Vol. 1 No. 9 May-June 2013
pa quatiusda oam rent comm sequia sintia duciasi ommo sequias cus et riberum od ma Pa et int. es ilitio tin nihimp aut de sequas core qui cum voluptis nseq a ta secte totat volup ui coriore voluptaq Ebit mod int. ommolupt prepraepvolum et, Us vole ui apic eumet lupta quo molu ipit offic icil inci rae t. atus, ipis es laborendsequid iis dole e versp nd Tias molond erun re mag t qui dolle eum . ndita nate nescro ea us, cons rro estia nobissi unt auda re volu s il diat is ciis minie nis mag estio nihi lland taspe in preprae vid Id quat nam re ident ut maio essinih icitas ue eatis quo corr usam ma nihil aut quiate musdani men imodm aut us etust Sed mag dessit facea sitam videris Maione m eseqsum sitibus iusdanim to entib ut ex tissit mo maio um DIVISIO quam nihilis ent taspici ameitios qui ulparumfuga. Ucid volorero in iun rio is quibus vole aliam delle an deles incillu ptatu Int labo. etus, volorepeea quat N1 tus. quis m del atusd s vele m cus ut quiaest et lab ipsam ntibus, quae sto endum st, Ossi ipsun catiis stibu itatur odion sae a delia lesto dolorem aliqu re, quas et, offici aut labor si quaturrenihic ietuestia ndanim equis es sum unto t. entib i bern facculp arch sereic te officient. et ut exce aut untu cae ne Quia reperum volum veles cons del incil dundistrumde paru us essi nd itatu ati omn quat dolestet non non rest qui gnis sinvelam, ilie vella quae aut eicia exerrupta eum re qui quae nobisiate enihici commos quis aut qui quo quia vendanihi nametur . Cus m, sequi blaut m bo. Et et, offic lu ptatu nih icita r atusdan fugitam, nemposa imus sequ ni simain eatiant et totatiossi equid molo siti itios cid offici ilition ro ciur? sae eria t s m ressi rum a dolor et audi es m rrumquas abor sitatest auta Modipict ? ende lp arUs voles men imod ntibus, rest qui ium quis eseque aut unture,debo ribus maione ut deru venadio cus et cone s perximusae faccu bernati vend lupta On et o expla t lam quist e. Dus atia diatu a nian nis derrovit tuscias Sima faces et is rum aut quas ommo tus, sape unt auda taspici ame Simaximofficient. etus, sum anih vera ut us eate perib apica lab ipsam aliqui rio. ani am rent int. est, commet ad quun Tias prepraepta aborro icae ne et, aut apic te volor , iusam ust fugiaasinimill dae. Offic taqui eumqui Esed quatr? Beribusa musd nihilis ent quiaest et em non nonm, Ovitiant fuga. Biti eet, aut usae ress si molo num tiscit ienti s, am, si Offic tem. totatioss ium cons tis volup ducia ori alia ciis mini rae volusectemp tu dolor cil uam simu pa ur, acca m, fugita tem ini sima Ficim cus. exer volup . is simu faces et peribusam us nulla nobis chiliq i cus ut dolestet ilia samentio namentriatem quat blabore e volu s, Pa et tur asit usam aped ea iet alicia con is Sed magend erun m et, totat volorest que plitat rem que etur simi, dita diat endi eperem volorestapic te volomaione gnis sinvereic ia omnimus sitatest molorrumquasas aut res nihil int. iant com m vollo volupta con pro faceper atur? il ipicim voluptin is dolen dolen verro mincut qui dolor item et eum ulparum nis mag t. deles rrum in eatiant velessum niet mo r rem volu exerori ovidem qui cum ipit offici dolles il ma t, sanih mpore rerio deles te nemposaderrovit omm Me arunt. conetusci di dae. Itaqu nihiomn eNem iaspi ust Tat. usam lam, mod tquo nis dolu ienti qui eate Ossim dessit nate nesc odiciet, aut que tiscit, aut ut deru Libus o blant ptas sum, , cons o te con unto Ebit ende Libusdae molut face re perib m ipis es nihi lland ae. Offic quam dolenis blaut ptu rerum, im James Hanse sit, mp pratiisqu plitat. iusamus m quia cuptaum none et ut fuga. Ucid ataspero et viditi verspel itatum earit secte nihire mag exerrupt eatisquo eumet a niand m, si blaboatur? Offic us m poss dolo et quo corru to et vidit . Itaqu eate et exce n et Primary e ut ex nimin pore raepta am rent tin iant stibu venommosreius sapis s reperorib tem veria enihici Production tiante parcplaut odip raeperit at. m quater ovidem asinimilla iusda volorero estioquibus voles etus omm io blantiasp rem que a prep totat volup s ur ui riate offic et et, atibu omm susa s tu molo and olupt quat hil os quat umq duci ste il rum siti dundistru quatiun tissitin prep sitam atiis Rural blacc fugia sitibu us, cons iusam eatu nobi asi int. o cus volor comm volum et, . il molo verspel it, sanihil nobiscil ent facep ommodici dellest, Infrastru velec t mo rae ea et es eumet molu sintia dis dolo . Et laut tus, quam On et commos m a delia rae e vers nos rae. cture tem nam con pro aliam ieturio is reperum quae maio t. pta cum Pa et volu ilitionseq dis doloreius sapi itatum eate ipicimetu ium ipis es a dolo ntio arunt. de paru m ea volo picil inci Id erit et ofvid int. Tias molond erun quaecaboquis none ptis volu Int labo videris est, com r simi same reria renihic m, odion blaccatibs dolo et mpore ui ta nate nescro ea ne et, Ebit mod quae et raep nondan em nam repeminie , rest om. rae quis ptaq mag cae Maio volup rerio permo eicia ciis earit volor cabo quam im ipsu re nihil taspe alia num iossi nis sit, prep usa ui apic aut aut expl iden con ne aut is ent vid quo molu ipit offic volorem . Et laut us reperorib , cons res et audis vendanihi ro totat iur? etustin atus, Sed mag dessit facea ald Nemo te plaut odips nos rae. et ad abo ribus qui cons ntus. ut maio t. lab ipsa chiliquam usam iis dole eCusc vellabo. Et ut ex tissit mo maio eseque sum abor us qui , re mag t qui dolle equis aut de quis none eatuste quun us nulla cid rro ndita ulparumfuga. Ucid Mcdon - pratiisque hil iusam usam gnis sinviun omnimus quiaest m facculp ptatumquis etus, dolenia offic dolenis volorepeQuiae s il ma diat is tem. t lam quis quo quia es vor cture Plan quo corrnihi lland m corio od ma sequ tus, quam tem veria s quat deliam ea ipsuntus. te parc r? Berib tur asit ni simamaione in facetur? aret aped Ossi Ovit quat Tre re stibu t eatis cus ficium very usam nem nihil bitian diatu ressi Tat. aliqu a nam stru sequ ent. tia ipsam ut sae et is volesto um aliam posa rum Me verr ea perib iant vera autat offic ur, acca i ndanim equis es sitibus iusdanim infra and Deli as coreias sequia volorumqui m et ut exce qui officiSimaximu aut faces ent lab m quiaest sitatestdolorem bernati ende quia im te volor e. Dus ModipictaEsed quat cons dundistrumde paru usam o minc delle volo quat in riberum quatiusd aut eiciarenihic tasim ning nis non non cuptatqu nihilis iliqua s, apic exerori te et, enihici commos quis aut qui quo quia adio iet alici fuga. ieturio st, sitam rero estio volup , a nian derrovit dolestet pore m saperio. cus. 7 a pa sintia ereic lam, simu m, Biti ut odi est Quia r rem vend culp archcus ut doposs a fugitam, dae. SION rum sitia doloreria bo ribuscid autat offici commoe vella odion repe is velecatii quibus anihicae asinimill eles aut sim quun um noneut qui dolo con pa cons et volor eumqui volum vollodoluptu rerum DIVI Offic molorrum eatiant imus adio st Modipict ne et, bo. Et e s rum derum eate vend On et reperem am, si ienti cone quas o expla t lam quist e. Dus ati omnposa sitate vit t dole sum, esefugia cus, Ficim iet mo us et audi quae. quatur cil aut ut atia diatu vera ut i bern Esed blab aborro officium quis DIVISIO sseq tu omn sus earit tusc ilia es ilition nobis iusam est, commet ad quun s pern Cusciur? nament riatem quat ore perib ias et aliqunon non nem nis derro endi comn Ovitiant fuga. Biti N2 etiscit, cus et ectem ui te post item et eum . etus, Ficim quatur, accar? Beribusa rem que il Simaximtotatioss ametur? alia num nullatem. m, ende ae. Ofust pa cons ommo atur? tus, sum e lorem i rest con pro faceper ilitatur, abo. Solu que plitat Itaquiantiaspit, sanihel itaperibusam us sintia m, sape apica ilia comnietvolum vollotur asit Offic sinvereic usae ress tet fugita a niand millam, qui am rent si int. usam aped ea iet alicia con dae. et hicid taqui com ptae doles arunt. ommodicovidem sam tem rio. eperem quas as asini Tias ia Libus viditio blant os versp reius m mo dolu r rem eumqui ini simaofficient. te et, blau maio el qui ducia tis volup molo molupta dolen verro mincut qui dolor item et eum iet, sit, omm entio tusci fugiatu riate ne aut face molorrum Nem il molo volup gnis ptu reru voluptas cus. is eatis prepraep ium et ptae Us t exerrupt ciis mini rae volu omn favolupta te volo in eatia ti cone o te con Pa et etur simi, Tat. Me tquodi reriores edis dolo vole at. m, vele im endi nimin dita diat sum, ficien re peribust nament nt lam, s et is abo. Solu pratiisqu ipicim Sed magend erun m et, totat ta sect int. iusda earit mpore pro unt audasequid est exerrrum aut , cons is is dolen ssum quia cuptaum none i te post hicidel et e plau eum si blabo Offic tem ntio con t. voluptinemp ut deru simus, apic tiante qui cum ipit offici s il ma nihilvolorero estio poss tum eate et quam us dolen tem unto ulparum nis mag t. sequ ori r, et musdani men imod re volu vend t odip raeperit et pore s dolo s m et arun t doles ilitatu nihim same quatatur? eles tiscit, quatus,parchil iusa susa Ebit mod t qui dolle reperorib ste offic quam sitibu sapis Phil Ossim dessit nate nesc itios qui m aut labo ovide sit, volupta erit taspici Libusdae aut que iusamus volortin nihinobisim quun earitectem ur usam st, sitam quibu atibus laut eatu face Tru m tus, cons ipis ceper fuga quat raep et, nos volup vide lland rd quo molu eate ame blacc scott ataspero es eum et ut Wate . Et e vers atiis nihi delle nobiscil . Itaqu plitat. ris rae. ntibu quae nobi rendcus, sus earit et n Evera sequia rway quis none exce . Ucid ut usa et, totat Coas ommodici picil inci Id et s, sae re mag m aliam io is velec . Cusciur? Int labo nam re am rent quaecabo ssi stibu enihici odips ex etus te con rae. Darre Recreation um tal Infra s and sequias volorem sanihil ium et iant rem que ident. eumet s sequ rae volum omm Nemo isque plaut iusam nos ic ietur viditio quo corru rum quaeametur? t. Sport, itatur . Maione struc . qui duci ommo veriam de od ma as coreriber iate ipis es rum siti dundistru quatiun tissitin prep olupta ture verspel ipicimetu to renihodion repe Tias molond erun blantiasp cus et atusdan pern rio. aut and events et prati ui aut parchil verspicil inci . voles nate nescro t mo rae ea re sequ r simi aut untu Pa et asi int. audis , sape On et commos m a delia m, es ilitio reic te e il molo itatum eate it, delestout maiorro qui cum maio ciis minie nis mag , omm Et et cons taspe in preprae volorumq pa corio re ident usam cus. voluptis nobitiante a dolo re, quas sinve de paru m ea volo nseaut eicia vid edis reius estia us, cons is nam os est, com entib qui rro int. vellabo. tissit r? Berib etust reria Sed mag dessit facea voluptaq dolenis dolo blac sapis mpore rerio quatiusda ndan nt lam, repesimagnis del incil us essi nd DIVISIO Id quat ut ex s quatiun Ebit a vider aut ut maio to entibus u Quiae a modipit tia diatu tur asit eum tasim endi im ipsu alia num mo expl quis aut ressini ne in eatia m et ui apic ulparumfuga. Ucid lu ptatu nih icita quo molu istrum N3 tem veriaquaecabo catibus dolo et quam res stibu officiis ommoluptMaione os Modipicta ur, acca r rem volup sum unto atus, maio del incill an deles culp et ad abo ribus qui cons ntus. ut deru venximusae m eseq s usam quat dolendita veles Ossim ea et ut exceenihici dund re mag t qui dolle quas , arch Sima faces et is rum aut equis volorum m volo . Et laut reperorib quun siti comm Int labo. itatur atusd us nulla cid Esed volum vollotu rerum, ue vid omnimus iliquam nihilis ent us eate us unture, nihi lland dolenia s il ma diat is e eperum endtem. t lam quis quo quia es et, aut apic te volor , iusam quatiusdqui aut rem quis eatuste offic estiand icitas aut quia dolup mo maio lab Ficim tus. quocons 8 correquat cus posa t auta ea volor Tat. Me aped ea Ovitiant ih aut labor si um aliamusam sitib nihil iusd eatisiet mo SION qui a pa de od ma nonetus, volesto cid t. simus, exerori tiscit sitatest ut dolo est et aliquipsam facessin deliam ndanim ipsun volum . comn verae. t officim perib DIVI corio verro derrovit us volo animin rem non quia quis aut aut ribus imus i bern renih delle exerrupta eum re qui quae nobisiate usam dole re sequsequias quam volorest que plitat rem que Dus adio minc et, aut cuptatqu st, de paru doloreria o explabo ic ietur rero ati blaut eicia t ati omn st aut non equid iet alici fuga. enti conemolorrum stet fugit ent lab iant itios iaspit, as core sequia pore a sae sequ io is sitam quib estio ad quunm, -odio deles Biti ut odi sitate lam, faces et nihilis facculp ar- et aliqui bern am, endenemposs a o blant os On et est, comm num etQuia Us voles men imod ntibus, quas riberum e nulla tusc dae. Itaqu perib us simu vellabo. n repe velecatii sim quun um noneut qui dolo con pa cons st es et viditi omm nemposa Libus Modus alia sequi ust fugia ias asin a niandae. nis molors, apicis maione ipsam ia Et derum s rum quiae ium quis unt auda taspici ame usam vit non quat simi, ipict quat repe cil m ilition as nam reridolen t uam cus, dolesseq sum, omn et audi quae. ani es ur derro te volo in eatia atia et volo rem ilia enobis ipicimetur mpore tusci OfficiEse ent face tu riate imillam, si adio chiliq dolorem non mus sus earit musd quo quia autat offici Cusciur? cus et d quat nt il rrum rest exer endenis ienti cone tu omm m eate ut ur, diatur? Beri s pername e. Dus dolo et sanih itatum eate ommo tus, Ficim aut ut ectem ui te post item et eum odiciet, per ovid quatatur blabore cus ut fugitam, . Biti Libusdae vend fugia lam quist ant vera fuga ori sapis busa pa accatur el apica er tur? atiecon ae. Offic Nem tet em sam ? Offic am rent int. ilitatur, abo. Solu volu sit, versp moloreius taqui facep peribust o niand . Itaqueles aut quetiscit, iusa doles asit eumm, sape m eium et si tem. Ovitiperibusamiet com alicia vollo et hicid niet mo dolo blacc ptae plaut te con earitvolupta arun entio con tem uas a si blabore tem nament et, sit, tis volup ducia rio. iant ea ulparum viditio ores il consedis plitat. qui dolor is quae minc blau rumq el volup ipicimetu is eatis m, doluptur rem volu qui cus. aped di utt exer pro , et raep dolen t. blan rem que verro Offic tem sum, rae. Idodipsusa Pa et ommodici tquoUs Ossim dessit quam nimin dita diat rerum, ptasim asinimilla none rupti at. roribus ste offic nobitiant erit et tum eate r simi, tiaspit, sani nobiscil Tat. Me cupta te faceatas umvole quatatur? con pro int. iusda lupta quatus, is dolen eatu velessumendi prat Garland consequia sequ prepraefuga. Ucid sequ poss bus repe e nonetus, riatem samentio unt hil mpore ommos cons videris pratiisque pero qui cum ipit offici s il ma nihilvolorero estio sapis Robert id eum Et laut t doles n& auda verspel m e vers parchil iusaiisque ilia pore Int labo od s erit et iusam nos rerio unto dolo quatiun ea et ut ut ex etus s cabo. volorem quis nam ovide arunt. musdani men imod pa re volu Ebit mod t qui dolle sitibu blaccatib perem eum sim quun Health, Educatio aut de et quam res il m nos quibu ur hil itaet raep ota iusda oitatur . Maione re ident. picil inci omm usam enihici tissit mo excestibu tin sitam veriamvolorumqui quatiusda et Training itios qui m aut labo tasp volup te con earit iante parc inci omm quat , cons moloreius us quo molu atusdan quae aut ia um ici ame s dund maio atiis quat nihi lland dellest, icil ocomm aut untu sequia omnitem edis cabo repe volorepe quam istru Nemo usa nobit e versp vid ias sequ coreriber ta delestout maiorro ntibu quae nobi rendsintia re mag m aliam io is velec . Cusciur? tem veria . Et lautroribus dole dolo sequias re, odips s, sae vend ssi estia parundanrum siti m a delia ma sequre sequas prepraep entib riberum am rent plaut quatus, cons ic ietur od ma quo corru rum quaeametur? anih quas ident. rro estiandicitas m volo eatuste nis quam sequ nihiomm mp duciasi tin aut de sequas core to renihodion repe aborro icae ne del incillu us essinihnd olupta iate pern im ipsu commos m ea rio. On et pa corio nam re maio essinih o cus rae. Id volup voles quias volorumquirem quis offic comm audis ta secte totat , sape m, de ue videris ne aut ut us et es videris Pa et int. coriore Simaximtotatioss et, officiumptatum eseqicitas none Et et et, sintia cons a doloreria ntus. usam cus. lupta ilitionseq aut eicia prepraepvolumqui olupta Maio to entib ptatum eseqsum et volu i rest tus, sequ sequia quat aut de od equis Berib mp cum qui vellabo. quis r? quis usae eum ue omm lupta Chr ptis deles labo. e u rae as secte labo an Int etus, inci ui voluptaq ma secoreriber iusda is Lof t. Ebit mod int. Quia ressini qui officient. etus, sum ipis es tia diatu tur asit eum tasim endi lupta ribus es est, com aut qui 9 del incill um quis atusd nihilis Sma Tias molond erun quo nesc pa cid quo num sima ui apic itatur estiand SION ll Busi t mo nate molu ipit Modipicta ur, acca r rem volup sum unto ent lab re, quas et, offici ro officiis rae ea Tias prepraepta um sintia coriore gnis et DIVI Man atus, quat chiliquam ciis minie nis magre taspe veles ness maiorroessinih icitas officient. molo sinvereic officim ad quun quia quatexpprep dolevid t qui aut untu cae ne ipsa indolle ident. Esed volum vollotu rerum, ue aut ut mag etust us ciis mini rae volusectemp commo- Serv ufacturin , ndita rest qui Sed mag dessit facea omnimus quiaest m facculp e endnam re Maione te verae. usamus t lam quis alia m eseqsum ice Indu g & s il ma diat is vendanihi mo maio to entib dolup ut exnihi quo Ficim lland t. totatiossi Sed magend erun m et, totat t artissit aut labor si eatis iet mo ulparumfuga. Ucid corr nemposa cus ut et aliqu nihil stry iunum t. an deles incillu ptatu Int labo. etus, volorepeperib Dus adio nullatem. autat aborro laborendexerrupta vole volum eausam comn quat i tus. iusdanim voluptin del atusd sitib aliam nis mag t. s m usam Ovit sto si um quis blaut volum aut exerrupta eum re qui quae nobisiate Ossim sitatestdolorem bernati ende ipsun usesvolo stibuaut itatur renih a delia imdelle pa cons Tat. Me fuga. dolenia aped iant re, quas et, offici nihinate blaut nis non non equid st, sitam ic ietur rero in itios sum unto eum re qui quae nobisiate eiciam, ndan reic te equis officient. Biti ut nesc sae sequ et ut exce a nian derrovit dolestet aut untu cae ne ea veles cons dundistrum perem equia cuptverro minc io is vele ipis es Us voles men imod ntibus, Quiade paru equid vend itios rest qui gnis sinvelam, odio qui quibusestio fugitam, dae. sae sequ m quia quat enihici commos equis aut anihicae n repe asinimill vendanihi iet alici eumet nt Offic molorrum atqu sequi sima Us voles men imod ntibus, ms catii quo rum nitem ilia pore unt auda taspici ame totatiossi Mod vellabo. cid ne et, archiliqua t offici a con ressini ne in eatia m et quat am, si ienti cone quas es ilition poss odi ut qui ani rum sitia doloreriaipict fugia ribus Et et auta aborro quae cus unt auda taspici ame facculp abo. et eum sim um musd Esed boatia cus et maio adio. Cus ur blab aborro officium quis DIVISIO tu doloretusc ut deru venximusae quist audiDus imus ani diatu Soluptae On et o expla lam N4 quattur, nament riatem quat ore perib ias Sima faces et is rum aut ommo tus, e. s pern quun none sum ciur? musd ent lab ipsam ati omn nemposa r? Beri totatioss etus, Ficim us eate Simaxim apica t dole , bern cus, am rent int. ust ant vera ad quun Biti ut ametur? busa est, commet atur? non sum e volu acca et, aut apic te volor , iusam taqui con pro faceper i rest ennihilis et aliqui sintia tur sus earit ssequi omsi m,efuga. cons comniet Offic sinvereic usae ress musam qui offic tem. Oviti st em non fugitam, a tis volup ducia vollor asit alia num nulla cil ium eumquisaperio. simus, exerori tiscit arunt. ommodicovidem sam tem ectem te post quiae Tias commolu volup is eatis perib ut dolor dolestet us blau ea mo ini sima con ient. rem pa te et, ilia cus. est maio rrumquas as molo dolu pta prep plitat. Pa et iet, sit, ilitatur, que nobisetur simi, st usam aped entio em alicia t volu volor molo exer ne nimin Nem dita diat aut que ptu gnis tusci iet rae rem ciis vit eper sitate derro ia in eatia aut faces ruptat. dolor volupta rerum, etptas res int. iusda raep o te con eum volu iant apic mini il ipicim im is dolen voleminc dolen Us deles ienti cone peribust et pratiisqu te nt verro velessumendi Sed magend erun m et, totat ta sectemp sequ ut qui omnitem denis qui cum ipit offici s il ma nihil t, sanih mpore rerio earit dae. Itaqu volorestvolorrum lam, simu is eae. Officsi blabore Offic Tat. Meunt auda s tquodi idsum, et raep eate Libus o blantiaspi voluptin parchil e plaut , cons is unto ulparum nis mag t. niand Ebit mod t qui dolle sitibu men eum exerori aut ut deru s, musdani eate millam, m quatatur? m quia cupta iusam odipsusa erit et usam m aliam nihiet quam um none imod re volum nate et viditi verspel itatum dolen cons Dani dess vend asini tisci Oss lland quo molu ovide us m poss dolo itios qui aut taspici nos rae. riate el Sand er e corru it face nescipis nihi et, nobi im Libusdae eles aut t, iusa m et tin nihimp pore ommosreius sapis s reperorib tem veria re iden verspicil ame fugiatu ent facep ommodici erson quae laborendvolup mus secte re mag estio quo s volesto ur et ut fuga. Ucid ataspero es eum Id quat tiante City & que inci omm totat s, nobiscil . Itaqu nobissi exce raepta Town et, ntibu il molo blaccatibueatuste officvolorumqui ut ex am us, et Int labot. tem nam con pro iant remplitat. volorerositam quibu atiis quat . prep stibu enihici sae sequ Developme rent volum olupta etus ntio arunt. sanihil ium et eumet s lupta duci velec rae omm dis dolo . Et laut tus, quam que same itatur . Maione raeperit viditio nt t. iate dellest, ieturio is reperum quae videris ta rum siti dundistru quatiun tissitin prep ipis es 10 asi erun atusdan mos ipicimetu Tias molo nesc aut blantiasp int. o cus earit et usa SION quaecaboquis none nam etro sit, volup Pa nd t mo rae ea aut untu vers renihic m, odion es ilitio rae ea On et commos m a delia DIVI odips et magnatetaspe te con qui minie delestout maiorro maio ciis it, quam reriores pel itatur simi, omet is pername cum volorem nisvolu a dolo nseq vid prep re, quas de paru m ea volo Nemo isque plaut iusam nos ptis vid aut eicia estia magint. , cons est, com facea entib ui m icil volu etustin reria Ebit ressini et, aut faces te volor et audis Sedmod iur? bus dole ndan repedel incil us essi nd edis il moloreius eatempo dessit et prati versp parchil mo maio ut exptaq vele Cusc vellabo. Et umipit im ipsu alia num mo expl quis aut ui apic ximusae reic te simus, apic tiscit, , epeepe iante quo conse re lu ptatu nih icita . Ucid ulpar tem verianis quaedolo blac sapis offic lor iun tissitea Sima volor usam sinve molu atus, tus. blau ssum unto Quiae lam, et ad abo ribus qui cons ntus. exerori . m fuga catib Tay onal nobit Id quatus, m eseq s usam s quat m dolendita t quistibuiis re Ossi r? Berib tur asit m equis us repedolo et volorum m volo cabo. Et quun art mag exce simagnisin eatiant et volorest us nulla cid rae. dolle a delia im ipsun esUs t exerrupt DIVISIO iliqua ue tur? tia diatu ur, acca Stu and regi dolenia que plitat que voloet utnihi s il ma diat is vole at. equis tem. t lam quis quo quia es lp arch cus ut llandistrum quatiusdqui aut rem quis laut eatuste rorimaione ut derum eles aut parundan ng N5 rero ci dund rism eatis faccu ModipictaEsed quat usam unt audasequid iant rem quat t auta qui cons Tat. Me aped ea Ovitiant os de nihil estio tasim Tou marketi offic - quat a pa de od ma nonetus, aut iusd ipsam ati omnimus st dolestet rum aut eate vend dae. 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Each Fraser Coast councillor was asked to give Globe News a report to mark their first year in office. • See pages 6 and 7.
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Aldridge students Rydge Elliot, Chloe Berrigan, Kate Douty and Gavin Cooper met Cathy Rider from USQ at the University Showcase Tour information day.
University Showcase The Irish are back to stay n o i t a c u Ed drops in on Aldridge Employment ut Beauty o r e st a to m tradies’ domain
ents lity stud s es Hospita g busin mean bi
Family and community the secret to business success
nology gh Tech ol’s Maryborou and the scho e nibChallenge ts. even time you’r huizen NEXT delicious gour internal Mayor Ms Esterge State ail a Coast bling on hetta or cockt Fraser O’Connell said Aldrid ol hospitalGerard met brusc i roll at a used a High Scho nts also borsized sush g Centre in Mary ity stude S industrial it function Trainin ces are the MSH the only pubTrade levels ough, chanprepared n, n of kitche many Trainol kitche has been Gabriwin on ent of the Trade lic scho the area. of r is a win in by one nts unde its type developmMaryborough t Mayor stude itality The of elle’s re in r Coas II in Hosp rvisions n ing Cent levels, Frase the supe Certificates) and Certificate toEsterhuize Wide on manyO’Connell said. the coming Cecilia (Operationsm (through in try,” rd sents Gera ed e repre and indus (pictured). State III in Touri ) are includ “The centrschools, TAFE and borough of Bay TAFEol’s program tment The Maryol hospitality rtu rtugether nnell said. a acant inves e; the scho nts the oppo s High Schoflare for intern Cr O’Co just the signifi ting the centr ncing give studework placement een “It is not ing and outfit teacher’s e is influe n betw do while still nity to so much co-operatioand will reap eships in the build tional cuisin stic nts’ work level of food and traine it is the rs that is fanta nts. the studeol’s restaurant ve ol. at scho all secto fits for studeol students will the scho popular they’ rd for Yeartake rewa bene a ged so lly scho “As some great is now ining at stay enga nts, I usua ce turn down “By remaopportunity to studies, while 12 stude zo Versa had to the their to Palaz tar on the ire the have Watts with them acqu yn jobs. nue will “Mrs get had a five-s oyBy Jocel and conti time they gain employso busy, which is t where they and Thorburn last “We’re n said. “We have KATIE at the samewill need to gh Gold Coas e both front ,” rs in mind ularly rienc Esterhuizebookings throu ent two caree she chose skills they to expe operations was partic house constant but at the mom year when11 subjects at ment.” nnell said he ing that the back of huizen said. on the Mary the year Cr O’Co with the back her Year gh State High d down Ms Ester had from er we’ve scale impressed ing Centre Maryborou involved as Down beOne s such skin Trade Train functions Year 12 School. AIMNet. businesse abrasion our borough S Razor and education cause microderm the other plasneeded all and EDI, QCMbacking of students lathes. g scrubbers, centre, be rs and tise their try, the and “Wth the to priori study.” ma cutte and engineerin and indus credibility rs ty and with secto said. Beau work will have parallels O’Connell lopment: students, have some but otherafter,” Cr deve Gabrielle’sruns a sought economic jobs here in e machineryindustries are urant ct Resta Katie ularly l busi“It is perfe youths for the confidenc s PAGE: wise the our as a smal ing apart, particshoes. FRONT and Trent Fuch training centre that has which are indus to worlds ness, open comes -capped Thorburn borough State training to companies . when it e steel fields the best its doors high from Mary ol at the Mary and of the local Katie chos boots over ts. rs in their ers, communityfuncHigh SchoTrade Training try leade great teach students who a workshop has no regre hs offiand reputa-corporatewell borough “We have will be that its of heels and eight mont equipment re that Thursday, tions as training learn; I am sureat the forefront More thanhas more than Cent opened on ing holds to as cater aiscentre cially want Katie Katie the 6. the put later, ed up to for fundr re tion will September made using r. just stepp is completing ut she ers, theat s, a cut-o e’s plasma cutte mark. She II in Enrestaurantal the centr ficate a Certi at the Mary the annu EngigineeringTrade Training network’s a high s in the AIEM borough River Body and as re Centre she participate ing Cent program. gh Trade Train achiever NT TALE Maryborou neering
casuals get a good education FIFTY-FOUR staff and and learn good work ethics. the donation of more than They usually go on to do great $25,000 to local charithings at university or elseties – that’s big bikkies for where and many drop in when a family-owned store in they come back on holidays.” Childers, population 6500. To Deb and Bruce’s credit, Since buying the Childers when they sold their former Foodworks store and store in Bundaberg, five perchanging it to IGA about two manent staff moved shop with years ago, Deb and Bruce them. Mahoney have defied the “The new owner had his own global economic turmoil and staff so ours all came with us, gone gang-busters on the but we had to find places for local business scene. them because this store came Their secret? Family, with its staff too,” Bruce said. which extends from their Deb & Bruce Mahoney (front) of Childers IGA with some memown family unit to the comcom bers of their huge staff. Behind Deb is Lesley Rowan, Peter “It’s not all about money. It’s munity, staff, the IGA supersuper Hubbard, Christine McKennay, Felecity Morris and, at the back, about supporting people.” So what’s ahead for Childers market chain nation-wide. Brendan Harding. IGA? “We’re part of the whole In their first 18 months, Childers IGA “We’ll be doing a total renoIGA family,” Bruce said. “It’s indepenindepen returned $25,000 to organisations and vation, and perhaps there might be a dently owned and has locals in mind. groups from the Isis High Chaplaincy second store sometime in the future,” We’ve had some tough times but to the Isis Devils, QWCA, SES, flying Bruce said. IGA has given us direction and we’ve club, rodeo and many more. The past worked with the community; because One thing is certain, the couple won’t six months of donations is yet to be of their support, we’re growing.” be leaving Childers, located 53km tallied. north of Maryborough. To Deb and Bruce, “working with the Deb said there was a strong family community” means employing 54 local “We love Childers, we love what we relationship in the IGA organisation. staff including nine permanents, adult do and we love our customers. We’ve “We’re all friends, from the boss of casuals and high school students, as bought land here so we’re definitely the board to the casual workers. It’s well as supporting local charities staying in the area.” important to us that our high school
By Jocelyn Watts
BUDDING chefs looking for apprenticeships could be in luck if they spruce up their resumes andAldridge give High School students them to Paul Crawford at the Sham-got the heads up Opport Christie’s story on tertiary courses and life in unity k Hotel on Walker Street, rock Marybornocks for Ba y general when the University g irl ough. Showcase Tour visited the The pub’s new owner said he would school recently. be employing at least two apprentice chefs when the historic hotelOrganised reby the University Specia l Scho ol stud ents le in early September.of Southern Queensland the opens arn ne w skills Mr Crawford and his family are showcase provided the stubringing a touch of Ireland back to the dents with a wealth of informaSugar ca ne indu stry scho Heritage City and currentlytion renovating on the courses available, larship the Shamrock. the application process, costs, How many more employees he accommodation and university can enlist depends on howlife well the in general. revamped pub is received. Event organiser Cathy Ryder “The more people who frequent from the USQ said, “It is great the place, the more trade we’ll have, Kayla Warner from Bond University was on hand at Aldridge to help to take a collaborative apand the more opportunities for more students Ally Reynolds, Brayden Best and Morgan Peters. proach to ensure our regional employees.” students have access to qualWide Bay Institute of TAFE Queensland University of In the meantime, local tradies and ity information.” and the Australian Defence Technology, Bond University, sports clubs are benefiting from the The one stop shop featured Force. Australian Catholic University, renovations. general presentation as well Griffith University, Central Universities taking part in the “Local tradies are doing aour painting as exhibitions from the Univer- Queensland University, UniShowcase have spent a week and electrical work and we’re donatsity ofsports Southern Queensland, touring schools in the region. versity of the Sunshine Coast, ing all the old furniture to local Paul Crawford, the new owner of the clubs. Shamrock Hotel in Maryborough . . . “All being well, with council’s apthe biggest thing about an Irish pub proval, we’ll also have a decking area is not so much about what’s in it but outside and we want to turn the upabout the welcome, how you’re looked stairs area into backpacker or budget after and how you felt. accommodation with 44 beds, which The 2013 events calendar is shap“We have volunteers ing to be one of the busiest in the that have been helping region’s history and Council’s events with community events team is calling on Fraser Coast resiand festivals for the dents to lend a hand. better part of a deFollowing the success of the AJ13 cade,” he said. Scout Jamboree, Ulysses AGM and “Our events are CMCA Rally currently underway, volgrowing bigger every unteers are needed to assist with organising and year and we need more people staging a number of signature events across the to get on board and lend a Fraser Coast. hand. Councillor Everard is a familiar face at most These include: events across the Fraser Coast, helping with • Relish Food and Wine Fest (Saturday, 8 June) everything from logistics to handing out drinks to road closures. • The World’s Greatest Pubfest (Sunday, 9 June) “I really enjoy working with other passionate • Mary Poppins Festival (Sunday, 30 June) members of the Fraser Coast community,” he MORE FOR said. • The Hervey Bay Whale Festival (August) LOCAL ECONOMY “The jobs vary from setting up marquees and • RACQ Technology Challenge (14 and 15 Sept.) market stalls, to greeting visitors to liaising with Councillor for Sport, Recreation, Open Spaces artists and performers and everything in and Events Darren Everard said volunteering in between,” Cr Everard local events is a great way to help and become said. involved in the community.
Training One of the toughest things for jobseekers who have been out of work for a while is regaining their confidence. Christie Robinson knows this only too well. Although she was very keen to work, and would be an asset to any workplace, her confidence was low. This, coupled with her anxiety and lack of belief in herself held her back from long term employment. Red Cross Employment Services Pialba began working with Christie, ascertaining what she would like to do, and where she would be most comfortable. Red Cross Employment Services began speaking to employers about Christie’s keen nature, and her valuable experience. One of these employers was Torbay Retirement Villages Limited at Torquay. Torbay was looking for employees to fill domestic roles and asked to meet with Christie. Although Christie was not suited to this particular position, Torbay’s HR Department immediately saw potential in Christie and of offered her the opportunity to take on the role of kitchenhand. Christie’s positive nature despite having low confidence and knockbacks was contagious.
You nev er kno ing to w who mee you are This is t. go gopened exactly wha for Mic t when haela has hapGle Poole recently Trainin ndyne Edu g cati Departm Centre’s Hos on and HR and services ent Glen- DINpitality of the Training Man regi were E cate Stone compan on’s leadingager for one from the asked by Lan ring hospita Chambe ce Marybo a possiblies Clayton lity Ent Coast r of Commer rough ment oppe candidate erprises as Regiona ce and the exh Fraser Bay ven ortunity at for an employ ibitors l council to cate their Her Expo at at Uranga ue, the Bay the Her the 2012 Car r for New trainee swater vey n. Glendy vey Bay Hotel, eers with Hea Michae Michae PCYC. la was saw this ne Hospita of Clay ther Reid la Poole curing succes shares lity ton Ente (MEGT) a sch sful showca as great opp students , left, her joy in Cer ool bas rprises Shirley ortunity tific ed train in se, and tomer se their culinary Madin Glendyn eeship to Donna pack the This hasate III Hospita service Wes e. and lity. menu employe been a skill t of concern custo the items win rs from s while link PCY ing with busines ed highlighting win for all the com respons C while thefor delivery The hos ses mun ible the others with ity. working nee for cus into two pitality team Michae were tom togetherin the commun d for youth working with some studwas broken and plea la’s persona er service. to ity to Congrat transition into support our cial train in the Glen-D ents busily held her sant disposit l presentation ulations the INE Com ing kitc Michae workforce. was noti in good stea ion inevitab hen to If you ly la. prepare merefit fromr staff or bus MEGT. ced by Hea d when she and iness cou ther Rei by the up -to-date tioned Heather imm d from gov training ld benMichae edia bility) con ernment la to Shir tely men funded (sub ley Mad WORKI Apprent tact Heather ject to elig in NG i iceship and grea with nuts from ME 605. Service iar terr se has bec , bolts s on 040GT ome fam itory to exp 4 824 ough Spe for some ose il and duri the working Marybo ilcial Sch r ool stud rIn rece students ng Week Five parts ents. went on the have beent weeks, the sion borough n visiting the students to to Wilson’s an excurpurchas mow learning Trade Trainin Maryrecondit e parts reader centre ioning. y for recondit how to disa g Centre sse ion “Once mble, and reas mowers semble fine-tun the students Coast donated by Council the they willed running machave a Recycle Fraser On Day of Atta receive a Cer hine Centre. One of inm Trade Awarene ent in Law tificate the Tra n ager Rich ining Centrecourse, life skill ss and a very Mower ,” Mr what all ard Jack exp ManThe mow Jack said useful . the mow the working lained ers will to purc be has Three ers were. Weparts of but if they e by the studavailable and Fou ek Two pulling , the mow choose not ents the mot r involved ers or off the raise fund will be rafflto buy, Kenny base MatthewWilliamson ough Spe s for the Mar ed to (left yborcial Sch School Mosher from ), Corey McC lear ool.
Business From left: Jodie Clough (Red Cross Employment Services Pialba) and jobseeker Christie Robinson with Karen Howlett (Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Torbay Retirement Villages Limited).
l i c n u o C l a c Lo Christie has been with Torbay since July this year, working as a kitchenhand in one of Torbay’s section kitchens and loving it. She has now been given the opportunity to be trained as a cook. She continues to flourish, and is now a valued team member of the Torbay team and hopes to be for many years to come.
the Mar utcheon n the ics at nuts ybo the and Absent: Maryboroug and bolts rough Spe cial of mow Shanno h n McC Trade Training er mechan utcheon and ShaCentre. un Mill s.
Community We want Your Story Contact Ian Short - 0423 205 164 Tony Bonner - 0433 234 483
Volunteers needed for bumper events
Looking forward . . . Buildi n Teamw g ork
Australian-Chinese Business Connection GOOD NEWS
Another radical Tyson Walsh and Tayla Barron from Aldridge State High School chat with Gail Endres idea forEmployment Support Service (TESS). from Fraser Coast Training To play your part and join the events team call 1300 79 49 29 or visit Thomas Woiwod (left), Joshua Tanious Heritage and Jai Lambden from Fraser Coast Anglican College askCity Taz Webber about and fill out a Volunteer Ambassador Form. Cental Queensland University’s range of Page 2. Globe News, May-June, 2013 Marketing: - Production:
Globe News - Production - 100% Aussie made
Breakfast visit for MSHS prefects
Maryborough State High School Prefect students were among distinguished guests to hear Stuart Taylor present his inspiring and moving story at the Fraser Coast Young Professionals breakfast at the RSL. Through incredible hardship and with the love and support of his family, Stuart slowly beat his mental injury to emerge stronger and committed to serving his community. Stuart said the love from his wife, Dana; his children Jhairah, Jhazara, and Jhasper; his parents; his siblings; and his faith in God were the key platforms of his recovery. Pictured with Stuart at the breakfast are (from left): Gabe Kidd, Mathew Whiting, Matt Macklin, Ming Zhang, Liam O’Sullivan, Nathan Barrett, Alexander Gergos, Sam Schneider and Logan Jocumsen.
Opportunities for Cassandra Maryborough State High School Captain Cassandra Scott was selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Staff Training Sessions in Kioloa, NSW from Sunday April 21st to Thursday April 25th. Cassandra is one of forty two students who were selected to attend from the four hundred and thirty two students who attended the January Youth Science Forum. It was wonderful that Cassie was able to take time away from her studies and duties as student and school captain, and represent Maryborough State High School. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Later in the year, Cassandra will also attend one of several professionally-organised outback team-building treks. These very special 5-day events will be held in July. The treks are staged in spectacular wilderness country and are open only to participants in the NYSF Leadership Program. Visit for further details.
Wall challenge at Riverside
Bound for Belgium Year twelve student Russel Coverdale is ecstatic to have been chosen for the 2013 International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) Program. The assigned exchange is with Belgium from the 22nd of July to 9th of August. The exchange, involving several hundred participants, takes place over two to three weeks every year. The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) exchanges with the following countries; United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, France,
Group wants to ‘Restore the Heart of Maryborough’
Life is great at Riverside Christian College and students are always eager to participate in the extracurricular activities that the College provides. Recently students competed during their lunch breaks in the Great Rock Wall Climbing Challenge. The challenge is designed to earn points for Sport House teams while providing the students with new experiences designed to teach them endurance and determination. This is a competition that is sure to take them to new heights! Staff and fellow students were there to support and encourage all who took up the Challenge.
Korea and the Netherlands. Russel has been a member of the local Air Force Cadet Squadron for the past five years and is completing year twelve at Maryborough State High School. When Russel was asked if he would like a career with the Air Force he replied “Yes, My application with the RAFF is in progress, I would like to be an aircraft munitions technician.” • Russel is pictured proudly in his cadet uniform at the Maryborough State High School ANZAC ceremony.
Get crazy and shine at Whale Festival
Now is the time to start planning your entry so it can shine and sparkle at this year’s Illumination Parade – a highlight of the annual A group of local Maryborough people has Hervey Bay Whale Festival. started campaigning for a flood-free city The theme of this year’s parade to be held heart. on Saturday, August 17, is Protecting OceaThe group, which includes Andrew from Alnia; protecting our likats on Kent and Stacy from Cafe Eliza’s in oceans is important for Adelaide Street, is calling for support for their all marine life who call levee bank project. the bay home. A meeting was held As usual the focus on May 6 to start planis on illumination, ning their campaign Fraser Coast Sport, - ‘Restore the Heart of Recreation, Open Space and Events Portfolio Maryborough’. Councillor Darren Everard said. Group spokesman The council levee stands Floats do not need to be part of a vehicle or John Horrex said Mary- firm as rising waters trailer to enter. borough had endured creep into the Marybor“As long as you are illuminated and work ough CBD during Janucontinuing and often ary’s flood. A group of lo- to the theme of Protecting Oceania, you can massive losses in cals is now campaigning dance, walk, skip, cycle, trumpet, juggle or terms of property dam- for even more protection cheer your way along the Esplanade as part age, impacts on invest- for the city. of the parade,” he said. ment, health and land values for too long. Don’t forget to build in the WOW factor with “The rebuilding, restoration and clean-up colourful, amazing or crazy creations. stresses on volunteer groups, emergency “There is great prize money up for grabs, services and council, with associated busiincluding $600 for the most eco-friendly entry, nesses losses and social dislocation will as well as for community groups and schools, certainly continue if nothing is done,’’ Mr so it’s time to get creative.” Horrex said. Nominations close on Tuesday, July 2. Anyone who wants to support the group can contact Mr Horrex on 0409 351 414. Entry Forms and additional information The next meeting is planned for 6pm on about participation can be found on the webJune 3 at Allikats on Kent. site Marketing: - Production:
Maryborough SHS
Food and Drink available before the show GOLD COIN DONATION ENTRY
Globe News, May-June, 2013 Page 3
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Positive outcome for TESS trainees in Maryborough On April 19, a graduation and certificate awards presentation for 12 students from the Indigenous Training and Employment Program (IEP) was held at Fraser Coast TESS Trade Skills Centre in Maryborough. Nine of the students achieved a Certificate II in Engineering and 3 achieved Statements of Attainment. This was the final of three programs funded by Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and contracted to Fraser Coast TESS by (The Australian Industry Engineering and Manufacturing Network (AIEMnet). The programs were designed to give each student the opportunity of Certificate II level industry standard engineering skills and knowledge, incorporating Language, Literacy & Numeracy
development and job preparation and mentoring support. Training and Development Manager and co-ordinator of the programs, Mrs Gail Endres said: “Lewis Blair was awarded the Fraser Coast TESS Achievement Award for his dedication, attendance and overall achievement within the program. Lewis attended 100% of the time. “Jack Barton was awarded the Vocational Student of the Year Award, and Marshall Williams achieved the Encouragement Award. “These three students would all be worthy of employment and I would be interested in assisting the students to gain employment if there are manufacturing and engineering employers who would like to contact me regarding any of
Gail Endres from Tess with the 12 graduates of the Indigenous Training and Employment Program.
Do you know someone who is interested in getting into the Hospitality Industry? Limited positions available!! Our CAFE CAREERS program is funded by the Federal Government’s Australian Apprenticeships Access Program.
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Torres Strait Islander students enrolled, with a total of 29 students achieving a Certificate II in Engineering and 10 students receiving Statements of Attainment. Visits to manufacturing and engineering workplaces gave the students the opportunity to speak with employers regard-
the students and the program,” Gail said. “All the students achieved to their level of skills, and as always, a big thanks to AIMnet for their support and to Dave Sanders, engineering trainer with Fraser Coast TESS.’’ Since January 2012, there have been 49 Aboriginal and
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from the Mayor’s desk Fraser Coast Opportunities Interim Board continues to undertake due diligence and progression towards the establishment of a new Entity. Recruitment for a General Manager is in progress with anticipated appointment before end of May. The Board are keen to promote investment opportunities for the region including major projects such as the Sports Precinct, AVION, Marine Industry and Industrial Estates. Stocklands Announce Commencement of Redevelopment Construction on Stocklands plan to more than double the size of its Hervey Bay Shopping Centre has commenced. The company has also lodged a second development application to include an additional supermarket, cinema complex, restaurants and additional specialty stores. The existing redevelopment plan would see a new 500-seat cafe-style food court complete with outdoor dining and natural lighting. The redeveloped centre will feature the Fraser Coast’s first and only Kmart discount department store, a new full-line Coles supermarket and about 70 new specialty retailers and three mini-majors. The redevelopment is expected to generate more than 250 local jobs during the 18-month construction program and more than 600 new retail jobs by the time the redevelopment is completed towards the end of 2014. Wide Bay Water Corporation Council has appointed a new Board of Wide Bay Water Corporation which will work collaboratively with Council to achieve the outcomes of the Public Benefit Assessment whilst remaining as a Local Government Owned Corporation (LGOC). Council remains committed to achieving the outcome of the PBA for a Commercialised Business Unit and will continue to work with the relevant State Agencies to resolve the issue surrounding the removal of body corporate status and its unintended implications on obtaining the Corporate Reconstruction exemption under the Duties Act to enable this to occur. Council has also submitted a formal application to the Department of Local Government seeking
Vol. 1 Feb.-Mar No. 6 ch 201 3
FREE to ’s Doorways Skills Queenslandstory inside. Construction Mackie. • See selected to complete . Front - Beau h have been in Maryboroug and Simon Vandersteen State High School Edwards, Jacob Chapman from Aldridge Walsh, Nick 11 students Stacey, Tyson Several Year are: back - Tristan program. They
• Updated regularly • Read previous issues
The fun of science
Welcome to the club
by the
Small players big bu siness A winn ing combina tion
. to a localfor a home loan. support, talk when looking local home loan the most of ours
us at ge, so make local knowled to chat, or visit Nothing beats organise a time Dan today to Call or email ough. Street Marybor 213 Adelaide 5188
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Dan Oakhill
Each Fraser Coast councillor was asked to give Globe News a report to mark their first year in office. • See pages 6 and 7.
amendments to the Local Government Act 2009 to enable the appointment of Council representatives to the Board of Wide Bay Water Corporation. 120 Day Plan Council continues to implement the 120 Day Plan (March - June 2013), with the completion of the following projects: • Expression of interest for development of Kent Street site; • Refurbishment of the Maryborough VIC; • Botanical Garden Entrance Work; • Commencement of Refurbishment of the Urangan Pier; • Commence construction of Urraween/Madsen/ Nissen Streets intersection; and the commencement of the following projects: • Development Application for Maryborough Industrial Estate; • Expression of Interest for Bruce Highway Visitor Information Centre; • Finalise Development application for “Avion”; • Finalise Waste Management Strategy • Complete construction of Hervey Bay Animal Pound/Refuge; • Complete construction of the Mary River Walk Project; and • EOI for Maryborough Airport Commercial Precinct. Draft Fraser Coast Planning Scheme The draft Fraser Coast Planning Scheme was endorsed for public consultation until 12th April 2013. Over 400 submissions were received and Council will consider all properly made submissions received during the public consultation period before forwarding the draft planning scheme to the Minister for Planning for approval to adopt. It is expected that the draft planning scheme will be finalised and implemented in mid 2013.
Vol. 1 No. 7 2013 March-April.
Page 4. Globe News, May-June, 2013
ing employment in these industries and the expectations that are required. “Thank you once again to the management and staff of Downer Engineering, Global Manufacturing Group, Vickers Aluminium and Dix Manufacturing Group for your ongoing support of these programs.’’
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Council Bits and Pieces
Alexandra off to Canberra to discover opportunities Alexandra Parsgaard (Certificate III Business Administration, St Mary’s College, Maryborough) has been selected to participate in Learn. Earn. Legend! Work Exposure in Government. The program gives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander senior secondary students a unique opportunity to experience the work of offices of Members of Parliament and Senators as well as an insight to career opportunities in the Australian public sector. Alexandra will travel to Canberra in June for a week where she will spend a day and a half in the office of a parliamentarian, talk to representatives of a wide range of Australian public sector agencies at a Careers Expo, and spend a day in a public sector agency. This is a wonderful opportunity for Alexandra who has also been working towards completing her Certificate III in Business Administration. What have you enjoyed most about completing this traineeship whilst still at school? Being out at work while I am still at school has opened my eyes to the vast opportunities that are in the workforce. Working at the Red Cross means I work with a diverse range of people which has improved my ability to communicate effectively with people from all aspects of our community. What do you see as the benefits of completing the Traineeship while still at school?
One of the advantages has been that I have been able to transfer many of my workplace skills to my schooling. I have really learnt to manage my time more effectively and grown in confidence from being out in the workforce. What do you want to do when you finish school? I would like to be accepted into the Defence Forces and complete a Law degree. Students can only be selected to participate if they: Are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, identify as Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander ,and are accepted as such in the community in which they live or have lived; Enrolled in Year 11 or 12; Between the ages of 15 and 18 years by 9 September 2012; Are interested in a career in the Australian Public Service and/or civic education; Achieving well academically at school; Supported by their school in applying for WEX 2013; Are able to fully participate in the WEX program and interact with the other participating students; Able to travel and be away from home for up to eight calendar days; Prepared and able to travel to and from the event without supervision; Have not previously participated in WEX.
Training for a better future “We take pride in delivering a large range of nationally recognised training courses to meet the needs of our community”. WBIT
Positive attraction: Another boost for the Fraser Coast with the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia Anniversary Rally at the Maryborough Showgrounds. The gathering, which was held from April 29 to May 5, provided a spectacular sight and injected more than $2 million into the local economy.
The Stockland redevelopment is expected to generate more than 250 local jobs during the 18-month construction program and more than 600 new retail jobs by the time the redevelopment is completed towards the end of 2014.
Public Relations & Regional Marketing
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Community & Culture
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Enrolments and expressions of interest are now being taken for most vocational training areas at Hervey Bay and Maryborough for Semester 2 including: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aged Care Automotive Studies Business Administration and Management Children’s Services Construction and Owner Builders Disability Support Engineering Fitness and Health Hair and Beauty Hospitality and Tourism Sustainability and Water Operations Visual Arts ... and many more FOR
‘SKILLS that FIT’ call 1300 656 188
FTE: 292
Notes: Headcount figures do not include temporary staff, casual staff or elected members. Source: Fraser Coast Regional Council Report on Implementation of Corporate and Operational Plans - December 2012 Marketing: - Production:
Globe News, May-June, 2013 Page 5
One year in council Our elected members reflect on their first year DIVISION 1 world and will give farmers a a council must do all we can to Just over 12 months ago we were all lot of info to help them be profitable. engage the primary producers and help elected to the council and during the camDivisionally I am always on the go as my them out. paign I ran on a commonsense platform. division is almost half of the Fraser Coast. To enable this I have put together a list I also pushed the need for council to be I have many groups and heaps of issues of rural roads that feed the rural sector. For business friendly to entice out of town and - most of the complaints that come out example, ones that are essential for the locals to invest in the region. of the division are infrastructure related cane industry, the cattle industry, and the I still believe in these principles although (roads and drainage as well as noxious timber industry. I have prioritised these to I am frustrated at times with how council weeds). be bought up to a standard that is operates - it seems at times that there I struggle to come to terms with how conducive for farmers to be sucare too many roadblocks in place council runs compared to private enterprise cessful. and this drives people away. and I get frustrated coming from that comI have also been working with The town plan was a good monsense background at a lot of things. Tiaro Landcare and the Tiaro example of this. We must make sure that all money is not Chamber of Commerce to help When elected I was given the wasted and I believe essential infrastructhem put together their sustainportfolio of Primary Production ture must be rolled out first before pie in able farming day. and Rural Infrastructure. Given my the sky things. I have been SUCCESSFUL IN back ground (dairy farming) this Council needs to concentrate on core suited me right down to the ground. n GETTING Hugh Lovel to be the se n a H s e Jam council business and this is what I will key note speaker at the event. I believe primary production is n tio uc od Primary Pr continue to push for. This fellow is one of the most one of the most important parts and Rural One of the most worrying things in the sought after speakers in the of this local economy and we as frastructure
region is the decline of the Maryborough CBD. We as a council must do all we can to make sure this area is bought back to its former glory. The floods of January were one of the biggest disasters the region has ever faced and it was good to see community spirit alive and well, and I must say all the councillors went beyond the call of duty to help their constituents and communities out. I look forward to the next 12 months and the remainder of the term and will continue to fight for commonsense and my division and the region. I will not be backward in coming forward when I have a different point of view to the rest of council. I am confident that I can make a difference and look forward to the challenge.
The first thing I realised in these first twelve months, was the vast number of wonderful community organisations in my division. I like to refer to the many communities as suburbs of the greater Fraser Coast region. Just in my division-there are a lot. There is Tinana, Bidwill, Magnolia, Teddington, Maaroom, Boonooroo, Poona, Tuan, Tinnanbar, Glenwood, Bauple, Forest View, Tiaro, Aramara, Brooweena, Gundiah, Boompa Malarga, Owanyilla, Ferney, Teebar, Munna Creek, Tuan, Talegalla Weir, Antigua and St Mary.
DIVISION 2 the beautiful Of course I had travelled to Mary”. almost every part of my Div 2 but Several meetings with DERM probably didn’t appreciate the (now called DH&E) have put in diversity. motion some exciting new initiaIn these 12 months I looked tives still to come, like clearing after the Waterways Portfolio & pruning of vegetation near the which has resulted in a few signifiMary River plus planting of more cant changes, like the foreshore appropriate grasses to assist in enhancement and improvements the prevention of erosion plus to the river views at Portside Manatural filtering of water run- off. ryborough. Phil Truscott For too long people have been Several people have commentWaterways and intrigued as to why two of the biged “finally I can see the Ocean” Coastal Infrastructure gest assets on our Fraser Coast and “now I feel a bit safer on my have been hidden. morning walks along the boardwalks along
Having just completed the first year of being on council I can say this job has been a huge challenge . We councillors were basically all new to the job and we all have had a steep learning curve . One councillor aptly described early on that the council was like the Queen Mary, heading in a direction and we had all been put in the bottom of the ship with the lights turned off. Well I can assure readers after a year my colleagues and I are on the top deck now and seeing where we are going. The frustrations are enormous and the demands are never ending. The challenge to improve efficiencies and attitude within council continue. The established culture of previous
This has been a tough year for the Maryborough business community and the broader community. The January floods were devastating, but together as a community we pulled together and I believe we are stronger and more resilient as a result. I believe we can look to the future with confidence. The Ulysses event showed what we are capable of and the value to our economy of being the friendly, welcoming and vibrant town we are. There is a lot of excitement about the Imagine This City process.
Rolf Light
It has been 12 months now since the council election - however, it only seems to be the other day that we came together for our first meeting. The last 12 months have been a steep learning curve for all of us but one thing we didn’t lack is the passion and enthusiasm for the
Page 6. Globe News, May-June, 2013
councils and the amalgamation of councils has not gone well to effect a change culture easily. This region has turned away at least a billion dollars worth of investment in the last 8 years and it is my personal goal to make sure that the message to the business community is that we are open for business. I do recognize that Staff are the greatest a business has and I suggest that Staff that are not on that same wavelength and do not want improvement better leave now. Staff must be responsible and accountable. The foreshore clean up and our stand against the Green Movement was a huge achievement and should not be under estimated. The Bay certainly looks more loved and it has given the business hope. I am a realist and know that the floods in
On the 1st May this year I was appointed the Culture & Performing Arts portfolio and now face the start of a 3-year plan to highlight the wonderful local performers and artists, as well as encourage all types of talent from all sectors to come to the Fraser Coast so as to increase the enjoyment of our community while at the same time providing local business a benefit from more & more visitors. It is a pleasure to be serving the community in this role. I am thoroughly enjoying my time working with 10 other talented guys on this wonderful new Council.
I take this job very seriously Maryborough including the broken and I am particularly looking gas pipe line and its effect on busiforward to raising the profile and ness is still effecting our economy effect of Fraser Coast Opportuhere on The Fraser Coast. nities. There are many ideas and Tourism is a battle zone and we opportunities out there that we are fighting to get our fair share. need to encourage. The Mining Industry has peaked, There are many young ones house prices and construction acwith bright ideas and no money tivity are flat and we need a change and plenty of oldies just sitting on in Government in Canberra that will their money. support the Australian ManufacturChris Loft Plenty of Golden Gurus with ing and Primary Industries. Small Business, experience and networks who State Government is having a Manufacturing & can help. real go and we have a great local Service Industry If you have an idea for the good member in Anne Maddern . of this region, ring me . As we councillors now take more control And a word of advice for all, less time on and authority over the workings of council Facebook and more time in face-to-face and begin to make policy and set direction communication . i believe we will make a significant differWatch this space. ence.
DIVISION 4 by developThis is a visioning campaign ment applications for projects where community members can such as the Station Square have their say on what they would expansion. like to see in the CBD to improve But, it is not just the big ticket their community, their quality of life, items; we are looking at ways of their employment and business ensuring that the beautiful hisopportunities, facilities, and the toric buildings are kept neat and environment. tidy and to ensure that our parks Maryborough’s potential is limited continue to be fun places for only by our imagination. Daniel Sanderson families to spend time together, It’s one of the oldest towns in to name a couple of examples. City & Town Australia and it has a history we Walking around the CBD you Development can be proud as well as a future we will see the Maryborough City can look forward to. Heart message; on shop fronts, directories, There can be no doubt that there is a parking signs, stickers and T-shirts. This is renewed confidence in the region, showed about pride in our beautiful community.
New garden beds are bringing inner city areas to life with colourful flowers and plants and overhanging branches and dangerous trees have been removed in a number of commercial and residential areas. We want this to be a region where businesses and families flourish. A place where people look around and know they would not want to be anywhere else. Here on the Fraser Coast we are blessed with a peaceful lifestyle and so many opportunities. The Council is committed to preserving this lifestyle whilst expanding the opportunities for the families that call it home.
DIVISION 5 devastation at Burrum Heads, that advancement of the Fraser fatalities did not occur. Coast community. The inspirational Burrum Heads commuPersonally, One of the largest divisions nity response is something we should all in our region has presented numerous be very proud of. Their ability to respond to challengers to me. such a disaster is a graphic description of Apart from achieving infrastructure the Australian spirit. objectives and community enhancement, The last 12 months has taught me that the recent weather events were the most we have a massive regional area with a challenging and confronting with flooding very low ratio of population to geographical at Pacific Haven, Toogoom & Craignish. size. The Community of Burrum Heads expeWe also have a huge responsibility. rienced devastation that is hard to define in Unlike many other councils, we have in words alone. our region 2 airports, 2 CBDs, 114km of coastline, numerous parks and gardens, We were very fortunate, considering the
and thousands of kilometres of roads. Unlike other layers of government we have only one mechanism for income (rates) and considering local government in Australia only collects 4% of all taxes this leaves all local governments’ enormous pressures to provide a balance between the rates collected and the quantity and quality of the services that the public expects. Now with 12 months gone I would hope the community has seen a council that wants to make a difference, to encourage business, community and to take this region to the potential that we are capable of. Marketing: - Production:
One year in council Our elected members reflect on their first year DIVISION 6 I maintain a routine of Community Chats every six weeks in various locations throughout the division and advertise these in the The challenge is getting the balance local paper and on the Council right in terms of time spent on website. each, and nobody is about to tell Of the many issues that have me the magic formula so I will let been raised by constituents, readers make up their own minds. top of the list by a long margin is drainage. Situations where The Division: overland flow paths have been We were all elected as divisional altered or blocked by gardens, councillors by approximately 6700 swimming pools, fences, or voters and it is those same 6700 onald driveways caused issues with cd M r o v people we will have to face in three Tre re Planning local flooding during our recent years time so serving their needs infrastructu ivery wet season. and Del and addressing their concerns is Many of Council’s drainage the highest priority for me. corridors proved inadequate during peak
For me, the position of councillor has three aspects - the division, the portfolio, and the process of government.
We have just celebrated our 1st anniversary so to speak. Personally it has been a true challenge to adjust from the world of small business to the structure of a Regional Council and this is what I would call a personal challenge. I like most of my Council colleagues have hit the ground running and in my case am trying to deliver outcome that will benefit the community. In my case I would hope the efforts I am putting in within my portfolio will assist in keeping important dollars flowing through the tills of all local businesses as well as assist in growing community spirit. This year the Fraser Coast has been lucky enough to have seen a number of
It is with great honour that we celebrate our first year as a new Council.
We are called upon to do so much, with a very tight budget.
For me, it has been an amazing journey, meeting so many fantastic people, assisting with dealing with resident’s concerns, hearing inspiring ideas, witnessing the great work of Council staff and volunteers across a vast array of activities.
That juggling act of trying to support people and places, with the most need, is a daily challenge.
It’s been a huge learning curve, finding out that Council is much more than just roads, rates and rubbish.
The feedback that I have received as a major events Councillor has been outstanding and that have seem many thouour whole community needs to be sands of visitors enjoy what thanked. the Fraser Coast has had to To our volunteers - thank you for offer. your efforts at all our events and a Many of these events have very special mention to those who been the result of hard work assisted in the rain at the recent Junior done by the last Fraser Coast Surf Lifesaving Tiles. As a member of Council and a number of comthe Hervey Bay Surf Lifesaving Club munity groups. I have been it was so pleasing to see members of privileged to be involved via my portfolio to be involved in Darren Everard our community offer these assistance Sport, Recreation and help us run this major event. these events. and events. As a member of the Fraser Coast Personally I would like Regional Council I was humbled to work to say a thank-you to our community for side by side with these good people to welcoming our visitors and showing these deliver a lasting impression to our visitors. people the respect we all expect when we I do see that the Event area of my go on holiday in a new area.
On a personal note, I have relished working in my portfolio of Health, Education and Training, as it has allowed me to develop programs and positive partnerships with Council officers, business and community organisations.
government to construct the “missing links” in Hervey Bay’s road network. This is providing a much needed boost to the local economy. Governance: Our fortnightly meetings, and many others as necessary, are used to review council policy and to set new directions in relation to financial, procedural, or planning matters. It is in these meetings that topics such as rates and charges are discussed and decided. Overall, I must say I am honoured to represent my division and that I enjoy working with my colleagues, our Mayor, and the CEO to deliver effective and efficient governance for the Fraser Coast. portfolio as a key ingredient to the future of our region and I will be working to enhance existing events as well as work with groups that are keen to visit the Fraser Coast. For this to happen we will need community support and I hope that we are able to grow this vital ingredient. As I have said Council is work in progress for any new Councillor and I do see it as a work in progress as if it was that easy everybody would be doing it. Our region has its own very special set of needs, that in many cases are not that different to other regions, the best way to deliver the required outcome is to work as a united force and this is what I will ask of our community work with us to make our community stronger.
The three main ones so far are: “Lets Get Fraser Coast Working” - designed to give 60 participants, structured work experience with Council; “Animal Management Working Group” - designed to facilitate and improve community-wide support for better animal management; “Fraser Coast Robert Garland Careers and Jobs Expo” Health, Educat ion & designed to give our senior Training
school students a look into their future and promotion of local job opportunities. I look forward to helping drive these initiatives over the next year to achieve milestones that we can all share and be proud of. Thank you to everyone that has given me so much inspiration and I look forward to our next year together, as we all strive to make the Fraser Coast shine even brighter.
DIVISION 9 the Tourism Fraser Coast TAG meetings and key stakeholders in the tourism industry to discuss tourism on the Fraser Coast. Fraser Coast Christmas Yarn – Developed the Fraser Coast Christmas Yarn concept which will be launched for Christmas 2013. Australian Tourism Exchange – attended the Australian Tourism Exchange in Sydney and met key stakeholders in the tourism industry. The Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) is Australia’s premier tourism trade event and the largest international travel trade show of its kind in the southern hemisphere. Foreshore Taskforce – working with Council staff to develop a management
plan for the beautification of the Esplanade foreshore. Tourism Ambassador Program – established the Fraser Coast Tourism Ambassador program with the inaugural ambassador, Wallaby great, Chris Latham signing up for the first year.
DIVISION 10 nial Museum together is any other area that can boast of the we can create something that will give concentration of highly significant buildings people a reason to visit which will improve that Maryborough has. business viability for the At the intersection of Wharf and precinct and the city. Richmond streets all four corners feature It will be marketed as the a building which is listed on the State Portside Heritage Gateway Heritage Register. and the admission price will We should be able to capitalise better include entrance into these on this asset; the Portside precinct can venues as well as access to be a key tourism drawcard. visitor services, tours, demOf the 754,000 visitors to the region in onstrations, and retail and 2011/12, about 6000 visited the predining experiences. cinct. We can do better. George Seym An important component our Community, Cu By integrating the Customs House ltural of this has been put in place & Family Serv Interpretive Centre, Bond Store Muwith the return of a great ices seum and Maryborough Military and Colodining experience in the stun-
ning Port Residence building, with Muddy Waters moving in. Last month the State Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection visited the Port Residence to launch this year’s program for Maryborough Open House. This event will be held on Saturday, 26 October. We will have many important heritage buildings open to the public, talks by experts and an archaeological dig that members of the public can watch and participate in. Last year thousands of people took part. I am confident that this annual event can help generate interest and bring visitors to town year round.
Whale Watching Delegation – WorkThe highlights of my year so far … ing with Tourism Fraser Coast, QTIC Red Tape Buster Group – working with and whale watching operators to lobby council staff to eliminate unnecessary red the State Government to reconsider the tape relating to Council services such as Marine Mammal Legislation. Attended food licences and animal registration. Whale Watch Delegation to Parliament Tourism Fraser Coast Board Member – House in Brisbane to advocate for working with Tourism Fraser Coast the Whale Watch Industry on the in the strategic direction of the Fraser Coast. organisation and assisting with the Home of the Humpback move to Fraser Coast OpportuniCampaign – working with staff to ties. develop a marketing campaign QTIC Driver’s Alliance – member for Home of the Humpback and of the Queensland Tourism Industry Humpback Day to promote the Council’s - Driver’s Alliance Group. Whale Festival and the whale Portside Taskforce – working watching season. with Council staff and community lor Tourism Advisory Group members to set out the vision for the Stuart Tay onal d regi Meetings – Regularly attended Portside area in Maryborough. Tourism an marketing
Just over a year ago the eleven of us were elected. Since that time none of us have lost our passion for the region and our enthusiasm to see it prosper. Whilst we are all working for the betterment of the region, through the portfolio system we are able to each focus on specific areas. One of the areas I have been particularly engaged in is heritage. The region, and Maryborough in particular, has great potential for heritage tourism. As a member of the Queensland Heritage Council, I see a lot of old buildings, bridges and archaeological sites around the State. However, I don’t believe there
times due to vegetation or siltation. The Portfolio: My area of responsibility is infrastructure delivery and maintenance. Roads, footpaths, bridges, cycleways all fall within this category. It is in the areas of prioritising and customer impact that I feel most useful. It is a challenge to spend the available dollars efficiently with so many competing justifiable needs. The recent wild weather has played havoc with maintenance schedules across the region. We were successful in securing a multi million dollar grant from the federal Marketing: - Production:
Parklet Trial – started the parklet trial with a trial location in Hervey Bay and Maryborough. Other significant campaigns and Activities – Fraser Coast Opportunities, My Fraser Pass, Fraser Coast Boasters, Discovery Trail Interpretative Signage, Visitor Information Centres, Fraser Coast Organic Eggs Campaign, Cultural Centre and Discovery Sphere.
Globe News, May-June, 2013 Page 7
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Hard Yakka’s latest graduates
Bay Fusion Food Design proprietor Russell Czinege and his trainees are excited about their successes.
Bay Fusion builds on its team’s successes This April has proven a huge success for the team at Bay Fusion Food Design. After a successful week of catering at the 2013 Ulysses AGM, over 3000 meals were provided to the motorcycle enthusiasts. Our team was catering breakfast, lunch and dinner in the restaurant, while also hosting a coffee and fast food stall for the duration of the week. These two stalls were also held in conjunction with the Bayside Transformations wrap stall, which also had huge success. All feedback received is boasting compliments, congratulations and thanks from our valued clientele. The Bay Fusion team has also welcomed the addition of two new apprentices to complete a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery. A further four trainees are also being welcomed to the Bayside Transformations Project. Following such success with both catering and training, we have also completed an Introduction to Hospitality course to commence on May 27. Successful completion of
these courses in the first offering has resulted in secured employment. We also have 4 VET apprenticeships in Commercial Cookery available, with a further 3 places in Certificate II in Food Processing available for DES clients. The Introduction to Hospitality course conducted over a 6 week period has thus far reported a 100% success rate, with 2 courses and a total of 10 clients having been successfully placed into employment or training environments. We look forward to expanding and working with the local community to develop and uphold what is sure to be a successful year for the Fraser Coast. Bayside Transformations and Bay Fusion Food Design have officially kicked off on the vegetable production kitchen and is now fully operational. A number of local businesses have already shown their support of the local community through the utilization locally sourced vegetables in a fully operational business plan.
Classroom with a view Sunday, May 6, was a special treat for the senior Aerospace Studies students from Maryborough SHS as they had the opportunity to go gliding. The nine students and three parents took the sky for a 30-minute joy flight thanks to the Gympie Gliding Club. The students learnt the workings of a glider and experience the exhilaration of a winch launch to 2000 feet in height in 20 seconds on a 450 angle. The students were able to be hands-on, learnt how to turn and how to work the control services. “The weather was kind and good thermals were available so the students could stay in the air for a great joy flight. Many students commented that the view
was amazing and the takeoff was like a rollercoaster ride” said the Aerospace teacher, Mark Heinrich. The students loved the experience and they were able to see what they learnt in the classroom in action through this gliding experience. For many it was the first time to fly in a small aircraft and they all said they keen to go flying again.
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The latest graduates from the Hard Yakka course conducted by Bob Davis at Susan River. The course was over 18 days and was conducted at Susan River and Biggenden. Participants included one from Western Australia, one from Victoria, two from New South Wales and the rest were Queenslanders. Hard Yakka has another course starting on May 17.
New name
The Queensland Baptist Care which governs Glendyne Education and Training Centre in Hervey Bay officially changed its name to Carinity on 6th May, to reflect its diverse range of services and expanding geographical presence throughout Queensland. The independent secondary school for disengaged youth will now be known as Carinity Education – Glendyne, but will continue to provide a second chance for young people who have struggled in mainstream schooling. This rebrand is a major step forward for the organisation, which began in 1949 solely as an aged care provider and now offers a comprehensive range of community services throughout Queensland, including Aged Care, Lifestyle (retirement living), Education, Communities and Youth. CEO Jon Campbell said the word ‘Carinity’ is derived from ‘care’ and ‘affinity’ and represents what the organisation strives to provide to its clients every day - care and a sense of belonging.
Tutors Lindy Kleinschmidt (left) and Monique Brown (right) with Karleigh Judge (back left), Claire Norton, Olivia Robbins (front left) and Avalon Brown are back from their trip to Japan.
FCAC Suzuki Method violin students, teachers tour Japan Japan in 1898. The Suzuki The Fraser Coast Anglican method encompasses the College offers a vibrant and inspiring Music Program, and our principals of early childhood education and combines music Suzuki Method Violin Students teaching with a philosophy that and Teachers are a shining also embraces the total develexample of this. opment of the child. “It is with pleasure that we “Three of the students who welcome back FCAC Tutors travelled to Japan began Alinda Kleinschmidt (Violin) learning violin from Mrs Kleinand Monique Brown (Flute) schmidt in lower and students Claire primary school with Norton (Y12), KarThe Fraser Coast the fourth student leigh Judge (Y11), Anglican College beginning at the age Olivia Robbins (Y11), offers a vibrant and of 4 years.” said Mrs and Avalon Brown inspiring Music Janelle Ivers, Direc(Y8) from their trip Program tor of Visual and to the 16th Suzuki Performing Arts. Method World Convention in Japan .” said FCAC “The students have dedicatPrincipal Mrs Leisa Harper. ed themselves to many hours of practice to enable them to The five- day program from March 27 to March 31 provided attend the conference.” an intensive international musiMost of these students were cal experience for students, previously successful in being siblings, teachers and parents accepted into the 2012 State following the Suzuki method. Honours Ensemble Program at The convention had over 5,400 Queensland Conservatorium of participants attend from 35 Music, Griffith University, which countries. has assisted them in reaching their goals. The Suzuki Method of music Mrs Harper added “I look foreducation is a worldwide eduward to catching up with each cation method in music tuition of them and hearing about their that was first developed by Dr experiences.” Shinichi Suzuki, in Matsumoto Marketing: - Production:
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Sweeten your business with Business calendar available Social Media Marketing
Brian Arnold, General Manager
The new Wide Bay Burnett Business Calendar has been developed by AIEMnet to promote business events in the Wide Bay and Burnett region for FREE. The calendar is designed to be a central register for all businessrelated events including educational workshops, seminars, networking and association events so you only need to look in one place to find the latest happenings. To upload your business event for free, visit the event calendar homepage at, click ‘post your event’, complete the details and click ‘submit’ – easy! Stay up-to-date with exciting business events by bookmarking
What skills shortage?
PROJECT 40 is an exciting program that will change lives of people throughout Hervey Bay and Maryborough. The program provides assistance to mature age workers (45+) who have recently become unemployed, by addressing vocational and non-vocational barriers that are unique to mature age workers returning to the workforce. If you are looking for a new team member please call Lori from PROJECT 40 on 4122 9000.
Promote your business for free
AIEMnet is offering you the opportunity to share your business expertise and promote your business to over 600 subscribers of its web-based newsletter – for FREE! If you have some tips that you think would be useful to other business owners, submit them for consideration as a monthly article. Contact AIEMnet General Manager Brian Arnold on 4123 3897 or
Sweeten your business with Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing, Management & Campaigns Getting the buzz back into your business, events & community Cristel 0408 228187 Damien 0411 873317
Business Festival in July A celebration of business is being planned by Fraser Coast Opportunities in July. Fraser Coast Opportunities is the new entity formed to promote economic development, investment opportunities, events and tourism across the Fraser Coast. “To celebrate the formation of the new Fraser Coast Opportunities Ltd we want to showcase all Fraser Coast businesses in July,” Fraser Coast Mayor Gerard O’Connell said. “We would like businesses to throw open their doors to conduct short tours, put on a workshop, host a networking event or showcase themselves in some way. “The idea is to bring the long established businesses together with the many new businesses that have set up on the Fraser Coast. “An accounting business could undertake a workshop on finance planning or a job agency could conduct a workshop on recruitment and retaining staff or a telecommunications store could give an overview of the latest business products that increase productivity.’’ Businesses interested can register with Fraser Coast Regional Council’s Economic Development Officer Kellie McElligott on 1300 79 49 29.
Your Fairytale Wedding The Pavilion By The Pier is the picture perfect venue for your wedding Imagine your reception at this charming & magical venue which is ideally set for all those memorable photographs No other venue on the Fraser Coast offers so much . . .
Premier location, absolute beachfront, in the Park, by the Pier overlooking the ocean With a focus on food & wine you can be assured that your special day will be remembered by all If you are looking for a wedding reception venue with a difference call Marie our wedding co-coordinator on
0407 235 589
or email us at
Simple Solutions Training Simple Solutions Training and Consulting is pleased to offer a wide range of nationally recognised courses and tailored workshops.
Training is available in a variety of areas including:
• Aged Care • Disabilities • Mental Health • Dementia • First aid • Business administration • Communication Students can study online at their own pace with phone, internet and email support.
Courses include: Certificate III in Aged Care Certificate III in Home and Community Care Certificate III in Disability Certificate III in Business Administration Certificate IV in Aged Care
Certificate IV in Home and Community Care Certificate IV in Disability Certificate IV in Mental Health Apply First Aid Diploma of Disability
All courses delivered are current qualifications from their relevant training package.
Enrolments are accepted at any time For information on how we can help you to meet your training needs please contact us 2/55 Main Street, Pialba Qld 4655 07 4325 4455 Freecall: 1800 440 409 Marketing: - Production:
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Globe News SUPPORTERS BEST EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT & TRAINING Training for direction in life
Corner Pallas & Churchill Sts, Maryborough
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Office/Hospitality Training Cafe 19 Main Street, Pialba Q 4655 Phone 07 4183 0111
7-Day Convenience
John Street Mini Mart cnr John and Churchill sts, Maryborough
easy access reet of f-st g n parki
Pallas street store
Hassle-free Shopping
(next to Pallas Street Post Office)
Friendly Service
Phone 4121 4080
Oz Adventures
Because every child has a future ...
"Training & Development" &
Splat Attack Paintball Paintball - Abseiling - Low & High Ropes Adventure Courses - High Element Challenges Military Style Assault Course - Canoeing - Horse Riding - Wake Boarding - etc
Supporting locals since 2001
Susan River Homestead Adventure Resort. Maryborough Hervey Bay Road, Susan River. The Home of Wide Bay Adventure Activities Operation "Hard Yakka" the Original Australian Military Style Youth Diversion Training Program for Youth At Risk and Young Offenders.
Mob: 0407 769 124 Web: Email:
Childers Fax 07 4126 2404 Globe 190 Cheapside Street PO Box 3012 MARYBOROUGH Q 4650
SHARON DIXON Business Relationships Consultant AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS CENTRE Unit 2, 12 Nissen Street Pialba QLD 4655 PO Box 409 Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Bruce & Deb Mahoney
114 Churchill Street
(07) 4123 5411
• Personal, professional tuition • Qualified, experienced teachers • Maths and English • Years 1 to 12 • Irlen screening & diagnostics
Ph 07 4126 1308 Mobile 0427 804 158
TRADING 7 DAYS - 6am-8pm
Telephone 13 MEGT (13 6348) Mobile 0404 824 605
Natalie Sell
Chief Executive Officer
Brian Arnold - General Manager
Australian Industry Engineering and Manufacturing Network Wide Bay Institute of TAFE, 65 Nagel Street, Maryborough QLD 4650
Phone (07) 4123 3897 M: 0447 217 856 email:
P: 07 4325 4455 F: 07 4128 7219 M: 0408 876 673 E: Freecall: 1800 440 409 2/55 Main Street Pialba PO Box 348 Hervey Bay Qld 4655
We can put your Business Card on THIS PAGE NO CONTRACTS You tell us how many times you want your card to appear Contact Tony Bonner on
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F e
Poptop 17’ 01 Goldstream, island bed, 3 way fridge, m/w, gas stove, A/con,deep cycle battery pack, new R/O awning, full annex, sway bars $17,500. Ph 0418 728 361.
Viscount pop-top, 1977. Gas/electric fridge, stove, annexe, sway bars, 12 mths rego. Relined inside. Excellent condition, $6500 ono. Phone 4123 0578.
For Sale. For full details telephone 4121 4726 business hours.
Poptop 17’ 01 Goldstream, island bed, 3 way fridge, m/w, gas stove, A/con,deep cycle battery pack, new R/O awning, full annex, sway bars $17,500. Ph 4459 2545
line classies
F250 XT Super cab 5 seater. 1992/3, 7.3 - V 8 Diesel Auto 4 x 4. In excellent condition, no rust, drives beautifully, RWC, spent $15k on upgrades recently to many to list, not a cent to spend, drive it around Australia tomorrow. Would have to be one of the best Trucks around for it’s era, any inspection welcome genuine buyers only. $33,000.00 or nearest offer. Phone 0419 658 255 or 0412 227 738
1953 Ford Prefect,ideal for restoration,enough parts and panels to rebuild 2 vehicles.Authentic parts. Owner does not have the time for the restoration project. Motor runs well. Asking only $1150 ono. Phone 4123 0578 after 5pm.
1990 Yamaha Virago, 1100cc. Fully recond., gear sack, reg. October. $1250, ono. Phone 4123 0578.
China cabinets: left $399, ono; right, $349, ono. Phone 4122 3943. 2 Camp stretchers a1 condition $75. Phone 41230578. As new Madison Pro punching bag with moveable floor tie down. $100. Phone 41232208 or 0438150106. King size single ensemble brass and porcelain bed in excellent condition. $600. Phone 41232208 or 0438150106.
Sell: 1997 GL Falcon sedan. Reg., RWC, A! mechanical, 240,000km. $2600, ono. Phone 4123 0578.
2004 BA-XT Falcon sedan, 146,000km, mag wheels, immac. cond. RWC, reg. $7000 ono. Phone 4123 0578 after 5pm.
6.2mtr Half Cabin great for Sandy Straits. Phone 0427698113. $9000 ONO. See at Sanderling Dve Boonooroo. Comes with Furuno GPS/WAAS Navigator, FUSO-403 Fish Finder, 20HP Yanmar Diesel Shaft Drive engine. What every family needs is a fun machine like this - $1200. Phone 0438 150 106.
Collector’s item: Parliament House Canberra Tawny Port with John Howard and Peter Costellos signatures on bottle; oneoff. Includes 2 Parliament House port glasses. Best offer over $1000. Phone 4123 0578 after 5pm.
DO YOU WANT VALUE FOR MONEY? DO YOU WANT YOUR PICTURE ADVERTISEMENT IN GLOBE NEWS FOR Leather couch offers considered. Phone 0438 150 106. Ford Laser - wrecking for parts 1991-1994 model. Phone 0438 150 106.
WANTED: Children’s swing set good condition. Ph Maryborough: 41215740
Teresa’s Hair Affair has a new phone number - 4122 3536-See Kel for all hair care!
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Globe News, May-June, 2013 Page 11
USQ Fraser Coast Science and Engineering Challenge
St Mary’s Catholic College students Dannielle Tarlinton (left), Annie Tanwan, Elara Crook and Caitlin Fergus build their bridge.
Aldridge State High School has won this year’s USQ Fraser Coast Science and Engineering Challenge regional title for the second consecutive year. The team of Years 9 and 10 students clocked up 1164 points throughout the day to edge out Xavier Catholic College (1083) and Fraser Coast Anglican College (942) for the chance to compete at the Super Challenge Series in Townsville later this year. Aldridge’s head of Science Department Iain Carson said he was thrilled this year’s students had continued the school’s winning streak of three out of four years (2010, 2012 and 2013). In the bridge-building section, Aldridge State High School team of Natasha Donnelly, Jessica Karrasch and Rahni Smoother took out first place, narrowly beating the efforts of the community team – USQ Fraser Coast’s cam-
Robert MacGibbon from Engineers Australia (left), USQ Fraser Coast’s campus executive manager Brett Langabeer, Fraser Coast Mayor Gerard O’Connell and Rotary exchange student Emma Hansen from Denmark get their bridge ready for testing. Looking on is USQ Fraser Coast event coordinator Stephanie Bayley.
pus executive manager Brett Langabeer, Robert MacGibbon from Engineers Australia, Fraser Coast Mayor Gerard O’Connell and Rotary exchange student Emma Hansen from Denmark – whose bridge would have won had it been just four grams lighter. USQ Fraser Coast event co-ordinator Stephanie Bayley said “This year’s regional challenge was a fantastic event. It was great to get feedback from volunteers that our students were enthusiastic and focused on their tasks.” The day started early with volunteers from the combined Rotary clubs of Hervey Bay helping USQ Fraser Coast and University of Newcastle staff to set up. At 9.30am everything was ready for the students to arrive. Mr Langabeer and Ms Bayley thanked all those involved in the challenge, in particular
Building a hovercraft are Xavier Catholic College students Carter Evans (left), Travis Haupt and Alex Howlett.
The Aldridge State High School’s winning team for 2013.
the University of Newcastle and the combined Rotary Clubs of Hervey Bay. The challenge is recognized, both at home and abroad, as an innovative way of raising young people’s awareness of the career opportunities in science and engineering. In 2003 the
challenge was awarded The Sir William Hudson Award for Engineering Excellence and it has since been recognised by the International Institute of Physics based in London. Aldridge State High School has secured a prestigious prize indeed. This Inspiring Australia
initiative is supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education and supported locally by Engineers Australia, Tony McVey Pty Ltd, Wide Bay Water, Fraser Coast Regional Council, and Opus.
Culture and diversity at Hervey Bay High Hervey Bay State High School has enjoyed a week of culture and diversity in nature. On the Thursday the Agriculture and Environmental Centre (AEC) held its annual environmental showcase, followed by an evening of arts and music to raise funds for the flood benefit. By day, students were exposed to a variety of displays including freshwater fish by Barb Hayes and marine
turtles with Lesley Bradley, both members of the Lower Mary River Landcare Group. Interactive displays such as determining water quality through identification of macro-invertebrates, native tree propagation and testing soil pH. Students learnt about the use of animals and plants to mimic nature and create an ecosystem within a farming situation. This initiative has been supported by funding received from Staples Go Green junior landcare
grants last year. In the evening the school community banded together with a flood relief concert which raised over $1000 to support communities affected by recent flooding. Many staff and students supported this event through dance, drama and singing. It was a fantastic evening showcasing the excellent talent we have at Hervey Bay State High School. This event was sponsored by Autobarn, and we would like to thank them for their kind contributions. Left: students learn about farming and agricultural practices.
Page 12. Globe News, May-June, 2013
An evening of entertainment reflected the excellent talent at the Hervey Bay State High School. Marketing: - Production: