\’ (,|
!!lc()ilici〔 l!
.. . ..
n .
“H • 口
••■ .
〕 cI’
. I::、 \. 、、
l tl!91l)()icc
●dm● r.m …
hour show: hnd M日 :aysia; The two
Espino and J。 n AIbert Cadag
ASEAN n.mions were added to山 o● i● s.
Parti● ipants
ASEAN Intemtio㏕ Night Gmnd A●om ye喇erday,
entatiom. since t.hev we!e unab:● .to
Present ie previouj nigh.,rhe othei oVersms con● .hgents” r.un山 :e to per口 oⅢ i but Served as th● 。audience for the other po1omers. ‵
The culmm1. night.wⅡ .h
inc:uded feattred
AISo included ””.Indonesia,which. ende● od a one.
6:30● ol。
cl㏄k pI1. inc:uded an ekli-
biion of songs i● m the Reta Dmm and Bugle Co,s and the J.Cmz. Elem. nta,
SchooI Bmi both● 0m Davao.Citv of由 ●1993 BSP Dmm and Bugle Corps Compet:tion. Also ce:由 m● d iast山 ght,mS 。 NeW Year’ s Eve,Wher● a Mass ms heid hr aⅢ me Roman Ca山 otcs at ll:00 pm at山 ●same veme,o赶 ci. and. winners
ated by Fr:Bamday.At midmi出 ther● W稱 aim。 rks disp:η 飩 the
Gmnd Arem,山 at
ushe9ed in山 o
l lt)、
1I::I、 、
Jenn:6br Mem● 0m
Jaid Am眄 Hono㏕ Phil,p● e
amd Nigh●
X山臼印. H’pscnaor
. .
J.mif.9破 戚h因 放咬 9曲 t嫵 members of tho邗 odne.d母 Edi● ion f Tht’ s Eiteminm.nt and. oo. diig m. ists of oc●
Int. 9mi。 山 ㏕.i感山●:
tiVely,gmced aⅡ 山●soou“
during thePhilippine night.i The Philipp:山 Night which玾 泌 bdd. 。 at tho Gmmd Aim laSt D“ 海mber 30
. bmught” 山山 ●i:ng ha● .血“ 日 ● d“. , gooutS.Dim..itoiJ. citom● ntto aⅡ th● 。 nai nilipimo Musi● (。 Pl。 站 r● r● maerod by the guest starS asido… om the Uni.● ● si9。f the Philip.ineS Singing Amb卹 . dors and o山 or,… m●m● ns山 om th.d二 f. sub. mmpS. ‘ Wow!I’ ve ncVer ′
men.so i●any bo9 .
VinmtiD㎏ nnis B.aya
昆山o991血 “卬吻 ’ “g96‘noor
′a3● ’
f Miianda explains.th● Symbolism ● 破 虫“ during mv. iii,g,c. em:omy..瑤
血 也 山e Cr.w Lm扭 蜘 dS.for Lead旺: ship iv.9 so。 t k n lmder aid the .
9th】K.0rea口 ●●i。 E●臼9而 6” 。盯
」〞6妨 ,oI6:g”
nn● Lo.u● ●L」n.
m9th Korean Jamboreo”
● 日 . 9” 9” V L.日 ”99● (9)
● ● ;9● ● n9● 、 ●●“6L● ●● 了●.Cn9女 .ID。 。“●”●● ●.● .● ●●tn.. 。● 。.. J。 .● ● ●」9● .。 ●Ⅲ 9。 n●●:io. .●:Ⅵ ● n㎡● d-m 。 . o… .
moLL mn1. :γ .J.
肛V● .● ●● ● . ●IL● !所 日. n‘v. nL9 s.oCⅢ ● .ntⅥ .● 。. 。 ● 9,. ● J● ● “i‘ 山田 口口。 . 」● ”●日L● H“ U.m● “.!日 9日 9t t.mn“ tV 。 。 Jm9日 。 nln,no. Lo● .● ●●L ● D.9n. ..
拓 :吋●口● 山 山 ”.
. ●:γ mnL。 ●.。 enm9o.HE:出 日E. i.。 ●“ . 「。 ●●l:。 口”了. ●口”●● ●.● 出nVn V●日9mmi t日 日“m● .m久 9● Jo” n:●● “了●.eA● no 。 由比日●」● . m.iemoin m.● nsi9● lo. “日走 .。 ●」 ● ●”.● Ⅱ “nDo● ●.Sn。 山 ● 中 ● ● 。 。 。 o. .u.n. ntm” .”」日9J.!u. .9日 , V:“ D日 “it口” .. ”A● u●L● n.. nlm 。 . ●,,”, 9● .. i.
UⅡ● :” !。 :” m● . ●.● nvn
a抗 。
M缸 ker and
a streamer,
. to be heid at
Worid Jamboree Site(the memoria: mmpsim of山 e l9山 WoHd Jambo.ee a● Mt.SOrak N● 」 n田 Park)。 n Fiday,A..
●.a● o」 ’ … In” . 日● ” (::. 。 . . 日 9日 」 .● :9日日 9. ● UL9」 . n.I● .● o七 ● ” ●● ●t● 6” nP. s9口 。。 。 . 「 、 ●:B● ●e.Ja.. ● .” … Hn●.」 o” ” 。” 9。 “ 。9” 。 一 .● ”
. .:一
Sub. c卻np
Soeharto,hdped t。
att● nd
musod the re-scheduli,g of山 o
Parade.But山 eSe am mt iindrmces,hr Manilmos be::cve dlatlife mu蕊 B。 n. 。 0. n De● eⅡ ● ber 29.th.s㏄ ohd dEⅣ of
the woHd better.
: T叫 amboree w:::㏑ dude an㏑ tense and wmely varied p:ogramme such aS hⅢ ng,oI road bmng,”ch.9, cha:.
the Jamboiee and Stai of th.Jamboreo Tr茁 IS.Manila CounaI Scouts● ok● o the Chail(:nge’va::ey
lenge,va::” ,and othel var:ous culmml ,
eeHng,isⅡ ng,mnoeing,boaing,.ya●hting,and㏑ temaio● ● 」!日H..dship fbstva:. .hey alSo offer the overseas . paHEcipantS home hospitali● program. where山 cy can stay a maxi㎡ um of4 days I、
T“ sjambom9:so”n b Sc.u“
514 Scou● S mid Scouters nrom Manma,
Jamboree.Instant mudslides were cre. ated by山 e non-stop hmw min出 ail w“ ●h
。 A.ug. ll, 1994 under gust 5 _T. hursda:9, 山o山 emo”He:p toge山 el Get together,” w“ ch aims● o hdp。 山o【 peop:e to make
acivi,.other activiies a.n:| Mounmin.
’ 、 H”” m:“ a:!由 d● t prevent som..
the b:ggest coningent in the whoIo of
before or aner thejamboree.
●lb由 …」 ●“,●.
g!o′ ,,gi石a,,99r‘ 69 n初咖r●J. ”,.gL” ”
m pa“ 山esu9mmp
Lang。u● nI姐 :,you” li
Emesto B R。 o,1.md Re,mld S.Ocampo
Ramos near the Jaml㏑ :re.
” ●●:● J●9::● B。 ”●.mn。 .n9 。 ● ”“ ●●9日 ”9.● ● . 。 。。。 9力 ● ,● ● i“
Scn。 r由㏕!BH●● ‘ “”9 ” …”曰
rym“ egmng
99E“” π ●● 。. .m:● ” ● 日出 ” ●● n 乃“ 。●」d吁 石● .“〞 .
Jem” 9 Disp。 aid Em:L.Mmly
m● ●E氏
a.re at:ea.6t l2 years ofage and aduit9ead.
happy and i如盹
to d。
the o山 ef犯 uVi“ es that me J由 mboree of-
i| :::::ri::9。
And last9,山 e who:e de:egauon.fˋ the Manilal Co1nc● :wish to thank the● 【
CoⅢ ii ChairⅡ Lan
and Ci,Miyo9,th.
H● n.A:nredo sr L:m,and ML and. MEs. G。 ● fJ. nis fbr th● ir heartwarming a.id. hcartfeit smp,oIt fo9 the 《 〕 ounci!. S de!Batio:.
. .
ers who are regi,● ered member of the
scout associaton.CiH Scouts and山 cii :cader are aim We:oomed t. ● oin山 os茁 d event.
.、 i.
●●● ●.● u● 9吾n G. ” m…● Cm.. .. 9b.9●● 。 . ● ”曰Lγ” 19Hi。 ●.日 ●Z.nB:!Hc.Ct● ●● A. 一 . ●●.● u● 9mmnv.o” 。 」出| Ψ日9. . ●日 nL. mm川 ●n。 6“。. 。 . G9田 山 6口臼
一 . . .. ● ..
由 由 tr mdJn● .i....戶 赫 . 〞gE
’ …●m:my::6e,山 ” 9e s。 mmy.Boy出 utS ’ 。 .tm::V goecia:“ ′ . : :■ me.’ Janet AmaiZ said. di蟲 ㎞ she mt mniled be_ 心舔 磁 :.A㏄ :,.
由m● a!!由 e Se9uts li曲 d and app:audod 。
n n
扭 一
8● 9.●
山 e 曲 m曲
The ciima● e nor山 o」 ambou
wmi ho,enuIly. be hot mth occas:。 nal
ROMAN VISITS JAM B。 REE da..【 托 9rsmnd:㎡ und c。 【“ 笠區盤蟲」 上滋協山 。 。 山at it is imely n.●
o.iate to nos.er
tter und‘
ML Fmnci㏄ oS.Rom.、 am.mber
,。 m●
田m。 ng ou9 ASEAN b9。 I山 o心
In his m“ mge
to ail scouts” “二 ● ‘ .
ofthe Woild Soout CommileuWSB vis..pa。 ing in this ASEAN jambo90.,he m:a. ited th.9mb。 :H,s● t● ●n● e㏄ mbe9 30.′ “Jamborees a..heid t.make:iiemds mot
Ja. n boree
一 ...i
S6口 9oor
%99196 flg”
Ang● lo
一 ∴
Be Proud ofthe
,.Scout Uili●orⅡ
A.Scout uniforin is a p:cture of a . young citizen who,in his ow. n litt:e way a。 .s
his best fo【 the development of his
chamcter,and concern for his count, nel:owmen lt aiso Shows his piogress in
advancement and seⅣ
ice to the oo.
A:ook at a scout uninorm reminds us of what oⅢ count,needs in pursuing
a peacemi,service:oriented,spimually ntered and united communi,. At tlis point in tiⅡ 」 e the scout uni. 口 om remalnS aS an u:ntaint0d unifor● n as. c●
Ciating an active㏄ out being invoIved
、。 in ci叩 inai acts such aS robbe,,h● ld-up, exto!tion, rape, inurder, drug pushing
囆通 盟垂 勤 盤靈 “Not A:I Are Scouts”
amd drug addiction.
Additiona::y inany of our govern. m● nt . oⅢ ciais w!lo are responsib:e for out baSic services to the genera: “
were.forlller scoutS, p. roving
once a scout, a:ways a scout’
Th● n,too a signi」 Ecant number of politicians sup,ort scouting activities and even
. serve aS counc:︳ chairinen and sponsoFs ofcampings for scouts.
Tm!y,With headS held up high, 1用 9
Can Say that we are ve1.. proud of our
Aiigelo M.Ba. ce:om
oath and law and otiler scouting.rao. tices and traditio. s Scoutihg provide.s . of Scoim.g ages:o oppurtuniies to boyS
6〞rg” Scr:oo′ %” .
Not all youth aie scout● but al!
ScoutS are youth’
cha【 acter
ThiS Statement is more man an.b. seⅣ ation,It is a nact. W● th bil::ons of youth woild wid..
qualiied口 or scouting,only a ponion of them a. e glven the oppo●
to be.
como如 :!中 ledged scoutS.When we蝍
scout unimrms!
join the movement.It deve:ops thei9 through pu「 poseih. : activ● tics. In the process山 ”,imb:be the Walues of upright ciuzens ofour co.ntry.
A scout shmid lve up to山 c. xp㏄ . tations of society to coniibute to山 o good i” age山 at山 e scoutn‘ “:ovemont Jepre:” mts.
ml!.pledged, th” adher● to th.soout
J● mbome
Ba:ita is for a︳
Ⅵad㏑ ir Lemard J.Mateo tIF●,,〞g,,6〞′Sc加 or KID Scou“ ng for boys below Scouting age is uie nnh sc。 )ut
S●c● ion.This
sect:oi was .,proved on 26 Flebru.ary :990a:ld is now iin.p:cin.eIlted in ule l。 . ca︳
counc:︳ s.
Republc Act No.9298:s now the basis o「 a
massive reo93mization and reviva9 of qualty Scouing.、
The免 unders
responsible for山●disiibuuon。 f Jambo. ree Balita of the dimerent sub曲 mps●o Ma” .er⊿ .Ro”.‘ 田g方 Sc” oor 山stHbute prompiy the paper. We Work on the pap● 【up to theiate It is a!arming to know that. th.:. a.e eVeningjustto give ym s.me山 ing nr山 o 用po1s mchin,the● reSs.enter ab● ut next day.:We want you.ur.mders to !bL distHbu● 血 「of由 6 JamboJee Balih have something read duinB your i. the ofncia: ,… b::cation f the First tiih● .Al:.our emo1:s are directed to pub. 。 ASEAN JamuIee.There are still,“ 沁u● S lish● ●ws which are educational,informa. . who are n。 t receiving th.Balita. u● ...i1● in” resting. ′
Rau:C.Ⅵ bat
of the Boy Scouts of the
Phiiippines(BSP)are cm.V:cent Lim,
Stevenot,Cabrid9 A.Daza, Manuel Camus,Car:os P. Romu:o, J.E.H.. Jo【 ge
B.Vargas,and Aisenio N.Luz. The irst Boy Scout tioop in山 e Pllili,_ pines was oomposed. entire!y of Filpino
boys who” ere Mushms:
L糕 為韜 怒:d:瑞 良 議:豁:i怯 出 吼:::山路.翠 ,甜. :井’ :::紫 :蹴:堆之 rt饑臨 盅 t法托饑者#瑤 uif駱隙::畏 utS. copy,don:t hesitate. to ask f● 一 ,We wouid!ike to reques“ i:::芒
r it.An玾 ay,
the oapers t。 his sc●
he persons the Jamboree Balita is for al1.
Ja. ilboree
Choy Casti:I● amd Michael obligacion
Jnmb. 口 oo
●s n6t:::.:o● :nP:h. ●
,couto tra!ning in!!fθ oav:no.
Sco.十 s ane be:n9十 ra:hed仁 r C。 m● hi十 y deve!oP田 吟耐 99、
→ 一
下he fun of the Ja:γ 19。 rec
ga:71θ o.
FR︳ 巨
JaSper D.Zabala ,oor Sa,,Beda Correge fr.g′ ,S‘ ′
The F:rst Aseam Jalmboree iS a gath: ering of scoutS lom di山 erent ooun● ies. in
the ASEAN including the P|
mough we d山er
nrom our brother Sc。 utS
in terms of belie心 ,culture and tradi」 on, the spirjit of friendship aInong scoutS 9ill
always be pr惢 ent We’ ve met scouts ioIn Singapore and I really feIt l was with m.y mri.ends at home.
ASi=AN| ●n「 ocus:
They were ve,h● spimb︳ e.Al山 ough theii
caimp is not that ixed yet,they welcoⅡ ied
me as f l was one of山 em.I met m● ir oufit advisor and then I set an inteIvieW
Singapo犯 haS gathered toge山 er山 e
R,nmd&ommpo 6a9a刃 P● ”9已 ”
world’ 6b. est,like
〞g乙“〞gfo〞 ”gMay” 96a
in the Orchard R:oad
where you ca.n see designer of clothes
with hm. I asked hiin about their p.ese.nt condi.
tion and problems they had encounte.ed. He answered that they are :nne and al_
from PaiS,New YOrk,London and Mi︳ an in】 modern com.plexes like、Visma
though it rained hard last.
● t’ s big in attraction,combin.ing a tn:ly
A,tria and The Pro田 !enade.Singapore is
He stated that Filipinos are Very hosp:6ab:e
internationa: atinosphere with the
wamth me and nriendly enviroⅢ nent of
seniilprecious and precious Stones.
Singapo」 o【 nay be snlall in size,but
s a clea儿 green,modern tropical
d9,whcJe yo9 will rece:ve the speci斑 ne 9忙 9lC。 【
accorded to close neighbours.
Sing” re is the number one workforce
amd best in ai,on and airline in the
Shopping h.as never been forg。tten and
that their main purpese injoini,g the First
ASEAN Jambo」 ee was to make niends. It is the miiend.slip that c。 unts’ :,he
At night Singaporea一 s oome out t。
、 have some en,oyment by golng to dis. C。 S,ClubS,pubs,restam.
and fHendly. The one that stmck m.e Inost was llis answer about● Hendsh.ip.H:e said
mways given plm,ofume.
ants and山 eaters.
SingapoF,celebrates a never ending
w● rld.It is also best in powor supply
、 in抽tucm.e山 !oughout me w。 rl或 山e
an ideal place to ind peails,jade,
d:d not encounter Ⅱluch p:0blems so伯 r.
soⅢ d of muli… culmral night throughout
cluded. I really adⅡ
e the hospitali,山 at th. …●
Si.gaporean scouts has shown me.Ikmw the.est of tlle panicipating.oountnes will do the same thing but I don’ t.eally hav●
c:mnest ci9,。 ne of the lowest cime rate
the ymr.Dragon boat racing,Imior
the uILe to go to their calnps:That’ s the be蕊 qua上 ,that Asians have and I’ m de6-
and has a Ve,1ow innation iate.Nom.
spoiing event$Indian;Malay a.nd Chi-
nitu proud of.
img above else,Singapore iS山 e be就 of
nese fesuvals,and a bienIⅡ al Festiva.l of
and山 e worlt all in。 ne
Arts ILake Singapore a non-stop celebra.
ASi色 9面 :th
a pleasant teniPerature all year
munt averag:ng iom 24-32.degrees.
Beautim Civic and Culmml district w.ud remind you of Si,gapo.
s colonia:
I hope that the Singaporean scouts wil:accomplish their goal and山 at other scouts could fol!ow me iails… ” had set
In山 iS
t。 n。
Singaporeans would haven’ t come a
long way r they won’ t pledge them… 出:VeS as one t血 ted people regardless of .
Visiting the Em.press Place wllich ,a:m. 、 is山●ncwest muscurn ii me comtw.Bo-
rac。 , Iang. ua.ge or religi。 n
●it,Chinese and 1● panese Gardens 9(m● ● catch your brmth. .
equali,so as t。
to build
democmtic socie,based on justice and :㏑ ppiness;,.。
and pmg.e“ 口 ortheir mion.
tiπ le,when工 m.tions
good terms,:paiticipating scou“
are not in
can show
their willingneSs to make i呷 :ce thrmm thiSja9nboree.Ih。 pe tha6 thr. ugh thi坊 山o ge t。 w。 rld b● ●
mdersmnding and bmth-
erhood will be buim md that it will曲 rt ●om山 e scouts。 fthe First ASEAN Jam. boree in the vision of PhilippineS ChicE Scout’ s
youm empowerment in山 一
W。 日nen:n the Jannboree? Z9.gero几 t.Ba曰 6〞 Jo99a ,oor 9br. e6〃 rg9,6ε′
We are now on tl:c nih day ofthe Janlboree. and one question一 most oi.en
heard being aSked by山 c delegateS is the presence of、 voInen in the Janlboree.
Troop Leader MiS.Lettie Quinjio of the Qu。 zon City(〕ouncil sald tllat women ioop leaders are allowed here in the Phi1.
ippines when handling boy scoutS in the
elementa,leve1.This iS because most of the teachers in eleImentaly sclloolS a● e vo【 nen.
N=「 R S︳ NGAP。 R匡。SC。 UT︳ 。 NG A︳Ⅲ︳L巨S了
ERROL L.MANLY&JEFFREY D.DISP。 . ‘ 〞 e‘9,4翃 6aP,oES 口9g” 6。”跖 ,,r9‘
It was th.e year l910 when t:he Young
Menis Christian .Asso● iation, the nrst
Salids ioop composed of 30 boys staied scouung in singaporc.● During that time
yomg boys were admimed to the moveIIlent aS Wof Cubs.:During those tilnes, yed an imthese scouts have already pl之 】
Ch.HSt。 pher
ScoutS took positionS of responsibili”
Serving aS Air Raid Watchers,First Aid Men and Police oⅢ cers mtil they were disbanded wlh the fall of Singapo比 t。
the Japanese Impehal:Army.In l946, Singapore becalme a separate:British Crown Co:0ny Branch Association after it was granted independent smms by the United:Kingdom Associa“ on iIl 1950. to attend tlleir irst overseas pa.
op.iators and clerkS during the pehod in 山oir h斑 ry called“ Sepoy War.” 。 mese mles,it Spread to the And iom
m茁 nland of the Malay Peninsula and Fm」 L Coopor Sands aSsu9ied the post of
Mover【lent in l966. In l974, Sin8ap. ore
eiief commisioner of the Singapore Bmnch Association,compHSing the Bit-
Hote:Royal Ramada,followed by the lOth Asia-Pacinc communi,Develop-
ish Crown Co︳ ony of the Stiaits Settle-
m:ent SeΠ linar and the First N. ational
ments(Singapore,Penang and Malacca)
Jamboree in l987. It WaS t.he year reⅡlembered by most of the Scouts when
g.mt year in l922,for this wnS me year where scouting was int」 oduced to schooIs
Sydney.And in l959,山 ey
also paiici-
pated in the 10th World Ja.nlboree he︳
d at
Singapore oIlicially beca:ne a men1.
ber of the World(〕 rganization Scouting hosted its First Regional Conference at
Sands House at Clemenceau Avenue was
and served as an exia clrncular activi,
acquired by山 e govemment for the building of the road tunnel through the ci9.
foi th.e Stlldents.
The IIeadquaiers was then:noved to a
In l934,Lord B. aden Poweu visited 山o Lion Ci● t。 血 eid a mammoth rally .
lleld at the Jalan Besar Stadium.Two y● ars
latet Sea S年9uting waS introduced
With山 e fomation of the lst Trafalgar Sea Scout Troop wim their distincuve miform of white and blue wi山 Sailor ..ps.
I9uring World
t9V。 -St。 I,7
bungalow at 305 Tanglin R.oad. In that same year the Singapore Asia. Pa-
cinc Regional Scout Committee met at the Westem Stanford Hotel in Singapore
which co:nferred the Asia:Pacific Reglona:Service Awards to Dr.Li Ee Peng Liang,President of Singapore Scout As. sociation and IIonorary coinmnisSioner
Var II, Singapoie 、
Calnp Ch:ief of Sub-Ca】
η9RⅣ 田 i’ ●CE● 。
mp Mahaur says
there id no p了 bleni at all in having both
。 in one jamboree that boy and girl scou“ give theIl good experiences. . Singapore Scout Contingent L,eader
DanieI Yap agreed in that concept thaf ’ ‘ ‘ Scouting is for everyone.’ Allowing girlS tojoin campings with山 eboys would teach thell discipline.()f course,.the gu.ys rvR.Ⅳ ηO
in the Second Pan-P. acific JaInboree in
Chong of Malaysia and Sub-
In l952,Singapore Scouts went out
portant role by rendehng V斑 uable service aS. big as taking over the army and police, 山e du● es of dispatch iders,telephone
9nd the Federated Malay States.It waS a
With regards to t.he attendan.ce of
young s.coutS of the opposite sex,S.
:N SP:TE。 日… Jasp「 rD.Zabala 6a〞 B〞豳 Correge IJ,g′ 9S6〞 9ooJ 、
The rain really got sub-camp Chuan Lcekpai wet.Muddy ground is really i.n sight, but th.at d.id not llinder the scouts
from diⅡ 9erent councils,includ.ing delega-
tions froIm.Thailand,H:ong K.0ng and Canada,to continue their tasks.Li免 still goes om in山 e camp and tl:e spi● t of scou● ng rema. ns.
We’ ve inteⅣiewed two sc。 utS. iom
Cagayan councl They said tha9」 though t!hey’ re full of mud and rea︳ ly disappointed about their present cond!ition, they still a㏄ ept tlle fact that it is part of
the jamboree.They added that the scouts
iom their sub㏄amps still do theirjob in spite of unpredicta.:ble circunlstanceS that
had happened. Scouting iS fun.That proves to be ight these past few days.The rain did not stop what could be an experience to the scouts in Sub-camp Chuan Leekpai.
... ﹍
. . . :.
坤〝 一
中. :. 、 1● 一
AS●o“ S6乃 oor
Vinoent Denms B.Bm,.
. ..● .
yo.● elcv.
R痂 θ〞翃 咱 Ja,,,印 田 」”&”
ne Ca.
.ASEAN but this
back in l990,a Filipin● sen:or
to Se田 o6or
Was a
o9:12 y.ais (1991。
and in Rizal Comcm
(1980. 1987).
SC。 ●ting
Sp血 of Baden
arche-ry, ImarkslmanShip and
.1993 G●ldem Jub:i1● . Ja」 L:bore●
蚊 …… 盹 w“ 血 19” 咖
and” mⅢ .
a co● un.. tioop . ●alled th● First
Soo. tTmop.
iii Canada smch as suinmer and f狂
mth● r
just like臨 soou“ he比 in
me Phlippines.They are engagod in
vaiio.sa● . E●ies t*. 山o蕊mmtaneous
me9㏑血 g胛0gmm㎡ Camdim
y● ar he ib. med
”in. dm!!. 9t trai● in於
scoutmg w.need qmⅡ ● s.m.“
than qmmu● .He initia●● ipⅡ m amd s di。 ● .。oV● 1● hg chamcter● o ml mS scouts m ●
tmt山 叩 Wil become,1” “ib:el由 de外 omeday. ● Hs scouts m Camda are由 血 plincd
Jambor.e in Pai,an Ci,
Saili● g,
As a mout● ● ho oⅡmes山o soout g●od d● eds mor h.beli.9es in q.:a:”
Ⅲ ㄖ
Sc● uting
C曲 Ⅲ .This m血 g洳c㏑dod:myanEing. scuba diving.
.1● a印:ps,
was山 ●Camadian t● ld at K● naimski in :ateS●
— —
、 狂 par bo
naionalism and tech:n●
a(hiso!. ln I|
soo泌 and the Naiom Fmd Rais㏒ “ s。 uts ㏑ wich… cml it“ AI,le Day” w!㏑。比 . 由:I● ” ”叩 ”:“ Tniy hisi蟲 | 芯dedicatod to So. uting as“ s message goes“ Sup,。 iy。 Ⅲ gov. .m..t and i於 p刈 cts.r me govem.
dvic . pm:,o:9. “ n9C口or.
. 。 estati..n. ●co1● Ey. . and..nvironin.ntal
m吼 旅a… :亂 ● m仍 W!㏑
” ● . 。 。 。 出ir em由”ors.” my㏑ 」 :f● ● .●
I,go′ o…
mati● ns
9 is evident Dis.ega. dmg m these;山 ” aro here,已 【 : ticipatin道 血 山el斑 ASEAN Jam㏑ 兢 The J● ●● n contingent coming tho lo‘
● i9。f6〕 s出 或 with ik由 soout lm出 歷 md eight s。 uts.Th.scouters. .● l行
KoShika狂 ● d.IMi.Takuimoto and ntingent head站 。Eko旺 H。… 。 。 a.e staying in飩 Go Chok Tong。Sub. .
m..p. “ B呵 ,ti!。 d
. and sleepy.
“ ther mswers when asked about their. smy ㏑
ai● so.,「
the mnp.They a. e mt mmfo洲 o
with Wmther nor it is cold seaSon in J●
wme our oold ho1day season here m th. PⅢ lippineS is not o” ugh t。
di N● tWi田
. nt mm. 由出eS ㏑
count, whici many mauon
HiS n田 meiS Ramon San Jmn.
C.uncii ,1990)
●..,… .… ■ ■●●■ ●.■….●■ ● _● …●-.■ 。
tandi:hg,they a●
1 them
。 。。
ying tiei由 …n th● Jambor” r。 rthem ule Fint ASEAN JamboI.. .
m Japamese for’
iS. γ曲曲貼
stl ha9o nour more days to know theSe ii● ndL9:” 如(出 .S。 Eik●
to kmo… yo”
Acti血 ,in Focus:Aq,atics “
S。 吼
9● ●
b田 uSe
”o● J 日9乃 S●|
1S a1.ne;
know how do our 血 9
ser ”扭 out know.
ono mn
liv. 6o..v● ,
mgh mminlng,
r he
SC。 ●tS
Swi㎜ ing, 1mmving, etc. The Aquatic activi” grou. lS C。 ●.. ” S。d f n。d屯 B. C。 rp!有 co。 mmior 。 。 md his aqmic omcers, na【 n.:y: Feli水 Yee, Wil“ edo A. P血帆 Eman::e::. i: ’ Day●w。 … Ma● A.Mantonilh,99”● Scouters like
bm山 or SC。 吐tS iom ●山or nations. D咐 t。 ser b.causo as ㏄m心 We . 日 e t叩 nsible m dWelop ur。 se:v.s through swm.血 ㏒;曲 y●bping in 。 ithe:process mi m● i田 ,,好 sic我 l。 . Salced.,E● g鋅 ● S.Cmz,Jaspe:水 。 1。 ㏕ nnd social dimensionsi Bel蚢 so。 ,如 。 er F Ragud。 ,… mm
● 。
en,oy … 山
」: 。
ugh the
God you 〞ili 、
smndard ●i-
山 e FirSt
R Ⅲubitng,
A. 」 m加
…● …” ●. I 、 一 :
J‘ 1●
RAⅢ !S● fthe DAY
.戶9p‘即 ‘ W。m… ”
5,。 9 Jan」 a..′
iiS h physimi a● i… ●牡 atshimo!h● ‘ 。 but the:打 :s ai..quaEiy enth叩 iam●
”叫 S抑da男9
. .... i.一
EXERCISES samng u1● ●vi」 ment: 。 。 。 n.ELIGIOUs UP CLEAN SERVICES H-1● LL’ H9FESTIVAL。 F“ ATIVE FLAG UP l3● :● 6中 :ECTI。 ●. ● S:C:6,C▲ ●
一 ..一:一 一
90● H.
.. ::...:一
a .一..
i致 mi● H.
.. ...:.
. iS嘰 clean ● M●miig Routine。 k. 了 n)encouraged Unit ld. InS9i9● ● U,扛 工 Lmde● m加 v. miu. m.ming exedses. . imEi㎡ :ng a扣 gging● ip a●ound the camp iean叩 and㏑ 紅 曲 ir sco嘰 a dai妙 ●
. .
...一.. .
ti● n.
conciave is an actiwi,of
f山 e highem mlk,in soouung,
h。 :de於
i.e.Eagle。Soout 9。 s。 又 加 !!Soout ctc.
16mH:AS. 出AN
. . . . .::
. .:. ﹍ .﹍ ,一﹍ : 一..一 . ... .,一 一.
i」ous&1m㏄s is the o,”
、 “ s。 uts and soou● crs to● amcipa.o1n 。冰9●●e religious由ⅣiceS at mn「 山…99。 。 l。 cation.
1700H. S.COUTEn.s,coHCLAVE
●●● H. il00H:. SKILL. O-RAM● ▲. gHC呼 。 AND。 .
.. ..
. ..
.. .. . . . .
. . 一
ASEAN Youth F山 miis an open m. i山L。 f㏄ utS that mckies cn:viron■ nenml
。 mnciousness md ob● octs that.ach pnr.
由:”nt can expr.ss ti,lm ora prq● ct in .八
”m. n h the J● 由∞!o.,,” …ded tha‘ 。.”odd have sepemte d●●phg qu肛 th” m‘ ,mdt㏑ 山o boys are not allow.dm「 giis’
a a.●
and vice versa.
▲MILES..9b-” p6.9‘ H. . S9NGA.PO.
2(田 90H. 92(稻 ;H.
Chi Chui Lum nr their distinguiShod 蹈rViCes to
●● ngs and da.hc● s.
And b● cauSe we have familiar ASEAN culture,ali favo9ed haVing
Show of their,o:wn c、 .iture in teins
Showand.is th.e pr.s.ntation。 f dif. ntimpmvised gadgets amd lear【 :ings. 於…
a●ch other bct● cr.
Shgapo【e and Thailand Night k a f
of di田o● em skills that eve,scout haS
On山 ●oth● rhm吐 Indon.Sim Di比 . 。 t.r mi Planning aid F.iiiig MH「 ′ s。 艸 sMD told that iour● :“ ii.. 」 on。is a mergod o【 mizaion.We mv. 山e men md… omm wo虫 ㏑g in the● am● cmm1.B● ys出 ●g:::s ar.mined m work t● go山 ei,so tL.t山 ” would㎞ 9y ..
stay in由
. Skim.O.Rama is ule demons“ aton
l“ mH,i990H.
!1boree B‘ .::ta
GATHERIHG RoVer′ Ro● erette Gath● 血 g is a oo_ od actiVi9 Whereim● 1cy shar.p● ogmms and skills● f their own u【 uts and coun. ‵ . ﹁S.
t】 :。
mS:地 j笛 9;King carl XⅥ ●.曲f of SWeden,as the Hono9I,. President. f the World Scout F●undation and Pa● n . of the Bad● n Po” eii Wo● d FeloWship
mde a histo“ c vidt to Singapore in Am. t oemicates and m● . 即出 19’ l to p.eSe工 Ⅱ dalⅡ ons
to neW fellowS:EleVen n.w BP、
色11● ws iom Sin廷 9pore w..e insmliod in the ce. emony.I五 “ N。 Vember l992,Sii. Bapo【 ●Was
m“忿由i in● ts“ d to hostt㏑ r. 18由 Asi」 pa。 血c Reg:omi Smut Co㎡ ●
enoo in l995.
Aner alm。 斑 “ght d● cad.s,山 o Boy
. . . .. .
Sco● ts of Sin田
po即 Sa…
mic and vi.
bi血 t organiz」 怎on中 虹oh● ato於
nood of”uth
in their im,●
● m.nt●nd ● 。
deve:o,ment ii lead.rship q.a:it●
skills and individ㏕ 唧 msibil, 。 ough山 oS…ting Way In th.ir● … ●iu.●● n th. ng。 …ig ASEAN Jambo… 。 .。 . r● e bead● d” Sctr.Danid Yap Seng C● ”● o,N放 iona:Commissioner、 ●E. gr。 u●
S。 【 坤 C● S)with his i由 u氏
it iS一
●● ● i●
clmr that Singapo9o Scouting k g.ii.
the P.th of SuaX、 ● .
..: . ● .● . 一