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Hellmann: Headlining a High-growth Narrative
The addition of Africa to Hellmann’s regional geographical expansion enables a stronger presence and imprint on the continent.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, both globally and regionally, has reported a stellar 2022 following encouraging financial results and performance. Despite headwinds, the pressure on freight rates and stubbornly challenging market conditions, the preeminent logistics services company has bucked the prevailing market recessionary trends to announce a good, healthy track record.
The long-established and eponymous Hellmann Worldwide Logistics was founded in 1871 in Osnabrueck, Germany, by the legendary patriarch Carl Heinrich Hellmann. It boasts a rich historical legacy and corporate heritage. Currently it operates with more than 500 branches in over 175 countries. Hellmann’s core philosophies come from its roots. The cohesion and flexibility of our customers comes from our people and the way we handle our daily business and critical events.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics characterizes itself as a logistics company focused on developing our customers’ businesses within their industries. Its Air, Sea, Land and Warehousing services blend with its advanced industry vertical process expertise and knowledge to deliver tailormade supply chain services to each of our customers.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics network in the Indian Subcontinent, Middle East & South Asia (IMEA) region, and now in Africa, comprises of its regional Headquarter in the United Arab Emirates and with regional offices in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Global Supply Chain engaged exclusively with Madhav Kurup Rajan, the veteran Regional CEO, Indian Sub-Continent, Middle East and now the newly inducted African continent (IMEA), Hellmann Worldwide Logistics (HWL), for an expansive and comprehensive interview.
Here, Kurup, the official at the helm, fielded questions on a wide range of subjects on the expanded geographical territory he oversees, the company’s 2022 performance and prospects for 2023 through his corporate ‘Crystal Ball.’ The following are the transcripts of that key oneon-one interview.
Global Supply Chain: Earlier this year 2023, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics announced a regional merger of the MESA (Middle East South Asia) to further include the continent of Africa to constitute the Indian Subcontinent-Middle East-Africa (IMEA). Furthermore, you were appointed promoted to the position of CEO of the expanded geographical territory-IMEA. This is a two-part question: Firstly: Congratulations on your promotion and what does this denote for you professionally in your elevated position and secondly, the corporate implications of the merger?
Madhav Kurup (MK): Thank you. I have been responsible for the Middle East and South Asia for the last seven years and we have achieved market leadership in many markets in our region through expanding our own operations as well as carefully created joint ventures.
This has helped us to have a strong regional structure that has the capacity and competence to take on more responsibilities. The addition of the African continent to our region will ensure the exchange and implementation of best practices to the new region and will provide us the ability to further penetrate the market in Africa more effectively.
We already have our own, independent operations in six countries in Africa and the rest of the region will have a strong partner network. While merging the regions, there is always an opportunity to learn from each other as well as to achieve economies of scale in certain parts of the organizational structure.
GSC: How significant is the Africa continent for Hellmann? Also, briefly comment on the extent of your Middle East and Indian Sub-Continent operations?
MK: Africa is a key market for Hellmann and the company sees great potential in joining forces with the MESA team to strengthen their activities in the entire region and expand their business across continents.
The goal is to gain additional market share and build on the successful development of recent years. Our success is based on trust and good cooperation within the Hellmann FAMILY and the team, as also