1 minute read
All words and photos by Peter Steyn, except where otherwise indicated. A very special thank you to our awesome contributors in this issue. Without you, Globerovers Magazine just wouldn’t be the same!
Janet-Lynn Vorster, Cape Town, South Africa (page 68)
Janet is a numerologist by profession, and journalist, editor and photographer by hobby. She is the proud mother of three grown children and granny to three grandchildren. Janet is the Southern African editor for Globerovers Magazine.
Marion Halliday, Adelaide, South Australia (page 118)
Marion is “Red Nomad OZ”, author, blogger and Aussie traveller who loves discovering naturebased attractions and activities – and scenic loos – all over Australia. Her Aussie travel blog and published book “Aussie Loos with Views” provide inspiration for other Aussie explorers.
Yrene Dee, Lumby, BC, Canada (Page 136)
Yrene is the founder of BackcountryCanadaTravel.com. She was born in Switzerland, lived and worked on different continents and travelled the world before she settled in Canada. She is an entrepreneur, wilderness nut, and animal lover who prefers off-the-beaten-track places.
Claire Bennett, Kathmandu, Nepal (page 142)
Claire lives and works in Kathmandu, Nepal, and freelances as a trainer and consultant. She is passionate about global education, ethical travel and ensuring good intentions are put to good use. She is co-author of Learning Service: The Essential Guide to Volunteering Abroad.
Matt Long, Washington DC, USA (Page 148)
Matt is an experiential luxury traveller who shares his adventures with thousands of readers every day through his award winning site LandLopers.com. He has been to more than 95 countries and all 7 continents and is also the host of the weekly Explore the World Travel Podcast.
Linda Ballou, Los Angeles, CA, USA (page 152)
Adventure travel writer, Linda has published a collection of travel essays, including Wai-nani, A Voice From Old Hawai’i, The Cowgirl Jumped Over The Moon, Lost Angel Walkabout, and her latest book: Lost Angel Walkabout-One Traveler’s Tales. www.LindaBallouAuthor.com
Mike and Anne Howard, USA (page 154)
Mike & Ann Howard at HoneyTrek.com are the authors of their couples’ adventure travel book, “Ultimate Journeys for Two”. Known as the world’s longest honeymooners—seven years and counting—they are constantly travelling and exploring the world.
Travel Ethics Panel (page 94)
Thank you to the travel bloggers and ethics experts on our Travel Ethics Panel who were brave enough to truly speak their minds. Marion Halliday (Australia), Claire Bennett (Nepal), Matt Long (USA), Lauren Yakiwchuk (Canada), and Christine Dutaut (UK).