Q&A WITH YASSER OGANDO, ADVERTISING AND PRODUCTION MANAGER I typically consider a trip a vacation if it involves a tropical climate and lots of beach time. However, my recent travels led me to want more educational and participatory experiences that do not exclude big cities and easily fit into my solo travel plans. With this in mind, and from your experience, what do you consider the best U.S. city for solo female travel? Tell us. Email us at
Q&A TIME In our March 2022 issue we noted: With the anticipated return to international travel, many people once again plan special trips they postponed during the pandemic. Janice Hecht, senior editor, dreams of returning to Ireland and seeing Scotland for the first time. Are you planning to visit a bucket-list destination or celebrate a milestone by traveling abroad this year? A few readers wrote in: I have always wanted to go on a National Geographic Expeditions trip to Antarctica.
10 MAY 2022
My husband and I planned a trip to Thailand for late summer. It’s been on our bucket list for several years, and we now set our sights specifically on Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket. I love exploring the history of every destination I visit, and Bangkok boasts a rich history with many sites for tourists. My husband looks forward to visiting Chiang Mai to see the beautiful rice fields and hike Doi Inthanon. I may not join him on the hike, depending on the strenuous demands of the trek, but I expect him to take stunning images of the view from the summit. We both look forward to trying the cuisines of each city, as we love Thai food and want to finally enjoy the authentic dishes. LEIGH WINTER, VIA EMAIL
CONTACT GT DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO SHARE? THOUGHTS ON A RECENT GT ARTICLE? Email: Write: Letters to the Editor 309 Floral Vale Blvd. Yardley, PA 19067 Letters must be written exclusively to Global Traveler and must include your full name, mailing address and contact phone number. Letters become the property of Global Traveler. We cannot respond to every letter. Global Traveler reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for length and clarity. The opinions expressed in Mail Call are not necessarily those of Global Traveler, and Global Traveler cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions.
Globility \glo ‘bility\ n: 1. The quality of being open to a world of cultures and experiences
Something about the remoteness of Antarctica has always appealed to me, and I have extensively researched the cruise. After talking with friends, they convinced me to book the trip this year. I am beyond excited to finally see in person what I have only seen in photos and movies for years. I’m probably most excited to view the icebergs and wildlife. I’m certain no photograph can compare to seeing it up close. To be able to see penguins and whales will also be part of the fun, of course.