GMB Reachout Newsletter Issue 4

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Issue 4 

New Website

ULR Success

ReachOut across the Region

Andy Pfennig


ReachOut at Congress

Working for Jobs

The new GMB ReachOut website,, is now live. The website contains information about GMB Union Learning activity in the region, events, news and general publicity for the many successes taking place in the GMB North West & Irish Region ReachOut Project. In addition to this, the site will be an invaluable tool for ULRs who, via a secure members area, will be able to submit reports directly on the website, saving them time, as well as providing resources to be downloaded and links to other useful sites. Please log on, look around the site and contact at if you would like to give any feedback.

ULR Success The recent GMB North West & Irish Region, Union Learning Representatives (ULR) Forum gave a very positive picture of the developments taking place across the Region in respect of access to education and training for GMB members. The increasing number of new ULRs within the GMB offering themselves for training to support their work colleagues in this important area of development for the Union was most encouraging and is having a dynamic impact at many work places. The importance of integrating the work of ULRs into Branch, Regional and National structures as part of the GMB@Work strategy has been underlined with a survey conducted by National Office into the impact of GMB ULRs. During the past year over 12,000 GMB members have benefited from training and 1,598 people have joined GMB as a result of ULF activity. The partnership with employers has been underlined with 22 new Learning Agreements across the country and 13 new Learning Centres opened. At a Regional level partnerships with employers have led to new Learning Centres being established at John Lennon Airport and the local authorities at Tameside and St Helen’s. The signing of new Learning Agreements with Oldham M.B.C. as well as the new Reach Out office in

Accrington which is responding to Migrant Worker and redundancy issues, are all significant evidence of the impact that the Regional Strategy on Union Learning is having in meeting the needs for GMB members. The Region’s aim is to establish four Regional Support Centres offering training, advice and guidance to the wider membership as well as mapping out the standards of training that we want providers to supply to members. None of this is possible without the strong support we have received from the Regional Secretary, Regional Committee and of course the network of GMB ULRs we have in the Region. We are in the process of bidding for the next round of funding and will be announcing new developments shortly. We record our uk . sincere thanks to the Union Learning rg o . Representatives and our partner ut organisations for their support and o h work throughout the past year. ac

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K W Flanagan, ReachOut Project Manager

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