ti ,t r
PttbllCrcr: JOUN LENO &
CO., Ltd., Dundcc,
.nd t!6 FlG.t St.r Loldoa
DIJ.ColIis Brotrne's
ONLY GENUIilE. r/nc Bcst RemcdY Known
Atircitted by the Prtifossion to
be the
coqgHsr coL?:s,
er'-r l13gq'r'ttt6
Efieetuallv cuts short aII artacks of SPASMS. The only Palliative in ltEURAl,GlA, To0THACHE,
Acta ttkc d Charm in OTARRH(EA,
GouT, BHEUtlTlSt,
CouyiuciD g f,Ie(lical TestiEony acconl p&Dies e&ch bottl€. ,/
DYSENTERY. SOLD IN BOTTT'ES FT .11,L CHI.:}{ISTS, ''*t:1/1*r zls, aad 416 each.
,Re >-=
) >DE}DED}E}E.)=
U $, :;:
Scouts wi'll be rble to pais the rime in j,rllv faohiorr rritlt
thi a,,,
{l! ,l\
auNT KATE's --
No. ili No. 2 tli No. 3 ili
folo*ing:scorrlsg Soxes, oi rh.
Do. Do. Do. Do. ,ai rHE PEoPLE',S ENGT,3:I soNGS, "
{i -!! T fl
nt [f
soNGS oF BURNS (witl 48 Pages
Oqor, Od,a*E: 32
1 ? IIo. a No. I
No. No.
!i! lJ
rvas in itsel'f a big attraction, I exceesivelv imitative, but urrderl moro obrious ieasons the moveinr succ'essful frorn the starb because r need for it erisie<I. -Fi&( d+.-'r flo5s saw in"it an organisation v
a irind of uork-rvhich they oould and. they took the moremett ir pushed it trith th6 zeal of youth, a IiLe a prairiq firo. Patrols of So up all or"er tho Empire w-itb mt
growth. The Boys' Bngade, Ci
up soouting as pa,rt of their instr
tli iU
Oover. ili each ili
the "PEoPt,n's Foroo,r'' KinA St., W.', Manchester, and 186 Fleet St.. l.onrlot,, or post, free,2<1. each,
duubt in the eariier days r urenf tlhe picturesquo uaiform oj
ln Pretty
Price One Penny Iro, *";;;",
} \o' il,.
NIGGER MINSTREL SONGS rHuglishrrtE*-p-EdFLn's wELsH soiIGB, ... ' {l! Do. IRISHDo. ,ai soNGS,... ii;k' TrrE pEopLE's Do. Do.
'lIha i,lt :r: r t I j:+ Bc,1 S,:r- ul ,t : g:el:i,:, ir;ririi cculd oal;. Iurc rri,u sull retained tho le.art of probably there js no ono lii,ing underst&nds ihe British boy-h thoughts-trettor lhur General Baden-Po;vull. IJ._. l:lr_,..-- .. ,. .: pcai lo ljur, cn,: -- ... r,. g*. .,. hirrr, eu,l tjru 4'!_of thf Er,,1, rluldcJ v; l,is appQJ witl .., r . . -;--! e " \o
fli Around the Camp Fire
'll ,t!
V; 'it*.: , )f:':'l':i:'i:il'--.-.--- -Dtili -: - - ;+€t***e**e***ete*?
Brigade, aad kindred boys,organir
rnany countries, sucir as Gerrnanv. Sta]ls of -Amorica., nuesi# Cfiiii, .trggiitina, tdie' adopted the Efout fo?)ffili*y'ouih of their
"Thd hov#rent is-not-eG;.-'
"";;; and many b"y" *["'
claso; Dules'sons aad oooks, sons
dono aaything useful ia their lives ' who, i! the.v had been left to,the :-6rE'oes, w6rild. hare d6tblo;;e iri*
f: btrTden t-i_ soqlqtj e.fiif?fthc'o6u *dbvelore$'ioi,<i ib.+'l:t!t'
-* i.:. +"&!.+ErqEti,,.
' '
ILY GENUINE. Pr6fession bo -::al brbethe the
T YAI.UAEIE BETEDY -.-: lsoorered. .-:: -Ls cut: Short all r. o: sPAsts. -, o-'v ?allialive in rerdtrrroorllAcHE
T, BllEutATlSt'.: fle.itcal Te-timoBY ::: -e: "ac'u bottle ./
,,c:,r with :-. t.-,t .r :. .-.1i.: . ..;., ,c,fi. r ..urcnr *ilh- hgpee and aqbitie,p{^ [i;-r ]:,:,rr, Lr a fi,e i,it tl r,f tho [Jc-r. :....!;. i,iis I]i,e i.tr.,
i#ffi:f.Tii.*ffifr:&?q;=ilS 0..,; l,;." oJ,r.y ,; ru cre i;i;*gl n;i.rr :,, :;:;1;"::,i cir,Ll .,ni: .1..,r .i.1"..''*,, [.tr:ii. i+t ";" lthrougb-irit."orJii&...ij.-t$*ffiei'aio:diuu.riuil-of ftoiitmaitiis"'t' ftoitiiia"sttls"^' uhu still rerained irhu retained tho'heart tho beart oi a boy, and : litri:liaid litrf li;trd'of poJbubly pro'bably tihore lii'ing to-aay whof,'fi;"iuoa"%ib6#d# t+day wirb tihere is no one liiing pley who l-i$Uiuoa"%i b6# d# horat to play ,
uaderstands the British
n! Fil? $,
,i*rk rtintet nights, ir.'-,!,rl 'sith the aicl {&
1 z No' 3
No. No. 2 \o. .:.L i:r:s -=- :1
ili ili ili
il, U
i ili No. 2 ili . No, 2 I U No. No
Pr-tty oover.
It7 each
-on**fr1'to'"#Iu'tr#; [a'"tl"ttl"- *,.t?.}P5!19*:pry..., '" J,,i;;r,;; [*I 9yfl - ,. ;i"'s*"t""",i'*s | . nr tu" deoth dr'Kins'Edward tho Empire flff;;J;;'#;.;;;i. Peace, Scout, tJre B<iy I*t oad jts,syalest. ;;;;;-ritl up all owr rha Empire ",ith I Churoh Lads' j Soouts their 'best friend' eio*th. The Bovs' Brisa'ds, Brigade. aad kindred boys'organitations took J The honour of Knighthood oonlerred on tho as part of iir"; Ir.ir""ti"r, *a iffiflS6:"t' ;f.'fd'.*ft$ve49n{"-tv 'E-in! "p-".""r.ti"s suc,b us Germany, the United IEA#uid Was mtint (ac t[o'C.h1ef Scout iaid ,r'rrr, *oolri"" 'si,ttftrJI*"1-n,qp_ii.;-miii q{g.rrur,;, &c.:__oj.seri,Ar; ;ft
4 {
";,if;J sons aro equa"lly-l g"*.:Pf*tg"..t, das; Sukes' sons and oooks'
q5g$ lAPqt9{'el. +pâ&#x201A;Ź ,rBEBe**',
entbusiastic, ancl many boys vrhrc'hoit ubver I m* in oontiaua,tioo of his Royal their lives before, aud I Klne been ief! to,ffleir odaliei,IIsther's good work, has taken q similar in,rU if Ed..i;i*d';6fud,_hare-d6ralopEi i;i6 litb il.ri, [Lr".u in ths movement, and in confirmation of. this iras graciously bccooq o, Roval Paiton o dncittv f,fiif'to4\ft6 bf tho r:roYeeglt; e-Xltli!'fii useiul in dono anything "tt"irr"d
8 :i
it witft the ,.ur or vo",ii.,
aleq as an !S6o,gf"tg.,pll ,ScgI&-. ^trftfitina.tate arloptEd fho Scput.Ebvamdrit " ^ *llgiatuiaiion) milthis and Sidirh,'Srsiiid*Etr}'I+iqlylq* to{I,hr>i;utn ot their counrer,, -* :-rto #.;S&ii.nt is" nor to any ono I ,_bpjel"1.-i9-Lb sxlb.d .qp:{F which t\ev. npq {l , ; l
and rhey tmk
" tli i. " Prorur:'. -sr..l'Rrlt t' l.onilot U; ; ,* P{i*'
prlth']lg-,9{},*i[*qt ,url, iaug,ht vse-'vr Il-ts,.lnlltlllq vrsourJolrvr which ,".\$ serr ih'T;ff""g:anisa.tion ' ,'' ,. ihcy ar6 kill I crnrrn' now'a.c,quiring as boys- $:il a kird of work rrhichlhoy th6i;"dulvis -en-th6'1d to do the
""if."* for boys t"" I to long remembered' ,*" iri it*fi a bis attraction, cxccnsivolv inritative, but underlying all the I King Edward said:-"T9il---tll9 boJs that. morc obtious feasons the moyement has been | *,"-King ta-kcs a great intiireslti:Ud;n; and sucoessful from the starL lmause an impqrious ltaitrffieYr-t}at if hp'68trs upon uhem.'tit6.r]ip. '- 'dr&'*q lt;f"-to take up.tho defenio ol-qPir gogoltT'-. neod fo" it eristed.
and l otherwise would havo boen stransor
ireal io liim, &n{1 .ir.,;, tu g(i .ne -;t.i r1'1r .'i ]i.,r.*o the wo1d. They are disciplined,.who "Iiilr, arrd 1],,r -,'r, of thp :'- ;,r:herwise i. 'i'{ iirEr,r1,i'. i;:.r't, have run wild. . ,,her.wise would halle -c1f thc l!mpr:i, witl wi slr'ut ,.! shrut dii,;rrt. qrunde,L, .rlde,l frr]ii; aruea"l I a late King dep aqd ar took a dpep 4 *." ',t 1:j.:i.:i!. il . Our laie ]:i:*1ry*.*itL Sing-took_a r'i-li -lymp&thotio aft his message the-Bov. Boy Soouts, axld interest in tJre earli duy" of th?i"ffie- | i"t'u"""t \o doubt in.tlhe I"rliu" rallv held in 1908 rnill at the first-big picturegque the Scouts of rreni the lf--S"*
56y-his ways
thoushts-tnttor r,h,m Genoro.l *,i.^-1.T.1 lspirii, of scouting.,,Thoy have learut. to bo . ;. '-r :( au j ,;r:ivalrous, who otherwise would not have Baden-Powtll. lJ., kuorr . . ' :-
4 '{ _.!
. r.et
The Scouts' Own.
- Any readcr of this handboo to join the go.y Bc5 Soouts can dr d< (l) By applying to the local r tary of .vour tar-y sour district. district- rvhor rvha,
feoeive bV reoeive annlvins to ia tl il by appl-ving tor the Ernrrire. for Ein1,iii, trO'vi"t l16Victn
minstcr, 9. rY .. reuqol S.W.. London;:
or lt if you resids resids in Scotk Scoi tish Headquartors. 1 c Street, Street, JiJdinburgh. Itrdinburqh-'
By joining a tro6p or pata one rn your district. yc Jist from thc locol or dist
f mportant.-fuforo you nur .you must bc betuecu the (3)
18, and havo the writte-l )oul pat'ents or guardian By joining ono of"the foil. trons for boys,
wlich w
of the instruction:Bovs' Drioade.
Ile.adquarGrs-30 George oo\r.
[,onJon OiXce-34 Paterno don. E.Cl.
Church Seou, Patrols (Incoro nected with the Chuach.Lq
Ileadquarrers-Aldwil'h Hi Strect, Aldwich.. Ircn&
The_Lonilon Diorcsan Bou
2I- l 'I'he Scoit's Pton The follorving is t}e prom Avenue, London, W.C.
oalies a,ficr enr.olment in- the '' T prom.isc, on my hornur, l. 1-o be lovrl to God apd tfi 2. To try and do good Lirrlrs poople.
3. To ohc.y thc Scout Law."
.berInthat .mal<ing rhat promis'e .1ou Sorr become a Srout i
ma;, tirrough t,mt', have to gire rng games an<l camping parL o but -\'our promise io cbcv tl shculd rcmain unbrolien tiiroul
i'ew officers in the army have had a
distinguishcd career than " 8.'P.".
thg rank of llajor Gcnc::l.
After Iiafcking
rrns rclictnJ Ire ta:k rui'!n tjro operatiotie in the Transtaal, and gcrt Lis C.B.
served iJ;;.f ;; i3tti H',*r"" in 18?6"%ia IIo organised thc -rcri -{frican C,onstabuwith it in India., Afghaniston, aud Sout'h A{rica. In 1888'90 he was illilita,ry Secretary llrl'. a.nd $'as Iosircr'or of ihis body from in South AIrics, and was montroned in 1900 io 1903. Ilrrrn 1903 to 13'? hq ras Insp€ctor-Gereral de-spa*-h,as for operaiions in Zululand in'the former year. In 1895 lre rcceived tho ratk o{ Cava.lry ic Grc.:t Brita:n. anC in 1908 was of Brcvet Lieut.-Colonel. and was on clrecisl anlectorl to conrrnand the Northumbcr'land eerioo in charge oI the nativo levios during f'orritoria! Dirision. la the srtne ycar he the A^{lranti campaign, ond in 1896-? he was fountfed the Bo-s Sctutr. fle was knightcd b-r tbe lete King [dward, Chief Strfi Oificer in ths tr{atabelcland tr'icld Foroe, wa.s mentioncd in desl>atches, aud re' and invested rirh tire insigna of the Roynl
eivod the rank of Brevet-Coloncl. From 1897 to 1899 he comltranded tho
Victorian Order io Oc:ober 1909, and in tho following mrth he sEs made a Knight Com.
man<ier of the B.rthIn ]Iav fgi0 iro retircd from tho army for IIis pertinaciou.s defenrrc of Mafeking during the purpgariifi dcJot-rp.s ill his.eneigios'to i;hd bhs Boer Wor is. oI courao, o matter o{ his' Ilov Scout morgiieat.' L"y. With a smell ga,rrisotl' mainly com' fru is'"n .o*.ii ilI artist as well aa soldier. noeed of C,olonisls, he held th6 littlc town for has writtco manr books, has erlribitcd scull> months in t'ho face of aa overwhelmingly ture in tho Rosal Acadonry, and has, more fiold anperior foroe, ond no oae rrill ever forget over- distinguished hims€lf in such tf,o iov rith which thir rdiof of t'he be- sporlr as soU, big game shootinq, a,nd polo. Th portrait of the Chief Scout is frca { bos;";d place was welmmed bv his feUow- photogiuh br llessrE El.lJot and Fry.. For r.his ba vas niomoied io t,it -urrrgoolr. tirrords.
r-o.r ect u1r to
all the nine
Law you rvrll be a useful citizer
Iooked up to and rcs,pectcd
in ye The Scaut Law.
A Scout's Honour is to be Tru Ii a Scout sr]$, " On nry hor that nrc&ns tjral it is rc, just teken ,a rnost solemn cath. Similaily,-if a Sc;n'it Similail5l-if Sbo'it offict s I trust you on Jour .officer honour k
Scout licout rs hund lo is 'out is 1o oarrv out [h th ver.v r.v bcst of his ahilii.-v, ahilii.-y, and tr ing..g"r. sith his doiin rc. lf a Scuut woro to b-reol; h telling a )io, 61 6, not e-arrvirr: exactl.v whcn trrritcd on h:i hd he rnay bc directed to hand o badgc, a-nd ne!-er to vrear it ag also bc directed to cease to bJ 2. A Scout is Logal -his to the Kinr porents, his ofEcors, and to
his cmplovers. He muit
through thicl< and and lEin tEin against aea.inst thtgrgh thick rs tlrerr €.tlomy, or wllo elen f
Otkers, And he is to do his dutv lrcf, else, eren tlrough hc gir-ni, 1;r,
curnlur.t, or
sllety to
F:'-Y/T 7. ,\
:;, a.' '
'ri,1p1os st [la! c's tsa:t Iq1 i:* ESIA' eql ot slliraur sFI ;1! Faio€P roj cud eqf ElrI Put!.r €q ! nTlu -ooC ?qslrg e +r!,3 glr iq q oqt ur PrE '6'j6: ra+a:{) E: :I €iii+.;u1 ry C'lt piog aqr Jo 'paEApS 5c:S rlq agl iq Fr:=: 'aiEoJS !' ou JEJj oEEi s:fl rll.toi-{r PuElr{unq}ro^\ aq} IE3rrffi
Er.i 1o l"1ffi sliq ae,ra oqr$ ro 'f,ueue fiartl 9I oqm euo{uq tsur"5" ullll pu" )lalq'} qsnoJql u5rgf i4 ffi'is lsnu 'oi{ ' sjaholtliuo stq puB 'fJltno) srq 's]uertd srq sl puu 'sJaJUro irq o1 pon 'sriry aql o1 iohoT 's& rors T_'a '1noag e aq sl rsulJ o+ p4)J.IIp Jq_os[? {um all 'rlra5ts.iI JBa/ o+ JarJu pur-'n.ipcq lnoJs srq JJ^o punq ol palcoJrp JCI Atrul Aq 'os op o+ Jnouoq s:q Ilo polsll.il uJtl^\ ,uli[o] Jdpro ua Ino .3(!f,utD lou (q Jo 'rrl t ^_l+JBxo f,q rnouoq slq llsrrq ol crJ-lt lncJs 13 JI 'os Surop slq t{}L\\ aJaJJ4ur Surr{lou lal 01 puu '{fillqu .l.l Ja ?srq ^raa aql q+ JJpJo aql lno rtJJEo ol punoq sl lnocs op oi rnouoq rno{ uo no{ lsn:1 i ,, erit ..tslqi '?noab'"' ry+-sf,es roJUJo.lnocs tr ll -:qrlr urs 'rItBo uudlos lsout n ua{3} p€q eq JI sE lsnf 'G s?.lI 1?r-ll sutJru +"q'I fi rnouorl f,ru uO .. '..it's lnoJs c If 't 'pr$nrJ aQ ol s2 rnouoEl s Jnors Y
'&r.{ Pm P trorl sr rnmg 1atq3 aqr Io
tr0t{-!\ ,'tl np 4 .(la]us ro '+roJuIoJ ro rarn9 -eafd umo sril tln so.ir8 aq LlSrrolfl uo-\a 'asla srq. oP ol sr aq puy Sulqlf,uu oroJaq ^1np ffyq ,,?";!;.:!a t d,1ag og puD
ro; 'ra5i;np go'oul1 ur ',(1'lcraadsa 'elttoari raqlo sJosqo pur l:rr1 s.raaqJ Lir '5u;1'1stqu pue tro Jlrus € q lr.r\ lnoqt sou8 lnorr .l,{.5rr ^y u,,r{} tl" aq III.U nof, pur 'of,o] ". ellsrqm puu 'Jcuo tp airus o1 ;1os:no{ sJ.loJ plnoqs nof, 'sacunlsurncrtc 5ur.(ouus Lrte JoPun rHuroJ s" s8ulq I LiJns J.lri{ r,} .iqlrtlo JnOA UO lnoJc R lBql lou -U.IOJ qIJnO.r"J Jo'ur"ll ? g)'Iu noi udll.\\ spBaJl Juo auos
1nd uaqn ;ruams .rou ':aq1o qaee ,o "o'r1l-l rou 'sdlqspJer{ +" esno-Iera Jaa}u sJilocs 'f,en' 3o +ros 5op-Fuer[ 'eols u ut qou ',,qlpcar puu .{1uoarlc ?} daqo pJnol{s orl Japro ue s1;3 ai{ uoqlrsef,uE}sunc {rc llB JopEn sru$lqlL puo srlxug ?no)g Y '8 'aulJdlcsrp sr r+"I{Jl 'oJxo 1c Japro aql 1no f,rrtc rCnur Jq 1no :lr lsuIEEE suosaJJ f uc J]?]s puE. quoJ ul;iJ all JJ?.IB PUB I t.&Tt ttT s. l!
+t Juop sut-{ orl
eq o7 t.a
lnocs eql
"aB'I ur patJadsar puu o1 dn pa1oo1 'auroo ol srea{ aq [[re pu" 'uar]IJ inJJSn t 3q lllu, no^ a€rj lnoJs aql IO Suor+tds ruIU Or[] llE o+ dn lic no^ ulf,.tuor plnJqs JI 'aJr[ ?noqrnoJq] uJ{oJqun o+ oSIuoJ(t Jnoa lnq eql ^\r.T lnoos ^JqoSutdurc pue sJutr5 tsur oq'l Jo l.tud 'bsoursnq -1noJs a'.{t dn erlS ol oatq r.,ur4 ri;no.rqr 'lf,Itr no;1 - '4111 roJ lno)S o ou oodq no.{ lBt{} raq -Illauar +snru no-{ asrutoJd qDql 5ul{eu uI 'g ..'^r€rl lnocs poos op pu_r .irl oJ 'a roqlo o+,dlPP "urnC '5ury oql Pus PoC ol IE^01 aq o,L 't tncruoq f,ul uo 'JSruoJd [..
'otod Due 'bunooql au:E !:q ur';1asiu:q oreu' urhs 'irdu, lstq pui 'iroePrcgP+m ric; <l1n-cs P4rqrgra seq '4'loq rE
sss 8C6I el Pffi'u:?I:la t:-r3 Isralr"c lolcedsul 6Ex !T ,i:::
60rl Jpoq
Jo ro:Jad.trI
-uqBlsuo3 urJlriY li:ttf,s oqt I 'B J siq p5 pue ',: 9[orlPJado Jtl] uI ircd lrc! 3ul1o1ul1 ror;Y 'lu:our3 -:"t
JaiJe sa{Ettr
?uarulfuIua -:Enoo8 doq {.rers esruor* eq1 .st EutnolloJ. oqJ 'esllscrd sslnocs aql 'c'l!\ 'uopuorl 'rnuo^v pualrsqurngljoN 9Z * sralrsnbpsoFl -
dlltrcacsa lriq-1u o1 lric irue ibiuron o1 isno)?tt1a;) s? $org Y '9 olrlocl sr :q 'sl ?BI{I 'Jissltrrri *oJ u"l"a) plnoqs lnors fr-ar6 lrql arreu oq1 sr ltiq? pu€ .,ip1.rou eu1 llB Jc PuotrJ dl]?11'.. ,''tutrpul olr.1 eq1 dq pa11rc >?x 1nms ^o€ 'ulllii.',!ulx., . ..j, Jo. +soq .. Eql .Fg{Er&.puB'turq spug.eq sB uer'u r?IIU' eril sldoa;e 1n@S t.-sIool ."'tPlr 5! dq esnD.Pq st qous rei.1?uu_e_
uoqn uaop
Y 'BOVS € .eq rr^su +snu 1no3s Y l9 1ire.s ur-eq dDtu Brl lc{t SuIqLu" 'oiq_tssod 0B JCJ sB 'lo 'po.oJ ulll .,u[.\I.:i .i-q .lo '5urop ooql sr orl dtnp oq1 lno f,.trta 01 JnqlrJ
'id,ug fnors nog unsilot4 uopuol cqtt .c'l\ 'uopuorl 'qcr^!PIY 'loorls d,rnraqlBo'€qngH qtl rd plY-sr +1.t3n DpBeII 'ep€Erj8 .6PA.J',qcinqJ et{l q1r.h Pslrsu -uoc'lpatorodrorul) slorlDa.alnors qrrnqc uoPuo'I -qoT 'eou rEsourqsd -selg'qrBnbs e:.roeg '9-a)SJO 6g-srer#t
' lrsd
Bs Eur?noos esn
*:uorl)n4sur eql Jo JoJ 5-uo1]
qJlq.[ 'stroq
gut j" .\9 ln"r"tir" Enraonor Slllulot {fl Io euo euo $nrrr-ro! -*rmfl;o !ir,^o11oy e,i; 'su"TpJ"n5 JO 6{lue.lud JnOA
'uue oq tcril ,{e.t.(uu ur rrnq d1rr1 prlu-'urnd o1 :leacls lshu oq 'Rrtr[ o/+'roEut.tls t; qSDoll,] ua^s '?noos. Joqlout ?oour +nols B JI 6l)qJ
Io uorssrmr€d ilaliiru. 6ql or!?t{ pIrB '8I bto ri jo soEE oql'utro.ltlaq aq ?Enur nodirbrlmrlcidt .aryur nof, eroro{-'?un}rocrul '.(rrlerceg lrlrlslp ro Iccol 3t{1 I*orJ lsll t e^r}oar flr.dtr nox ']clllslp Jno[ ul .euo -{rB'Aq p#ier loifca ro dooir u ru119! {g 'qSrnqurpll '?a€i1s Je.iJ€nbpudH qsll olloiJcqC qlnos 'EJe'Ir€nbpudH I. -+oos eq+ c/+ pu8ttoo< ,I -:uopuo-I "q*i^.?i_I"l,,f "l!\.S'rqsqlur 9II,'aIrIIux oql ro,
'sonapg .r?U?O Dql ssblC lnnos . ,aq.n o? rrnntu ctc 'llto)nr.t)tllo fr.ti0,'[ ol oy?orfi n ruD'llY 01 yu.tt.ti u s'! lnoJs V'? 'Itp ,{rore dpoq'lrrros ol ?tJnl foo0 D o? o7 Tseq sitl lt7 Tsau ai1 prl\' 'suosrad pJ.m[uI dloq ot ro'JJII o-lts ol JurrJ..4rrn'lu p.)f,t'l3I(I eJ[ 'auo ]Dri'] op prln -,.;^lnp og ?mtrl {ur sr qrtq11.. 'JlJsttlrg Is" lsllu oq 'op irirf go plqm arou][ oI f llnrslp ul
-lsal\ 'laalls
6ql o] ;u!.rlo(rB ,'q. e.rIoo&t srs}]EnbpBaH "IJolcrA rrru no.{^euat nnf arrrer edoqtr emuar 'lcri1irp lno.l J-o IO frs+ AJm '!f,rrlfrD rno.l' IIra Sttt-(ylde ,(5 ,tn- (1) o+ 8ur.t1i::tde prr .ro 1'aco1 Cql ci1 {rceg lcF?65p 1-aco1 eq1 qnoo;l dog .4 op AoB oql ulol urol ol wr qnooil ;E op-wr anorxtrt 8r or{a {ooqpu"q sllIt Jo rspEar auY
o1 s8rirrli
'sJ.noSs .,'d'9,,
'sd[o .qnorg
: :rf;:
ii .:
i, not neceasary to so to t'ho expenee of ts€tting,a full u:riform; oll t'hat ry neguined' ie p"1", h,a,versack, ard ctl'ouldot-koot' A.l!ot,, '
.To ttr,ouo.*ho arc Sgputo.c-t heart, a,ad have I would enrggreet
iih" *eun* to' g.t a unilqrn, the followilg : --
Eat.-Ehaki oolour (br.ow:r paper ahado), 8a.t siift brim. lea,ther etrap rou.nd orowru aad
Eat:ersack.-KhaLi oolour: som as hqp" fixing - **i. The latest hare straps fcr Tour (Dat or cape on to tbem'
dhin strap.
$'/zf'rl.-The colour will depend on wha-b.the oLher Soouts in your troop aro wmring'
l'wo oleated breast pockeLs witft butiors, shoulder-stra.ps, attd. turn-dotru mU-a-r. :' s* turl ih€;bth is not, oI'an i-nflammablo aature.' Irt winter a jersey or: swieator
can be worn. 81rr;r|sys, ](hal,i or btrue. " p-Lt rr. knickers will do- 'lhe Chief Soout stlEgqsts that whero -scottish Soouts hare not"'-got ths kilt ttrey shouJd near
Shorls itr -'--
tish Ilirhland dress.
i&rtiln shorts-
or Siacr.-\1-ear
PoIe or'Stcff .--\sh.
rust v€rv ouicklv.
Belt:-Brorso leather. With. cr rithout swirel,s. There -are sFlGrsl go{rd'be.lts on ' the market n'itlr artistio braes .9:out buclrles. If ycu ri-.h to dull youilbrqgs biickle to keep it fm slist€ning,'i9-the fns S"out who has little or 'no'uniform ls sun, gire it i c'ut of ttria dull: black a.s good a noout as tlte orrs tbat has eYeryIimuer. thing that money ca,n buy. Rernelber-$a! Stotii:inis.-I)arh oolour sith green tops turned it it tho'Scout AT IIEAET that the Chief doin bclow tbe knee. Greoo garters Sirut wants. rnth tro ends traagi-ng dowo.as in.Scot-
wLatewer ,vou have.
],Iarked ofi in feet and
saoiuc xiit.-StoUa
four stra.nds onl1. i:ee list of patrtl
colours on oaze
Srcut Knife. ind tIh;ttlr.-\[ith lan5arde, and hung on sxirels of belt, or PUL u. hreasr mkets
It is no[ adri"able.to 6< to trJ Uptt, as l.h'e weight pulls t'he
(]rtot"oat - -1h;; n, {'rp'.-
Dilly -or Cooking-Pot.-ManXt adopted the Lrmy infanfrt tin -as a mking billy, a works spl,on.didly, being wr large }blding Lipacity. houcaer, be a.ary about wi
on$. Of tbe di-fferent m; billys, the n'Sta,ndard,, ar tent a,ro the best.
l.cc. -\Yhen selccting srl a,re, that you cannot expect a even ls 6d, amd eteer clea taok lifters. as t,}re biadr whero the cut is made. 1' Iittlo pick thab mme axes but must be used ca,refu-ll5
fupoarewr.-It is not
off.cial ortifita. Get you Scout outfitter who unders
helt tishr aqainst lho abdonten' Carrs rli"*-.it*.pt6d 1o )aur haletsat'k, m lhat r'he ueishi will-tre or Lhe back and
o.ir-aitar.-oo not, use second-hand's'ooden -'--ivater-bcttles. Neckerchief.-Colour depends cn your tloop W as it is very doubtful s-ho or ratrol mlours (see Page 6). lt IS had tlrenr lasi. 1'hoy llaro m attnetlon r.orir lo..ely knotted at the l,hroat-, and 'also at ths-erds till tho davs good turn t"t **u b.vs, buf should be guuded against. Tlien again r'in sater-bortles ie done.
tho " Avrshi
Le bad frcm your lodal or Only the abore should [x the following articlea shoul{ Lre carried iili,ho. haversrck : -
be o inefies Iong. and
The besi aaiJ eaf&i is a p
quirernents. It liee with 1 yourseif to eet the b€st b
Patrol Lead,er and Corporal.-' the same as the S6out's, v . tions of the badges of ra.al Scoulmastcr and, Auhtorrt Siou
Camp, Gamca, 4c.
&ar.-Kbaki colour.
fl,re Vt HAMMEA JU},
If so, procure a coy
v 1
i. r
t. q
Of all Nowugentsi or.po King Etreot Wet, Maac
Ecout Unitor-n'^
" 'O'fi 'rloPqo{ leaqs +oeld 9BI, prrt tretrgcur1{ :epfirg'eoqilg .pue.ug s.e1doe6,, eqg rsorJ '[?r l""rr:i*od'ro
,tsoA,\ feeJtg
{po pg riay6 'EeqJ, uI
lotxll ol iroH puu
sJu@ds HS[J,TOAS to
/tdoc o atncotd 'os
j'"f) 'ug.I.Tnv^ 'ugdl Inf 'U[T,LS[U^|\'UEjI\OUELL'UEWI IVH V SY ONINIITS dO
snollrqww nofr arw 'Eerll sql Pe'sgad 6^sq nof rqls8rll+nmg ,rrtof qtsnorql poul"l
31eq {rtsrseDaE
-qo eq f,luo uzc End6S ,, Ileaod-uep€g ,, qoauoo _eqI, 'siaqlo ptrs 'srol?ap '$:er|+g+no llior} BeEp€q
eql rg} egsFcq lnoos $noos -puBr{
Sudnq 4stIrBEB P€uJtra €{? {ooq q{+ Ig erglvBqE 'StrrErsa v-'soopog
s rt qnoo6 {og eqt **"roro'"1Lf,} n +Bq+ onbe€qorE Euiqq(ra puB 'g,uau
o atqqrtq;"[]ffif-ht'
1Er:q 8l1r lou
\I.eIU-'roE 'c? 'e2uo0'daoC ro&
'&r18oU.rr.o?g l1tDls?gtY
-doore e.q? lEroJrtrtr
'rgrBr Jo BaEpBq
puo JrSeoulno?s
stf| Jo BuoJ?
qlIA 's,4noos oq+ s? aut"s erl+ otw-'lotodtoc puo rapDaT lor?od
eql iro] m€5r"q +saq eq?
?aE o+ ,lasrnod
ro qoered rno-t qqre sli[ ?J 'sluauralrnb oqs ra+lg?no +nocs -e.l rnod sprr'BqsJepun
s lB gglno
-eAoIrI ,€{oq I sr quaruoaorrr 6rI} l€r$ Jaq scqornd -uroursll 'rrJoa eq qou plnoqs s1uJudmbo Pu" :ularlu& {.r:lIFIr uorgs+rull-'r,NYr,€oanl
pBofcq eurdl.t trt?r
:par sr qslqa 'loEx-raplnor{s 6W Io uoqd€oxe oql qlla E.r€,]saur'Inoos eql'Fg 6-r urrorlun q.r€qs8l[?noos flels1ssy 'rnoloo r{erDl Jo 'darE 'u..aorq 6lq".ra]ord cutt$ etp
Fn" ',urensd .. {loJroN ,, ert} Jo oq plnolp
cr+ &?sBaooa
'qgr.no 7urc$o sJ
'dllnJaisc pesn oq ?snru +nq '[nJ"sn sT e-lcq sra euos q"q1 {Jld e[11r1 eq? 'urB8G 'udq.L "rp€u sr lnc sq) oraqa pqu6{Eaa s-r {iFIq etI} 88 'sro?Jrl :1c81 r{qra sxB Jo r?olc raaqs pr{a 'p9 BI ud^a 'pg JoJ r{cnIII +c€dxe lomzc no{ 1zqtr
pqrul q reeq 'ero uB Eullcalas uaq^l-'arf .+saq eq? 6Jr . +trs) .Bd saurag pu? .. PIapIIBT+g ," eq1 's,(11tO
q1 urora sr lroo o y1 'olislqra ptro 'prt{ .6+noos Jo so{sul +rro:rasrP eq} Jo 'g?uo -utrI '{cJ}E Edr4lua :soe11nd .ro s8u153e1 Ftuotl-ptuoccs Aug$. WoqD frJDil, oq 'learmoq req+"el '85ufrlccqs 'serpg€rq Eqpl.r. .ro 'ppotlc qnors 'l-lrcudec Surploq e8.ru1 Ig{clurl leaoqa sB lleq puB 'all puB 'rBIIoo puB epaE-[Jaa 5ur€q '{lprpuelds s1.roa Jo lJlqr $Br{ elg-'ttpotod puD clt?r(I roE +! +"rp ipus p,uu 'f,firq Eur{osJ € sa tlrl .replnoq. +Istr rlo €4Jqta--rau2.:a!.2:oys sseur r,.reql8d drluqur duila er{q. paqdope . .Enoos eql e.^sq edoo4 fuetrp-'go4-Au.rcloog to fi7719
fq illoA
oro8s-'r?- 'raulqco?g 'r??g 'ewoqg 'uroa oq u"c Jsrqc
-te{mE +noos eq? ro 'ell uaoJl aorrtsu pu? rslloo rnla le{rEBls-?rr(g IqIo+lI8 eIIIre 'o l}-q rlo s8ps,q +sq realrs, E.rs+s?u4noos ldrr+s lmlo Pu" Eeo&2 p1mclr o€Ile reql?sl
uI porrrzc sq
'plnorls se1c1?:r Eur,uollo} eqtr' \qrssod ereqa-:{cBsro^2q,eq1 '{Iqrsr^ Ero4. 6q pFoqs eaoq'a eq1 dlug
. 'raHErlno [8coJ ffod EorJ PPq st EBc qclqis ..'arrqsJdy ,, oI(+ .panuc eF+oq -rer+rrl burz ernd. e s1 qb\aJ€s pua ?saq eq1.
'm1d oq IfBl pru 'd[{omb
.cao ,8lnors
Saltloq-JalEs uil Er"i" --';I rubrtrii aa lllllocs :=q su) i:oirrrrrr" rir'i:cri ica 'rr1 ouu mirqnop i:ai s lt s 's uJpmi-( ptnu-PEt rd. rE: :':r <rq Du ? XJ"q eii'! 1: ) e'l Il f, ,i.-,,:.J'^,-aeo inri c'- !H l",,;'F{i o'r :=-;iir ,,1;.; bqr sllnd lu-.:tr$ d':l r? '-'+ -' t1i -r".1o.t.r;., lui:: :i 'rr" -sI 'l
El 1nJ J-f i:*i lJ itr:lt 's-Oie.:2. ;-;fl- ;-trtf I rursi lo -= ar{
"!;; f -a-:)
v + I'FaSiroo'c,i.,t -c-e: -Ei::p J e.: tEE .lor *-'ri ars 's;!r di{ c -r qu :'siJel' l5 eTput+EeJqIoFtat{ rarsrl rEi .Eld!+ -!,![-1oJ'a m ss IEQ zr4 srerr:let'tteor3 -a-l pourn.1 sd€,+
qlPto lInD Urtf
]E;" E 5= {F t
tsEr 'LaiE
P ltE --r-,
r d' d,r'I'tr'it.irus+siis s*biq :noi lPrP o1 qr rd 5 andos sqgJq orlsr'u! rIFr uo sfieq'Poo8 [t:;r:ir cri rr[ qrruq+1r ru tlllAl ,'EtFl
Area lsor
1;-' -1 r;11:,t
- ::rr,:}] : sE:::{8sryi::5ii:}---
:;: ':-'lF'ri
Tho Scouts'Owc
HOW TO FO 116 b€.t way to proceod is to
sir or eight likely boye of ebo years of oge. The boys who w.
bect Soouts aro lfiose who sre gor 6ight, wind, end beering. ILere
tn tI6 Eoouh for t}e fat. crs .,iu-okinr
thinls of nothing but
tpy.s you get togeLher wilJ forrq
ol your
i[Alrtg. B8A\rEE.
BEAE, .. BULIJ, .,
Lowius ".UM-MAOIIW,"
.r " P$3ST."
BUFT'i4,LO, ..
Cry " MEUAOW,"
Whistlc " CURLEY," Very ehrill ery,
d ..
crr]l " Ooox,Koo,"
ct ctaoo,
.' l(ft,EEEE
" ..
IIIPPO, ,. gOnAE ..
" KEEEIIII" . . ., .r Eiss " BnRUSSSgg,' .r wl.inDoy " EEE.E-tr-E' ..
OWtl PAl(rrfE& .. PEAOOOK, .r
t. .r .( YEEWIT. AA'ItLESNAEE ..
q .<
BAVEN. n*{M,
O&U " OOO.EP,"
C&ll "
EU-UOE," .,
6qu@k "CIIEEP,".. .. Cry " EOI-OI-OICK," lv hlstle " IiO0II-KOOT.EOO," Tryasue in lldo of mdaih " XEEOO,X,I
Ory "BEE-OICI(," ..
"5EWITr." ,. Rottlo 6bble in r mr,ll tlt bor... Whlstlo
Ory "KAR-KAW," ,.
Dl@t " BA-A-.A," ,.
Call " EARK," .. P.o8r " E,4-OlV."
EEAL, .. 8TAG, ..
Cry "
lGd rod dft. GreY rod GreY.
thoy Bro beins instruc[ed. Drv fact leeturor ienrind the boye ir
Fln! tDd bLdtl BI&L ud rhita
The above patrol names a,r6 ir ure all over i n&mes to their
Yellor rcd
.Our I und in.tire.".e oi some large troops Nerv Zeala-nd have added the follorving i dup[cation of uames.
Patrol Ncrrcs of thc Now Zealcad Scoats. OAI"I,&
Al[OtrIrEA, ., }LAOK8WAN, 'r oAuE @qK, GR,EYDUCK. HUrA, .,
, dell "KAA-ARIL" .. * "KAT.EBYIIR,IL"
Et K.U, u N.IWI, .. x EAKAPO, -k
r. ,. '. "rt *
x rr ' r. h ts B i g :r r
fl r. a ,.
" KEBE WEE," " P&OoOO'OO." '.
"PREEEE&"EE;' .,
l'uoRE POttK"'
nrlrrrfoot tost. This will onit g;rgtd against having b,rys whosr te
p',?"-#;fi t;;,;:lL"*;"ir.otot"-"'l=.ited all the old batrol gi;:**r.:::.,U'ii: i;,-*t .heve 'bheir ad_optcd a number J'n*";J;';TllLli lml;J;ii;5},. brocher Scouts save tbr requirements.
bolt thrt it il lary !o rush ofi ard buy their u frct, it rvouid b€ bett€r l,hat thcv- c their unifotm unt,il thcy hsd u -
rbo Empiro, but eome
crvn shouider knot.Impress rrtrnn your
ad sti'.q
c..t Ed Blu rEd
-x $. tr
x .. .. .. r. '. -
.!d rtd- Crce tBd rbltt -.. Elrck Red-gold ed ail.. Blue-g:ey rad t llo* .. lllaron. .. Blscli-blu.!d olt4a' .. Blue and grct.. ReC, black, rd tr[aa -. Gr<ien &nd blEL r ' Rs,.greeE" ud ,&r.. Dark'groo t lia!' "c r. Ilchl bluq i. Green, !ed'.orf GIl ,. Purple sDd EE1 .. Dark bluc er Elue gsd Gl,
rghool drudserv-
o[ Patrol nam6s, *rgni, and oilo found in rnotbor DErt of thi. b prtrol leadcr rvill iow ep$int h, or oorTrcral, from ttd remalt lihouider knots of ihe petrol colour given to each Scout. - It is aot r brry thcm rcad_y rnade. Get ths r each Scout cari try hjs lrand et
P.cd eed blrck. r-:oki ual bla+L.
of tlroit
Form your l:oys into s- p;trol, patroi-.leader for- tho patrol, and' to pick on a rlamo lir their nat
Orll "BOOK-II0OR,OO,",. HowI " HOt! 'OOOO,"
wooD PrGEoN. ..
Bkct rDd orna.q
" Soouting for Boyr,,, ahd givo y o-utlino of the whofe eoheme. an tlre meaning of the Scout Law, r rlay kholy at tho beginning of thr Soouts what is exfieotod of-th€m. _.1)o not chtcr too much into de Givo ;'our boys e tlrirsl.fur the wor 1ll0m rnstructton and soouting pra Datc,v. InrtrueLion shoultl bo gi o- milnn€r that your. bo-ys aro nob
Brcm rpd bhct BsL
l. v"ll- sd w]ltr l. fr*cil r,, srr. .. Grct rod F& .. Bcd .Dd Idlfr. .. Bmn rad cagt .. Brcm ud Fhlto .. BIC .. YC..!or. .. Gra .rd tlE .. GrE 8al thit ., Pial.od ttita .. Bl*L ..M-
.. .. .warl"lfaE.waE-wAE-waE,' ..
.. ., .. ..
Lstrghing qy, .. .'ooowAE-oOWAE-WA[1," I'udhlEr qr, ..'
BYEllA" .. l[aNelBoo.
.hrill 6yl
Buk "
8lB Eil ycllor.
.. Cr*n atd blxl, .. YelloF ud ttr@
Bark " IIil-fl.A.,"
-.. .. .. .. .. ., ..
Growl "BOOBSR,",
.P. ossess youpelf of a oopy o. edition of the Ohief gir""y"
OAI,IA. dlop mada bY ctappiuS'hshitr, ..
only nim is parading about in \l hcn it is time for them to gct ferrri, gito therl o lirt of whot {
Rhorc to .Tet it,'sorne fln.d in that way : a ble to havo uni{ormitv i
troop, and aroid having the riirer peen in mme trmus, !'our nert stco is to train vour b tonderloot test,'particular" 6f *l,i
{ound on lrrcrher paEe. -patnoll,earn Scout signs and tJreir
find it idviseble to ihlent
a-aet signs for youf own _trse, a,s msny aro uo, Scouts knorv the sigrs. The training iur the tenderfoot r tekc up a month, and on uho Batu ing the month givo them aome outr ing ganret, practioe the Scout'r I them ho'r to light a fire, &o. your boys ats suftcientl l!'hen -them lbr the tenderfo eremino After they have pasaed, go througl monial for e tenderfoot to bo iav,
$ liol4enI|$tl
p'tr3 s8ql-eoE[ rno/t-
lroE e4Bq no-{ aoq ol srl.efl pu" 'tqr.ouol.t reqlour 'r"?,fl#i,rn,Xi$E -praq uaq dlaill 'EI4P 'cloitsd oJour ro goJq? eiio eAll 'rlor+0.1, eoJ!trl Io goo.rl r l$Till to doorl c EJoI ol EqlInD;.r ooueufluoo noa eraprot lorrotl ffi'{oB {ew l'a.tp- ltrtl o? sl ''op 's€4er3 {umst 'rcsprrq ,"i";f"ffiffil i:eci Eur'ugr:l ialcads e uraql e^15 pu! 'Baoq rno^ qsoroltn ppe uec rt!.f,. trq uoporupq roo{ puB puooo{, '8qlBloai.0E ro Jo go'1caq oq'i qord '31e*l retic'1ir.rg aI ulaqq 8wltsl 'uraqq 1o uoqcn.lls i 9uN rrf,nortll roqirny rod FUE rel,t inoq ut_ -ui oqr Wlii qra feaood plno(F sJoquIau oqJ, Jno{
erFar B .rol tsq qcelqnc luoroslp eIfl a:lli
,Ierl rol uodo
u-rB@€J Plnol{e_qrooJqnlS q%I'
'Dlnoos 4oE
Tqra{ erg dtu€(F5urua^s l"PrnlBB * **^* oq ol qoqrrapE* * ,"1 #,1?'H 'rrqa rcbPln6-uoourolJe {oprn+tg ..e.reo eqg qEnorql ot 'fldesEd oasq dsql r"lrv 'EUII'16€J$ 'rurxoq tuopurooll-.nr',I I trl.ui:u.*o? l-'xePF.r 'e.Ep,rq tooFepuol eqi JoJ uIaI{?- 9ullu?xo sra sdoq mo^ ua{l\ 'uo re; Anuelcsns dl aoq tua{l 'cT t lq5ll 'erg 1'ryreouora-'ltr'd 09'8 of 'ut'd ot'l 'dapernq,l uoF 'eoed ?.lnoog eq'+ es1trou.td 'seff"E sul '(..8Xo€ roI EIIIlnoo'S,. urorJ) EUJtA aql 5ur erE dmEo-'ul'd 0g'8 ol 'IIl'd 09-'tr '^tPEauPoA\ -1nor rooplno etxo€ ruat{l e^I.E r{'luoru pu" 'qlootu e dn o)[81 'EurlpuEtS-'ru'd 0S'8 ol uI'-d 0E', '43pBonJ, -rup rXepfnltg 6ql uo oqt JoJ SutuI?J? eqJ 'prs lsnI-'In'd o€'B oilu'd 09'r, 'd"PuoIAI plubqs pv1 toopepuo,t 'Eurrs aql a\ou{ sqnoos ?'u oJE 'eJgetr'eultr solrcw$al door'L oqr,r e,{oq {Eeur R?' 'esri umo'rno.t ;b1 suFrs lndos Io l6s r +uaAu[ o? olq6r^P8 1l FEU Xrur non 'u5ts 1ot1td_ iloq] puB gu.UlR lnocs aarol ut ua€q s?q qJIqA\ oJq",1 eql urql UJBoT ':sdooJ? {uorn ur -@.'o5sd rJqloutr uo punol -eturl uorlorulrul dooll eql t1 tuluollo; aq;, s:t1ncr1.ltd'lsal looJf,eptjo+ qcrrlm, eq 11gaa ;o 9rI+ JoI e{oq JBod ul"rl 01 sI drls f!}u rnotr uo qo.o {doo I uoql oarz s+ ilr"'',X;TII?,:y^i sdoor? euro,s ur uo€€ no,{'pue 'qnoJs Jno.( lcnJlffiI PUB qsalalur srrr;oJrun perru oql 5ut-\"t{ plo-{" pue 'dooJr ol {ooq srql ur e8u1q1 f,u8ur PUU llr^l nolf rno.f, lnoqs {lruf,o}un ouros J.rtq ol alq D eq ItJ4 no,( {?a lct{} uI Puu '.}r iai ryl oJoI"{ e+oFlslp rlaqq ,uI{JoA ;o sdt.tt *"rff;r?Ll;i puE 1a5 q] ttr{.1t Jo '}sr[ o uaq] 0.rt6 'rrJJJ slclJlsrp luoragrcf 'oo,llrurtuq) IEro[ dt{+ pur -tun JrorTl o? ut,rtlt .roJ dIUt+ st +r uJ-q !l 1aE 'rrrJorrun uT lnocB 5ulpu.l"(|. sr rulE aluo ;1bi:no.t qlTA El$gJ r.os op no,r +tt{o ol sy '8I eq f,luo Poau p.rrir5 puu'euo esbqm stc,q Sui;ruq tsdru5e e8u .rraq1 1rq1 ,(1uo 'sJoXsaugnoc6 luBlBI5-sY o1 noI olqtuo IIIA tlqJ 'NS.t] luoJrlpu.)l o1 Illonbe Xldds buoJlcogFnb oro{o ol*b.t rroq+ pa,snrd prq {eq+ ruroJrun rrrql lllun ra4loq oq plnoa{ qr "t)3J xnq Bou prp {eql +sqt tlulA {roa s} ralrDrglnoos tuelrJ8sv ouo ?s€oJ ur lnuo;ruh qdnl ol- drts rroql .(nq pu" -8oau +otr BI +l NSt{l Ai[oq JnoaSo lsnlll nof, oaoqt eql d+ uollrPps uI 4t eaoq.s,EEpoe[tr ufii]r sEarourl lnoos Jo] ruooJqntrC Io _ '1ou4 replnoqs ulro asn sqr u.'Bcqo o? {rgEV (e) io .f,lqaal uBql 6sol ?-ou e5v (P)
lror .
'oou€Jai\oBrod pue {E.rOue
rnria ,lron ftg ?no {uro q T"$nd lo loeqtBJp.aa|l +uorcgflt. Pul '8aoq eq+ e ornsss Jrr IOAO
€oEengEr IBlOuI pooE
rs qon, rdlourqo
PUB Eu-rpuB?B l?uosJgd (o)
IO eureqct eql qtnodql II8
'tulluooa uorlcnrls
-u-r lBcJl.)rrd eql Suldlroptrn IrlE lalorn puG EnorlrloJ or[tr Jo uor?rrcardd?
oql xrsrradso ,.'.r"s
nn, v "
'looqpueg oqt Jo o8p€I,$ou{ Jrroua8 y (s) on?q +snlrI no.j(
$aroJIoJ 6? o.rB Jdl$€ru,lnooq
erq Sulnru lo puvq sJrt &+ utc lnoag qata p'u-u 'uirqqt.r eqr- ta{ ;aprur xprer urotli dnq o0 f,.r€i€boar tou sr tI 'lIloJS qrBo ol uoAIS 9q Mnoqe ernoloo lor,|rd oq+ 1ci rqouq raPlnoqs 'eIoq Eururruer - eT UIoJJ 'lt.totkoo Jo 'luqflrEE EIII lErodclB raou Ilrat rJPBo[ JoIIBO eq.f, 'Iooq crqc Io 1I"d JeqqoE? ul FqnoJ eg fll{ s.lnoloo pue 'EuEr8 'saurau IoiJlRd- Jo llJI V 'lor+€d rlar{tr roJ eul?u a uo {old o} tuaql l[ollo pqB 'Jorlt(t sql ro] roptsoi Ior+Rd r lmoddC 'Io't1td t olul sloq lno.( rurog
'{ra8pnrp Iooqos lloql Jo ouioE qon@ ool sfoq gql pulruor torn1fil lrEJ Io -JGJo?]"Ur '^Jg 'palsnrFur-5uraq or8 AoqI
+tq} JOUUTUT ? qanl ur uearE eq unoqs uol+inr?DuJ 'ilolBtr
lutrJJ?ru Jo
xsod eql JoJ suollrcgrlenb aq1 puu 'fll€umJ?d Inoog JoII0 or$ dq, pau5rs sJ lE?.ucna oq[, 'uorlDqoJo uo gr{?uou eaJql
'f€ur nojl
+€r{1 OJsrA" 1OU OrO S{oq Jnof,
EurarE f,q >1,loar aqi roJ'lsr{rll a sdoq.rno.t oarg 'lc,ts c9 l!31ep olul qonur ool r4uo lou oq 'mml1 J0 Psqoedxo ET 13r{in En06s e3_1-":l_-x:
'JoaeA{oq :nof, .ro;
ro} iEE?rulnocg se ice c4 €rlnba.l g.Jo4sBulnoJs 'truBJJ"a
-io11u eecr;cc,rd .Eurlnoos prlu uol?onJlsEr
'aurureur ''rvl lnocs I-Tt9{1ddu euop uooq strq l?r[l ueq,u pu8 'Enoos /teq? eqr aql dErusour eql lnocg 93.-"8 1zql g" ;'d Io !T -flxorloB . &g eql ,o oqrllno Jo eotlflruro3 fBool eW IIIFA p,?rolsr,lar ueql net pu? 'flxorloB oloqa eql doorl rno.f, 1e5 ol s,r dolr lxau - sqJi up cf,oq rno,( elr8 trrE prJe ,,r8{og ISI Eqqnoog ,, ,,'E{oq rsl 'lUGqSr6S8 JnoA SB lCA O? UO AIsr UOC l"r,i6""Eqi-' r;-' nof, utrur Euno{ ouros lo5 pu? .elqTssod sa s.(oq lBalBI erp ;o .6doo r 1o E1aernod ssasso4
olqqlns au"rn rE 4lnrlar lAou
PInor{F no^ Jo Srrr?Brooep ,tJtrssscall
!r.. Ft at! clq IEO " aue IE 3lded " ttar td Ts 'E€rC " alq tqC[ " E.t' t*f :l @I,-ti8q " 'r4.J Ps! 'scl,r'Pll '' Tttq pE? uaole " fottrf IEt 'lcsiq 'PaE " .'It:, Pus onl8 " alq-{cq8 " ltltro F! 'u@r"If " . .(al,{nlg " 'aotpl .urt Par Pn PIot-PE "
" h " " -
ilFlr pur {@lE -i 'Ibr pu8 @JC gEoo/rm
'4no:ts taEt:
xll 3.t"s
sdoo:1 eslel aruos ic eql c/I lsaJJiE L:SJIi I
'siortrd n =iu,"u uau 6qr erli 'rt*i
ror:td Pto aql IIt Palsna'ra a \ io4eo bLB sielsculnoS ':st .'Jlcqq pN eolla.l 'iart Pur orlg " lerC ' ' notd PEE.talc!.\ " 'arfrq6 put onig " ar"slq Ps" lrlo-:-\ " peu " '{cqq PnB 'E-g{ " 'trilt8 " elr-ql Put {E!d " qrq{ p@ @o " mlq pr @o " 'roiPr " snlg " ellq$ pE udE " ttusro Pur Erqg " '^oIPI pa ?rE " " 'P.r PEt IarO " - : 'artPs.lFa plFI " qFtr PEr
?rFi^ Pr IttS ap4q Ft {sfd aEld
rFr, Fr Eii?-l Iti{ psB *rs .eto 'l.IC :tED Dd Fqa !-q lE ,..8 !8FFFf" ?rI lrlq F g{a .r{FI til G]3 IIII T
" ..
" " '' n --' -
'doo.rl Jno.6 ,a
.sql llg-op Iil slnoos rnoI. 'ooqd paryFr1 illor 'aroeqo 'lqnlrq 1l oq plnoqs lI 'parlq Jo {oea eq+ u! s4r{5lu urtlroo uo nof, 1ue1 r(Jro oq lJ 'arqd r qons e^Eq plnoqr noI El pqno,B ere oq& €+o{fl er8 qnoos $oq tsgq -rergor{.l fl qI 'uar{,.Aroa Jnoa llco um 'qlnll ^Jasrooau euosqtJoc slros Jo ualenbpneq eq+ orl"E qr.a bqal F{oq oqJ 'a8e Jo s:eo{ nof, eoald punoJE ,lool aroil plnoqs 9I s} Ut lnoq! Jo r4oq f1a1r lq8ra Jo rlq pof, qnq 'aruor{ u.6ro lnof ur N4noog Jnod re(I+€E{4 4et q 8l Pooaord o1 Xu^r 1mq oq1
ro uroorqnt) 3 ro]
'doouJ, uo TouJ,vd v.I^luod
oI /v\oH
'urao {slFops OqI
FIRST AID VADE-MECUIW. Boy Soouts bauo many clrances of rendeiing ffret a,id; accidenis are always ooour:ring, and tLere is no doirbt tlhat prrobably ovory Soout will, sooner or later, be present at an ariident. trIi:si aid instruction. is not intoodcd to mak€ 'd,nateur'Doctort,rf th€ Scxluts; it is to ^' ll) L+s.tn srffering. (2) i:ave lile in emeigenciea (3) Prevent harm being dooo before medical
dutv ie to onivent furlher inirirv-oieveat tbc simlle fnarturo becoming r"be- conpiiiad-until
.. coxres. Dlslocatloae. -, ' On no aocount must a Scout try to put ths joint into plre; leavo +,hot to a medical man.
the mediool ma.a
Your duty is to placo the patient in a oomr.Iortable position and reliere the pa,in as mucih aa pos,iblo by suppoiing the limb wi,th bandagea or sling in thoprxitioo easiest to tLe pai,ieat.
assistance a,r'rivs.
Thero are few who have nct had a epla,ined recesary thet every Soout' ghculd. rr pBrpaBrD and make himself ankle at some time or otAer. A sprain is a trrist or wrench which tears and offcient.it knorving what ki do shouid an suddcn igamcnt rourd the joint, stretoires the ligamcrt accident occur. Apply @d. rl'ater rater dre;sinss, dressings, which should be It is not possible in the limited spaoe a.t ou,r fiut-on firnrly (not im tigirt), to obec.k tbe I+,
to give everSrbhing in detail; only *irnple rulee and plarn,,. expliait instructions are glven ir ;r form mnveniont for reference. Iro: full instruciion in first orid, ficauts should oonsult the " Iiirot .did Book for Bo.y Scouts." In ordor to put ]-.our instnrctioil into p,ractice [t, is necesury that you should carry at all [imes a firct aid outfii. Such an outfii should be of a harrdy size, iight in weigtrt, and coutain all thct is necessary. d.isposal
Contents ot Flrr't Atd Outttt.
cold water ervelling. srvellins. -l'o be effeotive, the cold and'it mus[ bi b"e arplied erlL and it must be applied i t.trc inflanred correturtl.y. Do no,t .simpl.y correturtly. .simply batbe the pert and then put the part in'a rvarm atmosphere. I'Lis only inqreas€; the infla-mation. \Ifiheo cold rvator applioations have ceased to gilo comfort batho lho par0 i.Ir n'ater as hot as oa,n be bonos.
The irnoortant noints to treaa ia mind gro 3(1) To itop tho- bleedir:g and raisi ttro part afrected.
j in. roller bando,ga (&l fo cleanes the would. 8a thal gog, ()nc 1 in. do. 'hanils anil, naik arc clean, ()ne niec: eaclr rlain lint ud boraoio lint. (3) To dress the wound to prctcct iL One iieceof jacinet or wat4rrpmof E t€rid. (4) To rest tbe woladed port by meanr ol One rin of borio vaseline. banda,ges s3 eling. A roll oI adbpsrivo plaeto .sEd eooro ooutt (5) To treat for sbook, if planut. pJaeter. Never arrply " obwebs" to e round, aa 6oma Some -sa,IotY Pirlr'. gra,ndmotLerly people adviseThe above i,s-all thot ic Des,ry for an in- (See page 9 for diagrao fiowiDg whole to dividual Scoui to oa,rty; wha,teger slso- the : press to arrest bleedins.) Scout wants, suoh as &ianeds,r baDda€Fg' wha.t S Abrasion* Scratahe4 ,ad Sllght improvise frcm fncm wha.d splinis, &c., he should implovi--se rplinis, ' the tima Cu6. has s beside hirn at thri One
Reme.mber when atten&ngi
Erst aid to Keop your " Irr@oo of mind." Tahi thc pati6ut out oI tho woy of traffio. Send ior a-doctor; a written meesage is besL Loosen patient's clothing. Exa,rminl for loca,l injuriesBe cautious in gining atimrulaats.
bare in removitg the Bcilq a Scout. -which v,ou will of oo/u!s6, obsorv€ Exeroise the uknost, oatient. o-vorvihiner ma,kine
mav -tiho be of
a history of
Ftactutes. There ars two rnain olasees
uso in
of frroturee-
sinc'ple alrd compound. Simole. -
ltDfiFnsssrrc rHE suBcLIVtAtr ARTERY
rith rata. water to free git Dry tho wound a"nd
Bdthe the part
it from dirt
apply a piece oi boracic lint.
Bleedlng fuoa tbe Nose. , Undo tight chthing at neck. Ilake patient sit down with head slightly thrown back. Raise hie arm-s abovo and behind the head, Apply mld w€t spongo to top of nose and back of neck. Shor:Id the bleedine not cea"e plug the nostril with a, piece of mtton roolYour scout knife plaaed at back of neck rill
\ col{MoN
have e ben€ficid effeot.,
Bana and Scalds. Erclude tbe air from the injured rapiilly and completely as possible.
If eerious o&se, cover with ootton rool, fonr, bons raith ao outrya,rd voua4. starch, or wrap in oloth sosked in Boldfua ot 6oda. positi'on baking at a Ptrece injur.ed pa,rt in as oatural If slight bum, apply a piece of lint inLed rossible. Eix of oncto rby I'putrt$, padg, a.Ed in Carroq oil, ond wrap in aottoa rool. tandagcs'
Do not drag tho patient's dotles
Conpound. -
ofi; at
Brlken bono with a wound oommulioatiag' them. If thore ie $bock give warm *imtrfqg with the breil.. Ilhe first thing you do is drinkE, &!tl apply bot-water bottlat (orcredi to stoo tho bleedias. tbeu waeh and dross the to hia feeL wound and apply d6ds, eplhte sod bandageg
fof tho simple frarc.turs. You will nerler so wrous by tratine a limb as beins lracfured' and puttias'ih'in eplints'
ewn iilt is found aftorwa,rds not:to bs frae irred. yoo are better to err oa tbo sale Bid,s. Infieil,iate 6rst aid treetnpgt ls p€6d€d' Yorrr
';-- . rr*g*il,.t:,.t,t,;
*Illustrations from
:.: "! ,-.t*:. -.'.
r, i",..;
-: {
cttiltril puE ua{Eld
.,.slrof,S Lbg o1 :1oog plv .rylld
aqJ,' uorJ suoq?IlsnlllF
ToFM ltuq3 leE[" Pu3 o eq1. lirury put ploo f,poq s 'trotr}r.D&r 4 {Eltld .Etllqrn?slp rBEo{p{ -u-r
eJorr f,q Ponford sl
.esdqloc to ,coq
rel?A:?oq Alddc
EEn?fus$s EJaa earS ,lcoqs
sltulrHv uYNln put MOVU AHX SNISs3Udllloc
,lVlHcVUS 3H1 CNlssSudglocl 'AUSIUV 1VU0tt3J r0 NotsssSdirldc
lB' :go soqlolc sSual}?d eq1 Ec loor uo11oo u1 delu Put f
pa:Fos-{EII;o eoerd e {1dde 'urnt
uorlnlos u-r pe{"o,o qlolc Jo Trnos'idla dofuoo qlraa
3 lr8d
:6roi 'e=
'elqrssod s€ f,lalaldEor paJnful eq+ ruoJ, rlB eq
'+FSa FLE Jo {c?q lu Pareld ojrcq '[oora uo]lsJ Jo oaald t qlrs [r]
fira {€r AUSTUY olroUVC
lvl3vl 3HI
pu€ asou Jo'-doi 01 e3uods 1as 'pcaq oql puJq€q p-uE oroqe sltr '{cEq uaoftI+ lllqsrls P"aq ql} luarlrd e4e11 '{,aE 4" 5trrqloP
'e6oN eql uanT Ea|pa '+u{ crcuoq -to ' puts punora eql &Ct tlrE Pu: eaJJ O+ rolra IE.rBA qlla lrEo 'srnc ltlafis pva 'taqcte,rcs us
Au3.l.uv 1Y1ldl330 3Hr gNlSS3U;il0C
('5qP€alq lsaJrs ol .=
El e.req& SEIsoqi E"r5"rP ro, 'AU3JU'
{yr0ncsns 3Hr cNrss3ud[q?
B o} ..qaaq@,.
'ptmoa aquecard y1 ':lcoqs &I 1 '.Eor[s IO 96: Paptruo.s e'ql
f,q 1:rd -Io tEastr '1I +oetold
oll P{mo oql 'uo2t2 nt a
ceg. *""-
+Isd eql esJBr Pua SEIP€Iq -€B eru pufu u.t r"eq ctl sluioo tE
.Oluvdluc a"
aB Jax?tr
m qr"d eql on"q
rarzr ol 'pJ5EJ orut{'suorlzclode 'uoilummcgq jrP s*ea-aut 'iPo -sotula tuJ?$ ur lJe(l aJ-l tn(l j[.iim- ]ou o " parmgul oql €qtq paqdde sq lsnlu
t! Pr"'rP?r
Jll?$ plN a{n 'alrl:tJEa kf eq1 qrql ol i1RuqF. 01 Pu, j sq Pinogs qJr.qs ssus-a-? rJlE! TnFII oqt Pr.d l*.'ulatr' Jo puB slsal rIrFF @qil '.4}r:o ilEB arq .rF t-J
i; sr urzrds 1r pautr.rds
t 1qP
.trrorl8d erBol teE} !9FF1raatpriiq mr qgl qt:h;rroil& Es uonE Ea uld e{E araFl F -gojoroo c ur iuefr eP ooqd ol .u'er.u pcrpeur 3 04 lslt .r31 :s tD eql .ir..d ol .ir-| PooS rE 'ltsor@4Q .g.rrG
,: . ::
tlum-Prnodu@ cql Aurmoeq o Bg1
-rry 1r
[,": f,
r I
f I i t
i I I t
Sho Semrts' Own.
Enilentil. Wrao -natient uo warnrlv and remove him "tr;tl;;i suddenly fa.lls dowp, apd Eay utt€r lndoor.i. RoU hi;n in hob blankets and put shrill ery m he-faIls. him in bed. keepine his head low" Applv hot a - i:"* ri'ial**"t* it tt"t rigid, then thivy water botiles to his fect. Give hot ooffeo. relax. and t}le limbs move violently. , No slimulants. Plaee in msition as for apoplectio'. Pre' vcnt natienf from doing him-sU bodily hsrm ar to by hdlding his limbs, but not ;o A
r l
rtlltclat Relplratton.
Artificial rcspiratioo is used to revive- ths
annarentlv drdwned or those suffcrirg eiectrical "iniuries. or those t'ho have been overcome * ith cr's fumes or smoke. The Schafer ivstom of artificial respiration and the least fatiguing to tho is tlio sirnrrlest operator. It has been adopted by the -Royal Arrnv Medicdl Oorpc, and is recommelded by from
t}I6 Chief Scout in his text
do is to empty the lungs The first thing sou clcanre the mouth and nostrtls maY be
of water- then
of anv iea*eed, griss, &c., that i I
lods€d in them. L"av thb oationt on his stomach, with his arms- exterxied and his faoe turned torards the broeze (udess it is blowing a gale).
t, ,l
Keen ano crrn where noison is
Oils mav be used, but two
In phosihorous poisoning
Gi-ve small quantiti€s of stimula.nts if you knorv that there is no internal bleeding.
In cveri
lnoolectic. '
of lDu8cle8. mrmls. ol tnc -ino Loosen oll clothins. Lav on back or
:nrith head aa with Lend
littlo- raised. Apply cold to hoad
br.eaLhing hold forIf noisy noisv bi6alhing warmth tt to-f""t. feet. if i,.-i*tt ward ths iaw. Gice no slimulants,
Do noi mistake for drunkennese. In
lErunkenness the skiir is cold uuder the clothes; ia apopiexy it is wuryn,
-. The
and in
of salt or'0B6
a-cid antidotee
opirim poisoniDg, he snores Ii
Givc him i teaspoonful of Condy strlchnine-opium, tvhen there'
Resort to artiffeial respiration." Ntws." -" Red*Cross In half a tumbler of w Think out plans how you woulti
artificial respiration.
Carry the patient at once into the thade, let him have plenty of fresh air, and do not crorvd round him. Remove the clothing frorn neck and chest, and raise the h<!ed. Doucho the head, neck, and ohest with eold
ince in the case of a " disloca atm," " broken lcg," " severe calf of the 1"s," &i.; work them trrind, and conault your first aid in evcrv detail. ouite ' Thenclear rvhr,n the Lccidcnt does
wot€r until he returns to conseioudBbss. Ln a datliened place and watch him 'Tf unconsciousness netuEs renew Place him oarefuliy.
the applicatiou of
care rvl:ere stair:ine is
To oire cmetics is both safdand So "mix at once-be quick, b flust+red-
back. Il
The poison known. 10 rir4ke the
For ilkali corrosives. give an ae An acid swallorved, then reverse Ahd sive an alkali to kill the la
Artificial respiration if
imhediatelu switch
l I
Sit on his buttocks, and pl,ace youi hands on the sm,a1l of his back (see figure). Bend and lei all forward with :lour -J:ourarnrs straight body fall on the w'rists, the weight of makinE"at the'satno tiire a steady upwlrd ,""..rie on tLe last ribs or foot oi the c}est iavitv. Count one-two-three, then spring up sinartly, still kecrring your hands on the nitient's Eacli. Thii hakes the chest erand air is suckcd in' 'iand. l\rhile in the upright position oount oDs-two. ' then dorn on to his back again. Kecp up th<ise motions at, the rate of 12, a-nd Ilressur€s - uiwar:d, -lratient to the minute. is breathing .free]y set When the to work maliins him warm. Take off his wet olothes and- roll him in warm biankeLs: put hot water bottles (oovered) to his feei alt< iuracl tl'e u.-nio.
t I
It; drop eome olive.or eastor oil Iid and close the cye. . Pldoe pa! of cotton wool on it and b o'epetiulist about it. Encourage the patient to slce him carefully lor about an hour .' Polsons. 'the following *-ill help you to ffrtt aid treatment for poisoning: "Send {or the doctor, name t
-tight stor the movements. Prevent the tongu6 ber'ne bitten bv irserting a closod ecout knife .r ricce of wmd betu'een the tmth. No atim'ulontc. After coovuleions oeaEq sllbw Faiatlag. patient to sleep.
In 6rery casL, whatc''er the. pois You may gire rvater, milk, and e
Lay pat+nt down fa! f€ot slightty aboY. the lerel of the head. kosen the clothirrs: admit fresh air. and re melling *lte. Choklng. Give natient a smart slao oa the
this faiis to dislodge the-aubetance hmk it
. If stains are prevtrt, tlten prmeet And of emetics nlost of all bewa
out wirh your finger or a spoon handle. Never turn the patient upside down or try to push the substance dorra his throat.
Take oatient into the frosh air. Dash oold and hot'water alternatelv on face a,lld chest'
I t
Are table vinegar and Iemon jui Whet alkalies to use needs no re Tako whitewash, chalk, or Plast
'Electrlcal Inlurles.
Switch off currcnt, if possible, before touc^hine the suficrer. If it is im$ossible to it ofr, rescuer must in'
Carbolic icid poisoning. To mtkt , e:isler. G.ive ta,blespoonfirls two of
eulal,e himlclf by ..tandiig on a pile of dry clothine (waterpioof coats, &c.), and protect tho hanlls hy m6ans of rubber (tobeoco pouobes will dc) betbre he attempts a rescue' Sullercr can be drafged away from the wires by mcans of a cycle tyro, rubber piping, &c.
Treat for shock. burns, &c., as usual. If
necessary perform
i t i
tliua.livv ooour in elderlv people. Unconbreathing, and iometimes twitch6isv brealhins. scious, n6isy
t t' I
r, t,
little mental rehearsal of it will a to you, sud you will be better
If stung by a rsasp or 'bee immediately get rid o{ the sting by pressing a watch key on tbc rrart and the siing will be extrac'.ed. Then
' To enjoy Scouting to the fullesl must pay strict attontion to Your is not neccssary to do anything dr :yoursell with Patent medicines t Bolf it1 h€alth. You can mal healthy and remain healthv by d
wipe with strong ammonia solution. II
you lmve no arnmonil use washing soda, solution, moistanecl whitcning, or spirits of wiqe. A drcs"ing of boracic ointmont can afterwardr be applled.
Arft h the Eyc. Lo -ot rub the eye,'as it will inflame it and cause swelliug. If the grit is visiblo take it oft with the moisfuned corner of s handkercl:ief. If undcr the lower eyelid turn the
of the-following iumple rules:-
' ,Flenty of Fralh Alr, wl
" Breathlag, ,Aiwavs keep the bcdroom wi from t}e top, winter and sumn
eyelid down and removo the grit. Should it te under the uppe,r li'l Iay a pencil ou the lid and turn ;5 5r.lf 6a ifself. Ilemove the grit and turo the lid dorvn again. Bathe tho eye with -sone -lukewarm-tgo (not too strong, and rvithout sugar, &c.).
Br€ neYer c6atractcd through sl, the window ooen, -nrouthBreathe throu
keeninc the
If thc grit-suc[ as a 'qElal Btrrtk-is €m. in the ol:e dg not attempt l,o rempYg
brei^thJ er:cry ntorniqg bcfore bre
ins the ehoulders wcll beck an 'Iuigs fully.
'4i 'i/" *i
'uopuorl "1S
98I ptr8
, ral€oqcutstr{ ''ilA'tg .a.ty Zg : oapunc 'oc$ro ..puauE s,aldood ,, oqtr lllorl
'pA '?prJ tsoA
ro lquotes!{leN II"
j\ ?soc
eur Burrrn -
aial' jdillia.rq
srqprn#'X'd'Ell -
Etnu: orir {r o-ao 6 q?Earq
\' ;1nitrs
qlnoru eq1 Surdee4
' 'osdr aqr'q8do*rq1 eqlud.rg 'uado soPura erfl Eurd5als ri8no.tql pol)"r1uoc raAau elr
puri .rbtulaa
"raruirn's "'oim *boryaq oih6' rnopuy^
,ANNgd gNO {luo fl
'rrol gql urorl
ei11 daerl 8atselY '
qpt 'EalryraeJg tlv qs,../g P ,lrseld'. ol(iurn Strl'taolJol oqf ,6
oql Pu"
.{ptp-:salnr dq dqqleoq ultruor PEa f,q1paq o{Bu u"c noi( 'qlleoq ur JleE
'elnllnS pqsfr(trd,, q ollll'oqf,, 'uolltpuoo ;lasurq dael o+ Eaqfi,la
do1-dt1 u|
oq.la Xoq .(.rale
Jo spu€q aql iII oql plnoqs qllrldd {ooq pa1er1snl1r-{1osn;ord e 1o ro?Irll oql sI
etelqlE aa4we(t3 v
-ino.{ d.la{ ol saurJlPotu 1ua1td q;r,u ;1aslnoX' Snrp Jo orlse;p 5ulq1.f,ur op o1 f.ressooeu_lou sI 'q1luaq rno,( o1 uorluollu 1c1.r1s Xud lsnu
oor 1u"1r" tsa[lnI aql o'] Sullnoas dolua o5. .STNITT HTTVAH
'oo.5i ron'",
Sdraruis irailar.esac '{ra^o-
uf 'rL- usiupdq ui pud Suruosrod snoroqdsoqc! surjit<Iiira om1 rnq 'Pasn eq laur BIIO 'iri pue '{lltu 'rJl"a o'lli a-BIx no1 lear' pr!'e ' 'aqsEBa uostod'oql Ja.al"qa 'asB3 r{Jalo uI I pa1'cadsris
sr uixtod aldqia
i^ounar ot ldEall-? lou bP a.(a aqr Pua sr+-rds 1ufi.lru e se qcns--rF5 'i'oi lnorltla pue '8uor1r "rs5nseuros qlru efa tal -uiJur{nl
'urtsEB uaroP PI[ oql
lu5 atrl oA(xntll 'Jl3s'lr uo IJ".laql'l E ,{u1 pr1 r'adct'n pfnoqg 'luE €ql oAotrdr Ptr? u pll om-uo tp[ad +r
erll u.Gl prpf,e
oql rdPun
-rorlPtr3q o Jo Jauroc pau4slou- aq qr a{sl elqrsrr s1 lr:.b a{l JI 'noll Psa lJ our"gul llla 1l s€ 'a{a aql qnr
'elel eq, al ilro
IPJG^{rEJ" Urc quouluro ,r*.,oq 1o 'auJta Jo 8?lJrds Jo '8uruo1ltl.n 1xu4 -nlo6 spos.Eurqsea o6n ttuouul8 ou
'uor1n1os ?ruouttuE 5uorls
'ploc Jo uorl [rdueJ $rrn+ar sseusnolcsuoaun JI urlq qclB.a. pu? oc"ld PauorlraP lil 'sgauFnorcsEoo
ol suJnlJJ aq" [tl
Pt@ qllaa lsoqc PuB '1aau 'Peaq a 'p[o{ oql €'8.r8r puB 'Faqc puB Emqtolc eql oaotlag 'ulq Pu qod'op pue 'rra qsarJ Jo r(;ua1d- ar a
'uorlarldsar lErrg-11J". m-loJiai 'iensn se ''Jq '8uJnq ':lJolis .:
'orXl aiJ.(J ? Jo sEaal u?J Edura)+a ar.{ arosuaaur i
'Eurdrd erll uroJJ Xt^rB PaEBBTP oq 'encBo.r
omlqol) Jaqqu
Jo rcaioid pue t1'ery 'iico'i ;oord.raizr
f,.lp 1o eilrd t u6 SurPuer; iq lim.ui is"ui' .rencse.l 'g'o 1I q,+l$s / o1' eJqrssodrul sl 11. JI 'raragns -qcno1 elolaq 'olqlssod Jr 'luarruc
'9e/Jn[al lacl$relg '18oqC
'f,t?ssacau 3r uorlurld;a ptr€ ec"J uo {lol8uralle ]el
'rT? qseJJ aq+ otrur lueF
'lBorql sttl
-u.r\oP {r1 ro daoP'ePridn luatled aq1 'etpueq uoods t Jo Jotsugi lnor ar{} o8polslP o rr"rooi ''{cBqeirqBlsqns eq1 uo dels lrtus a lua Ii
'tqParlq I"uJ;lur m 8I er,aq JI g1q€[trInTEI Jo sallrluPnD
'sttm-Eurlfams asn Pue 'Jrc qsaJI -trrbrc eqt uasosl 'PBaq aql JL
eiixir xliqrp r€, 'lrg ssoP ?sa 'tq1a1ry aorF 6eaoo suorlaAu@ -r;$tq o|r 'qlaq oq+ E€rlrq Poo+ J
dntrlus daay
-sns 8n.rp eql oru?u 'JolroP aql JoJ
r"or" Pesirt, e SurY;ur iq "ii"r e-nEuor ew luaaarJ guatDarc m s" tu5ri o€ lou lnq 'qql nnl .rir"q iripqq fiasruTq turop EUJ r :bircira'"4"' iq n-uorusoa
luru4?orl PI? lsl$
-:Suruostod esliouraur o1-no.t rllaq 1I-u
s'{tm' PooJ lno.( e4rorlseur
'"prqti "qt oltir abuo 1e luarltd 'el/o[rrsuns T
lu;q o'rtg
Sulls aq1 Pu uaq.L 'ps+c8rlxo eq Illar uo -Xaq q4eaa ? Sulssord iq Sulrs lq qe8 f,lalepatuur aoql .ro dsB.s
a-rr8 o1 alq? r4laq aq IILIa nof, p", :1o{--"1 Io+uaw- an+!l III^ fi Jo IcsrtJqor lctq auroc- it,seop rhoi +uJplDf,tr oql u')ti$ uaqJ 'rncco '1le1aP dro.re ut JaalJ.allno tou lr nooq prB 4slg Jnod llnsuoc puB 'Pullu ino{-i:r'rno drbql 1:on i',:4 .,'5al sqt Jo ,["J aia.res ,, .,'Sa1 ualolq ,, .,'ulJB aql ur'puno^t t6 'uorlBcotslp,, E Jo asuc aq+ uI oJus
-ldissi e.tra P[noi- nol notl surld lno r{urtl1. 'Jal8ia Jo ralqurn+ 3 JIBq qI t ..'s,!^+N ssoJJ P0U,,,,'EollBrldieJ IEITSI1r:#,1ruosaU
-5u1s Euol s.oJaql ueqar 'urnr-do-auruqjirp u1
.:prnlgi s,rpu63 1o-1n;uoodttal
: PInrC
* pio auros alrt sarouB aq 'Euluoerod ^#jf etrrqdlns ;o oaal slnluoods''11:J^-:'lD .JersBo 'oa8 slli?rad :no,( 1a1 o? Porlrtqs" oq 1o pinon no{ suollecgyqnd ro s{ooq Ptar raaaN 1uer1ed, aq1 o{q(tr oJr 'suruoslod ,l;"iil#", '4E8naqi aul uorl ralseld .ro '11aqc 'qseneltq'$ o{8J' Aqr$eu 'rseez lou fig 'lsg1 PUV " spoau osn ol sJITE{18 l"qd\ -Euir'salal'ou "lectnr uodral puu rBEauIA olqq ary rol Burpue'ls u,oq GEq q"q'I ra'ts ,ti,?Jtt".H?i pioqasnoq- ur sa1oPFus PL:-s :-t{Il' esn' 'eril 'ro'oc ribul rutrri pus 'sdlnuru gT 'toJ lsBal o+ ItllE uB o^lb-pr{y '.ra11ui tll{ueql uo'tJ sT arrnos'arnd .rartzur 1'e 1,oq '1nglqhop 'p;$olltras pIcB uY es.raiai -erirs " pue '' eui ig;i 'paq o] Suto8 o'toloq .raliir'eq1 :iroe ut arr8 ise-trso'tJoc Il?{lB ro; .1su;:1ea.rQ a.roJa,{ ro+"x PooE Jo o*rrto.*1,,,j.1l,, eqr erti! o1 'ri'rou1 uostod eq; ruart'rd 'orcsrd :a:enei1 11ri 1o lsotu 6ctlatr:a' Jo PUY oql ur. rr.lJu trnq 'lq8lu t, rttn"otTljo_ Yll: 'ar"c tflIA peerolti'u''r11 '1u;sa:d e-ru sulolr ,I ' 'rJlu.tr eql uI atrrll irorrs " '\luo loq t'e>1e; I p,nliii,u io euo ao ti*. lo .uI$l1U3iJ* urr'ara11 ' :sprtsr+t;u pe 1pq;. 5ur1ea1 3-no.ill.l.1 q.uop lnq qrrnb oq-aJuo 18 xlu- os "q' 'ioti.oe pue oies qloq sI sJtlauJ a'll8 oJ uI p6o+s 6-q uai se p1o.l se 4n'.1 'p1or rlrnb '\lr'tcs harau 1ou 'Buturou frD.D '4t:q l)lur ? a{BJ
qPre.Au I Pae /tlvJg,\rn O osn IeEw'I eql -retclyl lo ,r.J ,{;it;''ll#l
to icpq orJ+ o'Irr! Ild^r rrsq Idn -lrs- puu lr13rrrln puctg 's+r)[N(t ^srllLur gou?ll slu u.l[.\\ slilu^r JJ-\Ju lnoJs V 'aJrnDJr nbr 6.,i.r'eio otil'ilc noj J.\ri lll.tr 'eslctrxg Jaln8ra
Eula'ro11oi eq-6,
pnry ?ya1t 3qt slod )tl prp!'to'tfl oq1 -tv ,,'pool to 'saoslod IBl,Jds JaIII Jo .BltlslclJxo 'iilcsnlir ssoqluieuar uec oq 'uo salasnu-Jo lrni tnoq?In 1!; 'EuBr rolla rnoq u" '1noqu :o3 f,gn;eiuc ui. q purrr tq8ij eql lo8 sBI[ lnoJq pue'"dao1s b1 ioarl.cd aql aSsrnorug " oJIIO.'-sABs '?nJ o] o^.1 lorl 'o^rl 01 lu? qcliaa ln0qo ?ltltlt)?dt ,o1? in<icg lbri6 eii; . .poo5 lsiru eql no.t srop lBtll pool a{} lof, uo looa uo+lo) Jo pE{r a)q 'oSBpuBq puB 1I '4,(D aqtr osotr PUB PJI r"ib* uoe'e eob1.1 'peteelrgaw /q q8notoql ieuol di11 ur go rblstc ro oago aulos dorp :ll tptT eldutls pepeps.fie/A V Pue 'u.$O .glnors etlJ.
."ii'' *
qurl a
eam t'#ro*;
'':iduelola i*s
Pu8 'traoP
rqln isu
f,eql uaq?
c[q jI@P
l,t. t-'
il -
;,!, 14:Bj'
EveuT Scou-t whea Soing
oa'mp ahoulil'
dissolved ain
The sources of water arg:On the surfaoe.-River8, I&kes, ponds. tlo
aad spriag water' Water is classified as follows:Wholesome.-Spring; d""p E"4,(grtesian).; uoland surfaco (as in Scottish Hrgtrlands,'
lo th. Eu*b.-W"ll
Snare stookingr. Handkerchiefs Brthipc drawors Blanket. Tmthbrueh a,nd Povder. Socp and towel.
S"."i5i"ri.-Stored iain
; surface n'ater'
Daigerous.-Rivers n€ar towns; shattow weu warer.
Two'metal Plgt€6.
Scouts' Own.'
h addition 1o 156 !4iforq hs is wearing, brinsChanEe of olother (inoludirg .i!!*. tgousgrt oi ehortE, and a pa.ir o{ thlots socBB-*ror sleeping in). Snaro boots o! shoee Siseater
"s r,lri-r.1:.i_.!
Water Flags.
if"g i"ql"t"'th.re is one in your billv)'
lVater for drinking and cooling -purpose' bs marLed with a, whrio fl89 i lor The followiog sbould bo provided'for the should waterinE animals, bv a blue flag;-and w86n' Soouts:i#;;T toit irg-btu""' bv a red flag' Tent. Watet trom Mains. (to caohdseP on) til*'bLok.t" .Should vou get your dr-inking uater lrom Buckct and tio basin-, the maia-such as ftom a, house near at nautr Erch patrol should bring :;l;;;ue cur"tut Clothes-6rush. -ntii"e that 5ou run it Io-r.some
v""r bucket- or takirg ,a "i wat€r lies in the lead plpes-au drink. Tbe and is poisonous'. Re' ;i;1; ""J*;ui;s-1ead, also nctcr to uso uater that h05 Deeg -Ember ti#'"'H,it
dubbin ror. bootr" IIHIS gHtr hanging thrngs on' Pole slrap for
Hank of roPe.
lying for some time.
DaIIY Routlao'
., Saaltatlon'The follorniag.is tho daily time-ta'ble of the A oamp and its surroundings should,bekept g"out"' ca,ap which tho Cbiel Soout hold:clan. an:l eYerv Scout in camp thourd Ellow a.m.-" Roveille." - -Totq out' air bed' the 6.30 -'l- -' *itt obmmon Iows of sanitation. be bqrgi'ia- a lioq. cofi."' rad bi"crrit' i"Utiin refuse ahould "r ? to ?.30 i.irr.-Pa.rsde for .pravera ttimpgr Apart from making the n"i-ir i""i".t"te". lon-s€otarian'prayer)' ard .pDyslqu i,lil, -t".i tho-presenc-e of " pieor:e rif exerciso or iustruction Parade' ctr,"ilx, potatoes, &c', are sute to 6ieah crust,""[iav, ?.30 a.m.lSti* tents; wash seU' brine ths fiies about. and any ono who-hao I
6 i.--sdi,iirs
to be in cemp -wrth.a ' had"theof misfortune flies rvill realise the misery tbat tho then rcoutias nlasue hief catse ever]' one. Then, there rs. no
for two bourr
i1:;.:fiit-"rid--ui*,ritr' games for Zl hours'
knowing where the flies hare bFB .la8t"-th€y may hal'e como from soruo lnlect'Ious du8!-
1.30 n.m.-Dinner.
t;#:*#*ln,X,t",X,l?:,i,_ry_$:l"J!i 5 'n.m.-Scouting gameB for 2* hours. 5.30 p.m--Tea. .
ln tho
heo. '
CamP Kltchen. The camp kitclien is always. made to tbP leeward of the camp, s,o that th-e aparks wlu not blorv about the t€nts, and perhaps set
B'1r.d.-n""tettion and cornp rsnes till
fire to them. --iilld; camp kitchen, oq! a lrerch yitb a snado or your Scout axo to 6urt your reouiiements (A). fho Iength and br€adt! *ill oary aoo6rdiqg to the size and number ol p"t" kettles you intend using' . - Tho"iir-p depth of the trenchat tho ohloley€Ed .6,iii td+-i""hes, 'rising slopins down to.18 inphgs, of tho the up to th€ mo-uti ol Watcr SUPPIY' then ribing .up'to-the ira-tn"" and bsve tiench. rhould b3gve cbould :Wii-[ which sli-ould faoe the wind.the-top of It is most importaat thpt you iti" Bods, or turf, cut,ofi l--,r "".nlv of water wheu rn oa,u.p' -unsupports the sods make.ri chiinney. 'B sup-ports trenoh make.i i.#iFtrSt-;J"l-"':',*t:i,:irui.t"tx. clean or Da{l wawl. rD. usE u,"v' &c- lo matre I'o rua-I(o slates, scstones, slat€s, et C bv m€alLi measi of ston€s, iiii',i"Iie-?i-..'.Gs. iato vour evstem aud at kilbhzu :4,. t[e kitbh]6u the iob" .Ptestz.r .plaste.r rthe rn' :a " lastl1s !ast!1s 1ob" .-r+inir rin m.illness." *+f"' clay. solf c. ctuBlney wltb solr sirlo of trench and ctu4lney &o''f bt'lff 'dr"tut about' iour rater: sido ffiP tbe camP tbo Now lav voui'firo aod Put on loo vour'fire vour'hro -rnl.e. -pote. -rrote. supplY. eacb sDac€ spac€ behs€€ behseel behs€€n lraiilcs or Pack tho.space tho ure kettles lnv w&Er ttJes ausprclolls a,t tr€at trt tr€aD Alwavd i\]wave Alwevd g:n1:"lxl",ixi -crf l#: inki"s csre th4t qone .t"ttt, ta\ing t[: ;I[;;t it"o."t earth, with wet clay'or which eource "s* Tjghttrench. Llgt the tire, *&'.; of i[il drons into the trench. fiiT'*"['{']l'{i""*.u-"rtoJ*i-f rrater.bb{oro .-.a Ieaks 'out ou[ smoke leaks the smoke oore of tha --,t .6 it-' a"a'."e ihat nore r"a r". ih"r tit" the ili$i#**"v;ililu7o't ii'T$irii**-v;iiaflnot.liko lhe teste of it' or betrsen the kettles, or soas tho illii"',I..f',. tt . i" JJkli ;' rytL':5,T-THS ;Gr;t qot ,lraw groPerlJi. r:firi i[iii'.t i,t,i p* r* of ssttjlg dvsestsrv -l [[e 6ie will 11 7.30 p.pp.$"rop.-frre till.9 p,m', -o-r SltiU n.m. nlsht practrceifor older sc'outs' lf,d'biscui*. Turn in' c ".-.-:nfilL p.m.-" Lights out"' 9.J0 -'-tr.5'"t""" time-toble-.oau bo dtcr€'l to suit -iequire'rnents of your ca'rirp' the
If you look at the second dial see the principle on which th There being a partial vacuum at are drown slong beiween the ket a,nd tho srnoke paeses up tlrs ob
f,he fire is stoked from the m
the wind turn round. build an
three sods ou tho wiridward sidt
'neYtllis form of fire is the beet it prevents their bare knees ar
beins soorched bv the flames, e srrre-to the oook ri,ho has to worl Camp Beds.
Never at any time sleep ground. There are plenty of in reach which will enable yo' good bed-bracken,
etraw, &.c. Should you have ao old aas! dried leaves, eud ma,ke l bed a
/.'I \..
Ei I
tl.l rl.t lltl
I tJr
lr.tinrr$l tlllllu
'-Qrat?ar{l atertt toE JO .SaIUa! eg1 uaeslaq Jo sPG O
Jo "iirr'exims ;?J' "'th'::# EJ+?lliJlX+,3i! gma uaislaq oeds eql {ced 's.lo cimec eq1 uo lnd Puo eJg. rnoA 'lcrc is r11r.r Xaudqq: Pua qf 'm eql iqssrit' ..qo! 3m1st1 ,. c ?E
er'em br. .aar 'salup 'sauols Io su edos eqi*1:o.ihns g- .'{auurqc r go'1nf'gn1 ro 'sPoa -'puuL -gb trol'eq1 oql eoBJ ppoqs q Eursr err ro srdodt erit ol dniEaqilr 'siqc'ut n'[ or ueoi Eurdols puoleuuirqc eq+ +B tlcuarl eql Jo ' :Shisn puetm nod gal+la{ t ro .roqurnu bue'azri 6q1 o1 Eupro*
.ir*p"*iq pu'e q13ua1 -eq; '(V). -5j .rno{ 1ms o} oxB qnoJs rnoit eql
ro, une eq+ ol'l
pdl r e4au
se.rtel petrp
Jo ll"d 'X"p qo€B PIo u? eatg nof, Plnoqg pogodxa eq pinoqs elp eqJ .lsera Put qlno€ | qlIA +I IIg 'cT 'ar€rls arfl sprcldol fi17ua0 Euldole pu€l Eo Pmo, I 'rearE 'reglaoq 'ualosrq-poq PooE s! sluol qv+ld of qcrqr uo ells I"oPr uV I r e4tru o1 ^rp nod elqtue IIYA qclqla qc8er uJ 'irur,g, to ersc pu, 'punorS I -qrla egu.rqr 1o : f,1uep orB eroql aa$cud eq, il saofise,Ens Pao srolH I sr8q gql uo dao[8 ou.Il f,ua +G ro oN 'ernlrPuadre 'sPag duec I clrurc ;o ure+t e.arsEadxa u!-err qorqs '61}aqs I at reao nrora ol s8I{ oq,tr {ooo oq} o+-erns nunor.B .raoonl ew qtrrr {Brrt saop puu- | -tetd i gr pu'i 'seureg €ql dq Paqcroo6 Sulaq ir.-n. ur'ieae o'intp'sr pirno.r8 eql-punorE I ruorl sacol-puz saaurl e.raq JIdI{t sluaaoJd ql durBp eqt'So nof sdaal Poq Jo (nroJ sr ffi*aal 'slnoog ro; lsa{ oq} 6.r org Jo luro, s}I{Jf,ou u8 e{Btq Tlua s5ol .qtr Yo e,,o'Eol earql oq?
epis preilipura otlq uo spos - pue ratr+E tllft palg:lousror€-q rnojf | -E!qo eql Io pllnq 'Punor uJnl Puua oql 'paoCld ;saqalDu rT oql +sar IIJI solod eq+ s8ql I ro'onl ir.rlxo uBoq+ rnoJJ pa{ols s! eJg er[I 'qlnolu oa s5o1 eq1 uo dt1 '6Alo'ct +noo8 ortrl lJo6 | Drnoqs '-.f,eiurqo eril dn sa*sed_o{ous ot$ PUD -ur puri 'sr-au:oo urcrltoq oq+ Jo I{aBo qa oloq a I c1r pr"aryl se1$'e1 eq+ uo€r4aq EuoE| ua€rp 6JB e{81 , oN I en'uru 'sartq polrp Jo {oas rnod oia+ - 'Belod eq1 eriaoar o) saqopu +no-5o[ eeuag e$ 'q qr urnnaaa IaI+rBCl a suiaq 9raqJ I qoae ub 'punorl et{+ go IIe4 Peq oq1 o0o{ | 'sn.rolr erg oq+ qolqa uo olclDurrd eID s5 lIir nof, urarEarp puooas ot{l ?a {ooJ noa JI o+ {o!q1 .[JluoloBnB Pooa Io slroJ o4+ €,PJ'
.usrlrlDl durtt)
qlpr qcu*i ? inc 'ueq,4-rl dERc .'E
les sdeq.rad puB '6]u4 €q'| 9nd Jtr^ sx:ids eur ttqt o€ 'duEJ aq i[enie sr Yaqat5 c'1 "p"*
-lSnD SnOI,lJOlur omos uorJ euroo f,oqi-{ssf ueaq o-\"q- sorg eqt ora ot'sr '"r5.Ir 'iraq.L 'auo 'irala (,rrt t'zul ,(iasrul eq1 osIIBar IIls 'a *'irir-r'tlrnz"j .ur oq ol ounlroJs seu'bu.tn euo .duu Pire 'qnoqe sa o b.rnd eJa ''olg 'saolelod 'BqunrJ ro *rer<I'ro ebuasald eq+ 'f,PPun 6ur lurxsrir uo:; 1.ltd1- 'ralera ro t'ir rtirhq' eq' Pinoqs esnJar €+q 'ubrl"lrues Jo arou, DTnoq€ durac ur ln@S AI.'J sll P ldea'eq'ppbqp €SurPunorrns
'aufl1 6rt
raao seu
lmll JAlBlr
-* "s.ciuosr'do sI puc 'PBaI surglur I,:'d"';m' Y:',! j'fj.{ [*"Hgil .-*' joi tr un'r-no'i 13ql TnJalBr se^qJr oueu rt':ueu osnoq € uorl tuo:j i4a^ EurlurlP lror
uul t4q1
'tB[ Par € '(q sa]"ld-5qr -r"o^ poe":irg anlq " aq 'sPu
:i**;l"}Hp;'ff""ffiH n7t16 's8e1g
nra llolT€gs : su'taol reau sJa'\rlf ll-"* eier'ms : Jara$ urBl PoJqlS
, ,
.t' t Q,
L\.-'-f vruJD
t-,gl$H'srB#' s""1H1:H Palrsss
-:saoIIoI 'ro4ilA tEuds Ptrs IP.lt.op 'spuoo lo{a[ traArll-?or la4sr ,o -;€J3 ro eouss{lB [q Pas3c aqw €'$ '.rr .rgrir eqf ol p.rofsar €q iur fo peoepSgP 'rE-e{F lsqr *ih u'ieic erio uoq +Fq $* P Fii to erif iararog 'ti] i[rooo eb* Srunod-f,q [uiogcal<itr
F li:
.l:ll, *,:,,.te*','
Thc Scouts'Owr. t1 Those who have been at eam!) tlelore- reso* and north from night bv and sheltered this little dodse to slacken the tensrorr- ott ;;;".i;- i;i.d=. int it.- the rvarm south and to bo'l€ ;h,.';;;i';h"; heavilv :-Make a hole rains heavil-y:-Make t,ho tent when itii,-rains west li'inds muld nlaY over it. When -d pitching ihe tcnts rvc mtlst ranlem' lhP b"; ;e.e that'ihqre ie no possibilitv d. sround under the tents becomtng te-t. rnlnK 5f this before the rain comes, as to have t'ho inside of the tent flooded over is about tho ;;-"di.il *uy to tuk" all- enjovment out of
tlnt life. To prevent this, dtg a
tlie breadth of.the pole a few inches from tbo pole. . \4-hen the, rain eomes on qr*^tl:_f]: t".t, anil th-e teniion iliit *"r" ii,'ii'tl,"'nil.-Others place a flat sto-ne under the end of the pole, and when it rarnr they rernove the stonb, rvhich hae tho sa'es
will bs rslieved. effect.
To add to your oomfort in camp corer the the Point annroach on each side of the tent ,/o\ I to the tent doorwav wrth bracEens' stones. small branches. lLc., which will pre' whero thev meet lecding to where lho ra.in fli.i Do not make rcnt the lround bec'oming a mud-hole. ;;;i,"";;'*;6J'to iu, i'o-' Kccp. the. tnrf clo,se Nevcr drivo nails into tho teit-pole if you il; "il;4";; ,l*r'. tnc rvish to hang up lamps, &c. Male a pro-per at hand. so that it can be replaced whenthat -etrap and four or fivo rack with a- l"ithe" ;"";-il'.fi"[-- Cur" should b.e taken the channcl does not discharge the water lnto
brass S-shap€d hooks.
When strikine tent. if porsible do so when rr this.canaot !!r!-!4'!svu is f,tror{)urillly tlibroughly .IfJr. dry' If evervtnlnq everything ervthins rs be done. i.nd the oanvas has'to be packod up
alg o3.t an ope.-ned ort be ver.y eareful that it ir ope.-nod wct, b"'u"t.y *"t, .L^-^,,^Llu,l"i-,i o< soo4 as possible. msRihls- Should lihould shoul should thorouqhlv dried as llosslbls. llossibls. owner the -orner the the teit be a hired one, advise go n set. up when wlien vot, so that ho w€t *ri paoked iii"t lhat iL U wae naoked uP
mav it-ati,end€d to 8t onc€, havo if may hrve Do not pack dirty, wot tont pegs oE the top of the tent. At tho end of the seagon when you are pacli' ing rrlr yortr tent it is necssary,that.lt should molsture lelt ln lt \Yrll be vcrv rlrv, as any -and
dcstruction of the i*"it "i" mildcrv i"ri.ii.i.- ii.iiculat care is necess-arvinona this few alent may be destroYed il;;-; il,aye'if thic is neglepted-
knowledge of making t6mporary bridges at oan bs ueed for.crossinA streamr or
TRESTLE BRIDGE. The heisht that the lcdeer should be lashed
:[:B li',iT'-:i.l# *-"*"'ii,tffi "ft f ]i -sirch !&rrora dips ia the grouad-ig very useful to rockv or uneven they tuey requlro to bg Etgn a
up the lege. 'Wo
hai-o nttrnoselv omitted the lashingr from the sketch'so thai tho position of the reler rvill fic clcarlv scen. The lashings are ihoivn selaralcly, ind in an enlarged forntThc second ttettle tq m&de ln E Erm"ru
There are various forms of bridges, bnt ile one we shall deal witli is the trestle bridge' Tho sirnplest trestlo bridge is mado as fol-
-.r-\..lYr-\ I
-each-oth-er Get four long poles (15 feet) for the legs, *o,rn"r. ih, l"s" bsins kipt nearer i" atlow of tho'one trEstle-beins lock-ed in the and eight short poles about half the size of otl:er, the leg"s and.somewhat lighter in weight' You \orr catrv tho trcstles. feet foremost" to the able to Bet the loan of a builder's br.nks of the sLream, &d., to be brids€d, and -uu 6o poles-they bridgo for best the ero slin them in, qne on either side. Lach two scaitold red-bearers lichtlv to the transom of building. You will req[ire 9]o. i, qu,&ntity ^]'tlie 6ueh, u,,d J,ush the tre"stl{:i tog€th-er rtntil the.v of good rope, end then you a'ro ready to pro- iock. When the trestles are in ln$trcn l&'a
Lay out the legs, transom, and ledger (see n'ie. 1), and lash oa to toD oI legs bv square lashings (Fjg. 2). Plac"e tie-'diaeonal braces in position, and lash the butts o{ the braces to the legs by mearis of equars lashing, as on the ledger and
road-bcarers sccurelY
to the tralsoms.
Thcn rrass over other rcad-boarerg and lash them Jlso to tho transoms. Meke vour roadhearers secure to the hanks. and prcced to nlace tho chesses, or 1l in. rrlanks, in rmsilion isee foot diasram). fho chcss€8 ern be held in -laced nosition bv ribands. whieh are citber lashed lo tho outeide road-bearen. If yon or havo not srrfficieni rcpa you can simply nail
the chcqses, Yotr now geJ the treltlo square-i'e ' get dorvn Thp bridg'o shown in the eentre diagram trho transom and lcdger parallel with each was hnilt hv t.he first [''ei-Hai-Ifei Tmp of other. Whon this is done lash the tips of Dov Sorts-(Chinn) in less than an hbur. You the diasonal braccs {'ith squaro lashings, and rvill noticc a rmle lashcd to one of the tmtles; tbe crriich or c€nlre point of tiee dlagonal rvith a rcpe rrrnning from it to eithpr h+nk braco with a diaeonal la>hing (-t'ig' 6), ano your tresllo is ready.
it, forms i hand-rail. Jhe .ketch is lrken
Irom 4 photo o{ the actual bridgo.
: ..
MI "'
thosu who a.fe not fortuaate
ibl6 to build I '! real" trestlo bri,
practiae making rnodel ones. Gt tho biokory skewers that your pou
f.or trussing,-fowls, aad -lach them I
€aDhiled. For youl rcad the
'sSDOrUg 1roontr €tplrg enserJ,
B Pllng
ol ,aol{
aql lo ol
lEnlr? Ue$1 q q4a{! aqJ 'lrcr'Pu8q fl {uBq Jdqlld ol 1! uorJ i'uluullr. : sa1|-sar1 ii11 ;o euo ol PJtiss[ alod.8 noji 'lioq'u; upql sri ui (uulqO).s Jo u-@rl ldll-l3H-lrda +sru rq+ ^q iler5erf irluoo orlt' "l "*r.y*"3i1 F"u .f,ldtms uec nof sdor luolJ$ns iiol 11 'sraJtaq'psoJ aPlslno arl] paqs![ reql1a ert'qc1q,n'Epuuqlr jq uti sessarlo eq;, '(uur5ur tf"t "q ur '6{uulcl 'ut tI Jo 'sd$aq uorlgsui
o1 pmco.td pue 'E{uBq rql 01 oJnJ -pao.r lnof erJt-,q '6ruo€u€rl eql ol ro-lo usrl puo 'sraroeq-P€or raqlosJarEJq 'iuixr.tt.r1 eq1 o1 iilorncos uorlrsod uI sJB sallsaJl oql EaL
iaui nriji rdqriSq
aq1 qsn'i
tir&'uur1 ,lij1 o1 f,1iqsr1 sraJ€'cl-P
ba1 qsul 'ePrs .ro{rti uo 6lio 'ur puri 'irrslrrq *i ol "oT 'uear'rs oq' aq1 oj 'lrburoroJ laal 'sdllsor] aql u eU1 tll Da'rtcol Sulaq ollsaJl oEo oql ro'iro'uiud .rirreri 1ilei Sureq sEal e
t ur spru iI 6llsil1 Puo
riu.rbr po5ietde uB uI pua 'llalBrl ore srirrilsul aq.1, 'uars I[Ieolc a eur ro irbrtisot-l oln ]€q1 os qaa{sa
sirirti.tl eqi pe115uo DEnr 6q €l/l
erlilbal .(am f,aql uaaes
riau,r,r. ' 'belirrq eq ol Punorl s our"ilo irirbdeb'ln,ra iSel oqq Jo to pjqsrl eq pJn6qi're8pol-aqi ?sql lq
ldl trrn rr.;tj ot
'SDOIUS 3-II ,,\ar
e uI
sr Tal'al5au'}ua}
pa{oJlsap oq
sru'r uo irtssacau st oJtc r?lnclIJEd
eui' ro uotllnllsoir pue naplrur
sE 'r iri'^t dt o, rt5t ernisrour 6ua qual J iiinoui rr'ruin rrassaaou sI 1I iriceo aiil noi uaqra, uosBaa €ql Jo P do1 eq1 uo sg6d tus{ lelA'trljlp {ta 'ootto 18 ol pepual?s l eu ltul os 'loa uot{At dn Paloeu .rau.tro'eq1 osrAPE 'ouo PaJlq
" nrnous 'elqreiotl sz uoot sa parrP.
bile ino Da'u'ado sr 1r letn InJarBa a hn pexctd oq o1,Eeq saAuuo oql P lourirc'srgt Ii .Jrp f,[q8noroql sl
os'nrp-61qPoa 31 'lual EUHF
e^rtr Jo rtrol Dua dtrls ral{lqol -! i+riorO e exilw 'oE 'sdtu"l dn tt nof, yr elod'-1ie4 €ql olu! sp?u orl 'alou-Pnru
u Suturo'raq Pnno'
.orrt nraa uilun ''coP 'SoqcuBrq ll8u ..urxtbrq'qria Ari{Ioop 1u7+ eq-l e,ii iaooa dti-rm u1 Pojrnoo rnea
smts ou1 €tq gclq^I 'eudfs sqr e irrn, r,',req* pir* 'e1od oql Jo Pur eu'ms ieu t eJtltl sleqtg 'PaAa o iul puu rloo; Jnof, q?IA aql u ""t"u"i tqf qind uo sotEoo uluaqr ,-A e elcd 1o il^ *.j.i, Leucut
^'; eur?J ll uo ,rdu t art6-:f,1rluaq r'o 'uo,eulr-iqr ui:1oe1s o1 aSPoP ilosa.r'arolaq
.'uao .slnors
uaaq aruq
? .. a ,
:rF6il.i:,ir a!_,::i..,.:1
The scouts' Own.
SEMAFHORE. SIGNALLING: lVufreruls, Semaphoro is a very useful method of Before sendins numeral:, ec-nd the signalling, aad is easily learnt. By means of it you can signal by movable semaphore, " numeral sign" (opposite to T), then pro' ceed, using as use.d aboard ship; by the arms, when at a 'Aforl Dfor4 GforT Klor0 short distauce; oi by means of flags held in Bfor2 Efor5 HforS (not10) the hands. I for9 ClorS Ffor6 .{fhe secret of good signalling is to be able Note that J has been omitted, as it is tht to hold your hands, or flags, at tho oorrect alohabetical sisn. the " alpha, angle. Tho flags must be held at the full After sendinl numerals, send you norr extent of the arms, and the fleg and arm betical sign," which shows that go ore on wlth going lettors, then seod and to rhould form ong straight line. Work your the messase. arms from the ihou,lder joiat, aad have the Numerals are always checked back bv thr pole ogainst your wrist, with the forefinger ieceiver-l is checked tby A, 12 by AB, 181[ just by AHAK. the cloth. pole touching and alcng tho Be surs tlrat you place your srms i! tho Special Sbnals lor Seaaphora AnIy. eract position {or the letters. Preoarative.-To call un. make the letter J and wave the flags, tising the wrists only, A good way to rna.ke sure of your angles This is answered-6y the raceiving statior being correct is to place a lighted candle on sending the tretter 'J without ,ao-ving tht a' table, and stand betheen it'and the wall, flags. and 3'our shadow will show clearly how you Er.asc. al6o celled the Anaul"-Used to " angles' tle placiag and uakiag your erms are eras€ or " rub out" a word 6etrt or chebked incorrectly' Auswered by the The Alphabef. -j" sa"me signal. by ir olphabet leara the way to The easiest Oblioue Strolie. florizontal Bar.-Send SSS oircles : iir ono gioup, To Boperato frgure., letters, &c., as in Morse. Eirst Circle.-A to G. A. B, a.nd C are h&nd; D Eith Break,-Send II in one gtoup, To eep+ratc mado with the rieht -and left the either hand: E. F. G with the addresses fron tho tart of tbc hand. Never brile the arms a,cross t}re m€8sag€. body in mak-ing A, B' q E, F, or G. tr'ull Stop.-Send AAA in on6 gxoup. A Right J. mark- of punctua,tion, with figutes as o Second Circle.-tl to li, omitting decimal point, or to 6ep&rat€ hours lroru hand is held at A, a.nd the left hand is moved tound. minutes. Sisnal.-Send the letter R end remun Third Oircle.-e) b S. Right hand is held Stoo 'si;aadv at thot position, to stop tbe at B, and the left hand moved round. " sender" from sending, as You hove (o-r iourth Circle.-T, U, T, and " Erase"'l€ft failed to read a letter, or dissatisficd with Annul). Right hand at C, and the a word as read, In ackaowledgment oI hand moved round. this sisnal the sendcr will send the ]etter J. whin tho receiver will send i,hc lost Frfth Circlc.-Numera,l sign, alphabetical uord that he got correctly, and the eendcr siqn (or J) and V. Right hand at D, *rll go on with hie messago fronr 'that and the Ieft hand moved round,. Sixth Circle.-W and X. Left ot tr, and more ihe right hand down from tr' to G
to make X.
Sevenih Circle.-Z. Exercr'ses. Practise. send.ing tho opposite lotters, A anil G, B and F, C and f, a.nd so on. The letters vhich have no oppixites aro D, R, U, aod N. Sending the following words also gives good gractice:-"Milkman," righf hand at A all
[he time; "Ba.nana,"
- f,r:cle."
Ordinarv words. &c.. ' are nev€r answered in semaphore. Shme Soouts send O (bJ which thiv mean the eender to " go on") al the end oi each word rmised, but this iI
the Miscellaneous Specia,l Signals). such as fisurcs, cipher, &c., which ,b-e'checked bark when ttsing Morse woold wili be checked in eractly the same way rvheq (see
All doirps.
using Semaphoro,
Eetters which Souad Allke.
pbore tt8aailrug.
?t P
h a
Ix x(
This system of gielsllit ehips Of gp€oial ist€r€s tc
4a, EI-ra, H
4. 6e P0
Sm the instruotiohe Eiven under tflio heading on.Pbgo_ 18, wbicE also apply to rce&'
Methotl of Sendlag af,d Recelvlng
Begin by sending tho " preparativo," and wavd until answercd, then go on with your IVhen rnaking tho letters, fI, I, O, W, X, m€sseg€, bringing your flagt down to tho rnd Z turn well round on the hipe, but keep "'read-v" nmition after earh wond or grouD. the heir,il and eyes to, the front Do noi brinc the srrns down to the " readv" fn.making the lettera E, O, W, ar.d Z lho nosition betieen the letters of a word, but them amartJy from one 1"1161 16 the flags must 'be kept E€parat€ aud not allowed 'move other. makins a distinct but ehort pauso b€to mv€r earh other. tweei each Ietter. The special slgnals for
and the
misoellaneous epeoi;al
sisnal's .should be ueed ia ooniuustion with tE-e aJpbabet eod aumorals is eanding thr Be!848€+
**u Iu tie
w above diagra.m
dista4pe. ,Thp right aod left-hand flag.ie kept in ftt alhhabet ie showa iq cimlec
.'sepqc.q u6^oq8 E lgq"qdlr
V*, Vn
;1"* iJ-
Qs EL-El
1-n \
W tY
rql turPrft,s u-r sltJelnna Pu" laqa eq u! ufraa ubipunfuoo Pasn PFott -snoeucrfaoeltu frll Pus s linipds qot ioi qeulte prcads eyrallal -a! eined qr'{s 1nq lcnr+srp ? EUI{"I -euo uo:; f,Prtus tua eq,i o1 re61q I Jo 6ra11al eql uaa!^laq lnq 'prgaeq+.it u*op-sm.rb oq1 6uuc .,rindr,, 'dnori ro lxoa qr?d J4Jc uolltso oql ol uroP SEBE rnod SulSuuq ,rno.( q1r-u uo oE uaq'l 'pJJa-usua TI pue ..laa11e.rtddrd ,, oq'I EurPus aq
Eagtgaceg Pue iuJPueg go Po
1s Pdq ,0\ s .U Vo 0, q,P E-P v 9 P "& -E ]t P, ,0' t\ ia N H "Y 'Y-o . va
'cNraTsNcIS cva.it suoHilvflss uo.{ rsavHitTv
f,"^l our?s aql
asr61q Surstt uarl&
PJ{aaqJ. {cuq"s? qcns 's
uorum ''rlg 'Jaqdl, 'sJJnbg 'isie'uars "r.l*is' snoautllorsttri\i oql a ir's,tll lnq 'parla.Jal P{oe qcaa Jo sql uearn aa
1ir 1.,uo
o6.. ol
i'q) "n puas qnobg pjraaasue Joaau
auro6 'aroqd
dJB ''af 'spJoaa '|ueYodu1
lBrll. rtroJI o5tEsaur elq q1tr6 uo
a'l .
lopuae aq1 pu" ',{llcarloo loE oll q€ql oqt Puas IIIA rdllarir oql ua ra1ia1 eqr puas lltlt rrPuas oql 1euil luauEPJTAoE-tlJB uI 'PBJJ sa P
ilrrai prqsilBlssrp io
Pear c4
" dlaq nod sB 'EuIPuas uo.rJ
-ar{l ' dcrle o1 'uorpsod lBql la ureuar puo u ratldl aql Puas-'Fu trrGrI ,rnoq elarodae s+
ro tut9d
o sa Earntg qltla 'uoq"nlctlno ,o V 'dnor8 ouo ul YYY O"mIr qtel eq+ ruorl Ba6sarPPa eql Io o5, 'dnor8 ouo u-r II Puat 'esroY[ ur s ':cT t e1'rrdlee
."*qsqsourEo pu? sdros e,4s"greq
d rh,
y + x "lf,
I 0
o{rllvrDn\ troraatara/ Lr:aYAOr
b {r' )v ,4
.eoJnE$ elil"de€ oJ, 'dnor8 e pro.S-.rrg 1uluozrrog 'a{oa tsSS
'tr1Pe.rroour P eur trd PoJerasuv -P.rora a r.r" Co.i ,.1no qnr,, ro 04 Paslf-.rlnuuY ,, eql PoII"c os
BEt 5ul^out. lnoq+tra 1 ra11a1 eqr 3 :dirsts'Suraraca.r' eq1 liq paJossuc s ',(1uo qs1.ria'aqr Euisn 's8tg etl| ara
:f' Jalla[ oq] o{tur 'dn I["r oJ,-'ai ',fiug etoqdeses ro! s1aai15 :rgt '€V [q Zt 'V rq Pt1""q" q iqi-i{losq P{""qo sjtu1e e'rr.s1 . qlua uo oE uaql PUR 'sJeflal Puos irriu eJt noX pq1 sa"oqs qar-qi\
+qdlt ,, eqt Puds 'sP.raurnu ' 'u8rs 1 )ql q 1I st 'PollIEo uaaq s"q f qroJ.{ groJ I (01 Cou) I roJ H I JoJ g OiofX lroJC troJ([ .o:d uaqf i;, q alsoddo) ,,ua1s oq+ pdet '-'slaraunu SutPuas 's[a,raunN
s$ruv .SUOHiMflS sur, ro JNEyrIgAOIlt SIII9NIIIOHS ,IESVIIdTV 0*
,rEI+O .Elqors
* iir,tr;,.
,r ,
The.Scoutc' OrYr. I
MORSE SIGNALLING. This is the most important sDil at tho Bamo time Nhe most useful syste,m of signallins. By meang o.f it you oan sigual by flag, for field work; lamps, for night, wor|; helio*raPh and heliostat. lor flashing the sun's rays; and the telegraph key, Ior ordinary and wireless tel|
A ib called ack. B is cetled b€ei. [I is called eri;s.
S is called esres.
f is clled V
iE oo[€d viok
P ie c+Ued pip. I When the " leador" epeUs out the rord
" SCOUT" to th€ "-ft.od€r," be s8yl, " Esses-co-u-took.tt grephy. ?hen, again, you caa aignal bJ IIow ta M.err.srlse Each Latten means of whistle, bugls,, or, !r fact, any A cood wav to rnemoris€ e&oh letter is tc of can be which a unit timo method by Fiven. call tf,o dot 'riddy" dash_ " umpty""-iddy" and the dash The alghabet is made irp of dots and dashes, to lepr.esont the souads made by the teleL . would graphgraph the letter key-thu.e, key-thu.s, R - ;ond thoie letters which oodur most often ero I- -.. :ll:..--!-:ll!r t^J--r*^^- aLthe repres6ntod by tho shortest symbole. Tho ie '' rrd!fi-umpty-iddy," Ioyiag atresr on umpty. " dot (.) is equal to one unit of tiqe, and a Correct Way to ilake tha Lottetx. dash (-; is threo timos tho longth of a dot. Tha correct positioos orq as shos[ iE the Beiween edch letter there is a pa,uso e,qual to one dash, and between words, or groupo of Scout diagraas. fhe Soout'r lege er. Dot shown. but ia overy caso he ir dradius witb letters, a pause equal to two dashes. his feet 10 ireahes &Dort. The easiest way io learn the alphabet is to tako it in sections, and iearn the 6tst soction "Pnr,pnne thorcirghly be{ore golng to the second. Theq try sending and readiug words formed by tbo
r Dot""-Pivoting the
pok hands, bring the flag sr " ?€8dy" to & oorreE)on( the opposite aide oI the agaia vitlout a pauso . bqalr
to L
lctters in lhat gection.
Exanrrle:-1st Section-Sl{E, IS, HIS, Sls. EH. &{. Znd SectionTOII. TU. MOTTO. Thcn combine tho two smtions in fdming words, such ae SHOES, SHOT. TTIESE, SITE, TOES, THEM, SE.u. tsiE.
SE[.\t, HOTIE, ]IEET, }IITE, &C, Treat $ection 5 in tho sarno uranner, then
oombine oI them.
ii with either Sechiqu 1 or 2' o! botb /[orse Alphabel
U: s --. II I ..
the flag to the opposite till the point of the pole
-T M
( PreparE to Signal."-Bring yotu f,ag dowr! to tbis lrositi@ a,fber ernery word.
.A ...r-. B -.. rD .--. G ---
s Dash."-Pivoting the pole
a ---SECTION 1,
or TIE.
fi, .tr
f,( -rP .--.
the horircntal. Make a : bring the pole smartly bo tr'rom 1 to 3, witih e paus€ Do not allow the Bag to dn or rear; keep pole uprigh bo taken that you make the l to finish oontinuously.. Do r middlo of e letter; should yor
ing the letter B, it may rea
x -..-
To keep the flag unfurled,
rc tirat the point oI tho Po elodgated 6guro oI eight, aa dotted lines.
When signalling perfolm thr
with the aid of both arms Finally oombing the lotters with no oppo-
wiih the whoh, whioh completes
body shou.ld not be constraiuo
" Roady."-The flag is raised from the last msition and allowed to flv. left hand irasping tho butt qf stick, which.shou-ld Some.letters in the alphdbet, treiag very 6e tivel with the cliin and 8 incher from lilie eaah other in sound, h4ve beon giyeu it; right hand.in eame position as in names, and sigaa.llers should get intc &€ " nrepare to sisnal,". Elbirrys free from, thi tidy, and dyes looking to t}g froat, hs,bit of using thoeB ncme*
Before eending figuree ser
(tr'igures Inteaded), and wb sign itF (Figures Finished).
It is neoessary that all 69r back. This' is dono bv tt rptr,ich tbe letters A to K figures.
beinc 0 (uot 10), J beiug omi
r t I,
'^trNNgd gNo 'norf iIoJ
r dssX ot Xuo8Bseau arnotr :lsv 'rf:fNAOb
gu.{ uvgddv ssTvJ sunJNsAGV,S,1Og CNV'l{c
paey"tg s,e|doe4 sHJ, zvnbs
oo@o uoJ 'e8eosaur
,{lloi 'pEas u.r ElBrarrnu eql Pu8 saqBqdtB "qt uorloun[uoo m sJeu8rs l?rcede snoaurllocsftu 'o5ror\1 roJ 6["u3rs lBrcods oq? eas
eql PrB
Prora errl Puas
glun ureSe rolo
IIr! eq paroesu? lou sr Prora 'soa9ua uol1"1s :orilo eql Flun uor?
-rsod ,,1tuEre o1 e.rrderd ,, oql ot u,uop oruoa sraqfiug .t€puos oql uaql!\ PrOA
..'Jal\6ua p.raueS
sral1el Jo dnor8 .ro
oq1 f,q
prou .drelg
lpo41tulo tu.req f '(0I lotr) 0 tuleq I 'uo os pu" !9 roJ C 'A roJ t ', ,irnrYrn eqt luecerde! X (,+ y srfllel eql qcI{ra uI .,'{ceqo,, ettl rq ouoP sr .srqJ' '{ctq 1I. I[" qBE] trrts€aoou 61 u8rs f,J
pa{coqc'eq sarnE$
t(P"q.1rr1g saJn8rd)
oql paqsFg seqra puts
6ql ol EutIooI
Pua urorl aorJ sraoqlg '.,'IauSrs ol ur er uollpod orn6 ur pueq
ruuJr 3oqcuJ 8 Pu" urqc eql qlIA pForls qc!q4 '1c11s 1o qlnq oql puBr{ fJcl 'dB o} pa.roll9 pu8 lsBI oqq ttrorJ po6r"r s! 5sg eql t
'(popna1u1 sarnErg)
u5F'eq+.,Pues BarnEg SuIPuas eroJag
.f,rra trur Er pourtr?suoo.eq 1ou ppoqs .tpoq oql t Bt6lra pu? srrrr? qloq Io pl" eq? q?.I'a oql ui-.ro;:ad SuqleuEts uaq11 dlaarJ suopotu
'sauI Pallop
eql f,q uraor{r et '1q81a Jo e.rn5g pale3yole lulod aql +eql o, uB soqtrosap. elod oql Jo EBB orit ortsla 'Palrnfun EDg eql d*1 :J,_ .[IJ IO
,f,A .IN
.gg, peer f,eu 11 'g ro1p1 eq1 8ut
.Isur ul esnsd nof ppoqs : rolqal Jo olpprlu " qslug o} oql ur esn€d qou o( '.{lsnonutluoo lrBls uorJ rallal eql e{8ur no,{
$nrD or"C 'ft{Eudn o[od do6{:J"or
luorJ oql ol atoorP ol 8€g ori? laollB lou oG 't,cll {c"q Pua'€6n"d I qla '9 c/} I urord 'f,p"or oq+ s+ ll,Bq f,lprrze elod eq1 SuFq pua'osn?d lqEl1s z elelq 'lBluozlroq oql r,rolaq f,11q511s sr elod eql ,o lurod oql III} xpoq oql 1o eprs elrsorido oql c4 5eS oql SuFq 'oroJoq se elod eql Sulloald-,.'qs"C
'PJor[ dr6Aa ra+Jt ror4rso Uaop Esg rnoli .Eu!f,4-.,'[Bu8rs
uoJrqs durao e$ Inun 1pm nod 'dC uogqs dfr"o eql dn Eurleo ua[i& sBtlX. 'eouo I[Bo etl1Bs oql SurpuBd Aq uolltls gql JIltIn {J?ssac€u sB u'slro
," *r^l"j"t'H
st qr ,urq"ador ..tluo uogr;s,, Er pues trod o:1 Enaos{ eq uo}ltlt etp plnoqg- 'e,setssm 6q+ q?IA Paooord Eeq? .,'reas@ Iorouo8,, orll f,q PoreaeEt lllun ..er1lerede.rd,, oql pua6 uolla#"unotr{rm at dn SuJgtc y1 'setesee91,
tabl$e4 pue Eulpueg p potlr.W roorl roooq elr.mdee or ro +mod i3[tffi r Ba 'garn5g qlrra : uorl"Ir+ound Jo {r?ur oorql V 'flelauro?l€ luer Eoqs"P Puc EoP ools -) Tinfi Io uorssaccns v-'('oE€t6our ]o EaseIIppB ei{l ruo.r; $Iel eql elarcdea" oJ,-'(- . . . -) {Barg 'o/c put 'o/o 'f--€Idusxfi 'Eo;sr^rP Jo . -, r"fi [Bluozr.EE {JBrtr ? 6s Put (. - t4 -)'sreql"I 'sorngg -) o{or+E enbr1qo s+aredes
,l{sHd, 1 orurrtr rilt rlrr uI pt$ z of I i110Jg nesned s lnoqtlltr qltsoddq eqf {csq pur {poq eqr Io ePre uo uorlBod EulPuodsorroo o o1 .,xPaar,' er6 ruor1 xlpeure 6"8 oq+ Emrq 'rputq eql sooaqaq old oql Eu-rto^!d-..1oG,
3Usd: qtil
TrrdB gaq €q €ato f,reae
,, -,,f1arun 4 gI rallel qote 'strto
eq oqq
.,'repdat,., eqg
sr ncoq P6II?o "t .8afi4 PeIPo fl
qno sJleds .,rePlar,,
,or^ p"11*
-rrrr'! ---t
's '9
qoE elo stal B.lnoos sqJ 'aul eql uI uaoq8 ffi eJa suolllsod 'erene? cq, elsw o, ,ta/Y
eqt uo ieer$ EmIq
eqt'mq: piiou . . 11 r?+1al,.'f,PPr'f,1dr :"tr+ eqt- xq ePam sPrnos -eql qsup eq1 pue ..dpPt-, osJJouIoB ol ^ tancT qctA esvou4{
'puE1i eutr eql trq poteasu" lt1un xlsno uor86a@nS V-'a6alg 'nulluoo ?uas Eop ,o ua Jo uoIlEall" eql qc,Br++a oJ .r'Jaasrr? p.la-rpr,,'eq1 Xq pereatsut lqun X1snor,o11, lcoo luas gloP Jo uorgsocons V-'aarlBrltdoJd
"8p,1^oo1* "r-'1ju1*"&t#ih* sIwElS rol e$ow *pO Plcedg r '!l i.t.a-ra-t-
rq oot 'av rq 6r. .'
trmd .Ii
'vvTv fq-.. 116-r 'ltrxY pa{oaqo 6l al-:qdtu?xg 'U6O ;ElnsrS CIJ.
i: l1?riiEr-r--
I- -' -,r-:lT. T-
.- :-!!r
G-" Go on" (or " spell
'Difiefent gootts BBe; to hove differeat
to the oorrect flags to ute for Semephore and Morie signolliug. Some haveblue and whits diagonal flags, and some hove evea got red and blue cliegonal 0ags. Then, tdeas as
of the dark blue and the white Sags' flow. sy€r vou will eet on all rieht iI vou havc two
6air each of-the dlrk blue and ihe nhite flais. fise whatever kiacl of flag suits vour bicksround. and keep the other mles.- and a
Dair oi flaes foldbd in vour haversack, where again, some flags ere too largo, others too ihey -towill 6i read-y for e-xchanging if you move a difrerent background. rmall, and the poles or atickE of gorce ars too oE thick and heavy. Saaller Flags. . Should the 2 feet square flags be found to be too Iareo for eome Scouts, they can ro. duce the siZe as long as they keep up tho cor'
rect proportions,
Speclal Signs Regardtag Flags.
When you find. it- nec,essary.to.ask the to thanse his fogs ow'ini to t}e beok'
grouuo beinq bad, bad. you rs against aeainst being eround nd he no is vou will uss :ep€cial stgtrels signals:lollowrng iollorvins Epsr&I, the follorving lne
SBf,'-Uss the emall (2 ft. flag.
SWE-Use tho srnall (2
bluc Morse
sq.) white Morso
Nevcr used for ansrrt
WA-" Word after." (a) 1 .' ,sion of words. WB-'.' \Yord before." (t ) petiiion of a doubtful WW-" Obliterator." To ct just sent or ihcn boin . confound it rvith erase in Morse and Sieinapl Z-" Bkx,k l€tters." Sent portion of & messa CAPITALS. CI-" Coms in." Seni OI
work for the day. .6 and compiying. OOO-" Clear line." Urgeal
. to be sent. NN-" No moro mess&ges sent."
MM-Whole numbers
follow' should bo soparated fr
bv MM.
ALI ths signals of two or r eent in ons group-like a wor
BF-Use the large (3 ft. sq.) blue Morso flag. Wtr'-Use the lsrgB (3 ft. sq.) whito Morse
SPB-Uso Semaphore, blue (2 ft' sq.). SPW-U; Semaphore, white (2 ft sq').
with onother.
For use t4 both
rtlorse aad Senaphoro Sigaalltng Codes.
with a narrow blue horizontal stripe broad).-I'or uso against e dark
(21 inches
background Tho, flags should be made with a h6m on oae side, into which the pole ffts. About 26 inches from the top oI the pole a little brass rcrew nail is fittcd, and the tapes from tho flag lro tied round the pole under this nail.
Some Flags lor both Codes. tr'or signalling and driil Durpos€s the flagc
ere used as follows:W.hite -tr'lag ryith Blue Stripe--One Pairused for Semaphot'e signalling. Single
'Flag:-Used for Morse signalling. tDarL Bluo Flae,-Oue Pair-Used for
Not taking into
the large
flags (3 feet square and with a pole 5l foet lssp). which aro toc larse and unwieldv for It6j"Sooutlr Iorr shoEld-b8ve one poir"eacb
RU-"Who ard you?" Preceded bY the nrcoarative sisnal to attract &ttention. ho'find out-if sigoalEnE Party is friendlv or hostile. Answered bY giviug'the name oI troop or your station all. PP-" Privato Palaver" or sigaaller's mesBaEe. Sent previous to sending instr-uctions to ths other gtstion. R-" Move to your right."' L-" Move to your left'"r H-" Move higher up or further a.way."t O-" Move lower down or closer iu.'l* IMI-" Reycs1." 1'o ask for a particular portion of a messago to be sent over
YE-" Very end" of the messago. Answered by RD. RD-" ReaD" or " ReceiveD." .Messago oorrectly recerved.
SQ-" Send quicker."t SS-" Send slower."t
MG-" Wait." Used for a temporary da lav.
KQ-"Are you ready?" Sent only when you have reason to suppoBe that tbo other station is not ready.
* To move the signaller to a bettsr posihoa whero he can bo frors easily eeen. f Tho rate should be increased. or decreasecl
Slgnalling Realn
signaller is not made in
is not ererything; iho rate that the rec€iY( To send srnartly should even sisnaJler. but to rr fast'thaI it can't be rear
2. Speed
Used when the woves SF-senarate 'of onoflass, sfation's flags got mi:ed uP
To be correot your flags should be 2 feet rquare, and tho pole should b€ 5l'foet long, taperinc Irom l-inch at the buit to d-inch at th; top: Theie are only two loads if flagst and their oolours are:Dark BIue (no diagonals).-For use against a
station that has scnt KQ directlv they are
waste of time. 3. Se,e that you ohoose
and nover gt aay time stl
IIever let your ey€s
'work. 5. Do not guess at the ne=t k
6. Never eend " silly" messag troop may bo reading yar it {:ill crcaic a bad imp signalling abilities. 7. Sicnallers
should never
. rintil thev inform aII othe tior with them that they, EO.
Secret or Cl7het
.There are many rrel's by s.rite out a message jn wre
" of th-e best and sir follorrs:is as ciphcr .Arranso t-ith your friend rrord of-five ietters in nhich 'reated. Now draw & sqllare. ditidin; tions, and in tho toP secti. cho*n word-in this cas Sl in the remainder oI the g other letters of tho alPhebei. I and J go in the same sectio: \Vriio out your m€ssage. an nairs of lctters; thus, "Ener are corrallv nuzzlinE to tlre One'
irn nosition SE of Dover" w< EN.EM YH AV ET AK E}f ON SE OX'DO VE R. Next look out the letters ia 1. It thoy are in the same line iust below each.
If in the same verticel liro aJter eaob.
-a'r n---. q
'a ".,'..;ti.::e1i,r!!,.f
:rjrl 1i
sr a5tsseu eqg'
eql lBrl+
Jo rellol 4xoE ertl 1"
'{tP i ur
ePErD 4ou s5 re11eu51s
'f,PBar ?ou 6r
JoJ PasO
-+*i&.roq1o Dexrm
s8€g 6.uoqa+s
6ql ueqa Pas11
'('bd '11 Z) €YlFIld 'eroqdBr '('bs 'ry a) onlq '3roqd
qlqitr {'bs '$ 9)
os.rolq en1c1 ('bs
'tJ 9) eE
esrotr{ el.rqla ('bs '1J Z) IFrns
'yrit1q ,sq
rourouo ouo urorl pel"J8d$ oq PJnoqs
I cnlq ( bs '+J Z) nsuls
sutiilotr; .dq pa[oJ1o; aroqtunu alolJd\-yml
ls lur*oo
sltuSrs lercad
'sflolt 8ElPrsSelI sa8l
'8urf,1duoc Pue
rrrr xq panenerrv 'xtp <iqi lo;
j6-uorilripuoo uo truag ..'ur euroC ,'-IC S'IVJIiIYQ a Jo uot?roa 4uas .i'sra]lol {colg ,,-z
ut uetttJld
-roo eq? dn dea4 doql 5€ Euq -6r u?J {aq} '6+nocs e-tuo€ r 01 punoJ oq 65BE orEnbs lao}
's8alg reJIBu)
.ra1p pur oroJaq
'sapo.c eloqdzruos Puu esrotrl ur
1ads,, ro) ,.uo
go putq raaaqBqra
pur enlq {r8p eq?-}o qila
-EIEo dlcrdns oJ (c) (.'ralJ'e prorll 'spro& SulJol\su" JoJ Pasn Jaio\T .uo o* ol ,rpei.t a.ru aaqi AllJartp 0)I De raJat ro hIN luas suq ?"q+ uoIlElS -:1l.1uo
ir rQ +uas
' Jaqlo €ql- o1 su 'Eorlals snollerd luas
Surpuae o+
ro doort
Jo "*to "i{ ro f,q paJeasrrv 'alllsoq
s1'f,i.rud suITsuEIs ;1_lno 'uo!1u61?a 1t€J11" 01 I"u5Is-orI
oql dq Papeoord ..;no^ 9 '1epoc Ea111ea3 e.toqdeueg PU? esrogl qlo
lil*ti ', '9
f,lpuurs Pua€ oJ ro rurB oql .q pttto,{"oqt "'ra pirer daa.ieareoar 13q+ a?"r oq'l 1b pias sl"a1a l3ultflf,roro qou sr paacl6 'Z
'srepalE,ed EayJleaEEg ?rora B eLr1-tno.rr- auo uI luos o.rt €Jal+al e.roiu ro oitrt ]o sIBuErs eql 11Y
-: huraq 'lsirrr: esn 1rr$ no{ 'P"q -{ouq oq? sl tsuu^.o sScg slq e eq1 1su ol, dr€ssaoou qr Pu
rnoq" o!?Esoru queEJo ,,:3tii '*1,31,-ooo
uaqa A[uo luos €p frBJodEol !
.[..'rao., +..'ra{c-r
eEessa6 ..'Cle^rocog,, ro poroasuy 'o5"ssaur oql lo
raao luo€ €q crl eB"ssaur a Jo
rclnarp"d 3 roJ {s
*rr'E! Jasolc Jo uaoP ra Jo dn raq,i
r.,'de.das Jar{lrnJ
rt'jrl8'Ir rno
-EJur s.ralleuS16
'EallllJcl" EurlleuSrs rr:o{ lo uorssa.rdur puq " n;ea.Io llle +r dooJl pur 'alSessaiu .rnod'3irtp-eer oq puas Ja^aN '9 iaqlo etuoe :sa8essou r..{11ls., ^aur 'o8tsssou eq? +ou o([ 'q E-r pJora
telnuru, e +Jord Jo pasBarour eq pln
'uaas ,(Irstso oro@ eq mt rrotlrsod Jelloq o ol rellEuEls
srted cuarD €5zs6our t Suqelsubrl ua11r.ru
Hiri**-:t1-*bifft*t{-qT"fi o r ,i;*i g'+ o,tt'e:r
:&,# ..-
i i qo"a ralJa
# e-}ffIqJ#
ouB€ oql uI JI 'a 6#"o',ic& X?i'".i"tgf*.# i ra?4el Bql eqq eErI 16l+ro,r 'qo?a eoTaq tsnt iqel .ro 'qa'aiBoqdq 'sduBl 'sE?B Jo Bu€aur llq srs$al oql e{tt ourr er,m eq} ur erh hoql'11'1 palreuSrs aq UBD surrylsas e^oq" eql qloft 'duoiruis oqr ur' ire$al oql ?no {ool lxaN 'spJo}{ s}ur '1r SI OA JO US NO dn eprarp uaql 'srallel ItB Jo:qt ?y-t_YT:* rr rs od dn Nf, nv Js Av' H,d' I,tf,,|i.g eq1 uaaop elTrra qsrg SurlBlsuar+ urlua -p1nou-...ra,to11 Jo OS uor1lsod r':tlt 6rIec [vw 'ozgr{"dzT lil 'srlzN 'JI4!qu-:v--dgg iSrriiu-eq uairir eacil'iuauSf',,'snq1 !sr+tr+u1 Jo a+u^\ p.ue-aSessau mo-t ' .i i&-su .rbvgrJv us or (rYs rfitrNfi oru" ir epr-irp " " 'uorlcas ouus aql urlno oE f Pu" f 'riqtqdlu oq+ Jo sraqlol-_roqlo sre?$ai 6q1 aTr^tr a8Essal[ € Sulpus uoq^t - 1dq1 earqog eqi qrlu -siuorlms aq? 3o rapureuar 9=ql--Y-! gronl. z$rag^l,(Ybc .[ err fI<INr s r\I tty pur-.r,no;)s (E'Br- srql ul- Pro*- 'suol} i'do.t' efrrnil--suotilos cL,1 ot{} ur pue"r:.^,11 zn"At^o r, suba oN$[Txfr]r'J .{, fic c a Y -cos 93 oluJ qJ 5ulpI.\IP 'arBnbs u aPJP -xoN , 'pd]?ad 'uo os pua 'n=C 'S=$ 'ru-V +er{+ os . 'ar st ra1ia1 ou qrrqa uI Grel?al erg-lo.. q]9ir euos eeooric o? puarr; Jno q'lt.x eSuer'ryHfrxwNabsll/I\rz st sr saPoo :oqr{ll .o.{cvcGag.rl0u,l -:slro11oJ el{} pu" qsaldErs lseq Jo -ouo ' oql f,q Euoqr Jo tarca€ ..'duaua.,- oII+ ol Hullzznd '\llEnr'Jail'InI" -:6,tAorJB oql Jo 6ro1+el Joqlo rrc Dua"'eDm tr raD,ro aul ur iaqeqdle xaJDS ur a.E"sssuJ a lno ari rurriin rq io-ub11o; puB 'u-trop ']J 61us ilec'notr iq s.(i.t duuut uJE orarJl {crqu ptiir .,'pj1qnqri,, 68 qons 'Proaa ra:l € oIBJ nqd;2 ro lerces .." 'sePo1 r -:6^lolloJ t{rlY umrsrs raqll"}ue e.rr {aql l?ql uaqlJll*-Y"]! 6? sI esn qoaut ul op or tnoqr "l .runruuroo ur sroqlo fis uf,oJul Ar,li I,lyj:-. ._ ut rdtl+J t eitol raaau plnolls sralleuJls ',
b saop ir : sr fuorlrsod ro) .{CTbXbUb 1ou &'H j.:iirrui'aures ertT uuJu sa'us1t i.r!-*t o-rs aql su 'iuauo eql f,q p^aqtlsuprl epolr srql ur ua+qlr$ sss,ssa1;[ olir 6pJo'la eql "q"lirorm
.rnof ruo.r; ropueaa eexe rnoc 4oI
-Jrs oql uo prl,tt eof,E {us ," ""o"o'fiXJ ,prinorilmq'poo8 e beooqo nod lBrfl eas 'oltrrl Jo €/+'gEld' p sr .(Eoerroo p8or €q l.u"o qt 1€q1^ 1s,?J ix iSrsetn ? pus€ cvl lnq 'Jolfeujdrs ara^o
.s rii .rnc$ a511aj oues or{1 Io o'J^} uotJA\ tl*o+o't!.+ro&++-o
ua I5 'Inuuu Jo €s?Ja qlr^t 1I punoJu@ 'luos Hutdq urt[] ro +uas lsn]
'puno.r8lcoq 1 eaou no^ 11 Eur6uBqcxa JoJ f, rnotr u! pap eraura '$r€6JOA?q'PuB 'PundE .reqtb e,ir daa{
1oub6*++>od-o+++<r+++$&+ €'+'++'t-+++ 6Erssefu r lacu€c oJ rrlrolerdllltlo,,.-tr[lA 'prora InJ+qnoP e ;o uorlrlgd oJ-(q) ro1 ProAl"-EAl ..'aro1aq {si 'sp.Ioia Jo uors:' . ,,-YIl
.tlY^ns o+[ yn acaooqoo -b-o :or gqc$* f,+-"T Ab{3Bo=ni3"o6'd& ;E a.Eesseur eql n!-I{fr iI11 fiV 6a-ti eroqe '+l s€ OrrrGs oql ur sI tlclt-lra ouo eq? qJtsa-JOI Surlbt 'lruuioo-o^11 .roq+o olll e{D} ';uol -qo'.to e.turrbs € Jo sr.)urqa allsoddo 18 lI
nod JI ?I{Eu IIB uo ? '85s8 e{qa eql P-trs
lllnors e$[
isdi .ry':
ThG'scouts' OwE.
TIAND SIANALS, is some littlo distanee from his troop and ho wants to signal a comitftd to tho Sooufu it is nct n€oessarv to do co bj' Semaphors or Morse eodes. He oau dignal.with his arms as foJlowr:When
TIPS FOR SCOUTS. With a nrbber stamp or stoncil mark yoTrt hal hq,versaak, neckerchref, polo, &c., rvith your aame, patr"ol, and troop in ca,so tboy may go amissing 'ln some big fie]d day.
UNIO] ,t.&
As every ooe knows, the oombination of our three aati
Everv Scout should oarry a letgth of serf,'orward."-Swing tho arm from vicoarblo rop6, 6{ly, four yar& long, It is "Advance rear to front below the shoulder. handy for roscue work. A patrol joining t'B,etire."-Circle the arm atrove the head. their rope,r .toge,ther yquld havo 90 odd feet " Halt."-Ralse the arm to full extent above of ropo ready for emdrgency work. $ignals.
the hcad.
6st moved up " Doublc."-Tho closed yqur shoulder dorvn betweea thigh. '
and and
Keep all your badgGs and brasg buokler highly polished. When it oomes to real sout. the ing, it is &rr oasy matter to dJuI f&ep to keop
!'Ouick Time."-To chanco from " double" ro tho " qriiok time" raise
thern fr.om slisteaing
in tho
the hand to the shoulder. l' Reinforce."-Srving tho arm from the rear to When marching with ,vour poles at the the front aboro -the shou.lder. i it is bomet"imes difficult to belg.noo ii ori.t rrtrig Down."-Wiih the open hand make trail to you grasping it either too lor up or too two or l,hrcc slight movements to- far down tho pole. To rsmcdy this, meks wacds the ground. o doep notoh, qr a mark with a Nue poDorl, at !; Wleel.'i-Extend voilr .arm in lina with tho exrct syrct whero 1ou should trold tls polo i vour'shouidei, and make a'circular to halaroo it oorreotly, inov"-ent in the direction required. .arqr in line with . To make a neat shoulder-hnot cut ioui J'Incline.l'-Sxtend ---- ,ou.'-.houlderilour ind *,ikc a turn with strands of ribbon, each one foot loqg. Colours iour bo.ly in the direclion rcquired. acoording to the oolours of your patrol. Sow your Centre-Extend 1' Ertend."*From the ends t gcthcr at one end, and plalt the . arm to full ext€nt aboie hcad, and tho possibls for lyava it a ferv tirnes slowly from side four s&rande neorly and m 6at ee i a di,s'uance equal to- tirc length oi yo,uf ghoulder to side. 'I'o the Right-\Yave .as strap, l,eaving gix inches of eoch abore. and fiuish by l,ointing to the straad ahd'serv, to ha,ng from tho shsuld€r, Fix to riEirt. 'l'o tlrc Left-liinish by pointslroul<.ler strap by rneans of safcty pins, 5mr inE to the lcft. aliow you rc talie the shou.lder.k+ot ofl t' Close."- Close on tlre Ccntre-Place lho wldch when your shirt goes to t.bo wash, hand on the top of the head, keeping '. + the elborv squaro. Close on tho . Rieht (or Lefi)-Finish by pointing. Wheu looking over a largo tract of corretry required. in tho direction the hand you nilIy wish to see soino object, such as a 'In making the above signalr us tho arm church or tower, stand out mor€ cloarlv than which is most cloarlY secn bY all. dhe gmund, &.e., surrounding it. If you simplv bore a holo through the top of your Stall or Pole Signals. pole or staff, hold the stafl up - and look Should a Scout be senl, ortt to reconnoitre through the hole rvith one eye, a wouderfully within sight of his tioop or patrol he wi.ll cloar viow will be seen. signal back as follotrs:" No enemy in sigirt."-Hold your pole up at Ib will surprise mariy Scouts to know tlhat Iull extent of arm. t'Enemv in sisnt in smoll ntrmbers."-Grasp th,ogo who a.ra in the hebit o{lvearing Scort hata 'vo,,. nol" with both hands, and hold a)l th,e year round do not ha.vo chin-strape to their hats. What tley havo is no! €o unit (ho;izontai).ubove the hdad. sightly, and acts as well as, if rot botter ths.n; ciose byr" the chia-strap. Their hats are kept ia placo "Eoemy in sjght in-large numberg as above, but moYo tho Pole by mea.ns of o thin oord which pasee round -Same up &ad dolrn rapidly: the front of the hot and through two holoe as tho chin-strap in sieht in Jarge numb€r6, a. Iong (made about the same plaoes " Eoemy-wav rvould bo sewn on) arrd r.ound the back of move ' abovo. but ofi. -Sams as
i I
t I i
i I I
the polc up and dowtr slowlYi'
Should a. Scoutmaster' or Paiiol Leader ehout a messago or order to a Scout I^-ho is some distance away, the Soout wi1l, if he hears tho messags, hold. up his hand level vith his heait ali the time. Il u-nable to rnaki ouf, the rn€ssage he will stand stiil an{ make no gisn. Thd' Scoutmaster or Petrol Leador ihould th.o repeat the mossage louder, or Eotion th€ Soout to oomo D€srel.
I*t us ffrst tako iho 0ag *hieh is a broad red cros or
ground. Io tbp dayr of
Engiish soldiiers wore a coat
on the breast of it. Ihrcr Gcorge was reaognised, as tl of Englend and -{ho St. G€o adopte'd as tho naUonal ensigr
\\'e know in historv that E this flag i,n. rhe navai lx[ile o antt the follorving empins sm Drake. Sir Waltei Raleigh, Ha a,nd Frobi.her, sailed uiider it Queeq Elizabeth.
We now oome to the nati is a ryhite di a dark blue background.. T mpres€nts the cros on wl,ich was crucifnd at Potrao in year 69. \['hen in 1605 James VI. o Sootla:nd, whioh
ceeded Quoen Elizaboth
a dif
to lvhich flag should bo floreo Eaint Andrw's cro6s, som€
George's cr"oss, aAd soms flew It was Enallv decided to des orrrbining th<i flass oI both r
the head and und.er the bone which protrudee. Tho oord lics uoder ihe hair, and.is iuvisiblo. lVhen putting on Iorir hat put it, oa. fro,m tho back.
.) a tioop i,s crossing a bridgo the Scoutmaster should give tho comnand " Broak Step," when the Soouts will ." walk " acro,ss tho bridge anyhow. This prevente tho Whan
'' tramp, tramp." of tihe Scouts makind
the bridgo swing, which might t'givo " at som.o weak point'
ii ic
The ne-'v flag rras ealled fir
and was o6cially adoptcd as X'lag in 1606. aud rern&iryd 800 Jears.
oW} ,o FuBrE n_ r-r dt+ 6r{? Ct -+rtd Arortuu Sulor,l sEoJs e,rrq o1 'dd+'eql o1 qdal rf,omJu orll Jo lJ?d lsapto.rq arl+ 'u$oqs s?
sI {ctf uoruo aqf {U ol Ics
flr€eE JoI o,t pailreu&tr p8€ '909I ul SEIE 6q+ sR poldop€ .(llurcgo sB.[ Puo taorull sq? pall"o sBA E,l3U ,t?g og.L 1dnorre.51 i1au1
+oauoo otlJ,
tl gr 66ntc lr{Erur qcrq^r '5u 5ur{BrII qnGfs aW Jo i,'dm"4 Eucaard
'aotl-&uB o
'ql ,. {lM i,.IIla s+noos oq+ ueq$ ?qauxrEoo or{l ear8 ppo 9q+ o8pJrq ? 5,u6soJc s'l d
eql umr} Eo $ lnd 1"9 rnol u 'eiqrRr^ur sr
pu" 'rrBq et[? rapu
'sapnrlord r{rrq& auoq aql Jopu
yo :1crq otll punor prB (uD dBrqs-urqo oql ss s€osld otuEs seloq oid+ rl8norr{'l pu8 rBI{ e punor ps$d r{c!q& proo urrl+
.r'cBf aotvn eq, ,t1g o7 nog 'qcrDII
'pr^Bq tS-EeiB;!\
'qor"trt qlll 'rlrr$td qs-Puqarl irqquroaoN rl?of 'll^arpuV ls-plttlloDs - 'llrdy pgz 'a8Joo..; qs-puul8ug
$ie0 4eq, pae
'ud6E raao sBr[
sratas paotreN
plroia eq1 ofldurg
'snoF?d woq xo 6aw eg? S,muqrro '3Bg aou e irSrsep oi tloPIa€P f,JJaug sual 91 'rfloq idoB stjuos pt" 'sso'rc s,es,:oa5
lu.ras e$ rleg "uIoG 'ssoJc s,rurPuv +urBg oq p1nous SBU_qcII{at ol eqi aag-euos :rr,^\og sa osoJs r:+lncglP t Woqtzllg uaono prPac -cns pu"l?ocs jo 'IA s?1uEI 909I ul xoqa\od
wa {oFl"d
sr" qtq rroqL €osld 1II +da{ ,'u8q!. ra+lorl ?m JI 'ss noll sB lrl!! er"q lou op pu -un G ?ou 6r ea?q f,ay+
'uoas eq
rio ssora [3uo5qP olrqll ? sT tltlqe 'Puqloog 1o u5rsua I?uoq"u alil o1 ouroo !!'ou oly\
'1r Eulpunorrns' ''c ,I{lJ"olc erour pu"ls +no
6G r{Dn€ 'qcotqo ouroa a€6 01
&lotroo Jo qc€r? oEJBI
01 BaoS
go lotttliraptno{is oq+ s)[E+ o.l
ol rl-il lo qDua
ser{cul xrE
raplnoqE Jn,of, ]o q13ua1 afl !1 roi-elqisod s" qeg sE Eru {p qPId Pue 'Pua ouo }a ra
trloq qroor.,1tlffi{ot"!,'E
{6r"} uo}un
r/,1 popP.B
qtq lnoos Sur.reealyo lrqcq egr
l"W eou{ o} s}noos {u"ur to'
f,m}rapuoa{ a 'e{e ouo q?ra e {.o,ol pue dn Sr1s erl+ plol[ .rnof, 3o do1 eqr q8norqr oloq
oql ur glnqcY ur eaJ?td 1? p@grcnrJ sBA adrpuv qurBs qctq^r uo sorJ olTl sFldsaldbtl a.)Iq.\\ otl,i 'punors{cuq onlq Ir€P I
eq1--,ealdurg rno Jo ,(rol! Put .frolslq oq] sorr sn lo}'serpoque 11 l€q} raquouror puB 'lr 0c6dgar {o4ef uor,ull ar{,} oos no,(- ro^6uor{d\ 'poFrtc oq ,Pfloqe Sqql Io Pt4{ gho poqscA ojr lEurmoloo
lelqoreqpurq-ieqcoo qoe.tloo ptls 'guoflJotloJ(t radoro er$ Jo ul qolf uoruo s sssod Plnoq! docrl ero.|'a 'Erld ?W paa ttnors:
isurd f,pgus Jo suBau ,{q deJ?! 'JBplnoqs eql uorJ
'sd'flbo8r E palpc sE[ rIclq]l .sJ6rplG qtlSmu ](q uroar ssoJD_plr s qlIA l"ci-{tq+ uorJ ofittu E} te{?+ qr .{Bs sroqlo
m pur
'snbo,1 posil fErg irr& :lttf uorun oql u8lar esoq^r uI i.1 retutl $'qN rqp palltc su,tr 1! ,{"8 oruos .E1E 6E ol 1rr^[t- m| plnotF ,,{c?f ,. ourqtl eql ,f,qe q dB tolutdo Jo oouaJoxrp o st oraqJ ,r,licat ao$tn,, eE,'v ,ql p a$po 0ueeord fib e{ttu sl ltotf ooltrIl +srg oq} Fnrr polilotlrofr pue '{oF$td lErts luos
-ar&.t o1 uoooqo aalr ssorc Fuorsrp Por Y
Jo sJnoloo
FJnoI(l3l 'gttol 1oo] euo qcR€ 'u qou{-rePlnotF +"eu
'q+6q?zl1g itaanb Io 6^{3p eq} ul 1! tbpun Polrcs 'raqsrqord plm 'p.rDnog '$urr[^{pH 'qEro1a11 rallp1{ rrs 'o][Br41 srcu"J.t JrS 'slnom, errdua Eur^\olJoJ oq+ pu3 'gigl tI c{nls ,o ell1"q [?rr?n oql ,ur EEE srq? pos'n 'III ,pru rpfi l"r{? frd+srq ur .rdou{ efl\ 'puDl8nfi Jo urrsut Iruol'tfl[ eql se 'paldopr
,noI qnc
oldd ern ploq pFotP not eraq u qlrd' IrBur B. 'sfrB f,pcdrs{ oJ, 'ol{ qB 'Fou6d 6nlq
'prBIarI q?lltr puslloos Pr? s'ra ssGlo s,o8roog 'lg srp puu grrlEug 3o qur8s uoJl"d eEl sB posru8ooar sBA. aSJGrC lur"S ellIrl q5nqlrll, 'lr Jo q6iBerq eqt uo sclc p6.t +tsoo ? olor sJelplod qEIISufi
pulpug Io lIottrt eqg ;o F{l
orf ro dtr eq ool reqrra 1r luruo 11 oodapq ol lJtcgrp sem
eouenbeeuoo u1 8eg 1u188 ,o ssoro aqll
+B solod rnod
"'II1IAoql 19 8{"P aql uI 'punoJ' oqt sropGshrc -{odg slHr., a rro 6orc PoI p€orq B s} qcrqre ,6Erooc
1in3 eql uluttrt . deeq c/+ deq{ iFrp oq rog?€u .( -1n6d I"oJ o+ eoutoo. lr raqil\
{s P 8sg s$ eld} lsrg 6n +ql
,el{onq 6cBrq P'uc soEPBq r
. '{rora dctra5rguro r pPo 06 aa?q mno&{ reql tsururol lorlBd V 'tlJo/!r e
bro,a f,"E uoraqmb Pm 'ellN erll 'luaoulA CS tudeopJadur3 Jo solro+cll IB^lrrI +3or, ptjts'pyu1 elaar ?p/BulC Jo uoruftuod oq+ ".$ pua orrdtrg utrpuJ qaeJg Jno ,o suolltp{rnoJ br{t tttfi {a?f toluo lsrg flil rspun aBA +I @
.uoqrsoduo) pus drotsrH
'Euol sprEf rnoJ '-{ts
.rac Jo rIlEual
:fBp pleg 51q ouro6 uo
'$EBE iEuorlBE oaJr+l rno go uorleutqrnoo {cBI' uoruo eq? 'srtrou{ ouo droao sY
[eq? €sBc ur dm.r1 pue '1ot1 ql]& ''cry 'qod 'JMqoJe{aos nroA 4rcur Ucutlt .ro cluBl,
)3vf NOINn EHI
'sJnocs doc
The'Scoutg' Own..
' Everv one should be able'to tie hnots, It may eeem easy, but tike everylhing else there is a right a,n.d a wrong riiy of doiug ifi A knowledge of knots is use{ul in aeorly errory tra;d€ and occupa,.tion, and forurs.anr im-
portant patt of a Scout's training.
Scouts ought to know ths right way to -oko r- knots, as it may haplx.n that a lifo may depend on a. knot ,b,eing properly tied. 'Iet ue first oonsider the rnateAiatr qsed in 4aking knots. We have all a.t on,e time or tithor +-used,ourselves by tratwisting a pieoe
of cor&-which is really a miniature tops-
Ic ma,l<e it double your rope, make a loop (A), a.nd paao ttre dou.blo end.uB throush it, then pull it down (as shown by thb errow),
and pase tle wholo knot throuq:h jt. If a piece of wrcd-is passed through the Ioop (B), it forms o comfortable se8,t for any one who is able to sit up.
*Flsherman's Kaot.
It is made by tying a simpl.e knot on rope A (X'ie. 6) with end of rope_ B, theo tie a simila,r knot on rop€ B with end of r.ope A. Puil the standing pa..rte, and the knoti will remain .IasL To undo give the eods I sharp tug.
and have eotioed tihat each; straad oI the oord 'Clove llitch, is tnisted to bird the w}ol,e into a -oonti,uuous Is much used by buildere iaj Eqgloxd to Iine. This ig done by twistiug each sh&nd seoure their scafiolding poles. in a, difrorent direction. Were all ttre strands Wh.en fastened to a pole and, pullerl tight it twisted in the sme d.irection, tho oord would oan neither slip ,up br down, and rill staDd a untwisi aud .oomo u:rdoae at the slightest strain lrom either end. (Fig. ?.) strain"
It oonsists of two half-hitohes jamoed toknots oommence with a loop as showrr . Mct In great uso for pioaeer work 8xd i4 Fjg. 1, and the difierent parts- of a lm getlror. aahing lope la.dders. should bo oarefully noted f& future r.efeienoe.. The portion ma.rkod A is called ttre . tsheep Shank. sta.rxtrog part, the portion B is called the f'oi shoriening a !:'ope-guy, rope of hab,
i gd
hight and the portio'n marked C ie tho eud. nra.rqu€€rs, &c,, without cutting it. Thumb or Qvetbqnd Kdot. Gather tbo rope up as shown, end nase a Ihis lorot is mado by ,brioging the knot h&lf-hihh over egch loop (Fig. 8). It remainc.firm under a eooil etraio. aad ro down {,hiougb tho biAht (tr'ie. J). Ir is iE be easily uadono wheo roil-uirod. everyday use for making a krot on the end
HaIt llttch. o $o,p,e,- oord,. or pieoo of twine, or to keop eld oI a rop€ from.friryjng out Simplo to mako. Pass the end round a pole, thcn ta^ke it rou.ud behind the *tandins *Reet Knot. part and through below itself (Fie. If The simpleot of all knots,'and ahvays use{' end is turn€d back again. as shown 9). 6y tho
when a co.mmon knot is required (Fig. 3), .Ii is used for uniting two dry ropes of eoual thickness, will not slip, and eau iasiiv be'un.
dotted lines,-t^ho hitch can be easily lo&rn€d
rvhen wanted.
Tlmber Hitch.
tiod- rvhen. wanted. It is the on Iy knot used This knst is used for haulini timber.alone in first-aid work- I the grouod, or sccuring a rope-to a polc (trjs, Musb qever be mistaken for the .. Grmv,, 10). Will siand a steadr side or direct stiaiii(seen alongside of itfwhich is an rmrelaLle but must not be jerked. Pull tJght to ooml kno_! slipplng, ryhen ii should hold, and jam. pleto. oalng trght wi€n you want to ,u.ntie it. lllan Harness tlltch. *Sheet Bead, 'Thoso troops which have pioneer or .. tret< " c+rts u'ill find the hitch ahow,n on Fig. 11 This knot is somewl.rst similar to th" very r:seful as o drag-rope ,f"" e"Iirg-iJ.ei. knot, but a loop is irst' formed 1A). It"""i is carls. ured fqr u,oiting two dry ropes of difiereart Garlc*, Bend. thicknesses (Fic. 4). Ths last knot (X'ie. 12) is a strons and relf the end is passcd rcund twioe it is called Iiable knot, and ig used for unitine lwo hawths Double Sheet Bend ond will hold much sers togethor. It, is made by first {orrrins bgttgf, *d is-used for iroitiog two rae, rcpe€ a. loop (Fig. 1), then thread the other ,
of di$egent thicknesse-s.
round the standing part. orer the bad. anrC ,Bowllae. up through'the bight, over itself, and dowo tJer,ough the bight-agair:" this is a loop that will rct elip alter tho first grip (Fig. 5). First maks a loop (A), Knot lnstructlon Card. ,then thread tfio end up through it rou:ld ths A ha,ndy littlo iqstructio:r boond for hans" 6""f oi tho sta,nding part. anJ down through ing on your Clubroom walls o&n bo rnad€ 6; the loop asaia. li is used as a, halter for tying ttre various L.ots shown in thick oori hdrsds. It is €ometim€B.usedi for lowering and glueiog them to a cerd, size, sav. 15 in. & person from a heigh! such as o window, io bf l2 ia. lVhen tho glue has set.;iiat ths ths caso ol a firc, but whenever possible uso nome of dbo knots under 6rch-
thc Bol,ylins oa a bight, eE Bholv.n to ths right oI the o4diua.ry Bowline. It i.e stroog€f a,nd 'A boy must be &ble to.rrake theoe eibctte? adapted for suph r,o,rk. krotr befbro be coa pass t.hs Tenderloot,TlHr
.Z ((-
I il
She &mtr"ue:all sbom. op rbqrnfl tt*.Fi'q-h drglva taut'
\ ii6qa
ltlq tcEpqp
.rfar1 ElrtP T,Stlr1r Hlrgt 5roftr'Eeq+- 6{!tEr!1 neflolunoqq IIt ott:q@{ sq[
. .FS=
'lPqaloogrepueS eq+ 66Bd ii?o e orJ"rrr o+ 6lqq eq qsl!
16 €doql
er{l SErrd. 4+s sRrI enlE e{l u€q 'trr 9I 'f,"g 'aae 'pJ€J 3 o| tllaq P!I9o :Icfq+ ut uaotts EGr{ enorr €q uco 8[r8$ ruocrqnlc 19 ry8* -tsu?q roJ +rGoq uo_rlorulstrJ olll
'ptea uog1cn4sai
I r
'ure5tlqSrq uaop pr!" ]1es1r reao"lq5rq-erlj PUB 'pua oi{+ reao 'pad Surpot rosrA€rl Jor$o oq+ p8arw uaq? '( Sururo} +srg fq op€e sr 1J -asq oral Euqtun:oy pesn sr pul -a{ pu? Euorls B sr (aI 'ErS) lo 'paeg tclrtgo
rrarp Eaqpd, ro; edor-8.e.rp
TI 'E.TS uo ll&roqs qcllq ern p {arl ,, ro J?ouord o^Bq rIJ[l.tr s . '.ttrc$H ssaa.,ar u ..
-uloo ol lq8ll IInd 'peqret eq 'urer+s lo"Jrp Jo aple dpBa4s a pq? '6(d) elod e o+ odtr r 5urrnffi J tsuol" Jaqur+ SurlnBil roJ posn s
'tlrull rogttlt
p"C""dof {psre eq ,*, q*yq *qJ eqg f,q uaaoqs $B 'ur"8? {o"q
u No tNtlAog
JI '(6 '.8I.{) Jlosqr ,&olaq q'no,i Eurpu"qs o$ purqaq ptrnoJ gr er t puno.r Pua oql 6sBd 'ali€u] 'rtcug tplt 'pormbar @rJ6a eu
E"o pue 'uJBJlB poo8''ts rapun lrrJg '(g '.EIf) dool qrso r
pua 'uarorF sE dn edor
'+r Fmllnc lnoqlrra '' t+Eel Io 6odor 'dnr-ado.! c Er.m .\aaqs deeqs*
reeuol{t Jo} 66r +"aJE
-C,l poIEEGt 6:aqoqrq-Il€rl
(:, '8ld)
'puo ral{?l
pu€ 'ueop ro dr! dr[ e paqs ll-rla ?I +qEP l}efind 'P'tl€ €Iod c o+ Pau. 'solod EUJPIoS?J
ptr?IEUE ,u-r qrapfnq Aq
.q4!H e olc*
dreqs t' spue eql o.rl5 oPu-n oJ q+o'u:l eq+ pue 'Ered SurPu
'V €dcr Jo pEo qlta {
o'dor uo
c all qaq+ 'g 'odor ]o Piue q+I odor qlo +ou{ oldurrs -€ 5ut{+ trq 'loa)l s,a?WJe$sl 'dn
.(ua Jo] 1"4€ olq"+Jo]uroo e suro oqt qanorq+ pees'ad sr-poos 3o '1r q.Eno,rql lou{ elo{ta '(aorra eql f,q u.aroqs sB) uoP dn puo elqnop oql q+I qsnorq+
I a{t,ul
'adoJ Jno elqnoP
: '[.$O rsln0rS.''eqJ.
The Scoutsf Own.
must b€ carried out within thre oi itd being reqmired, or tlte bar
rTho tosts and badges of proffeienoy
with tlie idea of giving cvery Scout a tasto for some trade cr occupation, handierafi, or hobby. They also givo a siandard by'which a Scout or o troop eaa be beon ostebljshed
Bcdee-T.arce brase arrowhead (ol
lir), and od
noinutc eaoh. Countrv Scouts-tr'ollow o trapk half a mile .in t#onty-6ve minute6, (4) Go at " Soout's paoo " (20 panp.s walking an{ !0 paces rmning alternately), ons mllo itr t$'clve minutes. (5) Lav mcl Jigirt a firo in the open, using not moro than tuo matchcs.
followins ttstg : Ambulance, Signallor, Bugler, Cyclis
malt, seamaix. abovc a first-class- ( woar.the crown above his firtt-cla Tho four badses which wero won I ior the Kinct Badse will be wori either elde of tho ffrst-clrt" badge (re
IIc will raak
P rof ic I e ncy Badge s- Path f i t This test ie compulsoiy for tt
Flrst-Class Scout Test.
To gain the flrst-class badse a second-c.lags Scout must pass thc follorving tests:-
(Il Svinr fiftv yards.
a cior.l.,or ccrtifiee thai batl,inc is dangcrou* to thc boy's liealth this riay bc orrritted, in shich oaSe lre must pasg lh,c test foi tho Stalker's badge of 'proficien c.y.
Flaro at lcast one shilling in the bank. (3) Send and receive a messag€ either in the $emaphcie - or l\{orso, :16 letters. per mlnu I e.
Scoutc, Badggs. A handy trook for recording rour
in dhe various subjects a-rd also rcmrding thooe subjccts rvlric.ir you Iravc passed in is the " Soouts' Hecord cf Tests llook." Il, shorve your progres$ from "'1'ender{mi" to " Scoutrnastei," and will last you ail tbe timo Tcsts lor Ecouts' Badges-Tendetfoot Test.
Loy on joining thc Boy Scouts must
Sout's sslutr:-
(2) Know how tho Union Jack is compos€d . and the oorrcct way to fly it. (3) Tie sir kncts-.bowliro, recf, sheet bead, clole hitch, shcep shanli, and fisherman'e. \llben ihe bov has passed the above he is oiaaged as a'T.'en<icrfoot, and wca,rs tho l'anderfoot badge, rvhich is a blass badge otlout half the size of the Arr.owhe,ad or top portion
fiIbeerr ruiles and back. IIe nrust write a sirort repr:rt of thq jourlev. It is prtforablo that he should take two
first aid
ths looal Scout's headquari:err countr.y, or for ono mile if in a t to have a generrl hnowlcdgo o1 trict wiHrin-a five-miie radius ci hcadquortcrs. so as to be able peonli et any time bv dav or ni1 (2) To knorr tho gencral <lirectiol ' principrl ncighSouring torvns I
tanco of t\Y€nty-{r'c milcs, and To be ablc to givo strangirs cleer how to gct to them. (4) To knorv, in ihe countrv, in the (5)
radius, gcncrally, how. meny strarvricks, rvaggons, hortes. oatt and pigs i[ere arc on the differc bouring loims; or, in a town, to
da.7s over tiho' journe.y. Dosuibe the prcpor molhod of deoling with (alloted by tro two oI oI ths follorvinc orving ac'cirieats acticients (allotod bv
examiners) :Fire, clcctric shock, drownirg, ioe-bres[iing, sc\rcr. gas, runaw&y carriage. Eandags cn irrjurerl Jiorson, or revivo drcwned Person. &pparently en 16) Cooli srtisfaciorily trvo of the following drshcs, as mr.v be dim'*d:I'orridge, hunter's storv, bacon; or skil ond cook a rabbib, or pluck and cook a bird. Also mal;e a " drmper " of I lb. ot flour, or a " tirist " bake<l on a, thich stick. (?) Rcad a map corrcct'ly, and draw an in-
tclligcnt rough eketch rnap. Point cut a oornpas direc.iion without tho help of a
'Sccottd-Class Scout Test. After the T.'ndcrfoot has ono month's gervice hc is ollougd to go in for this tcst;(1) Knouledge bandaging.
o distaltcc of
Badge, and m,ust be passed for aru (1) It is ncocsscry to hnow evcry path. ard short-cut for a dista . Ieast two miles ia evory directio
a half-nrilo radius what livory eorn chandlors, forage merchan! butchcrs there are.
the Tenderloot tcsts bcfore he is aliowed to mako the S,oout's pr.o;nise. (l).Know thc Socut law and sigas, a.lr{ t&e
of the First-Cle,ss
(4) Go ou ioot, or row a boai, alone or withi anothe r Suout to a ppinh solea miles away, and rotrrur ,agair, or if convo_rsl by an.y volriclc lrailrva5' not allorved) or onlnal gq
of carpeniry or joinerv, or mctal work, made b- himself satisfac-
(8) Produce an article
' toriiv.
Or use an axe for fellinr or trirnming light rimber, or ninc-jnch scaffolding polo.
Elo* .the Semaphore or X{orse sign for
every lettcr in the a1p!:abet, (31 For torvn Scouts-Kim:s Game, to r€m€m' ' ,bor 16 out of 24 well-assorted small attick'e aft€r ore minute's observation, or doscribe satisfactorilv the oontents of one pne ,lheEyJndow out 9i {otlr. oh,served f'or
(9) Judge distarrce, axca, size, numberg height, and weight rvithin 25 per cent. error. (10)
Brins a Tenderlmt trained by himseif irt
the points r.equired for tho
N.B.-This mav bo nostnoned if rq
pruits gr"o pot idtmediatr!5''ds5ired.
a King's Scoui a k
first-Class test. the teet for hndor's B;deo of Pro6iienoy, a.nd th
iation billy.
Badgc -Brass scroll, with ths words " Bq prepar.ed." See illustration.
ri,aes th'e
* lb. of moot and two potatoes with. out moking rubensils other than th.e reguc0m D465.
iu t
Rltrgrs Sgouf.
(6) Cook
(7) Elave at least sirpence in a Savings Bank. (B) Know t'tre sirteen priaoipal poiate of ths
brsss- Ecroll, as showa
our illurtration.
In town or countrv, to know r the rrolice stotions, hospitsls, doc graph, telephone officcs, frre ergil iioc[<s, blaclisiniths, and job m factories where oler a dozen h kent.
To know something of the histt of anv olrl buildingg, eu ohurch, or castlc, &e. As muclt os possible of the abt mation ic to be cntercd an a large t plade, or
O) ' ' Pass tcsts
Signaller. in both scnding and
ijemaphore and t\{orte signalling Not f,6wer than 24 lctters Per min {2) Abilitv to give and read gismls I (3) Make
correct snoko and fla.me aig
Shor the proper method of sigoal the staff,
Ambulaace. This badse .mugi bo pessd for
(1) The 6Fsman'o
IIow to drag: an inseosible man ri (3) IIow to improviee a stretoher. (4I How to fing a life-Iiue. (5) 'Tbo posiiion of the main irteriet (2)
.f,.ra&eure 16 o,sto u! 5rtrp :!E? lt uodn poIIEc I lorarc s.&rrx bql t4 osn o+ Suqrat sr'oq qu.rqa 'rEp:o airi$ou poo8 uI elof,orq r sualo u81e lsnur lnols Y
oq I.rFolF efgo$Proo !Ssq& pA
lll.rorgu '(s.ueu)
t11eg reuurq
{EI''6uor1BU 's$rlIsrq 'uI
iafrtt6 'optrBd roj Eururtly\ !6rap.t9 '(slu{od -td5' .Cllepro) sorTraPrg 'et.req3 'urr"lY -aorJoJ
put frrq{
",?:{ qo nFadod Punos ol olqts oq l€nul +noos Y
ta!r6lr8 nltd eql Jo uor{Isod eqtr/. {9} .eulfer.rl.r Sulg ol ,aoII (l)
r.reqoloJ+s 3 6€r^ordtu.l o? arog 'sado.r qlru IIEIU eiqrsuosul ue Etup (yl aoE +Irr d.uBrtorg €t(I/ .
., '
EasJoq uJzoP
Je.ro a,Iaqa saIJolaDJ
" 'srllrusllrElq 'slcoo J,) sru'l6€u qot puc
eat) sEpoq ssqo-tsrl, eq?
'perrsJp f,lvl"ipatllE-r
6JE sr
|ooJrapual eql roJ Porrnbar Slillod
tr-I lf*-tulq dq paurerl ?ooJ.rapueJ, 3 5u 'JorJa 'quar rod gZ urq}l.ll qrJEIar 1q3$q 'sroqurnu. 'az$ '€oi? 'aourlstp a 'a[od .;urploJEcs I{crrr-ouru :o 'raqurr 1r SnuurJ+ Jo SuIl[gJ JoJ ex€ u€ +sn J ',iil -cr3sr1"s Jlasurq ;q ap€u '{,rolr Isl}u
{IluadiBc Jo olollrs "n.Jrr#
peloTIB) sluaprrru 3urlo11o_1 eq1 Jo
I{lrna Surluap Jo poqlou JoLIcrd erl} equ
'd6rlJno[ sqq fa,ro s oerl o{a+ pFoqs eq q"q1 elq€roJard.sl.J
arou>1 ry+ artdsnoou 61
.drcnuue roJ possBtl eq lsnrur ptiE
e yo dJaq eq? ?noqqra uolTcsrtp s?dr t inf, lurod 'd?u qrl?Io r{Ellor IUJEI -ur uc artJp pu€ 'ailJd.uoa deur 9 p
-ool f,q
'6ra{"q 'slusqcJour o5?roJ 'slolpuuqc u.toc '3urlq816 f,.re,rt1 1rr1n €nIptr ollIu-JIllq t ur aidu4 og 'ui,io1 ?'ur 'ro :stt:.lu] Sulrnoq
-r{.6r.lu ?uNogrp oql uo or" eJaq} s.ulu prB isoeloq'suo8Be-lt'8)tolr^rf,J1s
'sqrriletl' f,uuur .uo11 '.{TIo.lJuo8 'snIPBr . o1r-ui-om1 orll uJ 'trJlunoJ Jq.l ur '^\ou)[ oI (r) 'urq1 ol loE ol ,loq suorl)aJlp rT alr sJ?tuDJls jrrS p; oiqa sq o,L {t) puB '6JlruI c.t$-,{luo.[l Jo eJuEl -srp D JoJ su^\o] SulJnoqq-IJu J[dlcul.til . .
o,l [a uor}ilrrp Isroud5 oq} dr{l }o '+i{EIu ro f,Ep -^q sur} ,tuu ^\ou{ }p e{doed -"rqn eq 01 EB os 'sro:Iltnbgtolt eprnE oi go'inrpzi opu-r,\g u-urlpl/n lclJl 1riio1 ",q Io eSlldlaou:l lnrou]8 t o.tBq c4 :srp +rl1 pue 'uiro1 ro ui;r eltu ouo JoJ ro 'ftllnoo. 6q1 ur slarrrnbp€eq €.?nors luor}l dtll -rrole o^1+ Eoliur w pdno.rri uorlcarrp lstal ir jo eouulsrp B ro1 qnr-Ioqc pu! 't{1to . 1I (I) -dq 'su€l {.role
s.Eurx oql roJ {{osindruoc Bl tce} sltlJl
^+ur$I roJ .,-.f,llrnduB
uo o^i'C uron
'(uo.rl epro Jotlllo
,o t\ IFA eBP"g qSuly eql roJ
dgrlenb o1 uoa oraB gclqe Bo5P"q rnoJ oqJ, '+iB!eq setlc-q*tg slld oroqa ueorc oql rto'la pue lnocg sstslc-+sng € oloqs {u?r llll\ oE
Pu" . . iloH u)
.gEB ortl poqleur radord eq+ irt
qrlql uo Pa{rq !,1sr.$1,, , ,o 'j Io 'ql" f Jo ., Jadurp,, " e)lBu o€l
'dDtr, ,IoJs aAJol D uo pJJdru) eq o, Et uollou 't1q1stod 8D qJLw tY -rolu! eq\ droqD /o 'J-t 'rll6Bc Jo 'rlJJnqo ro 'rPEIu
E {ooo P,3 {cnJd Jo 'rroqn, o ,oor' s..ro,lunq raiprrro wls ro : uoclrq '^\els pa+rarrP eq iiuu sc 'sa -: }o Eur&oiloJ oI{1 o^r} dpro:cegsr;cs r1 'uosrad pauxorp 6nu.r.redd elrroJ Jo'ucsJo.l p.)Jnfur uc oSrpucl 'oSc:rret dggtunr'8D.3 JJ$Js'SurliD 'SururaoJp '{corls crr}rala 'arli
aql sB qcns 'siurplrnq plo iu€ Jo eq1 3o drolstq sr{l Jo !urtl}otu*
'.ro laag uearJg
-e1u1 'xroljop 'sltlrdsoq 'suot+tls aJIloJ sq4 lo u&rol uI ala oJeqa aou{ ol 'dllunoo .ara
aroll+ groqclnq
..*.:i";.r,. .,1
^lOU:l o.HPeq 6IIIJ, 'Xgrnure roJ p€€8l(t eq tsnrt, r1qJ& Eur11?u5rs Jo
qlta, sIsuEIs our"g pu€ o{oIIIe qcorroo.o{BN lgl 'punoe {q 8l3u5rs pErr puB a^I8 or Allllqv (ZJ 'elnurru rod srallol lz u€q] Jo.tr6.J loN 'ABg dq .Eurlpu8rs astoJ[ put oroqclutxos , . ur 5uiil@o.t PtrB SuIPuJs qtoq ut s?601 sstd (D
clpdlaorq ,p,E tropErtr raq1sgrq JfB"tpt -aou{ ? e^aq Pse 'saqcura olTnB.r.pLr{ PUB
ulsall Jo Eu!{roa lureuo8 eq} puB?sr,rpuo ,IJ) ,\oS (0I) 'sJasnorl PUB +rrtls ts uJeP puts
'f,11car -, .," , .rG, odldqroq eql 60uBP 'exllDuJailD sD Ic elod ro etlo.l rl qutl;
-u.rrr1 'sourSua oJq 'soJqlo ouor{d+lJ+ 'qd?JE
pue 's1ioa 'srotnorl qlr,aa spr?.r ,rlgt liilts ,sr ' 'ans pq8 srels or{l f,q uorlrrrrp d}uls u)
.*,Ji,';Y;,'::E '$!, { oryt[ pE" e-pJs8uole {1:edard luoq ? EuFg 'sraqlo rq Pa.[oJ ?Boq o roa]S
'uJoqlt eql lolo 1I Ilhcs ro 'aiocl II1r.$ ?uno pue 'peputq-o1Emr qsoq ? lund pu? aou
ro {r?P eql q Jtpidsr sloul lri.trr orJ fI) olqs aq +snlu inoas Y _ -o? :' 'ie:,gee$, , ,.!e.f
'6ctro.rr oq+ uo '|II6D .rxi 93 jo
ts uutll. erour oir qllrt 'Bpra,( 009 pue 0{8 ueaul()iJ. eagl 'pp.tol 00€ lopun saagtrlqD . . (Z) earg :prrnor8 uraoullun uo
.' rrgulod 2 ilelno :s1u'od e 'atdt€til !qulod U 'Jauul lslulod I qlunoi cefe-s,11nt[ t 'PaEn oq ol l,]Erel prrp sa poursssLa -rrnrs 'v"x'u '99 Sururr8 -io-'uirursryr,1,q qnoagslurod eq 61 .e'ari 'riurod 161
repuuqred -serpe g lca epuord
'olq-rssod lBoqS-II{ ^'sp.ie.\ , . (I) sPunor
ga ro".fl Jte..Earu oq
pasmdsqipRur'esptg'uo1lrspd"duc uro:j iloltooq, ."gtr;'prolrtor* roI' 61sol Sur,l'rolo;
ern Bsttt:f$ftd'$noc5 u 'o8prq. srr{l 'u185 oJ
-s{retr{'+sIIc{C'rr1"ng'r"nn*T$E;1?fr*V -rlElrop Jo {o3l Pu€ 'uoqtlrluaa J! lur$ tma(oilo, .Eurpnlc 'eoueurrtiocut'turlidurs Jo sla8utp -; s16q ua^r5 su uorl -tit . 'stro( rbl s(itinors-., uI.eq1 earql eql 'f,cualcgord Jo o5p"B s.roPus Pu8 Jo f,11traua3 (91) +iniis pde qlpari 1o iutl roJ lsal o$ '15st sEEIC-lsrtJI 6I{l ssw -ql"d 'orrnbar ,teur slaututxo aql se "ql 3.EuIx 3 etlooaq oJ pu, 'zure.rds 's{a ui lr.r5 'uosrod . lsnu lnsrs € lnoos srfialx 'rnoos 'Euiu:iq '3q1oqc qllla IEap o+ aloH (6)
-zrrdsel lrrrgrlrr Jo poqtaur .raltqag 'quri parnl}u{ Purq esou3alP o4 Pu8 Blullds oslaNdrul o?
'luuraxxe fo l"urolw . . u) laoH (9) '&e1r? 'urea 1lrorl EulPaolq dolE
bq? Jo f.iodar
" '{ceq pu€ galrtrr uoalJg Jo sclre?sr} bH IDIr:uR Jo (po^\ofif, ]4rr ,{e.$[r".1] olJrr ,fq poioliloJ JI Jo 'rnr.3e
^ur '[".s1}
Bolrur ua^os qurod u
u.rn 1o.r
!{}ra Jo ouol8 'leoq ? &{or Jo 'looJ
91 'osrotr\I ro
eql ur Joqllc aBsqsour B a.rraJoJ puu p '{u"q or(t ur Surllrqs euo qsecl le e.
-o.rd eEpoq.s.re{ls?S oq1 roJ }sa} o ;o ssed lsnur oq astso }lcrqe ur 'po11rtno a srrlJ qll86q s,,{oq ori} o} snorr8tr?l
6r Surql!,q fcql sagrlraa ro4rop s ,I-'B spre.t dlyg ru , 5ur,uo11o3 oq1 ssud 1m -:Esals5p3q sselc-+s.rg srll ur? ss?ic-puoces'I 'tsel ,nocs ssslc-ls4g .uorlDrlsnllr oos .p { qfie 'llorcs ssBra-o
sprola eg?
s+Erod l"dro,*d o"*rr, rrffof5 '{u"g 68ul^ts.? ut €ouodxrs ?stsol l€ a.
eql Jo
.nser eql Eeril r€qto srrsualn ,'r!iHi -qllrd sao+"lod ora? put +t.)u Jo 'ql + { .EarlcJ?ru o.ltl
UBLI+ €r
log.Sursn 'sado orf+ ur oJS " ?q8r1 pue .salnurul 8^lJil+ nr {, euo '(f,1a1tura41t Surutmr seoed 0Z lurllex soccd 0A) ., €ocd d,?noos.. la 'ra+nurrr dag-,I?u6&4 uI olrur ? JFq {, !ao[[od-s+noos drJunoS 'rlcso .]ln
uorlBJfsnlF rno Jtr qrlueo eq4 rrr ul^oq€ sB '[[oJrs sBorq PUB '(tlJ -ap-.rnag io1 pe'aq,lolrt seBrq oEJcrI---a5P-E8
'l l3HJ,
ue^rt o8p"q 6q1 ro'Pcrrnber Sulaq zu Jo eqltioru aeilin drqltar liro Parrr?t 0q lsrrur
.u.ro .sllrors ?qJ
:friE',wl"'" t
gcouts' BadgesiCests (Continled), ffa ,i,riii 66 able to ridc his
bicvcle satis' lar"ta.ily;' and .repair punctures,. &o. He mrist be able to read a map, and repeat c6rrectly a verbal messagc. On c,easing to own a bicvcle the Scout must be requircd to'hand back his badge. fio fbllorving badges have been auonged
Cletk. A Scout must have the following tions
(1)'Gootl hdndwriting and hand-printing.
Engineer.' (1) A Ecout mrrst hu'e i loneral itiea of t$s '
of motor cars and steam.loco' ;;ii;;; .o.in", iotutnul' conrbr:.stion, a4d ' electrio engines. (2) He must ,lio. Lro* the riames'of the prin' ciole narts o[ tleir funitons; .'how to sti,rt. 'drivo, feed, stop, aitcl lubricdte any o"u i'r im- choicn 6s'himself: rvorkins
Ptumbar. (1) A Scout mttst be abl" to *u!e wiped ' ' brized joints. (2) Cut and fix a window-Pane. l (3) Repair a burst piPe. : '': :
llend a ba.ll or faucet taP. isj ' Unde^tand the ordina.ry hot and
simple bgokJ<eeping, or as alternatiae to tunew|itino-
(4) Fnowledge
Write in
shorthand" ironi diitation words a minute as minimum.
llaadyaaa. A Sout Eu$ be able'to paiat a bath, whitewash b ceiling, repair grs tap washers, sad lineq window ar fastenings. replaco gas mantles and
light bulbs, haog pictures and eurtEitrr blinds, fr, cu,rtain and portiers rod f:rtures. lav oaroeLg- mend clothine-cl holete#, do smirU furniture aod pairg aad sharpen kniveo. Leather Warker.
&n(l Blroes; or (b) Be abJo to dress c saddle, repair
Sbout must b,e able to ' ' Aone-inch iron rdd.
upset and weld
stirrup )eathers, &c., and know-tlo
parts of haruese.
I(now how to tyro a wheel. i , '::
(4) Uso a sledse-hammer and forge' norso.
.Gardenerr,-. . '., must have knowledge of met*rod ' ' AofEcout rescae and resuscitation of persoa in- (1) .A Scout must dig a piesd oi"gtbund lot ' ' t"ss tt"n 12 feet -squaie. s€nsible from shock' (2) Know ths names of a doad,r'plants poist€d (2) Bo able to ma.ke simple electro mag!€t. (5)' Have elementar.y l<nowledgo of artion of ' out in an ordinory gordeh. ' simple batterY oells. (5) Understand what is meand by pruning, (4) Have elemcntary kr:owledge of electrio ' ' grafting, and manuring. ' bells and tclephbne. (4) Plant and srow successfully six kinds of (5) be able to remedy fused ' vegetables -or flowers fron e€eds or cut' .'. Understand and tings. wire, and to repair brokea electrio oonoeotione" (5) Cut and ?ake.a w,a:lking-irck, or out graso ' Carpenter. with scythe uoder suPervision. able to shute and glus be must Soout f1) A Bee-Fatmer. '' a 4-ft. strajght joint' (1) A Scout tnust have a practical kaowledge '' (2) Make a Lousing, tenou, and mortioe, and of swaimine. hiving' hives, and general halred joint. apicu.lture. iicluding a knowledge of tlie
Scout must know tho nameg of different types and Paper srz€s. 12) Be able to compose by hand or rnadhine ili Unaextand the uso of hand or power
' ' printing t4) ''
Ae mmt also print a handbill himself.
uio of artificial oombs, &c. DairYman.. A Scout must nnderstand:-
of dairY cattle. iZi S" utl. to mill<, make butter and (3) Sterilisation of miik'
(4) Safe use of preservatives. {5) Caro of dairy utensils and *pptrianoes.
Farmen Scout must have a practieal knowledge '-' A of ploughing, .euitivating, drilling, hedg'
. SurveYor'
lng, and dralnrng.
Soout must map oorrectlv, from
-th-e features of halt (2) He must also have a working knowledge . oountry it6€lf, the main ' ' of falm machinery, hay-maktng, r'eaplng' q40 side, eac.h with road, va4s "-*ii"-"t Ieading, and stacl;ing. to a ecale of two feet to the mile,-and - afterwar'ds :edraw' sa.me msp lrsrD' (3) A general a'cqilaintanco wiih the,Toutina rn€mory. seasonal worl< on a larm, lnclu(ung lne (2) Meapure tlro heights of g tree, teles-rqpb oare of cattle, horses, sheep, aud pigs. ' ' oolo. a,lrd churoh steeplo. d€ffiibtrg
ineihod adopbed.
A Scout mus{ haro a $ood knowledge of '-' a.Da,rt of t*o obiects a known distdsoo '' incubatorg foster-raot*rers, saoita,ry fowl' ' . housos, and qoops 4nd runs. away and unapproaohable. (2) Alp of'rearing, feeding; hilling, aaddress. (4) Be able to .m€aanrr€ a gmdieat- . ' ing birds for market. "'. ; : . (5) Undertt&nd dhat is meant by 8.E., V.I., " 1 R.F.. contours, oonventionol signg of (5) nnut b€ a^hl€'to d,birdq,iudqcgs fot ' Ho .' :i -'. na,r. ke( Odriaooo Survey iad Sb&h.. ' 6)'M,Lusure the width
of a riv€r, end distan6o
eeries of
Soout must make a mllection species of wild6owers, fems, or
dried and mountod iu g booL
rectly named. Or, alternatively-
He muet make colorued drar twenty flowers, ferns, or grasses, o sketehes from life 6f 6aimrlq as Original sketchee, ae well 8s thc pictures, to be submitted.
Or, alternatiVely-
musb be able
kinds of animals, insects, reptrlei in a museum or zoological gardeq unnamed ooloured plateg and g.ir culars of the lives. habits, app and merkings of twcDty of thed.
A Scout must have ertra c&i
(1) Management
E€t uD by
Stalken Soout must tal;e
(3) Grind irnd set a chisel and plane iron. (4) llale a 3-ft.-b-y 1-ft. 6-in. bv -l'ft. by-6-ft. '' dovotailed locked box, or tgble' or chBrr'
photogrophs of wild animais or bir life, ard develop and print theo-
is) Slo" a horss oorrectly and rough a shod
Soout must have a knowledce ning and curing, s,nd either (a) Be able to sole and heel a pair < s€wn or nailed, and generally rcpr
(2) Maks a horse-shoe'
water system of a house.
Scouts' Baoges-Cests (Conth
Abiliiv to
use typewriiing machine. (5) Ability to write a letter from memory on ' ' the s'ubject' given verballv five miriutes previously. (2)
The Scouts' Own;
pioneering in the followiug teetr, or equlval€Dts:(1) Eell a nino-inch trce or rcsfioldn neatly end quickly.
Tie eight kinds of kuots guiclCy dark or blindfolded. (3) Lash spars properly together fot r ing. (4) Build model bridge or derriclc (5) Make e carnp kitohen. (6) Build a hut of one kind or anotb (2)
ablo for three
0) A Scout must be able to tight a I meke s oook-placo with a ler h logs.
(2) Cook the following dishes:-Irit r-egetables, omelei, rioe pudding;
dishes whioh tbs ereminer may
equivalenL (3) Make tea, coffoo,
({) }Iix doueh aad bake bresd i.a o* " dampey'' or " twist" (rourd drl camp 6re,
end hand pla,te oorroctly to peoplo at teble.
(,9) Carve properly,
tr B
t' :,
,.. s !
fi :,
Iplaoi'c {rEq dee{
'- *gaqcnq
tn' Erirulot '8u[Ioru,n 'osoq ,o osC aoII
's.rappt1 'ed?o$o Jo e811
Xtd. qua qu4p 'f,$€do.Id e^pt ol aoII
. 'elqq
4B €Jatoad
ol qlceiJot
soqslp pEB se4r1o-prmq Pirlr.'dlredo.rd
. ]'sf8urfuB oncEor (yl aoH b) I *' (e{Bl. punor) .,q'raq,, t" ,::H#ff: s ro rce,ro ul pBorq eryq plr? qtnop rlrt (t) 'ooooo ro 'oogoc 'to+ o{€W (9) :oe t€uinI ul {roa ol jioq '+uoJBrlnbo . - tenrmsre gql qorqra luailqd'3"rp o1 .aoq 'ffl s,utae.rg eq;, ftj) reFsuoo ,{rm ,-'cry 'qooqi Eutdunf 186dor Eulsrao.rd -rz-r 1s4ruI8
Brg Jo peords luoAald cll
' Itrrel€ eqq s]t
',T ry+
+sllltr lnoas
+oq .as@e4d
'.lspu1ay o,
ro e{nrq ie; r q1.n ooqd-{ooo "ff:,IV (0 pue arg c Aq8rl ol etq? q qsnu "lnocs
'sle"dncoo ooJrll roJ olqe raqlou" ro pu[{ ouo Io lnq I pl$g
'uaqotrn dur"c
s o{€I,t
YI?E luo
Io "E} (I) ea"q qs'&tll ltroog Y
" plv lsttll re|rrtd
.'u@ru ro ru"ls eq1 Xq 1q51u eq1
ir.Eelr +snur
oq lEorx
ro EBruruB
ppaa 3o
-r...;-.', :. :jr la:F ;' p4rrrEprrq':Fsal o{, dlclt oq. lslru it!} .. .'.: .. 'la{J"tu JoJ sPlrq
-s6orp?us '5mnr{ l5u{paoJ 'sruea.r ;o .' 'sshr put. sdooc Pua 'sosr
-pa.o; f,:ulrues'sJor$our-JalsoJ'sJo'l€qn 1o e8pelaoul poo8 e eaetl Ssnu lnoof
,rerrh eg ,e$pod
's5rd Pg" 'dmqE 'saEioq 'alllBc Jo uo rlroa IauG eq1 EuJpnlout'urruJ -e{} edrlno.f
tuJ?J +snur
]snu ?nc
1 'Baou!!Idd" Put EFsua?n,,tJI€P Jo 'saarl€lJasaJd Jo osn '{I.Iru ]o uoll"sll.T o1 elq
(g) (A)
'osaallo pu3
rallnq a{"tu '11rur 'eYPeo
iilrcP Jo luaaa8et
lsalui -;PuBlsrapuil riiew,L4aq 'c4l 'squoJ lBr)gtlrs
grll Jo oEPIAourl c 8urpn1;ut 'drn+fnc piaria5 piru- 'saliq. 'Surtrq 'JumLre.us eEpeluou4 IEJt+Jard a elar{ +snu lnG
'uorqaredns rapun eq1f,cs
lno ro '1cr1-Burqlaa'
lnc ro
, urr* nT
urorJ EJaaog ro^ salq"lal
Jo ePull xIS ifinJssaccns &or.u PUB '3u1un{{
'Supnuzu Pue '5ut1;' . {q l"sqgl sr.}€!J!a pu€lsral 'qaPJtS .(.neurP.ro uu ur Io sauau oql a ialunbs rae; ZI utqf
e1uttrd uazop €
eotr Punotr.E {o gooJ{ ? ErP 4snu lnocf ." .. -:,trogePJaD '€a' t g8nor put Xllcer.roo osroq e
:' lEEroI ,P.ut
'osnoq ts Jo urolsf,s J
ploo .puts 1oq {.reulPro oql Pu?1saf 'de1 lacnu; ro lprl € P e r:re
.: :
'eued-&opuud' ts
poo p"dr* dreul ot
",ou "o . to$utl[d
: '
'Ilasurq.{q ucsoqc uaql Jo f.w.a1eor.rqri1
'dols 'parJ 'r.\rrp, '+ Jra{l'} Jo slJs( a oql eou:l GIB +snu
PgB. o+ aqq' :suorpunJ
tAulf+g.sut rrtdar .'sqrao S q€€rAelFItA qf€q roop t lurrd ol. oH" €q llnttr lnoos V
" erf,1 o1 aloq u " 'aoqs-esroq € o 'poJ uoJI qcur{
ssau.rrq 1o q.rzd
- .
ol elqB e{I (t) 'Eooq Io rrtd r leeq pua o[os "o?dT?B'rHH Jaqlre Put 'Sutrnc pue SuIu -u?q Jo e8popaoul e elrq qsnu lnoos \i (I)
'selruq ued.rtqs pE" tJ!?d
-ar pur ernlrurir; ["uts op '&olstoq pur 8u1q1o1c puaru 'Erd:r"o {tI 'sartttrg dn "ulq, purlq, 'Epor orarlrod pus ul"q.mo {I '6pullq Surq 'sqlnq lqarl
iredS.r 'sur8qrnc pub Ea.Inlcrd
cir.peia pua sallutru_ se8 eorlder 's8urua1tr; Joop putr taopEra qaorry wae q6Jeq8?ra o81 (z)
?nofl Y
" r{lIA €Ju"lul"ob;u
'SuIlJJcls Pue '5utP
.Spoq'8urp,rp'to1lrerrl1n,r''-SuiqSnold espalsou:1 IBJr'IJBJd
-plogB6 ro; roq1a5o1 {Fado.rd 6rrdr qs€.I 'PpIoJPuIq ro {r€p eqt ur XHamD qourl Jo 6pul{ rqElo eltr, 'f,[{cmb pu? {nnau
alod trlplonr3ao ro sarl rlcm-ouru € IpJ (I) ro 'q'ryr EuraopoJ ?Xil:3i':?; "nnr"t "qr E lnoos Y ur acuat)so e^"q qsnur "Jlxo teeuold 'uroql ,o {luo,1a? Jo sturnrru pur 'oJs"rrodds '6trq€q 'sa^l[ eql ;o stzlua
-r1!B(r ears puB 'sa?€Jd parnoJoo Pou"uun rucrJ ro '[opJ"E lmr8opoz ro urnssnu s ur spJrq ro '"-rf.Cd", 's+rasur '61€rurus Jo spur{ +uaJagrP alxrs e(trau ?l olqs eq ?anlu eII
-Xpal1eu.re1p 'pdll-luqns sq ol 'BNnlcId Poggrsg eql gt flora ss 'saqole{s pu1AF6 'sPrrq PUD s[ErrrJur Jo oIrI EorJ Gaqclols oaloal ro 'easse.r8 ro 'surej 'srerog f,1uea1. Jo sturia"Jp Pomoloo e{rur q6ntu oH
'uroqf qurrd pua dolaaap
uroJJ 6prrq
B pl6.a pu? lesdn o1 oiqt oq +snur ?no 'qrIucJIcaJg
snoF?a or[1 eourl pE" ''cry 'sreqgraf dn.r.rr1r 'soc"J+ Jradatr 'alpptss rr s6orp ol sH€ eg (q)
qoeq rmder {11BIouaB o'"
. " .E6arp purJglrg prrr olpl Pur 'eoll8P-pro&t eq+ o6u3P oJ
a put qoErtr r' JsId oJl (I)
eq1 uo Iaer
'Suld"or'Eorl€ttr-.(tt{'.iJdurqJcu e5peluoul 8ul{roa s ort:q osl"
(q) (g)
':lolrrep ro o5puq Iapou pl1ng (t)
eo1 qcuenp t.eart ol 6Iq" oq +snu plrs 'oaoqg,pu'e A,triboqg Puts?s.rorpEtl ?Cnur eH 0) ssououBl
'aqr{oqo iuoEsnrqxa 'srlards Ptra 6ornl
-oary 'epuno]y1-: EmraoIlo, oql lo 6lrrc/f -rx{.s pu? +dettr+ser+ oqlroep c/+ eIq? eS.
u.re1 pur oll3a{trgP yo e5peiarouq lrroui)B
dfLIqY 'u.rgrEt p'uz P6tt dloq '/f aol?r[g.uo Prrs'5uptt!-p€q'€ousPoe?
J+R uroqr-{cr! '.&&{ooo Pqrlq 'SuJsIrIu -{olE Io s8polAotq f,.rqua,urep ltro,uaA Y (I) sr-{l ro; euoptogptb eq,1,
-:anr arprq
'rO -flo^JtsEroliB 'peE?u f,lpor
X^qtrn@ ruao srg
Io 1"q? lou sr lsql oAetl.EtIBI f,uu ro olue.redsg -roc pEa {ooq m Pq}unotll pus ParrP " tr uror; eEoe 'sassEJS ro 'sEJaJ Jaqlra ur Jod"ds&ou Jo 'sJoaogpln }o'sercads {oog uorlcolpo o{aur isnu +noos y ^lxrg Jo " .rs!IernlaN -sacl alelfilel+ puc peor 'loutusra {q ue*13 qcalqns uo Jeilol eidrrlrs a e,+rr,r 'uorlr€Joarrco Eo dilao o+ elqB €q lsntu lnocs y
iluaal Jo serJo€ r orpl qsnur lnoos y (i)
'e1eue1ci prra 's1od+urs 'slaruoo 's,roaloru 'sosdrl3a 'sapll eq? Jo pu€ 'uoour puG lrms 'q+J€g oq1 5o sltreurelou puo suollrsod eEl Jo e8polArou4 luaua8 a o^Br.X lsntn eH (,)
Lmoq eq1 flol puB :'oT 'sp,rxolc dq pomcs qg Eul€q rB s ?Rr{} }o e6so ur rrqs eJod oql urql srals rorrlo f,q qq.roN orll pul.{ ltdrouud rrs Euor}8Ile+snoc
errBu prrB lno +ulod s+ dlqs oq +6nrrr eE (Z) 'sr€ls oql Jo silloltroaotn PEB oJnl1'E qrn Jo e5Pal,iaou{ Itroue' a e sq +enur +noos v (I)
hr ,i.r,r:-
J ,i:,
oq+'J9 sauf,u
p& 1bu:a1u1 'aurr'eu jocol *!ai"'prtaj.stco :oroui 3o 5ur{i
o{1 Jo 99lil
e\f,t{ }srru lnoJi
'(panunuor) slsa2-s'a9pBg .3lnors
'EAO .qnors
Thc 'Scotitst''Osn,
gcouts' Badges*Cests (Continued).
Knor the priacipal oI
causes &na reneAlel
l|laster-at.Aras. . . Sutmalag aad Llle'Savlag. A Bcout must attain plp0oienoy il tro oul (1) A Scout must be able.to divo and rwia of tho following aubjecta:--si"gtr*"il"f,50 ya"rds with clothes oa (ahirtt trtu!€rB, i"a"te"'gt,E;' Ieaci.o5, botirrt
but with a feit ardoual it il aurpriajra how acer tio or
to fl,iag and uge life-liae or life' €)-Ahility '
to get at your estinrates by sme
and soeke as mioimurn).
ju-jitsu, agd wrestling. Musiciaa.
to play a musical
parently drowned.
Scout seys:-" No ' Ixronm.rt.--The. - Scout can be ofChief ral usa till he can awimo and to learn rwiming is no more di$cult than to learn bicvcline." lVlore than half tho ireddi awarded to Bov Scuuts for savine life we,re awarded foi eving life from drowniag. Horsearn. {1) A Soout must know how to ride ot al] Doces, and Lorseback.
to iump ao ordinary
feac,c on
Eorns gcoute get at tbeir edimal
rnsaaur'e. They get a certain d th9 length of & f@tbeU prtoh, ,
read simple music.
Or to play properly aqy .kind of ,murical
tiheir mipd's eye, oad tjb"y fotbell pitcheo
toy, euch as a lrenny whlsue, lDoutJl{rgall' &c., and sing a song. PhotograPhcn
He must take. dwelop, and paigt tw€lYo separats subjects, three iirterlory, throe 'por' rnst&D' tan€ous
landscrpes, end thr€e
" Photos. Airaaa. must have e hnowledge of
to eaddle and britlle a horga cor' tlow thg rectly. tl) A Soout sipgL '^' ?i',i*-"i-n nopL"et' bau-bau6bn'q snd io correotly a horse harnesr {5) IIow to ' ' or donbl,s harnes and to driva dirigibles. -must have made. 9 worki4g' mo'fgl -oI (4) Know how to water and feed, sud to (2) -an He '-' renonlane or dirigible thit vil ay what amounL
(5) How to groom his horso properly. (6) -' Knorv the evil of bearing esd hame rcir:s
and ill-fitting eaddl€ry.
at least 25
i6 beiag judged. Wlcn judgias a long didare pojnt half"way to the objeot, cscLr taac6 up to thot poirrt, a.lrd multi Aoother ray ie to estim*te t&e I trooo you thihL it b pmsible to YsDds; t&€o etimato tha *,rcl oould be, soy, 500 yarda; ad{ tibo t togef.hc, aad divide by two. l your arrvrer rosld bo 600 yerd* 4grit 6l[61 Soutr i.dge . Iho. 'gJ opI€ar$Doo, usiag tho iollor tho ia thoil estima.tes:ta,ooe tba,i
A Boout must have s knowledge of tbe theorv ond use of lenses, and the constructioB of ca"meraa. action of developers. triits. three
Set ia their terimoteo. Do not r a,Dsrr€rts, aod msLe a rrild toess.
A Sccut must i:o able to demonstrato two wevs of rescuo (other than tri8!gle), sad '' Abilitv of drcwning p€rsotr, and revival of ap- strument correctly
At 50 yarda. a p,or@,'r oouth I be cloorlv smAi 100 ya,nds a porsoq's er€a atx)G At 200 yards ull p.te oi tle'}r 6o&rv€€, &c., can be win. At 300 yarde the faoo ie iudistil.t, yafds the ooveooots ol I At ' {00 bo mado outLt 600- yarr& the head rad hrt olourl d.igtincuish€d.-- andys"du tho hGsd-iE IiL6 o d iqt Q00 At !00 yards it is dificu.lt to dL b€ad.
lI""e a knowledgg of. +he eagi'Eos usod '-'-ioi oeroplanoe and diriSiblea t3)
Two Annuais which will Interest
Polnts to bo Obsettt The disteaoe ia usudly o
The average boy-he who is interested in all forms o[ outdoor exercise-will find much information reguding Cricket and Football matters in
{rrlg'{ grrlg', footlat{ 7(and6oort,€t iertet ,Vtsnd{oofi ^
Published at the beginning
o[ the Criclet and Football
Lookiug over brokec
fn e dull light. Object is
Kneeling or lying down.
The distancs is usually
lvhea:The air ie clear and the au brightly on the bbject
Looking acrosg level goand. water.
Coiour oI object is difiereat frq ground.
Looking uphill or down. Distance can also be measured
Triead" Ofrroe' Barl( Of aII Newsageats; or pdfree, At c8o1t, from tho 'Peop'le'g s;;:di;d-; ai-k s st"*d w.t' u-oL-t€8; ud 186 r'l6t Btrst' r;in'doo' E,ct.
is rising lrom the gr
Both background aad object u
Seasons resPectivelY.
in ihe
and hearing tho report of a gu.u, ply by 110C, and you will get tbe Ieet) that the gun is frcm you. Those who ero going in for mon'a Badge of Merit sbo.ld give hinte their eamest study. It b : you wish to gain this cossted brd
oI judgirg dists!6.
') ''
ecusrsm Sur5nni ro -atDerrlottt
-crd qdtrrt ttl tx los 6q uro qcrq,r,r 't;i, ql oicq o1 e:prq pa,grii'oc slq'1 iqi: o1'qir^ nb{ '.(pn1s 8t .v| fi g oq? uI {rB88a,)ou sr Jloql s?u!q o^oqd 'aldrx?xo lI l8orHaa F Jr I (,,C,,. crf .,S,,) etod tnsrs I o^otl" eql o^rE p[norls qlrefiI Jo oEpBB s.u"ut -$lr8ri[ s'{1 s'{l roJ yl 5ulo5 ol Aulo8 618_ 6rs_ oq,l^ esor.lJ, ecurlsrp -$Ir8r{
81 9e
eq+"Jo oqrlo
eqf o+ s.r lqtsTaq eql lqnTaq
..9.! ,ao,, ,o,, I| YI ni+rir't,,s,, <rl qabrs if io qq;1jq I_. --- __ - !94-tuo1i .,v,,i :ll,H.!'1;.I;'I;',,"'*?,*,,gLir.l-rE::lHmrr;riq'Ff, *..ffi ilfu .aurl-ur ars oloa
"rt os' . .-. '. . .' ..8
p4aur,sor.prrn drrsnsn Er
.uAop Eurfl ro EurlDoux
'lqErr nnp B uI 'punorE uelorq :eao Surqoo-;
'lsrtg l€Lf 98I PEi !
{utsg 'act$O ,,P@l{I 8.eldooa,, eql
I q#-! e,[i,rr; ;"L;i;;-_d;;-;di-t.",i"c -scg oqr dol oqr put (g u"q .Ffi* eloo uq1 iq-p"r;;r;;-d";ir-;J ?r) oou,+sro Io i" I .u,r,op ro oII+.: ,,C,, +ulod +e [11n orA1 ro eard ,eqlg J[qcln Bur4ool .punor8 -uqb{r; .,.61,, tu}6d t" olod tnoos € lueld I put eprEi uo4 doBd pu€ 'olod oq? Jo looJ eril IL-{t8,q oql tnorJ +ueraglp rr lcofqo Jo ;noloC uros lrqs elodSug s ,o lq5roq eq1 pug oL 'rala.ir .
l .lAou,s .punart Ia^eI ssorca 6uJ:1oo.1 I ,o .tcefqo oqf uo f,11q8rrq .dmtrrg6 6t un8 eql puB J lc sr rrB 6rIJ,
aurRs or{r erz qetqo prn por,ora{Jrod*q9og 'PEno.rS eql ruoJJ turslr sr qzrq qeop .opBqs eql ur sr IBIqO
v'r0olPupl{ " yoolPau EurpreSar uoIlBIuroJuI
.Pe&resqo eg ",or "o"*qp-ri}' srulod
fln rpralrt$qp crl tFcwp ,op e g{ll
* r, *rrfffi *,
s'!^psoq eq1 spuar 669 +tr
.perFmsrllsJp Brnol@ po8 eq1 4irrf,'00,9 +V . "rno 8Pd!q
ucil 0q ulro lrq pm peq
'n ''n^?t*n
elodEep teeq E
:.jts oJ
I -,1'p
r*fl"i .qr?i-.iid; 'S'xH-;q;#
.ora1 fq'rppfni p,'":fo.roO'+"qf o} dr
tseretuJ III
etq: tulpa,,l "- * ' 'qgg=^=.41'&E& rz I - -="*ffi-#'-a'it 6';itf0Ei; :#ffi^m,ffiftn'"*""wrffi'
ffT iffiq",;'x# Hy^#;ffiS f#i I .u,oos f,l.r?alo oq ffi .crirr.iu$.rre.rre "e riari ur eur.6,m I -;r"b"f'rfi;; ,q r"t !illr ;;,dts-,;;ir *oi. I *- sef,e ptrr qfaim s.rGrod e irprtr gq 1y Et roeql pus";sattus qqftr b*uninioo' tiraoii b'o.rLi*t"ilt^"ii iru6 tr I 'roq1 m-foeqq. i" I-ffi'n'-po""Gifts1-,{s.'i -:6rqE'rrrqslrrdql -:sble'arqse poq,, om1' puc,c r"16o "#j#*q,fffi!j's -'----D -Y1*v .,*,,::* | ffi*?p" i{f8si[r ,lcl+s -ue Suop :[ta sJql 6olop :^*F rolrv '(g) 'spr"d 009 oq Ppos ro{'sal rnod ,rm II rd'-r Oq n* 'rPrtf, m '{* s q+ue lfrod $tql {r"t[ PEG IeEBc ,nff uf .ora1 f,q €,pr^Ip pur .reqlera Io saoueqp ora? 6rs ppr :cp,Iu6 ,rte ,aq prnoo 00s :::J_J':: 3t_t:.::Hi*lr}*":*'r .,r orsoddo (v)-ruro<t eqr^1:au I xq s! su"a, .:S]ii l;i-d"iqp-,H#[""r*;;;ffr-&.xte'eq o1 elqurib q e{toddo.q*^o:j?:"..=1 1691 1I'TCrq} rlo( eoang 'ieoN
sr qons icslqo ,oyes. oq+ ssoroo {ool qrp@rq oql sl"trr!?D
-srp o{l el?rEl.sc loefqo oql o} {rdr-If€q "'u?l tEnod B uo o{.fi1s moqslp Euol a Eur.Spnf u6ql& .poEp4nf Aa.req m +aql ootr?+ eu6 ercE+ sqr?rd fiBglo} {nEru -s.rp eqp
.&loq s+au{lse puB .e{o s,pqltE rlsEr icoq} EI p€s$eJdur.r .qo,+ts II"qlooI Jo qlEool Or$ " .6m$B€,; '(es 'emeplp rlr8F?c t qet feqJ .f,q e+ttrrrgie rloql 1e pB slnoog eurog ,o qpn .porgelE e@,e f,q sqEur.rg6B Jno{ +s q6t o+
0sq sr +I '6Ednt pF!l, e{aIII piuo ttle1Aalr3 rao{ lr qilr loE o(t " reql q qet Erro @ {.fiut €q rr.rE aorl tlrrrEr&nd .J +I ollonrd ,o +aaoP3 ,r,!ql qtra pq .pe.r,mfor " Jo qo'u,B.q sfq,l f[ro td t Isor. roogFo
teqy ?.lo qlpsctg .tlr raflrulrrg
'oe1q1!;.rP Pg? eaEqdloroB
6r' Ir€€n El'inruo ogl Io eipolaou{ " sprrrf, 9Z- ls"al oualdo.rsB fg m.s 1tql elqr8ulP ro or"q qmu ep€ut 1o pliout.,Eug.toa " 'selqrEu teoeldorea Jo pur, ?Eooll"q-fifil ^ro€ i'q1 ;o elpoJabu4 z eatq lsnlu +nols .aeu4v
'soloqd .,
-E"lsu! eert0 Pur '6edEcsPu"l -eorql a1 -rod'derqt 'iuoirqur earl{l 'E}miqn6 er1oa1 lupc pirr 'cloleaop 'o{s} 1snu 'eredqeaeP Jo uollc? '*€Je uoqonrlsuoc oqt PUB 'sosual Jo ssn Pua Eqi Jo e8palaaou{ o sa"q lsnru lnoo
teqdetEo7oq4 'Euos
st q) qcn e s" auuon ? hE Jo-mnotr 'enfiqa Xuuo,.I tefucqlnotr {qd o 1t-orrntu Jo Pur4- drit dlrodord 'crsnu eldruls P DE" '(alrust4 uaql .reqld rllcairoo tri fo 1ui5uu t d"F ol elqa oq Fnrrr ?nco
' 'tu[[$our Pul' ltutroq'&r.rouo,'grls'relranb'{o118-o[
:8?oo[qnB EEr&o[o, +snul lnoo
grtooal q'Ioepgdr<t ulql?c
'8EJl-1"'rersaW "sSOUaltrq
reIPFgr Put sadntc lrdlou$d "r*;:
:1:;: 1:;.
scoqts' OwEl
-r: FrNotNc THE NoRTn BY DAY.
Every Soout should be ablc lhe North Pole .Star and the g called " The Plough." The grt somewhat like a plough, and cor stars. Two of the stars, called poiot almost directly to the No
i **
The poiais of the compass caa be fouad by have should make a po.int of knowing the si:t€oD rnost imporiaot pointe of the compasa. of the sun At six o'olock ia thre morning th,s eul ir duo We all know the points-N, S, E, a.ad Woost. whioh are shown by four large pointers (see At nine ololock iq the moraiag the eun i. compass card). The next in importance a,re south-east the points half-way betweerg i.e., NE, SE, At ttelve noon ib is due south. SW, end NlV, ahowa by the sooond Iargest At th}&) p.m- it is eouth'wesb a.nd si: p.o. pointera. it is du€ west" We now @ruo to- tle eight poiats, whicli ,
. Moot boys havo a watch nowadays, but how many of them know that their watch is also I
''Io prove,that euch is tJle case, lay your watch on the palin oI your ha.nd, with the hour lttlnd' poiating to the sun. {fho point .exaetij' betwetirPtho fig:urs XII. and the hour hand rvill be due south. . . '-fry. -this thg-first time you are ia t}e open. Scorits lirin4 rn the so_uthern hemisphere
. ', will; of
They tlre sun, and the
XII. to poirrt half-way betwcen XII. and tho lour 1ryilf:ppj115rf,he'{igdre
the prcoess.
haqd is. duB nqpr,h. i...; i -. -Chyrch gs. a Gulde. r: Scouis should rtroar in mincl that Eoglish i: poilt east a;nd wesL ohrrrshes wualli
are haU-way betwqen the first a.ad second, aad called tho NNE,, ENE, ESE, SSE' gSW, \YSW, WNIV, and NNW poiato.
Coapass Test for SecoDd-Class Badga It is necessary to know the above qixt€€n
points tesh
pass eection
9 of the
Seamaa's Badge of,Merlt.
Those who are going in for the Seama.n's Badge,-which is ono of the badges which go towalds ga.ining the l(ing's Scout Badge, will do rvell to learn also the remainiag 16 pointe o{ tho compass, N by E, NE by N, NE by E' shorrn by tho second smallest pointer*
. Degrees. Ttre compass, as you will
into 360 degrees, and each quarter of a circle lu 90 . degrccs. Tbe . North point-where the .Polits .aid"besruet oi the compass. numbering.etart's'etrd fiaishes-ie 0 kers)' and The-.rpgst ooqveniont way to find tle north 360 degree,s, the South point is 180 iegrees, West poiuts tre 90 aad 2?0 [by day or n.ighf) is by moa"ns of the oompase and the East and It-iplnoi:e.very Seout, however, who is fortu- degreee respectively, -"Ii1.!, ou tire dip!. gnough to. hat'e o.ne, but thoso :who in".itei' *ili" *" '\1..ratsI
Every Watch a CodPass.
t :..
t 'i'-..-"n' porrrtEFS it TO FIND 1TEE NOBTE BY
There is onother group, o! c{ etals c&lled " Orion" that dl
The group represents &
snd bword. It, rri[ bo essily lhe three sets of threo 6iars ea.l
the h€/jd oI Orion, his belt, anr You will notice slso tbat ther
the extremity of esch limb, an
on the sword. 14 stars In aII" number forming " The Plough. The three stars of bis tsord North and South, but to be mor r line frcm the centre star of
through the top star of l,is he the lihe rieht on through tro third one, rvhich is the )tiorth
The Ploueh and the Norttr risible to ui here in tbe nort world. our brother Sctouts in
Austrllia, and New itre'aland tar Thev relv on a Sroun o{ GC. Soufhera-Cross to ihor ttem s
south is.
To find .the. oositron of tle Coaa€ct the twb ho'rizogtal 6; :
'Ilu[Ea IINO., '8illEtoYslarll[ TTs
".',11)trtEIA\ WeHr 11Ar J,Snf J.OOSV
'of 'o4t t{crAGv qaore'sooE .8SIA(I NO S.II{TII ,
'ssltrcrrtruv GN$
'el6s uo IJoIS lselqiFg .rIJ
364-IXggA ' AW',
Sqpcar xolua nt* 1qr*qo g i"-r eol 1o 3u1q1ou f,6 ol) Gslsls pue ilaqloltl
cEoro eqg
Io er8ls lr+uozlroq od+ oql looutloc
---olod qtnos aql Jo uorllsod "* nH f**"" lcBr€ eql oroqla E€(o aoqs (y+ ssorc_uJaqlnos gql paJIBc sr"ls Io unoJS ? rro .[IaJ AeqJ 'ueqi dee loaum puuleeT reeN Pu? '"lJ€rlEnV -plJo^e "Bcl.UV t{lnos ui s?noos Jaqloiq rno eq1 lo eprs qlrou oqt ur eraq En 01 olqlslA .(1:ro era rB?S q?ioN sql Pua q5nold eq.I ' 'rBlS i1o4 {Fo1q aI{1 sl qclq\ 'auo prlql r ol s.rz;ls 8rq os1 llEnorql uo lq8tr oull oql l':reo puc 'pErrl srrl Jo r"ls dol eql q5norlJl
r".ls arlulc. sql uonJ eutl T erbu aq o1 gnq 'q+noS Pu8 qlroN
qlaq. orrl Jo
a.'e.ip tc'arioo
lurod dl.rzau pJo.ts slq ]o sJ€ls eo.Iql eq.T, ,,:q8no14 dtIJ, ,, SultxroJ Joqunu io rlF uI srPls ,I 'P{olaE oql uo
oq'l olqnop
r?ls ppo ua pu€ 'qErt qoR3 Io dllEorlxe oql .:.-rl. .lc 6r eJaql CE.ql ostB oor?ou IIiM noil JEqs " pu€ 'qlaq slq 'uorr6 Io Peeq aqC 'pror!r$ 'alod glnos eql 1o uorltsod eql eq I|1^{ laeur saull trIJoJ qJrrl^r 'qcra s.re1s ea'Jql ]o slas ooJtp oq1 o^,!l eql a.req1tr 'sso.ro eq1 uio.r; Eurruoc aurl fq po6ru8ooar {1tsee eq [ia qJ 'Pro^ls puB eql Eno 9l lllrm ouII raqlou€ uru eurl s!rl+ Jo qoq 3 Eurreara uttt ra sluosa.rdal dno.rE eq;, .jdouI .(IUO!&S
plnoqs alnooB IIo 1€5r .Folro D PIItsc 8rt+s\ sl eJaqJ,
'uor1q1e1suoo .ro 'dnor8 raqlous
uIho9 oJ T
(..i\ \
ONrg o,L
--t1'l ...ri......... ..
Tqp'eqf uo.,E+.ry_ a* slmod ra
.puer 96, est.elulod +sai\ pu? +s€tr 'saorSoi) 0gI 6r qmod q+nos oq? 'sor
pur '(oibz) 0 sr---sor{srug pn".Erqs
erll eraqr-lurod qlrb51 eq; 'sae
glcJrc la Jo ro+JBnb. qctso puE 's€ar.6ol
pspl^1p s-r 'aos fllrtr nof, ss 's*dw
'seerEeo 's:alutod lsallms puoras oq1 'g dq gN 'N {q SN 'g dq g 'ssedu slurod 91 Sururzuar aql osle uJTaI lpaa 'e8peg qnoog s,8ur;q oql 5urur" oE qeiqe BoSPEq aql Jo ouo sr qJrq s,rrBlmas eql JoJ rrr Suro5 e.ra oqa
lo eaPsg s.sslraa
sq*puooes em Jo 6 uorlcee uoatrxrs oaoqe eq+
.e6pag ssal)-paacas ro! $el I 'e?ulott trANN pot 'AlN: '.lass lgsE 'gsE 'uNE -'uNN oql
.puooos pu? lsrg gql ueellleq {z q} eur@ .f .rplqid. 'Blqod ?r{E1e oq1
tsotrel.puoo€s eql f,q E/aoge rdtN
'gS 'AN ''o'r tuaal^.taq f,oaa-ylgq or" aoEalJod{q u-r qxeu oqJl '(prt ees) s.relurod e5:rJ mo3 f,q ua.oqp prrB 'g 'g 'g-s1u1od oq+ &oDt 'Es"duoo oq? Jo s.prod guq:odmr gso EtrUAoU-{ ;o 1u1od € o{am pln
l-. ....#" s *" zi *'
uu.rg E1_o4uo
i rqtg r."3
Do tUUoN
'rqs qlroN eq1 o1 {1pu.rp lsoup lqod ..'sre1urod,, polI?c 'EJ?ls 6qg Jo oi J, '8rB?E
ua as Jo slsr€usJ pue 'qEnoid a a{q laqraouroe padzqs sr dno:S eq5 ..'gn'nold otlJ ,, paIIBo
e4IIa' oq+ EEO{ pqlB 'elrrl ? rllln[ sJolErod ord+ srtsls Jo dnor3 aql puts r"tg olod tllroN oql ufo[ lroN 'uo 1I Xrrso Puts ourr € qllla 1no lnrod sl elqe oq Plnoqs lnoog f,raag 9q+
.uab. .slnocs aq.r,
Thc Scouts' Own.
'r').,' 'lqfrp READING. .t trtUtUrtr/tt rtrr\rrtt^Urb.tUr|,{,llrtrrtt
3o every Scout, us it forms part of tho following testq:-. First-class Cyolist, Pathfindor'
and Surveyor. Ibib useful.also when making long trcmps acros* country, as hdq been dono by various parties of Soouts, one party tramp-
ing from Bedford right up through tho courtry to Dalbosttie, ia Sootland; auother from Cardiff to London,
i0n opening a, map tho ffrst thing yo'u do ir to look for tho scale, which will be given at the bottom of the map. By scale is meant
the proportion a certain distance on the map bears to the picce of oountry.it represents; it is the key to distandes.
selalo may:
(1) By
words such
, 2 ins. to 1 mile, which meats'that if the distanc,e betitucii your camp a;ed the village moasures 2 inches on the uap; tho distauoe in reality will be 1 mile. (2)
By roprcsrlnt'ative fraction (or R.F.)
whioh moane that 1 inch on tho m,ep repr€s€nts 63,tr@ inches,- or 1 oile, on the ground;
or if ti6"i[.fr'. Le
1 31,680
the scale will bo 2 inehes to t}e mile, whiuh is got at,by,diriding 63,360 b.v 31,680. carefully
examine.the heights and method of shclving the forrn the ground talios. You havo no
doubt ail
An important item to look for oB a. m6p ilt the North point. Tho true porth iq shovd
by a line rvith a star,at the top of it, and t&o magnetio north is shown by an arr6*, whioh is usually marked. " ma,gnotio" (seo diq6nam). If your map has no north point tho right hand side of it may be assum€d a.s runling trure north aad eouth, with the aorth pciatiug towards the top of map. You now set your map, that is, Iey it out to correspond with the ground. This can be done rvith & compass or by means of objeck.
Wrtu Courass.-La.y your cornpags oyer the magnetic north line on tho map, and without disturbing 'the oompar{s'tura the map round slorvly until tho nortlr end of iho.north point on the mep ie eractly uadet t'lie aorth
of the eompaes needle. By Osrncrs.-Look out for .somq object,
FEn Feora aro,
g raruE6 \in*'
,*,vR i"r,r,€9 'j
a map aro
r'a- phvsioal mrp-i,lmy
them hairging trp:on Lh€ walls of rirost schools tho hills':all standing out in rclief and -with tcokinE:as lihe, tle country it represcnts as possibld. It is not possible, of oqurse, to havo the saane efioot on a fat map, so what aro calledicontours aro used (see diagram). Take the line marked S00'(feet). Dvery point on thdt lind is on the s*rme loveJ, and the samc
.#;;i'.P *
E 4QQ 4 q ee
next page uill rcpay the leader. Iioads are shol.n by oontinuous lines
FeoM (u-rftt*G
such as a churchj trcncr, &i.i and$identify both it and the position .you are on, Hd draw a lins betrveen those trvo points on the map. Turn the rnap round until the lino on the map is directed to thc distant object.
Yarious things on
by oonrontional signs and leitering. A care' ful study of tho convcntio4al signr slorvn on
ltra next: thing to do is to
they are enclosed by. a fcnce, lredge, or dyke,
and if tliey are first-cla^ss roads they a,re bounCed by thick biack lines;'iI seoond-class by ttrrinner lines. Unfcncod roads are fiown by dotted lines, and a pathrvay by a singlo dotted line. A railwav is shown-bv'a continuoue thick biaok line, with cross-bars on it, and the word " shgle" or "double"'should be written along rt.
'On all main roads and railwaya tlro nord " from" should be written at the loft hand cnd of it, and the word " to" at the right hand cnd of it, and aleo the distance betwoen
the nearost town or villoge should be givep. A cutting and an embankment ane shown somewhat ,similar, only trho cqtting' is encloged in a border. Tte rEilway brldge slown carries the raihvay over the road below, with the other lincs. Now supposo we go tha railway at this poirrt beine laid along the down the hili shown by tho contours to A, top of thc.embankment shofin on oither eido our {escen! will be a gradual slopo; but siro-uld of the bridge. Cllurches are shown on the ruap by m€ans *,d's6 do*n to point B our desoent will bo bf conventional sigus rcproseating: tbe various stpep. 'Wh'en - ihe spa'cing trotween cach contour typos of churches, A windmill, heath (or heather), marsb, or lirro,ir even'the slbpe will be uuiform (as in obsLacle rre repreeented ob th€ mep bf tho abol€ e$.rnple A). trVhen the spaoing, rea'ding from high to signs shown. A wmd is shosn b? cmall 'io#;'decrearegl''the slops will be oonvsx, and treeo, and their nature, whetbeftol.6lL,rfir, v,ben it i:rcrearres the alopo will be inncevp.
-1-';]1.r"-., -.1.' ,.-{&-
iI.': "'-qI
cbr.lrov as
Tolegraphe ars shorpn bs a t-hir
line with small
on it
graph o{ffce is shown by tbe letter o$e,o ie shawn by the letter P.
A river ir ihowu oloulcd
rrritieq elouf ita oounq .r
Frt, &dg Iq
-ce{p ot0 ptro rodrnoo r9! ,uolrt tEtlr^t eu?-I
{q II6al I Irfl qfi.
s! qsod-u5le--\/-_ .E"I
'onlq peInoloo
ur I{ paaciirur
'd iellal eql {q
u Puo t: eql f,q ultorls elt gI e^oq€ s.srl, pu? pu"s -uoii I'ote+ qderrfrC'oql io I snonrryuoa urql :a"6rre'
dct u&orls
B.t'ia^Ir Y
uedqs 8r c)So
: ,..:, '. 1. .'!'
g, '{Bo ..ro ,+eqlaqa 'ornlsd ileql lptus 4Q u.e.oqs fl Pooe V ' eqi Xq drur eq1 uo pe.lueealdar .ro .rllrfi.u .(rar{lBar{ ro) rilBaq ,lln 'saqcJn
snor$a eq9 SuqEeBerdeJ suSrs leuo
{q drul aql ,o o*oq. .11
opls leqlro uo uilorls quatu{usqrua eq? Buolz pr€l Euloq {u.rd sJq} }E 'aolaq p8or eql Jaao d"erlJ€r oq1 sa
e5ptrq XBAIrsr o'rT. 'loP.roq r -ua sr Ew11nc oql .dluo 'JtJrurrs
ujloqs ers lueur{uBqrflo u" puB , 'uBlr8 aq plnoqs ortsfir^ Jo uarol ua6&1oq sous?srp oq? 0618 puB
4qEIi eq* lB ,,o+,, pro^r eql pue
Putq lJoI e+I 18 uollrr/h oq plno
pJoa gq?.sdBAfsr pue sPaor urcr
e"&tv/ -----Eth
[trEEi3eJ\1 rn
;IiH llttYc
b arri. an c'n,nfi[4t,$ et ? tsn,"il,r,r frll-illfN &+b O HIUaH H9UEr^I - OOoM 9?i'l2unH?
g suus
i,o urli*, + r"r.:f,r ?
.tsuoI" u6r]?rr,f, 6q p[noqs,.ralqnop,, . p.roar aq4 put'1r uo srEq-ssorc r{}r
{c}q} snonulluoc s. dq-ud{oqs sr elBuls ts f,q {aartlqud u pr,o'anu,1 uroqs orts sPBu p,ocuoJuo 'saull sstlc-puooo8 Jr,:simrl :ic"lq {crq}
or€ {"ql spaor 'a{{p
Jo.'oEpeq 'o}uoJ
sauJl snonuquoo
u,troqs a
'rap€a.r orll fecler 1ir. uo tl,lroql surrs I"tlorltB^ucp oII? J €reo V '5uriollo[ put su8ts IRUoI paluasa.rdeJ a.ie ileur t uo s8urtl '?cotqo lu?+srp arl+ o+
dtsrtr 6q? uo ourl 6r{'} Ir}un puno"r d" 'd?lu orll uo slulod o^r? osoq] uae nod uorltsod oq1 ,a1srp
"rt 'rreoi
'?ca[qo buos JoJ 1no loorl-'6JJ
'olpaau ssduoo
J€Pgn {l?o,"xa sr
rllJo{r'eyt Jo Pue q}ro&.oq} ll}un d dBur eqq Ern4 -6sBdr.uG) oq+- Sul
- - -..:ii::'-wouJ qr ;ri;,*-;;")rM '------l--'
-q1T& pu" 'd?rrr oqq uo ouII r{qrou c la.a,o sgedmoo Jnod . .(tsrl-'ssvertr 'Eoo[qo Jo BtrBcu dq ro ssEduoc oq u"c srtu, 'punof,5 eq+ qql& JBI '6I lBql {d"ul rno.( 1a6
+no {}
Etrrtdrod. E$oE
'duur ;o dc4
Suluu{rr sB PornnEs€ oq
'qlnos put ftur 4t 3
*q6u oq+ lmod rfForr ou sar{ dt
gt.ilw I
qorrlA 'acua u€ trq uaoqs EI qlJo €rrl pu" '1I Jo tlo+ crJl ?ts,J€+s I r{?l
..O, w08$
;[r"1vl?w d UOU 6I?N3J .DNICVAU
Bt rfFoU'enr+ eq& 'lulod tlo roJ {ool 04 tuall lIr?
dVI[ NI SNDIS :IVNOIINAANO' .[ao,.qnorsi
-' ::'
I rr'+!q"";. '''
The. .Scoutst O.wn.
- t
greai, nuob
in tbat casr p.tirol (or patrols) .Ehould be formet Serul in tJre patrol should necesari the clclist badge of.proficiencs. \Yhen cycling :atong with your trc ao a separato Pratrol it will be ne ha',,o some ktowledge of cxicle formati6ne, or the patrol will get oot Scouts ha,re cycles, and
When odt soouti4g. alone, or ae one oI potrol, ramember to:-
f. N"ii* tt"
In rome troops a
d.irection you ane
to work
in by means of your oompase; the sun, or . stard if ot night; landmarks; or wid.
2. Se'e t'h'at your haversa,ck and wat'ei-bott'1o are Iull before yiru Bet out; you may be . 3way for some trme, dr evea get l,osi'
are always anxiou* to know abtrllt tho weather that js expecteil, most of their Scoute
tim,e being spent in -the open Somo rrho have no knowledge of weathdr dgns are'to be seen carrying a, ooat when it is 6ne rteathgr' and they aro without a coat when it rains. Tbo Chiej Saout says, " Every $9orr! oughito be abl,e, to reaal siens of the weather." Scouts ehould ricrember tli'- lirtlowiag points
" Rcrl at n.ight is
l.he sailor's delight, Red ia thJ morning is thesailor's warning." . .both. ae&r.ai ha^ril by footprints and far A brighb yellow skg at sunsef, is ra sign of Uy *g,trohiDg.duet clouds. wind; a pale ]-ellow. of rain, , lS A ha.l,o.round the moon, if it aprreore'distant and very distinct, irrdioaies a.gateof wiad, 4. See what Js'tt want to see without being . and probabh rain, within 24 hirurs. 6e,Bn, aod heer wit'hout beio,g heord. . sun s setting or rising behind- a bahk of Tle ' cLou'Cs indieatm rough weather, .,If, 'h'i:w5. Nriep:ofi the sky-line. is v'our body will be ' ever. the.clouds ba,nk in the.*sst.after ' distiootly se6n alainst the clear aky. If sunsot, this is a sign irl ffne wbatJrbr. '" aompelled -to orss over a hill top, cra,wl lf distant obir-cts are vcry clear, rain is near, over. iL elowl5l exc'ept in wintnr, with irirr{herly wfude. lVJ:on hieh lands arc sltrotded ln niisLi,'south6. Teke to heart the Chief Soout's advic€ ' west winds and rain may be sxpect€d. the to Keop report*. rrlo oaking " of " Mares' tails," which cre ragged streake pointe you have been ordened to report olouds, havin,g little motion, foretell galee in qr. A little illforenation brougilt frcm tho direction bhev radiate from. euiilkly is rnorth rolumc ee,qt in lato' A gloomy, dark-blue sky moans wind; a lightblue, fine lveather. &ePori faPts, aot {aacies, Do not er' " Wlren the rain oomes before the wind, . aggmata." Topsails and halliards mind; Wlien the wind oomes beforo t}le rain ?, Apptoaab o building oautiouslv, and, if unHoist your toqsails up again"' 'whether in
A Ko6Ir a, good. lookout for the "
thers is any one
h€]t, thea mddenly bolt as if you had seen sqn€thing. This has ttre effect 9f briugrps out iy ono who may be ia tEij house'
,DoN'r, rihe. out on a Saturday afternooa, & .should yorr,be saen by the " enemy ]' do See t'hat not let him' see tha,t ho h&s s€m "you' leavo iightod lires behind you.befor'e quitJqst- ke6p .@, as before' a,nd make for they are properly extinguished of this will get tho , oeve( whiqb-.ni]I allow you to observe the tinE the ground. Neglect perhaps y<ru to rnake a eudd€n re- ors-anisati;:n into bad repute, and - ., . , ' tmmy,'] X'or privilcges now onjoyed of aooutt*J on,..tei"s .rocn put'g hirn on his "urtoil thoparlis and woods around the cities' ing in .the gErtd:' 1,
If trackias, ard you lo"L the tra^il, plsce Dox't enter a, 1:rrivate wood or field with' -your hat.or h'averrsa4k on thq last myk out permissiou of t'he olr'ner' iou saw, a.od make a '".&"t " to fi.nd it ' ag'ain-i.e,, oirclo rouad rxrtil yor oan DoNlr leave gates open after you. . fhis ir
mostr important, a.s cattle may wander froo, a grazing field into a field of oat's, or m&y of X0. B€m€mb@.your'wey bock by rneans road and be lost' . ta,odmarts, .follomggi your own tracks, wande" o. to Lhe i&o,, s,od !€,turn with-eaution' as €om€ on€ DoN't "blazo" or ohip pieces of'barlc off ' nr*y 5**o-t*rk€d you, aad be waiting for trees with .your liaifo or are' It rui'm the ' -you' growth of the tree. '8 .;. ntspicious fo'rm is eeen on t'he skyany 11. -it:ig:well ' If chaJ-k tho Scout signs on buildings. DoN'r hurtoo ooobludp Dot too itDB, disfisur€s theun aad is a punishable offen@. .. rieiflv t}st it ic o stump of a' tres or po6t, It
.- akikolbe,Fqil
. - Ui'po:f+' it" pciti.n in your m,iad, a'n'il reg' rr]hr{Ser" it disoppeers or remsrlts -.-. tedpr . * lg Eet " Doo't fol gooutrq
Dolcrr blow. your Scout whist-Ig or bysls. to theanaoyaqrleof qthom. - .1 r:.;.':.,:' ',' ,. DtoF
! " lrgnle."
'Iire following drill rvill be fo sirnple, and has been $uggcstd to b.v ono wlo has had 11 -rears' e:P
n:ilitary c-vclirg : 0n the boilrnand being given, fall in."..they will fail in in single r back rvhecl of ctcltl to t,he pavemer four feet bct,we-en each cvcle. If onc patrol is prescnt, there wil! t intcri'a.I betwcen each patrol. \ur the right. fo.stand at 6ase, strike the saddl' right hand aod carry off the Ie!
g.ouadirrg cycie-c, ialie a fr
the ieit qnd lay,t&e cycle on the
totlrealert, lhcs n'ho hare on-th+rir.cvelm should be careful n the oil. To Prevcnt this, 6ll the lmse.lv sith ioiton tvool soaked in refill "could also Le carried in a s
yoirq pockei.
'Io take up
cYclee, take
tube of frame with ihe right i'enri the cycle.
A pair of
ir a EIe, and or
rnand, " X'orrn lles right," tle odr rrill raise thcir cvclee and turn to
on their own iround' t5s eren -ihcelins un to ihe right. Sbould rnand b-e. ;'Forr,r 6iis lefi"' the I Lsrs uill turn, and ihe cdd nuuber on their ieit. ,.
',fo moro off. trhe.. commald [)uiek' ,,tarc.h', or Adrarce
\Viien the cvclists are sianding in ie n"""""rtv io rnarch off in 6ls, rht ii.-; Adtuh"" in file from the r:! march."
Io iurn the cYclists abo"* sber standirs in line, ihc oonrruand "
trmp. i-f mors t,hal one patrol)' rh' is riven, and the cd-d numtem iI""'* i":tt" f ront, and, takitc.tiEq
ir"hih""d man, the shole of ttr-e r ,t%"1. thc odd numbers take ""a to the front. If i,he cyclists ar,e marchiag ir mount€d), and the command is gir about. t.he right-hand Soouts rill and tuin cbout on their or "inles i6. Gti-h*"a lxouis will wheelhis Soout, coming uP on &Uilana 't0n'tho
coimrnand, " Right (or l' tho No. 1 rvill raise his c5de ard tBe diiection named; the rcmaindo iront whcels in the sime direclira;
" Uarrh"
eeu aligunesi
the nhoie march
em ol pllnb.r gtr?ttr oJbq.ri aql .,t{JrElt .' pJ( "\ e,ie ,i iruu l uixparrp oums eql uI sloa+l\ ltrolJ :riq1 uina .ropmtmai aq+ : poulBu uol+carrp.ql+
ui 11 unnq pue epf,c 6rq as.rur llr!! 1 'oN eqt ol[f, gO ..'uEoJ (llo{ ,o) +q8ItI,, 'pu?Ilr1lroo r+lal s1q rro dn Sunuoo '$oog pugt1 4{$! '1boq,n pu"rfllal dqq .
--:doorll onr puiioi
Pu? 6alr''c Brq Jaqqo,rot il€c o+ elBuq 6q1 uo poPuno€ IIac :riun&S uaao-.rraro uo ?noqc rrJnl eql '+noqe oqi o,rtq firlt ro+s€ur+noos ? ro 'lnoos raqlo ,i"q? n"1t, 11r,t' strnocg puerl-1q8r.r u:n1,o1 ue^r8 sr putsulluoo oql ple '(palu1lo'ur -Ee Ig uoltudT:..qoBr??" ol Pal{slqrd oq u18C -BIp)' elg oi 8o,.1r..* eit s1sr1i'ic eq1 J1 flTII 'luor} aq? 01 oorql o-IBl s.laqumu ppo. cql po"_ '1193-:
.,1'1YC ,S.LOOCS
' ,,'we{rie'1 eql -'(rc+strtrqnorg eql larlad InorJ) Suol euo Pqa dn fiac oJ;,';.Erell graoo.. . sropltorl, Esstq lroqs ooIII ,sropltarl 9raoo. . ..'s1sod
rurrla .rno( uuPg ,, 'slsulq SuoI Pu" ..'6pcar og,, ;.'lno ?ro.q8 Jo uorssoc)ns {@.L, ..'turtslY,, ..'ul 6solc,, :qs"lq &tsqs euroo,
..,req+a5o+ ..'EIF[L, .,'u[^llsd,, '+Joqs Jo uorss@ons ..'aB.lrB Iaq?Jalr ; fec,, Jo ,.'lno o5,, ..: fa) 's}8EIq aols -lros !; ro ..'pua+ -xfl,, ..'acu"^Pv,, '3uo1 1o gorssoccns . .:,' .,'ltatlB laod au ro] lno {oq[ ,, ro !uol-6uo ..'eo{re[g ,, .,1JoIV ,, .'taIEGaI,{
'Pu!18 oql 1o Surutem oql qlr^r r(Iduoo
b1 uuc noi BE lsBJ 88 utu--'-ourl- oq+ 1" EuloP qol lsq^\ ra?lBtrr ou 'pa{oqo rpugrsm €i +*ir* IBuEIs ellslqr fuY
-oq: Itl[,to{
''B{uErl .lsa.I'orn
uoqlsod e drt qqe'} er{l
'1o.r1ert €'ql
,o {u"g
4IIooE +E"lsIreY
s,rsllcic ein ro etor{a aql 'uBtu PuBq-lqir{ u.mt'mo.ri '[rut '1uo't1 oq] dl ?-Ju: emrl'8rir1ef eq1 Fl pus 'udlrd eirur elt+ sJaqurnrr ppo gq] ororl, l^I 'ooo11 ,.'uin1 qioqe '11or}ud euo nBql
jo1 1o.r1e4 ., 'pu"rurrloo oql 'atrlt uT 5ulpu"'l!t e:z .(aq| uoq^\ lnoqe qsllc-(c erp urnl oJ,
x.rrnb i luEu rg'l uro.l] elg u, n''o"615''.'1tt'igt iu'etruo'uq1 'sj1q rrr go t{cJPur ol /iJlassaJau aq'+ rdti:'11
pue aurl irr Srirpu'i4s aru s'lsrlr.fr oDup-rpv ,, ro
,,'prr"o",ii -{alnt) raqlra sr Pu"urtroo otll 'so o.rolu oJ (.tPJBrrr
'lJaI Jraql ro
dn euroc sraqurru ppo eril pu"e 'urn+.]!t1:?:i sQig'rrutog, '1Q p"'' -ulnrr ur.\o aqr ,,'lJ;I :'1{srr'iqr ;rri5rr'iur SulldorI'$ 01 dn Surleoq'n o1 orrr prniqs" omrir.i' -rr* oql -rnm 'eq1 JIaq{ uo uau rrdtl+ 6q+'punorS 'pnnor.E u,t{o sloqiumu srequnti iI5ro
osrBr II-IA p[re solc,tc rrat{l osiur ee1c,(c Jlaql urnl nl pue llll\ eq1 04 urn1 lqsir alil lq8u sreqrrnn ppo oql .('lq5lr $alg ullos ". 'puaur pue 'eJg e sr slsqcxo ,o rrcd Y ' .apfc -tuo-c eq1 uo
oslsr pu€ pgaq
q1!& our?r] Jo aqnl
dot oql 30 ploq o{s} lEoIcXc ar, "Ia^lI . *p'TffiSi&$ ur urr II'Bus e ur poTrr"c tro}1m qllr r'lasml uI p€{Bos loo^r "rt v 'iro'eq+'e,fi jro.uisar ltS 'srq1 1uo-raid oJ, 'lfo oq? op 1ou
pb to porl ut oplr 11I& aq palunot,- uaq$ pue '1o*ledirq Jo real ur uollrsul s-tq dn r)lel eql 'puuuturoa ul sr Jels"''r .iop@el fl1e
r(' rals"ulnocs uql uar{lA. NDITISOd'
eq' Ppoqs
lfirts I? frrne1 po eletl oq.u esoq.L 'lroi? arf,r-o] euroo pue punor8 €q| uo olr{c afi {q pw qJal aql e:erl 6n3 e e:lrl 'v1cr'C SrnprnoJ8 Ueq:!\ o1
0I qool l]al €r{1
go f,JIer prm purq. lq8ir a{F}s 'asv€ *, o:r?;;**
.IPPES 3q+
uoJI irqurn^\ '1o:]ud qcee ulo^{?oq
iiEus r aq lllfi €Jaq+']uosard sI lorlP(t ouo r iiuql eronr g1 'eiatu qcsa uaa^rlaq lool JnoI -:'qrid ro lueiruerzd oq1 m 6Jcic Jo ldrq-\ I)Bcl . txoqErnu Ppo Io J?ar ur IlsI Jaq+.,,'ui llsl pue dn eaae.sroqrunrr uole oq? iu(' (peluno'rr q?re '{u".r olEurs ur uT llsJ IIIa IgIP-.*.--P.q1unour) o^out sreqlunc pp{' orll 'slsllc{O,, 'uelr8 Suroq Pu?u[ruoc oql u() f,:elqrtu EEIqfc EoCA) olg el8uts ruroJ oJ -:8ullc.i, s8q oq.!r ouo dq ptsI{ aouorxa.dxa '1i1g rrg 9la
,s.ree.{ 11
1rofit s! ..'ourlDur (l]ai Jo
uooq seq
'eldutls Pslso88ns eql 'cE€rl Surssed ur 6?noos oq+ €4 oq Io) '{t{SlU';; ?u?Etrrbo fre.l puno; IIII 11rrp 3urao11o3 ou,.1 pqor exn ,o ePle ?qFIJ ro l]al eql o+ oaorrr oI 'prrBq Jo lno la8 [ITe Ior]Bd a[{r Jo 'suor+eruro} 's+isq PEB. 'p'Bor Jo apP -1IaI ptrE IIHp e1cf,c Jo a8'pa1uou1 orxoa e-reil gur 04 ieao Sroaoltr 't+unour6!p qc'd 'ua^r'ii !r ol f.rssamu oq III!a 1T lor?sd 6??r"daE {i 8a aofia o] ,,iinU.,, erorsq dn ,aols o'+ slsl1r-tc oq'l +no Jo doorl rno{ qlraa Euole. Surpfa uaqrg ieerrdns s eq ppoq; oieql lnq .,'lulour '{}uslJgord'Jo €6apeq lsllcf,c aq} "eneo sr ualr5 .ralJ€ oqt -s1p .o1 eigagqg ,, 'uol1n?c lor}Ed'o$ u lnoos slq llf,rl ssessod {grtsarauaqPFotls ..iprr,, prol .el4ncaxe eq1 'qsr1crr p1noqS {sloiX"tl ro) Ioriud {ierg 'pauro} o; 'a€n?d I JaIJE udql 'uarlt ..'1unousrc,, se€c 18ql ut put fsalc.tc o,r'Eq slnoos eq lsrg plnor.F ,$moEsIP o1 eJsdsJd ,, 'PutT 1sr1c{c.c eq1 Jo .raqumE gee:3 e sdoo4 euro8 uI
-do eqi tr Surpu qu€€rdrlB e:r 'eit 'eql Pttt '+oo, Eo qar"Er ol poPualur 'I
'8rn0)9 l'sl1,A,
* i ,. , .. , ... ,.
.€JOr{1o : _ .. .:) : }o eortal lnoog rno{ idoF
'ecuoso olqrqsrund tr 8I PuB rrroql EoJ 'E8ulplrnq uo €uErs +nocs oql {TErlo .1.
.aarl eql
eq+ mIru ?J 'ax8 ro sJIu{ :nof' go {.r"q.1o secatd dlqc ro .Pzelq,' '+eol oq pu8 paoJ
,[tur io 'strc Jo plag ? olul
a rloJJ JaPusM ,{Bu al}}"c s€ '+trsJJO sr s.n11' 'nod ralJ8 uado s41"5 aaEa
oq? Jo uolE€
-t{11,![ pTaTI .ro irooar o1e-rr.rcl
rsoJlla 6q? punorG spooe pue s+ud -1noos io pa'f,otuo sa8alraucl o
sdBqrod pua 'a?ndar p€q olur uo eqt 1os 1ce1Ee'l\I 'punorS Illia.qqt ;o -1rnb eroyeq par{srn8ur'}xo .,fFadord pJl 'uoourallB f,rprnqeg e uo qno uoq.ld
lBqI oag 'nof purqeq sarg
'stnocs }oc sJ.Noo
,,'ure6t dn sgts'iio1 .rnozi ular aq] oJoJ€q $atlloo pu(a oql
I PuIu spsll?q puB s[Ir 'Purla oq1 alolaq soruoo urar oql 'JOWlEaa oug
{qEJI tpuua susour trIs snlq-{r?p ' " . {a91. uoqmrrp oql 'ur0r}. "lerptsr Bale5 -UalaroJ 'Irg,rloru onlrl Stlr^sr{ 's Jo s1€orls pa55B.i oro r{crrpa .,'slr"l 'paqadxo oq. trEur uter pue sputu -q1noe.'$qul ut prPnorrls orB spuel q 'gpua, {piqpou q+re 'r4urs rn l 'Jtad sl ur"f 'Jca[J anol eru s]JJ[qo ;ietp.ea-u eug Jo u5rs r sr srql '1 ralJB q.sld, or$ ur {ueq spnolc- a{{'l -aq,q 'iI. 'raq+?de q8nor u;uorpur
Jo {qEq € puiqrq SuJstr ro 5ur1;os ,z ul.[?IAr 'urtrr flq.eqort so+"orpfi 'tcu.J?srp.{rati JI :uoou oql puno '8trro-q
'prrua }ct,al"5
'ur"J Jo 'raolla{ slud a : Jo utls r Ft +aauns qB I{s ^roll6d .,'Eururem s.JoF€soql sr Sururour aq? 'lr{5y1ap s(ro[-tss
Eurd.olloJ .p_Ixl.. raqltro.tusr plnoqs. . - ..'reqpela ar{l Jo su8ls pcor o4 qqsno ino6$ Ara^g,, 's,{es qnocg }
'8urtr +l .ueqltr.qtsoo a lnoq?r$ erP 'Jorl+8+r[ €qg !.I +t uoqlA +1aoo r} 8ur.[r.rt €E8rs reqltsae Jo e5pelrou:l
o|.ers oqJA
'uado oqI ur +uods
Jlar0. Jo. l6our lB€,lladxa sr +8q+ Jaq llrqqu aou{ o+ snolxut sa'em1e alt
'woo-sltl dilHtvall
'[irIQ :lsfn0l$,e{}
,.-ii..":.. : : 1 ,,-1. i1 '
,j\.,,... t': ;: !:'
The Scouts' Owr.
Most Scout axes shen purcha-< a ternporary wedge holding on tI
Mony trtops are in
of a
field be, hut fear
with their ates lor wani of
n'ill be
has been takcn olt. The short and lon[; constitute the dot and dash of tha rlate or rod' While this is going on the two Lizzes Morse svstdm. iriters should run out the cable, hanging it The ibovo telesraoh is in use in many
ftoops,.,end is cap*abli qf EirS frtted up a4d a me,ssago 6ent over rt l0 0 mmutB&
cof,Nel6 c
to s Ley at eo"h sdd, and
$raphidt" iu"i rrp the various ingtruments and tho carth
over €opvolri€At 'branches of tr6es] I{bop all is ip ofder the cable or'aig'lino
whereby they oould Put on the &xo perEtaneatly.
the telegraph is nou'ready. As to tho instruments used, ths Morse keyi the orpense of fittirig up one. A simple and is a specid inoxpilnsive ole is easily rigged up, and will are just ihe usual pdttern-there givq results equol to ths more expcnsive ono for Scouts calletl the *' E$tro"-aqd thg ones. Ths work of frtting up the field.tele- buzzers (or soundors) are the electromagr-re{o grapb should bo given to those who have taken from the ordinary electric bells. Tho possed electrician's test, and the telegraphists ba.tteries (tt'o at each stotion) aro pocket rhould be formed into a field telegraph patrol. lamp refills cf the flat type. The earth rod 'Ihe patrol ie divided into trvo sta{,ions (1 aitt shoirld be of iron, and rvell connestod to th€ 2), and 6ach sbation has a telegraphist, rvho wir6 running from tho battery and buzzer. bis charge of the lUorse teiegraph ke;; Push it welf into the ground to ensuro good a batteiy mair, .ilio has chargo of the battery earth confact. It 1rcu study the diagram you will eee thet and the earth plate or rod; and a writerdowa, who has charge of tho buzzor and cable' wh.en both keys are up that no currentris The,.cabie, buzzorsr. Morse keys, &o., ehould passing, but immediately the key at ctation bo carried in tlo haversacks, and esch S€out 1 (or 2) is depreescil the curreut florvs from ehould bo responiiblo for his,piece of appar- the battery up through the key and alogg the air line, dowu through the other kdy atus, and alwals keep it in working order' IThen-the oomtnand ie given to form and into the buzzer it siation 2. From the etation 1 and'"2"ths telegraphist rvill lay out buzzcr tlre eurrent basses down into tho ear,th his key, and the writerdown his buzzer, and rod, along tho earth to the earth rod at tho battery man will oonnect them rrp iri the etation I, and back again into tho battety. method shorvn in our illustrati'on. The tcle- [he currcnt passing through t]re buzzer,'it wiil essist the battcry man to o:n- " buzz,es" Iiko an elcctric bell when the gong telegteph, others would like to
or later that redge bel
rlips out, and the head flies ofl DeurB it ie Uho usual Practice f' 6t on the head ag:ain, using tl rvedgo, and in a very short tit'a oft again' Some are never dot
A oarpenter has never a.nY kot hammer
to bs
4,x6, and
the head remain fast
lVhen the head is ofr elean out eut, iu tho shaft head, scraPiag
Peopl A
All the
News of
Joke Golumn c
WEEI #-req*'#-:1l*'
S,eldoei SI
eqg 1p
0{0r ::"uflfllltI ruuvH fiq p0pnpu0c uunloc tr8, "cB 'sfl'IaIJuH 'sgluoJ,s ,, . , ''eJnl?[d puB pro^\ ul plro^\ eql Jo t^ileN eLIl IIV C.o. o
.wElairrnof apo.ol"dn lo alduexg ppaegs v
SUEdVdSATN TNOH .,(1qgnb 1o esqadxa oq? 1€ ua^r8 or? pue 'oxe oq+'Jo ql8uoJ?s eql ruorJ o{ts} se.I?xe €€'oq1 se 'popro,ru dq ppor{s s8urql f;essecauun roqlo Pu? lFtulod.."lcld 's.ra1I1 1cu1 q1lr$ aEoq? gt{l $ pcoq ox? Jo {uroJ qsoq €q.], 'u.&oqE ouo '{tsarq o} .iqn11 {i s{sru PulB ed.{1 lensn l.uo{tal Xpo ppom l}"tls Jo 'poo'n poo8 sq+'s+ uI eSpear sso:o € 6l1rp oJ .f,11euo4docre Io sI l1eqs .rnof ssalun os op d+ no{ iol olqesl^pe tou sr 1l lnq 'arncas olou p"aq oq+ o{stu ol ur oarrP euos qc:qs -'a8pan
!o) 9laN
, s"lnurln q ul 1I .10.ro lu pue dn palg 8o1"q Io elqedta sr trurw ui es-n ui sr qdu$eP1 .e rql Jo qssp puE xoP oql alnlll fiuo1 pue NroIIs oqJ, '#o uo{" tgoE eqg uoqal 1oq ,Irlcola uB e 'rozznq eql qSnorql Sursszd 9l ..(ralleq 6ql otm ure8a 4ceq Pu l8 Por qlr?a oql ol qlrtsa ol{l qH€a eql
o?ul urtop sasslq ?uorrn uor+trls 1R Jazznq
oql ttrors 'a d.p1
raqlo oql q8norql uaoP
6to1e pue f,a{ oql qEno.rqt dn
sarog iuo.r.rnc
uorlols qB f,e4 ar11 {ialtsIPeturm
sI. tueJJnc ou q"q? dn ele sf,a>1 10q1 oas grar nof' urur8erp eq1 f,p
poo8 e.rnsua o1 puno.t.E oq? olur :.razznq pun {ra}leq oqt ruol; E EtI+
fe,ne Eurdarcs 'ptari 1;eris oql eq1 lno u"olo go
s.r pBeq or{q uaq.{! sa\QlIoJ E"
-: sr gJeo.( ro] lsc} ln"luar psoq oql o{Elu ry} qdope eq poqlom eql Pue 'gx? ro raullrrBr[ slq qtar e1qno.r1 f,ut loaou 6sr{ raluedrto y /r.Jo
c4 popauuoc IIo4r pu? 'uo.rl
por r{1r€e egtr, 'odf,1 lBE eql }o
laqcod e.m (uollals qcBa
eqJ 'sltaq cFl;ala fJuurPro oql qod8?ulor?cola 3q1 erE (s.roPunos ,r.; et{g PaIIsc slnl
eqq pu€-..orls$
eJorll-uJollld l"nsn esiolq oql 'Posn Euorunr?sur
proods a 6r
'fPeer lrou sr q pue ip.go qcea +e f,er1 t o1 Peloat
ts eo€rl,nl.tl noI mt.r.Butp .p€sq.Iools"11 aIIlT_ $*+.
-qno llrl.li,e€leF4 rllJ q1I^r Pu? 'lsEI e8pa,!r eqt sesnec onl8 1o Surquoc ulq4 oq? PUB e8po.u sq+ So tnc no{ qJlqe srouroo oq; oq? .--.--PBS![. ojxf otfl q+Ia qsng poo$' So ,a?s ooq+ '816s €nl8 eql lllun eptse {e1 - 'oootd 81r ur uaop PBaq oxe ar{l drnl o1 qiourt', feuorsrcro uB lleqs eql Jo pua o?
e8pes ?+nq oql buiiffi '.la,ntueq e qtIA. euoq sql o.rrrc 'lols oq| o1u1 15 qnd pue enlE eql taql
Jo pesq oql
*u o,t*t?*T;X;fr
"" otur o8pa^r oql dlp 'Pueq qJBqs eq+ Jo lols {s,u s Suulotr{ Jo luBtd roJ Boxe .rloqf q1}-4il go ei{t olul' enif lorl oll}Il t unE ;o.8 lllAr 1r se Suilo{uq euop ro^au el€ eluos 'ure3e pus 'aEPa'$' JeJ RB Uo 1I JAutrrEq pu" 1J3qB ar{} uo pf,aq sr PBaI{ 6q1 eIIIll lloqs {'rel € ul plo oruts eq1 Eursn 'ute8t paaq etn uo 19 eq+ lnd ueql 1 anl8 ung ouos o{eur lxaN lsr$l 01 EnoJS ro1 elrlcerd I"nsn eqll s.r lI tlntro l€ql uaqJvygo s'olg P€eq €q+ pnt lno sdqr '.{rorls Jo
e 1r elr8 ol Re os srauJoc oq3 Jo o.ta? Jo lnc pue '(ruz:5tslp ees) euo plo oq? u"ql raErBI e{uu pue poorrd prBq- Jo a8poaa " put.enl3 Jo sooatd plo o:l"I 'poos
'{a€[s sa[Iloo,oq o8paj| ?€ql ral"l ro rouoo6 pue 'ptaq eq1 uo EurPlor{ eSpeH f,re.rodmel o fluo ereq peseqclnd uoq$ saxu lnocs fsol4l
'wet{J IcvHS OJ. A\OH ONV SAXV Inors 'Eao
,i-. !
Thc Scouts'Osn.
Bugle 9alls (9ontlnl @
6. WA3
wed!8 fo! Ptrdc! Ifr
To enjoy campiug out, freltl-daye, &o., Sooutc should know the bugle calls, so that -prondly whea thoy hcar them. He is a poor boy wbo does not kaow they may :6e1 tho " dianer<all" a,lrd the " fall-in," but there aro other calls which are more important.
It is aot rteoesary to poseess a bugle to enable you 'to iearn the calls; play tl-rem over.-g* lhe-piano, ot whisttre thom un-hil you know every bne oil by hearL . ,. Thn cqll5 gii,en here are'l,hose necâ&#x201A;Źssari lo pass the bugler ba'dge of prrcficiency,
w<irtlitrg under oaoh call
you iu romepbering
Ey -,ry - +filtg'! doDa
clearly name or etplain tho ca1l, and-wil}"aid
ur,rk-Ecerrl ln
A lt
Srmisrounrllng,wh4t'rup Bott trlro or ight,
!or? Itr-to
togsand ofi
'em boys
! Ord'ly Cor-p'ralshos
Qrrt. ts,
ttrc L*"1
I,ct 'cm go ! At
oa &
' gain-Baise your el'bows
# :l^ar
Or-ders, Come for Ordcrs; Now be sha4r, hurry up ! Come for0rdcrsryoq
gDeat r
Go for tLo n'tioag (H
9, MEN E
kaow !.Bgcorlsirwaitiug
of the d8y.=!o lor the Ordem -
let'tm haY:tlo. Buf!t
emoq- ooc
eql ol emoc ls,toq koop oslloq'loos eql ol euot
'(rpo ssl) UENNIc s,Ngrll '6 tPlcq,, ,Io
pE?qtaurpuBprelg. eT4S
aotr's.rap.r6,ro3 etnog
do .&r.rnq
'sNol,lvtr'8 do purls
nol eeg \Purr Pur lear!
ut Ilcit
PIIB Elroq-Ie rno
Illc eqt s.llqI|
'NI TTV,fl 'l .sloEt r
eqBu c+
-o6ltr tiloq IE 'rrl 'JmO .ol
ee go puusEol
iITyo EE,f,EVgb I lol 8q-ullltr'rtoq-ut. firq frltoq-ul.JlrE,,{rV
ottf EI pseE-$lE
eq1 ro euopsrqqf'&'AE
t*eqt tm .'ist!
pTe.Iila_.pur 'lIE3 oql u.r"[d!
'ioualjgo.io Io aapâ&#x201A;¬q ral8nq
'qr?Jrl dq go euo uiaql .de1d :sli?c otl+ ur?ai 0
c t{q! Dlooqla?|llqt'tlEur'5tr48'euoP
lol rt,e{q?,rql
flqfr, Pwoc63ltoqoroqterJ3q
-rrrl eJorn eJ? qciq.da sII?o !aoE{ qoq saop oq,[ doq rood trzq1 oe 'sgrc elEnq oq+ aouT
't E!'IIIE trEm Dootq tel ol mcllt req1.rnoq.u6-lJstl l.lJ l.Fltr
'gcvuva uo,tr oNrlrEv.& 9
, r(penutruoo) sllpa ?IEBg l[xo .5frE clll i'.-:dG:'*t)
ftc tcctisr'0*r.'
Bugle @alls (gontlnued).
DRILL lo. MEN'S DINNEfi, (2nd
'AI6oE€fr dri! ilocr rot fora Pr training os fora o{ &ill ia n to euablo a Soutmader to Dtrch b through the etreets. Tboope ritl 15i pr Scouts 6od diEorlty in marehirg io Boout'e
Ifcts'6D upl
rnation; it givee them a !ong, straggly ana, and oeaar boldiog uP ttre tra$o
'.8 dpl
.tr16t 'dH up!
,o . tt . tall'
It is not D€offiflT lor Sooubrdc
evar, to be convtanilv drilling tLeir
Sout raYt ir tir tr
-4s tha.C,hief.
t'Our aim Colaer
thot t
Why dil
to mate tckrocris:a
imitation eoldiem-" For tibpco w}o rant pl'eot-v
dsl . ty?
Nor ilon't yon
Get out
ln6 I€ . frll . lc i
Oot out,Dowrhrnr,torthaalry'sbo-gun I
LASt pogr.
d drill I
other boys' otgadsa'tiotr:t rLiA re-Fc point ol drill. Tha,t tbere fu r nad for ac dr{
deut by ths nrrabor of
rlostrow their indiridualit;, acd bl:
lol 6ood
tionc whic,b adoPt d &ill tn mc othcr. Ihe Birmingbro aad Di*rid
t,bt I the merit of behg rim
tion od Boy
Soou,te havo adopa€d
drill, whioh
jurt what h requiredRegulatloa Drlll.
fatt Ir^+Poim daublc ranl' o tlr twb senilor Potrol leade+ ir oPe
vii., about four feet ini;eral t'et-rr
a,ntl rear
Scouts shoald bc t
eacfi om rii wards ttlo'flank indicated ridr s of tho head. He must carr-v hir bo wards or forward Eit'h th€ l€ei D
Drcuing.-lr, dreming,
his drealsing rdth shart, qui(* d€: out bend:ng the trdY bacboerd **a- *trou-t?ers to bo PerfecrlY e the iioni. Eaoh should be ab;e t{
iower portion oI his ner! b'rt
rade's fa(e Eyed
flroat.-Wbea tlbe ladrlctor b
that both ralka ore io truc liuc' mand maY be grveo, " EYe Frnsl
lumbarlng.--Tt* numberrilg: rill
front taaf I coll out in eucoeesion, the rear ra inc gilsnt. but taking tieir numb
' from tlp rig:ht; th-o boys
iormation of
ihrnediately in front oI
Fours," the greo aumbers only ranke will ta,ko one Pace to the r tho left foot, and one lnae to t wiih the ris'ht foot, tie odd rur both rauJrs etaadioe
ort I
6rE lld da(
q tulaq P,trrq uur 1q8t.r qlla eq+ Jo +usfra-pnJ oqi cvr p*nouotr f,l1rtrurg turq*rd pua 'prrcr{ +tBJ-r aqt qll^{ rrluoc oql ur Eraql Surdsert-.{q ,.'sar"?S ropJo,,
'{PB€ts Pr€ Erg ;lnPEgP €tlutJ qloq p staqrunu ppo eqi '?@I 1q5g eq4 q1l]14 lri8.rr Bi{? q-€oud ouo pu? 4looJ +Jol eqq qlrla raor eryl ol €oeg euo e:IBl Jlr.ra s{u1ar Xluo s:eqtunu tBAe eql
rq? urorJ euop eq plaoqs*'troow $taeard rrrJod,,Io'PBBEuioc et4 uO*'sJnoE to.,'srnod unUBuJo! 'uraqt ,o luNI ul (ieqtrparuull s,{oq oqr tqElr .,t pmq 1q8r.t Suroo* fpr"u,, :!f,f, unor] er€qmu rraq4 Surqq lnq 'tuor.r8 tul eql ruorJ ?oo] euo lnoqo pu?q ?la[ aql qlr!tr -ilba1 quer r€ar er{q 'uo!8se@na q gno IIso gr Smds?.r8 'p{Bq ?I{5rJ og} qle J.,3pEol{s tfi el{f uo q)as}. et$ l't PD€Jd a([ "zulfrii e{oq {u?r luqrr.oqq llqEF eql utor} tuolloq oal m ouop eq PlnoqEi-'8r4o?g aqols efleurtroo IIA Aql.Iaqumll .14&*'auv'qun& urJt EpIr ${ru oq f,€u, prsBrrl luolxa sfg ?q Io IF, ,, 'uoa!,8 .."1rror8 uleqf 5qt.{"ro .ar+ueo eql III ltroql Eur rH,oq l"ql lql -Eoo eq? ourl snrl sl erlo s{E"r ueqlt-'rzori eattg qg
,,keAte6 rep{O,, ou,'t woti-'ltctl,
.,'so^r18 rapro ,, ;o uoqrsd
n ropl]rloq oql
"*)€l s.oP8r tcarrco e[B tuloq luauorour r?]1"1 oq] 'opP -uloo ouo $q lxou slt{ Jo t oluod Jasot It{rlr olui f,1a{o1o qqSno.rq turaq sertls aqt eq3 aos ol alqe aq plnoqs qo"g 'luoll aqq 5uu/lc 1r€dc 6ao? pu" perclJ slaaq 'dn c4'ernnbs firca-irad sq s] €raplnoqs 'Pr€& ^iutus mna qnoog:i eq4 ..luaiY,, 'puijuruoc 'utJa"M_Yq lq'Ir Jo- -io; .ro prrir:1liBq Jpoq al{l SLTpuoq lno luvlxa IInJ ol €Jluao ortl ut 6a^p1s oql Eurdsit -g,+rr.. 'sda?s irrnb $oqs {3:.^ ,oo"*rn *, putq 1t13t.t 'odt lti3lr 6q? I{qre l;^}[ Pua uol]f,q c4 Suaorn qlaal oq+ qllu Pr"{roJ ro sPJ"id -{c"q f,poq sR{.Crr?c ?snrlr sII 'p8aq eqX }o WIrtr ptor{ eq plnow daqt so.r€tq Wr^l uoq-\\ '{r"q oql pulriaq Pu[li un4 lrstrs q1r.{ PlsJrPur {uBg- sql spl€a
ttr.orJ sucul uol -?n_oq? t,+a 'rooJ qqAg oqlrllr^\ "zl-r'uorllql asBa Fo fDuJLvr ?doJ lial Dq1 18 pu81s llrr$ ?noos qoua ur Eu111t} u1
'slJsrred lBJeaeD
qrorbXqd roJ f f,oq
8ur3uu:t io poqleur
lldu4r lraa r FPI^old
rc!'}?ul.roJ .)^oq"
6p"ul eq uaryl {r&u,
JI srnt fl{8F-[1aII s- ro U€I-I[Brl Y \)rout rcor eq+ c4 eoetl ouo {rr"J JBar eql Jo pp? 'pto,trol luoJJ eql q eo"d
an(, {u€r suor, Jo tJcqIDnE veta-'|no urao ('rutB do.rP) ,,gro.rg sof,g ,, 'JqpIndF s,f,oq ?:rou et{t lpno1l +sn"( ulc oq IJIEn €aoBd epls oIRl P8! 'iErB lJoI & CqEIr clq o6IBr Ilra 'c4 a8lu DsEo e{n ., {aq U"I n) lq8.u 4dorro '?nocs goae ..'puqrE,, 'p@€uIJIoo orll uo-'pDrzfl :
padn eq pproqs
porJnbar 8I l?^rolu! ro or"ds eraqrlt 'sl/ftFlEtq Pa, aolrll"dtsoC rod
.PI ottl
-o0 ltool
flf *" qree '8urs6rp
'ozls ry| SuJPloo?" paBuBrJ'B oq ppoqs s'lno€ 'ltu"x J?ar pus ?uor} uaoalaq I"AJelq laa, rno] lnoq" ''zllr 'repro uado m 'emPu9[ 1ot1td roluas q,A1 eq0 so tmr elqtroP t!ilo4-:!rJ ll"
,o rIel
TIqO oorte@Eed
pr€ 'eldtlIrs
Tarlnbor rt +sqla 1snt ;o llnalu €q4 .lu,C CoICA '[FP
So1.o.o11oJ eq1 po$ogo oalq e$oo$. &8 ,o uoP -epoorg pFlrl6 pao unqSuruurfi otl; 'req+o ro uuo, oqtos rq 111ry po1dopl t1oFl,+ ouoF ,rPG'i lEoog lfpol 10 requn+ e$ &. lTP ?e q uFp oru(r roJ P€eu r q erow 4a.1Ll
I unE-eqs.I!p 9qg
'llEP Jo tutod
o{BE qorqr suoq"eEr"Ero .s[oq rol$o
" orB eroql
fpeld 1u"$ oqa ffitn ro[
r.'arelPios u{f,ril+rt4
q{tlll C'I 6J !'d18 rno,, 'uroqt Jo uaurEpoo4l{aaq u.r e.{€8 tn@8 JsfqC'bql sy .4"oi1atq flq
pu"q.r1"r io 1q5F aluarxxa frX'fri: dla1 qsnu slnolg lDrg su€alu sIqJ 'lio.\L ro 'lt{fy er{1 rq 'Jc eq tsnur '+;+1 eq,r
^q {J!nO,, 'Purutuoo urxlrpp" 3ti'l ,,'qor?trtr er{t'lalJB uoql!?urJo] .dtr" ul qaJ€ul uo rrul 4*ra-1lrrD14 qtmfr l?ta'I rol lllo!2l rno tr n8 'd6orl W!€ Jo prlo oqq la
.q rno,
eq PInoW ar€C
oq4 elunlq pue 'd1rp'npllr'pl4 llaq+ sdorlsop €{ cvl 'rbre 11':"lrroog rl6q0 SqltFp dltu€?auoo
-!aoq trsl,Gla@lnoos roJ &sffio,au,
loar9s 18 oIFBrl
e$ dn
.Eurploq snB€u PuG 'eoue eer15 11 luo-rqearr
-rtadds ftS.E*J?s '5uoJ e urpq4
-ro; 1*qeo ur 5ur{,}tslu uJ XlpoEtp PUS:$oog
llollt oslltsrd
plnorls BdoorJ 'looJ lJel oql Iflra o"Jad ipp r pur 'po{ lqEF eql qtrra r"er 3ql €r} oo,id euo
araqrunu ua^o aln ss€o slq'l
uI anoqu'peurnl o.rt tdm4 ilaqar 'zu -rp6uegc c.rt €{8er'uaq,e Bmo, ,o lroJl"tErod
mi i,r osr ,hI^ sdm{I 'qear+e eqq q8norqt a*"q ttq r ne(.E o1 J?lssurlnoos 3 elq8sg ol f,ressaaeu q mrp Jo EroJ e@ EUJ[Ja'4 3.lnoog s Jo qJ3d illriy roc F? [!tP +anqmfV,
, srno3s dOC 'I-IIdo
ruao .slnors-aq.L
Tho Sco.rtst Own l,
' , The Alarm Race.
game orn be pla,yed by a wholo troop. The Scoutmaster wfl post e Soortt at each of tho following places-firo statron, pclice station, and ambulance station-and each Soout will lre aupplied with a number of cards eigned by tho
nlaced br its nlaver on aav other loue,r€ oD iho boa..l rhai il the colour ohocea by tho p.la1-or
of the
The despatrh runner caB Dovc both .ba.ck watd or forn'ard. but the Scoutc ci. moio for-
v;ard onlv.
m6r"s are made as in draughts, diagon. -Ilhothe allv. Scouts moving first. 1 plarer of tho Srouts should keep them The Th,e Sooutmaster nos roturns to his hoad- in a st.raighb line a.s much as noesible, makinc quarto-rs-.o-f C]utrroom, and when all are in lhcir morlerrrenis at that noiit on tho bobrd ins{jruction he suddenly fartlrmt from tho despatch runner, and the ths midst-of some Scoutm'aster-
announces that thcre is a fire next door. Every Scout will immediatel.y mbke for the nearest 6re,. poliec, and ambula,nce Btations. On iiriving there they wiII receive cards from tho Seouts oq duty. Should a S<nut go to a fire ctatron, &e., whero there is no Scout on duty, it ;iH b6 a
sign that ho has not gone
to the
ou[ of their wav
The Scout who arrivcs 6rst at the
quorbers with tho throo oards proving thet he has visited tho different stations wils the :
gune.is an excellent tdst for
of-Tho elual
uill bo prevenfed from breaking throrrglr the ,qcnuts. 'J-ho plarer of the despatch runner must b. ready to slip his man through the ranks of the Scouts. cant,ure somc of tho Scouts, or keep
rlespatch rrrnnor
Get two draught-boards, tea *hito a.ad tet blaok draughtamen. Give you,r chum a board, them on tho sguares
ia aay ptttcrtr
fanoieq and, whsn ready, hs will allor you to Iook at the board for 6ve gecondt. game is. ia rhich Thie aroth€r r rholc trcop The board is then covered up, and :rou murt, cat'ta.kei partr rnd il exoellout practie ia from memory, reproduoo the pattorn o!! your
Ffutt Ald loc All.
First Aid for All.
in . Taho turn abo,nt in placing thc Ec! i! po!i. grorrps rounrl a ficld at equal dirtanoet from hon. game developo your posor to see end -[his oach other; the Scoutmaster, or u.olpiro, stands momorise quickly, in tho cenl ro of tho ffe]d. Edch patroi chooses one of itc own Soouto to A Knot-Tylag Qaao. be .the injured man, and telJs him he has a Each will place his pole against compet,itor brolten leg; or cut an artery, or enything one of tho Club-room walls with five pieces of equally agreeable.
rtatibai hic prtrolr
lVhen the umpire aounda a whistle the thin ropo, each one yard Iong, Iying at the " injured onrx " double to the patrol on their foot of it. AII tho competitors will nor line right, say rvhat hae happened to them, and up ogainst tho oppoeite wall, and when the arg immediately treated lor their particular Scout,master gives tho word "Go!" they will
7G9.'TAelolo' FrEST-.!D Bov Scout's Outit'
An exteiiti'orialil-
r'.eH-fitted outit.
sr:itabii for foatrols, scoutmastets. (= others requiiing a ntore conpleie EE than.No. 7J.0. t'irsr.Aid.
Containsr'Tabloid' Bandagcs ard Aromatic Ammon-ia, for use as " Sndlil4 Salts,':. . '.-l]srofa:i' Carron Oif (solidified),- jaconet, plaster, Irotective skin. camel-hair brush, pins,etcIn'Rex Redor Royal Blue enamelEd
The Memorlsen
6ro white and 6ne black men, IIc
run to l,heir ioles aud tre ttre following-knotr The first petrol who bringu its man to the round tlre po)e -the reef, bowline, eheet bend, umpire, properly treated, eets full marks. haII hiuch, rnd clove hitch. After tho last patrol ha^s &rrived at tho um-. The 6rst Scout to finish will ruu back to the pire they a,ll go back to thei.r places and start wall agair! and, should s whole patrol of again, but no patrol may olooso the aame eight 66 competing, he will call out-"eighL" ir,jury twice. The patrol that gots tho most Tho next to finish will call out " reven,"- and urarks at the end wins80 0n. Tho Scoutmaster now eramines the kaota. and gives two marlrs for earcb knot oorrectlj This gamo is played by two playcrr6 and a.ll tied, and an extra mark if they are tied in thc tihat is reiiuirod is a draugLt-board, four white order given above. Scout to finish first will Eet eisht mtrkr draughtsmen (Soouts), and a black draughk- forThe time, and threo marka for*each-knot tied ma-n (despatch runDer). correctly and in the proper order, the eecond The otrject of the game is to get tho to finish, revon marks for time, and thres depqtch runner through the line of Soouts, nrarks for each knot. ond m on. and the l$qgu-te must do their be5t to prerrourt It is not always the first Scout to fiuish tihat hinr or hold.him up h some oorner. wins tho garne, as bo is too anrious to b,o . -.i The playor'of the Scoufi plaoes his msa on 6rst. . game is arcol,lent prdatioG, and wrll ipur altBrnate squares on the. eide of the board Thls lsar€st:lo I'im,- ard tho despatch rum6r i! Eako you ea erpert qnd geat kuotter.
metaL Measuremerts
: 6*x 3lxZ ir. -b bdt
Price 5lO lVebbing strap for attachiaS
cYcle, ff._ extra.
. .oa No.710,, :TABLoID' PocEl I This handsome little outfit, ttx 4 x 3ft x ! in. and rveighing but a fes constantly carried in tlre pochet or har lVlade for real service, i1 gostains 'Tat and Dressings, 'Vaporole' fu@aLig use as "smelling Salts," 'Bcoiar
(soiidi6ed), court and strapping glas b,rush, safeiy-pi::s, etc.
Scarlet enamelled metal.
.:5' :ij-'lto- q.No1,
:oc s
1 ! s D'N I'o 1 I
nE 1 tI'H
.rBlloE:l l€ed pu? lrbdre uo n
olt g 19y
IFA PUB borpred lEalloors RI eln
€q ol snolrur ool sr eq 6? 'aumg l"$ rts.rug o{ lnoos lsrg oql sfaraalu 1 'uo os puo '1ou1 qcee .r
awoc'I'IaAA sHenouuog
borql pur 'eqp roJ e,Irsul ua-ras
pqoool oq+ '.repro .rado.rd aql ur pua Pep loq qc"e roI 8{r"ur eorql Pu? c{r?ur tq81e ?o3 II}a tsrl} qflug ol ?no(
esltppo pup ewDu elq Pues
'fr1ddnl' iouuoo Talwetlo Peol
q po-rr
i"q1 J,
,.;t*rE; ffi
"r, rpae roJ 6{r?rtr os? s Illcer.roo tou{ qoE{ eql saururate acu Ja}JBurlno}
filfi tt
'Bsluotlo frq ploe em PU'Ptll ,Plolgo!,
11"c flrra qsrug
.,1q8!4,,_lno ll?c IlIe eq 'Eurladwoo rur p 1or1ud elor{6 " pJnoqs 'pu" oql 01 {ceq l1ru IFr qstug o+ lnoos lsJ
'qc?rr{ 6^olc pu€ 'q 'puoq laaqs 'oull*oq 'Jaor oql€lod a slou{ suteolToJ or{.1 en pI,? salod Iaq
stt-Jsuld Jilrcod dro'ravJ,,, '0L 'oN t
1i6- uo-rre3 .'xeJorog, .,'sl1es 3ut11eu5,, sE esn ibl 'zruouruv Srliruorg . a1o:oden, 's8urssa;6 pue eBepueg , Plolclu r sul€luo. l-i'scliras IEar.lo, ep"tr{ '{ceslerreq.ro 1a1ood eW uI pa1Jr"c llllu"lsuoc
11ru {eq1 .,i oC,, pJoa oq1 sartS rals oql uaqa pus 'II"ra elrsoddo oql +s eurl ,r,()u $a sro}laduroc oql ilv '1 eqt'lo 8ur{[ '8uol prsI euo qcua 'o go sacerd e^g qlua sJlsa uroor-qnlC oq lsute8u elod B.rq ecrid IIra Jotrrfod(ror
.esBD Eapq-toax.,v
E lnq Eulq8ren pu" 'ur I x +9 x , eq utc 'saf,uno ^\4, 'lgtno alllli slqJl i(1uo Sulrnst?Iu -?urospuEg ',ON qry-rsur"{ '0
rav3od crorava I ,
pEa €€s ol re.eod "-" *"ol}i'l?"ri .IEod
'enxa'W'a1cdc lfeq o1
Eu1qce11e .ro;
derls Sqqqarlt
O/9 eclrd
'qI Zxf€ x+9 : slsoEorns?eI;4[^* 'IBleur peJlaueue anlg P,(og ro?eg xeg.ul :5fa.surd 'qsn:q ll"q-laru"c 'UITS elll -calord':a1se1d'tauocel'(Peglptlos)
Iro Eo.u€ i''xeJoio€r',' ','sl[€s
?r{ atelduroc
e Eutrtnba.r srailto
;b''sral.eurlnocs lsloile{ J9J ?lq"]lns
dt'teuotldscxa uY Y ''nrno tglno natln-ilet P3]1S-l.lel dlleiroliQ
^oa arv-JsUrd,sroasv.L,'604'oN
eql EulcBF q! tlloqr urn!
rnof, uo u.re11rd eq1 eonporder aqmu noX PtrB 'dn pe.reaoo uerll
'X.rorur Er pr"
'ePuooes oAg IoJ prloq oq ol notr ao1Js IIIA eq 'dpPsr ueqs 'pua
eq urellrd Xur ur se.renbs eq1 eH 'uatu {c"Jq erg pu" el r nrnqc rrro.( ell5 'uaruslqEns ssl 'sp.r?oq-?q8n"rp o ro@Id 'pruoq
Puts t1-rqla
reslJorsew eql '
o'1 ro; ld€l ruoflacx"
;a':ss-Blau "r ;t dcu rraq daal Jo 'Enoas €ql JU uuros 6rnlLi"J eql ,o s{u"r eq1 qSnorqr u"ur sIq dlls cq ?suur rguunr q4Edsrp aq'l Jo rrr-cl 'slnoJs e'q? r[5
.{"aJq urorJ palua.re.rd s(l llt.r\ Jeurnr.( [{4"dsdp rtll tuor}
efl pua 'rsutru
Prqoq oql uo luroti +Eti'l l? s+uJll!d.\ 5u!1du 'bglseod w q.>nur sB eurl lq5r'
uiry+ dae4 plnoqs 6-lnois stll Jo rJie
'|Sly .!ur^ou slnoJs u-r sB
oPuu are sa.lol
.ro, eaour sluoos ,nq 'prr*ro" .{ceq'q?oq'r"c JaUuru q.Y}"dsa oao[r. usc"q,
sq a:oJo.laql
ur puu IIBr]
..slnors eq1
.ql 4q _qosqo rn9loo eql !l 1eq1 p g<i errnbr rergo Iue uo re.duitl s1r i
3u111eru5,,. sE 3sn Jo] :E!-uoiuurv crlerirory" .elorodzn,'bEursssrq
'3Je (sEuIsseJP 'saEzPueq
pue sa8zpueg , plolq"L 'su!"luoJ '?l\ars.rt:{ o r:Z'os uEq t -alotu
(lzau asaq] Jo auo ,o slslno alg?ell^Jas ioN fnoq4rn pbddrnba llaieidtuor sI ]no)s
.lElno s,]no3s
'puEq s pual
uo uadd?q IIIA stuaPlslv
sLnocs i'o8 't oc
flI,ttf,S[I,{,"*".SiOTEY J,. ," , l,::.'
i{,., ,
.t !t#; ::,'#. ".*r "
-' '"1 ;.;.-
1:1,i..:,-,t:r :i r.: rjl,-t:
Thc Scouts'Owa.
AirI 6uide Uaifora. Giri Guid* should avcid imitatirg
uniform. The c.orrect u-riJo: Drrk blue blouse, witL tso bra$
fi{E $opUt Nfovement eame into exiScnbe..rrani..girls were attraotd to it, aad about 6000 registcrod themselves without a.ry enoodragement ad '1 Boy Soouts," and took up ihe rvorli and ga.meg Ef the boys. It was tfie ne0miiy of looking a,fter thoae " Girl S.couts 'n that proaptcd the formetion of Whcqt Ele.
the Girl Guirlcs.
and !:ut:oned. $liirt, Cark blue, with tro patch Ir \xkerchief cf pale sky blue. $aiior hat, rith G.G. stamped in gi
noremesrt Any c.rse ol
Leather belt, with suitabie bu:!e.
must be at onoo reportod to the $eqretaft at Headquarters. (6) Poriodi"al meetingr ehould be 'hdd. A sui:abic quorum frould be arraqgod acodtd' in; to local oonditir:ns. (7)
IIaiemck, rhite, sith red cre.s o: Sboulder knot oI tlre patrol eclcu: left
Stictoher siing. GauntJcts.
Iladges on the left
If local bye-laws ate adopted t*c op,ia rnu.t bb scnt to Ileadquarterg,/thd on6 for 6ling, thc other for s'pprov&l aad teLurn
Tire Cflqf Sco:t, with his usual happiness,
t€loct6d the title, " Guido," beo.use, when cons,idered ip tlreir trueet Eense, rvom€n should bc Clulde Law. lhe parl,nere, conl:ades. and " guides" of men. Iho B.-P. Guids Ldri.and tho Guide'g Pro. Wi6h the Boy Soouts at the boginning, scout' miso are-with a fewruiuoq alboratiou+-thg ing was taken up to a greot extent by tls boye samo a6 tho Scout Law. ". -' .' therriseh-ee, thev formerl patrols and oarried What Auldes thd art. on scoutirrg praotioos, and then approarhed GirI Guides'aie aot Scouts, thorgh t^hey romo gent'leman to aci as their Smubm;rstcr. 'a f,hen tho Scoutmaslers working in the same may ldarn littlo'&f what Boy $ooul* leu"n. The two mbvemenis aro run eeparatoly, the ilistrict got tngethor and formed o C;ommittec. Guicles being ofrbered '€ntir€ly by ladies. Dut rho rovor* prooedr:ro mus! be carried Those girls rvhq wero in.,tho Soy Scotlt rnoveoot in tha case of ihe Girl Guidee, the Com- nrent have roturned ilre Boy Scout badgea, mitteo of ladian lp,terested ilr the work s,hould and arc norv tlirl Guides. Girl Scouts do not I lird b6'fom16d, and from theeo, or b5 thcse, exist. Thc duties of the Girl'Guides vi[ be to a Guide Officers should bq elccted.
' 6lrl
Dulles,ol Local Coaaittea. , The dut/ie8 of suoh a Oommittee a,ro as follows
(1) To nooina.te BEita{bl€ pereons to aot as Cs,F - r, t&in$, and r'soturmerd them to tlte Girl
Guide Headq,rarterr fol Miss
Powel}'c Warraat. (81
ccltain excut airrrilar to the lJov Soout-thal is (ltridcs ryilt do " good turns,'r learn health giring games. and oe eligible for the special rnerir badges, urerit badces, shouldcr cords, and medals fot
To registsr all Captaino, Oomprnieo,
and Patrols in the disUrict. No C'eptain, Compa,ny. or Patrol qh,all bo recnognised'which is aot r,egistered.
19;-To gorle,ra,lly sr.rpervise, and enoouroge the -. mbvetaent in the district with tho least poseible amcnxrt of ilterferoroe with thrj inde. ,- pcndenos and ioitiativc of ihe Oomponice and Potrots'
are more The-ir first and second-class tests aL
--J they will the boy's, and -:ll " maidenlv" than ihe
ln cooKrn8 cookin6;, ambulance cookinb, rpecialisq"in EIFCralIsq
pital tal and nom€ train home trarnrng.
Guides will c"orisist of {1) Caota:ns and Lbutenantt, (Z) Pairot Leoders and Cbrporalc. (5) Girl Guideir, eight to a patrol. Every patrol of Guides takds the name of somo flower, and o conventional sign of l^he flouer is sewn or worked on the patrol flag.
Nalrei of Patrnls,
The following are examples of tho patrol nrmes and the colours for the shoulder krots,
The Cornflowers.' Blue. Tho White Rose. 'White and sre€n. gra,nting all the Fuchsias. Crimson anil blue of the for iql' f" U rcsrnasirrle .Dach Guitle badgee and s.winds in its district' Guide must be able to deseribe tht ,'gbirticatiprrs fr:! th€6€ 6,ha.ll be made by d,ctails'of the flower f rom nature etudv Doinl -; 'tlls IIon- Sec,rot:,ry, to whom a,Ione tley of vierv, and must,be ablo.to draw its ou[,line. irl and
rre .Guide. will be issued by lleadquarter:. in niany towns and villages thtoughout tho join, or to (5) I'he Local Assooigtion hcs.tJic power to Enrpire. Any r€ader who rvistres to know the address of the nearest csmDenv to euspend ary Gaptain or Lieutena.nt, pr to her horuc should appty at thc 'Seiret-ar.y, . witlih'brd recognition Irom any Company Girl Guirles. 116 Victorla Street, Weitmiistei, i,., s.;1516,.ir* ar€&; for grave dertliction of l,ondon;-S.W.; theu she ril rcceive a]l iriguty or fqq dis,loJalty to tl{,tules'sf tlre formatior+ .
Unlform fot Offlcen-
.Captain or Licutcnant.-Ordirar-v lralhing dress. with dark L'lue ill: t'ith cock plumeo on the lelt-hand sid PatioL Leader.-Same as the Guid two white stripes on the left sleeveCorporal.-Ditto, witlr one white r
I left-sleeie. It is not nece{sary t6 buY tle off lor-.- Girls should malie &eit grrl
s6s!€al ew t6et bq{ 01 Eurp:or}h i;f}l;q arll p.rtr.llt III.u -orlA .ei11rtuuo3 Ip)irl rr!l o1 ,{lrltle iils ^u€dul.}o roq jo utelcto; dlil 'JEpPCl duE r(,J uorlanjlsill ,o-osJnoo Joq latalduoc 6eq aplno ? r{JV '.(1I["Jo[ oII'l roJ er']lIuluoJ .saprnD [Jrc eql qSnorq] panssl 6luo Jra aanpBfl
-qns eilxa cqt ;o uo,l,Iacra eqt qll,* 's#.1'11 .(cuarrgo:d aql Ilu rIIBB orl$ siplnn es:oq'l c4 ua.rrB sl ..qslg Jr.llIS,, eril Jo Jrplo otlJ ,'pJcc rapJnogs
arll rr.]t1 01 Pillrirr,, sr sJEnuq iu\; s1l3oi:jns
triroJltttf uteo floql blem pproqs slrlp utrol -lun lelclgo oEl 6nq 01 xrdsi?cau 1ou s! 1I 'orioals-qJ3I
so sd*1s allqra euo q?I^{ 'o11Jc-'[Brodro3 'oaodls Ua[ oW uo saduls allq^{ o'lll q?rrict€opmo oql su ourcS-'roPual IoJlaJ 'oprs puBq-lral aql uo saunld ncoc qll'l\
'pq euritlg enlq >pep qtra 'ssoip SurIltA trlnnoo drturpro-'1uEtro?norT Jo ulqdDC
-h [[a o^roccl Hr.rl arlg nag.\\ ''lUS'ralsqltul!a1,\ 'laar'ls 9II 'sJf plnurls rr ',truJauca$. or[] ?E "potrrA o1 f,uBduG) +saJ?au ^[ddB oqi ;o ssaippz Dl
ro'uro[ s]
oqa JapBa{
^uV eq1 lnoq8no*t1l s€E"llr^ puB su^^o}
oril saru"dmoC pu" 8ae1?ruruoJ .oprn 'oul[nq sll aBrp o].olqB oq lsnu pu" lurod Apn18 oJnlau uorJ Joeog arJ,l lq,l oqrrcsep q alq€ aq lsnul sprnc 'sBrsrJc
.oEc/U strr{
'sleuled to se,,JaN
qsrsuoc Ilr.1\
_Io ouoq 'rurur"J]
.soq 'Iroil, sualnqru" iliurlboc uiri 1pu f,aql puB 'B,,toq eq1 uaql ,,f,1u 9JOIU
Esa+ ssrlc-puoaas PUB ?slg
roJ sl'pom pu. 'sproa ,oppoq, '*;'fi prrcads aqr JoJ elqr8rTo aC puz 'sautt.i q'llllaq ursal ,.'surnl PooS,, op [[IA s
IBl{l-lnoos f,ofl eIIl o+ rErulls lurxr oq firll. *)pmc .Irlc oql Jo sorln
I ol
si'.I ) ]!.r:ll
t ')Ii5rI
OnJq Put, uosurrC 'uadr.ts pua qrq-U. .ENIfl
.srer!$a Jo! uJo!{uo
a'cuarcqorrl uu.!JS suIrS oti ',r Jlrnn
's1ou4 tePpoqB aql ro} srnoloo oql p p.r1rd et11 1o saldruexa e,re 8uraro11c
'JaIlBi:EtB':aattu.ri'.t'r]r.l{1.1,'ll:I',{.rlllItlI$s 'lsrqdtrEolar 'Fi r.tpInll '']"t t.(ll '.lslJ()il '{.lJl.) 'giunera{pa;u lrlutJi.lJaIJ'l$1;Irui-\ii'lirrtl tl:l
'uBIJtsnu 'Js.lnit t/ '.1 i I:iu ',jll I i., ');ooJ 'esinfu leqrdsorl'lsln.r:iif,:i'''L:r':ilrri:'|{V _ :,,,.:lrIo .i.)ti.lt,:!J
'Stg lorlrd eql uo pa{ro^r "ro ua\as or{l Jo uir6 l?uorlue^uoc I pue 'Jo^r ,o eu€u arn-sq{Rl saprng 1o lorpd 'io.r1ed e €rl +q8la 'sapln0 IrrC 'eierodro3 pu" sraptaT Iorlud 'YlusuolosT puz. su:e1drn
-ord 8uI$o'J"r otli io {urr.ro;:,'.t1 ttc,r nils isrf
sm[o']sJg JJI{ prssf,d sttl 'r| tl') I:r'.) t 'saEPag r':3na!)!JCrd
'p., rini,rr 1r llesraq ,tq pirrlcJl 'loo: r: i 'tii u rrr .'ut.rg (t) : 'aT 'suu! lEls .lrtor1rl, lot '.1'; ',,lr1utl 'aauelnqure (rt{l Jo sliro(lu't.I.,:l \\ rt',u}l (Q) : s.IOllsl.\ oi .'p:tri \u i,in ili JIq:l eq puB 'rtr1r[ 'rqt i', .ito1rt:1 ',il] .surl]l I9)
jSuis'rnu o[.tftr:,r -\ou1 (t) iBll(l!oll I Srrriepuxq Prr-1s.19 .irliuls ,trou\I {9) . :risrp oldtrtt"- 8 :i(\c.) (Z) . . I lu,Bfi s,Surras arTl ur Surliriis .itlo .r-\uli (I) IrIS B aplnC sij8[i)-'.tsJlJ ? ol!:oJ3q otr fs11ul
,,'parer{arrl ir.i[
ql!!a '[olar; +.3prg-'rp:rlil
loE oP slnocs IJrD 'saprnc lrrg aou 'ss8p?q lnoos fog 6ql pgurnlor er -a.\ol[ {nsJS f,ofi eql ul orau. dqA s1:t .sa1pq f,q f,prrlua poroo*o Euroq Eq+ 'qolsredas unt 6ra slIeu4a4our 'uraol $noos f,og lrqlr J9. slllrl u. ur
:iiJ;'""'i,tl ili
{aq} qimqq 'Enocs +ou
i saprilil i il:J arir aql Jo a.3pll-sou{ o[l+ ui s;:..r1 s::6 (1) lsnur l(-oJ
ero. soplna
'lre sepuo ?q, ,eqful
.ar€T lnoJs eql
. '
bql--€uoqtrIelle ioulltr /!\oI q1lA-a " 'd-'{ sql pEB +r1 €PInS
c opln3 sselJ'iluooas s auoaJq cJ
ll.rl uo lroJaiJl---oSpE[J- oplnC ssrl-l prosos 'q.)::1[ o.\ol.) i]uu 'Pl:il 4aills 'JoaU : slc/url .'ot.*o11o; i,ql .'!I {l) . ptI€ ::IiBf ucrun illll 1o urrlrroclaro; aq.1, 17) :s.)prh3 i.rl3 aq1 ;o ne1 aql (1) Alou{ lsnlu [rrr5 E a5pBq s:q? ulc5 oI
Tole:1- wd f,1a;rg-o5peg.-'looliapuol; 'sst-.Ic clto3trs
.aaT eilrrD FID
'nrnlal pus prordde ro] .rdqlo oqt 15 euo ?q? 'arry]r?nbpBol{ o} luos oq t
FS@ o.{l po}dope aJB taefo.(q
.ufir lIal eql ro
'EaIrun?I) roq4o.rls
'roplnoqs 1I3l aq1 E.) Jnolof, 1o.r1nti oril Jo ?ou{ Japlnoqs '?r uo ssofo pal lllra 'a1lq-tr ')iTesJoaEII 'ol>lcnq olqslms q?lAr 'lloq rol{?"aT
'slrolltpuoo l"ml .ol
ptSu"lrt 0q PFoqF umronb alq eq pFoqt sgupa€tu lcrpo
Broptnbpual &ilqo.roos aqt ryl pryllodor oodo le eq
{opUdsm lo
'+osr,rlorotl. ap
aql so lLrB uJ p€dfiers 'O:I qtr^r '?€q rolr8s 'onlq A'{s epd 1o latqc:e1mg
'elaqcod qr+Bd oa1 qqr,u 'enlq {rtsp 'qrr{S
'p3uo11nq puB
'qe{cod lseorq o}r1 qfl.{ 'qslolq onlq I.r'J(
s? si rnJoJrun laorJoo aqIl 'TTIJOJIUn lnoaq {og1 oq} 8ulltr}lrul pro^e Plnoqs sePrn3 IrIC
'sa8pgg eilnry
I4D eql
'wrollun eplnD IrlD iuA{o .s}nors
.t I i .rl 1
l}E Boy soouT,MoVEMBIT ......:......... TEU qEIEr, S@Ur (wrrg PEOI0I'.'........ xoi ro .rorx*ps BoY scourg
lgr '
S-s !"
A Book for
Young People.
arp _YADE rrEOUM grrrU laen Ji Gircrr,'sE at{D BLocK pdwrNo eri,rr-t , -flcIAI/ &E$PTBAtIONI .....,..........., &&+9
Crcvtr 8vo, lge PP., ,ith I ir!]-: Thts lbry, uDiforE iE dtc sd ; - r ' to! ulc s . rfit book lor boy. of Lt. d:7 enroll.d th.mselees iD the Brr i-::: E l
trtlr-DrNc firE Non'rE BY DAY
EEAI,I}E- FINTS ........
SBr 7:t 2 years,
12 2z
."... 51 .,......-.... 32 FINPL\G TED NOBTE BY NIGEIT ............ 35 ................ ra MAP REAry;\'G ooil-\'ENTIGTAL SIG:TS IN MAP EEADINO * 5f MEl\fOEAtiD-{ F$R SCOITTI' ..;'....'..,........ 36 JI'DGING
.. +;: :t
] idolr:r Mission8. The fisiory gsut fr. L l-. tu
Oempout s a Pe
Pr Lordonr Tho Dluut. aqre; BG. I
rr 12 r2-r g
-.................. r..,. ...'.' OAMP ....'................
DOTJ',TS ['qR, SOOUBg ..........-...!....'r...... 36 gyoLisT s.cour$ ..'...."...' 57 :...1;. rsp grrchlNo eNo e,rrE or rgri'rs1..... rr s@uT. \rEIsrLE SIGNATS ..............-....., !? Eow ro BUJLD a TBEyTIJE B&rDGE .... rrt.ls rrr.: scouts' cAlrr ...,.......,.....'...,......... 37 gEUAPEOEd gISI(ALLrNG ..................... 16 A SCOITT',S !'rELp TELDGnAPE ...........,.. 38 SOOUT AXES AND EOW TO SEAr lrEElf .. .39 A"PEABAI SSOW'ING '!IOVEI{EN! OT' trED
oardp .KrrgEEN ........ -.........*.
rNorg (wrrE paGE DI GE.AUS)'......,,.,
Trps IIOE scourts ...:................ ...-.........' rNIoN J-A.CK: ITS gtSIlOnY AUD OOU-
..., CAI.;I,4
$pECL{r, src!{al,g .,. -...........'1r,...... ;-...... 20 slcN-4.r,LrNc EEIIINDED^g .....1.......-...'. - zr sBgaEf, oR cIPYf,lE, CODES.'...............'.... 2l tstEND trGN{J.s
-'; ' ].i)i
3 J
.......................... r*
hon &EMAPEoRE rI/aG " .,....-..,.,: l7 flGN^iJLilro
uoe$n.srcNlr.Lr[G ......-..............,...
18-19 20
oornrtf erex.&rlrxc rr,AG! ........,.,.,. ,(i
uNrFoBu ............
Ererv }rc1' rill t
droll saringr
43 44 46
t ,
rge enr, curDEs -.......... -,...t".......e. jS..,........ crB,L GUrDE
Iruesistibl. (tlcooirr
*+u Of
all Neweagents ;
Ofrce. Banh Sr
'c'ld 'tropuorl ']oar1s laald ggI
Srrry 6g t oapun(I '+aarls lrr€g 'aogt0
I)ualril spldoa4 ,, erll ruorJ pa{r€u saotrd 1e lsod ,(q .ro I sluaEesrelq 1e;g
'qcra 'p9 ocud 1'p{2'1iod .{g1 lnuJa{oc Pue u/r\oJg duluoa ('PI lsod
'(d.og Pcg s Jo sJlouran)
^g) rtrutuo; u/roJg
'qtnt1 ltc al"ur p1no.t s6urop suo-\atqcsttu-pne tBur'l'es 11o,rp " s,,iuuro;-, 'saqrlo{s 61qeq8nt1 asaqt Burpua.r iolna 1p.t ioq .f,.iari4
I /taunc
,,'hryo|koto!!!!tt'qrrnqJd|J..ol.tqofwt.P1"tqalrr4)"Ptmd'C:Elatlnlbg--eq! I qoDEoI 5slqEllqnd 'Jou€wlll llrnqallEs .61e!ios trEuolsgllU qrrnqC .lqoElr?dec 'Lrlolur ul trElsrp S.,rIrrr. tr srtd,l reao., al.l. ltrrltE ru.rrils 'l jr"l( .rlJ irE rql uoJJ l.nor8 arcd tB)nodu?o I^ ilr-r ilitu?l sl nollmrolu! &rnolcsrJ{ rqJ soomrE p"',.r, rqr lq erlr"trntr t !!rrPrlur le.r iJ "rr.rpr ' srrirl 0'6 -ti,,,i,,,..,11 It ., ' }rr.lx*om+nocsdog-eqlulEenlerulqlpellorue rol rrlraiorrripersoraiui-^..is-ioi,r.rr*rricrtreittqrtqatl-it$aqls{ttr*p1I* il-em ;i1r;,,;"1; rrdii; iri^ ii .1,rd'i, iooq-ig r"p"ns r 4 ..1' pni '4-?r., q?la !)lmnpo eqr Jo croq IoI {ooq ttP-t oJlrd put ozlr q Eiolgn rdrq' sIqJ ".,tii;'q^ij":ii, rq p"ii .,"ittt 'icna,,'pui l' oj ry ri16 ,. . ce1i- ao1'o6 ,, aiqeipi ro'.irni iu,e" ".11 "r 'qnolor uI unlsap qqla spreoq qiolc aerdilluorJ l,arnopr t(tlpnlJur !uo!1El''nll( as"d_lttu 6 qlll "dd 66I 'oa8 Eroro
;fdT.,ffirft fnOCS
V "'i:',",il;"+
',f,,ileaf z 99 89I pA?rfielenO
'{JD,uu.I 'laerls qaltr lB pIrB',no$su1g 'loorls uuuuqcnf,
t,tuudtuo3 aIDfD
's{ep t ur d.re,rrlaP 'r{luolu red 3/g ruo:3 'a1c,(crg PrePuers srplro^r eqJ -
I : I : 8S
er - oNrqYEu dYn Nr sricn tvt """' QN rs """""""""""""" ec """"""
zg ""-""""
t9 """""""'
I'E g.rEON s
rY{I la lllrEoar s
aof, 6i[s,E sE& a$v 09-98 qI\rY SOgYg 'tlgg.[ ,tOllBIOLEOttd (gNvEcYIg gsva E
gtnz """"" ru """" -xoo
:":""".'""""" fiEoisIE .g[r
o, ""'"'":""':: :""""""':"
ZZ ...r....-......:....-.'.....::,..: gLrfOCA
zz rE rB
"."".'""""';""""""-" srY-\ """""""""" s5l(IoJ &IBaIC -""""""":ri"' BEdxflrga o
'selc.[D .. JolrueJdr'::
lo $!! pq.uusn/l.t
17n/,to4 atu714
'suIeLIJ 'sl€ped lLl/t 6li - 'sdruef 'sdun; :ll nfe I ; '.rredr'.1arq6 'p3 's8eg 5 I 'saqnJ gl(, .. 'sa1ppe5 | 976 OllZ - 'sede3 | 9/g "ren8'sreno3 -: serlJd eseql l3 {oo'I 'torJcod
.lnof 1!ns
tf .,,
o1 secl.td 1u
trDr,D uno,[
uot eNIH,LlUfi/tt
Not all pubbep heels APE WOOD-MILNES
The rerilicacy, the comfort, the durability ood coonomy of rubber heelg are direotl-v dclnodent ripon the rubbor that ig usod-:
aad thc fact thrt Wood-Lliloe Rubber Eecls rne made from a botter oualitv rubber than 8!y other hecls ou thc rrarkeb, exploins tlre
oxtre eotidactiou that .lVood-Iflilhea, give in reer, 'Wood-Milnes' rovo your nerves,
ravr your bootr, and leve your pdckcts : they meke earth'g flintiost roid-wa-vs into'nrthi
of volvei eofhas: fixed nrotrrlv int6 I
boot heel, nearly'fluah -neither iitli 'Wood-Milne'e'
nor conro
tr {
j,l [,
the leether,
skid, nor .catch,;
tooD-illtilE RUBBER HEEI,S
'Itortc ato muy lires rnd sov€rrl rhrFe., but the
-ti.orc€Ilsnce-lgonethroughooL lller€rE
lmltrdone ln plenty, lor thso rho rrnt thGD, but ror tboa. rho rbh to ttc !o rlsL thot! [.e pletrty ol
gcc tho traruo ltsmpod
o[ evor] he"l.
he uill oom le all rtght"