1 minute read

It's About Time We Started Talking About Plant-Based

Protein Manufacturing

Plant-based production and manufacturing as a private-label brand


With approximately one-third of Europeans actively limiting their intake of meat and dairy products, consumer demand is shifting towards plant-based products.

In recent years, consumer demand for plant-based protein has often outpaced the industry’s supply chain capabilities. As the alternative protein sector continues to grow, building the ingredients, infrastructure, investment, services, and manufacturing ecosystem will be critical to deliver innovative and delicious foods that not only meet the needs of the consumer but also business objectives both now and in the future.

So, what’s the role of private label brands and how can you differentiate your plant-based product from the increasing number of options on the retail shelf? Here are some actionable tips ahead of this year’s PlantBased Protein Manufacturing Summit taking place on the 12th & 13th of April in Amsterdam.

Integrate novel technologies into your production line

A key trend shaping the future of plant-based meat production is the development of more realistic meat substitutes. As consumers continue to demand plant-based products that not only mimic the taste of conventional meat but also the texture and appearance, it is more important than ever for brands to integrate novel technologies into their production and manufacturing.

Researchers and companies are developing novel and proprietary alternatives to traditional extrusion which have the potential to completely disrupt the market. The rise of innovative processing methods such as shear cell technology, 3D printing, spinning technology, and other novel manufacturing approaches could help private label brands effectively create plant-based products that stand out from the crowd without breaking the bank!

Consider sustainability in your ingredient sourcing and manufacturing. With consumer demand for environmentally friendly products ever increasing, sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration in all areas of the plant-based supply chain. The foundation of any sustainable plant-based product are the raw materials, so sourcing sustainable ingredients is key, but production plants can be very energy intensive so ensuring your factory is as sustainable as possible will make a significant impact on your brand's ability to achieve your sustainability goals. Switching to renewable energy (or supporting your manufacturing partners to do this) is one way to reduce your carbon footprint and could even reduce your overall energy costs over time.

Find the right partners

Creating effective partnerships is the only way to succeed in the plant-based space. Attend The Plant-Based Protein Manufacturing Summit this year and build crucial partnerships with external stakeholders across the supply chain which will support you to grow your plant-based manufacturing capabilities in 2023 and beyond!

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