Cuba February 2019 Photo Journal

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FEBRUARY 16 - MARCH 2, 2019



T e a m

G o a l s

T e a m

8 3

T e a m

C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Patience

To serve

Communicative To learn about Cuba

To experience another culture

Humor Calm

Common Goal

Open Minded


Flexibility Even-keeled

To be immersed


February 16 - 17, 2019



J o u r n a l

E n t r y

he boarding gate for Santa Clara was filled with primarily people speaking Spanish. What are they speaking about that sounds so urgent and important? So many words, and so fast! After boarding the captain says we’re going. Takeoff-clapping. Is the clapping because we took off? Or, because we made it safely to the skies? We land and more clapping. Because we’re safe? Or, is this clapping just a Cuban thing? We disembark. At the airport a big crowd awaits their loved ones. I feel a bit nostalgic for the days when we could meet one another at gates. So much sweeter than a text to someone waiting at a cell phone lot and being picked up amongst all the traffic on the arrival ramp. I watch the crowd greet their loved ones. Lots of embraces. Lots of kissing sounds. But more like air kisses. I soon learn the standard Cuban greeting.

I look around. I wish I would have attempted to learn some Spanish phrases. But, of course, I always came up with an excuse. I start scanning the area, looking for a Global Volunteers sign. I scan some more and see a cute young man approach. He asks, “Are you with Global Volunteers?” Big smile from me, I’m in Cuba! Stop about half way to Ciego de Ávila to have a hamburger. It’s fabulous! We noticed many people walking on the side of the road in groups-in the dark. On Sunday morning, we attended a church service from 11:20 ‘til 1pm. I don’t understand much but attempt to sing along to the chorus. The teens run in and out as different friends come to talk to them. Some church women correct them, and it’s rather humorous.


February 18, 2019 PAT HARPER


J o u r n a l

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e started our first day with breakfast at 7:00 am and were on our way walking to the organic garden to do some weeding of several plots that contained radishes. Cindy, Sally, Pat and Yanel worked hard for several hours. We were pretty muddy and cleaned up where the workers had several basins of water – one to wash in and one to rinse. We saw several customers buying onions at the stand. This structure also served as a storage place for tools and material for the garden. The garden measures four hectares, so there were many tools for the eight workers to use. " I t g o o d

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f u l l a n d

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v a r i e t y

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t h i n g s

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d o . "

We left the garden about 10:00 am and walked to the Community Center. A young couple met us outside the Center and said they needed some help preparing for an English test the next day. They had a sheet with 68 questions that they could be asked and were to be judged by a panel of three teachers from their trade school on their ability to answer in English. They were taking classes to help them get jobs in the tourism industry.

We stopped working on English instruction and had lunch at the Center about 12:00 noon. We went back to the hotel via carriage pulled by a bicycle driver. At 6:00 pm Sally, Pat, and Cindy walked to dinner near the Center and got to the Center at 7:00 pm to teach some more English. Pat took the twenty-year-olds to work on their English further. Sally, Cindy and Yadi took four beginners. There was much enthusiasm from both groups, but the older ones were much quieter. We finished about 9:00 pm and returned to the hotel via horse drawn carriage. It was a full day with good company, good food, and a variety of things to do.




February 19, 2019 J o u r n a l

E n t r y

slept in and headed to breakfast around 7:15. Yay! The coffee pots are full. I grab coffee, toast, fruit and a surprise meat that I though was ham. I pick a spot near a window so that I can watch the different modes of transportation pass by - horse and buggy, bici taxis, bicycle cart, motorcycles, mopeds (some electric) automobiles bicycles, walkers, side-saddle bike passengers an occasional American auto from the 50s. I was soon joined by Pat and Cindy. Around 8:30 we walked to the church via the lake path. An occasional horse can be seen eating grass in the fields next to the path. Also, an occasional man is cutting grass with a scythe. We think this is for the horses but aren’t sure. Sculptures made of old metal parts align the path. We see an alligator, porcupine, buffalo and many others. Whoever made these is very talented.

Once at the church, we meet the ladies of the sewing circle. We may try to help somehow. Neither I nor Pat is keen on this activity. I don’t know how to sew. We all moved to an adjacent room and sat in a round. This includes the ladies of the sewing circle, other members of the congregation, Yanel and Yadi. The next hour or so is fascinating. We were back at the Center from 7:00 ‘til 9:00. Pat worked with Melissa and Leandro as well as two other beginning adults. Cindy, Yanel, Yadi and I worked with the girls. We started with memory and then Yanel wanted to play Uno. I did not know how to play, but Yanel assured me that they could use English. We took pictures with Melissa because she has to work tomorrow and we won’t see her. 5



February 20, 2019 J o u r n a l

E n t r y

eeling at home going to breakfast in our hotel. We set out walking to the church at 8:30 to observe the “sewing circle’ doing their thing. Yadi explained their work and showed us the three sewing machines that they have. They have a supply of fabric to work with and Cindy brought some with her for them to use. The sewing machines were like the one my Mother had in the 40s that had to be pedaled. The most impressive piece of their work is a quilt hung in the meeting room at the church. The “sewing circle” had used buttons to make designs on squares of cloth. Each square had a different design on different fabric. The squares were then sent to a church in Minneapolis, MN where the “sewing circle’ there made them into a quilt.

Then we went to the Center for English classes. Rafael and Leandro came, but Melissa had to work. We worked on reading about the paintings of Norman Rockwell to encourage reading and improve their English and learn new vocabulary words. We finished up the lesson with Yanel and Sally about pictures of Rafael, Leandro and Melissa and pictures of us on our phones. Both Rafael and Leandro used their phones during class to record new vocabulary words. Both Rafael and Leandro were interested in the paintings. Rafael has attended art school and sketches portraits with pencil. Today was pizza day for lunch! Cuban pizza has a thick crust and is topped with cheese. No garlic, oregano or tomato sauce is used.


February 20, 2019

We took the same horse drawn carriage from the restaurant to the church so that we could be on time to take a bus to Chamblas. We had a long school bus with plenty of seats for us and members of the church. We drove one and a half hours and arrived at Chamblas at 8:00 pm. We went into a small church that appeared to be full already, but they made room for us. There were pews enough for 30 people, but by squeezing together and bringing in extra chairs we all fit in and were warmly welcomed.

"We had a lot of laughter and fun together on this trip. Everyone we met was so welcoming and kind.

It was an experience to remember."

We had a complete Baptist service just like the one we attended on Sunday, the day after we arrived in Cuba. The music was beautiful. The prayers and sermon were not understood by Sally and Pat. Stan Hastey gave a long talk about Thomas Merton. He told the story about Merton coming to Cuba because a monastery here would accept him. He had been refused admittance to a monastery in the U.S. Later he returned to the U.S. where he was accepted into a monastery to spend the rest of his life. Stan was presented a gift for his many years of service to the Baptist church. The service ended with the”Kiss of Peace.” Everyone smacked everyone with a big kiss on the cheek. We got back on the bus and Eduardo came down the aisle with a big bowl of sliced cheese. It was cold and very refreshing. Later we had crackers and then set off for Ciego de Ávila. The bus took us directly to the hotel. We had a lot of laughter and fun together on this trip. Everyone we met was so welcoming and kind. It was an experience to remember.




February 21, 2019 J o u r n a l

E n t r y

e started early this morning at the garden. Yanel came to the hotel around 8:00 and we took a buggy to the garden. We were able to take pictures today, so we took pictures of the garden. Rafael joined us to weed. After the garden, we went directly to the Center. However, we only had Rafael today, so Pat worked with him and Yanel took me on a tour of the block. We stopped at a ration shop and he explained how every year each person gets a new ration booklet. Everyone is rationed 1 or 2 lbs of sugar, 5 lbs of rice, some bread, oil and other staples each month.

Back at the Center, Adelia showed us how to make espresso on the stove as well as how to make the Cuban sugar cream. Adelia showed us photos of her son. He has a strong resemblance to her. I joined pat and Rafael where they were discussing Cuban history including Fidel Castro, Che Guevera and Camilo Cienfuegos (the one whose plane went missing). After lunch we walked to Cindy’s friend Juakina’s house. Cindy stayed with her and her husband several years ago and has remained friends with her. She rents rooms and has a very beautiful home. We had coffee with her, her husband and her brotherin-law. She has quite a green thumb and has many healthy plants. She has a small very old dog, birds, fish and turtles. We met at 4:45 tonight to go to the Center for tutoring. Leandro worked with Pat. Sally and Cindy initially only have Analis. We decided to have Analis teach us Spanish words and we’ll teach her English words. She is quite strict on Spanish pronunciation. Eventually, the other girls joined. We taught them some new words and they all ran home to get their notebooks. They added the new words to their notebooks. Cindy discovered that little Carol hadn’t learned her ABCs yet, so the girls took over and began to teach her math. She was wearing a little headband with two antennas that had pink butterflies on the ends. Watching the girls work with her broke the cute factor scales. I think this has to be one of the sweetest things I’ve ever observed.


February 22, 2019



J o u r n a l

E n t r y

e began the day with a walk to the church. We were met by some of the members of the “sewing circle.” Sally and Pat worked on a project that uses scraps of fabric and a mesh canvass. A tool is needed to hook the fabric and pull it through the holes in the canvass.

Pat started the process and Sally cut the strips. Then they changed places and continued to work on the project. Marilita and her mother Gladys were there. Marilita was doing her own project with a canvass she had started some time ago. She usually works on it on Tuesdays. Yadi came and made coffee for us. Cindy bought desserts (the breakfast kind) for us to share too. Yanel also came during the morning. Yanel, Yadi, Cindy, Sally and Pat left the church at noon and went to the Center for lunch. After lunch we went to the city center to look in shops, and buy cigars and coffee to take home. We set off in a horse drawn carriage for dinner at Garnish. We arrived at the Center at 7:00. Many eager students came. Five were in the adult group, two in the older beginner group and five in the children’s group. Sally’s group had many varied activities and the most fun was working with temporary tattoos. We returned to the hotel at 9:00 by horse drawn carriage and rested for a trip to Moron tomorrow.


February 23, 2019



J o u r n a l

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duardo picked us up in the minivan around 9:00 am. We went to the Ciego de Ávila museum where we were given a tour by the director Eduardo translating. Yadi and Yanel met us there. The museum had a display of the original native Cuban people who were killed by the Spanish. Since all the locals were killed, these Spaniards brought in slaves from Africa for labor. The religion Santeria was born from combining the African religion with Catholicism. After the museum, we went to see a performance by Rumbavila. It involved drumming and dancing. The dancer performed a variety of dances including one where he used kerosene in his mouth to blow fire. After the performance, we drove to Moron. We ate at a very nice outdoor restaurant which reminded me of Hawaii. After lunch we visited a crocodile farm. There was only one Cuban crocodile and the rest were American crocodiles. The Cuban crocodile didn’t play well with others so was in an enclosure by himself. Cuba is trying to save its nearly extinct crocodile species. We then picked up Larry Morales. He is a local historian. We drove to Milk Lake. It is the largest lake in Cuba and has a wonderful breeze. Pat and I stood in the lake for a while and it was the coolest I’ve been all week.

On the way back to Moron, we stopped at the Rooster of Moron statue where we heard the story of the Rooster from Larry. He wrote a book on the history of the Rooster and was instrumental in getting it rebuilt. I really enjoyed his passion for telling the story. Pat thought he was long-winded. Articles about Larry can be found on the internet. "We all enjoyed the music and sang along as best as we could."

Afterwards, we went to Larry’s house in Moron. He lives with his wife who is also an author. We had a concert by a Son Cuba musician. We all enjoyed the music and sang along as best as we could. He played Eric Clapton, Willie Nelson, one of his own and several others. Cindy and I danced to Footloose.




February 24, 2019 J o u r n a l

E n t r y

oday is Election Day in Cuba. We walked by several voting locations and looked at the sample ballot. All voters must be pre-registered for their neighborhood and they must show ID before getting a ballot. This election was a simple one where the voter checked Yes or No to the new constitution. The Cubans were well informed about the issue and many posters were seen in shop windows that said, “Vote si for Cuba.” TV ads were also used urging a Yes vote. Results would be announced on Monday. All ballots were counted by hand. Yanel came to the hotel and walked Cindy, Sally and Pat to the city center. Along the way we stopped to look at eyeglass frames that Yanel was going to buy when the store was open. We may go early on Tuesday to help him select the most attractive frames.

We took a horse drawn carriage to the club for the salsa lessons. The club was open for just us. Yadi brought her boyfriend, Alejandro. Yanel was there to dance with Sally and Pat before the instructor came. He was Yadi’s friend and they illustrated some excellent Cuban dance moves. We all tried the one-two-three steps of the salsa while salsa music played on the sound system. Junior was there to see that all was going well and when the lights and sound went out, he said, “Welcome to Cuba.” "The salsa dancing lesson was very well delivered, and we will not forget the one-two-three steps.

A fuse had blown and was easily fixed. We had an enjoyable rest of the evening listening to music and talking. The salsa dancing lesson was very well delivered, and we will not forget the one-two-three steps. We went back to the hotel via horse drawn carriage around 10:00 pm. We will need to be in the lobby by 8:30 am tomorrow to say goodbye to Sally.


February 25, 2019



J o u r n a l

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e said goodbye to Sally as she left for Havana with Eduardo to see a little of the city before taking her flight to Miami. Yanel, Cindy and Pat

walked to the church to spend the morning with some of the church members. Pat continued to work on her project of hooking a small rug. Yadi brought some new fabric to cut and hook. We had a pleasant morning with Marilita. We went to the Center for lunch and then for some walking. Cindy and Pat walked under a bridge where many different spaces were used for playing basketball, tennis, and handball. Some spaces had tables for cards, dominoes and other games. We walked further and stopped at a synagogue and met the Rabbi and his wife.

They invited us in to see the synagogue and their home. There were pews for 30 or 40 people. A long Hebrew prayer was written on a side wall. The Hebrew alphabet was written on a chalkboard in the front. Their home went a long way to the back of the lot. They had two bedrooms, a bath, a kitchen, a sitting room, a garden and a shed all in a row. Then we parted to go our own way taking pictures and looking at the sights. Melissa, Leandro and Rafael came for Pat. Beginning English learners came for Yadi and many little girls came for Cindy. Yanel floated between the groups. Lots of interesting teaching for two hours and then returned to the hotel by horse and carriage.




February 26, 2019 J o u r n a l

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indy invited Yanel to come to the hotel to have breakfast with us and walk to the Center. We pulled weeds in the Center garden until students arrived at 10:00.

We all (Yadi, Yanel, Cindy and Pat) listened to Leandro and Melissa recite the paragraphs they had memorized for an English test on Wednesday morning. We helped with their pronunciation and asked questions about the content of the paragraphs. It was all about Halloween. Rafael worked on his job interview coming up on Friday. He practiced his vocabulary on nautical terms. He wants a job at a resort taking tourists for rides in a catamaran and scuba diving. Lunch was at the Center followed by free time and sightseeing. After dinner we went to the Center for English lessons. Mostly the same students came and worked on their English for two hours. The older students are very focused on their learning. We went home to the hotel in a buggy and then caught up on emails.


February 27, 2019



J o u r n a l

E n t r y

indy and Pat met Yanel at the optical store to help him select frames for his new glasses. He only had one choice. He will get them on Thursday

when he gets paid. We stopped for coffee and sweets on our way to the church. It was my treat for the three of us.

At the church, we joined the “sewing circle” again. Pat did more hooking on her project and Marilita finished hers! It is now ready to be sold. We left the church to get to the Center at 10:00-10:30. Idelia had an English lesson while we waited for students to come. Only Rafael came and worked very hard to be ready for his interview on Friday. He is only 21 and has done so many things – elementary school, sport school, high school, electrician school, military service, art school and lifeguard school. Today was Pizza Day! We had a big group join in to have pizza - Cindy, Pat, Yadi, Yanel, some ladies from the sewing circle, Idelia and Eduardo. It was a very festive occasion. After dinner, we went to the Center to give English lessons. The same loyal students came. We worked for two hours and said goodbye to the students. It was sad to not return the next day to see them again. One unusual thing for Pat was to watch a video on Leandro’s phone in which Melissa is saying goodbye. She was working and could not come this evening. It was so well done, and a very touching thank you for helping her.


February 28, 2019



J o u r n a l

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indy and Pat left for Havana via taxi at 8:30 am. Yanel, Yadi and Eduardo came to the hotel to say goodbye. This was hard to do too. They will be missed as well as all the things we shared.

We stopped for lunch along the way and enjoyed looking at the countryside as we approached Havana. We arrived at the Ernest Hemingway house outside of Havana about 2:00 pm. We were met by Giuliamo who took us throughout the grounds. We had a beautiful view of Havana’s skyline and the ocean from the hill on which the house sits. We could look at each room from the doorways and windows. No visitors are allowed inside.

The house is completely furnished, and his 9,000 books are just as he left them. Some of his valuable paintings have been removed by his heirs. We left there to enter Havana and go to the guest house where we will stay for two nights. Dinner was at a lovely restaurant in this quiet and fashionable neighborhood. We took a taxi from there to an old cooking oil factory that has been converted into an exhibition hall for artists and a theater for the performing arts. It was jam-packed with people. We enjoyed live orchestra music that resounded throughout the building. We walked to every floor to see paintings, sculptures, crafts, and very small shops selling art pieces and craft items. Pat especially liked a painting of historical persons that had been “redacted.” The faces of the people were covered in squares of paper. It was so timely in terms of the Mueller probe and all the redacted documents we see on TV. We took a taxi home from there at nearly twice the price we paid to come. We retired for the day.


March 1, 2019



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e had a lovely breakfast at the guest house and walked to the Baptist Church’s national headquarters. We met our guide Umberto there, and we also met Jema. Pat gave Jema some money from Jane and Bill Teaford that they want Global Volunteers to use in purchasing Spanish to English dictionaries for use in Global Volunteer’s English classes in Cuba.

We left there in a taxi to go to Old Havana. We walked all over that part of the city and saw the port. There was a huge cruise ship docked there. From there we went to a cultural center for a working- class neighborhood of Havana near the port. It is a center where painting, sculpture and music are taught by professors who charge nothing. Our guide is an aspiring opera singer who studies under a teacher who discovered her, and who lives in the neighborhood. She sang for us briefly and it was just wonderful. Umberto came with us because he likes going to this cultural center. It was started as a neighborhood project and is now sponsored by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Income from selling works of art made there and donations from the public also support activities at the center. We had a buffet lunch at a restaurant near our guest house and then returned to the guest house for a break. We had guests come to the house about 4:00 pm. Amy and her daughter Emalie talked with us about education and at the same time could practice English. Amy wants to work abroad and that requires that her English be very good. Amy also wants her daughter to choose a profession and be fluent in English. Emalie wants to be a cook. After they left, we hopped into a robin’s egg blue 1948 Ford convertible for a ride through the city. It was a beautiful evening to ride in the open and have New Havana whizzing by. We finished the evening back in the neighborhood of the guest house. We ate outside on the second story balcony of a very good restaurant near the guest house. We walked back to the house to pack, rest and prepare to return to the U.S. tomorrow.


TEAM 83 JOURNAL Ciego de Ávila, Cuba February 2019

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~ Oscar Wilde

Thank your




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