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Preface / Introduction Submit to over 700,000 sites... Promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, Classified Sites. Our Blaster is a traffic generation machine on steroids. Fully automated submissions... There's NO SOFTWARE to download, and our easy-to-use wizard will have you submitting your first site in minutes. ==> Yours In Success, Vijian Narayanasamy Webmaster Your Source for Legitimate Work At Home Resources including Traffic Tools, Income Opportunities - PLUS valuable free stuff! > Welcome to One stop shopfront for all instant download of ebooks and softwares > Introducing to you a New Unique System. It makes sense to follow a winning formula > Xtreme Fuel Treatment is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive fuel treatment. It's amazing effects on gasoline and diesel engines are UNHEARD OFF. > Work At Home Resources including Traffic Tools, Income Opportunities - PLUS valuable free stuff! >

Table of Contents 1. 'Talk to me, baby won't you talk to me?' Boomer suicide rate alarms. Dr. Spock never prepared us for this. 2. 'I had rather be right than president.' The life and times of Howard Jay Phillips, the man who changed America but wouldn't change himself. Dead at 72, April 20, 2013. 3. Review: Home Business Bootcamp LIVE training session May 17, 2013 with Marketing Expert George Kosch. 4. Big screw-up at the IRS, the agency we love to hate. What's going on, why it's important and why eternal vigilance is absolutely necessary. 5. 'I'm too sexy for my shirt...' Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Michael S. Jeffries tells the naked truth about his corporate vision. Now every imperfect person on Earth hates him.

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'Talk to me, baby won't you talk to me?' Boomer suicide rate alarms. Dr. Spock never prepared us for this. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Right from the start we were different, special, the apple of everyone's eye. We were the Baby Boomers, by far the most important of people, examined, studied, displayed, coddled. Census takers wanted to count us. Researchers wanted to study us. Photographers wanted to take our pictures -- and did -- because the camera loved us, in every one of the (generally ground-breaking) positions in which we put ourselves, from the mud of Woodstock to the pomp and circumstance of the White House. There had never been such a phenomenon before... and we were confident there would never be one again, ever again. Some important facts. Every story about the Boomers focuses first and foremost on our shear numbers, for this is the basis for our celebrity and puissance. There are, pure and simple, more of us. How many more? The demographics are staggering... What are called the "Leading-Edge" Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1955. The group represents slightly more than half of the generation, or roughly 38,002,000 people of all races. The other half of the generation was born between 1956 and 1964. Called "Late Boomers" or "Trailing-Edge Boomers," this second cohort includes about 37,818,000 individuals, according to "Live Births by Age and Mother and Race 1933-98" published by the Center for Disease Control's National Center for Health Statistics. They are omnipresent, omnipotent, and, they have always believed, omniscient. It is a stupendous, awe-inspiring and, for some, back-breaking, unnerving, oppressive burden to carry, not merely challenging but impossible for mere mortals. It is easy to see why... Item: Baby Boomers control over 80 percent of personal finance assets. Item: They account for more than half of all consumer spending. Item: They buy at least 77 percent of all prescription drugs and 61 percent of over-the-counter drugs. Item: They make 80 percent of all leisure travel. These are astonishing numbers, which clearly indicate the extent of Boomer power and influence. No wonder they are called the "shockwave" or "the pig in the python." They have since conception been treated as privileged beings... and they have gone through every stage of life expecting that privilege. One man more than any other is responsible for this situation. His name was Dr. Benjamin McLane Spock (1903-1998), and he literally wrote the book on how these massive numbers of Boomers should be treated. "Baby and Child Care" (published in 1946). What a man! What a book! And what an impact! Born as I was in early 1947, my mother, like virtually every mother in the Great Republic had Spock's epochal work at hand. For its first 52 years only the Holy Bible sold more copies. What's more, she didn't just have a copy, she used it; just how much was clear from its tattered and much thumbed pages. For her, as for good mothers everywhere Dr. Spock was not merely a pediatrician,

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E he was the beloved and trusted Advisor-in-Chief to the nation and its largest and most important generation. Thus he experienced the greatest pleasure any writer can have: he was heeded and his every word and thought treated with the utmost regard and respect. "You know more than you think you do." At root, Yale-educated Spock trusted women to be mothers. His was a fully natural approach to the very serious business of raising the children needed to maintain America's number one post-war status. He advocated a flexible approach, treating each child as an individual, and always showing affection. So long as he approached his high business as a clinician, his detractors and critics (for of course there were some) were insignificant but when he came out against the Vietnam war, they struck, blaming him and his cockamamie ideas for everything from rock-and-roll, to acid, anti-American behavior, and the explosive sexuality for which Boomers discovered an ardent predilection. Spock had advocated "flexibility," but the word "permissiveness" stuck. It came to characterize a restless, selfish, irresponsible, godless generation... hoydens without manners, mores or even a crumb of civic spiritedness. Such sentiments characterize them right to this day. Boomers do what they want, when they want, how they want, who cares what the neighbors think or the fact that they wrack up bills and dirty dishes for others to deal with, apre's moi le de'luge being their first and most important principal, not the progressive, reformist, beneficial world-changing outlook for which they were once extolled, and rightly so. Now a significant portion of the Boomers are killing themselves. The shocking facts... To experts' surprise more people died of suicide than in car accidents in 2010, the latest reporting period covered in the May 3, 2013 "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report," 33,687 in motor vehicle accidents, 38,364 suicides. What's going on? >From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among Americans ages 35 to 64 rose by nearly 30 percent, to 17.6 deaths per 100,000 people, up from 13.7. "Although suicide rates are growing among both middle-aged men and women, far more men take their own lives. The suicide rate for middle-aged men was 27.3 deaths per 100,000, while for women it was 8.1 deaths per 100,000." Why did so many, particularly men, of the gilded generation take gun in hand (for it was usually by firearm) and end their lives prematurely? It is notoriously difficult to say with finality, but the best idea advanced is that these were Boomers who failed to achieve the success they expected and could not live with the ignominy and what they regarded as the disgrace of defeat... finally seeing only the grim facts of irrevocable failure from which they saw absolutely no escape but oblivion. An urgent knock at the door. It was early evening, and I was writing in my office when I heard the great knocker on the front door, an urgent, insistent knock. It proved to be a person I hardly knew. He was a teacher at a local school... bright, nice-looking, a Baby Boomer. "I need to talk to you," he said. He looked thin, harried, and there was more than a whiff of desperation in his voice. I had him sit down, drink some water and breathe deep. Then I put my total focus on this fellow traveler in distress and prepared to listen. "You remember, John?", he said, then burst into tears. "He killed himself." I got up, gave him a hug which was returned as if his life depended on it, as perhaps it did. His sobs were now deep, unstoppable, like a storm on the great Atlantic. Doug and John were, it turned out, a certified couple, part of the very first batch married in Cambridge just minutes after midnight when the enabling law went into effect. Marriage, it seems,

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E had proven more difficult than courtship, and they became one of the first same-sex couples to divorce. But just as marriage had failed to bring happiness and peace, so divorce had failed, too, for they loved each other and thus were entangled. On this particular evening they had quarreled. Doug had fallen asleep, only to wake up hours later to find every light in the house ablaze and the love of his life hanging from the dining room's still circulating ceiling fan. He called 911 which promptly arrived, cutting down the body, going about what they needed to do with stern efficiency. While they worked, after they took the body down, after they had left, and forever after he asked himself one sharp question, "Why?" And so in due course he came to me, a near stranger, because he sensed that here he could do what he needed to do without burden of explanation or judgement. And so for two days I simply let it be, listening when listening was called for; otherwise silent and supportive, glad to hear or not as circumstances warranted. Thus without asking a single query I came to know the better part of "why?"; why one Baby Boomer took his life in the way guaranteeing maximum pain to his sometime partner.... In due course, my unexpected visitor got up, took a shower and went home to his memories. I followed up several times but he never returned a call. He was abashed, of course, that he had come at all and said anything; I was part of the single most searing incident of his life, an incident he wanted so desperately to forget, but could not. I wanted a better, different ending. But Baby Boomers who fail and flounder want no one to know, especially if they have sobbed in the arms of a near stranger. What would Dr. Spock have done; the "Bye Bye Birdie" cure. I am by nature and profession a problem-solver. And so I did not lament what occurred but sought to understand and explain the phenomenon of Boomer suicide better. This article and my own experience with the matter are the result. Now here are my (very personal) conclusions. 1) Living will always be more important than success, and we must never lose sight of this essential insight which even Conrad Birdie got right in the 1960 Tony Award-winning production of "Bye Bye Birdie", a show that just won't let you leave unhappy. "Oh, Life's a ball/if only you know it/And it's all just waiting for you/ You're alive/ So come on and show it/We've got a lot of livin'/Such a lot of livin'/Got a lot of livin' to do." 2) Constant, honest communication is the key. Somehow I must believe that had Doug and John communicated better, especially when the demons were most present and oppressive, John would be alive today. Thus this last "Bye Bye Birdie" insight from a beautiful tune called "Baby Talk to Me" "Talk to me, baby, won't you talk to me?/ I don't care what you say/ Baby, talk to me/ Must you be oh so far away from me/ It seems so wrong this way/Talk to me." Envoi It is now 7:20 a.m. on a beautiful spring morning. I am going to my favorite search engine to listen to both these two tunes by Charles Strouse (music) and Lee Adams (lyrics). Then I shall put on my best blazer and walk along Tory Row on Brattle Street where the lilacs are in full bloom. Their wondrous colors and intoxicating scent will, I know, make me glad to be alive... and thankful for every gift, not least the wisdom and care of Dr. Benjamin Spock.

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'I had rather be right than president.' The life and times of Howard Jay Phillips, the man who changed America but wouldn't change himself. Dead at 72, April 20, 2013. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. On February 7, 1839 one of the greatest of senators, Henry Clay of Kentucky, gave one of his most important of speeches... and in the process he handed his numerous detractors just what they needed to ridicule him for the rest of his life. (1777-1852) His remarks that notable day were about slavery and how this key issue should be handled with minimum damage to the Great Republic. He had a mission that day. He wanted to be seen not as a politician but as a statesman who could rise above, take the long view, tell the unpalatable truths and so lead the increasingly factious and dangerously divided nation to the Promised Land. This man who so desperately craved the presidency, and was doing everything he could to get it in 1840, told the biggest lie of his life when he said the words which became notorious the minute he uttered them... because every political being in the land... and that included every single citizen of the young nation... knew these lofty, sententious words of bloated pomposity were the whopper of whoppers. "I had rather be right than be president," he intoned... and in just 8 words of self laudatory moralizing ensured he never would be. Thus the man of the people disconnected from the citizenry who knew him so well and who he must have to win. "Why ol' Henry would kill his own mama if it would get him elected," and whether you were a Whig like Clay or partisan of some other party, you knew that was true... for Clay was a political animal to his finger tips and knew how to play the great game not with pontification and condescension but with hands on dexterity, flexibility, good humor, focusing on the specific and practical... for such are the realities of what it takes to rule real people and their imperfect natures. Had he said instead that he stood up to save the Union, the greatest experiment on Earth, and that he would use every expedient in his power to achieve the objective, why then the nation already renowned for doing whatever was necessary to move mountains and perfect the federal principle would have revered him the more; why then he would have burnished his already great reputation... and even snagged the presidency his breathtaking mendacity ensured he would never achieve. "I stand before you a citizen of the Great Republic ready to do a citizen's labor on behalf of our Great Idea, the greatest ever forged." This is what Henry Clay at his best would have said... for that man knew how to achieve great results and knew that without such results the nation would stultify. Standing on a soap box prattling on with windy rhetoric was pointless. Doing what was necessary to win was everything... for the Great Republic was all about winning. And this was something Howard Jay Phillips never seemed to grasp. He was a grandstander, a man who made gestures, not policy. A man of hot words who thought such words sufficed... but they never did nor can. There must be victories, sweet victories. To get them there must be compromise, there must be deals, and Howard Phillips would not stoop to make the deals victorious parties and their leaders required. That is why he never became president and why the men he tilted with a la Don Quixote did. For the first principle of success in the Great Republic is: victory for without this there can be nothing, a point with which Phillips could not have disagreed more .

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E Thus he became that most uncomfortable of beings: the gadfly, often right in the particulars, but clueless on the big picture which he disdained to the point of being consistently impossible to work with, disagreeable, and entirely insufferable. In short order, he got the reputation of being "difficult" and so his fate was sealed. Some background. Cambridge, Massachusetts, home of Harvard University and Veritas is widely regarded as the capital of liberal ideas and progressive, ground-breaking notions, leaving the development of conservative antidotes to the lesser folk at Yale, or worse, Dartmouth of the secret societies and an anti-social kookery born of copious liquors and dark forests. But such deduction would be wrong, for Fair Harvard and its neighborhood, with its unending supply of the very bright and terminally ambitious has always proven fertile ground for their insistent, often unsettling, even revolutionary (albeit right wing) point of view. So it was for Phillips, born in Cambridge, Harvard Class of '62, the white lightning of his class, college, and community. He was smart, good looking, indefatigable and persistent. Such traits got him elected president of Harvard's student council and then re-elected for a second term. Thus his electability was tested and confirmed... and that made him a potential player in Massachusetts politics, but not as you might suppose as a Democrat in this, JFK's native state. Oh, no, Phillips was a Republican. And as chairman of the Boston Republican Committee he looked likely for better things. President Nixon gave him a big boost by appointing him director of the Office of Economic Opportunity. But he didn't last in this stepping stone to greater things. Instead he burned a bridge by taking Nixon to task for failing to live up to his promise to dismantle social programs created by President Johnson's War on Poverty. Thus did Phillips indicate that he was not going to be moving up as expected; presidents rightly expect loyalty, and Phillips, for whatever reason, was unable to give it. It was an unmistakable portent of things to come... Phillips had to have his way... or he quit. This wasn't politics... it was petulance, and it was certain to offend the maximum number of people. Phillips didn't care... he was on the right side, doing God's business God's way (for of course God was on his side). His vehicle was the Conservative Caucus he founded in 1974 and would lead until 2011. It caught fire with conservative leaders like Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie and others who met weekly at Viguerie's home in McLean, Virginia to rally what became known as the New Right. They were ideologues, adamant, determined to regain an America they thought gone seriously awry. They wanted change! They wanted it now! And bit by bit they became power players not least because they developed and controlled the all important mailing lists of sympathetic conservatives... Howard Phillips was their recognized leader every step of the way. In the process they changed the debate from what the Old Right advocated, with insufficient vigor, namely economic conservatism, free market economics, and a vigorous national defense to a red-hot social agenda that ignited people... and divided the Great Republic from stem to stern, anti abortion, no gun control, the need for prayer in schools but no forced busing, the defense of marriage... each one calculated to energize the faithful, get them to work and, always, maximize their financial support. Compromise was banned... it was war a la outrance... the only kind of action they knew, and it lead them not merely to attack Democrafts and other noxious advocates of One World and other pernicious isms... but the real enemy, those who were insufficiently conservative... like Sandra Day O'Connor whose historic nomination to the Supreme Court they vigorously opposed... and even the

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E most important conservative voice of the 20th century, Ronald Wilson Reagan. It was all such fun, convulsing America, masters of the well timed stink bomb, but in truth they were pining for the presidency, no more so than Howard Phillips and so he did that which showed how little he understood the Great Republic and how he lost his bearings. He set up a rinky-dink third party, the Constitution Party, and became the Harold Stassen of the right, running in 1992, 1996 and 2000. "If God wants us to win, we'll win," he told an interviewer in 1996. God didn't. Phillips for all his many gifts had become an embarrassing irrelevance, a player no longer. No doubt somewhere along in this abashing declension Phillips remembered Henry Clay's 8 highfalutin words, "I had rather be right than president." No doubt he took what comfort he could from them. Perhaps he didn't know what some smart aleck at the time had said in response: "rather be right that president? In fact Senator Clay was neither", and neither was Howard Phillips. Moreover, he couldn't claim the consolation prize of having introduced the Mint Julep to Washington, D.C. That high honor unquestionably belongs to Henry Clay, three times a candidate for president, three times a loser.. Envoi. For the music to accompany this article, I have selected "In the Sweet By-and- By", published in 1868, music by Joseph P. Webster; lyrics by S. Fillmore Bennett. It reminds that there is a place for all of us, that "beautiful shore" beyond partisanship, beyond rancor, beyond scheming and the thrill of outsmarting and crushing the competition. It is the "sweet by and by". If so, I hope Howard Phillips has found it and doesn't irritate the proprietor, least he get kicked out. Go to any search engine and play it now. You'll feel better when you do. "And our spirits shall sorrow no more/ Not a sigh for the blessing of rest."

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Review: Home Business Bootcamp LIVE training session May 17, 2013 with Marketing Expert George Kosch. Home Business Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch welcomed participants to the online training program. The best teachers are the ones who actually DO what they are teaching you. A person who is DOING what he is showing and telling you to do. A person who is achieving success and showing you step by step how to do the same. George Kosch tests and uses advertising sources, products, software strategies EVERY DAY to find out what works, what doesn't work and help you understand what to do to achieve success. Would you learn how to juggle from someone who had not mastered the skill them self? Would you learn how to skydive from someone who had never jumped out a plane them-self? What about learning to fly from anyone other than a certified pilot? Of course not! If you want to learn a new skill and excel at that skill you need instruction from someone who has actually achieved that exceedingly level of competency and expertise themself. When it comes to online marketing, George Kosch IS the expert. He's been in the business for close to 20 years. He will save you time, money, headache and frustration by showing you what you need to do and NOT do. His military background gives him a unique, down to earn, no-fluff, brutally honest style of teaching. Important sections of your Worldprofit Member area referenced in today's training. Advertising/Traffic section ClickBank section Search Engine Optimization section Training section Ad Examples section (landing pages) Great Ad Sources Free advertising options Paid Advertising options Topics Importance of consistent promotion The critical importance of Lead Generation - no leads no business! No leads - no sales! Landing pages Ad Copy Worldprofit's Program and training fundamentals are applicable to ANY online business - learn to ride one bike, and you can ride any bike! List Building Catering to the needs of all online entrepreneurs with multiple product and services = multiple streams of income Thank you to EVERYONE who attended the training session today. We appreciate your participation, questions and enthusiasm. The Worldprofit home business community is unique, members learning and sharing. The recording of the training will be posted within 24 hours to the TRAINING section of the Worldprofit Member area.

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Big screw-up at the IRS, the agency we love to hate. What's going on, why it's important and why eternal vigilance is absolutely necessary. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. Let's be clear about something right from the start: the current scandal at the Internal Revenue Service is by no means the worst the agency has endured... yet at any rate. The IRS has a scrapbook full of more abashing moments and grim memories of things they shouldn't have done... and got caught red-handed doing. Item: In the1930s President Franklin Roosevelt used the IRS against a grab bag of political opponents, including mega-publisher William Randolph Hearst (think "Citizen Kane"), Louisiana Governor Huey Long, and controversial radio priest Charles Coughlin. Item: In the 1940s and 1950s corruption and bribery were rife. Hundreds of (not so) shame-faced employees were dismissed, while President Harry Truman ordered a major reorganization. Employees were put under civil service guidelines to curb political influence. Item: During the administration of President John Kennedy, the IRS created an "Ideological Organizations Audit Project" that investigated conservative groups and challenged their tax-exempt status. The (apple-polishing) IRS started the project after Kennedy complained during a news conference about right-wing groups getting tax-exempt status. Targets included the American Enterprise Institute and Christian Anti-Communist Crusade. Item: In the 1960s and 70s the Nixon administration created an IRS unit called the Special Services Staff, or SSS to target activists and political dissidents. The White House drafted the notorious "enemies list" of political opponents to be targeted for IRS audits. Here, however, common sense (the most limited of commodities in the capital) intervened in the person of Treasury Secretary Donald Alexander who said he wouldn't audit Nixon's political enemies and ordered the SSS dissolved. Then there's the current scandal which apparently started in the IRS' Cincinnati regional office. There someone had the bright idea of making it difficult, if not impossible, for conservative groups to get tax-exempt status. It could easily be done with computerized key-word searches, including overtly ideological searches for applicants seeking to "make America a better place to live" or "criticize how the country is being run". Other key search words and phrases included "Tea Party" and "Patriots" . Once started the culprits (who of course regarded themselves as the real patriots, the true-blue Americans) focused on groups "involved in limiting/expanding Government" and "educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights." So, let's review what was going on... Some hot shot (as yet unidentified, although in due course that'll come out in the wash) decided conservative Americans were anathema and needed to be reined in. That person recruited his best IRS buddies (the ones believing conservatives to be menaces needing curtailment and chastisement for their wrong-headed views). And they merrily started using their access to sensitive information to thwart the entirely legal activities of people who were entirely within their constitutional rights, a sobering fact which seems to have had no influence upon the nimble perpetrators who used their jobs to sabotage.

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E Cui bono? To whose benefit were these shenanigans? The report by the Treasury inspector general for tax administration (released May 14, 2013) offered new, highly suggestive details. Of the 296 applications for tax-exempt status reviewed by the inspector general, 108 were approved, 28 were withdrawn by the applicants (some perhaps because of excessive IRS requests for sensitive organizational details), and 160 were still open, some pending for up to 1,138 days. This necessitates a look at the dates and a worrying scenario. A "sensitive case report" on Tea Party targeting was sent from Cincinnati to Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS' division for tax-exempt organizations, and to another Washington official (as yet unnamed) on April 19, 2010. This suggests the illegal activities began far earlier than otherwise known, perhaps as early as mid-2009. Now, add 1,138 days to, say, July 4, 2009 and you might easily draw the conclusion that certain person or persons involved meant to hurt the conservatives (while helping their competitors) until well past the 2012 presidential election, thereby materially assisting in the re-election of the prime beneficiary, The Honorable Barrack Obama. What would, of course, strengthen this case would be knowing which organizations were so thwarted... and whether theirs was a conservative slant. That, too, should come out in the wash. It's sure to be a busy laundramat. Representative Dave Camp will see to that. Criminal or merely inept, incompetent and "obnoxious"? I'm guessing that Camp is going around his office whistling a happy tune. If so, it's no wonder. In matters such as this, there are always (sometimes hidden) winners and losers. The president and a whole lot of senior IRS officials are taking it on the chin right now as they posture at their "grin-and- bear it" best. They are clear losers. Dave Camp, by contrast, must be in hog heaven. Camp, you see, is chairman of one of the oldest and most powerful committees of the House of Representative, Ways and Means. An 11-term veteran, a handsome, toothy Michigander from Midland, his sprawling district meanders across fifteen counties of mid- and northern Michigan, the very heart of the Great Republic. Camp is a popular figure back home, customarily winning in excess of 60 percent of the vote. For good behavior and exemplary party loyalty, Camp was able to move up, join the GOP House leadership team and as Ways and Means chair deal with the crucial bread-and-butter issues that are so important to average Americans, tax policy, tariff and trade laws, Medicare, Social Security, welfare and unemployment programs. Camp is the guy who'll be presiding over House hearings on this matter... His task is plain: to grill every senior IRS official, then even more senior people in the Treasury Department. Heads have, of course, already begun to fall on this matter, Camp will ensure there are others. President Obama moved fast to get rid of Steven Miller, acting IRS commissioner and a lesser administrator. It is only the beginning. The President's objective is to get through this mess as quickly as possible. He wants us to believe the action was of short duration involving minimum people and that he can clear it all up, including apologizing to irate conservatives who are wailing here, there and everywhere, "See, we told you so."

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E Chairman Camp hopes he won't have to buy ex-commissioner Miller's proposition that it all happened because the IRS was overwhelmed by new applications after the Supreme Court ruled in the 2010 Citizens United case which greatly expanded the ability of corporations, unions and other organizations to participate in election spending. Miller wants America to believe the IRS is a good guy, dim, muddled but well meaning, and that "Dude, it won't happen again. Of course Camp wants the opposite of all this; every subpoena he authorizes, every criminal charge made is a thrill for this man who probably went home May 17, 2013 (the first day of hearings) to find his wife and three kids holding crudely made "Camp for President" posters. There is, however, one more secret loser in the proceedings... and that's Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Mitt Romney's 2012 vice presidential selection. He, too, is on Ways and Means. He's got the presidential bug and cannot afford to let Camp outmaneuver him. He'll be working hard to ensure he doesn't. Camp should check for trip wires and banana peels artfully positioned for maximum effect... Meanwhile, GOP stalwarts of every kind are sending out unbelievable numbers of email, direct mail, and automated phone messages, every one alerting the good people of America, the conservative, God-fearing people to send in a few bucks... and so the stupid idea of a cell of left-leaning knuckleheads in Cincinnati is turned into the mother's milk of politics, cash. Thus is one man's scandal turned into another man's success and this rapt commentator kept happily at his work. Envoi. Of all our recent presidents probably the first president George Bush '41 understood nonprofit organizations best... for he genuinely believes in their necessary mission of improving the Great Republic. Thus it was no surprise to hear his encomium on these absolutely essential organizations of every kind. It was written by crack speech writer Peggy Noonan and delivered in his acceptance speech for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination. It came to be called the "Thousand points of light" speech: "I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good." For Bush this wasn't just rhetoric. It was a core of his belief and he showed as much in 1990 when he spearheaded the creation of the Points of Light Foundation, the goal of which was to promote private, non-governmental, tax-exempt solutions to social issues. Thus, for the music to accompany this article I have selected "Point of Light,"a tune written by Don Schlitz and Thom Schuyler. It was recorded by Randy Travis and is available in any search engine. It isn't a very good song; it doesn't tug at your heart, though it should. Even so, it's worth listening to: "All it takes is a point of light/A ray of hope in the darkest night/If you see what's wrong and you try to make it right/You will be a point of light." But, remember, if your application goes to the IRS in Cincinnati, you might have to wait a while...

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'I'm too sexy for my shirt...' Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Michael S. Jeffries tells the naked truth about his corporate vision. Now every imperfect person on Earth hates him. Author's program note. I was sitting in the barber shop the other day when I saw two beautiful television anchors discussing the little faux pas made by Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Michael S. Jeffries an acknowledged powerhouse in the business of making people, but only certain people, the cynosure of every eye. It is a scandal of international dimensions, with denizens of every catwalk and modeling agency following the story with the closest possible attention, since it is a story about them, and isn't that the way it's supposed to be, for a thing of beauty is a joy to everyone, right? For the musical accompaniment to this story, I have chosen a catchy tune entitled "I'm Too Sexy" recorded in 1991 by a group curiously named Right Said Fred. Its gentle ribbing of the fashion industry was a superb dance number and topped the charts in 32 countries, including the USA. It made the group worldwide celebrities and garnered the prestigious Ivor Novello award. Go now to any search engine and be sure to be your most chic when listening; you never know who might be watching you... and you want to be absolutely picture perfect when you're discovered. From that moment on, after all, you're "so sexy it hurts..." "We go after the cool kids..." In 2006, Salon magazine ran one of its celebrated interviews this time with CEO Jeffries. These interviews almost always make for fun reading because the interviewer, while always purporting to be scrupulously fair and perfectly professional, actually aims to make news by getting the person being interviewed to be as indiscrete and unguarded as possible. Then, hey presto, Salon has what it wants... which is the subject's head... and hitherto unblemished reputation. Jeffries did his duty, by saying exactly what he thought about the mission of A & F, thereby planting a land mine for later explosion and shrapnel all around. This explosion has now taken place. Here, no doubt from the vestiges of what was once a heart, are the words he put forward with that unflinching conviction that insists the chips fall where they may. "In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not- so-cool kids. Candidly we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kids with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don't belong /in our clothes/, and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely." Well, no one can clam that Jeffries wasn't clear and crisp in his bombastic remarks, he said what he meant and meant what he said. Or at least he appeared to do so. Since they appeared on the Internet, they have gone viral. Jeffries did what the rich and famous so often do when they blunder. They develop a bad case of amnesia and always and forever claim they were misquoted and that the damning comments were taken out of context. Now Jeffries may know a lot about beautiful folks, a veritable arbiter elegantiae, and what they should wear to accentuate the positive. By contrast, his relationship with the truth and accuracy of his statement is nodding at best. Thus, as his toxic sentiments took wing undoubtedly aided by a legion of the uncool kids of any age whose smoldering resentment toward cocksure Jeffries and A & F in general has now boiled over and become a very ugly problem, his ceo-ship did what those who only look like corporate leaders do... He hunkered down in his beautiful office (the inner sanctum of beautiful ideas and captivating

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E notions) and... hid out... for days... saying nothing... relying on his many advisors to make it all better... a few winsome ganymedes at the ready to waft incense and soothing platitudes to their injured ruler and fashion high priest. Delicious... No doubt despite the tsunami of criticism, hurtful comments and hilarious quips, Jeffries continued to look splendid. It's what beautiful people do, whatever the circumstances... No plus sizes a corporate negative for A & F? Then worse struck! The "fat is beautiful" crowd decided to jump on this band wagon while the getting was good and chastise Jeffries for deliberately excluding women's XL and XXL sizes, eschewing the imperfect majority, to cater only and solely to the perfect (and fiercely aspiring) minority. Parbleu... the peasants were well and truly at the gate... ill proportioned and no doubt unwashed, barbarous in face and feature, bumptious and aggravating. NOKD, "Not our kind, dear!" Of course this adamant position cost A & F money but it preserved its high, exclusionary standards.... so important in our infuriating, slovenly days. Sadly, Jeffries has now learned just how costly these standards and their maintenance can be... and it hurts, as every no doubt carefully considered word in his most recent statement makes clear. "A & F is an asirational brand that, like most specialty brands, targets its marketing at a particular segment of customers. However, we care about the broader communities in which we operate and are strongly committed to diversity and inclusion." Excuse me if I appear a tad cynical about Mr. Jeffries and his carefully parsed rhetoric, but his remarks seem to smell of the lamp and endless corporate meetings with hot-shot consultants, decidedly lacking in credibility, much less a scintilla of sincerity. CEO Jeffries has a posse of full-figured gals at his perfectly proportioned heels. His words represent his handlers best efforts to shake 'em off. But these girls are serious. Witness the remarks of America's favorite (ex) barmaid, Kirstie Alley. Kirstie's Kommentary We all know Kirstie. Now 62, Kirstie's career, whether at the studio or at home, has centered on men, getting them, losing them... and fat, putting it on, taking it off, putting it on again. But Kirstie's also got a social conscience and it was roused to this eloquence by Jeffries' exclusionary policy.... "Abercrombie clothes are for people who are cool and look a certain way and are beautiful and are thin and blah, blah, blah, blah. That would make me never buy anything from Abercrombie." But there's more... "I've got two kids in that bracket, but they will never walk in those doors because of his view of people -- forget women, his view of just people." And here Kirstie put her finger on the real issue and cast a raking light on CEO Jeffries and his priorities. Let's look at the record. As reported in the Wikipedia, whose entry on A & F is well worth the read, since 1997 "the company has consistently kept a high-profile in the public eye, due to its involvement in legal conflicts over branding, clothing style and employment practices. The company has been accused of the sexualization of pre-teen girls by marketing thongs to 10-year-olds and padded bikini tops to 7-year-olds." On April 14, 2005, Judge Susan Illston of the the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California granted final approval to a settlement of Gonzalez v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores. The settlement requires the company to pay $40 million to several thousand minority and female plaintiffs who charged the company with discrimination. There's more, lots more. Last year, for instance, former company pilot Michael Bustin, 55, in his age discrimination suit against A & F alleged that Jeffries required male crew members to wear the brand's boxer briefs. I wonder, how did Jeffries know his minions were complying? "Attention! Face forward! Drop trou!". The suit (now settled) also offered this telling vignette. According to the

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[Auto-Pilot System] Promote YOUR Website To Over 700,000 Websites F-R-E-E plaintiff, Jeffries mandated that the end squares of toilet paper be folded. Nice. No detail too small to achieve perfection... Jeffries' "non-apology" apology. Still, let's give the man yet another chance to re-capture the high ground. Here's what he said in an official statement released May 15, 2013. "I want to address some of my comments that have been circulating from a 2006 interview. While I believe this 7 year old, resurrected quote has been taken out of context, I sincerely regret that my choice of words was interpreted in a manner that has caused offense... We are completely opposed to any discrimination, bullying, derogatory characterizations or other anti-social behavior based on race, gender, body type or other individual characteristics." Let's be clear: this wasn't an apology, an admission of any wrong doing, or even an inkling that his ideas were hurtful to so many. In short, the man just doesn't get it. However at age 68, he probably never will. Thus, I have this idea for expediting his (admittedly late) growth and development. I propose that a photographer with the genius of Bruce Weber, the man who first shot the iconic A & F photos of semi-nude models with perfect physiques, be assigned to do a photo spread of the unclad Jeffries, every wrinkle and sagging muscle apparent; the results to be plastered on every Abercrombie and Fitch billboard everywhere on Earth. Then, I imagine, he will have a good idea of what happens when you're not a "cool kid", merely an average Joe who has never bought his togs at A & F, and after reading this article probably never will. Then put Jeffries on the catwalk and have him "shake his little touche" while working it to the catchy rhythm of Right Said Fred. It'll do him a world of good....

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Resource About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of 15 business and marketing related books, as well as 3 ebooks and over a thousand articles on a variety of controversial and newsworthy topics. Republished with author's permission by Vijian Narayanasamy

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