Rover Scout Organisation and Training 1956

Page 1




oF \l `、

'rhis rcvised Plan of Rovcr scout organisation and Γrah1ing is issucd by order of tbc ComΠ littee of the

CouncⅡ of the Boy scouts Association。

It supcrsedes

ny provisions of

‘ ‘ PoⅡ cy, Organisation and Rules"

loonsistcnt with it。

and repla∝ s thc former“ PIan for








jection of the Group has always had a stormy career。 of the making of Rover Plans there has been no end; som。 been tried and failed; somo of them have never rea11y been tried at a11。 of course, the




‘ 午、\飞



E:δ u"L | 百

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・cTss。 ^CC。





尽over Trainhg:General


The T△ hhg ofa Rov。 l sq“ rc


The Tra血 ng ofa Rover s∞ ut

。 ¨

… ・ …




have hitherto worked along the same lines, have begun to take divergent roads according to their national characteristics and their vocations, or should I just say丿 @3s? This new Plan is a sincere attempt to cater【 or the needs of at least a large proportion of young men。

I hope Rovers wiⅡ give it their 1oyal

support,abide by the】 RuIes and do their1evel best

to make Rovering not onIy a factory for the production of the scout spirit,but a powerhouse from which scouting in aⅡ its branches wi11draw


“ 耐 Cd m h岁 2?f“ “ cy or留 耐 m“ on 】 II:岔 Ⅰ ∶ 揣谷

real strength。



Y。 F k肛NING f△ 、、 啷 wocIATION l


飞 蛸\




The Rcvised Rovcr scout organisation


” I】

trouble is that, at 17 or so, young felIows, who






〖l孓 ∮甘e恝

INTRODUCⅡ oN J诚 r志 e∶ :猥 %涮

1cast17ycars ofagc On adΠ 1ission,and∶ nust not haVe attaincd

his22nd birthday.



、£ Ⅱ 锶

Rover scout and a Fnember ofthe Cre、 v until his24th birthday. on attaining the age of24, he、 vⅡ l cease to be a Rover and must leave the Crcw。 Existing Rovers Who are of the agc of 24or oVer on1st ApriI,1956wil】 cease to bc1Rover scouts on

have been authorised by the CoΠ wnittee ofthc CouncⅡ . This pamphlet scts out thcse changcs in dctaⅡ ,for the information :丨

::c1嬲 lJ:Fi:∴ ∶:)黥



⒈ 挠


uphasised that thc Chicf scout and thc Con1n1ittcc of thc Council are not asking for comI△ ents or suggestions,but hopc `t淆 and expectthat the changcs、 vill be loya11y acccpted and carIicd

A Rover squIre bccomes a Rover scout

by investiture aRer a probationary period,and may remain a

that date, P。 0.R。


is c【



situation which has Icd to thcsc 。hanges had bccl1

buⅡ ding up for some years,and it was bccoΠ 1ing increash1gl亠

apparent that a dirercnt approach to Rover scout Trah1ing was nccdcd,ifthc scc"on wc1・ c to bc in a position to carry out “ its avowcd purposc. In t11e lattcr part of 1954 a Rovc! Advisory Panel,” composed of expcricnced scoutcI、 w"h }



:咒 少 甙




∵ 浪 皆 拈 由1⒏

This Pancl considered the who1e question of Rovcr trtlinil1g and activities in detan, and in ⒈泼ay, 1955 madc t1 scrics oI

`&l∶ recoΠ Ⅱηendations, which have been incorporatcd "1 dlc

g which

:℃ vised system of Crew organisation and Rovcr trt1inhη is cxplained below,

3.-ˉ It

should be noted that the changes which havc bccn

authorised do not alter or af1ect the Purposc of Rovcr scouting,wh忆 h remains as statcd in P.0。 R。 254; nor its Λil11、 which is stnl,as it al、 vays has been,that of providing the Ii!ltll

stagc of the faΠ 1ily of the scout Group。 In making "lc changcs,care has been takcn to cnsurc that they are1n accold ‘ 、 vith the principles stated by the FOundcr in ‘ Rovc1・ il1g to ’ Success,’ and to include the lnethods of putting his idcals and theories into practice、 vhich he hi1nself advocated.





}:|∶ ||!{∶:∶

AprⅡ ,1956considcrablc nulnbers of older mcn、 vⅡ have to leavc thc Rover section,but rnany of thelm、 vill desire


ovement; and to continuc their1uembcrship of the scoutˇ Ι

thc Movcment itself wou1d sufcr greatly werc they to lcave it /ho attain thc Provision must also be lnadc for those Rovcrs、 冫

age of24subscquent to1st ApriI, 1956。 categories of‘

—— over23s” ∶

There are three lη ain {

(a) Those who already ho1d warranted or non-cxccutivc1・ ank,

be mcmbers ofthe MoYeˉ 1ncnt, 、 vith thc privilege of、 vearing scout uniform and and who accordingly wⅡ l

stⅡ l


badges. (b) Those who arc already giving servicc to thc Movement h1 some capacity which,whi1st it carries membership of thc

MoVement, givcs no right to

、 vcar sCout uniform or


(c) Those、 ″ho arc not serVing thc b,ovcmenti【 1any capacity, othcr than a§ Rover scouts.

_It`but%ir to昏 vc

tho屺 in catcgor⒗ s(b)and Ⅱ)thc opportunity of scrving in somc capacity、 vhich,whⅡ e it carries with it the privⅡ ege of wcaring uniform and badgcs, is i!l IoreoVcr、 kecping with their own particu1ar chˉ cumstances 1、 亻 6.。

’ 、 ocia1aspect ofthe former‘ ‘service stage’ in Rover scouting, and of the col1ective servicc which was onc of its attributcs。 At thc samc time, there can be no qucsσ on of forΠ 1ing a

&氓 I勰 撖 丨 髑 ∶∶ 飘 榭 ii{∶ ii;;∶ :∶

5.-— On1st

it is dcsirab1eto n1ake provision for thc continuation of thc


Rover Age Lim∶ ts

’ t,



`vi11be amcndcd accordingly.

‘Over 23s’ ’ The ‘ (i.e。 those who have reaChed their 24th

・ 】Ⅱ

nfth secti。

n ofthe Movement.

7.— —Itis hoped thatsomc ofthose who are not already scouters

may consider the possibⅡ ity of applying for Warrants。 particular,there k a rcal nccd for more R.s.Ls.and A。


R.s.Ls., Jh'P●



酚 l槲槲

in his own Group。 Exccptionally,aI)〉 istrict Crcw may acccpt candidates of Rovcr agc、 vho arc I1ot:ncnlbcrs of any Group

:i槲 丨 硼嶷

h1he District(P.0.R.198and256will be amendcd)。 11._CroerJ,C'?l‘ 否. It is hopcd that whcrcver possible a Crcw wⅡ l be formed in every Group。 The rulcs for its「 ormation

appointmcnts authoriscd by P.0.R,155to include:-—


△1addmion t。

〃 岌 哩 艹

the e;I【

(P.0.R.255)are unchangcd. It is however recognoc-that in

many instances the formation of a Crew is virtuall, an impossibⅡ ity. AccordingIy it has bcen decided that if1here is no Crcw,it is perΠ 1issiblc for a scnior scout or Boy sGOut

∶ isting ones.

札 廿

in thc Group,who is of1Rover scout age,to be inVcsted as a Rover in the Group, and to carry out his training with thc Distrkt Crcw. If therc is no Dotr忆 t Crew,hc may pursue his training under the supervision of his G。 s.M。 ,but in such

instances the D,C。 rnust ensure that thc training is adequate

for its purpose.

When a Rover is invested in accordancc with

these provisions, the ceremony should be performed by the

铒r琊 ‰ 猁骰谶拊狲嘻鞯 羰摧

G.s。 M。

Patro】 s have been re-introduced as a unit for organisation and train∶ ng, particularly in E)istrict Crcws, whcre a Patrol rnight weⅡ consist entirely of the members of 12.-ˉ Pα rro/s。

one Group Crew.

A Patrolshould consist offourto six Rovcr

scouts, led by a Rover 卜Ⅰate, appointed as laid down in P,0。 R。 260, Training courses for Rover ⒈ 压atcs arc conˉ templated.




【】 [NG:

J1L】 I、 i「


凡 e Trah1iⅡ g VIethod 13.-— It

Crew OrgaⅡ 芯aⅡ oⅡ Crc″ s。 Itis desirable that a Crew should cons0t


10.~D加 r沱 r

cannot be too strongly emphasised that thc prhnary

task of the Rover section of the scout 卜Ιovement is that of Training. The Rover section has the duty of continuing the progressive training given to Cubs,scouts,and scnior scouts in a:nanner suited to the Rover age-group,and along the lines laid down by B-P。 , namcly development of character, intel-

hgence,heahh,strength,and skⅡ 卜of-hand。 (see‘ ‘ Explanation ’ ’ of scouting’ 14.-ˉ The

in“ scouting for Boys’


probationary training of a Rover squire has becn

rctained to prepare hhn「 or his investiture,and to ensure that he has attained certain standards of scoutcraft(and, in the case of a neWcomer to the ⒈江ovement, as some test of llis tcnacity of pu£pose). This probationary pcriod should never /o″


Π丨丨 bG unduly protracted。 For a squire coming up from the Troop or scnior Troop,with the necessary technica1qualincati。 ns,it should bc as short as possible. Only excepJonaⅡ y should it 黯


s、 棚

c℃ e骢


:l刂 |ilE营

l;c找 ℃搬


15.-ˉ A

ROvcr’ s training shou1d not be huroed,it is rathcr a

process of steady and continuous development。

Bctween 1山


certain amount of training, evcn in the Forccs; and eVcry attempt WⅡ l be made to extcnd Rover scouting in servicc Units-— but even so, a Rover should ahn at comp1eting his

three to four years should prove adequate in most instances。 National service provides, in many cases, an interruption to this training-— though itis noHmaⅡ y possib1c to carry on With a

“ The B.-P。 Award.” Tho award,whkh is t° the Rover 忒 只 玉%∶ 沿瑟 絮邕尘P。 啐l∶麟 投 泔 af舐 咒 怨 :F:T炭 汪 c扌 茹 导 彳 1:sd菁 喘者t霄 觜r槲 ::∶







training by his23rd birthday。 This wⅡ l give hhn a further ycarin the crew to deode on h恣 futurc job of servicc, 16.-ˉ There

arc three aspects of the training of a Rovcr, of

cquaI importance in his development,namely,training in the Promise and Law(with part⒗ ular refeⅡ ncc to his Duty to God); practica1training; and coⅡ cctive training. Practical training has been divided into four stages、

vhich rnay be tacklcd

Preparat:oⅡ for hvesti扯 e: spirE“ a1 TraiⅡ hg

撇 茚 抻嘏讳擀苄磋讳堪

j1褓 T照 :H毖 袋瑟⒊ 骰 、 当1裂 摁⒊孟 褓扌 o涮 酗on∞ 呜曲 皙 期丧‰:⒒ f饣:骂宿 庄 &土岁 靴型


requircェ nents,1△ any


of which are new,arc set out beIow,


Badges,stars and曲 eB。 -P。 Award 17.-ˉ The

龊 薮 槲蛐 撤i魏獠

successfu1Comp1etion of each ofthe four stages of a

Rover’ s practical training`∽ 氵 liⅡ

These are as fo1lows∶ _

s∞ utcraft∶

be marked by a badge or star

A skpointed star worn on thc Icft epaulettc,

above thc RambIer’ s Badge,if held, Expeditions∶ The Rambler’ s Badge,wOrn on theleR epaulettc. )1iect∶ Pr‘ ∶

The Pr苟 ect Badgc,wOm on the oght epaulctte (This badge is identical in design to the oId

“Progress servIce∶


A sixˉ pointed


it replaces).

star wOrn on the oght epaulette,


above the Pr苟 ect Badge,if hcld。



:絮滥 温 黯腽 挠 F嘿

扭搬苫 擀獭釜 搬 群 黼磊




- -L

搬 $嘏 滥 溅 髑 搬 萏

pass thc Tenderfoot test, and may thcn makc the scout Prornlsc and wcar unIform and badgcs。 24.-ˉ Unless

he is already a First Class scout,a squire must satisfy his sponsors that hc has sumcient scouting knowledge

to train a boy of scout age in the second C9lass tests,and must atta1n a competent standard in the “Pioneer1ng’ ’ and “ ’ ExpIoring’ requircmcnts of thc First Class tests。 He is not expectcd actuaⅡ y to train a boy in the second Class tcsts, 25.— —He


A squire should bc encouraged to take part in the nOII1Ial Crew progΓ aΠ uη es during his probationary period to give hi△ insight into the ways of Rover scouting。


PⅡ u□ Ⅱse aⅡ d 27.-ˉ A



Co:1OctIve Tminimg


抚诂、 w∷号 f1ξ 甘 f髑


must also read and study‘ ‘Thc Wolf Cub Hand-

scouting for Boys`’ Look Wide’ and‘ ROvcring ’ to success,’ and be able to take part inteⅡ igently in a discussion on scouting,br∶ nging in qucstions of Group,District and County orga趾 sation as well as1nore domestic topics。 book'’

u勰 稞 黥




ss。 — A Rover who d。 es not hold a Warrant must fulm the following req“ remen‘ 卜一

⑶ 咒宀找 盂锆 y岛 f留 秣弼楹 1糕 挠

厶 j∶ 屮 窒 剐脂 蔓 擗节 七腆抻烈拦 b黯∞ ∶;描 泳 t滏

(b) He must be competent to instruct and eXamine a se"or

i狲 拙 狒 蛘




particularly ai1ncd at developing the forthright practicc of his Duty to God. He is,in coΠ Ⅱnon With all scojrrs,expcctcd to be a rnember of some religious denoΠ 1ination and to attend His R。 s.L,is expccted to keep an eye on a Rover’ s

;∶ |}∶

甲涩℃ :础

:::∶ l:£

Ifthe Rovcr hi1msclf desires it,the assistancc of the

Group Chaplain or a卜 1inister

of】ReⅡ gion

shou1d be sought

h any cases of real difnculty.

{∶ }l{:1∶



tructor or examincr ∶ Ⅰ ∶ li;!y act as an血

Practica1TmⅢ 吧 ~Ex卩dt0ns

spiritual development and to ofFcr advice if thjs is cIearly indicated。



Rover scout’ s training in the ProΠ 1ise and Law is

its services.


ll∶ {;丨{|∶

准 汪 .f觏

乇 £ :、 塬拈 J锶 q‰ ∶ ⒊ 掇Ta:∶


Rover scout is expected to bc governed by his Pron1ioe of Duty to God,aⅡ d he is required at all times to set a high personalexample to Cubs,scouts and senior scouts, and to do a1lin his powerto rnakc the scout Law a living force 28.-ˉ The life of犭

both in his own1ife and in their’


29.-ˉ During his tirne as a Rover he shouId endeavour to under-

stand and fo11ow the bcⅡ cfs of his rehgious dcn° Ⅱ1ina:ion,and to practisc thenn in his daⅡ

y lⅡ o.

30.--In many instances a Rover may nnd it。 f real value to ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ProΠ 1ise and Law’ course attend a “Duty to God’ or 螈 h9

踹摁‰ o臻 ;槲媾 媾 盥

Brothcr ROvers of other nationahties,”

Thc possibⅡ ity of planniI1g cxpcditions in other countrics shou】 da1ways be kcpt In1n1nd

F憔 吲龆岩 燃tF 擀鞔 糨秽搔 袋 {圹

37.-The RambIcrs Badge wⅡ l bc awarded to a Rovcr who has fu1nⅡ cd the undcrmentioned requirements∶



HC must bc con1petent to instruot and to exan1inc a scnlor scout 1n thc requlrcments of onc of thc undcrmcnt1oned sen1or scout badges∶


Clirnber,⒈ Iiker,Map λ 亻akcr,Path⒔ ndcr,PⅡ ot. ('rh。 ugh hC need not necessarⅡ y act as an instructor(、


cxamincr) and Iη ust be qual9ned in Fi1・ st Aid to atlcast thc standard

ofthe Ambulance Badgc. (b) He must have cOmplctcd as a membcr ofateam of Rovcr、

箔 胶秽条 脶茅 荪琪弼苕 拙胛#

a four day journey organiscd by hirnself and approved by his R。 s。 I¨ ,

and D,C, as of sumciendy high standIlrd

ThcjouH1ey may bc byland or water,at home°


but it1nust present a dc£ nite test of endufance as weⅡ as bc ca1culated to bring out thc quaⅡ ties of self-rcⅡ ancc, initiative,deternlination and leadership. He Inust subn1i1

⒈ `

a log of the cxpedition to his R。 conclusion Pract】 ca1Tr血 血


L, and Crew at its

g~P叫 e吣

嚣Ι【牦 摺 :鬯了 :;蒜 莒t窍 :茹 :嘿 els羊 h:屯 叩 T11rli∶ § u切 Cct of Ⅱs pr丬 ect for himsc⒒ Therc is no rcstriction on “s ch⒍ cc ofsu丬 ects(with加 reason),but it should prcfcmbIy bc something which bcars no dircct rc1ation to his1Ⅱ eans of Iivel山 ∞ d,and

with which he has formcrly had Ⅱttle to do∶ oΓ wh忆 hhco a1ready welI vesed,with

aIternati、 /ely a su1冫 jectin

the intcntion of bis reaching a considerably highcr standard o「 ach抬 vcment in it.The su叻 ect chosen for a Rovcr’ s Pr丬 ect

shouId bc fonnaⅡ y approved by thc R,s,L and Crcw a、 suitablc and worthwhⅡ 39.-— Thc


ROver is expectcd to plan his own approach to tbc

滏 窝 扌f哏



丨 :|⒒ 喂 期

胪 拈

%旺 t忿 盱 l导 r%r献 t,Ⅷ

must kccp a rccord of his activiJes.

At Ieast threc times

duHng the period hc1nust report progrcss to thc R,s.L。 and Crew,producing his record,suppo“ ed by any modcIs,charts,

瑙熟潲辙 瓒磷甜言 wear the appropriate star.

狲 罕嬲 鞲 举脚 盅眦

r纟 ″ t∶


T飞 贯监


、戒£:亵 揽 搬$1扌潸 h£ l挠 瞿撬扭 l1棣

lVor1d AⅢ a:rs

碟擀擀鞲槲挞蝶暇嵌 :

Training rnay be described as a series of Crcw “ programmes,’ ’arranged by thc R,s.L.and Crcw CouncⅡ for

拄 :畏 ‰ ∮Ι 11:∶ J1吕 步 hlr耦 气i抚 弓 甘 ∷ j:背 m盯 甓 丨 :气l:菡 P省 油 袈::il∷ 怼 叮I茹 ‰ T氓裱JT 桧忒 勰 ;滥 抿 酣:强 搬以 砦淝 糯 罗 may be termed“ /刂

1丨 I虽

Econon1ic and Po⒒ tical Geography. Interna1ional Agreements for sccurity,Trade and



Fore∶ gn

Languages,Correspondcnce and Travel。 World Tmde。 systcms of Govcrnment。

CoIIcctivc Trahimg 47.— —Collcctive


Lir. Con1munications by sea,Land and丿 令




cultural su凵 ects.”


锶蕊 fmf陬 品 罗 ⒏雾T£:油{∫:窝扌 %i 帛 冤 沂 茁 琵 饣 Ⅱue which can only be carriOd out in thc l:出


the typc of prograΠ

comfort ofthc Crew Dcn,and、 〃hich

it is difncuh t。

c。 rrckltc

J求 腿 圪 F苔 丨 羽:J:∶ 刂 J盱 thr犒 莒 民 +∶ l谓 1:i昆 ‖ 摁 呷F罚 出 %沸 ‰ 品品J帚 孔甘 菇茌J莒 涨sl梦 塬‰涨r⒒ hI} 1♀

懈 挽瓒


磊黝:a辅 翮蚤 槲 硼罩 J苄

DoΠ 1injons and CoIonics,

Natioma:AⅡ E:rs

丨 mm⒈ ;#J::喇 l醣 跏肚洲 a郎韫 汪 lEf子 l早


潮::封 f岌 留。iI:fEntcrprise。 s,巳ducatioⅡ 。 黯培 :浪 γ ⒒ %以 |Calth seⅣ 艹 T跏 ‰ 帑T烈 ¥ 溆%1P黥蕊 罗 甄 丨∫ ;∶


:J∶ ::∶



ti° ns,

{;il∶ {丨



Tradcs Unions, Employers’

Associaσ ons, Profes⒍ onaI

Assoc∶ atIOns。

Cd“ ra:su"cc“ 彳rrr-ˉ Painting, Dra、 汀ng, sculpture, 卜Ⅰodel1ing, Photoˉ

graphy,Architecture,Appreciation. Dr四

stagC r-—【

and scrccn)∶


`,:四 Rcading and Writing,Apprecia"on.

E'rF'夕 rJ'rr9J~<Prose

and Poetry)∶

RCading, Writing,


singing,Playing,Composing,Appreciation。 Co″ r四 ffvc RCIigV″ r-ˉ History, Creeds, Literature, Foundcrs,Prophets,Tcachcrs. `夕 卜刂cchanical, Electrica1, sc・ ∶ cnCCJ-ˉ Power Production, Ncw and other branches of Engineering, BuⅡ ding Construction,sanitation,Transportat1on. Puuh spcaking,Debating,Discussions。 J'Jrs'cr-ˉ

仳 扭。 …



f″ f'刀 `”

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