Globe Publishing - Spring 2019

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Contents Creating meaningful play


Our Learning Circle


My First Book About


Learning Boxes


Book sets


My Little Village


My Little Kingdom


My Little Story


Santa’s Workshop


Read & Play Book Sets


Busy Little Books


Suitcase Book Sets


Activity Travel Sets




Meet my friends - Animals


Meet my friends - Moomin


Meet a Fairytale


HC Andersen & Grimm


Tell Me More


Our Learning Circle Our work is based on the LEARNING CIRCLE, ensuring that our books and associated products cover the eight basic areas of a child‘s development.



The ability to understand oneself, one‘s own world and limits: Who am I. Include feelings, capabilities, ideas and actions.

The ability to use one‘s body for all types of activities, to express one‘s ideas and feelings and acquire body awareness. It is satisfying for the child to be able to master its body and beneficial for the child‘s motor development at all levels.



The ability to understand others, read their mood, feelings and body language and learn to be part of social groups. Communities and social relations are important factors in a child‘s development because this is where the child gets recognition and sees its own strengths and importance.

The ability to understand and play with colours and shapes. The child‘s inherent creativity is in focus here. Through creative play the child develops its attentiveness, focus and fine motor skills.



The ability to distinguish between rhythm, notes and tunes and express them. It motivates the child to move and train its motor skills and strengthens the child‘s linguistic development.

The ability to understand the concept of numbers, geometry and the language of mathematics provides children with a tool for understanding the world around them and help them master everyday problems.



The ability to think while speaking, use (new) words and develop one‘s linguistic capacity through rhymes and small stories and through communicating with one‘s immediate surroundings. Language skills are key to forming social relationships and friendships as as well as to obtaining information and knowledge.

The ability to wonder at nature, have a realistic perception of it, know where things come from and how people form part of nature‘s cycle and their impact on it. Children who become knowledgeable about nature are more inclined to take care of it.

4 - Our Learning Circle


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Physical Creating Meaningful Learning and Play There is nothing more important for a child’s development and learning process than reading and playing. When we create a new book concept, we view the child as a scientist at work and we aim to provide the child with the right tools for their learning process. Whether it is reading a book, building a tower of blocks, putting together a jigsaw puzzle or playing a board game, a child is constantly engaged in learning how the world works.

How does a child learn through playing

Our job as parents and educators is to find ways to support and extend a child’s learning experience. Never interrupt it. Never dominate. Let the kids take the lead and show you how they learn.

Look for our logo and learn our icons All of our books carry the meaningful play logo. You can learn more about how each book set aims to create meaningful learning by studying the various icons and their meaning.

Children never “just” play. Through working and playing together, children develop a a sense of responsibility for the well-being of others and their environment. Putting together a puzzle improves concentration skills and cognitive skills.

Creating Meaningful Play - 5

My First Book About Illustra


My First Book about

My First Book about

This book helps teach the small child about farm animals. Children have a natural interest in all things living and will love to learn where things come from.

My First Book about

Farm Animals

The simple and colourful images with recognisable animals will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning.

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0-3 years



The ability to wonder about nature, have a realistic perception of it, and to know where things come from and how nature affects us humans and vice versa.



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Children are born curious towards nature and all living things, especially animals, and here, the child can 9HSSHOC*ffbbij+ explore the farm, its animals and their environment, creating a basis for its understanding of the surrounding world. al sic

0-3 år


Farm Animals

Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: Farm Animals

Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5118-9 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: E.Nolan (p1); Tsekhmister (p2); PCHT, Tsekhmister (p3); Eric Isselee (p4);Africa Studio (p5); Chepko Danil Vitalevich (p6); Eric Isselee (p7); Dmitry Kalinovsky (p8); Eric Isselee (p9); Rudmer Zwerver (p10); Oleksandr Lytvynenko (p11); Inna Astakhova (p12).



Numbers MATHEMATICAL SKILLS  My First Book about

My First Book about


This book helps teach the small child about the numbers from 1-10. Becoming familiar with these numbers will activate the child’s understanding of small amounts and help its numeracy later in life.

My First Book about


The numbers 1-10 trigger the child‘s understanding of small quantities from an early age and benefit its understanding of the 9HSSHOC*ffbbhc+ concept of numbers later on. The simple and colourful images with recognisable things will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning.



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0-3 years

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The ability to understand the concept of numbers, geometry and the language of mathematics.

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Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: Numbers

Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5117-2 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: xtock (Cover); stefan11 (p1); irin-k (p2); Susii (p3); Mr.Exen (p4)Tanya_ mtv (p5); MRAORAOR (p6); Tsekhmister (p7); Miglena Pencheva (p8); VladaKela (p9); irin-k (p10).


My First Book about

My First Book about


This book helps teach the small child about colours. Recognizing colours is not only important for the child’s artistic skills, but also because we use colours all the time to explain and describe the world.

My First Book about


The simple and colourful images with recognisable things will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning. Artistic

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0-3 years


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The ability to understand and play with colours and shapes and to use one’s inherent creativity.

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Colours are constantly used to describe and organise the world. Here, the child gets to know the primary colours, and its imagination and creativity 9HSSHOC*ffbbgf+ are stimulated. Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: Colours

Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5116-5; 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019; Photos: Shutterstock: Cover: Elena Elisseeva; P1: KPG_Payless, TerraceStudio, Hetman Bohdan; P2: RomarioIen, Papa Annur, Elnur; P3: Surrphoto, Lucie Lang, Johannes Kornelius; P4: Peangdao, Yellow Cat, iFocus; P5: Jakub Krechowicz, 5 second Studio, Mega Pixel; P6: Liubov Pakhtusova, Martin Mecnarowski, Yellow Cat; P7: NIPAPORN PANYACHAROEN, Dora Zett, ID1974; P8: feelartfeelant, Torychemistry, Vastram; P9: Eric Isselee, kubais, Warut Prathaksithorn; P10: Vorobyeva; P11: mtorrell, Samuel Acosta, daizuoxin, Elena Schweitzer, Photo Melon.

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PHYSICAL SKILLS My First Book about

All the Things I can Do This book helps teach the small child about all the amazing things the body can do. Children get to know their bodies by using them, making daily exercise vital for developing strong physical and motor skills.

The young child gets to know its body through movement. The activities here reflect what the 9HSSHOC*ffbbfi+ young child can do, encouraging it to imitate and play. The simple and colourful images with recognisable situations will inspire the child to do physical activity and improve the child’s early learning.


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The ability to use one‘s body for all types of activities, to express one‘s ideas and feelings and to acquire body awareness.

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0-3 years

Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: All the Things I can Do

Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5115-8 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: (p1); Oksana Kuzmina (cover,p2); New Africa (p3); SergiyN (p4); SergiyN (p5); Maryna Pleshkun (p6); Fleuraya (p7); Monika Wisniewska (p8); Cultura Motion (p9); Lopolo (p10); Sergey Chirkov (p11); YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV (p12).

6 - My First Book About

My First Book about My First Book about

All the Things I can Do



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All the Things I can Do



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These eight books cover the basic areas in the general development of a child.

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0-3 years My First Book about

The simple and colourful images with recognisable things and situations will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning. Personal

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Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science)


My First Book about: My Body Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5111-0 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: Pressmaster (cover,p1); Oksana Kuzmina; Superheang168; Gelpi; c12; rawf8; Dmitry Lobanov; Anton Mezinov; kai keisuke; Amelia Fox; leungchopan; Vitalinka; Jr images; Evgeny Atamanenko; Szasz-Fabian Ilka Erika.


My First Book about

Mummy and Me The simple and colourful images with recognizable situations will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning.

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0-3 years

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The ability to understand others, read their mood, feelings and body language and to learn to be part of social groups.

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Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: Baby Animals Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5112-7 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: Eric Isselee (cover); Hannamariah (p1); Ermolaev Alexander (p2);Eric Isselee (p3); Smileus (p4); Tsekhmister (p5); Lukiyanova Natalia frenta (p6); Olga_i (p7);photomaster (p8); Joy Brown (p9); Anders Riishede (p10); Svetlana Foote (p11); Kamil Macniak (p12).


Mummy and Me

Mummy and Me

This book helps teach the small child about relationships, using pictures of animal mothers and their babies. The mother-baby situations are easy for a child to relate to, as children are closely connected with their mothers during their first years of life.

My First Book about

My First Book about

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The young child uses its body to explore its surroundings. Here, the child gets to know the names of various body parts and its sense of being an individual is stimulated.

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0-3 years


My Body



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The ability to understand oneself, one‘s own world and limits. In short: Who am I?



My Body

My Body

This book helps teach the small child about its body and senses. Children use their bodies to explore and learn, which makes a fundamental knowledge of the body an important first step in life.

My First Book about

My First Book about

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SOCIAL SKILLS  We are formed in the encounter with others – here reflected in the relationship between young animals and their mothers. This stimulates the child‘s ability to empathise and understand others.

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My First Book about


My First Book about

The simple and colourful images with recognisable things and situations will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning. Musical

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0-3 years


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MUSICAL SKILLS The ability to distinguish between rhythm, notes and tunes and to express them.


This book teaches the small child some sounds. Sounds are used to create music which not only brings joy to a child, but also stimulates and strengthens its physical, social and language skills.


Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: Sounds


Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5113-4 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: Winston Link (cover, p1); LeventeGyori (p2); Kucher Serhii (p3); Tatiana Popova (p4); MriMan (p5); AlexandreNune (p6); Hurst Photo (p7); Oleksandr Lytvynenko (p8); anat chant (p9); marivlada (p10); Oleksandr_Delyk (p11); Ewa Studio (p12).

MUSICAL SKILLS Sounding objects, music and rhymes help develop the language, senses, cognitive and motor skills of the young child and stimulate its early vocabulary.

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My First Book about

My First Book about

My Day

My First Book about

The simple and colourful images with recognisable situations will stimulate conversation and improve the child’s early learning. Ph y ca


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0-3 years




The ability to think in a language, to use and learn new words and to communicate with one’s surroundings.

Books in the My First Book about-series: My Body (Personal) • Mummy and Me (Social) • Sounds (Musical) • My Day (Linguistic) • All the Things I can Do (Physical) • Colours (Artistic) • Numbers (Mathematical) • Farm Animals (Science) My First Book about: My Day


Copyright © Globe Publishing 2019; Skodsborgvej 305D, 2850 Naerum, Denmark, ☎ +45 70151400; ISBN 978-87-425-5114-1 1st edition, 1st printing. Printed in Guangdong, China 2019 Photos: Shutterstock: niderlander (cover); Mallmo (p1); Marco Govel (p2); Yarkovoy (p3); Dmitry Lobanov (p4); DiversityStudio (p5); Serhiy Kobyakov (p6); Oksana Kuzmina (p7); Chikala (p8); Oksana Kuzmina (p9); Vitalinka (p10); Ruslan Guzov (p11); Tetiana Volkonska (p12).

My Day

The book helps teach the small child important words from everyday life, improving the child’s vocabulary. Showing daily routines makes “My Day” relevant and relatable for the child, and it is an excellent starting point for talks about all that happens in a small child’s day.

My Day

LANGUAGE SKILLS Here, the child and the adult person can help each other describe the typical day of the child and indirectly stimulate the child‘s perception of time.

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Learning Boxes These eight books cover the basic areas in the general development of a child.

3-5 years

My family In this book, the child gets to know what constitutes a family, what a family can do together, and an introduction to the 5 most important basic feelings. The box shows a familytree, where the child can place pictures of its family, and a memory game with the basic feelings.

Me & my body In this book, the child is introduced to how its body works and body processes, and how the senses work.

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The box displays an array of insects, which the child is encouraged to find and get a closer look at using the magnifying glass included in the box.

1-2-3-Train In this book, the child is introduced to the first ten numbers by the train wagons and a short text telling how many of the corresponding animals can be found on the pages. The box shows a ruler for the numbers 1-10, with the corresponding animal, helping the child do the number puzzle. * The next step: Play with numbers

8 - Learning Boxes

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In this book, the child is introduced to the animals that live just outside its home and is given a short introduction to the weather.

Mathe m a ti c

Exploring nature


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The box shows a skeleton on which the child can place a puzzle of the body included in the box.



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Sing, play & dance

In this book, the child is introduced to instruments and other ways of creating music and rhythm. The song-game „wheels on the bus“ encourages the child and adult to sing and play together. The box mimics a xylophone and within the box is a harmonica, both inviting to play and strengthening the childs child‘s oral motor skills.

Alphabet train Mus i

In this book, the child is introduced to the alphabet by different animals from all environments: the forest, the savannah, the ocean, the air and the farm.


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The box shows the big alphabet, which will aid the child in placing the train puzzle with the entire alphabet from A to Z. * The next step: Play with the alphabet

Ph y s i ca l

Up and jump! In this book, the child is introduced to the importance of staying active and is given some suggestions for activities, with or without props.

A rt

Draw yourself!

The box becomes a boardgame where every stop on the board shows an activity, like standing on one leg or a somersault. In the box are also two dice, one showing activities, the other numbers.

In this book, the child gets to understand how to draw itself, both full-length and selfportrait. The box includes a mirror, wherein the child can study itself for the portrait, and a set of colouring pencils.

Creating Meaningful Play - 9


Learning Trains Our range of learning boxes all include a 12-page illustrated book as well as a game to enhance the learning experience for the young child. Our themes cover spelling, counting and telling the time. We hope to encourage a strong dialogue between parent and child by exploring important subjects for the young learner and providing an extra tool through the play element to encourage early learning. All the boxes cover skills from the learning circle and aims to engage the child and adult in meaningful play.

Safari Train Hop on-board the safari train and learn more about each animal!


It is the lion - king of the Did you kno jungle. w that up to 20 hou lions sleep rs a day? It is only the male lion who has a big, bea uitiful man e.

The hippopa tamus may but they can look cute be quite dan Hippos hav e short legs gerous! but huge mouths.

The lovely spotted gira ffe is the tallest mam mal They use thei in the world! r long tong to eat leav es from tall ues trees.

Zebras hav e beautifu l black and white strip es. They eat mostly grass and stand up while slee ping.

• An educational 12-page book all about different animals in the world. See what the animals look like in the real world and learn a bit more about each of them. • Puzzle with 20 pieces.

The safari train provides endless opportunities for dialogue and play. Box size: 38 x 12,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 20-piece puzzle Book size: 17 x 11 cm

140 cm

10 - Learning Trains

ABC Train Hop on-board the alphabet train and make spelling fun! • An educational 12-page book all about different letters of the alphabet. • Puzzle with 52 pieces.

The alphabe t is all arou Every pers nd us. on, animal and object starts with a letter. What lette r does you r name star Let us get t with? on the alph abet train!


The alphabet kit provides endless opportunities for dialogue and play.















Box size: 38 x 12,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 52-piece puzzle Book size: 17 x 11 cm

140 cm

1-2-3 Train Hop on-board the counting train and make numbers fun! • An educational 12-page book all about the numbers from 1 to 10. Choo choo!

• Puzzle with 20 pieces.

Frog is read y to start the train and all counting of his anim al friends are onboard . Let us star t counting!

How man

y frogs are

1 Who is that

1 2

growling in the next wagon?

Two hungry bears.

on the train


The counting kit provides endless opportunities for dialogue and play.

One fun frog


Roar! The

king of the

jungle is sea ted in the next wagon.

1 2 3

Three smiling lions.

Box size: 38 x 12,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 20-piece puzzle Book size: 17 x 11 cm

140 cm

Creating Meaningful Play - 11

Activity Boxes Fun with Math Go on a counting adventure with sweet animal characters • An educational 12-page book all about the numbers from 1 to 10. • Ten high-quality 2-piece puzzles

Box size: 24 x 15,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 10 puzzles Book size: 15 x 15 cm



One proud lion



Two blue whales


Three big elephants

Four funny pigs

The back of the puzzles offers simple mathematical problems to solve. Match the correct amount of animals to its matching number.

The illustrations on the puzzle match the illustrations from the book to provide a great unity between the two learning methods.

Play with the Alphabet Go on a word adventure with sweet animal characters • An educational 12-page book all about animals. What letter does Tiger start with? • Double-sided 2-piece puzzles of every letter in the alphabet.

Box size: 24 x 15,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 28 puzzles Book size: 15 x 15 cm

Gg Mm

Molly the Monkey is scratching her head. "I think I start with M," she said.


Zadie the Zebra has a special letter indeed! The letter “Z” is the last one to read.


There is Gary the Giraffe eating leaves from the tallest tree. He’s so happy that he starts with G.

Larry the Lion smiles and roars: “My letter is L, what is yours?”

A great learning box to engage children in word play and a great first introduction to the alphabet.

12 - Activity Boxes

Zz On one side of the puzzle, you match the name of the animal to the right illustration On the other side, you match the correct letter to the illustration

Spelling Game Go on a spelling adventure with sweet animal characters • An educational 12-page book all about the first concept of spelling • Ten high-quality spelling puzzles

Box size: 24 x 15,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 10 puzzles Book size: 15 x 15 cm





Growl! I am a terrific tiger. I have five letters in my name.










Roar! I am king of the jungle. I am a proud lion. Help me spell my name.




Hear my song through the ocean. I am a big blue whale.

Hop hop hop! Watch out, here I come. I am a jumpy frog with four letters in my name.

Can you hear which ones they are? Find the letters in the sky.


Find the letters in the sky.

Which ones are they? Find the letters in the sky.

Help me find the letters in the clouds.

Puzzle pieces in thick board. Use the letters to spell the correct name underneath each animal

The illustrations on the puzzle match the illustrations from the book to provide a great unity between the two learning methods

Tell the time This colourful learning box combines book and puzzle to introduce young learners to the concept of time. • An educational 12-page book about a very busy girl and what she does all day and at what time. • Ten high-quality 2-piece puzzles

Box size: 24 x 15,5 x 4 cm Box content: 12-page book, 10 puzzles Book size: 15 x 15 cm

Emma loves to be on time. She has a big collection of clocks and watches from all around the world in her room and her favourite thing in the world is telling the time.

11 10 9 8 7

12 1


11 10 9 8 7

12 1

10 9 8

2 3




3 6



11 12 1

7 6 5

2 3 4

It’s 7am and it’s time to get up!

It 8:30am, time for me to leave for school.

10 9 8

11 12 1

7 6 5

2 3 4

When the big clock at school shows 12:00pm, I knows that it is lunchtime.

Follow along through the day and get a feeling of how time-tracking works

10 9 8

11 12 1

7 6 5

2 3 4

10 9 8

11 12 1

7 6 5

2 3 4 Match the traditional clock to the digital clock.

Also enclosed in the box is a cardboard clock with moveable hands as an extra helpful tool to teach the time.

Creating Meaningful Play - 13

My Little Village Our best-selling series, My Little VIllage, is now sold in over 1,5 million copies in over 40 countries around the world. The concept of the series is to provide the most meaningful play and learning experience for the child aged 3-5 years old. The idea behind these kits is that the child will be able to grow up with the product. To begin with, an adult can read out loud the book in order to best explain the photos and content. Later on, young readers can look through the thick pages themselves and understand the writing.

My book about

It is to bu so much fu ild yo ur ow n All yo n car. u is a ca really need rd and so board bo x You ca me marker s! n use an round to ma ything steerin ke your g whee l.

Racing Cars

The book is full of photography as it is important to understand how things look in the real world. The puzzle and wooden figures are illustrated to stimulate the child’s imagination and encourage role play. The lid of the box goes all the way down the sides to ensure that all of the elements stay securely inside. The wooden figures are nice and thick to provide the best play experience for the young child. Thinner wooden figures would topple over and frustrate young learners.

Why have we mixed photos and illustrations?

e u lik r ld yo Wou a raceca u yo to be r when drive ow up? gr

lot of There are a famous talented and d the drivers aroun world. They have in impressive skills very fast handling the cars around s. the tricky track

The book is full of photography for young learners to understand how things really look in the actual world. The puzzle, wooden figures and cardboard elements are all illustrated to stimulate the child’s imagination and encourage role play.

14 - My Little Village

Find us on YouTube at Globe Publishing, and see the concept come to life

My Li Racin g ttle Circui

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tl e L it u it M y Ci r c iac ng

Be kind to the environment! Nearly all of the packaging can be reused to enhance the play experience.

All of the roads from the different puzzles fit together so you can create a whole village by collecting more than one box.

My little


Book and box are used as a building.

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My little

Construction Site

little Fire Sta tion My




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Racing Cir e


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The wooden figures are thick to provide the best play experience for the young child and to develop motoric skills.

Fun cardboard characters create more opportunities for role play and dialogue.

All the boxes can be used as buildings.

The activity kits actively support and stimulate the child’s imagination and learning development. Book Sets - 15

My Little Safari

Busy tractors on the farm

My Fire Stations

My Train Station

My Construction Site

My Farm

My Zoo

My Home

My Space Station

My Racing Circuit

16 - My Little Village

My Airport

My Garage

My Hospital

My Marketplace

Floor Display Get the attention of your customers with our eye-catching floor display. The displays have 12 compartments with room for two boxes, so it can hold a total of 24 boxes. A top banner graphically shows and explains the entire concept of My Little Village.

Book Sets - 17

My Little Safari Let‘s go on safari! Meet all the animals in the 48-page book, full of colourful photos, and then have fun with the enclosed wooden figures and the matching puzzle. The box transforms into a safari tent with parking for the jeep.

Thick wooden figures

My Little Book a


My Little Book about Wild Animals

Wild Animals

Bright and vivid puzzle

The beautiful flamingo is known for its bright, pink feathers! Flamingos are very social animals and they live in big flocks.

Cardboard figures encourage dialogue and roleplay

01-06-2018 08:03:37

There are a lot of amazing birds to spot on safari - both big and small - and colourful! What do you think they sound like? Can you make the sound of a bird? How many birds can you count sitting in the tree?

• 1 48-page book about the animals you can find on the savannah, based on the learning circle. • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • 1 wooden jeep and 2 wooden wild animals • Use the box, puzzle and wooden animals to create your own safari • 6 extra cardboard characters provide an extra dimension by adding life to My Little Village, allowing for more dialogue and role play

18 - My Little Village

Busy tractors on the farm A fun box that lets you create your own farm scene depicting all four seasons. Drive around in the tractor to tend to the animals and get a bountiful harvest.

The box becomes the farm

My Little Book


Busy Tractors My Little Book about Busy Tractors

Sturdy jigsaw puzzle pieces

Photos show how things look in the real world

It is lovely with so many new baby animals on the farm! Busy Tractors - Cover.indd 1

25-05-2018 13:27:13 13:26:51

It is just starting to get a little bit more chilly so it is time to bring out the wooly hats.

• 1 64-page book about how the seasons affect life and work on the farm • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • 1 wooden tractor and 2 wooden farm animals • Use the box, puzzle and wooden figures to create your own farm scene • 6 extra cardboard characters provide an extra dimension by adding life to My Little Village, allowing for more dialogue and role play

Book Sets - 19

My Fire Station Every young aspiring firefighter’s dream! Zoom through the city, under bridges and through tunnels, with a great little red fire engine and help put out fires and help cats down trees.

My Train Station Choo Choo! The little wooden train is busy making sure all the people of the village are getting to where they need to go. Learn more about trains in the 64-page book enclosed and then turn the box itself into a small train station and busy platform.

My Construction Site Cranes, bulldozers and lorries are all hard at work at the construction site and they need your help to finish their latest building project.

20 - My Little Village

My Farm A fun box that lets you create your own farm scene and play with four wooden farm animals. The book folds up to create a roof for your very own farmhouse and the animals can be placed in their own little stable inside the box.

My Zoo Come visit the village zoo! Meet all the animals in the 64-page book, full of colourful photography, and then have fun with the four enclosed wooden animals and the matching puzzle. The box turns into the home for the wooden alligator.

My Home Learn all about homes around the world and look inside one family’s house in the 64-page book. Then, play with your very own little doll house as the box turns into a 3 story home and play with the enclosed wooden family.

Book Sets - 21

My Space Station Explore all about space and learn about planets, stars and how you become an astronaut in this lovely, thoroughly photographic 64-page book. The box turns into your very own little space station.

My Racing Circuit Vroom vroom! Join the racing cars for an exciting and speedy adventure on the track. Learn all about the world of racing in the 64-page book, build your own circuit with the enclosed puzzle and start racing with the toy cars!

My Airport There is so much to see and do at the airport! The 64-page book explores the world of travel and gives children a first insight into what it is like to fly. The box turns into a mini airport and the wooden figures enclosed allows for strong dialogue and role play about this first important experience.

22 - My Little Village

My Garage Read all about cars and then play with the 3 wooden cars and create your very own parking garage with the packaging. A small hole in the side allows the cars to drive in and out.

My Hospital There is a lot happening at the hospital and all of the doctors and nurses are busy with patients. Come with us as we explore what goes on at My Little Hospital and find out what YOU can do to keep your body healthy, fit and active.

My Marketplace The market is bustling with people and shopkeepers. Learn all about where the food on the market comes from in the fully photographic 64-page book and then act out real market situations on the enclosed jigsaw puzzle and with the wooden characters.

Book Sets - 23

My Little Kingdom MY LITTLE KINGDOM My Little Kingdom consists of four (or an optional six) titles that can be put together in any way to form your very own little kingdom, full of fairy magic, princess glamour, brave knights and adventurous pirates. All titles consist of high-quality wooden toys, a puzzle as well as a 12-page illustrated board book. We strongly believe that our packaging should be more than just packaging. Each box magically transforms into a castle, a fortress, a pirate ship or a home for the fairies.



Yo ho ho! A group of rowdy pirates are on the loose in the kingdom and they are on the hunt for a golden treasure. Read all about their exciting adventures in the illustrated 12-page board book enclosed. Turn the box into your very own pirate ship and go on lots of adventures with your three new pirate friends to search for the treasure on the enclosed puzzle.

There is a big ball planned at at the castle and everyone is bustling to get ready. Read all about how the royal family prepares for the ball in the 12-page fully illustrated board book. Then turn the box into a beautiful, little castle and have lots of fun playing with the enclosed wooden royalfamily figures. A puzzle is also included which forms the palace gardens.

• 1 12-page beautifully illustrated board book • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • 3 wooden figures • Use the box, puzzle, cardboard elements and wooden figures to create your own pirate ship and treasure island

• 1 12-page beautifully illustrated board book • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • 3 wooden figures • Use the box, puzzle, cardboard elements and wooden figures to create your own castle and palace garden

24 - My Little Kingdom



Join three brave knights on their quest to save the princess from the evil Lord Favian and his dragon. The 12-page illustrated board book tells an exciting story about the quest of the knights. Turn the box into your very own fortress and the brave wooden knights and scary cardboard dragon are all enclosed in the box. A puzzle can then be put together to create a typical medieval landscape on which the knights can start their quest.

Meet all the magical fairies who live in the woods of the kingdom by reading the 12-page fully illustrated board book. Then turn the box into a fairy home and use the four wooden fairies and the fairy landscape puzzle to create your very own stories.

• 1 12-page beautifully illustrated board book • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • 3 wooden figures • Use the box, puzzle, cardboard elements and wooden figures to create your own fortress and medieval landscape

• 1 12-page beautifully illustrated board book • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • 4 wooden figures • Use the box, puzzle, cardboard elements and wooden figures to create your own fairy home and landscape

Book Sets - 25

My Little Kingdom


Dinosaurs Carl the Caveman has just moved into a new cave and is getting to know all of his new neighbours. Join him as he meets all of his new friends, the dinosaurs! Read about his adventures in the 12-page illustrated board book. Then turn the box into Carl’s cave and have lots of fun creating your own adventures using the enclosed puzzle and wooden dinosaurs. • 1 beautifully illustrated board book • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 438 mm) • 5 wooden figures • Use the box, puzzle and wooden figures to create your own prehistoric landskape

26 - My Little Kingdom

Unicorns It is the first day at the new riding school for royal unicorns in the Little Kingdom. Meet all of the unicorns and learn what they have to do before graduating as official royal unicorns. The box transforms into the riding school and the enclosed puzzle depicts the surrounding gardens. Make up your own stories with the five colourful unicorns enclosed!

My Little Kingdom


• 1 beautifully illustrated board book • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 438 mm) • 5 wooden figures • Use the box, puzzle and wooden unicorns to create your own riding school

Creating Meaningful Play - 27

My Little Story My Little Noah‘s Ark

My Little

Noah’s Ark Illustrated by

Beatrice Tinarelli

My Little Noah’s Ark ah Noah ldNo oo ah told to tw tw No ve ve alsoo tto ld als sa o tsa dd Godd m us Go sa anve mus t an d als ale us he he Go male ale at ch ch that ,,aam th aeam alshe at m, ea m th als imals m fro om anim ,fro an fro From an,im ale h., Fr oale h. ale rt fem tw eeh. rt eart ea th aafem th a onfem toea to don ies ies t to an antton ah an ec tties anah ec No spec t No sp ies sp ies t, t, ies tin eph an ad tin an tin eech ee t, ea th th adan ph th elephtily m elem esttele es ne ne mily es ggom m m gg yoily fa biFr fa gg fa bi s er s er s yo bi hi ev ev ddehi dddhi th had an ha an ha eyan ey ah d.ey d. d. th th arth No ar re re re ar bo su bo su su e on on on bo mad yone ever

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My Little Nativity Story

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On a field just outsid an angel appear e Bethlehem, ed to a group of shepherds and told news that a baby them the happy had been born in a stable and that he would be the Savior of all mankind.

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The shepherds rushed to the stable, bathed in a strong light of a brand new star, and Jesus in the mange found r.

• 16-piece puzzle 420x 420mm • A collection of wooden toys • A 12-page board book • Use the box, puzzle and wooden figurines to create your own scene.

28 - Book Sets - My Little Story

Santa’s Workshop Ho ho ho! It is almost time for Christmas and Santa and his elves are busy making all of the presents for all of the nice children around the world. Watch as the box itself tranforms into Santa’s workshop and the 16-puzzlebecomes a cozy, winter landscape. A wooden sleigh and Santa is enclosed in the and a cardboard Christmas tree adds to the atmosphere and fun.

Little Santa’s hop Works

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Santa’s Li

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Santa’s Little Workshop

Santa’s little helper s are busy making toys in the workshop. Little Merry is in charge of makin g lots of Teddy Bears this year.

This one turne out really well. d What shall I name him?

Maybe you can help

Merry name the Teddy Bear?

• 1 12-page illustrated book about Santa • 16-piece puzzle (420 x 420 mm) • Wooden sleigh and Santa • Cardboard Christmas tree • Use the box, puzzle and wooden characters to create your own Christmas scene

Santa’s Workshop - Book Sets - 29

Read & Play Book Sets Numbers A great first introduction to the world of numbers. 10 magnetic wooden numbers, a 12-page board book and a mix and match game of numbers give young children a gentle and fun introduction to numbers and counting.

• One 12-page board book about numbers • 1 mix and match game with (20 pcs.) • 10 magnetic wooden numbers

Teddy Bear Tea Party With a beautifully coloured ceramic tea set and a book with 20 delicious recipes you can invite all of your teddy bear friends and host your very own tea party.

• 1 48-page recipe book • 13-piece porcelain tea set • Use the box as a table

30 - Read & Play Book Sets

Music and Sounds What do you hear all around you? Explore the world of music and sounds with this lovely 64-page book. Then make your own music with the enclosed colourful maraca and play a game of memory with images from inside the book. Do you remember all the sounds?

• 1 64-page book about music and sounds • 1 memo game with 24 cards • 1 wooden maraca

At the Seaside Learn all about who lives at the seaside and in the water and explore the oceans around the world in this wonderful 64-page book. Then go fishing with your own magnetic fishpole. The colourful box turns into your very own fishing lake and will be sure to entertain kids for hours.

• 1 64-page book about life at the seaside • matching game with 24 cards • 1 fishing set with 9 magnetic sea creatures and 2 fishing rods • Use the box as your own fishing pond

Book Sets - 31

Busy Little Busy Books This great range of fold-out books brings various transport vehicles to life in a fun new way. With each title, a high quality wooden vehicle is attached to the front cover. The book folds out to reveal a landscape where the vehicle can travel through, all while reading the story. On the other side of the landscape, the book is filled with photographic informative pages to learn more about the particular mode of transport. The illustrated landscape enhances the play experience while the photographic images on the other side cements the learning experience. Read and play in one neat package.

32 - Busy Little Busy Books

New titles: Busy Little Firetruck Busy Little Tractor Busy Little Bulldozer Busy Little Ambulance

Future titles: Busy Little Police Car Busy Little Dump Truck Busy Little Car Busy Little Racing Car Busy Little Locomotive Busy Little Tow Truck Busy Little Bus

New format coming 190x190 mm

Book Sets - 33

Suitcase Book Sets Your own activity kit with book, game and wooden toy. Perfect for bringing on a trip and sure to keep the young ones entertained for hours.

34 - Suitcase Book Sets

Future titles: Firestation Vet Train Station Airport Construction Site Animal Park Gas Station Harbour School Hospital Police Station Stable Garage Dinosaur Park Space Station

Activity Travel Sets Let Globe Airways keep your kids entertained on the dreaded long flight! This box of in-flight entertainment is packed full of fun puzzles, games, puzzles and various activities to ensure that no child is bored.

• 1 24-page book • A Ludo game • Coloured pencils • Cardboard figures to encourage roleplay • A puzzle • A memory game, dot-to-dot • Colourings sheets are all included in this fun onboard entertainment kit.

• 1 24-page book • A Ludo game • Coloured pencils • Cardboard figures to encourage roleplay • A puzzle • A memory game, dot-to-dot • Colourings sheets are all included in this fun onboard entertainment kit.

Book Sets - 35

Meet my friends - Animals

Farm animals Follow Camilla the Chicken on a wild adventure and meet all of her friends. Learn a little about each animal as you go through the book. The enclosed wooden animals encourage motoric skills as well as early imaginative role play.

Wild Animals Follow Marvin the Monkey on a wild adventure and meet all of his friends. Learn a little about each animal as you go through the book. The enclosed wooden animals encourage motoric skills as well as early imaginative role play.

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36 - Books - Meet my friends

• 5 wooden animals enclosed • Colourful illustrations encourage parent-child dialogue • Short animal facts to strengthen early nature awareness

Meet my friends - Moomin

Moomin Friends: Welcome to Moominvalley Welcome to Moominvalley! You will meet Moomintroll and his friends Little My, Snorkmaiden, Hemulen and Snufkin on a lovely day. Learn about the Moomins with lovely figurines as you read the book. You can also take the beautiful, high-quality figurines to play and for decoration.

Moomin Friends: At the Seaside Welcome to the beach with the Moomin Family! Together with Moomintroll we will meet Moominmamma, Sniff, Stinky, Too-ticky and Moominpappa. Learn about the Moomins with lovely figurines as you read the book. You can take the beautiful, highquality figurines to play and for decoration. Produced in cooperation with Tammi Publishers.

• 5 wooden Moomin Friends enclosed • Colourful illustrations encourage parent-child dialogue

Collect all 10 Moominvalley Friends! Moomintroll, Moominmamma, Moominpappa, Little My, Snorkmaiden, Hemulen, Snufkin. Sniff, Stinky and Too-ticky.

Meet my friends - Books - 37

Meet a Fairytale Our innovative new series of story books for the youngest, combining wooden toys and famous fairy tales in one lovely playset. The wooden figures allow the child to retell the story in their own way and even create new storylines for the well-known characters.

38 - Meet a Fairytale

Final spread features an illustrated pop-up scene

• 3-4 wooden figures enclosed • Colourful illustrations encourage parent-child dialogue • Pop-up novelty

Books - 39

HC Andersen & Grimm The fairy tales are available in a variety of formats and we can tailor to your market needs. From a big, beautiful coffee table book with a novelty red velvet spine, to a series of 12 board books, we can work together on finding the perfect fairy tale format for your market.

Sidsel Brix Sidsel Brix is a Danish illustrator, educated at the design school in Kolding in 2005. �When I became an illustrator, it was with the wish of drawing for children and with children. I love moving in the universe of the child, where everything is so straightforward and yet so complex. It is with my greatest pleasure that I have been allowed to express my inner images and thoughts about the fairy tales that I love so dearly. I hope you will enjoy moving in this universe as much I have done.�

Sidsel Brix, illustrator

40 - HC Andersen & Grimm

Velv et avai spine la red ble in or b lue.

Books - 41


curious 3 to 5 year olds everywhere! The Tell Me More series explores themes familiar to children such as zoo animals,


the farm, food, music and sounds, cars and air travel. We want to encourage a strong connection between reader and listener. The books are full of questions to encourage further dialogue and activities. The photographic treatment of the subject brings the experience

Airports Tell me more

Our brand new non-fiction series for curious 3 to 5 year olds everywhere! The Tell Me More series explores themes

Tell me more

the farm, food, music and sounds, cars and air travel. We want to encourage a strong connection between reader and listener. The books are full of questions to encourage further dialogue and activities. The photographic treatment closer to the child.



There are so many things waiting to meet you inside this book so come along!

Our non-fiction series for curious 3 to 5 year olds everywhere! The Tell Me More series explores themes familiar to children such as zoo animals, the farm, food, music and sounds, cars and air travel. We want to encourage a strong connection between reader and listener. The books are full of questions to encourage further dialogue and activities. The photographic treatment of the subject brings the experience closer to the child. • 48 pages • Format: 210 x 210 mm

42 - Tell Me More


familiar to children such as zoo animals,


There are so many trains waiting to meet you inside this book so come along!


All about

of the subject brings the experience

closer to the child.


about FireAllStations

All about Airports

Our brand new non-fiction series for

All about Fire Stations

All about Trains


All about

There are so many interesting facts waiting to be explored inside this book so come along!

Tell me more

Tell me more

Tell Me More

There are so many animals waiting to meet you inside this book so come along!

Tell me more

Trains Fire

All aboutAll about






Tell Me More is a non-fiction series for curious 3 to 6 year olds everywhere! The series explores themes familiar to children. We want to encourage a strong connection between reader and listener. The books are full of information to encourage further dialogue and activities. The photographic treatment of the subject brings the experience closer to the child.

All about

All about Cars

H I’m ello ther T the im and e! zook eepeI’m r.


Tell me more


There is nothing more interesting than cars! Learn more about all the different vehicles in this fully photographic book.

There are so many animals waiting to meet you inside this book so come along!



Tell me more

Tell Me More


ZOO Cars

All about A Day at the

A Day at the ZOO

“There is nothing better than spending the day at the zoo! Learn more about all of the animals in this fully photographic book.

Tell me more

ZOO Tell me more

A Day at the Farm



A Day at A the Day at the

Tell me more


Tell Me More


There are so many things waiting to meet you inside this book so come along!

Future Titles Tell Me More about Space Tell Me More about Dinosaurs Tell Me More about the Human Body Tell Me More about Food Tell Me More about Oceans Tell Me More about Racing Cars Tell Me More about Construction Tell Me More about Tractors

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

“Do not keep children to their studies by compulsion but by play.” – Plato

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” – Carl Jung

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” – Fred Rogers

“Play is the work of the child.” – Maria Montessori

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” – Mr. Rogers

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.” – O. Fred Donaldson

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

Creating Meaningful Play - 43

Globe Publishing

44 - Tell Me More

Designed and developed in Denmark

March 2019

Skodsborgvej 305 D 2850 Naerum Denmark Email: Phone: +45 70 15 14 00

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