Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways!
Table of Contents 1. 'I'm not taking orders from no one.' An appreciation for that force of nature called Sophie Tucker, 'Last of the Red-Hot Mamas'. 2. You SAY you're in business, but that proposition is dubious, as this article reveals in shocking detail. 3. I accuse you of doing everything you can to sabotage your online success.... and what you must do -- at once -- to change that and profit.
Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways!
'I'm not taking orders from no one.' An appreciation for that force of nature called Sophie Tucker, 'Last of the Red-Hot Mamas'. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. I was writing an article the other day about the catastrophic year the African elephant had had in 2011, with record numbers of its dwindling population shot to death for its ivory; thereby moving this majestic animal closer and closer to its likely extinction by 2020. I was angry when I wrote this article, enraged, and I wanted to touch the soul of the world with a story that's certain not to have a happy ending unless we collectively do our bit to turn things around and fast. I knew I needed a song to help make my point, because music can help drive home a point like nobody's business... music not only sooths the savage beast, it capture's people's attention; makes 'em sit up, take note, and (if it's the kind of music I use with my articles) jump up and dance.... looking like a fool, but feeling better than you have in weeks. This is what I needed; this kind of sound right now.... to drive home my crucial message about the elephants and to make people help them. Then all of a sudden, what I needed was in my brain, then I was whistling it. It was "Some of these days," a tune I must have heard a half century ago or more and which my particular Muse inserted in my head to give me what my article needed right then, a big, brassy, in your face tune, getting folks to stop what they're doing and PAY ATTENTION. And if anyone could do that, Sophie Tucker could... and so the "Last of the Red-Hot Mamas" went to work for the last of the oh-so-vulnerable pachyderms whose days on Spaceship Earth may have been significantly extended because of my admonitory words... and Sophie Tucker's punch in the solar plexis of humankind... a punch and an unforgettable wake-up call. So, let's start this article by getting you to go to any search engine and listen to the tune she made her particular calling card: "Some of these days." She made the first of her many recorded versions in 1911. Personally, I prefer the 1926 version, because by then she had learned a lot about music presentation and how to move the folks... and so she belted it out with determination, vehemence and total sincerity: "Some of these days, You're gonna miss me honey Some of these days, You're gonna feel so lonely You'll miss my huggin'. You'll miss my kissin'; You'll miss me honey, when you go away." This wasn't just some flimsy tune to divert you for a minute or two; it was a declaration, a proclamation, a cocktail of anger, determination, insistence; a clarion call to women everywhere to get smarter about men than most women were; to watch out for just who they allowed in their lives and never let some two-bit no-good-nik into the house, despite the fact these guys had a winning way with words and bedside manner. Women, even women with a "good man", a man who treated them like a princess, knew that Sophie had reason to sing her song... that that good man, seeing something "better" could stray... and that women, all women, needed to be alert, vigilant, strong, tenacious, helped by Sophie Tucker, always on the side of The Woman, ready for a wake-up call about The Man. Her early days. To understand Sophie Tucker, you need to understand these facts: * she was born in Russia in 1884 or 1886 (sources vary).
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways! * she was Jewish and proud of it, never disclaiming her heritage; rather celebrating it... as most memorably in "My Yiddish Momme" (1925). * she was plain, she was fat. * she liked "bad" men, liked them a lot and to distraction, more than such men liked her. * And she knew she had talent... though (at the beginning at least) others didn't necessarily share that view... that is until they heard her... and saw how she could work an audience, a talent that spelled box-office and, fast too, international renown. She needed to make what she had work... and she had to do it in the early days of the 20th century... when there was adamant opposition to people like her... and where her success was anything but certain. Still... this woman could sing... delivering a sound that roused the people, moved the people, and with their clever lyrics made the people laugh and want more... feeling better minute by minute, happier than they had been before she opened her mouth... And when she opened that big mouth, Truth, searing Truth, poured out... as well as the humor and comedy which were absolutely essential in making that Truth, and so much of it, palatable, for without this she would have been run out of town, or worse. But she did have that humor and that hilarity at her command and she turned them into rocket fuel and a solid-gold meal ticket. The authentic Tucker formula involved a good woman falling for a rotten man... or a strong woman trying like the dickens to put some stuffin' in a man who's a doormat. And always, always, no matter what she was singing about she glorified women, as she did in "Aren't Women Wonderful" (1936) "Aren't women wonderful, aren't women grand, Aren't they the rulers of this happy land?" Off stage. When she wasn't taking the unlikely elements of her international success and turning them into significant coin of the realm, she married... and married.... and married; her life a revolving door of unsuitable, short-lived men. It probably bothered her (how could it not?) but it never stopped her; besides she knew who really helped and lightened her load.... and it wasn't men. When she died in 1966, she left the bulk of a considerable estate to her... maid; the maid who kept the "Last of the Red-Hot Mamas" up and working until the very end. Thus, even as she faded, she worked; bringing joy to people all over this planet; people who sustained her, laughed with her, hummed the melodies and sang the lyrics of one tune after another, the Tucker touch had turned into classics. She died as she lived, "the last of the red-hot mamas/they've all cooled down but me..." And that's the way she wanted us to see her and the way she went out, a brassy, stentorian dame who liked the wrong men too much, but liked us even more; for she gave all of us enough toe-tappin', laugh-makin' tunes for a millennium... "The Last of the Red- Hot Mamas, gettin' better all the time...." No foolin', ain't this woman wonderful, ain't this woman grand? We shall never see her overheated like again... and we're very much the poorer for that. **** We invite you to post your comments below.
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways!
You SAY you're in business, but that proposition is dubious, as this article reveals in shocking detail. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. One of Broadway's happiest and most enduring musicals is "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying." Written by Frank Loesser; it was released in October, 1961 to immediate acclaim -- and a Pulitzer Prize to boot. Most recently it was revived with Daniel Ratcliffe -- famous for his eponymous role in the Harry Potter films -- starring in the lead role originally done to mischievous perfection by Robert Morse, simultaneously menace and mastermind. I have selected one of the lesser tunes from the production for the occasional music to this article. It's called simply "Coffee Break", and you should go to any search engine now to listen to it. It's about how the absence of coffee -- and therefore the coffee break -- raises more anxiety and lamentation than a plague of locusts and completely stops the whole company, convinced that the end of the world as they know it is at hand. Oh, my! So much grief for one missed cuppa. However, the real shock is not that the coffee was late for the company coffee break, no indeed; the real shock is that more time, trouble, energy, irritation, and anger was expended on this event than on anything else that entire day... including the company's business they were hired to transact...until the outrage about the coffee break was surpassed by certain stale items on the lunch menu... thereby diverting everyone's outspoken attention to this even greater snafu. The sad part is that this kind of ludicrous "crisis" and massive waste of time does not occur solely or exclusively on Madison Avenue or in Broadway shows... it is most likely the way you are running your "business" and why it doesn't prosper. That's why today, I am going to put you and your "business" under the most minute scrutiny, the better to help you understand that your business, as you currently organize and run it -- cannot make the desirable profits of your imagination... until such time as you rethink everything -- absolutely everything -- so that the focus of your energy and action every day is NOT the coffee break... but actually doing BUSINESS. And as this analysis develops right before your very eyes, you are most likely to be chagrined, embarrassed, and horrified - and that's just for openers. On the acute need to perceive what you are really doing every single day. You say you are in business, correct? You say you want substantial, increasing profits, correct? You say you are a hard worker; indeed that the sun never sets on all the work you do, the tasks done, the challenges confronted, correct? In short you are about as swift, intelligent, able and valuable a business person as business has ever seen and that your DNA should be donated to the nation so that generations yet to come may have the benefit of you and your unmatched business expertise and execution. You, of course, are even now nodding your head in sage agreement with this flawless description of you and your business acumen. Modest though you are, you cannot but admit that you are the very paragon and model sketched above... just like Kansas City, you've gone about as far as you can go. It is this proposition swallowed hook, line and sinker by the overwhelming majority of business owners of every kind that keeps you trapped in a business that doesn't grow, expand, prosper and that does not make and will never make the profits you consistently and repeatedly say are the reason you are in business to get and enjoy. YOU and your business under our microscope.
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways! Now, it's time to knuckle down to the important, sure-to-be-shocking analysis of what you do during your "business hours"... for you cannot improve your business until you know precisely what you do and precisely when you do it. Business is about two things and two things only... Quick! Can you guess what they are? The correct answer is 1) the generation of qualified prospects and 2) contacting these prospects, making them the most lavish, persuasive offer ever, then closing the deal forthwith. This is the two- step dance that keeps you in business, expands your business, and leads to money, money, money... yours, all yours. Now let's see just what percentage of your average day focuses on these two key points... and what percentage of your business day goes to anything but these two essential tasks. You'll need a pad, a watch, and total honesty. To make this crucial scrutiny work, you will need to be clear about what you do, when you do it, and how long it takes to do it. In other words, you must start by creating a detailed picture of your average business day... and why it either works to produce the prospect leads and orders you need... or why it doesn't. Give this essential project which can launch the most profitable epoch for your business your fullest attention. Nothing will come of this project unless you are careful, thorough, and complete. Your first task is to list all the things you do during your average business day. These will include but will certainly not be limited to * all breaks, kind and duration; * non-business related telephone and other communications; * time spent "surfing" the Web, especially at sites unsuitable for visits during business hours; * gossip with friends and co-workers; * writing ad copy; * creating offers that make sales; * time on the telephone etc where you connect with prospects, and either upgrade them to be qualified prospects, or close them by making sales. Get the picture? What you're trying to do is this: show yourself in unanswerable detail what you do on the average day that has absolutely nothing to do with the identification and closing of prospects... and how much time and effort you expend generating prospects and closing them. Reforms must follow identification of what you are doing wrong, over and over again. Chances are, you will be shocked and abashed by what you discover, for instance now seeing that you spend far more time surfing the Web and gossiping on the phone than you do on that same phone contacting prospects and closing deals. Such pernicious reality must be dealt with at once, for it is costing you money every single day. Start today. Do you care whether your business succeeds or fails? Do you care whether you make more money than less? Do you care whether the limited time you have on this planet is transformed into the maximum amount of coin of the realm, and so serenity, security, satisfaction?
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways! That is why you must do this necessary exercise, and do it today. For you see, succeeding in business without really trying makes a dandy theme for a witty musical... but can in no way be regarded as a truth to build your ever more prosperous business by. That truth will be vividly apparent to you as you implement the recommendations of this important article. *** We invite you to post your comments to this article below.
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways!
I accuse you of doing everything you can to sabotage your online success.... and what you must do -- at once -- to change that and profit. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. In 1894 Captain Alfred Dreyfus, artillery captain for the General Staff of France, was charged with treason and espionage... thereby inaugurating one of the most outrageous and ignoble events in the entire history of France. It was a story of lies... but not by Dreyfus. It was the story of evidence made up... evidence tampered with... evidence destroyed... but not by Dreyfus. It was the story of grave injustice... deliberately done and with malice... but not by Dreyfus. It was the story of a man attacked, mauled, censored, imprisoned, humiliated, villified because of his religion... but not by Dreyfus. And above all it is the story of how one man with brilliant, slashing language changed the entire debate... securing at long last freedom, restitution and justice for Dreyfus. This man was celebrated novelist Emile Zola who took just two words and transformed them into the most powerful weapon on earth... two words that galvanized a nation, securing the attention and support of the good people of France who, because of Zola, were outraged by the terrible and enduring blot on the honor of France... and who joined their voices to his in the service of truth. J'accuse! These are the words -- I accuse -- which by making the outrages clear -- began the healing process that saved France from ignominy and redeemed her. Now I intend to use the great model created by Zola and to save you from business ignominy... to redeem you... and enable you to profit online... for you have been doing everything possible to fail... and little or nothing to succeed. To help you on your way I have selected the soaring 1937 score Max Steiner wrote for the Best Picture of the Year; "The Life of Emile Zola" starring Paul Muni. Such grand music must enable success... so go to any search engine now and play it. We are ready to begin the transforming process that starts with "I accuse..." and ends with "I salute...", wafted on our way by the grandeur of Steiner's composition. I accuse you of not understanding what business is... of understanding that business is now and always will be about two things and two things only: the generation of prospect leads... and following up with each and every one of these leads to make offers and close business. I accuse you of engaging in endless trivia every day, focusing on anything and everything instead of generating prospects... and calling these prospects, to work with them and begin the development of the business relationships necessary to secure success. I accuse you of trying to run a business solely by email... trying that is to motivate people to buy without doing the most important thing to profit: picking up the phone, calling prospects, engaging prospects, building relations with prospects. I accuse you of sloth, laziness, of sitting around and waiting for success, instead of doing what is necessary -- everything that's necessary -- to build the business you say you want... but for which
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways! there is absolutely no evidence that you have ever done on its behalf any meaningful thing at all. I accuse you of the sin of inertia... of waiting, waiting, waiting, for, what?, a sign from Heaven, an email from God? I accuse you of not knowing what needs to be done, of not educating yourself so that you know how to do it, and not doing the least thing to secure your success. I accuse you of spending more time gossiping on the phone with people who cannot make you richer (your best friend, your bowling buddies, the chick you met bar hopping last week) instead of using the phone to do what it does so well... connecting with the people who can buy from you, buy now, and make you money every single day. I accuse you of trying to build your online business alone, all by yourself, when all the evidence says this is not possible, is absolutely impossible, because there is too much to do...too many things to master... and insufficient time to learn them, then do them. You need a team... and you need it at once. I accuse you of the sin of talking about success far more than doing the necessary deeds and actions that ensure success. You have become, thereby, a specialist in the endless rhetoric and bombastic language of success, while achieving nothing. It is time, therefore, past time, to cease and censure the flatulent babble and get on with the doing. I accuse you of not staying at your post every day until you have achieved the financial objective you have set for yourself for this day, focusing, persisting until you have achieved this goal... every penny of this goal. I accuse you of coddling yourself, of a too prompt tendency to forgive your inadequacies, overlook the negatives, whitewash your poor performances, rationalize your failings, pooh pooh each and every peccadillo, extol too greatly minor triumphs instead of pushing on to make the insignificant significant. The words used by Zola to end his famous declamation to French president Felix Faure, January 13, 1898: "I have but one passion: to enlighten those who have been kept in the dark, in the name of humanity which has suffered too much and is entitled to happiness. My fiery protest is simply the cry of my very soul." I couldn't say it better myself, so won't try. Zola's letter changed the world... my hope is that this changes yours. ** We invite you to post your comments to this article below.
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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Friends, how can YOU profit at Let me count the ways!
Resource About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Vijian Narayanasamy
Copyright Vijian Narayanasamy - 2012
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