Portfolio costume 12:7:17

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glow rivera casanova

Glow Rivera-Casanova glowrivera Glow (Glorianne) Rivera-Casanova

table of content La casa de Bernarda Alba Watch on the Rhine scrutator

La casa de Bernarda Alba Pre production ideas COSTUME


La casa de Bernarda Alba Federico Garcia Lorca Faktəri Production Company Directed by Lucas Rivera-Casanova Bernarda Maria Josepha Amelia Martirio Adela La Poncia

Cemre Salur Melis Nur


Lucky Vemuri

Claudia Wit ------- Lucia Xu -------

Uniform Ideas

Idea 1. All girls Christian boarding school. In this theme, I decided to highlight the religious aspects of the play. I imagine the academy would be an all girls Christian boarding school. I wanted the uniform to depict humility and to channel the inner cowardice child that all of the sisters had. I wanted to implement the color green as not just a symbol of envy but also a symbol of hope to one day be free. Therefore, I decided to implement it in the school uniform


Idea 1 sketch

Idea 2. Deceptive

school girl

Idea 2. sketch

Colors In this theme I wanted to highlight the complete opposite from the last. This theme is about indulgence and the self consciousness that surrounds the family. Due to this, I envision the uniform to be composed of many articles of clothing which the girls need to have at all times. I envision it to be very fitted and high end. I would look for top notch designers for inspiration in order to emit a snobby yet claustrophobic emotion for the audience.

Idea 3. Surreal aerial beauty

In this theme, I wanted to explore a more surrealist aesthetic even though the director wanted to change the location of the play into an academy, I wanted to go beyond school uniforms in order to highlight the sexuality that was oozing out of these girls. The fact that these girls were not in fact girls but women would be best represented with the most feminine flight attendant uniforms ever encounted.

Idea 4.Black and White Continuing with the surreal aspect, I was imagining the world of “La casa de Bernarda Alba� in black and white in order to highlight the enclosure and the mourning that they are all going through. I also thought that depicting the way they were being treated as these non-sexual creatures would be best represented in a unfitted uniform.

Ideas for Bernarda

Idea 1. All girls Christian boarding school and

Deceptive school girl

One thing’s for sure, we want Bernarda to wear a suit. We want her to exude fear and we want her to demand respect. Bernalda is self-conscious therefore regardless we choose to go with Theme 1 or Theme 2. She has to look on point. However in this depiction of Bernalda, we have chosen very stiff fabric and a very hasrsh and geometric print. We would like her to sport a pearl necklace since that represents idealism in a woman, however, we would like it to be a iridescent, toxic, polluted green.

Idea 2. Black and White and Surreal aerial beauty

This Bernalda will perfectly accompany Theme 3 and 4 since we are willing to explore a more theatrical vivacious aesthetic and silhouette. Unlike the previous Bernarda, this Bernarda is not as masculine. She celebrates female empowerment by being feminine, even though she will wear pants she will sport ruffles and fur and pearls in all of the things that proud, successful women wear. In addition, she will have an essence of the Spanish culture in order to depict the proud empowered women that we are yearning to show

Idea 3. sketch

Idea 2. sketch


After countless production meetings the director decided to proceed with idea 3: Surreal Aerial Beauty with a Spanish twist. For Bernarda we decided to go with ideas 3 and 1 combined since the director appreciated the masculine qualities that idea one had, however we wanted to recollect and highlight the mourning stage that she was in.

The Spanish Flamenco hat, also known as the Cordobes hat was a pivotal piece of the costume.

Final Renders

Watch on the Rhine

Concept Statement Watch on the Rhine is based in 1941, in an American household. The

of the family, because she is in fact the grandmother of the

colors will be familiar, for I believe it will give the spectator

purpose of this play was to create awareness of fascism, anti-fas-

Muller family. And I believe it is from her that Sara gets her

comfort and engage them in the feeling of hospitality. There

cism, and the people it effects in the United States. Lillian achieved

persistent nature and strong morals. Fanny’s silhouette will

will be tints, tones, and shades of blue and red because a big

this by giving the public what they love: family. This play is very

be form-fitted. I want to show how uptight she can be, howev-

part of the 40’s during the war was the debate between right

light hearted in the beginning, since it’s about a family being reunit-

er, she can loosen the rails whenever it suits her, so there will

and wrong; to defend or be complacent. I also wanted there

ed. However, throughout the play there’s a mysterious essence of

be sheer, loose pieces on her gown like the sleeves and peplum.

to be a connection with the spectator, hence the reason why

insecurities since the audience doesn’t know what Kurt does for a

David is a lawyer, so he will be perceived formally with a clas-

I followed the dress code of the 40’s, but gave it a modern

living. In addition, the Mullers are always “fleeing or moving away”.

sical suit that will be fitted to highlight his youth, since he

twist by not making Kurt and Sara look too old. I made Fanny

The Mullers are a very tight family, so I want to represent that by

is the youngest adult in the play. I want to put him in lilac be-

a glamorous grandmother. David is endearing and a little bit

using a monochromatic color palette and linking each member with

cause purple is analogous to blue, and so he’s similar to his sis-

boyish. Marthe is sensual, and Teck dashing. A goal of mine

a piece of blue fabric. The Mullers are a submissive family, and

ter but not quite as empowering. I feel that David is the black

is to visually represent family and unity with colors, because

the blue highlights that quality, as well as paying homage to the

sheep of the family, which is why he has no blue pieces on his

the play is about how the war affects noble, innocent families.

blue-collared workers. I plan to put Sara in a flowing, buttoned-down

wardrobe. Ironically, though, the boldest thing he did was

dress that will be tied at the waist. I believe this will highlight her

giving Marthe a sapphire bracelet, linking her to his family.

personality, because the flow represents her past as an aristocrat

Last, but not least, we have Teck and Marthe. The couple is

since it is delicate. But the muted colors shows how much she has

broke and live off of Fanny, but they carry themselves as if

developed as a person. The fact that the dress is loosely worn de-

their wealth hasn’t changed. So, I want to represent them with

picts her state of financial instability. It also highlights her natural

glamor and allure to create that illusion. Marthe is a vixen; she’s

beauty, because she doesn’t need an expensive dress to display this.

sensual and a risk taker, probably not in her past, but the fact

Kurt: I want to emphasize his humble quality and the fact he was

that she leaves Teck because she doesn’t love him, and also be-

very profound. And so, he will be put in earth-brown slacks, and

cause she is falling in love with another man should be depicted

a deep navy blue collared shirt. In terms of the way the clothes

in a way of female empowerment. And so, I want to salute the

are fitted, I wanted a defeated spirit, and so the pants are crin-

female figure by puting her in a long, fitted maroon gown for

kled and the shirt folded at the elbows. The only thing that’s

Act I. For Act II, she will be put in a flattering, buttoned down

formally fitted is his vest to emphasize his figure. I also want-

skirt suit with black, silk satin gloves and pumps. The black

ed to elaborate his European background with a mail-boy hat.

gloves will emphasize the sapphire bracelet given by David.

Fanny, David, and Anise will be represented in a more comical

Last, but not least, Teck will be wearing a fitted, pin striped suit

way, since the bantering between them is what eases the play.

perfectly tailored, because he was an aristocrat and still wants to

Fanny will be put in a gown in the first scene, because I want the

make a bold statement by telling the world he is still a fat cat. He

audience to automatically catch the difference between the so-

will be wearing all elements of the suite at all times. I want him to be

cial classes. Her dress will have shoulder pads because I believe it

the epitome of allure, because throughout the play he was trying to

fits her character as a matriarch and giving her a sense of author-

drag out information about Kurt from the Mullers with his charm.

ity. Her belt will have a few sapphires to represent the blue aspect

The play overall will have a muted and aged color palette. The

Costume Plot ACT


Anise (black and white): dark/housekeeper dress; uniform; sensible, dark shoes Fanny: dressing-gown; pearls, fancy shoes (white) Joseph (black and white): black trousers, tuxedo, white bib, and bowtie; shiny black shoes; gloves David (purple): suit, dress shirt, tie; handkerchief; shiny shoes, and socks Marthe (fusia/maroon): long, fancy dress; jewelry; elegant shoes Teck (red): suit, tie, handkerchief, dress shirt; shiny shoes; hat; shiny cuffing Sara (navy blue and brown): awkwardly long dress; aged shoes; hairpiece; conservative wedding ring; belt Bodo (bright sky blue): shorts (over the knee), suspenders, short-sleeved dress shirt; high socks and dirty shoes; carries coats Joshua (bright sky blue): brown slacks, long-sleeved dress shirt (rolled above the elbows); belt Babette (navy blue): navy blue blouse, cream cardigan, brown knee-length skirt; barrette Kurt (muted light blue): brown vest; long-sleeved, light blue dress short; worn-out dress shoes; brown slacks; newsboy hat; coat

Costume Plot ACT


Fanny (white): white, summer dress; less jewelry Bodo (navy blue/white/brown/red): sweater; vest; shorts; short-sleeved dress shirt; new shoes and long socks Teck (red/black/gold): suit; homburg (hat); shiny cuffing Anise: same as Act I; ball of yarn Joshua (white/brown): long pants; suspenders; rolled-up, long-sleeved dress shirt; sport shoes; socks; Kurt’s hat Joseph: Same as Act I; jacket off Sara (light blue): light blue, summer dress; simple accessories Babette (light blue/pink/pastels): floral, elegant dress; new shoes; white, solid apron (lace) David (lilac): rolled-up, lilac shirt; brown slacks; handkerchief Kurt (light blue): same as David; coat Marthe (white): dress suit with diamond buttons; sapphire bracelet; fancy shoes; headpiece; large box of dresses

Costume Plot


Teck (red): hat in hand; shiny suit; dress shoes Babette (white): white net; shiny white shoes; new dress Bodo (light blue): brown shorts; blue tie; white shirt; belt; dress shoes Joshua (navy blue): white shirt; brown pants; navy blue tie

Blue represents the unity between the Mullers. White highlights self-proclaimed perfection for Fanny. The purple for David represents his kindness. Red and gold for Teck represents his power hungry character and the colors of Romania

A 43 year-old German man who is kind, passionate, and determined. He has strong values, which is why he is an anti-fascist. He knows what he is putting his family through and hates it, but he thinks about how he wants the world to be a better place for his children and grandchildren. Unlike Fanny, David, and Anise, he is very centered; very passive and acts extremely well under pressure. For example, when Teck confronts Kurt they talk about it over a bottle of drinks. Meanwhile, David and Fanny are running around the room with their heads cut off. This is probably due to the fact that he has probably looked death in the eye constantly in the war. And so, they are numb to confrontations.

A woman in her early 40’s, she is a new type of matriarch—the one who is in love. She chose love over social status, married Kurt, and stuck with him throughout the hell of war. She doesn’t care about materials, but memories as seen when she arrived to her childhood home. Her joy did not come from being surrounded by the expensive items of her past, but the memories of being there.

14 years old, Joshua represents how war steals a child’s innocence. He is the oldest of the Muller kids, has seen more of the effects of war than his siblings, and thus has the most responsibilities. This is why when the Mullers arrived at the Farrelly household he was astonished that the door wasn’t locked. In addition, he was very still when he witnessed his father, Kurt, beating Teck, and his automatic reaction was to prepare everyone to leave as if this had happened before.

Age 9, Bodo represents how war affects those of earlier generations by their involvement in politics and social issues. Not only because he was a bright kid, but also because that was the world he was exposed to. He expressed himself by using big words and heavy topics, making him an endearing character. He was brutally honest and fearless, such as telling Fanny that her screeching was annoying. The only thing that connected him to being a kid was how he depicted his father as a hero.

A girl of 12, she is the middle child and the only girl amongst her siblings. She is very feminine and not like her mother in that regard like when she would tell her to fix her dress or hair. The little she is described, she is described with an apron and potato pancakes. This highlights how she had to work at a young age, such as when she helped her mother as a seamstress.

A woman in her 60’s; she is the matriarch of the household, and an intellectual woman. However, she was oblivious to the anti-fascism movement. Fanny brings comedic relief to the play with her nosy comments and self-indulgent attitude. The reason why I dress her in white is to create a dramatic barrier between her and the working class. Throughout the play blue jewelry will be incorporated in her wardrobe, connecting her to the Muller family.

David: He is the second and only son of the Farrelly family. His mother, Fanny, puts him under his father’s shadow by criticizing every life choice he makes. The fact he made himself a lawyer means nothing to her. And so, David is 39 and still not married because, subconsciously, he wants to please his mother with the right woman. It took Marthe to confront Fanny into letting him make his own decisions without being pestered. David is in love with Marthe, even though she is married. These are the few moments David shows assertiveness such as when Teck confronts him about Marthe. He’s also open hearted. I decided to put him in lilac because it is a soft color, and is analogous to blue, the Mullers’ colors.

Marthe: Age 31-32, she was constricted by society’s views on who she had to be—mostly from her mother. She reminds me a lot of Fanny; she is well read and assertive, which is kind of funny because she falls in love with David and confronts Fanny about the way she treats him. Another person she confronts is her husband, Teck, and tells him she was never in love him, and that she’s done with their relationship. And since Teck is broke, there is no perks in the relationship, then takes the risk to live on her own. Marthe will be dressed in maroon because it links her to Teck in terms of hue, but it separates her from him when it comes to shade.

Teck: Count Teck is a 45 year-old businessman and is described as good-looking. He has lived his life making negotiations, because talking and making connections with people was his line of work. I believe that due to this he developed a tendency of being coldblooded--it’s very easy for him to betray someone. His values are shaky since he goes with the easy choices, not the right ones. When he blackmails Kurt into giving him the money, he does it because it was the fastest solution; he had no remorse from turning in a good, family man to the authorities. What’s shocking was that he didn’t do what he did because of any revulsion toward anti-fascism—he didn’t even care. This is why I put Teck in red; it is a peacock color. It is loud and intrusive to the vision, and I think that highlights his sneaky, sly, personality. The Chinese culture sees red as the color of good fortune, others link red to blood, and some with passion. And that highlights what kind of person he was.

Anise: A 60 year old French house maid, but throughout the play the audience realizes she is more than that. To Fanny, she is her confidant and someone to lean on. She has quite a temper; she is never afraid to tell Fanny she is wrong, or that she is going to quit even tough she never actually does. Anise will be wearing her uniform throughout the entire play, however there is a prop that I think highlights who Anise is: a ball of wool. It reminds me of her humble background in the French town of Bas Rhin

Joseph: A middle-aged, AfricanAmerican butler, he is respectful, and not much is given about his past. He tries to please everyone in the household, especially when Fanny tells him to ring the bell. He then mentions how David doesn’t like it when the bell is rung. Of course, Fanny doesn’t care.

scutaror Video game written by Natalya Galarza.



Upper class citizens who enjoy the finer technology-all created by robots without wills of their own.


Low class citizens who are well versed with machinery and tech, and work alongside robots as their companions.



Before engaging in my portfolio the viewer should be aware of my vast abilities and passions. The primary one is clothing, and what it does to the soul. It frames the soul in order for it to be admired, for example: when one sees a movie and they first lay eyes on the protagonist his apparel is the first thing they notice, and the first piece of information they are given about the character—hence the frame. It isn’t after he starts talking that one realizes he has a beautiful soul. The magical thing about this is the person who designs the proper frame for the soul, and this is what fashion and costume designers do. I share a passion with both professions because there is a clear difference between them. The fashion designer writes their own script, the costume designer is given the challenge to work around the script they are given. The fashion designer thinks about the future,and the costume designer travels throughout time. Regardless, from the start I was aware that I had to understand the master artists from the past to become a master artist in the future.

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