1993 1st ASEAN Jamboree Balita Vol 7

Page 1



Clo.inn Cam9ire Held Bo● n99ynn




I1● 010§ia to ho§ t2nd n.SE」 LH Jimm、 (9r..

Salient points of tlle Agreement in-


磁 ”o” Magsa,,9av

Jem. ey

66乃 oor

︳ am

Janua.,2,at山 e Grand Arena.

!:ihe jalnboree participants斑

D.Dispo,Ro.ald B.Barnl

V︳ ad::n:r

The closing campnt was he1● nig●t

N J9. 【 lboree b:itatioII of t:le First.ASE」 ◣

T:le ofncin!


clude the plan to make山

leniard J.Mate。


4巧〞 rra9?oH∫ ,Ra,,9o〞 i磁

un血 尨g●.fe‘ 9S6乃 oor



e ASEAN Jam-

boree an annlial event.ThiS agreelnent sha︳ l be further discussed during the

I gathered

The Chief Delegates ofthe Scout As-

Asia-Pacinc scout Conference in Singapore in l995. AlSo agreed.upon、 VaS the

for this event.There was a ceremonial

sociations of the meInber countries of the

creation。 fan AS:E‘ AN Scout Coordinat-

ligh血 g of campn㏄ and p‘senmtion of scro::. Each sub. cam.p also presented

ASsociation of Southeast Asian NationS

ing Committee composed ofthe Heads of

(ASEAN)assembled ycsterday,Jmua,

th● ir

2,in the ASEAN SolidaH9 House at Mt.

。 pemomance of each sublamps namely:

、 lighted

Nationa1.Scout Associations to be chaired by BSP Preside工 1t Andrew O.Noco工 This committee’ s first meeting is scheduled伯 r

bcst mlcnts and there were many 與 utS Who actiVe9 p●nicipated in the

..Chuan, BOlkiah; Soehait。 ;.G。


t .Tong,Mhllathir alld Rainos.

BSP PreSident Ahdrew O.Nocon, iwho is also the Camp Chiet led山 c campire Yam.Then,aner the nre has

fakiling, Los Banos, Laguna, highby the signing of th● Memorandum of Agreement for the Second

ASEAN Jamboree to be held in Indonesia 、

Witnesses to the Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement were Renato S.de Villa,JOC Chairman;Dalmacio G.

ersekutuan Pengakap Negara :Blunei

Pizaih,Executive Coordinator;Carlos C.



DarusSalam; II.M.SoegiartO AMD,

camip臼 re

Anairs MilliStries/Depaiilents.

in l995. The Chief Delegates who signcd山 e agree:nent include:H.J Badar Bin Ali,

faded away,the ashes were presented to

. different Sub-Ca:mp ChiefS. Thc

April 1994.Copies of this n.greo.nent. shall be sent to all the ASEAN Foreign

Gerakan Pramuka/Indonesia;

Escudero, Secreta,:General;Pedro O.

: ashes served as the remeⅡ 】 brance mr山 e Jamboree paltcipants who had b。 en in this irS:time ever ASEAN

P● ngakap

Iamb。 ree.All scoutS and Scouters sang a

Boy Scouts of the Philippines;

● 文9ng for com.mitIlent.Finally the ben-

Yap Chwee,Singapore Scout Associa●on;and Buree Sangpo,Na● onai Scout

jecivcs ofthe ASEAN thro.gh mstehng

Association ofThailand.

Scouting activi● es like fHendship,broth.

.ediction was done aner the c:oSi1●

Camp● re.

g of


(〕 hong,


Ma:aysia; Andrew O.Nocon,

Sanvicente,BS尸 chief National Co:1missioner; and R、 icardo’ T.

G!oria, Progmm

Seivice Chairmaln.

The signi,g of山 is agreement brings

】 )aniel

high hopese of promoting tlle noble ob.

erhood,and cultural exchanges.

R。 ver/R。 vere●e′

Co:her:ng H● :d

Emesto B.RoJo,Ji and Reyndd S. gL〞 99g‘ o′ ,9g望生生rra ’ ●

Pa” 9a〞 6a,a里

一 An estimate of 200 Rover Scol:ts,

Roverettes alld RoVer Peers lield tlldr nrst amual Rover/Roverette Gaulenng at tlle Jam.

boree Gfand Arena last night,January:I.It was the biggest gathering of Rovers aro:na:l /and nr。 nl the overseas. over the cotln“ 〕

Dr.Pedro O.Sanvicente,BSP ChiefNational CommisSioner,deIvered tlle Inspira.

tional Message,

In his remarks, Dr.

SaliVic。 nte said,‘ :Rover Scoutmg. is a bro山 er_

llood of the.open Air and of SerV、 paiticipation in」 is nrst ever ree iS to give iilg by


. 螫



6. Jan9出 dry I9(多 ‘ 1

Jalllboree Bal:ta

抗 日如mⅢ蚓 “山山呠● 日a磁 Ⅲ眨㎝由66 y..|. Pizana told uie geneml tllat outnt Advis。 thy L Esp:no nnd Nath9ine● 、 。 waS there.So m、 ey cdled Si Ru● Freddie A。 …㏑ Tim1●

H嚙 山■6氏

umi。 E出 ”曰 -696 。



as he is knoⅥ l to his soouts,to the group.

aP J,.reg,η 〞 〞 〞Sc山 oo〞 a,9〞

n.n.Lo.、..AL,Ji. 石 m竹 ●● 9E出 昉

n,the general and th.e scoumaster,shook hands with sm.iles iom ear to ear aild tears

9C。 Iregr。roC 丑塑「

盹 血 卵 m ir 」 好… 睡 小:.如…奸 。 . ● _

I. h●

Welling in.their.yes.They last seen each

A dramatic remion betwee:1 Ceneral Pizana and outit Advisor Rudy

D● 1macio cutiei. ez


」.口 :,.

出 ● 由 無 龘 鍼鉍

other i.i l949.

Sir Rudy was given a seat between Gm, o Were Chief N. ational Coninissioner,Dr. Pedro。 .Sanvicente,who was a graduate of

occuied at DaZa Hall last Janua,

eml PiZ斑 ia and President Nocon.Present a:●


oeneral P::Zaia at the tim● was talking With Jamboree o【 icials,when the coiversau。 n led b the rem血 ㏄ences of Geh.Plzafia about his boy scotlting days as a G9ade 3 sm-

.m. IL.” 9J9心 !V.

. ●● 9● 9:6γ ●.● 939。 Eγ ”n.lo 3.1● ●川 9。 ● ●● :V:” !A。 A● 了 . 9● 口 … 9●● ● r(● 口 6“ 6」【出 d● ● 9 . ” … 。 . 而 Hna m曰 ●.mmi.● mlim川 “ 。nH1● .D.之 9。.nln.● o” ▲!o● .● ARAL ● 出 ●●R“ ““ .. ●69“ 公!9S‘ ●C● ●”9。 .● ●日9。1:A.。 ”97。 Vmm。 但 ●imm● .. .. nγ A 。 I . VLA● Ⅲu臼i」 日” “nn。 .mA9io, . Jo● n● ●● .C6● . n。 i9● . .…●●E比 9” 9●

dent in Philippine No● na:Schoors(presently

PNSiElementary Teachers course ill 1942. For SO years,。 utnt Advisor Gutie:9ez is still active in scouting as th.e Adviso9。 f

Philippine Normal University)lab。 rato,

Toies High School and Ti血 ty

C。 llege of

schooI. (〕● neral PiZana recamed th.e surnaine

uezon City.H.has eamed me Eag1.so。

of ms由 :血 or Scoutmaster,who had a pro-

Award and k a nour beads holder(Wood 。

fbund impact on hiIn.


r y,


Badge).He has iain● d prominent peoP:e㏑


the Scoutin8 movement Which proves that

At that time,。 utnt Ad.iSor Cutierrez

was Visitihg DaZa H● I1.BSP President

Andrew。 .Nocon,who was liste血

scouting is still a po” ermi to。 In。 r mle de. el_

9ment。 fyouu1.

ng to Gen.

o“ . ●●L。 ”●in m.on. i=to」 “曰●HA6L● .。 ●u. 1 .、 “.. ne.no.n.、 n. ..AoARi。 ... ” “n。 . ●:.| AL6口 口 。 ●● 。:“田● 。. J.n..!9:日 .● “nnm9日 L● 日」●●●● “●● 1● . P9● “,● 9回。 。 、 、 . P臼〞 .

.● ●BiⅡ 比●.

●AV田 ●.”● In● L● o”.. .●B● ” ′′ 。臼● 。

●“了 .●心!● ● B.● ●Aγ A 。 h”。 “曲●●而”竹〞 。 o日 ●●● ● i● e.. ●● C● … 。 . . ●●.● ●V● n.● ●Ln」 n3.. o.on。 ● 6■9● ● ●● ‘●”白曰6“ 口9 。 V:”

:I... .

臨 ●● ” ●﹂時 “田t9。 9.● nilES . 。 ●tB● S.● ●●Sm. m中 ” 。9’ b南9td C● ●●中im中 . 。 ..● 啜 ● V● . ●●i。 ●.!田 工 n● E9H... ●曰氏 一 。V.。 ●V● i. n● ●A. .. oL● ● !:“ 出 口 ●● . . . :啊 日!A● .mm6●● 。 o.noA. G切 ”9“●由 ..





D田 ′●


.Dψ 〞9 〞。

ca,,PC” V. P〞〞

H。 “旺S9。 ● t:● :6了 n . Cb. ● 6於 “ 〞 i9“:“ 臼 …96P● a● 」,


High● s:、 Sc● u:R● nk A” 闐:● ●Shd● C。 nc:ove 。t eldng「 丁 一 丁 而π 兢● :n!出. 巴!塈塑:史 型一____……….

noverrn。 vem“ .....仰 r刀


needs of your reSpective mnt二 ngen〝 in ’ ’ ●r:6lS。 feXtending logistical suppo比 Di.Sanvicent● aiso urged山e ROver Scouts,.esent to senously consider the 、 relevance of Soouting to Ymth Deve:op. m●nt and to coniibu怕 to mS gro呶h in ut ive hmdrod Eagle Scou“ 由e mmmuni中 th9 a.e saⅥ n3. 9。 s. .Ri2a:Scouts,and Sc● ut Ciuzen A由 山d殘 S and their oo:In●.:parts in overer Scout l趙 der Antonio T.【 J9, R● ● last Chair9I.an of this RoveirR!over.me Gath_ 虹 zatons gathered 中曲 S。 ●uting“ 驆 . 4效 山 .Ouman Memo- eH,g,said 血 t9ans a.e mo。 tf.r the J狎na,1,l” 一 reguiar ho1ding of this kind f gatheing


Ca9P C加 9. ◢′〞口” 川o‘ o99,O9〞 r′加 ● ,o′ P9多加 加 a●印 河o”

6a” ”‘ 〞99色

。 . R9〞 (如 庇 〞〞Z a99口 E9〞 c.Coo翃 ,9a〞 orD. J〞 a“o


MMSC EX:。 nd● dR。 “.f9。 :he「 :9e Ⅵ cims


. Meio Mhnila S。 uth Counc::一 responded to me cam。 f dlty by extmding uie relief 名 dS.●f one sac. k of● oe and hundiedS of 。。 bread. to the u訂 mVed【 hmites of 6§ umo9 in伍 e n9e

Me●o Manila aid Ⅲho were rendered The tlief ms made po鈴 ible by Arch:

聊 軸 ,n.r thom who.had.arn㎡ the

tm曲 ㎡ their associat。 城 “於敵 毀 ● 。 . Chai雄 炷 by Mr:Saloy Saiumbides, 珀用時.

21,1994. The

Councii Sco● t.Ek● cutive.

is㏕ l㏒ “ was. m.● anmIy 29.

●... :●

donatio曰 :S




5 Ja:. ::ary●

Ja. ilboree!Ba::ta

ThE SE了 9

A Do:e:n Apr:!



M仵 丁u《 :p.


塑生些一 些 變塑些生 __ _ 」 土 6四 L里 變LE些空上 __

_ The b。 y scoub and adult leaders of thc

oont㏑ 8en● ofthe Mandaluyong and the Prov-

ince of Cuimaras have norged an alliance of coitmuous ii●:idship and scouting a玨 iliat● on .by● r名 a:liZmg on Aphl a joint sumner camp . . in Cuimaras“ land,noW a mllnedged pr。 v_ -

:nce in Westem Visayas. The ac“ vitv aims to iain scouts and 9ro-


9des them with oppo“ miti●s to intemct with thei oounterparts i9】 the Visayas. .. rli. sununer hoIdL1.g of ule cam,is。 ne . of the.esu︳ ts of山 e FIRST ASEAN JAMBO.


REE: .


E2m理● 型!生 :g1.m.r王 上 望」 .。

一 Scout (9hr:st:ai I9ee of Metro


Sou由 Comcil bought P900.00 9o:山 of scout items打 om the scout ,…


e vas:given a change 、 P400.00,but h● Jetumed the amount shop. I:【





巳 ㄍ匕 。

Am of. us celebrated山e Ne” Year ●gether but iotˊ With our own families:

knowing that it violates the scout.laW.

To SoI● e

We commehd sc。 ut● et for his Feat

itsjust the same iom the past years and nan.y it’ s part of growing o:d and to 【


W. e

. l,

J● c● nt。

,,bC” C羽9—99● ge9. r…

B● -,— 9一.


… —— — ——— — ——— .一The Baguio Comcil Jamboree Ci● — — — ——Igorot Contingent dand●d to the● …ied — — g beats around ——the camp to shnre the

artthe year ofthe dog.

。 At least two ioops。 f Scouts and S6”uters

danced gailv山 rougli me Wind.

ing road of Mt. Makili,g Shoutimg


as bellS iom the

oarby Los BanoS church reverberated ● throughoutthe c.nlp.


spentthe New Year、 vithout love

ones on our sidejust t(9 seⅣ e the FIRST ASEAN JAMBOREE:It’ S a great sac●.

Tw● hour mernment Staned at me

p of th.e Singaporean and the Japa. ● ● ●● ● ●”Scouts then around the G.h Chok T。 ng sub㏄ amp,up to th● Langcauon l passing through Sub-cam,Bdkiah …… ● camp of the Koream Soouts at 紅 di. ● :.

about two o,CloCk in the in.0rnihg. Gong b。 礒 iers. snaked down to the拓 砡 站● a」em whero山 ey were joined by hun. 山“s。 fS。 u“ who shared the. merH。

To m6st ofus,the year sigmlS● mew beginni.n8. A change fbr the bcttel We should be 【 no. e coΠ linitted.to th.e scout oath and law and its concomitant prac.. tices and traditions. We should expresS our gratitu.de to our parents who a. e instⅡ :mentalih send. ing us to山 e Jamboree to serve our coun. try.

Hopenully we cali conle out bett.r

moves betwo● n山 e_ rain and mud山

Luis A.Cabi1● ..In9om● 9o」 mcpr li刀 Arb● eo. scout。 EI●tutive

氏 。


● 。 ,ge”




SickS or Splashes your back With sticky

‘ “ Ⅱ

dii.Yet,the Situauon never dampens

9:一 一

the spiit in tlleir quest for new thiill,mn

The First ASEAN Jamboree even f 。 and

ad● enmre the,scouting Way.

it has not :inally.closed has already . The personal belongings of soine achieved a high血 “ng on the success of scouts that were perha● s miisplaced or

- !。 St

in山 e course of folloWing山e iail of ence of Ⅲ出a●orable weather condiions. aotiuies were 9etumed to their o〞 Ⅱ 1● 心 It has given full opportum● to the par- This is a manifesta● on that t● ∥woihi. the dimerent ac. vii● s despite the pe於



tic.pantS for them t● see at first hand the .prevailinㄠ cultural tradi“

ons and customS

of other provinceS in our oount,e●

ness is not only the laW ofthe cal由

but it

has cmbedded.in me mind and h㏑。.is

pe- eve,scout.

cial:y those of othei pai.i● ipating.coun_


苳 TIle make. up activiies were’●xoe1.

t● es.Interna“ onal broth● 山ood,good. lent opportuni」 os mr eve,conting。 nt to will and liendship were exhibited among undergo what they fhiled to do.

tlle delegates in th.is scout gatheHng.Ex.


f so● vonir:tems

a● d autogaph

dedications fost● 【 ed the bohd of friend.

Our specia: thanks to Secretary Renato S.de Villa for providin8 eve, scout delegate a r鉏 n Coat to.rotect him.

ship among scouts and scouters. self wi山 the mipredicmble rai㎡ in thc TIle unmavorable weather in camp is coursc of山 cir participa● n in i℃ Jam. .b。 ree.


絮 為城 耦諾鬼 斌置 ≒ 求 在 I哪 you唧 m岫 一 ::.


: :


. ●... .



J.nnbo9ee observ● ::onS

not oInlv a test。 f endurance btt the th● l1

●ontingent、 Progra::l lC9fficer and Toi opin:ano both depu9 contin-

五ce but the acuviues are all wo:i1●

scouts after tlle JaInboree .

留● iit。 fthe NeW Year s.ason la斑 Fiday 中 。 !● S●

Sa.new e.pehencc,:br others

training日 or independence.

New Ve. r. R● 口 ioi“ I::I”



A New Ve.r,A Bo” er Scou:

▲ig● !o:96.B. :.● lonn 、 To′ ′ 口 9 rr9嶼 一一___—— ——


i.:9.ii. i璠



:::. i.i.


‵ :一 :9i● : … 騂 ●發鍶藟融●

. .

Sir! .


.●.. ..



da她 ::ar97 1 99梅

:S● . s. ●:s●● H. y.nr:n FEt:● n

9● mb. r.●



Ja蚣瓘boree Ba地 ta

. .



W=B︳ DG。 DBY= Am● ss:on Acco日。np︳ :shed!


January 5, :994、

〞 ...

A GliiiPo● at the misa.● o occidental Co● nci Contimaent

tlle activities,disseinirlati.g informlation

h【 .】 B9rceloni 9g〞

and setting a great cxaⅡ lple of sacrifice


Aner seven issueS of the Jalmboree

Balita and the First ASEAN Jamboree ∞卹 9g to an end,We bid goodbye with a _ Ⅱussion accornplished. — . A.S voung【 no“ibers ofthe Pronio● ionS and Publici,SeⅣ ice,wc could repcat. e’ ve do口eo口 r best.” od︳ y State that,‘ 〞 、of publiShing a daily : 10ur inission . h● 9岭 lett。 無“了山e Jambo」ee,promoung

for other aspiring Scout journalists,

M邱 .Padti B.CoI● t

could all be sa一 d t0 have been com| Pleted

Co99加 ge99r

for the benefit of the Scouting Move-

With」 i the phnt斑 words handed t。

the public for seven consecutive.days,

we express our thanks to eve:yone who, in one way or another gave iⅡ :po!tance to the task entmsted to us.

E9isplay of dimerent cu.Itl」 . es and traSo乃 oo9


diions is. the climax of each magn由


a出air is a success so far,with each J.m.


● n Pass:ng H.r氏 .




9h.●-F!” 〞9

. : ●

Cow” ‘ rr

among members。 f the ASEAN juSt started will con“ nue to grow wider in spirit with.the suppon ofali concerned.

Since the begin.ning of the acivi, 9rent tralis,

SkillS and Spo1:s whether rain or shine.

一 ..

Bovs and scouterS moved from ome

place to another to include vehicles. Iam ..】 H9minded of tlle,novements of antS in



Site direction.s.

Such Inovement

。 。 :.: 山om place t0 p● ace performing activities,

attending progranls, Ineetings at sub. .6臣.” .p,visitihg dimerent contingents aI:d . :going to the

Thanks.to.the ASEAN brotherhood of scouting.

mess hall,m斑 【 es the theme

Bidges for 19nderstaiding’

!nore excit.

The Misailis(Dccidental contingent Was tlle iist to arrive.In S.ite of ll。

a.nd party and all con-

leanliness and b● auti.ication.

:BSP National PreSident

Andrew O. Nocon and Mayor.Ben C。 rdero

of Mahnduque visited山 caInp, 。 they commended t:he Misamis Occidental conungent as the cleanest caImp.

The contingent included.IIon. Percival B.Catane,hcad;” ir.Runno G. Seri.l,asSt.contingent head; and” iisanlis

occ.Council Executive Mr.Florito B. :rubio,Sr. i In fact the picture of the Misaniis occ.coningent gaie was f● amred| i,th。 December 30,1993 isst︳ e of山 e迎 mm」 裝

tingent heads to sub. caimp

Goh Chok Tong for a dinner par,.T。 kens Was


glven to Pres:dent N0c.n nght at the

one.r:. an︳ De!● gat:on

pamp by Baguio omcials.To Singapore

ionl 28 I)ecember to、 January l994 all l ScoutS went througll the di及

、I .

break.canlp as —

we khow it;the uni,、 and paitnershi,

Andrew O.Nocon

一 Co” 96:99g〞 9964c9● .,r,〔 2〞 ,‘ er

an Percival B.Catanc.

。 . When

spilit of scouting and brotherho。 d devel-

oped in each local a::d foreign contin-


glven山 o chance to.pe」 rm includi,g

a1:y coming to an end—

b.oree acuvities being experienced, the

:B● y

toienial rains,it managed to mainm.ii

Wi山 .thiS nriendly occaSion gradu-

r. Chairman and:Contingent.Head;Ⅳ 【 Runn。 G.se:il-Asst.Contingent:Head; ”【 r.FIorito B.Tubio;Sr.Councii Scout

cent night with thc foreigll delegates

.the local scouts.

Activitics with regards to the grand

Contingent is. composed.of H:on..Con. gress. nan Percival B. :Catane, C● un.:1

SmutS” of山 e54 boys,.19 are indigen“ whose registra“ on and fares were shouide. ed b:/私e oohingent H● 哦 Congres● .

Scouts ofthe AS=AN .

S‘ ”加

Executive; 20 Scouters, and 54.

tIntil We ineet again...


:The Misa:mis Occid● ntal Council


●. . .


contingent,tllank you so lnuch.

on Janua,2,!994 CSE Aurelio R. Donales of BSP Tawi. Tawi Council to-

Jon A︳ bert


/A石 ” :oo〞 ,a〃 rg乃 ∫‘′

I Mr.A.J.M.Hafez,a Senior Assistant

gether wi山 his ll scoutS met

Secreta●,of Thana Niruhi。 EiceS,Gov-

De Villa at Goh Chok TOng sub. camp.

enlInent ofBangladesh,arhved in Manila :ast December 26,1993。 r。 mH● ngkong. He went.p to Makiling on the same da9.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!to ml boys and here and overseaS,to” y brothers in

ISlam Hii and 9ia Usman,Ibrahim (Thailand)Hii Abdul Ga血 I Khen(Ma-

He is the only Bengali de︳ egate to the nrSt

!aysia)的 i Badar Bin Hii Ali(Bmnei)

R.egional Janlborec thiS Ja、nuary S. 12,.

and especiaIIy to the BSP na● ona1. manage】 ment f。 .山 is

r giving uS the necessary c。 【 n_

within their means.

WASSALA. Mm一 ...

ASEAN Jamboree.According to him, Bangladesh、vill host the l4th A.sia-Paciic 1994.The Boy Scouts of Bang:adesh are

buSy prepaiing for the said event and smdying for their nml examinations.H● also expressed his gratemness b..cause me. Filipinos gave hinl a wann welco【 ne u,0,

…s ariiv斑 .


Ja:l田 ar9r





︳ Know:ng

9nore about Scouter Cordero,Si



Heading the delegation were:Scout

BSP Ro〞 tr。 .

. .

Executive Alfonso M.R。 as,c。 unci: Chainnan G。 v,Jose M.Madid,Council Commissioner Joseph Fadri,DiStrict


. Puiing. battered th● province of

R:omiiblon laSt I)ecenler 26.29. 1993!eav-

comm” si。 ner

ir【ㄠ I2.000 families -homlelesS. :rh:i.s tv_ .

Famamn,and Anyn FabeIlon,and thir.

hampered the delegation山 om com. earl於 mer 26.


te.n(13》 bo9 scouts i。 … the scouting



(A雨 ew



K:︳ a︳ a,Ka:b●


Scouter B● niamin S.Cordero,Sr.,a

Council Member at large from Q.C. (E9ouncil is a Scouterld.e● oted to his work.

IIe was born on I)ecember 2, 1929 in Paniqui,Tarlac but grew up in quem,

mas.My bro山 er,sister aid nieces and

Fou.r years later,

nephews di.d not come that evening.F● i one ChistⅡ ias,tlie house was e.mp● y.

he acted aS Pr.vincial Coordinat。 r of

u。 n ehiliippines).

New Brother9

MalaySian friends to visit n,o!m.council IIeadquarterS.Yet,I免 lt some iepidaion

ous caroIlers wafted through the

The ChiiStmas l ights on the

IIi.s Scouting career started. in l936:

The lmorning of the twenty. nfth That wasthe day When l was to bing my

.December.24.The night air was 五l1● d with gaie” .Chrismas so,gs山 om

on what would be my mothers reacuon.

she was

sad,the non. arrival of my oIder stim wo「 ied her.Yet,as I walked tlhe ldooIr with i,.y six Mala:ysi:lln

㏑uses.Yet,the ChHstmas spirit seemed fHends, to:lia9e len our house tllat evening. h6y . ●●ther was c9ing..My uncle had a far_


. 9”竹 iappy and fillct:with laughter.The

JuSt on

non ScoutS in

FOr him,better preparaion可


yQuth is needed to” ards better manhood.


reliance pro9ec心 .InVolving hiiiself

in the Scouting move】 ment for about S9 ther will guide, p.otect and help us a1●


、 、 ‘ ‘ While Scouting is to be in such an


(f山 e。road

abode which i忘 laborato,and about山 e

fi:0m th.e entrance gate in going to the

presence of(〕 od,肥 feel Ilim through the

Grand Arena.

nature that surrounds us.And when there

the tents becau.se tlle a.rea was so mud‘9,

but aner

sjust on the irst night.mat Soiile of th● scouts and scoulters,were all it’

a.re things we cannot do. at ho【 le, we. . leanl to prac● ce it outdoors.:ThuS,tllis is

laboratory. Well, there shou:d be.no amount of discou.ragement for every ’

Scout bu:tto pu.rs. ue’ .

ChairⅡ :an Adst.SchooI Divisioh


This is his message to all the Boy ‘ ‘ . Continue your in-、 ‘ V0:vement in Scouung with a smile。 ven in the midst ofiustrations,and remini又 刃.

Scouts concerned:

they hav● always extra food.

len iast Decem-


venue I)e。 .28 at

cerest thanks


is u9der sub-canip

.. ..


the Philippines.

years,he believes that the Heave,19 Fa.

It was really hard外 r 」 henl t0 put-up

〞 / ”9,a” ‘

tlle()rgaluzation of lⅥ


lS S。

L()9日 巳

mittee(Morm。 n).He is the norenmner of﹁

languages c● ss-crossed the a::r, as tho namHy mssed and letted ovoiour guosts.

br it’ S

Co-Chairman of the Micronesia Ph.ilip-

pines AJm Soouung Relationship Com-

He believes that we should learn more on

brother.Thal曲 9to scoui9g.

masbate counc:︳

1988.Ii-1991,he aSSu.【 ned the position as

seemed brighter,mer,voices in three

joy of meeting a new iiehd...a. new

one was coming home mr Christ.

Ta::ac Counci1.He held tliis position ih

Christnlas!’ they chomsed,as l introduced them to her.Suddenly,the house

Then and there,I felt once again th.



earned his :Eag:e

Scout Badge:Be● ore he came to Manil色

a● ness and gloonl len.her ●

and a s:mile crossed her face.‘ ‘ Merry

look on his face,which omy added g︳ oom in the house.The house was unlike preⅥ ouS ChHstmasc色 WhiCh

29 and ll:30a.m.

/i昭 9口 ‘ oH.S

the International Scout BadBe Associa-

”〞翃 ,L.E,P9,,。

a9.ˊ 4‘


gan,K● pat:●

出96a,,an,Co” ”‘rr

● o the



Province:Currently,he iS tlle PreSident of

S切 :!VacioIL

Ⅵ idimir Lennird J. D)o● iiador i、 I.S● .c︳ ag 】 . ,reg● a9‘′ 乃oor aFJ〞

Alo F:Cruz,aiid Scouters

E.spirito Molo, Ja【 neS Perez, Antonio

phoon damaged houses and Properti● s . ,W。 “h of one hundred nmy m;mlion Desos. T七 lis

Ba一 :ta




::i ii.

惢:由 …﹂一 ..:瞞 贐. :、


God alwayg,.


】 ti)。 ree B‘】:::E. 必二 9●

A●EAHii F。 Cu● 8

. o。d SerV:ce:nA● t:on 「 Bara●

′〞rra,.。 〞9g” .●

&Jeffrey D.D:spo

Pa〞 9a996a6o99〞9g L999g9o〞

66” oor

.、... Th● F●od Servnce.had a tedious task ● ● pcrform.. from menu prepamtion,

so.rcing,procurement:quality controI, inspooE。 n;as.sembly;distributon;olean-

mg●f m.F。

fbod.c田 meS and the setting up of d Plaza.

。 Based on an interview w.ith Ms.

”hilyn.monzo,0pemtions Ch●


f㎡ the

d service,they work 24 hours a day to

..nsu.e timely delive,of food supply to ,the dime● ent sub-mmps.

Al。 n20 funher emphasized that a

. /

.: igid Selecti。 n criteia was used in the se-

:一 : 1● ction offood sup● Hers for the iamborec. :●

Al1● ood

deliveri誌 sho.id pas忍 through

Bangkok,山 e



Experiencing the :K.antoke dinner phant ride is on.whith must

Reyi9● dS.Ocnmpo

H9g” Sc乃 ooJ&

死 9加 o,,

再′ 1994

and the el。

99gMφ 9妨

not be missed.The Kantoke dinner which′

capital c” ,is hsing.

have.d面erent and palamb:e dishes atmc.

Shopping ce:nters were still bu.Sy as late as

cuSt。 mers

ten in the eveni.ng.Goi● g around the ci9

senting. fo1k danceS.’ The eleph.ant ride is.

is ve,eaW.Room acmmmodiations pose

most enu。 yable in Chiang:Mai.

no problem for Bangkok has thousands of

. rhailand yearly celebrat.s Chulalongkom Day eve,。 ctober 23 in mem。 ● 了 f King Chulalongkorn who

hote:. ooilS,Condos,and

guest houses.A

:ot ●f these hotels aro of in-k9rnational

standards,There are over hulidreds of te【

:lples in lBangkok. YOu can catch

Chamchak nlarket there.Evo,. ”ing ls in 山.is market like p:ants,books,cl。 theS,

ais and crans,foods,kniv㏄ ,etc.Bangkok is a land ofnowers.Y. ou can ind the

famous Bangkok orcmdS。 r the Thai nghung cocks,the exo“ c bird cages and even a king cobra when you visit由 ere.

Chiang Mai,the ciW called“ Rose of

t:he No1.h’ ,is the center of crans hav.


Laq.erware SilVer,uinbrelias,wood cmn, baskets,silk;o9chidS,. jades and o山 er

。 abolished tlie slaVe,in his count9y.The whole na● on moumed and wept when he i . 、 died.on Octobe.r23,1910. one highight in Thailand’ su曲 , 。e is山 e col。 “ul Bhu Thai iibe— one of山 —

oIdest in the kingdom.Bhu Thai dan㏄ :S exo。 uie

symlbotc hand rnove“ lents wit91 de:icate五 nger omments.7rhe fesivai da9 1n NortheaSt 9miland in the pr。 Ⅵn。e ofNacom Pnon haS religious activitieS in 山e morning and aftemoon.It iS all孕 ine ume to spend before the d.9 hot seas.n le retum h● me to wait stais and the pe。 ● nexi year’

geⅡ Ls,dolls,ceramics and potte,,e● c.

with its entenainment of pre.

s飴 mval after the harvest.



be sane in an insa曲 ” rld,and dovelop. 。 由e higher realization of Service,山 e ac-

B9田 iC〞 ●oⅣ 9召:ⅣrE承 E比 9,/.肊 姐99 EJGrr

tive servioe of:o、

6C田 0OL


Don’ t iet山 e technica1.utweigh the

mora1. Fi● :d efficiency ba。 kwood. n:anShip, caJnping, lliking, good iirns,

jamboree comradeship are ali meaIls.Not the end.. rhe

end is character-chamcter

with a purpose,that the next g● ●eration


e md du9 to G。 d md are the ve,words t扭

Po” ,eu said in the yea.r l939,whiCh we

ind very applimb:e for thiS momenno.s event.

In an interview with th● nrst PhiI:p.

pine Chief Scout Exccutive, Exeq!iel η口RⅣ 印 出6CE● 。

Can:z Coune::A:waΨ.S。 n .

. ● 迍蛙 iamm亟

the Co

Silt● g

Ra9〞 ’c’

.. .: ● . .●

:一 ..●



Food PIocurement .a.n.d E9istibution


P● vat●





and viding ● ,

1 9.


Founder Lord Robert Smyth B● ado9

not mks any to th●




Jainboree Ba::ta


AL。 ok:nto Scout:ng:n other(C:ountr:。 s

” e are(9ne as ScoutS

(Fr● !m.th..ip.r:eno. so●

● ...i.

Soo」 ter m!anny ca︳ era9

D.minado1r!N.Snc9日 g S‘乃 oor

“ 《 :9ne. ◥ 〃. e are one. ()ne ho.e. one J。y;. ne in etemi,,throug… the yeafs j。 y

.: :

and tmrs,we are one.”


AS you hear tlis song,w:lat do you . mmember?Yes.it is山 e me idealism of ”outiiig-:brotherhood and fhendship。 石 e are different in blood,cmture,coun. t9V 、 but we a.,e one in.our i:h.oughts a.s


“.th. i scouts.


Look at tho bight side of scouting

and you wil1● ee how it has developed

9● u.Dimerent.eoo!e

have di山

erent atti-

”deS,怕 lm“ ,SkillS and prioHties in life.

( Ench me of us has asse必

and liabilities

一.as iindividual scoutS.Onc can do this but , 一 .u比 others calmot.r.we combine this ef:. . mt山 o.e is probabili,山 at the output iS :.

l pe1.cuy good mou出

‘ ●. .. . T. here iS a saying thit‘ tlie st9ong ′ 韜undation of brotherhood is based on ● . .nity● mo,g nations,siong,concrete .… ● . : digni,standing on.a single“ dream and . .aspiration” . Re!mom.ber what have :一 ● CCured in th.e llistory of t.he:Ph.ili..ines.


: 由

。h● m the people joined hands心 r lee. … dom and ideolo又 V. It iS the ::I一 】 E.()】 P:LE .P。 WER’ ’in EDSA that ha,pened in . ’


hina, a lot of,eople n。 cked in :Tiennaimlen.Square in l99l to fight

一 ●i aga:nst iniustice and inhumaniu.They :

iqu。 r● d

the Victory without iinking

.. . .f● 。。 r their own liveS.. Πie arc nianv more

i忒 喲6t。 show un” in ove,nationi . In this ASEAN JaI【 lbo」 ● e,scouts are 、 . 喲…ng aS a team 9Vith the help of the 、

Philp● ine g。 Vemment md other brother

mouts lom neighboing comiies.



f Inugao at d:山 -camp、 iahathir‘

n 。

H’g乃 So方 oor


:s the :King Scout

scouting. :prograr=】

w:hich is oquivalent to the Ea8le Scout,

Jose:Rizal,and Citizen Scout Award.

Smuter Manny Calera spent seven


years in Laos.He mnied. wi山 him a letter of inioduction山o9m tl1● Int● mtional

CoIn-missioner of the BSP.H.e was invested as a member ofthe Boy Scou“ of Laos in Vienuane.He also took up the BSL Scout Wood Badge in l96l a.nd attended the International Tra.ining.


Tea:m Course (ITTC) :h Cam.p wn9iravudh.Camp in Ban然 ok. Scouting in LaoS is similar to that of

山e Phii●pines.Teachers are iso Sc。 u… msters bo● h in the cubbing and scouting

program.Scouting is wem suppoied b, 吐le School autho“ 6es,and the local and nationai governinent.T. heJe are no Scout

Scouter Manny Galera served in Saud.i Ara:bia ilioin l999 to 1988 wit1.the US.

Ariny Corps of Engineers and US

logical G● ●

Survey as a Senior Adminis.

trative()nEcer supervising Filipino work-

ers in the comlpany.


Scouting in Saudi Arabia is also schooI-oriented. . rhe !eaders. are also

schoo:people.Their camping actM“ are very liinited due to t.he harsh cli‘



Th● i calnpings are lⅡ ;uamy held in school baC9. 狂● S.There

are no women involved in山 e program because of山 oir cmmre.

professiomls mImng the comcils even U.S.A.

in die National Council itself.Scouts are ve● y disciplined and ca.r,y to the letter th.e


Ctions oftheir!eadet

From l993 to 1994,Scouter Gale.a was then a paraprofesSionai of the Far


East Councm,BSA coveing the P:hiliPpines and‘ Thailand with an office in

Smuter Man,y was invoIved in Air

Tachikawa Air Base in Japan.

America A.irlines Udo【 【 .,Thailand fio】 m 1969 to 1993 aS procuF● 】 mlent o五 cer,of

Air Amerim Inc.It is a,lace Where” staned a.s a Scoutnaster and.Asst.● Dis_

tHct Commissioner in the BSA.From thiS, he。 rganized a CUB, Scout PA(〕 K and Scout T● oo..Their scouting.ro又 rain is ve9 9imilar that● f Laos and the Phil-

F。 TSTEP...′ .o〞 ,P.g〞 /

Villacorta, he streSsed that this very :wo.ds should be shared and be known by all scouts who ha︶

.poIoglZe for

e at●

ended mis momen-

mus event mr he比 lievos that山 9ough What BP sa玳 we,the youth be saved

page f th.e Jan● ary 2, 。 f 五m㏑ 生立 垂壘n: ln the 一

” 。 」 9ioW

v-h.ere all tlle Jan9borees are being

、. Γhc highest scout ran.k in their

h。 :d.

Scouting ln the US is sponsored” t!he chu.rch and i.an.y civic service clubs.

Scho。I sponsorsh.ip is very rare. I1● . ee山urths of me ac. ities of山 ●boys a.e .on.e.fourui are done done out(io● rs while indoors.All the leaders are parents.Their ioop meeungs.are usually heid in the afternoon after cla.ssos.

Bmnd YKL camera:ost duhng


k● k一


m蛀m虫 狙

We wo」 d

which is the Camp Wniirav. dh in Bang-


. (〕 .In


.:: i●

口9imador:● I.Sac︳ ag

。 Ra〞 o,9。Mag,a少’ ‘ φ

also scout lead-

ers.They havc a perInanent Fam:psite

Boii B:● /臼 ●T.J● ego unJ,,,〞g稱 r〞〞SC乃 oor 4曰 ” 〞 H●g乃 Sc乃 ooJ

1986: rh.v stood.as one so a.S to Show th. ir ooncem and l” e for their muniy.


.β choo:ofncials.are

V!● dim● r工βnnard J IⅥ :● teo

S● o” r9P9g9刀

iiendship lom山 eir

bro山 er scouts山eir、 ilml,ef● IIowInen in tlie world.E.ach bov

cOuld then go foih iom山 e Jambo.eo, w.

ith me new responsibili妙 upon him,

naln.ely,that of an ap.ostle,to hiS particu.

iar district of peace and goodwill” ThuS

9a:id by BP.

s:zed that,

i9。f山 e …● ●

o功 ′′







sh.uld 山 m 。

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