Guidline - new KPI´s PR We put the KPI´s for PR and Local Campaigns together to provide a better overview towards all PR related activities. So, from now on we have print placement, online placement, event and sponsoring in one file. There is an example for each activity in the sheet, but here some more info in detail: Row C: # of Leads Generated : If you were collecting any email addresses within this activity, please type in the amount here Row D: Type: This field has a scroll-down menue. Choose between print, online, event, sponsoring or other. Row E: Goal: (what was the main purpose of the activity?) This field has a scroll-down menue .Choose between Acquisition, Retention, Reactivation Row F: Campaign – pretty much the same as the Box Theme Row G: Description. Please don’t write a book in here. Row H: # of Boxes Given away Row I: Location ( required for Events or Sponsoring, for print the title, Online the homepage…..) Row J: URL where Glossybox is mentioned Row K: URL where you placed the tracking link (Column J and K might be the same URL in many cases) Row L: Google Analytics Tracking Link (Create this yourself) Explanation in detail on a separate sheet. Row M: # of Tracked Clicks Row N: Circulation / UU ( print only) Row O: AIs This field is calculated automatically if you enter a number into row N Row P: Advertising Rate for a Full Print or Web Page Row Q: % of Full Print or Web Page your PR occupied (Print and Online) Row R: AVE Advertising Value Equivalent This field is calculated automatically if you enter a number into row P & Q.