1993 1st ASEAN Jamboree Balita Vol 4

Page 1


〕 tll)iic:lti():9()i、

!!9c (,il:ciill

一 再郛置翠翠臩呷呷唧唧唧呷呷腎呷 一

tlle 1. !!、 t.八 S::.





9i cccllll、 C! ::、 lk〕 、

ur b。 y sco● !s:od。 y,ref!ec::。 no●

。 . ..




Sidr● .m、 .FVR

E〞 ‘ 瑚 。 ● η′

96′ .6力


幼 而 〞L〞 9” “〞 J拗 比 。 a′ 6G乃 oo了 unJ口 比帥 ‘

’ ㄉ


996,6o6’ g〞 orClε 2.,c:,


Right an:er the unvoiling of ih●

First ASEAN Jamboree iMa9ker,tlt Troo Plantinn Cermonv was一 he:k as scheduled 9。 曲 9由y;December 30斑 the AdminiSt9故 i。 n Area.The event: 吶 S pmiCip.ted by ASEAN Jambo時 o」 臼ciais and d● :. g飩 i。 n hmds nro血


other participating. o.ntries.Thi● evcⅢt mrks the inith“

m of曲


..e。 mchls,campaign叩 the,.. se曲 . tion of naturo ●spe.ially of Mti Makiling.1n由 iS、啤 y,the other Jambo. ree pamciPants w。 uld mⅡ w。 ur:m●. . ers’ good、 sxmnple. . 。 .

Z Ra〞 os 乎 田竹 ●e′o.,妨 θ◢SE腳 Jam. ●o〞〞P. 1‘ ●” “ . B出 ●′ chi.f sc● it

and● i1.Pres:

ences of cnmaradeie and coopemtion that th” wil mmember the口 1● f如 ! liv● s.. r!or


th.PieSident thdi voung so。 tmS

R一 2A●

scouto心 With the coo” 蟲 :。 no怕 ”.

stm,nge1. nm●y years iom.now.He.is sure′ 山at:t:6

b㏄ n.im.b● liever

in th● soout-

tmable when he Savs imt′ many such imd● rs s::ai.i nse.lom!more than fin㏄ n山 o山nd b。 y scoutS盟 thered in叫 mbo蛾 RamoS血 崁㏕ 山 es. senco of scouti.ng wllichi is th● s.ting aside ofall ba.㎡ ers ofbeiiet c:. ed or na.

tomli9 that will忙 get aside aS臨 pa_

:mders of tho血 mi● Ilc noted the membership of i時 :ASia Pa.

whicll has 53%.mro血 」he l6 world. . Ho」 :s. that tho Janibor● e’ s

“!Under」 hnd… f re:n.


. paii。 i:


f . ‵::.

ticipantS to thejan炳 ree consolidate their . o:Ⅱe:less.


Ro,9a田!且 Ba9竹 g9卬 吻 ,Hig” Sc” Ra9.o” “ ‘

ern.inent lleads are the a.sSurance that the.

uni9 and b心 therhood among the. people sha:I sul1.be ilaintain● d,r.not mado 、


. 一.


The 99th Riza:D● y Celebi斑 :● n was he!d yos● e由y,D。 cembe9 30 at: . the′Rizal P缸 k Mmila. P.

sident Fide:V::㎞ os,㏑ ㎡志

. o任 :cials govermmmt Sad。 外 i。m

and so. ie


neigboring cotmtries;BSP..

ropreso. t放 iVeS and brother soouts n.

m ab,0ad wit1● ssed the c● lebmtion

to。commeino【 ate the PLiippine.N扛 -.. . 」oml Hem,D.Jo㏄ Rim1.

Tho.nag mising w● s do..by. President Ramos assisted by一 Eti南 蕗


.. . 一


. .


. b§ 璧 ee


J‘ iin

Ba::ta .

The .

.HRE9● ● :公 .。 U● ●● 9。

The lⅥ江日ysia:Il

E山9叫 k卸 9

inUL o.Ⅵ 公﹂ J●. n“ ELo m.. nictlo” A (69。 」“ E」 比 .′ 99

Mr.Chew mid that their site:●

一 :

”n9HA.n巳.im。 THv L..S曰 ” ‵ . 。 」 ”“t● !日1. n.。 A,no. . . 、 D。。m9●n9o.. ..SA。 LA一 . i:V● ●LD 3.。 ●」 9“ ● 。 .日日”EB9。 B.● J。 .J●。 ””“●n● 1H9“由 。 口 。 ntv︳ “ .Ln.o. 日了 . 出 3● 。 ●曰 tV● .n::“ AL. 8.。 」Ⅱ1● 。●. . 。 motL mn.:γ 9m● 9” 9●|● i‘ 曲山” . . 。 “山 L● H● .nB。 o” .日n。 :L mn.:v

,nice and beautifu and nor that they gaVe

encamprnents‘ rFhey also expr● ssed, “ ’

thanks to the BSP.He also said mat th.if

hiLes who have hosted them sming

ScoutS e,〕 oyed t.h.e trailS as an expon.● nce

D!● c.26.29

and.at th.e same time a cliallenge fbr them. . Malaysia has aiso dii日 ;erent state



comicilS like other countries山 at pi。 mote

maraming isala.mat’

氏 日 ”俎 ●.● mL 磁 ●|n山。 曲” 。 .

in the P」 oVince ofB.am.ngas.

」 9. ” msh the nrst ASEAN Jambo.

ree. s suo啷 ● eaCh and eve,soout p.r●cipa●ng..′ 。 .

Ro” a〞 EB● 用 r

“ mL. .o。 m●●.m.o..n.● m● 了 . .1日9● 、●● 。 . . m3● .B.nγ ▲ r Ⅵ..H.」 田”“●●.” “9口 k. 公 。 ”… 9n。 .。 ”““6” 。 .. 。 ”E。 “珀nm.ensi..o. H● 9● J●1已 ●●●no.●●.●●Ⅲ “A● n“ .3公 LA。 .. . . i 。n=V:● ●.:. nii。 。 。 ● 一 . . ●● J、 ● m● ..mmo.J.mn9‘ 口). . “:nmt田. ..J」 :.。nt●in ● ●9. 9.●●” .


. .. 一 :.

. ..

mS● .. ivi uⅢ盻日”了9日 ● 臼山● . ● ”“m呼 ’ 。 B日鬥li。 . .。 ●工 」 。“ 。 .. d:” 。 . . mn● ...J.D:V日 氏 ● AB.● ●L。 n。 ” :E● ●● 山…9.9“ 口『

Ra〞 o,9山 口

,g,卬 s矽 H●g乃

Sc” oor

T!he Hmgk。 ng de!egates aIived yeSterday ovening;9。 c.29 at Mt:M出 ihng,

The S delegat● s iead” 山e Conin. gent Head Paiick K.L.T● ● g are im。

Los Banos,:Lagum to paiicipat.in the . First ASEAN Jam㏑ 比e.

pressed by.

The pu,ose of the delegates for attending this ca● ris t。




and agricunhral」 os be-

tween the ASEAN members counthes tllrough the scouting【nove:m.●ht and to give mmmng to the goais and objectiV● s




. 山e good血 md● ㎡ the Fili. pino scouk ahd the good preparau● lS undeiaken by the:Jamboree Organizing.


,rhe contingent is located at th● .

Chmn Leckpai Sub,Camp.They a.em. j。ying” ith-the local soouts and o由 ● r bjother scouts● om abr.ad.They prom一 ised to sta9 in t.h.●

mtil th.e end of

Chuam Leek● ii


m● L● | ●.m● .Lo“‘9。 了.。 A● u臼

Ro99a● 9B.Ba9.r

6L● S.。 ● B:6 。9. 竹 。9破 ● 。G.…“山m臼 ”,“ 。 | :● ● 日:V” ●“9F。 ●.日 肚2n● 9H e.ou!o.J‵ 9曰巴mn 。 V.。 」Ⅵ曰L!” I。 n● .3。 LA●o ● 口!L.m.nnn“ o公 n●

Ra9.o9.Mag‘ ,”s砂 H●g力 So” oo′

The Chuan● eekpai sub.camp is pop9 P.M.,Dec姐 -


lated by about 2,699 as of 3:。


G.● ,‘ io“

Baco︳ eios. Invade Mt.IⅥ :akiling i

Ro” .ε o王 G● 9” 9〞加

BCMJS,Ba‘ o●oda9c。 .,,,6汀 hundred


uhe Jamn.boiee.

gi.“ oHn●●.oH” ..● B● “ ●.● “Ⅳ● 石〞 ●● . 。


to th。 Fi!ipino

H● igkong Delegates Ar● ● ●

。 ” 9D.Z6B儿 。 J“ 。

even have

●terS in their 。 . .●●


Sub-Ca.p. 。

” ●●●L● ●9日“ “人.” n。 ”“n9 。 :。 ”“ ●nVA● 。 9.J..oo . ●9。6口印●

scouts and

。 Sooumr NicholaS Ch由9 ar● ,●,oatem!! to the :Boy S● outs f th● ● Philippines SP)免 r setting up。the mnts in their


E6山 9. 石山啊”竹.

. ●


f80 Scouts and

delegates from

Councm Chai. Jr.and omce,_ invaded me mys_ begim● ng ofthe

ASEAN Jamboiee: in joy,mi,and bmmer. h。 od,toge”

9 Ⅵth some ASEAN

iom由 eo由er

scout Associatims.

。 ber 29 With:ocal scouts and brother scoⅢ s io血 ab.oad who pitched thei ten“ ㏑ ● he canip aimed t。 paiti● ipate in the First ASEAN Jamboree,to prom。 ● brotherhood and n. iendsh.ip

among ASEAN In.eilbers.、

Accordhg to Sublamp Diecto9 Aquiles CabSaba,the delegates by oomci:a.e lle ml_ i。

Wing: Ang.︳ os C” i:ooos S.r


. 9。

C出n”“鈴 S● ●

申 Wned by ty90 90

909 92 61


Ja:mboree Ba::ta

5 .一 ′



Do〞 r,,a′o′ Ⅳ to 4π ”口

Sa‘ r.g


mg乃 S6乃 oo′

“…the bro山 erhoo.d of scouing is lhe ’



.R9. iS∥ 亡

We have a duty together

best hope foi lasting peace.’

.. Anyone who」 oins the scouting 、 .. . … noveme-nt pr。Inises‘ ‘ to hielp otlher peo. . at all umes” :This s.irit connotes a :: .!e ..

● ● otherhood

: .ho。 :


d.● f

f scou“


:der me Fa血 r-

Cod.Each one of us binds hiin-

— i:seii:to help in thc character building and . : the citizenShip trai【 ling ofthe scoutS. . .●. .. . If We are to succced in heloing a ._

唌㎜三 巫D

VR: Hand:n Hand w:th Scout:ng

ut㏑ 韜SumC happy futu比 ,we. sh品 ld 。 one shoulder to Shoulder,So to work aS

4〞 9ge9o几 t.Ba”‘ 〞′ o9,a



”o〞t.,孖 Jg乃

The whole Scouung movement haS

speak,to tackle the bigjob as a tealn.

.. .. We need eVe,one rogardless of racq

. crⅨ9d, social standing or cuitural back_ . ●.. ...又口●.nd to ioin and lend a hah.d ili de● e1. 。 :一 i蛇 the o.● th. -′ . .: Let uS relate tlle idea on whatis hao. pem.g here in thiS histoic place′ of:Mt


. 岫 kiling.We am know that we haveiaⅡ :: boree g孟


... do not know what their dutv as a scout

ng on.Take a:ook,Some‘ f

由.This job should壞 」 d。ne t‘




In hiS Inessage, he reiterated that,

the ASEAN Jamborre reafirms the strong kinship am.ong.ASEAN● 色ople

.something to be proud of.It is fbr the fh.ct

that no:ess than the Presid● nt ofthe Re-

public● f the Philippines,Fidel Valdez Ramos,who is also the Chief Scout。 f the 】 BlSP, iS Supporting fu::y thisi historic endeavor-the First ASEAN Jaliboree.

bouded by geographical proximi,,iade

As a“:atter of fact,the Chief Execu-

duhng the l2th Asia. Pacinc and 9tll N. a. tional Jallbore錓 油’ hiCh.waS also. held

tive had endors● I-【

and cu1● ure,and coElmon a.pirations.’

Indeeu, the piide of iPanga.sinan is′ not a new face in.Scouting:If you recall,

d the ASEAN Jamboree.

e even cited the orgah. ization ofth.eBS〕

here on Mt. Makiling. :Los :Banos.


attin suc_

for promotin8 progr● 【 91s,pr(,,cctS and ac-

L.aguna two years ago, the then〕 Def● nse

●eSs and sellifulnlllnent,because as the ●ay: passes .y you a.re lmprovlng as a

tivitieS coneern.ing environin.ent conserva…

n and protectidn,oommuni,seIvice

Secreta,Wasthe Camp Chaiman ofme Jamboree Organizing Commitee.Now

and development,health and sanitation,

that he is presid● nt,he has not change哦

the caimpaign against drug abuse,and



not 0:lly the BSP,but th● entire scouting

Scout.Let us bind our thoughts and do all 一



S‘ 乃 oo′

ou.i iesponsibilities becauSe th● y are the

● keys to gain e,io9ment,as well aS con.

tenm℃nt in lme.Remember we haveto d● a du9 alt。 ge山 er.


has even becorne Inore supportive。f

nlovenlent. . Aside lom that,he ordered all depaiments;bureaus, onE.ces;and.agencies Well,the mere endorsenlent of F. VR f the govermnent to extend appropnate f this jamboree show「 not only his(oon-

。 for the scouts in this part of the cern

。 suppoi and assiStance to the BSP.As、 ve

can see,山 erc

刀a〞r〞 r′ 乙〞 o 99” aπ Ja石a〞 ‘ ╯nJ,,‘ eg〞 r● ′S‘′ 【 【 ooJ . .

adequate coo」 dination world,but more importanuy,his dedica. agen● ics and tion to th。 ,outh oftoday.Indeed,FVR.is janmboree㏄ mces. moving hand in hand wlth Sc. outlng.

amo,8 the goVernment

I:Ionorimg Ri2al

:rhe. 12th Worid Ja9nboree held in

:k,Idaho,U.S.A:in Fa.. agut State P:加 1969 was tlle largest gatheing of Scouts i=1山 e

lee world.mis jamb。 ree com-

R● 必 9C.ㄔ ●a6J′ ”erZ.R。 咖J孖rg方 S翃 oor . .


‘ ‘

:Fhe youths are the,hope of nioth.er-

gave an

無 memorates the first camp held at land.” These are the words iom Dr.Jose his Brownsea kland and was p● ●icipated by ′ lOO count.ies. It Wa.s

during me Ilth wo.ld Jamb。 ree

me plane cmsh on the 28th ofJuly l963.

our gr.at fomder,Lord Baden_ Powell,. .was bom on 22 Febm唧 】 8S’ near Hyde Park,London,Emgland. .



pr.sent p「 ogram ha.s nve sec_

P.:Rizal,the great Philippine National Hero. Y. esterday, the Philippines honored DL Rizal in山 observance of 即zal Day. Rizal had done。many wonde,Hul tli.ings 免rthe comt,.′ As matter offact;he was the root WⅡ 6h sup” ned the groMh of.

open l1.a.nd for tllose、

vho need

ServIce. B.ut the【 nost ilnportant trait that we

should have.is llis love for the countIy.

Though he did not ight by sword,he us。 d


his pen to awaken the slecping Fili:H● e s.acri」

日 :ced everything, his

lovelife,parents,friends and even his life jum for the sake of his count,and

Filipino nationalism.

its people.

During h.is younger′ years,he d,isIndeed, Rizal is a inodel for us: played good iaits whi● h the scouts“ sc。 uts to emulate.Let us ail do present Should emulate. He helped his Rizal had done for we are the mght parents wl:山 their hou乎 hold Cho哦 : He our beloved ooum● y.

. . :.● . ::. :.一 iii. . :. ::二 ●:. . i::==i.●:::::ii一 iii. . .● ::.










確 .

Ja::1boree I巴 a9:t磷

∫ oo.初 Po g乙 “ gs.′ ” i的 〞 a ” g」 〞 〞

R〞,99a9〞 PE9. a〞6Ⅲ 9a”

It:g . .

b.tter● ●b.● :nt●


than icver” .


Thk wasth● ●rinc:P:● dur:ngthe Cmnd Jambor..Pamde。 rtho r:rst ASEAN Jambor.



●d.ys● go,this important ev. nt w祁 reSet d.e to inc:于 meⅡ t w● ither brought by ty9ho。 口”Pur:ng” , 、 Thr● . I’ h:日 nk C。 d,n-比 er long dnys ofwnit:mg,the JnⅡ :bo口o● ;Pnrade has b.. nh●ld.

. .


NG L.AST...::: . 。


● .● ● ● .:::′ .


..i● ..

_ _‵.: ●●●




. … .一 ● … . 一

— —


9oM . .. ..::


′ ‘, 「




., .多 ..鄉

昭 .



the sick s.rvant.With

II。 ” 6” ●ra9〞 ,Jp‘ rr6′ co【n.e si。

through scou● had become la、 呼brs,、

goverllment。 Iicials, weⅡ.known personaliues,phests,and .m●cessfLI


”功多” rw刀 ! 。 「 o刀 〞砒 加 g〞 9e〞 冰 加

of his mmler scouts him so as to sho,v gmumde mr whatever he wished.

”●benen“ 山” received

吻ε6ε 刀6j.

g evr,?呷 S羽 翃 〞

due to o:d age,he had:bec。 【 ne ve,y





and Inoved on but he went on for-

. mmo





曲﹍ 仰


η 翃



﹍ 翃 腕


叫 〞 磅 歿






been● ha●py免 llow as treated all of old troop leader. He ca::ed his .:hiS scouts as his own children.They all scouts and facilitated. a

ㄉ ˊ 幼

in iaining boysto become men.

Ne● eiheless,a lot ofpeople adinired a we赶 thy busine“ mai sur. ∵ him in view of his great sacrince. He had . faced upon knowi,g tn● situation of hiS


family because he had dedf● ated his en:6re life

once there Was an old troop leader seⅣ ed伯 r almost So years.The ioop leader had n。 wifie nor a

who worked and

Immediately after山

troop leader

al,‘ 刀此 刀r

ra加 6〞oV tε ‘ o〞 9刀 g力 9刀 i

J6r0刀 g

。 to【 neet a received the money,he came helpless mother begging for:.ssistance 心 r her sick daughter.The young gir:was

Loop lmderS,too. .




勸 ε&o“ 打Jroo〞 切仍 d妒 a” a 加o北 切g‘P〞ar′ ro” ‘”r〞 羽 〞〞t〞

乙o′ d,功 心6乃 a〃 “ge. .,e

w奶 力 奶



切 冗力 ,999〃 羽 J翃g力 6

4刀 〞刀 W6乃 ‘w9力 滅9● ecai曰 66〞 .〞 g‘ rj

9 、

●9r妨εSto” 6‘ ‘o刀 r加 貂〞ㄌ 〞比 乃

‘: 且1

E” 6

New y●ar. s eve:Scouts away from home

刀6∫ Wr仍 o” 9加 乃i刃ga乃 96‘ 乃 。 .


I:o′ 〞J‘ ,w力 o” 96乃 θ.Sca,6∫

.wer‘ ,〞 ,〞 to9〞 Jr,〞

I).Za。 o9‘ :

「 Sa〞 B〞 ‘ 妨 C。 6Jggθ 〃.∫

This day niarks the J6Sth da,of山 e .、 9甲 ●Usual9,families eat t0gether at . :amund l2:00… dnight:some nock th●





. 9功 ‘〞 a999J力 〃9〞ga.,心 力 rrl,‘ ′


∫6a99祊 〞g ra′ ′

力 ‘切gr加 ‘幼 96ε 〞ge∫ 托 乃u〞 ′

the atmosphere they had last New Year of l993.Scouts will口 eel the spiht of吋


W9699ε “9〞 9g t′aVε ′ ,,t′ e縣

〞99m矼 ′


Year atthe Grand Ar● m site here on the

First ASEAN Jamboree..At 2100H (9:00P.M.),山 e air will be nlled with colo“ ul anti.s as ireworks takeover the

s即 “rthe moment Sponsored by Govcrnor Robeno Pagdanganan ofth● ●rovince ofBulacan,the participants Wil celebrate New Year with.a ba工 1g that will end t0_ night’ s activiies.

Howev● r,this iadiion is meamngul So:mle of u.s “ Πipinos and to dther ASEAN coun. wi山 our nunily They say● hat mi。 ugh th. Se iire. time we will all celebrate New Year evil spiHts which bro哪 ht bad without our respective伍 血ilies but.mind y.a.r,a.re driven away‘ As you,after S㏄ ing tonight,s celebraion, 「

●f ile tradition,. ScoutS a、 ● /ay iPm youll sure!y have n Joyous New Year ”Ve the. hanco to experlence T9‘ 〞 6oI,age 8 ... ● :● .●


∫ I9〞 rr

co刀 99“

几〞.Ma如 〞刀 g

‘ so〞 vθ Pas9 c” a96羽g.ㄌ 〞 羽 〞rr” ε′ ‘ ,〞


Co佛 9” “刀9夕 Dε v6‘φ 叨“ 6。 6力 ra〞

. ro 6乃 ‘Ja〞 9o〞 ε‘ 助9” r乃 ‘〞〞功ε‘


Zㄌ εE9符 r4S:E4jVJa〞 to/ε t” a9e6:6昭 ●

as&o,6J ort班 ● 9“ 6。 ”g加 rψ 奶 r” “ 奶e ra切 J ca〞 e6o〞 ‘ 磁ε〞.Sc。 “6J oε〞o9a,,〞 乃 」 ave夕 ” 〞 乃6 Vo奶 。

. .::...:.ii.. … :,:..:i(、 「● 一 一 ::.



一 纘瑚


Ja. !lboree

BaE莒 ta

Scouts w:!!keep on:rnprov:ng Do〞 r99日 o′ Ⅳ

S. 6rag

′′ a口 口oπig〞




In scouting,being concerned of one’ s iⅡ

1provelm.ent is iInpon.ant. we should


conStan9y:t,our ve,be斑

to impr。 vc




‘ ‘ The :6eld of soouting iS a p1日

e where scoutS are being iained:R9r imE|

provement,to experience and to practic● what山 ey have leamed for m。 」e impor. ’ mnt scouting purposes,’

this was stated

by tie.group of brother scouts from

Davao a,(Sub.camp Bokah).

Baco!。 d:The City ofSm::e onC. 〞9” 9.


quires diligence is also a way ofimp● oVe:

the plungihg of the pHce of sugar Which is the monocrop product being depended upon by both sugar planters and workerS

lent. A,s vou advance with varied endeavors,y。 .:I,● rove your abuity to」 o your du,to G。 d and comty,to help

in t.he fa:in. :D)ependent di.recuy or indi-

ot:her people and you.rself.You.r advancement is your persiona.l iInprovem.ent.The

“ ‘


“ I



卹 ”

● Behind this sw.et smile iS.a thought


that our」 h.Inilies back hoine got a beating

..由 In● ph。

. .

. .

n Puing.

。is 。 :“6asskara


、 .

the citv’ s wav of liiding S painS and heaiach:9s as nature’ si琵

mw. and

rectly from sugar plunged into deep nlourning.when botll sugar and MV I)on . 【 〕

J. :.】


then visit our ci,in the hills.

h江aSskara is spemed witil double‘ 、

‘’ S’


cause its hist。 ,′ dateS back to the time

9,hen Inost n.nlous scions and fainilies of

由●ci9 went down with M. V DOn Juan in

: S:::●.】 :i!:‘ :.




swh; 卹ethe.啷


. enla 一血 邯 檷 一


︼ 珈 曲 泓



艸㏕ 一 ㎞赫.啣 ㎞ .


艸m 耐咖 . 咖 艸 赫 幠 一


. C9,c。 ””6π Ba6oIo〞

Advancemont in scouting which.e.

80s.Togethei wim these pains was


residents of Bacolod ca工

be outdone by mture no【 lanties..

We、Π ere


” other ca-

able to li.d.e our sad.

ness by wearii色 a§ mil,g msk.The mardigras spirit is a“ reⅡ gn lmpoi but with a local touch— the ⅡLasskara and t:le — nlask.The Sp● ghtly:Latin beat gives us a.

vities is the Enviroll-

me●tA.rtS,Scienc..and’ Fecl1nol。 gy Village which featureS Various painungs,en_

on doing this activity. every In.oΠ ling yo.

sadness but mosiy t0:ove for dancing

wll nnd that you will be doing more than

and enteiainment.TO the先 llow Fi“ pinos and brothcr Asians, weicome to lBacolod, to the PhilippineS City of

ive.This shows an improvement.


a betterjob than what you did before.


negative attitude and behavior of the. muook of mr namre.It also envisioEls td..

ublic】 E.ducation and.Infbrnlation():日 9ce

EI。 )under th● Instimte of Forest Con.

serVation,UPLB College of Foro與 9.At 。 present,PEIO is mder山 e supervisim of

Values● f outdo● r eIⅣ iron【 nent according



Try to keep on :InproVIng in eve,. th.ing you do and i. ake sure you are dolng

youth Which is detrimenml to me mmml

ithe Outdoor R:ecieation fbr EnvironInent.

ms is a benent p」 oiect for the youth of

record of yoⅢ p” sical itness activiueS. Stai witli a SiInple push-up eve,】 moⅡ i.

us a chance to let go not only our pent up

the interest of thb scouts is the eXhibit of

fHendly technolo‘ ,,ham ram。 ,ec。 :。 目’ exhibit and oth● rs . One。f山 e Showcases which catches

of sef-improvement,t,to m旅 e a good

ing:WL。 n you wake up.Perhaps you call

Ms.Erlinda.N.Rebugio in coordination wi山 the director of lnstimte of Forest Conservation,TeodoHco R Villanueva. This progmm aims to develop bi9th me mderstanding and appreciaton ofthe

vi」 onment

be satisnied in re-

Ⅱialmng a Tendemoot scout all the timo When you can readily improve y。 urSe田 ryou wantto see a concre” exam.le

do 1Eve puSh-ups at the start but aS you go

/材oP● πrg方 ∫‘方oo」

mm.One ofthe ac●

advance in work aro proof● of your:im.

provement.Why山 en

great histoical signincance but it gives

刀 99” .L. ga′ 6o

begiilS with the irresistib1.heat of me

badgeS and cermcateiyou. eceive aS yo.

tag mat is our own.Masskara has no

ISpending vacat:on with a purpose

At.lastthe rain ends and the new da●


to the orgamzer.Moreove.it checkd the


::● 」:

●roIlote harmonious relationshin. be. ‘ tween inan and llis environinent.

Smdents iom grades four,6ve and Six in elemenm,,irst aIld second year loIn high school aI:d out of school youtll

all lom山 e vicini9 ofMakilng,Laguna u」

ndergo a two week iailling and s.eliimar

workshop.The organizer togemer with the l9P:B pi。 fessors are the ones who go to the nearby vicini,to train the students

as apai ofdissemimting its s● ategi。 s.、 .! . : η“〞 6o〞留 8

:. .

:.:ir. . . :. ..

AS匡 AN︳ n「 ocuS::ND。 N=S︳ A.′ E. ,9. 9ro B.Ro,o,9′

Pa〞 a〞



TA、 Ar:_ TA、A9!C。 UNC:L:一 ⅣUR


gL” 〞 g“a” 96a ” 89o′ 〞

sia’ S terhto,, nom and fauna species are found in these forests in thousands of va. land group.Accordi.ng to the indi.ngs of. heues.They are of山 e iopicai species geologlsts,the fomliion ofthe In‘ ㏑nesia fmnd in山 ●Asian and Australian、 0nti… island● cluster in its pro!丘 le aS it appears nents.

Indonesia is the world’ s longeSt iS-

now oIl the global s㏕ ace developed at 山o′ end。 f War Glacial Pe● od around 2,900-lO,000B.C. The IndoneSia archipelago spreads n比9n.6’ 08.

n.oih latmd.e to ll’

1 5.

Among t.h.e species of protected ani. mals in IndoneSia. are elephants,tho 9hi-

nocems,士:o orangutan,IE komodo pnhistoic lizar或

∞缸:and a varle” of monkcy and bord



latimde,and iom 94’ 45. to ll 05 east ● ongimde.Being in Such a poiion,In.

The town of BogoI in WeSt Java iS noted ib.r its BOtanical Garden,found●

●.nesia iS onen regard.d as山 o“ bHdne” 出 tween the Asia.n and AuS● alian coninentS and seⅣ ing as a gato iom meIn. 山an Ocean m山 e Pacinc ocean。 The


Since ume immemoriai.the Dresentlv

dis6ance between the moSt westem and

knoⅦ temto,Indonesia. used to be h

ile most easto.ii● of IndoneSia iS a:bout

.lace俺 r the seilement of immigmnts

5,110 kilometers,while lom he most ip to the moSt Sou山 em

within山e process of the grand racial


migrauon.This was attributed to its oosi.

distance of Which is about i,888

tion that lends itself as a connecting bidge between A.sia a.nd the Pacinc Is.

kilometers.13.677 islands.com,ise the en● re Indonesia archipel姑

andof山 ese


。inhabited. only 6,000 have mmes and are

Indonesia is an ag●

s archipelago outlook is iim山 e land mπ ollndi,g the seaS of InIndoneSia’

in山 comt● 7.The!knowledge of ice

. 山● i.. 。 IndoneSia is a momminous cou,t,. Th.a. ea isl seismically active as tens out.

growing 。 is t.h.ought to ha:Ve been o. .gi-

mted eimer iom me nor山 em pan ofthe Assan and Biamapuia valleyS in India or山om Bu. =la. groups :Γ llere are about 300 ethnic Dread」 o【 n Sabang to Merauke in IHan ’ Jaya. rhe Javanese communi,is the ′ large st and accor,ding to the l930

mountains fbund here are active volcanoe=One of the world’ s Worst 。 of th.c40{

disasters waS the emotion ofthe Krikat。 a voiu.nleS。 n AuguSt 26 to 28●f1883. Kerinci。



Mt.Bukit Rava. :Mt.

cen.sus,it constitutes

t047 .02ㄢ 治of

motto ensh.hned on a banner held by the legs of山 o golden eagle of山 e Ind。 nesian ’ Coat of Ams:“ Bhinneka Tun8gaI Ika’ meaning“ Uni,in Diversi9.” Pancasil色 or the n.ve pillars of the philosophy of the

ⅡLarket such aS mbber.oalm ol t● bacco.

Reoublik of Indonesia.is a.n inⅥ olable


wmpon br山 e仗 rengthening

。 58.894. of Indone. Fo..St land coVers.



.. .

md● to the camp management alid to th.e PNP.

Activity in Focus:


of Indone.

:9‘ 9∫ o‘a〞 Er” e6!oB.Ro,ba〞 9〞 Re,〞 ‘ Po

gt“ ”g66,〞 〞g劫 6.,” 9Ja Pa〞 9o” 6aJ.” 〞

Astronomy Ⅵ ll soon be back in th● world of Merit BadgeS in Scouting.” was according to” i.:Matmo P.Sacro,Jr.; the live wire behind the activity on :AS.

r” . ” r。 page 8

} ●

pora,home.Our sincerest血 nks


into. ne naion.as Svmbdized in their

tate products also penctrate the world

iansponing our heavy equipmne:nt to our tem…

n.ic gro.ps ha● e becom.e poliuca.ily united

IndoneSia. is rich in natural reurceS,nlany ofwhich ha● e not Vet been .●● .xp:oiu. ofpima,impo曲 n.C6are me ●innerals,such as matural oil and nas.in. bauxite,nLanganese,coai and nick:e1.Es-

sesSion at the jainboree CTand Aremala斑

:. .

. ===工


. :一 .

§ how on1:h.。

Tus the co1or ● =— 一 ii:i:

r the

ians飴 r ofo.r tent to the DAZA Area,as tempora,aπ angement. Ano由 er problem encomtered on how t. tunspoi.th.e heavy materials a:id 6ood suppiy. ’ rhe PNP assigned at ule same area. helped m

the bilth of me Indonesian Republic,all theSe eth-

ur. ,。md


-eno9gh.CSE Donaies requested鉐

tire Ind● nesian p。 pulation.Aner

jaya Pmk,which is snow-capped

co」ee,and many o山



Rantekomlbala. Mt.Semleru and. the J●yaw●

culmrm count,

where the technique of ice groⅥ ng has been kno、 〞n.Slnce the davs of the g. rand … gation before」ea…v五 1,:the IIihdus

donesia nlm‵ an integrm enti,and m isiand an be se● arated one fro【 li the

C)ther high. .caked inountains


in 189l and .displaing around 5,000 spe. cies。 fnora whi● h grow throughout Ind。 …


m曲 em

the‘ babi. nisa” ,wild


RA︳Ⅲ| A SK:LL,。 .

Aner廿fee days of喇 ying the oHen-

. 。 to.ring in C。 N。 UER:MT.MAKILING、 and 曲o vew:challenginiCHALLENGE VALLEY, now,… aring for山 ei th。 B∼ sc。 showand。 m January l, 1994 dling the



㏑ the anemoot m。禮 skiils will be onstrated neaturing native


especially iom the ovefseas


schedules as follows:


in llis residence in Los BaioS,Lagmm i and was alSo a位 ended by our Biother ScoutS i●m other nations m,● as K。 m色

Malaysia,Bmnei,AustraHa,Thailm或 IndoneSi色 M●u● tus,and CⅡ na. Higmightiig th.由 mer is the giving‵

All these exciting demonstrations will be held at山 e Grand Arema.“ AII Scouts will learn new skills du.ing thiS

showan虹 ’said

TOny Uy,“ so we inⅥ 汜

eve,body to be present duing this New Year’ srpresentation of the First ASEAN



Fb● rteeⅡ

2 MaPa E9g方

scouters and thily nve




be9:29,1993. . 。 The n卹 . ‵ nine delegates to the FirSt :6●

.:A.S:EAN Jainboiee.witll their conti.ngent ㏑ d Hnii B。 d。 r mi,arrived a dny aner Ch“古丘ha6 and s● ent th.e .i91】 owin.g dav



me start㎡ the jaInboree in thei


fbster families in San P. ablo.

1」 9生 ::Ila.

During the n咚 t tWo days of蚵 a【 n。 at the Jamboree Hospimi due to continuous rains. wh.ich【nade

bo」 ● e,they鮮 ●yed

mei,mmp mud” AsE4,“


…加 9′ag6/

:● …坩 by ms.eHng。 .eI● ess of uew and a血 ㎡ life among ii citi2ens㎡ t㏑

is the

Was itill un_

9ut●h. 250. lo●a:ld.ia-



.. .

rea to Pres.NOcoh.and his wife aS a tok● n

of their appreciatibi of what Pres:Nocon

has done.

A sto● 7:” 戶 〞Pag‘ J 。

lif● .Without a9lv se。 ond thoughts.the ioop lcad● io日 red me mon● ”玨ven t●


hi㎡ by Ⅱs

The said delega“ on present。

。 scouts.血 :ust” . hmer

quest㎡ the mother● t扭 nk the bu盛 站 “-



night a haf-hour presentation of山 eir 。 Hch cultuE They said imt山 ey e,i。 yed it but they were litile bit nervous because

that was th● nist ime mey s切 lded in

ioht ofa big crowd.

“ They_

ofa Wooden Bmt bv the delegates ofKo…

of money”ould b.n蜊 ed to save her

6助 999R GL翃 ag、

m. our ASEAN neighbor coun.:∞ 吐“ l。 】

。 Bnmei-b由 t血

Heads of Jamboieb Stal

in.g wife M:rs.Esther N● con.It was hoId.


SoⅡ :e60


oIEr than BSP Presktnt Andrew O.Nocon together with. his 1●v:

。w amid Special Events ofncer me ●h。 dimerent。 ntingmtd are ready to display meir 。 and abili“ es. scouting skills 、 F。r the s。 L● 蚣 趾 in the moming, 。 have been sched_ 山e.nollowing Sub-Cmps uied to demons㏑ te由 eir


ner host● d none.


。 Ac。 rding to Eagle Soout Antomo T

五 br L.形 仂” 9 Blg〞 ”口 〞 力 俬〞● 。

gathered las!Decembci 29 to have dm.

。 in the moming and the FesSKLL_ -RAMA 。 tive Spo你 in me aftm。 a1ofN● “●

BSPr9召 E.AIθ 6θ 竹 H●J“ D加 刀〞



KFilipinos)am“endly because even though we are in山 e Philip-

man instmd by sending 。 him」 :etter. Suiphsed by the good deed of the “oop leader,he quickly inqmred、 why he did that. FiⅡ . a︳ ly the troop leader an-


. 甘

乓 ;

swered;“ I am already in山 c Sunset of my lifie and the voung glrl vou have saved has

m。 比 taSkS〞

bd芯丫f aven thc chance.

That’ s the real essence。 f soouung-。

ing happiness to other people.”


、 :1

● }

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