have been unable to find fossils of any of the transitional f o r m s t h a t evolu tion ists cl ai m exi sted. F os s i l s a re sc ien tific p r oof. Thi s me ans that by l ooki ng at fossils, we can learn how creatures lived long ago. Fossils show us that: Creatures have not evolved from e a c h o t her, b u t th a t th ey hav e al l be e n formed at some i n s t an t with ou t a n y fea ture mi ssi ng and w i thout de fect, a n d t he y a re n o d ifferen t from thei r l i ke that are al i ve t o d a y . A lla h c rea ted th em al l .









You see fossils of some creatures on these pages. Next to them are pictures of the same creatures as they are today. As you can see, no changes have occurred in these creatures for millions of years. Today, they are still as on the first day Allah created them. None of them have evolved into other species. 99


Evolutionists cannot explain how these creatures remained exactly the same for millions of years.





W e h a d m en tion ed ea r l i e r that i t i s now thought that Allah created the universe in the big bang. The whole u n i v e r s e , p la n ets, sta rs and our own earth were forme d a f t e r t his en ormou s exp lo si on. To begin with, there were no livings beings on our p l a n e t , b u t th en A lla h c reate d al l l i vi ng thi ngs on e arth; birds, insects, trees, flowers, fish, tigers, butterflies, e l e p h a n ts a n d g ira ffes et c. Well, do you know when the first living creatures appeared? This happened during the period called the Cambrian about 500 million years ago. The first creatures that lived during this period were ones like snails, worms and starfish. The creatures that lived d u r i ng th e Ca m b ria n p eri od al so prove that the theory of e v ol u tion is c om p letely w rong. How come? T he s e c rea tu res a p p eared al l of a sudden duri ng the Cambrian period. Before them, no other living beings existed on the planet. The fact that these creatures a p p e a r e d ou t of n owh ere and al l of a sudde n i s proof that Allah created them in an instant. If the theory proposed by evolutionists were right, then these creatures must have evolved gradually from simpler ancestors. However, these creatures have neither a n c e s t o rs n or a n y tra n si ti onal forms that l i v e d be fore t he m . N o fossil h u n ter ( pal aeontol ogi st) has e ve r come across such a transitional form. Fossils show us that these creatures—just like all other living beings— s u d d e n l y a p p ea red d u rin g the Cambri an peri od, w i thout a n y f e a tu res m issin g , a n d w i th no ance stors from w hom t he y e v o lved . Th a t is, A llah cre ate d them. F urthermore, t he s e c rea tu res th a t lived duri ng the Cambri an pe ri od 101

had very special features. For example, there used to be a creature called the trilobite that l i ve d duri ng the Cambri an peri od, but we do not see them now because the y are extinct. The Trilobite had ve ry compl e x but perfect eyes. Its eyes, as you can see on the right, were made of hundreds of honeycomb-shaped cells and these cells al l ow e d i t to se e ve ry cl e arl y. D o y ou th in k th a t a cre ature l i ke thi s coul d just a p p e a r ou t of n owh ere? I f your l i ttl e brother came to you and said, “I was sitting at the table last n i g h t a n d ou t of n owhe re a fl y appe are d i n front of m e. I d on ’t kn ow whe re i t came from but al l of a s ud d en , it wa s p rod uce d there by chance . I t had v e r y i nterestin g h on ey comb-shaped e ye s. But these w e r e prob a b ly m a d e b y chance too.” What would you think at such a moment? P r o b a b ly y ou wou ld th i nk that your brothe r i s too small to realise the complicated nature of life. H ow e ver, wh a t is so strange i s that evol uti oni sts s a y t h a t th ese c rea tu r es sudde nl y appe are d i n the s e a s . Th e ey es of flies today are ve ry si mi l ar to the eyes that these creatures had. In that case,


The trilobite, one of the earliest creatures on earth, had a very complex eye structure. Its perfect eyes are one of the proofs that Allah created it.

e v ol u tion ists a re c lea rl y w rong. Be cause the y are s o pr o u d a n d a rrog a n t , they do not want to admi t that Allah has created all living things. They c on s t an tly fa b ric a te stori e s, i magi nary sce nari os, a n d wh a t a re fa iry ta l e s to cov e r up the truth so t ha t p eop le move a wa y from Al l ah.


Half fish

Half reptile

Half bird

The strange creatures that evolutionists claim once existed. In reality, such creatures have never lived. 103

Evolutionists say that reptiles evolved from fish. A c c or di n g to th em , on e day, whe n food i n the sea was s c a r ce , fish d ec id ed to look for some on l and, and whe n t he y w e re th ere, th ey c h ange d i nto re pti l e s to be abl e to survive on land. As you can see, this is an absurd i d e a , b ec a u se every b od y knows what woul d happe n to f i s h i f t h ey wen t on la n d: They w oul d di e ! Did you ever go fishing? Just think! What would h a p p e n if a fish took th e bai t and w as hooke d on your l i n e an d y ou sa ved its lif e and brought i t home to rest i n y o u r b a c ky a rd ? A s we have just sai d, i t w oul d di e . I f y ou w e r e to fish a g a in , and thi s ti me caught many fi sh and brought them all to lie in your backyard, what w o u l d ha p p en ? A g a in , th ey w oul d al l di e! You see, evolutionists do not accept these things. T he y s a y th a t on e of th e fi sh i n your backyard, w hi l e w ai t i ng for its d ea th , started to change suddenl y, and t ur ne d i n to a rep tile a n d conti nue d to l i v e ! Somethi ng l i k e t hi s is imp ossib le!


Evolutionists claim that, fish decided to go ashore and changed into land creatures. In reality, fish that go ashore die!

I t c a n n ever b e p ossi bl e because the re are a l ot of d i f f eren c es b etween fi sh and l and creature s and a l l of t h ese c h a n g es c a nnot just happen sudde nl y by c oi n c i d en c e. Let u s list just a fe w of the thi ngs that f i s h w ou ld n eed to su rvi v e on l and: 1 . Fish u se g ills to bre athe i n w ate r. Howeve r, on l a n d t h ey c a n n ot b rea the wi th thei r gi l l s and so the y w o u l d d ie. Th ey wou ld ne e d to hav e l ungs. L e t us just s u p p ose th a t a fish ma de up i ts mi nd to go on l and, w he r e wou ld it g et a lung from? 2 . Fish d o n ot h a ve a ki dne y system l i ke ours, but t he y need on e to live o n l and. Probabl y the y found k i dn e y s ly in g somewh er e whe n the y de ci ded to go on land! 3 . Fish d o n ot h a ve f e e t. Thi s i s w hy they cannot w al k wh en th ey rea c h shore. Just how di d the fi rst f i s h t h a t d ec id ed to g o on l and fi nd fe e t? As thi s i s impossible, it is obvious that evolutionists are w r on g a b ou t th is a s wel l . These are just three of the hundreds of things t ha t f i sh mu st h a ve h a d i n orde r to survi v e on l and. Furthermore, if fish did change into reptiles, t he n w e sh ou ld b e a b le to fi nd fossi l s of the mi l l i ons

Evolutionists claim that creatures have evolved into each other by going through changes for millions of years. Some of them even say things such as that fish suddenly decided to go on land when they couldn’t find enough food. Who knows? Maybe fish did not go on land to find food; maybe they went on land to watch television, just like the fish in the drawing. Isn’t it just so illogical? 105

of transitional forms between fish and reptiles t ha t ou g h t to ex ist. This means that there must have been many creatures with half legs, half lungs and half kidneys, and we ought to have been able to find t he i r fossils tod a y , b u t no such fossi l s e xi st.

As the evolutionists say that the first cat came ashore 10 million years ago.

Its first words were:

I finally found land!

I was holding my breath for hundreds of years.

Meanwhile everyone else was coming ashore.

The first snake

The first chicken

The first child

The first salesman

The first weed

The claim of evolutionists is so funny and so nonsensical, that it often becomes material for cartoons. As claimed by evolutionists, the ancestors of all living things—cats, snakes, plants, chicken and humans—were sea creatures. Even children would laugh at a person who claims such a thing! 106

ABOUT THE FISH CALLED THE COELACANTH F o r y ea rs, evolu tioni sts descri bed a fi sh cal l e d t h e C oela c a n th a s a transi ti onal form that al most m a d e it a sh ore. In a ll thei r books and magaz i nes they show this fish as their proof. They thought that the Coelacanth was extinct and no longer lived. This is why they made up a series of false s t or i e s wh en th ey exa mi ne d the fossi l of thi s fi sh. Then, a fisherman caught a Coelacanth in his ne t . More p eop le c a u g ht these fi sh many ti me s. I t became obvious that the Coelacanth is a normal fish. Furthermore, it wasn’t preparing to come ashore, as evolutionists claim. Evolutionists were s ay i n g , “Th is fish lived i n v e ry shal l ow water, and s o i t wa s g ettin g rea dy to go ashore” . I n re al i ty, t h e C o ela c a n th lived in ve ry dee p w ate r. I t wasn’ t a t r an sition a l form a s e vol uti oni sts cl ai m. I t was a true fish. Many more of evolutionists' false ideas have been e xposed!

Evolutionists claim that the Coelacanth was a type of fish that was getting ready to go ashore. Then one day, a live Coelacanth was caught, and their mistakes were exposed.


Another false statement that evolutionists m ak e is a b ou t h ow b irds came about. Their tall tale is that reptiles living on trees s t ar t ed to j u m p from tre e to tre e , and whi l e they were jumping, they developed wings. Yet another t al l t a le is th a t some re pti l e s tryi ng to catch fl i e s were running flapping their forearms, and these f o r e arm s tu rn ed in to w i ngs. Isn’t it ludicrous to imagine a dinosaur developing wings while running? Things like this on l y ha p p en in stories or i n cartoons. T here is a n even m ore i mportant subje ct. These e v ol u tion ists sa y th a t thi s bi g di nosaur de ve l oped i t s w i n g s wh en it wa s tryi ng to catch fl i e s. Wel l , t he n h ow d id th e fly take off? Whe re di d the fl y’ s wings come from? Instead of explaining how an enormous dinosaur started to fly, let them just e x pl a in h ow th e little f l y starte d to fl y! The reptile that the evolutionists claim is trying to fly.


You see, evolutionists can never explain this. As we e x p l a in ed ea rlier, th e f l y i s one o f t he b est fly in g c reatures on e ar t h . It c a n fla p its wi ngs 500 to 1000 times per second. As y o u k n ow, it c a n ma n oeuv re w i th extre me e ase . No matter how many stories evolutionists tell, they still cannot explain how a bird’s wings came about. They don’t even want to think about the w i n g s of a fly ! T h e tru th is th a t A ll ah create d bi rds and fl i es w i t h t h eir win g s a n d the abi l i ty to fl y.

THE ARCHAEOPTERYX, WHICH EVOLUTIONISTS CALL A TRANSITIONAL FORM, IS IN FACT A COMPLETE BIRD! L e t u s j u st p resen t you a fe w of the di fference s be t w een rep tiles a n d bi rds. 1. B ird s h a ve win g s, but re pti l e s don't. 2. B ird s h a ve fea th ers, but re pti l e s have scal es. 3. B ird s h a ve a u n ique skel etal syste m and thei r bones are hollow. This makes them lighter and m a k e s it ea sier for th em to fl y. These are just a few differences that immediately come to mind. There are many more di f f e ren c es b etween the se cre ature s. If a species of reptile had turned into birds, t h e r e ou g h t to h a ve b e e n many creature s that had lived in between the reptiles and the birds r e p r e s en tin g th e p h a ses of thi s change . Fossil hunters should have been able to come


Birds could not have evolved from reptiles. They are both very different creatures. In this picture, you can see the difference between these two living classes.

a c r o s s a t lea st on e of the se fossi l s. That i s, the re must have been creatures with half wings, half f e at hered a n d h a lf sc al ed bodi es, hal f be aks and half mouths, and their fossils should have been found, but no such creature exists among the m an y fossils on ea rth . The fossi l s that are found belong either to a complete reptile or to a complete bird. This means that birds did not e v ol v e from rep tiles. A l l ah create d bi rds just as He h a s crea ted a ll oth er li vi ng thi ngs. However, since evolutionists don’t want to accept this, they try to convince people by i n v e n tin g stories. H ow? T hey h a ve fou n d th e fossi l of a bi rd cal l e d the A r ch a eop tery x a n d th e y have sai d that thi s bi rd i s It is totally impossible for reptile scales to turn into bird feathers. There is no resemblance between the two.


a transitional form between a dinosaur a n d a b ir d. They sai d, “Th e A rc hae opteryx i s the ancestor of all bi r ds �. To th em, th is i s a cre ature that resembles a bird but is in fact a half di n os a u r. Bu t th is is fa lse. T h e A rc h a eop tery x i s a compl e te bi rd! Be c a u se: 1. Th e A rc h a eop teryx had fe athers just l i ke the bi r ds of ou r tim e. 2. Th e Ar ch a eop tery x ha d t h e sa m e ch e s t -b on e, to w h i c h its win g s w e r e a tta c h ed , as o t her fly in g bi r ds . 3. Th e Ar ch a eop tery x ca n n ot b e th e an c e s tor of a ll bi r ds , b ec a u se f os s i l s of b ird s t h a t a re more an c i e n t th a n it ha v e been f ou n d .

A s y ou kn ow, d olp h ins and whal e s are cal l ed sea mammals. These creatures, although they live in t he s ea , rep rod u c e in the same w ay as do mammal s on land. Fish, on the other hand, reproduce by laying eggs. Then how did sea mammals develop? Obviously, Allah has created them as well. E v ol u tion ists, h owever, don’ t w ant to be l i e ve thi s. They cannot explain how dolphins and whales formed as well. Charles Darwin (the person who brought up the theory of evolution) had said, in his first book about the theory of evolution, something like this: Bears that went into the water to hunt fish all the time changed into w ha l e s. Y es, y ou rea d i t ri ght! He cl ai me d that the h a i r y b ea rs we kn ow so w e l l changed i nto metre s a n d metres lon g wh a les after sw i mmi ng i n the sea a gr e at d ea l. D o y ou th in k it is p o ssi bl e for a be ar to change into a whale, just because it swims a lot? Then shouldn’t people who swim a lot change into sea m am ma ls? Isn ’t it so funny? These are fantasies that could only happen in stories. For example, in stories there are m e r m aid s. Merma id s a r e hal f human and hal f fi sh. It could be that evolutionists are still under the i n f l uen c e of m erm a id s tori e s! Darwin said that bears, while swimming in water, had changed into whales. Even some evolutionists do not believe this tall tale. 112



T he c la im s m a d e b y the theory of e vol uti on are not limited only to these but they also declare that humans evolved from apes, and that thus a p e s are h u m a n s’ a n c estors. N e i th er D a rwin n or any other evol uti oni sts hav e a n y p roof to b a c k u p the i r cl ai ms. Thi s state me nt is a totally fantasy. In reality, the reason for bringing forward a theory such as the theory of evolution is to make people forget that Allah c r e at e d th em . If p eop le bel i e ve that the y occurred b y c h a n c e a n d th eir a nce stor was an ani mal , then t he y f eel n o resp on sib i l i ty towards Al l ah. I n turn, this causes them to forget all their religious v a l u e s a n d b ec om e selfi sh. Se l fi sh peopl e l ose such good feelings as love for their people and their families. You see, evolutionists try to distance people from such loyal feelings, and this is why t he y a ssert th e th eory of e vol uti on. The i r ai m i s to m ak e p eop le forg et A ll ah, and for thi s re ason they t e l l e v ery on e, “A lla h di d not cre ate you. You hav e come from apes, that is, you are an advanced a n i m al. � In truth, Allah created humans. Compared to other living beings, the human being is the only c r e at ure th a t c a n sp eak, thi nk, re joi ce , and take de c ision s, is in tellige nt, can se t up ci v i l i sati ons and can communicate at an advanced level. Allah is the One Who has given all these f ea tu res to th e h umans. Neither ape, nor any other creature for t ha t m a tter, c a n tal k, thi nk or make deci si ons i n the w ay we do. 114


Humans have always been humans and cats have always been cats.

In the field of science, it is very important to produce “proof”. When you make a claim, an d i f y ou wa n t oth ers to be l i e ve i t, t h e n you h a ve to sh ow some proof. F or example, if you introduce yourself to s o m e o n e a n d sa y , “My name i s Omar” and then thi s person says, “I do not believe that your name is Om ar , ” th en in th a t c ase you w oul d hav e to have some proof that your name really is Omar. What cou l d y ou r p roof b e? An I D card coul d be a proof, o r a birth c ertific a te, or passport, or maybe your school report card, among other things. If you show one of these to that person, he will not o b j e c t. N ow let u s g ive a sci e nti fi c exampl e. The re was a scientist called Newton who lived in the last century who claimed that there is something ca l l e d th e “g ra vity ” on e arth. He re pl i ed to those w h o a sked h im h ow h e knew thi s, “ When an appl e f a l l s o ff a tree, it fa ll s on the ground. I t doe sn’ t s t a y i n th e a ir”. Th a t me ant that there i s a force pulling the apple to the ground and he called it “ gr av ity ”. Therefore, evolutionists have to show some proof to make their theories believable. For example, the theory of evolution states that the an c e s tors of h u m a n s are the apes. Then w e shoul d as k t hem : Wh ere d id y ou ge t thi s i dea and w here i s y o u r p roof?


I f t h e a n c estors of humans are ape s, w e shoul d f i nd th e fossils of c reature s that are hal f human and half ape as confirmation. However, such a fossil has not been discovered until today. We h a v e on ly fou n d th e fossi l s of humans or apes. Thi s m e an s th a t Evolu tion is ts hav e absol utel y no proof t ha t a p es a re th e a n c estors of humans. H owever, evolu tion is ts try to tri ck peopl e wi th t he i r th eories. H ow?

SOME TRICKS OF THE EVOLUTIONISTS: 1 . E volu tion ists sh ow the fossi l s of exti nct ape species as if they belong to creatures that are h a l f h u m a n a n d h a lf ape .

Y ou p rob a b ly h a ve s ee n pi ctures such as the one above. You see, by drawing such pictures, e v ol u tion ists try to c onfuse peopl e. I n truth, such creatures have never existed. In the past, there used to be complete humans and complete apes, j u s t l ike th e on es tod ay. None of the hal f ape and h a l f hu m a n c rea tu res show n i n the abov e drawi ng h a s e ver ex isted . Th is is far too unl i kel y to happen. A s w e sta ted ea rlier, n o t one fossi l has be e n found t o pr o ve it. H owever, evolu tion ists constantl y try new tri cks


on t his top ic . For ex a mpl e, w hi l e handl i ng a fossi l that belongs to an extinct species of apes, they claim it to be the fossil of a creature that was b e t w een a p es a n d h u mans. As peopl e are ofte n not w e l l i n formed a b ou t thi s topi c, they are prone to b e l i e ve th e th in g s th a t e vol uti oni sts say. 2. Evolutionists show the fossils of humans b e l on g in g to d ifferen t race s as i f the y are fossi l s of c r ea tu res th a t a re hal f ape s and hal f humans. As you know, there are many different ethnic groups of people on earth. There are people belonging to different ethnic groups such as the Africans, Chinese, Red Indians, Turks, Europeans, Arabs and many others. Obviously, people belonging to different ethnic groups sometimes h a v e d ifferen t fea tu re s. F or e xampl e, the Chi ne se have eyes that are withdrawn to the back; some A f r i c a n s h a ve very d a r k ski ns and ve ry curl y hai r. When you see a Red Indian or an Eskimo, you i m m e d ia tely kn ow th a t they bel ong to a di fferent ethnic group. You see, in the past, there were p e op l e of m a n y oth er ethni c groups and some of t he i r fea tu res were p erhaps di fferent from those of p e op le tod a y . F or exa mp le, th e skul l s of pe opl e be l ongi ng to t he N ea n d erth a l ra c e w e re bi gger than the skul l s of people living today. Their muscles were a lot s t r on g er th a n ou rs. Evolutionists, however, used the differences between this race and ours as a way to deceive p e op l e. Th ey sa y , for instance, whe n the y fi nd the Just as it is impossible and nonsense for the change depicted in this drawing to have taken place, so are evolutionists’ claims impossible and nonsense!

f o s s i l of a Nea n d erth al skul l , “ Thi s i s the skul l of humans’ ancestors who have lived tens of thousands of years ago”. Sometimes the skull f o s s i l s fou n d were smal l er than the av e rage skul l size of humans today. Holding a skull fossil, e v ol u tion ists sa y , “Th e owne r of thi s skul l was just at the point of changing from an ape into a h u m an ”. In reality, even today there are people

An Indonesian



A Chinese






A Greek




An Indian

An Aborigine

You can see above the different ethnic groups living on earth today. The skulls on the left also belong to different races. As you can see, many different races exist today, and most of these races have skulls that are very different from each other. Evolutionists held these human skulls that are different from each other and presented them as if they are different species. In truth, the differences between the features of the skulls do not show different species but show different human races. (a,b,c) Northern Races (d,e,f) African Americans (g,h,i) Australians

belonging to different ethnic groups that have s m a l l er th a n a vera g e s kul l s. F or exampl e, the skul l volume of Aborigines (Australian natives) is quite s m a l l , b u t th is d oes n ot me an that the y are hal f ape an d h a lf h u m a n . Th ey are normal human be i ngs just l i k e y o u a n d a ll oth er human bei ngs. Consequently, we can see that the fossils e v o l u t i on ists sh ow a s p r oof of humans e vol vi ng from apes either belong to earlier species of apes or hu m an ra c es th a t a re now e xti nct. Thi s me ans that half human and half ape creatures have never e x i s t e d.

THE BIGGEST HOAXES OF EVOLUTIONISTS 1. The Piltdown Man Hoax I n 1 9 1 2 , th e evolu tio nary scientists found a fossil of a jaw bone and a skull fragment. The jaw bone looked like that of an ape and the skull fragment l ook e d like th a t of a h uman. According to the evolutionists, this creature was half human and half ape. These pieces were said to be about 500 thousand years old, and it was said they were proof that h u m an s evolved from a pe s. These bones were displayed as the proof of

The fake Piltdown Man that evolutionists fabricated by fixing an ape's jaw to a human skull.


evolution for nearly 40 years, in various museums ar o u n d th e world . H owev e r, i n 1949, some tests were ap p l i e d to th e b on es a n d a ve ry surpri si ng re sul t was attained: The jaw bone was not 500 thousand years old, but merely 2 or 3 years old. The skull bones be l on g ed to th e fossil of an ordi nary human and the y w e r e on ly a c ou p le of thousand years ol d. T he tru th wa s rea lised l ater: Some body had put an ap e ’ s j a w b on e on to th at of an anci ent human skul l , an d covered it with some che mi cal s to make i t l ook old. When evolutionists could not find a half-human half-ape fossil, they attempted to manufacture a f a k e on e. T hi s even t wa s rec orded i n sci e nce hi story as the bi g g e s t h oa x p erp etra te d by sci enti sts.

2.The Nebraska Man Hoax

The Nebraska Man drawn on the basis of a single tooth. It is extraordinary how imaginative evolutionists can be. 120

In 1922, the fossi l of a mol ar tooth was found. Evolutionists claimed that this tooth had the features of both humans and apes. Afterwards, a picture of a creature imagined to exist between man and the apes was d ra w n taki ng thi s si ngl e tooth as b a si s. Some evol uti oni sts carri ed it eve n furthe r and dre w a fami l y for thi s i magi nary creature . All these drawings were made ta ki ng a si ngl e tooth as a basi s‌ Now think for a moment. If one of your teeth fell out, and someone who never met you before picks it up and claims

t h a t h e c a n d ra w a n exa ct pi cture of y o u j ust b y lookin g a t t hat tooth, would you believe him? Wouldn’t it sound just like a hoax, if he claimed that not only could he draw you but your family as well? Obviously, it is total nonsense to try to make a drawing of a creature and his family by only looking at a single tooth. In 1927, there was an amazing discovery. All the other skeletal pieces of the cr e at ure to wh ic h th e tooth bel onge d w e re found. The t oot h belon g ed n eith er to a human nor to an ape . I t b elon g ed to a p ig … T hi s even t wa s a tru e di saste r for e vol uti oni sts.

A drawing that appeared in the Sunday times on 5th April 1964

Maurice Wilson’s Drawing

N. Parker’s drawing from the National Geographic in September 1960

Do you see these drawings? Each evolutionist made different drawings while looking at the same skull. They seem uncertain as to how they should draw the creature. This is because such creatures have never existed. These are all fabrications of adult professors! What would your friends say if you found a bone while walking, made a drawing like these and said, “Let me show you drawings of creatures that lived long ago”? You would probably never do such a thing, because you know that it wouldn’t be intelligent. However, for some reason, evolutionary scientists cannot understand how stupid such a thing is.


THE PROOFS THAT PEOPLE DID NOT COME FROM APES: 1 . Sc ien tists h a ve fo und fossi l s of humans that l i v e d very lon g a g o. Th ese human fossi l s di spl ay no differences when compared to humans today. Mor e o ver, th e era d u ri ng whi ch these peopl e l i ve d i s a n era in wh ic h evoluti oni sts cl ai m that humans w e r e s till n ot formed . The y cl ai m that i n that age , on l y t h e a p es existed . F or in sta n c e, d u rin g the excavati ons of a cave in S p a i n, the fossi l s of a chi l d w ho had lived about 800 thousand y ea rs ago w e re found. The face of this child had the same features as those of children today. H oweve r, i f i t was as evol uti oni sts c la im , the re shoul d have bee n no humans present 800 thousand y ea rs ago. The re shoul d have be e n half human half-ape creatures 800 thousand years ago. It was c lea r, w hen the fossi l i n Spai n was fou n d , that humans hav e e xi sted This 800 thousand-yearas humans since they were first old skull belonged to a created. There have never been human being. It proves any half human and half ape that evolutionists are c rea ture s. fabricating hoaxes. 2. Scientists discovered the r e m a i n s of a ston e h ut. When the y cal cul ated i ts age, they concluded that it was at least 1,5 m i l l i o n y ea rs old . Th is me ans that the humans who lived 1,5 million years ago were to some degree civilised. They were regular people just like the people of today. This makes total nonsense of


evolutionists’ claims such as that humans evolved from apes, and that first there was primitive man (half human, half ape) who then evolved i n t o t od a y ’s m a n kin d . 3 . O n e of th e old est fossi l s found to date is that of the Turkana Boy, w hi c h is a b ou t 1 . 6 m ill i on years ol d. W he n th e fossil wa s c lose l y exami ned i t w a s d isc overed th a t i t be l onge d to a h u m an a b ou t 1 2 y ea rs ol d, and that he w o u l d h a ve b een 1 . 8 0 m (5’ 90” ) tal l i f he h a d r ea c h ed a d u lth ood. Thi s fossi l al one , with its exact resemblance to human skeletons of today, was enough to destroy the belief that humans or i gi n a ted from a p es. 4. Humans, among all living things, are the only creatures that can walk u p r i gh t on two feet. Ani mal s such as the horse, the dog and the ape are fourlegged, and animals such as snakes, c r o c od iles a n d liza rd s are repti l e s. The theory of evolution claims that, millions of years ago, four-legged apes changed their walking style into a bent p os i t i on . Th e a p es c on ti nue d to wal k bent until their walk became upright. As a result, the human form was established. T he s e c la ims ma d e b y the the ory of evolution are not based on any The Turkana Boy skeleton scientific evidence but are rather proves that the children b a s e d on tota l ima g inati on. Studi e s were just like us even 1.6 million years ago. made by scientists in recent years have proven that this claim of the


It is impossible for apes that walk bent on four feet to change into human beings who walk upright on two feet. e v ol u tion ists is tota lly unsci enti fi c nonse nse ! Studies have shown that creatures best use t he i r en erg ies wh en the y wal k on ei ther two fe e t or four. Creatures spend twice the energy when they try to walk bent and out of their natural p os t ure. Then, why would the apes walk bent, spending t w i c e th e en erg y , for t housands of ye ars? I t woul d b e t h e sa me a s if a n adul t human tri ed to craw l w i t h a fu ll loa d on h is back. Woul d you, w hi l e abl e to walk comfortably on your two feet, suddenly d e c i d e to d o a h a n d stand and wal k he nce forth on your palms? Obviously, no creature would switch f r om a rela xed wa lkin g styl e to an uncomfortabl e walking style. Allah has created each creature w i t h t h e a b ility to move i n the most comfortabl e w ay . In conclusion, the theory of evolution cannot answer the question, “Why did four-legged apes d e c i d e on e d a y to wa lk on onl y tw o?� 124

THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE The biggest difference between an ape and a hu m an is th a t h u ma n s hav e soul s and ape s don’ t. Hu m an s h a ve c on sc iou s ne ss: they thi nk, spe ak and convey their thoughts to others in rational sentences, make decisions, feel, develop tastes, know about art, paint, compose songs, sing and ar e f ull of love a n d val ues. Al l of the se facul ti e s ar e p a rtic u la r to th e human soul . Ani mal s do not ha v e sou ls. No on e oth er than a human coul d hav e t h e s e u n iq u e fea tu res. Evolutionists are unable to answer this qu e s tion . To resemb le a human, an ape woul d have to go through many physical changes and would have to have the other faculties peculiar to human beings. Is there any force in nature that can give such abilities as painting, thinking, or com posin g to a n y a p e? Of course not! Allah created only humans with such abilities and He has not given animals any of these f a c u l ties. Th e h u m a n has bee n a human from the da y h e wa s c rea ted . The fi sh w e re al ways fi sh and the birds were always birds. No creature is the ancestor of another. Allah is the Creator of all hu m an s a n d a ll oth er li vi ng be i ngs.

Wouldn’t it be unreasonable to say that humans originated from octopuses just because the eyes of an octopus look like that of a human?


The reason that evolutionists claim that the humans have originated from apes is the physical resemblance between the two. However, other creatures on earth resemble humans more closely. For example, the parrots seen in the picture can talk. Octopuses have eyes just like those of a human. Cats and dogs listen to and follow orders, just like a person. What would you think if someone said that humans originated from dogs, parrots, or the octopus? You see, there is no difference between this idea and the stories evolutionists fabricate.

A s we m en tion ed a t the be gi nni ng of our book, t he e ye is a very c om pl e x and pe rfe ctl y desi gne d organ. It is made up of 40 components, and it c a n n ot fu n c tion if even one of the se compone nts i s m i ssin g . All of these components have such intricate d e t ai l th a t it is im p ossi bl e for them to have come a b ou t b y c h a n c e. If j u s t one of the m, for exampl e t he l en s, were missin g , the eye coul d not functi on. Moreover, if just the lens and the pupil were to e x ch a n g e p osition s, th e e ye coul d not functi on. 126

E v e n th e tea r th a t se e ms such a si mpl e fl ui d i s e s s e ntia l for th e ey e to functi on. An e ye that doe s not produce tears will soon dry up and become blind. Furthermore, the tear's antiseptic pr o p erties p rotec t th e eye from ge rms. The structure of an eye can be compared to t h a t of a c a r. Ma n y p iece s make up a car. I f al l of its pieces were together but the gas pedal was m i s s i n g , y ou wou ld n ot be abl e to dri v e i t. I f one of the wires in its motor is cut, the car won’t m ov e . Ey es, j u st like a car, cannot functi on i f e ve n o n e piec e is missin g . Evolutionists, however, are unable to explain how ey es form ed , b ec a use i t i s i mpossi bl e for eve n a s i ng le ey e to h a p p en by chance. Just thi nk, i s i t probable that 40 different pieces come together at the same time and at the same place? This i m p l i es th a t p u p il, len s , re ti na, eye l i ds, eye ducts, and others had to form by chance and join by t h e m s elves. Th is, of c o urse, i s i mpossi bl e ! Darwin did not even want to think about the eye. It is impossible for the eye to happen by coincidence because the eye is perfect and yet so complex. It is the obvious truth that Allah has created the eye.


If you saw a car while you were out walking in the woods and asked how this car got there, and someone told you that some materials from the woods came together and formed this car, would you believe him? If you saw a car while you were out walking in the woods and asked how this car got there, and someone told you that some materials from the woods came t og e t he r a n d formed th is car, woul d you be l i e ve hi m? I s a person in his right mind if he says that the motor, accelerator pedal, steering wheel, brakes, handbrake, wi n d s h i e ld , c h a ssis, a n d other pi eces of a car happened t o c om e i n to ex isten c e b y chance and came togethe r to f or m a v e h ic le? The eye’s structure is much more complicated and f l a w l e s s th a n th a t of a car. Then w e shoul d w onder as we l l a b ou t th e sa n ity of those who cl ai m that the eye h ap p e n e d b y c h a n c e. D a r w i n wa s a lso n ot a bl e to understand how the e ye c am e a b ou t a n d h e sa id , “I re me mber wel l the ti me w hen t h e t h ou g h t of th e ey e made me col d al l ov e r.” (Norman M a c b e t h, D a rwin Retried : An Appe al to Reason, Boston; G a m bi t , 1 9 7 1 , p a g e 1 0 1 ) The author of the the ory w as helpless when it came to explaining the perfect s t r u c t ur e of th e ey e.

DARWIN ALSO DID NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THE FEATHERS OF THE PEACOCK... D i d y o u ever c losely exami ne the feathers of a bi rd? The feathers of birds have very complex features that h e l p t he m to fly . Th e fea the rs of e ach speci e s of bi rds have different colours and we enjoy looking at them q ui t e a l ot. For ex a mp le, the fe athers of the pe acock are s o b e a u t i fu l th a t p eop le hav e made them the subjects of p ai n t i ng s or n eed lep oin t canvase s. H ow e v e r, someon e d id not l i ke the fe athers of bi rds 128

at all, especially those of the peacock. That someone was Charles Darwin. This is because D a r w i n b elieved th a t t he feathers of the peacock h a v e h a p p en ed b y c h a nce . How e ve r, the se fe athers are so breathtakingly beautiful that a person cannot believe that they have been formed by chance. Darwin said about these feathers, “Now, trifling particulars of structure often make me very uncomfortable. The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me s i c k !” .

A l l a h c rea ted th e feathe rs of the pe acock that w e e nj oy so m u c h . D a rw i n, how e ve r, sai d that they “ m ak e h im sic k” sin c e he di d not want to bel i e ve t hi s t ru th . W e h a ve sa id b efore that the re are tri l l i ons of cells in the human body. Each of these cells i n c l u d es th e d a ta a b out al l the person’ s feature s. What we have not yet mentioned is where inside t he cell a ll of th is d a ta i s store d. I n sid e th e n u c leu s o f e ach cel l , there are parts containing DNA. DNA holds all the information a b ou t th e h u m a n b od y. Al l the data, such as the colour of your hair or your eyes, your inner or ga n s, th e wa y y ou look, your hei ght, i s al l store d in your DNA. This data can be encoded using 4 d i f f e ren t c h em ic a ls ref e rre d to by the l ette rs, A, T, G, and C. Each letter shows the first letter of a


molecule’s name. These four chemicals aligned in d i f f e ren t c om b in a tion s can form different data. You can compare this to an alphabet. For example, there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and different c om bin a tion s of th ese l e tte rs f o r m d ifferen t word s. There is a lot of i n f o r ma tion stored in the DNA. To realise just how vast this information is, we can make the following comparison: If we had to write down all the information in the DNA, we would end up with a large library of 900 volumes, each of 500 pages. This l i b r ary wou ld h a ve to be about the length of a s oc c e r field . H owever, al l this knowledge has been f i t t e d in to a tin y molecul e that we can’t even see with ou r e y es. So, who has put all this i n f o r ma tion in th ere? Who was abl e to f i t i t a ll in ? Evolu tion ists have no choice but to continue their rehearsed line, “It all happened by chance”. This is a model of DNA. Inside DNA, there is enough data to fill about 900 volumes of an encyclopaedia.

However, it is very unlikely that something as d i f f i c u lt a s th is c ou ld happe n by chance. Ab ove, we g a ve the exampl e of a l i brary. We said that the data in DNA is enough to pack volumes that would fill a library the length of a soccer field. When you see such a lib ra ry , wou ld you bel i e ve that the data i n a ll th ose volumes was wri tten as a resul t of a c oin c ide nce ? Or rather, woul d you think that they were written by educated scholars and professors, and then published by a book c ompany? Obvi ousl y, the l atter is the logically correct answ e r. Do you know what it sounds like


w he n evolu tion ists c la i m that DNA was formed by c h a n c e? It sou n d s like some one sayi ng, “ The re was an explosion in the publishing house and all of t he s e volu mes of b ooks happe ned by the msel v e s.” Maybe while you were sitting at your desk in s c h ool, y ou c a m e a c ros s a page that had the ti tl e “ Ge og ra p h ic Fea tu res of the Worl d” , and w hen you a s k e d wh o h a d written thi s page, a fri e nd of yours r e pl i ed : “A little wh ile ago the re w as a bottl e of i n k on th is p a p er. I in ci dental l y spi l l e d i t and thi s writing appeared!” Would you not think that he h a d l o st h is m in d ? E v olu tion ists c la im s ome thi ng that i s eve n more u n l i k e ly . A s even a p a g e of wri ti ng cannot be w i thout a w r i t e r , n eith er c a n a huge data bank such as DNA h a p p en b y itself. A l l a h , Wh o is th e A lmi ghty and the Al l -wi se, Who h a s p ower to d o a n y thi ng, Who i s the Cre ator of the heavens and earth and whatever else in be tween th em , is a ls o the Cre ator of DNA.


Our Lord is the One Who has put billions of p i e c e s of in form a tion i n a pl ace so smal l that our e y e s ca n n ot even see it. A l l a h is th e O n e Who has cre ate d us, our e ye s, ou r h a ir, a n d ou r feet. H e is a lso th e Crea t or of our fami l i es, parents, b r o t hers a n d sisters, fri ends and teachers. A l l a h is th e O n e Wh o has cre ate d the food that w e l ove for u s, c h oc olate s, cake s and candi es, the fruits and vegetables that make us healthy and s t r on g . If A lla h h a d n o t cre ate d i t, we w oul d not h a v e k n own wh a t c h oc ol ate taste d l i ke. A l l a h h a s a lso g iven us the sense of taste and smell. If He had not given us these faculties, we w o u l d n ot h a ve b een a bl e to taste the thi ngs that w e e a t. It wou ld h a ve be e n the same whe the r w e a t e a p ota to or a c a ke . Al l ah hasn’ t just create d delicious and beautifully scented foods, He has also given us the faculties that will allow us to e n j oy th em . Y ou like some th in gs, and you e njoy them and think of them as fun. It could be a dessert that y ou e n j oy ea tin g , a g ame that you enjoy pl ayi ng, or a n ou tin g with p eopl e you l ove . You must neve r f o r ge t th a t A lla h is th e One Who make s i t possi bl e f o r y ou to en j oy su c h t hi ngs. S i n c e A lla h h a s g reat mercy for you, He al ways g i v e s y ou p lea sa n t a n d be auti ful thi ngs. T o b eg in with , y ou di d not exi st. Just thi nk, you 134

w e r e nowh ere b efore y ou were conce i v e d. You were nothing. Allah created you. He made you out of not hi n g . Then we must be grateful to Allah for each m om en t of ou r lives. I n e ve rythi ng that w e enjoy and love, we must remember Allah, and say, “O Allah I am forever grateful to you for all your o f f e r i n g s. ” If we c ome across a si tuati on that we do not like, we sh ou ld agai n pray to Al l ah, because He i s th e on ly O n e Wh o can put thi ngs ri ght. Al l a h a lwa y s h ea rs our praye rs and re sponds to them, because He always knows what is in our thoughts. While reading this book, for instance, y o u a re th in kin g of some thi ngs, but i f you do not say them aloud, no one at home will know what y o u are th in kin g . A lla h, howeve r, knows your eve ry t h ou g h t a n d sees y ou al l the ti me . E v e n whe n you think you are alone, Allah sees you and knows e v e r y th in g th a t y ou d o . For this reason, good people, even when they ar e b y th emselves, d o not thi nk, “ Wel l no one can s e e m e n ow” a n d th en do wrong thi ngs. The y know t h a t Alla h still sees a nd hears the m eve n w hen no o n e e l se is a rou n d .

The drawing on the right is a cartoon of Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution. This cartoon indicates that the theory of evolution has collapsed. The theory of evolution in our time has taken quite a beating just like Darwin in the cartoon. 135

The purpose of this book was to tell you that A l l a h is th e Crea tor of the e nti re uni v e rse and al l l i v i n g th in g s. It is ob vi ous that Al l ah has cre ate d t he w h ole u n iverse. S ome pe opl e, howeve r, do not want to believe in the existence of Allah. This is w hy th ese p eop le h a ve brought forw ard tal l tal e s s u c h as th e on e c a lled the the ory of e vol uti on. W hile we ta lked a b out the e xi stence of Al l ah i n t hi s book, we a lso exp l ai ne d the fal se hood of the theory of evolution. We mentioned only a small n u m ber of th e top ic s that prove the fal sehood of the theory of evolution. To date, there has not even been one proof to justify the theory of e v ol u tion . Now, you know that those who defend the t he or y of evolu tion a re de cei tful . F r o m n ow on , stop and thi nk about e ve rythi ng y ou witn ess. If y ou see a mosqui to, for i nstance , t hi n k a b ou t h ow it forme d. Or w hi l e you are eati ng a f r uit, th in k a b ou t the fact that Al l ah has gi ve n i t i t s ta ste a n d smell. Don’ t e ve r forge t w hen you l ook up a t th e sky a n d see the moon and the stars t ha t A lla h is th e O n e W ho put them the re. Conti nue t o t hin k a b ou t A lla h and conti nue to remi nd your f r i e n d s a b ou t A lla h . That i s whe n Al l ah w i l l trul y love you and let you live a life full of beautiful b l e s s i n g s.


They said, ‘Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.’ (Surat al-Baqara: 32)


ALSO BY HARUN YAHYA Many people think that Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a proven fact. Contrary to this conventional wisdom, recent developments in science completely disprove the theory. The only reason Darwinism is still foisted on people by means of a worldwide propaganda campaign lies in the ideological aspects of the theory. All secular ideologies and philosophies try to provide a basis for themselves by relying on the theory of evolution. This book clarifies the scientific collapse of the theory of evolution in a way that is detailed but easy to understand. It reveals the frauds and distortions committed by evolutionists to "prove" evolution. Finally it analyzes the powers and motives that strive to keep this theory alive and make people believe in it. Anyone who wants to learn about the origin of living things, including mankind, needs to read this book. 238 PAGES WITH 166 PICTURES IN COLOUR

One of the purposes why the Qur'an was revealed is to summon people to think about creation and its works. When a person examines his own body or any other living thing in nature, the world or the whole universe, in it he sees a great design, art, plan and intelligence. All this is evidence proving Allah's being, unit, and eternal power. For Men of Understanding was written to make the reader see and realise some of the evidence of creation in nature. Many living miracles are revealed in the book with hundreds of pictures and brief explanations. 288 PAGES WITH 467 PICTURES IN COLOUR

Darwin said: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." When you read this book, you will see that Darwin's theory has absolutely broken down, just as he feared it would. 208 PAGES WITH 302 PICTURES IN COLOUR


People who are oppressed, who are tortured to death, innocent babies, those who cannot afford even a loaf of bread, who must sleep in tents or even in streets in cold weather, those who are massacred just because they belong to a certain tribe, women, children, and old people who are expelled from their homes because of their religion… Eventually, there is only one solution to the injustice, chaos, terror, massacres, hunger, poverty, and oppression: the morals of the Qur'an. 208 PAGES WITH 276 PICTURES IN COLOUR

Have you ever thought that you were non-existent before you were born and suddenly appeared on Earth? Have you ever thought that the peel of a banana, melon, watermelon or an orange each serve as a quality package preserving the fruit's odour and taste? Man is a being to which Allah has granted the faculty of thinking. Yet a majority of people fail to employ this faculty as they should… The purpose of this book is to summon people to think in the way they should and to guide them in their efforts to think. 128 PAGES WITH 137 PICTURES IN COLOUR

In the Qur'an, there is an explicit reference to the "second coming of the Jesus to the world" which is heralded in a hadith. The realisation of some information revealed in the Qur'an about Jesus can only be possible by Jesus' second coming… 102 PAGES


One of the major reasons why people feel a profound sense of attachment to life and cast religion aside is the assumption that life is eternal. Forgetting that death is likely to put an end to this life at any time, man simply believes that he can enjoy a perfect and happy life. Yet he evidently deceives himself. The world is a temporary place specially created by Allah to test man. That is why, it is inherently flawed and far from satisfying man's endless needs and desires. Each and every attraction existing in the world eventually wears out, becomes corrupt, decays and finally disappears. This is the neverchanging reality of life. This book explains this most important essence of life and leads man to ponder the real place to which he belongs, namely the Hereafter. 224 PAGES WITH 144 PICTURES IN COLOUR

Colours, patterns, spots even lines of each living being existing in nature have a meaning. For some species, colours serve as a communication tool; for others, they are a warning against enemies. Whatever the case, these colours are essential for the well-being of living beings. An attentive eye would immediately recognise that not only the living beings, but also everything in nature are just as they should be. Furthermore, he would realise that everything is given to the service of man: the comforting blue colour of the sky, the colourful view of flowers, the bright green trees and meadows, the moon and stars illuminating the world in pitch darkness together with innumerable beauties surrounding man‌ 160 PAGES WITH 215 PICTURES IN COLOUR

Never plead ignorance of Allah's evident existence, that everything was created by Allah, that everything you own was given to you by Allah for your subsistence, that you will not stay so long in this world, of the reality of death, that the Qur'an is the Book of truth, that you will give account for your deeds, of the voice of your conscience that always invites you to righteousness, of the existence of the hereafter and the day of account, that hell is the eternal home of severe punishment, and of the reality of fate. 112 PAGES WITH 74 PICTURES IN COLOUR

Many societies that rebelled against the will of God or regarded His messengers as enemies were wiped off the face of the earth completely... Perished Nations examines these penalties as revealed in the verses of the Quran and in light of archaeological discoveries. This book is also available in German, French, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese. 149 PAGES WITH 73 PICTURES IN COLOUR

In a body that is made up of atoms, you breathe in air, eat food, and drink liquids that are all composed of atoms. Everything you see is nothing but the result of the collision of electrons of atoms with photons. In this book, the implausibility of the spontaneous formation of an atom, the building-block of everything, living or non-living, is related and the flawless nature of Allah's creation is demonstrated. 139 PAGES WITH 122 PICTURES IN COLOUR

The evidence of Allah's creation is present everywhere in the universe. A person comes across many of these proofs in the course of his daily life; yet if he does not think deeply, he may wrongly ĂĽ These aspects of ants create in one a great admiration for Allah's superior power and unmatched creation. 165 PAGES WITH 104 PICTURES IN COLOUR


Dear children, while reading this book, you will see how Allah has created all the creatures in the most beautiful way and how every one of them show us His endless beauty, power and knowledge. 136 PAGES WITH 200 PICTURES IN COLOUR

Have you ever thought about the vast dimensions of the universe we live in? As you read this book, you will see that our universe and all the living things therein are created in the most perfect way by our Creator, Allah. You will learn that Allah created the sun, the moon, our world, in short, everything in the universe so that we may live in it in the most peaceful and happy way. 136 PAGES WITH 198 PICTURES IN COLOUR



Audio cassettes based on the works of Harun Yahya include The Collapse of the "Theory of Evolution-The Fact of Creation", "The Creation of the Universe-The Balances in the Earth", "The Miracle in the Cell-The Miracle of Birth", "The Miracle in the Eye-The Miracle in the Ear", "The Design in Animals-The Design in Plants", "The Miracle in the Honeybee-The Miracle in the Ant", "The Miracle in the Mosquito-The Miracle in the Spider", "Self-Sacrifice in Living Things-Migration and Orientation", "The Miracle of Creation in DNA", "Miracles of the Qur'an".


HARUN YAHYA ON THE INTERNET YOU CAN FIND ALL THE WORKS OF HARUN YAHYA ON THE INTERNET • Scientific refutation of Darwinism, the greatest deception of our age. • Dozens of books including hundreds of pages of information about the signs of God's creation. • Extremely valuable works that will guide you to think on the real aspects of life by reading the morals of the Qur'an. • Harun Yahya's political, scientific and faith-related articles that have appeared in various magazines and newspapers around the world. • Audio recordings and documentary videos inspired by the works of Harun Yahya. • And many more attractive presentations...

www.harunyahya.com e-mail: info@harunyahya.com

Islam is a religion that means "peace". In the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world. Terrorism and all other mischief on Earth are the very acts that Muslims are commanded by God to stand against. The Islamic morality is the cure for terrorism, not the source of it. This website is launched to reveal that any kind of terror and barbarism is against Islam, and Muslims share the sorrows of the victims of terrorism.

Anti-semitism is a fanatical hatred felt for the Jewish people. This racist ideology has caused millions of Jews to be killed, persecuted, exiled and threatened. The religion of Islam aims to bring justice to the world. Just as it denounces all kinds of racism, so it denounces anti-semitism. Muslims criticize Zionism, but defend the right of Jews to live in peace and security.

www.islamdenouncesterrorism.com e-mail: info@islamdenouncesterrorism.com

www.islamdenouncesantisemitism.com e-mail: info@islamdenouncesantisemitism.com This site is part of a chain of sites set up parallel to Harun Yahya’s official homepage (www.harunyahya.org) This work is intended to inform the whole world of some important truths, not for commercial ends. The most important of these truths is the fact of creation: Life and man did not emerge by themselves, as the result of chance, as materialist philosophy claims. In the same way that God created the universe from nothing, He also created and gave shape to living things and man. This is a fact backed up by contemporary scientific discoveries. In this site is a documentary that genuinely explains the truth of creation.

www.evolutiondocumentary.com e-mail: info@evolutiondocumentary.com

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