Caribbean Insider, Jamaica Fall 2018

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FALL 2018

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Photo credit: Daniel Nicholas


SUBSCRIBE TODAY Available online at ISSUU and Apple News

Date of Issue : Fall 2018


Global Media & Communications Corporation 10 Utopia Way, Brampton, ON L6P 4A6 Canada 416.543.2513





Keisha Johnson Francine Grey Sharon Johnson Rose Roberts 416.543.2513


Alton Bedward Carey Dennis Elaine Zlotkowski Jamaica National Group Lisa Riddle Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade National Land Agency Sherie Anderson


Appleton Estate Aqua Bay Barney Bishop Christian Horan Daniel Nicholas David Spencer Distinctive foto imaging Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation Jewel Grande Jamaica Tourist Board Jamaica Pegasus Shawn Walsh Ron Fanfair Freepik from

Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Insider Jamaica All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, displayed, modified, reprinted or distributed without the written consent of Global Media & Communications Corporation. The views expressed by contributors to Caribbean Insider Jamaica are independent and are not necessarily the views of Caribbean Insider Jamaica or the publishers Global Media & Communications Corporation or our co-publishers the MSME Alliance.


Fall in love with Jamaica


very article in this edition sheds new light and perspective on the opportunities that exists in Jamaica to live, work, play or invest. In our live section we connect with CEO of the National Land

Agency, Elizabeth Steer, to guide us through the land titling process and the required steps whether you recently purchased property, inherited it or want to get a registered title for land that did not previously have one. PwC Canada executive, Charmaine Tial shares her journey to owning a vacation property on “the Rock” and the joy of converting it to an income earner while carrying on with her life overseas. As a bonus we learn five game changer tips that are sure money savers and conveniences you want to know about. Work spotlights a young serial entrepreneur, Peter Ivey, who is on a mission to promote Jamaica’s cultural and culinary legacy authentically, while discovering its roots across the continents. In The People Who Stay, we meet Lorraine Givans, who eagerly traded her 20-year career in the UK for a new start in Jamaica as chief support officer at Destiny Achieved Coaching. It’s no secret that Jamaica’s coffee is among the world’s most expensive specialty brands. Blue Mountain coffee marketer Alton Bedward educates us on what distinguishes the Jamaican beans and the many opportunities for innovation and investment in the local coffee industry. At the invitation of the Jamaica Tourist Board I journeyed with 15 fellow journalists from across North America to explore new developments in places to stay, play and eat on the island. You’ll get a glimpse of some of these and a sampling of villas in our Play section, but not before Jamaica’s head of Diaspora Affairs, Senator The Honorable Pearnel Charles Jr. shares his vision for strengthening diaspora engagement and the significant impact Jamaicans living overseas have on moving the country forward. How Airbnb is changing the tourism landscape and creating economic opportunities for people from rural Jamaica to Trench Town is a growing phenomenon we also explore with the leaders of the Jamaica Host Club Association in the Invest features. As usual, we round out with a directory of all the resources referenced throughout the issue for your convenience.


Ke󰇮s󰇬󰈜 Jo󰇭n󰇷󰈢󰈡 Editor-in-Chief

CIJ FALL 2018 3





After going through the daunting experience of purchasing a home in the Caribbean while living abroad, Lisa is driven to consult individuals on the logistics of owning a home in the islands. As founder of Rutty Caribbean Consulting Inc., Lisa leverages her more than 20 years of travel management consulting experience to simplify the process of Caribbean home ownership and connects clients with the right resources to complete the transaction. In this issue Lisa connects with the CEO of the National Land Agency to demystify the land titling process in Jamaica. E:

Shaun Walsh was born in London, England and migrated to Jamaica at six months of age. Shaun lived in Albion Mountain, St. Mary for seven years until he migrated to Brooklyn, New York in 1978. He is the producer of Whatz Up NY, a weekly Caribbean American news / entertainment magazine that airs on BRIC TV at 6:30 pm on Fridays. In May 2018, he received a BS in Health and Nutrition from Brooklyn College. Shaun’s photographs are featured throughout this issue. E:

Alton Bedward is a Blue Mountain coffee marketer with a strong passion for Jamaican coffee. He believes in its potential as a catalyst for growth and development of the country. In this issue, Alton educates us on the world’s most refined coffee and highlights current gaps and opportunities for investment throughout Jamaica’s coffee industry. E:



Sherie-Ann Anderson is the Vice President of the Jamaica Home Sharing Association (Airbnb Host Club) and is the Airbnb Experience Community Leader for Jamaica. Her Airbnb Experiences have made their mark as the top rated experiences in Jamaica. Sherie-Ann has been recognized for her dedication to creating a superior hosting experience with the SuperHost title on the Homes platform. Sherie shares her Top 5 Tips for new hosts to accelerate their business on Airbnb. E:

Carey H. Dennis has backpacked solo around Jamaica twice and hiked the entire Blue Mountain range in three days. A former chemist, turned tourism industry veteran, Carey undertakes his job as The Destination Marketing Assistant/ Island Resource Specialist at the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) with utmost pride. For 22 years he has been curating itineraries, finding, and managing locations for international journalists and productions companies et al. In this issue, he gives us an abundance of options to create the most memorable 10-day vacation uncovering the best of Kingston, St. Thomas and Portland in the east, along the North Coast to Hanover in the west. E:

4 CIJ FALL 2018


re Sup


DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU FOR. Buy some time and sponsor in-home care for seniors who are unable to afford the help they need to live with dignity.




FALL 2018




by Lisa (Rutty) Ridley


AT THE BEACH” - Charmaine Tial



by Alton Bedward, Blue Mountain Coffee Marketer



Serial Entrepreneur Brings Jamaica to Your Doorstep

28 PEOPLE WHO STAY: Lorraine Givans




by Elaine Zlotkowski









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ON THE COVER Aqua Bay at Tryall Club, Montego Bay, Jamaica (image courtesy of Aqua Bay at Tryall Club).


by Keisha Johnson CIJ FALL 2018 7

HOME & PRIVATE CARE SERVICES Companionship & Sitter Services Acquire Brain Injury Care Foot Care Infant & Childcare Post Surgical Care Personal Care (Bathing, Grooming, Feeding) Meal Planning & Preparation Incidental Transportation Running Errands & Personal Shopping Light Housekeeping Medication Reminders & Monitoring IV Therapy Rehabilitation Extra Assistance in hospital, long-term care facilities & retirement homes.




Photo credit: Daniel Nicholas


CIJ FALL 2018 9


btaining a registered title for land in Jamaica


is often a daunting process. Navigating this

Land Titles are typically transferred whenever land is sold. It

mysterious minefield is a recurring concern

is always recommended that persons seeking to purchase

among diaspora members who inherit property or are

land engage the services of an attorney-at-law to assist

interested to invest in real estate on the island.

them with the process. Once the land has been identified, the attorney-at-law will prepare the Sales Agreement

To streamline the land titling process, the Government of

(where this is being used) and this will be submitted at

Jamaica announced in early 2018, the merger of the two

the Tax Administration of Jamaica (Stamp Office) to be

entities responsible for conveyancing transactions, namely

assessed and stamped.

the Land Administration & Management Programme (LAMP) and the National Land Agency (NLA).

A Transfer instrument is then prepared and once executed, it will be sent to the Stamp Office to be crossed stamped.

In this issue we connect with Elizabeth Steer, CEO at the

Thereafter, the Transfer instrument, duplicate Certificate

National Land Agency (NLA) to demystify the land titling

of Title and the Transfer Tax Certificate are lodged for

process and explore the various scenarios in which it is

registration at the Land Titles Division of the National Land

necessary to obtain a registered title.

Agency (NLA).

Fees DEPOSIT: 10% of the (consideration) sale price -paid by the purchaser TRANSFER TAX: 5% paid by the vendor STAMP DUTY: 4% shared equally by the vendor and purchaser SALES AGREEMENT: (JMD $30,000-$80,000) shared equally by the vendor and purchaser ATTORNEY FEE: 3-5% of consideration or market value REGISTRATION FEE (TITLES OFFICE): 0.5% of the consideration-shared equally by the vendor and purchaser LETTER OF POSSESSION: JMD $7,000 shared equally by the vendor and purchaser Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty are paid on the consideration or the market value depending on the circumstances. If the Stamp Office disagrees with the consideration stated, then the duties will be charged based on the value determined by them.

Fee Payment Process • Stamp Duty and Transfer Tax are payable to the Commissioner - Taxpayer Audit and Assessment Department or The Deputy Stamp Commissioner of Stamp Duty and Transfer Tax unless falling into any category of exempt document.

• Registration fees are paid when you submit your documents to the assessor at the Titles Office. • You will be issued with an official receipt with a document number printed on it, and the name of the person who lodged the application.

• The number printed on the receipt is your application number and must be quoted when making enquiries about your application.

• You must keep your receipt until your application is successfully completed.

10 CIJ FALL 2018

Required Documents for Land Registration To apply to register your land the following documents must be



If you own land but do not have a registered

1. An application form prescribed by the Registration of Titles

title you can apply to the Registrar of Titles to register your land. A very important step is to retain the services of an attorney-at-law to act on your behalf. However, you may begin the land

Act and signed by the applicant.

2. A Statutory Declaration to prove possession (a statutory declaration is a written statement confirmed by oath).

3. Supporting statutory declaration to prove ownership rights

titling process by engaging the services of the

by possession from two persons who have known the land

Land Titles Division of the NLA. In your absence,

for at least 30 years in cases where the applicant has no

a designated representative can complete

documentary proof of ownership showing title for himself and

the application process on your behalf. If that

predecessors in title for 40 years.

person is not an attorney-at-law, they will need a Power of Attorney from you. This must be duly stamped at the Stamp Office and registered at the Office of Titles. Note however that the applicant is required to sign certain documents.

4. A current certificate of payment for Property Tax that is paid up to date.

5. Survey pre-checked diagram (if the land is being registered by plan).

6. Any other document you may have that proves ownership e.g. receipt, conveyance, probate, certificate of compliance under

Your application will go through a series of processes as prescribed by law:

• The documents will be checked. • The survey diagram will be sent to the

the Facilities for Titles Act.

7. Applications otherwise than by Plan must describe the land so as to enable identification of the location of the parcel on the ground by reference to a land mark and state the names by

Surveys and Mapping Division to be

which the property is known. The description must state the

checked to ensure that the land is not yet

distances along each boundary and the compass direction of

registered and the plan is acceptable.

each boundary line, the names of the abutting properties, the

• Thereafter all the documents will be

names of adjoining owners, and, where the abutting land is

submitted to the Referee of Titles for

registered land, the registered title reference for the property.


The land valuation reference number for the abutting parcels

• When your application is approved by the Referee you will be sent a Notice, in which

must be included where the adjoining parcel is not registered land.

you will be directed to have the application published in a particular newspaper for a

Note: There may be other documents required depending on

period decided by the Referee of Titles.

the facts of each case. Persons who wish to register land must

• Your Certificate of Title is issuable at the

therefore retain the services of a lawyer.

time stated by the Referee after the first appearance of the advertisement in the newspaper if no Caveat is lodged against the application and no court action

Processing Times


• Preparation of your Certificate of Title

1. Memorandum transactions: 5 days – This includes any

will begin after you take in proof of

matter that does not require the creation of a new Certificate

advertisement, i.e. the newspaper pages

of Title.

with the advertisements pertaining to your application and payment of the final fees.

2. New Title transactions: 15–28 days – Applies to any matter that requires the creation of a new Certificate of Title.

3. Registered Title: 6–12 months – If you own land and do not have a registered title, you can make an application to the Registrar of Titles to have the land registered. CIJ FALL 2018 11


Caveats Against Registering Land:

To obtain a new Certificate of Title to replace one that has been

If someone has applied to register land that

destroyed or lost you must:

you claim ownership of or have any mortgage, lien or other interest against, you may lodge

1. Apply to the Registrar of Titles by way of statutory declaration

a caveat against bringing the land under the

proving the loss or destruction of the title. The statutory

Registration of Titles Act. The Caveat must

declaration is to be headed: “In the matter of the Registration

be lodged within the time prescribed by the

of Titles Act and an application by ---(insert owner’s name)

Referee of Titles in the advertisement. Lands

for a new Certificate of Title in place of the lost/destroyed

being registered are advertised in the daily

duplicate registered at Volume, Folio”.

newspapers - on Tuesdays in the Gleaner and

2. The application must identify the land by reference to the description of the land as set out in the lost or destroyed Title

Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Observer and Tuesdays in the Star.

and include the Volume and Folio numbers. If the Volume and Folio numbers are not known, they can be ascertained by a

An action must be commenced in court within

Title search at the Land Titles Division.

30 days of the date of lodgement of the caveat

3. The true and actual value of the land with all improvements must be stated.

in respect of the interest claimed. A copy of the document filed in Court must also be submitted

4. Evidence to satisfy the Registrar of Titles that the duplicate

to the Registrar of Titles within one month.

Certificate of Title has been lost or destroyed must be provided.

Failure to notify the Registrar of Titles of the

5. Applicants should retain the services of a practicing attorneyat-law.

Court proceedings will result in the Caveat lapsing after a month and the registration completed.

Note: The processing time to replace a Lost Title is 3 months.


DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: Transmission Application, Grant of Probate with the Will Annexed, Estate Duty Certificate and duplicate Certificate of Title. Transfer Instrument, Transfer Tax Certificate and duplicate Certificate of Title

Land received as a gift from a

Stamped Transfer Instrument, Transfer Tax Certificate and duplicate

living person

Certificate of Title.

Purchase of land within a sub-

Stamped Part of Land Transfer Instrument, Transfer Tax Certificate,


Subdivision Approval, Pre-checked Plan/Deposit Plan and duplicate Certificate of Title.

CAUTION Inability to provide documentary proof of ownership could delay or impede the process of obtaining a title. In instances where the Applicant is unable to provide proof of ownership, the Application will be refused, and the only available recourse is to proceed to Court to have the matter fully ventilated and a decision handed down by a Judge. Where the delays are caused by errors, the Applicant through his/her attorney-at-law must make the necessary amendment and have the Application resubmitted. The constant rejection from improperly prepared documents will cause inordinate delays. For additional details involved in obtaining or replacing your Land Title visit the NLA website: or contact their office at 8 Ardenne Rd, Kingston 10. CIJ 12 CIJ FALL 2018


Call us today! 416.642.6140 | CIJ FALL 2018


“ Sundays


i wanted to spend

- Charmaine Tial

Photo credit: Jewel Grande, Montego Bay


at the

harmaine Tial is a director of consulting and deals at Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) Canada. She travels extensively across North America and Africa consulting clients on project management and implementation of the Oracle solution.

When she joined the company nearly 15 years ago she stood out among a predominantly Caucasian middle-aged male population. Racial diversity wasn’t necessarily a priority of the recruitment strategy and it became obvious to her that the few people of colour in the organization “didn’t have relationships as colleagues or talk much to each other”. A quiet mover and shaker, she determined to stir the culture and became a founding member of the Black Professionals Circle. “Nothing like it existed in any PwC in the 57 countries where we operated,” she had observed. Standing strong against pushbacks on the name, Charmaine won the management over by underscoring growing trends in corporate culture towards inclusion and multiculturalism and the impact that could have on winning work. Her mantra was to encourage diversity and inclusion in PwC’s talent pool. 14 CIJ FALL 2018

“I wanted to form a network forum for people of colour to

“I left Jamaica when I was 13 years old with my brother

come together, mentor and coach each other; do events

and we came to Canada to join my mom. I didn’t go back

and bring in other people of colour who are making a

for 17 years. When my grandmother passed I went back to

difference and help to elevate the community,” Charmaine

Jamaica for the first time as it was her request to be buried


there,” recounted Charmaine.

As a participant in PwC’s university talent recruitment that

On her first visit to her old neighbourhood in St. Elizabeth,

annually recruits about 50 university graduates and trains

Charmaine fondly recalls re-connecting with a childhood

them over a two-year period, she helps her coachees to

friend who showed her so many sites on the island she felt

develop and connect with mentors in the organization

like a bird in paradise.

and glean from them. “I wanted to offer this to the BPC members,” she shared.

“I had such an amazing time I decided then and there that I was coming back the next year for a vacation and to explore

Today the BPC, rebranded the Black Professionals

more of the island,” she said.

Network, is a model at PwC and partners with diversity networks in other organizations to connect and elevate

One year later, she promptly returned and did this for

the community. According to the Valuing Differences page

several years, enamoured every time by the new places she

of the PwC website, the “Black Professionals group works

discovered and the warmth of the people whom she says

to increase the support, knowledge and skill development

“always made me laugh. I couldn’t get enough of going

of its members for career management and strategies for

home. When I landed it just felt right.

advancement.” “I found myself viewing houses and villas for sale online “I see a lot more black people in the organization. The

for about two years and then a friend told me about a place

organization references us when doing bids for work as

they thought would be perfect for me.”

many companies are multicultural and want to see diversity in their partners. Some partners in turn publish our events to their networks. We’ve partnered with Dentons (a global law firm) and we have a major networking event every year that brings out our clients and community partners,” Charmaine shares of the BPN’S impact. “Even the CEO and several senior partners come and participate in our events,” she adds. The outside community has also taken note and honoured Charmaine with the Afro Global 2018 Excellence Award for Professional Achievement. That’s the kind of mover and shaker Charmaine Tial is. Thirteen years into her job something else started to needle her. “I wanted to spend more Sundays at the beach,” the mother of two adult children reflected.

RECONNECTING WITH JAMAICA Memories of her childhood growing up in Jamaica and the adulation she received when she shared her Jamaican heritage—especially in the African countries she travelled to—reinforced her desire to establish some ties with the

Charmaine Tial, Director of Consulting and Deals, PwC Canada is living the dream building a professional legacy in Canada and a personal one in Jamaica.

island. CIJ FALL 2018 15

Charmaine took one look at this view and made an offer on the spot.

A well fruited property offering varieties of mangoes,

Tucked away in a hillside suburb 10 minutes from the airport

breadfruit, ackee, starfruit, sweetsop, avocadoes, coconuts,

in Montego Bay, the location was spot on for Charmaine

pomegranates and june plums, it evoked fond memories

who knew she also wanted to be based somewhere

of her St. Elizabeth home where as a child she enjoyed the

metropolitan enough to still access many of the creature

warmth of the sun on her face as she walked and picked an

comforts she enjoys back in Canada.

abundance of exotic tropical fruits daily. “I immediately saw the opportunity of the villa. I saw I could


do it as a vacation home and rent it out. I saw that I could

Without hesitation, Charmaine made an offer on spot. “I

use it as Airbnb, because [the rooms each have a private

didn’t have a mortgage or anything in place” she shared, “I

entrance] and I saw it as a way for me to be in Jamaica

just thought well if I can dream it, I can do it.”

and make an income and make the dream possible. Then I did some research on how much vacation homes were

Her offer was refused. But within a couple of months the

renting for in the area,” she excitedly revealed of her dream

realtor called back. The property was back on the market.


“This time I got serious and prequalified for a mortgage with Jamaica National,” she shared. Within five months the deed

The projected ROI made sense and with the help of a friend,

was in her name.

Charmaine began renovations of the 30-year old property to convert it into a villa worthy of her dream.

“I walked unto the verandah and all I saw was the ocean and I felt the ocean breeze and it reminded me I wanted to

Two years in, she’s refurbished several rooms, replaced all

spend more Sundays on the beach and more time slowing

the windows, plumbing and electrical, tiled and painted. On

down and enjoying life,” Charmaine said. She aptly named it

the exterior she’s updated the landscaping, built a jerk pit

Ocean Winds. It was a place she felt safe.

and barbeque and updated the pool for much outdoor fun.

16 CIJ FALL 2018

Asked about the renovation process, she says it was done on budget within a mere six months. “I was able to find all the materials I needed for the renovation in Jamaica. I visited often, made all major purchases myself and had them delivered. I had workers stay on site to minimize downtimes and to manage project timelines and stay on budget,” she shared. In her absence a trusted colleague acted as project manager. He also stayed on site during the renovation process. Familiar with the work culture and labour costs, he handled work negotiations and payment of the workers. Capitalizing on the sharing economy, Charmaine now markets the property on several holiday rental sites. “We’ve begun to earn with guests coming in from Europe, North America and even Brazil,” she says with a humble yet satisfying pat on the shoulder. Online guest reviews confirm the serenity of the place and the homely hospitality are hallmarks of their stay. The dream has come full circle for Charmaine who still straddles her time between Canada and Jamaica. The best part of it all she says is sharing it with others. “I think I’m overbooked for Christmas,” she laughed, “I’m not sure where I am going to put my family.” CIJ

TOP: Charmaine gets to spend Sundays at the beach. Charmaine’s refurbished 5 bedroom villa in the hills of Montego Bay is a retreat for family and tourists.

CIJ FALL 2018 17




You may have seen some ominous signs like these around, but threatening as they appear, they are not enough to protect your property especially if you are an absentee owner. Did you know, under the Registration of Titles Act in Jamaica, a squatter can claim a property by adverse possession if they can prove they have occupied—in an undisturbed manner—private property for more that 12 years or government land for more that 60 years? To avoid losing your land to a squatter, sign a lease agreement, even for a nominal fee as ridiculous as $1 per year with the persons living on your land to ensure you keep the rights to your land. In other words, a lease agreement defines them as a tenant, not a squatter. If they are not a squatter, they can’t claim your land by adverse possession.

Want to avoid the long visitor lines when arriving at immigration in Jamaica? Get your foreign passport stamped with “Unconditional Landing” and proceed to speedier kiosk or counter processing. Anyone of Jamaican descent or citizenship qualifies for this seal, which allows you to also enter the country on a one-way ticket without a Jamaican passport or stay in the country for an unlimited time without needing to obtain an extension of stay permit from Immigration. If you don’t have a Jamaican passport, getting your Unconditional Landing is the way to go. It’s convenient, cost effective and must be renewed whenever you get a new passport. Visit for costs and application details.


Travelling to Jamaica for vacation or business? Did you know that all JN Group members are eligible to participate in JN Rewards and get discounts of up to 50 per cent on products and services across Jamaica and the other countries where JN operates? JN Members are entitled to a discount whenever they use their JN Bank debit card, JN Bank VISA credit card, JN Money card or JN Individual Retirement Scheme card at a JN Rewards Partner. Get discounts at hotels in Jamaica including the Jamaica Pegasus, Courtleigh, Altamount West and 13 other hotels or on car rentals from Island Car Rentals and Hertz Jamaica and at tours and attractions like Dolphin Cove. JN Rewards benefits those in Jamaica and those visiting Jamaica. has the full list of participating merchants. 18 CIJ FALL 2018


Sending food or household supplies to family and friends in Jamaica is now a click away through the online grocery store As you would on Amazon or any other online store, purchases on www. are made with most major credit cards. They also accept Scotia debit card and payments via JN LIVE for JN members. Items can be picked up in store or delivered anywhere in Jamaica for a fraction of the cost of sending a barrel. Imagine the savings in time and money? Your family will thank you for one less day at the wharf attempting to clear a barrel. also ships outside of Jamaica so you can order your Jamaican supplies and have them delivered wherever you are.


It doesn’t have to take a miracle to build a house in Jamaica on time, in budget and to specifications. If you can’t be on site to oversee and manage the process, the Diaspora Home Building Service (DHBS) developed by the Jamaica Mortgage Bank is designed to stand in the gap for you and help you build in peace. Offering a full range of services, they assist from Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to project implementation and handing over. Based on your needs, they can provide referral to a diverse panel of vetted professionals; coordination of service delivery between you and the professional; contract supervision between you and professional and project implementation/ management. Learn more about how this service works at




35 5%


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CIJ FALL 2018 19

Photo credit: Barney Bishop


20 CIJ FALL 2018

Unparallelled Qualities of

Jamaican Coffee by ALTON BEDWARD,

Photo credit: Barney Bishop

Blue Mountain Coffee Marketer


egend has it that the amazing story of coffee began around the latter part of the 5th century AD in the Kingdom of Kaffa in Ethiopia, where the plant was cultivated and its beans used to create a majestic brew. From Kaffa, coffee began its journey

across time, continents and cultures to become the official drink of the world and remains so today. Currently, 53 countries led by Brazil and then Vietnam commercially produce coffee. According to data from the International Coffee Organization (ICO) market report (August 2018), worldwide consumption has steadily grown since the 1990s “at an average annual rate of 2%, increasing from 90.28 million bags in 1990/91 to an estimated 162.12 million bags in 2017/18.” Major producers have increased production to satisfy growing demand and the price of coffee has trended down in recent times. Despite the wide array of taste and flavours, all the world’s coffee is produced from two major species: the rubiaceae coffea Arabica which accounts for 42% of world supply and the rubiaceae coffea Robusta fulfilling 58%. Both species are naturally produced within the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (23.5 degrees north and south of the equator). The Robusta is mainly considered commercial coffee. It generally produces fairly similar characteristics in its taste profile. Its plant is much stronger than the Arabica and can flourish in regions where the Arabica is more difficult to cultivate. The Arabica on the other hand, is a much more sensitive plant that produces a wide variety of taste profiles, each unique to the region in which it is produced. CIJ FALL 2018 21


The Jamaica High Mountain coffee possess similar

In Jamaica, coffee is produced from the rubiaceae coffea

characteristics as its Jamaica Blue Mountain counterpart.

Arabica species that was introduced to the island in 1728.

It is also grown 2000ft above sea level, but in the central

Due to its adaptive qualities, one Arabica coffee plant can

parishes of the island namely: St. Catherine, Clarendon,

produce all of Jamaica’s different types of specialty coffee

St. Ann, Manchester, St. Elizabeth and Trelawny. Its taste

distinguished by where it grows.

profile is also similar to the Blue Mountain Coffee but is not as refined. Both are classified as specialty coffee in the

The island has two main coffee producing regions that

international market and command favorable prices much

both sit along the grand ridge of Jamaica, a mountain range

higher than other brands.

in the middle of the island spanning east to west. These regions produce the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and the


Jamaica High Mountain Coffee, both world renown for their

To maintain its specialty coffee distinction, Jamaica’s coffee

unparalleled qualities.

is processed using exclusively the “washed method” which

SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES The Blue Mountain Coffee is exclusively grown 2000ft

involves the use of a watered mill at the first stage, then sun or machine drying, indoor resting or stowing (natural dehydration) and finally husking or hulling (finishing works).

above sea level within the boundaries of the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica, the island’s only volcanic

Coffee produced by the washed method fetches a higher

area and historically its oldest lands. The region spans

price as this method entails strict guidelines to ensure the

the three most eastern parishes of St. Andrew, St. Thomas

highest quality beans are brought to market. To meet these

and Portland. The highest point in this range is the Blue

specifications, green coffee beans must be screened to

Mountain Peak at 7402ft above sea level.

differentiate sizes and then sorted to remove undesirable beans (a technique still done manually). Samples are then

Possessing its own micro climate, the Blue Mountain region

analyzed by a world renown coffee cup taster who gives

is 7ºC-10ºC cooler than the rest of the island. With rare

the coffee its final grade and stamp of approval to enter

exception, it enjoys sunlight from sunrise to11:00 am and

the market. The coffee is analyzed for 10 criteria and must

becomes overcast between 11:30 am to 4:00 pm when it is

achieve a minimum 6 grade for market acceptance. All

blanketed by the constant Blue Mountain mist and at least

Jamaican coffee is certified by the sole regulatory body,

one downpour of afternoon rain. After sunset, the average

The Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority

night time temperature falls to 18ºC-19ºC.

(JACRA) formerly, The Jamaica Coffee Industry Board (CIB). CIJ

This micro climate provides the perfect conditions for the cultivation of the Arabica plant which prefers altitude, a well-drained fertile soil and a balanced weather pattern that is never too hot, cold, wet, nor too dry. The unique and consistent micro-climatic conditions of the Blue Mountain region also prolong the maturity period of the coffee and changes the chemistry to make it more alkaline with stronger flavours and produce a dense bean. All these features add to the premium qualities and unmatched taste profile of the Blue Mountain coffee. This is why you need not add any condiments to the Blue Mountain coffee. Its general taste profile is defined as being perfectly balanced in bitterness and acidity, very mild, a smooth aftertaste, naturally sweet, with high pH and a lower caffeine level of approximately 20-25mm per cup compared to other Arabica coffee. 22 CIJ FALL 2018

Alton Bedward, describes the Cupping standards for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.



Jamaica’s Coffee Industry he increasing world demand for coffee presents great opportunity for investment in this industry. Jamaican coffee stands at a unique advantage with its premium unmatched qualities that already command a high price. Listed below are some of the current opportunities all along the value chain for investment and innovation in Jamaica’s coffee industry.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT There is the need for technical support in the areas of: geology in order to identify suitable and sustainable areas (land) for cultivation; agronomists to aid with proper plant care, farm maintenance and nutrition; and environmentalists to provide guidance in environmental protection and natural resource management.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND MANAGEMENT Financial support is a necessity—not only in the form of loans or grants as most may believe— it is most needed in the area of financial management especially with the small independent coffee producers. Collectively, the largest producers of Jamaica’s coffee, the small farmers need to be financially stable to maximize production.

CROP INSURANCE There is the constant risk of pest and diseases affecting crops as well as the negative effects of climate change in the form of excessive rainfall or prolonged droughts. Crop insurance is needed to mitigate financial fall out from these misfortunes and others brought on by natural disasters such as wild fires and hurricanes.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Research and development is an aspect of the industry that many opportunities can be unearthed through the development of new hybrid species of coffee and the development of by-products from coffee such as pharmaceuticals. There is need for nutritional inputs and pest control to maximize production, along with hands-on technology to help farmers track the development of cherries through their maturity cycle and to implement strategies to ensure best results if issues arise.

AGRO PROCESSING The processing of finished goods is another important area of opportunity. State-of-the-art roasting facilities will enable the higher finished goods output especially in the soluble coffee market (instant coffee), likewise, coffee for brew and sale locally and internationally. To explore any of these opportunities contact the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) or call 1 (876) 758 1259.

About the author: Alton Bedward entered the coffee industry in 1996 as an intern after attending Jamaica College. He fell in love with the coffee world and has made it his career. He is a "Certified Coffee Roaster", is adept at "Cupping" Grading Techniques and Cultivating Skills. He’s also a certified tour guide and Coffee orator with a diploma in Hotel and Hospitality Management and a BSc in Marketing, specializing in Jamaican Coffee. Alton works with the Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee and Great House Tour located in Irish Town, St. Andrew. CIJ FALL 2018 23

24 CIJ FALL 2018

Photo credit: Shawn Walsh

Serial Entrepreneur



eter Ivey said his mom shipped him off from Jamaica to the USA just out of high school in hopes to preserve his future.

To Peter though the move felt like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. He said he landed in a tough part of New York City and felt more vulnerable and unattached. “How could moving me away from all my family and all that was familiar be better for me?” he questioned. He couldn’t fathom then how his expression of pop culture signalled trouble to his mom. But she wasn’t about to gamble with his potential and future. Flash forward a decade and half later and today her son epitomizes what it means to be a model citizen for his adopted country, his native land and to youth globally. As founder of the Reggae Chefs®, Scattered Jamaica®, the Passport Dinner Series™, The League of International Chefs Association (TLICA) and Mission Food Possible (M:FP), Peter Ivey has earned the title of serial entrepreneur and is

Peter Ivey’s enterprises are a lifeline to preserving and promoting Jamaica’s culture at home and abroad.

fondly referred to as the Anthony Bourdain of Jamaica. The work of his most famed brand, The Reggae Chefs®, is archived in the National Library of Jamaica for its innovation and impact on sharing the Jamaican culture and food globally. In 2016 the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CACCI) recognized the millennial with its Business Visionary Award. That year he was the recipient of the Business Innovation and Game Changer Award. One year later the Jamaica College alumnus received a Certificate of Special (US) Congressional Recognition for “Outstanding and Invaluable Service to the Community” and the UNESCO Center for Global Education invited him to share tips and strategies of successful entrepreneurship at a Youth Entrepreneurship Conference. “I believe part of my calling is to learn from my mistakes and then teach others coming up behind me how to avoid those potholes,” said the entrepreneur and innovator who spends a considerable amount of time fulfilling speaking engagements to youth and entrepreneurs globally. CIJ FALL 2018 25

For all his adult triumphs he says he’s indebted to the influence of mentors like “Miss Ana Walker, a very powerful woman in New York who took me under her wings and former New York State Senator Dr. Waldaba Stewart for teaching me the responsibility of entrepreneurship and how to use this platform to better our community. I’m also inspired by Marcus Garvey and his work.” Five years ago Peter masterminded The Reggae Chefs® in direct response to the pervasive knockoff of Jamaican culture and brand Jamaica overseas. “I lived in Las Vegas briefly and happened on a [stage] show called Reggae in the Desert. I’d never seen so many people who weren’t Jamaicans just consuming our music. As I looked around the perimeter people were selling Jamaican food, Jamaican flags and Jamaican T-shirts. But as I walked around I realised these people weren’t Jamaicans. I thought it was great that our culture was that influential and that powerful. But then I wondered if there were Jamaicans who would really take on the responsibility to share our culture with the world in a unique way,” he said. Looking at the man in the mirror, he found his answer and after ruminating over the unifying power of food, came up with The Reggae Chefs®. This personal chef and entertainment service provides a fusion of authentic Jamaican culinary and cultural experiences by an all-star team of Jamaicans. “I know I wanted it to be truly authentic and we were going to put pressure on ourselves to deliver a superior service,” Peter rationalized of his exclusive Jamaican team who had to be versed in the island’s culture and history to serve as ambassadors. He researched where people went in Jamaica and what they go for and used these preferences to create the “icons of culture” entertainment packages his clients pair with their meals. The idea caught on immediately with non-Jamaicans curious about the country and the service. Of his compatriots though Peter said it took a while for Jamaicans to warm to the Reggae Chefs®. “Jamaicans funny yuh nuh! Dem seh dem can cook their own food so why would Photo credit: Shawn Walsh

they hire this service” he quipped. But as word got around, that resistance changed. “We started to get Jamaicans who lived abroad for a very long time who got wind that we could bring them back to their glory days if they booked the Reggae Chefs®. [They heard] we could knock some Ludi and Dominoes with them, and in their kitchen cook their favourite dish from dem lickle (small) and not just the fancy stuff,” Peter shared. “We’ve had people who’ve never been [to the island] use it as an introduction to Jamaica. People who are terminally ill who couldn’t make it back to Jamaica. Some clients are searching for their history, 2nd and 3rd generation [Jamaicans] who have been told they can’t go to where they are from because the crime is so high and so they book the Reggae Chefs® as an entry point into Jamaica,” he shared. 26 CIJ FALL 2018

From their base in New York, the Reggae Chefs® have also

“We are looking at food insecurity in a whole new light

travelled out to clients across the US, Canada and Europe

using the community, our farmers and ingenuity to change

to bring Jamaica to their doorsteps. That growing interest

how we consume our foods. Our Most Valuable Produce

gave rise to ScatteredJamaica®, a video series that captures

scoring guide not only allows us to use the foods that will

Peter’s travels to far-flung places in search of culinary and

sustain our community, but preserve Jamaican culinary

cultural connections to Jamaica.


“It started as an idea to authenticate Reggae Chefs® and

“Honestly as a chef, too, I am excited to be able to once


keep Reggae Chefs fresh and different,” Peter explained

again take staples like breadfruit, green banana and others

of their mission to provide a richer cultural experience

and use what I have learnt in my travels to create something

for their clients. “We’ve gone searching for the history of

new that will benefit the only currency that matters for the

Reggae music in New Orleans, searching for the history

future—our children,” Peter said.

of porridge in Scotland. In West Africa we went searching for the Ghanaian Duckanoo and how it compares to the

It is undeniable that the brighter future Peter’s mom held

Jamaican Duckanoo.”

for her child has come to fruition. Counting his failures as stepping stones and the impetus for continuing to innovate, ®

The Scattered Jamaica expeditions led to the Passport

the Spanish Town native commented, “I want it to be said

Dinner Series™ – a biannual dinner party held in New

that the places where I walked, where I grew up, where I

York to showcase and celebrate the cultures with a wider

cried, where I have family— those places and by extension


hopefully the globe as well—were made better because of the contributions I’ve made.”

“The program is jam-packed with events and food from both the Jamaican culture and the culture we are discovering side-by-side for the audience to compare. We show pictures, videos, stories, jokes and what made me


TOP: Mission: Food Possible was launched in 2017 to address food insecurity and minimize food wastage. BOTTOM: Peter gives encouragement to a student during the M:FP launch in Jamaica.

laugh and what made me cry,” Ivey said. Continuously learning and innovating, the entrepreneur expanded his skill set to become a trained chef and food safety instructor. Holding community impact top of mind, he then founded The League of International Chefs Association (TLICA) to support and mobilize a global network of food industry professionals to sustain communities by using food and culture to end hunger and poverty. In response to the UN’s call for global action to end food insecurity and poverty by 2030, The Reggae Chefs® and TLICA then launched Mission Food Possible (M:FP) to help educate and feed the food insecure. For World Food Day 2018, Peter took fellow chefs from around the globe to Jamaica to train educators, canteen staff and parents in the innovative use of highly nutritious local fruits and vegetables he has identified as MVP (Most Valuable Produce). The MVPs come with a nutritional scoring guide and will be central to a lunch program slated to start in 2019 for students identified as food insecure. CIJ FALL 2018 27




Freer Here


28 CIJ FALL 2018


ven in England, I classed myself as a

“are you up now?” I would quickly have breakfast and then I

Jamaican with an English accent,” says

was gone for the day,” Lorraine reminisced.

Lorraine Givans, the chief support officer at Destiny Achieved Coaching based in

Travelling from Kingston to see her grandparents in

Ocho Rios, St. Ann Jamaica. It’s been seven years since the

Clarendon on the market bus with all the produce and the

business coach relocated to Jamaica in tow of her parents

livestock with the people was another fun adventure that

who retired to the island a few years earlier.

made an indelible mark on Lorraine because of what she describes as the “togetherness of the people”— something

Although born and raised in England, Lorraine maintains,

else that influenced how she matured as an adult.

“I always felt freer here.” That intangible was probably the most significant in her choice to leave a successful

“I remember literally sitting on the gear stick once.

career she was fully invested in for 22 years in London, sell

Sometimes mom would put you on somebody’s lap and felt

her home and re-establish herself in a place she had only

safe doing that. Looking back, it was a blessing. It showed


the difference in culture and just that togetherness of the people.

Childhood Memories “As they say in Jamaica, “From I born and have sense” I was

“As I got older it became more and more depressing to

never ‘for’ England, the culture nor the climate. I love heat. I

leave. That moment of having to check for your passport

love nature and being in the greenery,” she said.

and pack your bags for the return [to England] always brought on anxiety,” says Lorraine who seems to be the

“As a child I had hay fever and I remember that it never

polar opposite of her brother whom she describes as

bothered me when we visited Jamaica, but the moment

the ‘typical English man’. “He enjoyed the freedom and

I had to return to England, I dreaded the thought of the

adventures in Jamaica but when it was time to leave he was

[constant] itching and sneezing,” she recounted.

ready to go home,” Lorraine quips.

“We’ve been coming to Jamaica from I was two years old. This is home for my mom and dad and they wanted us to come and see where they were raised,” she explained. Her mom, a British Airways employee, enjoyed complimentary travel, which afforded the family annual trips that fostered the strong bond Lorraine developed with the island. Of the memories she cherished on those annual visits, Lorraine says gleefully, “I remember us getting to the airport, hoping and keeping our fingers crossed that there was a seat for all of us on the plane. Then landing in Kingston was always special, because, as you got off the plane you got that heat and then that natural smell. Because I didn’t eat plane food, our first stop was always KFC, then getting to my aunt and it was always night when we arrived so there was the sound of the crickets and bugs. That for me meant that I was home.” Those prized moments for Loraine were trumped only by the late night chatting with her Jamaican family and spending time with the neighbours. “In the morning my neighbour would come to the bathroom window and ask CIJ FALL 2018 29

Love Beckons

Supervision Management, Change Management, Team

On her 40th the senior manager celebrated her birthday

Building and Personal Life Coaching.

in Jamaica, had a romantic connection and decided this is it. Lucky for her, her new beau had no desire to move to

“I help business owners put their vision at the forefront

England. After two years of long distance dating she was

of their lives and use the constant image of their vision

ready to move permanently to Jamaica and build her dream

as impetus for making their goals and visions a reality,”

home on the beach.

outlines her website.

A restructuring exercise at her company made the decision

“The biggest thing with Jamaica overall in relation to

that much easier. But her organization was not as eager

business organizations is accountability or the lack of

to sever ties and it took 18 months before they finally

accountability. It is very easy to pass blame,” Lorraine

accepted her application for voluntary redundancy and

observed. To remedy this, she advocates “real change has

bade her goodbye.

to start at the top and bring people back into alignment with their vision so it can trickle down below and remain

“That was humbling in that they saw the value of my work

authentic throughout the organization.”

and contribution,” shared Lorraine who rose through the managerial ranks, leading

Reflecting on her move to

change management and

Jamaica she shakes her head

ultimately running a unit at the time of her departure. Significant to her professional success was her care for people and the priority she gave to ensuring her staff succeeded personally and professionally, something the senior management appreciated, having witnessed the multiplier effect on clients.

Finding Her Place

“I wouldn’t change

and says, “I wouldn’t change anything. If I were to have

anything. If I were to

listened to friends and family I

have listened to friends

at the bigger picture; crime is

and family I would not have come. But I look at the bigger picture…”

This passion to help people be

would not have come. But I look everywhere, every city, every country has its bits but once you have ambition and approach it [the move] with an open mind, there is so much that can be achieved here.” The key to making the transition she advises for

true to themselves, develop

anyone interested to follow-

their strengths and align with their goals and calling is

suit, is managing expectations by “preparing yourself for

what Lorraine knew she would continue to do wherever

whatever may come and embrace that [you] may have to

she landed. Relocating to Jamaica where this passion

‘batter batter’ from time-to-time. That alone will carry [you]

was initially stoked and enriched by her many childhood


experiences of the togetherness of the Jamaican people was simply surreal.

“I could be having a challenging time and I sit and look out at the sea in the front or the dogs in my backyard and

On finding her place in Jamaica, she said she began with

it makes it all worth it. I wake up every day and I count my

a review of Vision 2030 to identify the priorities for the

blessings,” mused Lorraine who admits she still enjoys

country’s development and how it aligned with her passion

cross country trips on the bus to visit friends and family and

to coach others. Recognizing some of the operational gaps

“feels totally safe doing it.”

and challenges for entrepreneurs and organizations on the island, she focused on serving this audience. Her practise, Destiny Achieved Coaching, now offers customized solutions for Performance Management, 30 CIJ FALL 2018


Shoe Sleeve


Dopp Kit

Tech The Valet

Boxers & Socks Tie Case Laundry

Shoe Sleeves

Vanity Jewels Tech Liquids

The 1887 Clutch Knickers Beach/ Bath Laundry

TRAVEL SIMPLE “It may sound like a lofty goal, but for those of us who travel frequently, it’s a life mission.”

- Sonja M. Salmon, Founder Ebby Rane Greetings,

My personal story is about Canada, my country of birth, and Jamaica, my family heritage and a source of inspiration. I started this company out of need. As a corporate lawyer, I traveled weekly for work but could never find a carryon that suited me. I wanted something that was more than an empty box. A bag that worked as hard as I did, so I designed The Quartermaster myself. I decided to name the company after my two Jamaican grandfathers, Ebby Salmon and Clarence Rainford. They inspired me in many ways, but their belief “that everyone deserves opportunity,” lies at the foundation of this business. As a child of Jamaican parents, I know firsthand what it means to be given opportunities and to dream beyond your current circumstances. Ebby Rane is proud to support women in developing countries around the world to be businesswomen. While helping busy executives travel with efficiency, simplicity and style is the core of our business, supporting women with the gift of opportunity is what drives us every day. Sincerely, Sonja M. Salmon Founder, Ebby Rane

Photo credit: David Spencer


Senator The Honorable Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

Strengthening Diaspora


ENGAGEMENT n March 2018, Senator The Honourable Pearnel

a four-pronged approach, aimed at strengthening the

Charles Jr. was appointed Minister of State in

linkages between Jamaicans abroad and those at home,

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

creating opportunities for investment and serving the

(MOFT) with responsibility for Diaspora Affairs.

needs of our Diaspora.

The Generation X minister says he’s intimately au fait with many of the interests and concerns of the diaspora having

The first approach is to strengthen the lines of

studied and lived overseas. He outlines the immediate

communication between Jamaica and the Diaspora. This

priorities of the MOFT to strengthen diaspora engagement,

move would capture data of the various demographics

contextualises diaspora impact and contributions to nation

in the Diaspora and assist in devising a strategic

building and highlights key investment opportunities for

communication plan to creatively engage these groups.

their continued support.

This would include maximizing the traditional media platforms to further connect to our people.

What are your goals and plans to further engage members of the Jamaican Diaspora?

Secondly, we are also striving to improve collaboration

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade holds

more efficient system for philanthropic donations.

among ministries, departments and agencies to create a

portfolio responsibility for Diaspora engagement. We recognise the immense talent, skills, boundless creativity

Thirdly, we will seek to facilitate the transfer of Diaspora

and ingenuity which are resident in the Diaspora. In order

skills and expertise for the development of local

to drive the engagement process forward, I have developed

communities and our nation as a whole.

32 CIJ FALL 2018

Lastly, we are expanding our outreach to Jamaicans beyond


Kingdom through active engagement with Jamaicans living

What are some of the key contributions the Diaspora has made to the Jamaican society?

in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin

The Government of Jamaica truly appreciates the

America and across the globe.

tremendous work and commitment of our Diaspora, whose

the United States of America, Canada and the United

contributions have positively impacted our local industries

How does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade intend to spark the interest of 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation members of the Diaspora in Jamaica’s development?

and economy in many ways.


In an effort to ensure the sustainability of the Diaspora

The Diaspora has been magnanimous in their

Movement, it is critical that we connect with the younger

contributions to Jamaica. In particular, they

generation. Young people do not share the same interests

give financial contributions, educational materials

nor have the same affinity to Jamaica as their older

and supplies, which have proven to be invaluable for the

counterparts. Over the last two years, my Ministry has

development of Jamaica’s education sector. For the period

taken deliberate steps to engage young people in our

1st April 2017 – 31st March 2018, the National Education

Diaspora. Since taking office in March of this year, I have

Trust (NET) indicated that Diaspora contributions to

met with Jamaican students in Cuba twice and have had

education amounted to US $292,793.63. The sector has

robust and vibrant discussions with young leaders in

also benefited from contributions made by the Jamaica

the United Kingdom and Canada. We have now formed a

Diaspora Education Taskforce (JDETF). The JDETF consists

team comprising young members of the diaspora who will

of Jamaican educators and relevant stakeholders who

be the nucleus responsible for developing and creating

focus on capacity development of our teachers, especially

programmes and campaigns geared towards engaging the

in relation to Science, Technology, Engineering and



Photo credit: David Spencer

Participants in the youth forum at the 2018 Jamaica Canadian Diaspora conference held in Toronto, Canada.

CIJ FALL 2018 33

HEALTH The Diaspora also plays an important role in contributing to Jamaica’s health sector. There are an estimated 200 recorded health missions that visit Jamaica annually, many of which are from the Diaspora. The Missions provide free health care services in general medicine, general surgery, vision screening, dentistry, pharmaceuticals and ophthalmology, to name a communities.

TOURISM Jamaica’s tourism industry continues to be one of the leading contributors to Jamaica’s Global Domestic Product (GDP) and continues to enjoy a considerable level of support from members of our Diaspora, with promising projections for the future. Data

Senator The Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr. with Bishop Ransford Jones, chair of the Canadian Jamaican Diaspora Christian Alliance.

from the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) indicates that, on average, 151,000 Diaspora tourists visit annually, which


accounts for 7 percent of all stop-over visits.

With respect to savings, it is estimated that the Diaspora has invested over US $1.1 billion in the


business enterprises, as at 22nd June 2017. According to

The Diaspora has also contributed to the well-

the Jamaica Stock Exchange, the Diaspora’s investment

being of their families in Jamaica. It is estimated

in the stock markets as at July 2017 was valued at US$321

that in 2017, we received USD$2.2 billion dollars

Photo credit: David Spencer

Jamaican stock exchange, institutional savings and

million. According to Caribbean Policy Research Institute

in remittances, which were primarily used by recipients

(CAPRI) total savings held in three of Jamaica’s major

to pay utility bills and cover day-to-day living expenses.

financial companies which court Diaspora business, namely

Remittances have emerged to be the fastest growing and

Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS), Jamaica National

most stable source of capital flow and foreign exchange in

(JN) and National Commercial Bank (NCB), totalled US$659

the last decade.

million. CIJ

Key leaders of the Jamaican diaspora in Canada with Senator The Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr. at the 2018 diaspora conference in Toronto, Canada.

34 CIJ FALL 2018

Photo credit: David Spencer

few. These services are well appreciated especially in rural

55 Diaspora





iennially there is a Diaspora conference to facilitate structured engagement and interaction among the Diaspora, the Government of Jamaica, the private sector and civil society, what are some outcomes from the Jamaica 55 Diaspora Conference 2017?

The Jamaica 55 Diaspora Conference, which was successfully staged from 23rd – 26th July 2017 in Kingston, Jamaica, was an inspired example of a public-private partnership with the involvement of ministries, departments and agencies and the Jamaican private sector. The Conference was designed to facilitate discussions on human resources as key drivers of economic growthbuilding, Diaspora investments for supporting Jamaica’s Growth Agenda and creative strategies for sustaining economic growth job creation and employment. Several recommendations and actionable items arose following the various sessions of the Conference.

HEALTHCARE The Diaspora committed to intensifying its support of the Adopt-a-Clinic Programme, created by the Ministry of Health, to provide infrastructural support and development of 100 health clinics across Jamaica. Thus far, eight clinics have been adopted. The Jamaican Diaspora in the United Kingdom adopted seven health clinics across Jamaica, namely the Enfield Health Centre in St. Mary, Mount Pleasant Health Centre in Portland, Elderslie Health Centre in St. Elizabeth, Lambs River and Petersfield Health Centre in Westmoreland, the Cascade Health Centre in Hanover, and the Mount Carey Health Centre in St. James. Notably, a Jamaican citizen in Canada, Mr. Ronald Seales, has committed to adopting the Glen Vincent Centre in St. Andrew.

EDUCATION The Jamaica Diaspora Education Taskforce (JDETF) embraced the opportunity to train 100 teachers in Kingston through the Excellence in Science Experiential Education (ExSeed) Programme, an initiative in collaboration with Loma Linda University in California. The Union of Jamaican Alumni Association also took on the task of developing a STEM enrichment programme known as “HACK IT” for high school students. Additionally, a partnership was forged between the National Education Trust (NET), the JDETF and the Jamaica National (JN) Foundation, for the implementation of the “Pledge2Build” Project, with the aim of raising funds for the upgrading of early childhood and primary schools in Jamaica. So far, the Diaspora has raised US $10,000 through the campaign. Finally, following a recommendation given during the Conference, encouraging the Diaspora to facilitate the pairing of overseas and Jamaican schools and universities, the Presidents of Broward College in Florida and the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) in Jamaica have committed to offering courses in their respective institutions.

CITIZEN SECURITY With respect to Crime Prevention, the Diaspora offered support to partner on projects dealing with the rehabilitation of prisoners. As the first step towards implementing a Prison In-Reach Programme to reduce recidivism, a Fact-Finding Mission was undertaken by the UK Chapter of the Jamaica Diaspora Crime Intervention and Prevention Task Force (JDCIPT). It is anticipated that the Programme will be launched at the Christian Diaspora Conference on 10th – 11th October 2018. Additionally, the members of the Crime Intervention and Prevention Taskforce have submitted a detailed proposal on strategies to assist in reducing gang-related crime and violence to the Ministry of National Security (MNS). CIJ FALL 2018 35

Opportunities for


INVESTMENT hat opportunities exist in local sectors for members of the Diaspora and friends of Jamaica to invest in order to fill existing gaps? Jamaica is ripe for investment. Out of 190 countries, Jamaica is ranked 70th according to the World

Bank’s 2018 Doing Business Report. Jamaica has the highest ranking in the English speaking Caribbean and 6th in the Latin America and Caribbean region. The island also improved eight points on the Global Competitiveness Index to 70 of 138 countries in 2017/2018. Jamaica is also ranked the best country to do business in the Caribbean based on the 2017 Forbes Best Countries for Business Report. We want our Diaspora to be a part of this success. There are several incentives in place for our investors, such as capital allowances, duty-free importation of equipment and machinery, and special General Consumption Tax rates, among many others.

AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-BUSINESS Growth in the sector will require strong public-private partnership that is researchoriented, market-driven and export-led. Specific opportunities along the supply chain include cultivation of crops for local sale and/ or export, building out of packing houses and consolidators to provide distribution services, provision of cold storage facilities for a wide range of products, and manufacturing of intermediate products such as purée and Photo credit: Appleton Estate




There are currently over 60 companies which offer call

The Urban Development Corporation (UDC), Jamaica’s state

centre and BPO services in the country, accounting for

development agency, is presently seeking partners and

more than 26,000 jobs across the Island. With cost-

investors with financial resources, development experience

competitive and talented labour, cultural compatibility

and management expertise, with the aim of redeveloping

with North America and an increasing output of business,

Runaway Bay, Montego Bay, Portmore and downtown

economics and accounting professionals, Jamaica provides

Kingston. It is expected that these redevelopment projects

the ideal platform for companies seeking to establish BPO

will create investment opportunities in a multiplicity of


areas ranging from construction, transportation, lodgings, food and beverage and entertainment.

36 CIJ FALL 2018

TOURISM While Jamaica’s tourism industry continues to enjoy growth in the traditional segments of leisure and attractions, exciting opportunities are emerging from new segments such as boutique and city hotels, as well as health and wellness. Investments from the Diaspora are welcome in the areas of entertainment and sports tourism, eco-tourism, medical tourism and education tourism.



The creative industries sector is the third largest

The primary objective of the Government is to diversify the

contributor to GDP, and has a significant multiplier effect

national energy supply into a mix of energy sources that

on the Jamaican economy through seamless linkages with

includes any combination of petroleum coke (petcoke),

other industries such as tourism and manufacturing. The

coal, natural gas and renewables. Tapping into alternative

Government of Jamaica encourages investments toward

energy sources, such as solar, thermal, wind and hydro

our local filmmaking, fashion and music industries, as well

energy and photovoltaics, presents attractive investment

non-conventional creative avenues such as animation.

opportunities for our Diaspora.

MANUFACTURING ASSEMBLY According to the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), in 2016 manufacturing accounted for 19% of total employment, US $723 million in exports and 8.3% of GDP. Potential investors can benefit from lower production costs and investment requirements, an educated workforce, modern telecommunication infrastructure, access to internationallyrecognized design, engineering, manufacturing and after-market service capabilities, and close proximity to the North American market. Photo credit: Appleton Estate CIJ FALL 2018 37


Adoption in Jamaica


he Jamaican government is asking the private sector and the diaspora for philanthropic support of its Adopt-a-clinic program to strengthen access and delivery of quality primary health care.

Under the program, 100 clinics across 14 parishes have been identified for help with either minor infrastructure upgrade or expansion; minor maintenance or repairs and/or the acquisition of clinical, dental, office equipment, and furniture. Already seven clinics have been adopted. The three to five-year commitment, estimates an annual injection of US$5K– US$10K or J$1,000,000 equivalent for each clinic. The specific

target for each clinic is determined by a needs assessment and can be fulfilled by a combination of cash and in-kind donations. The Adopt-a-clinic programme is managed and administered by the Health for Life and Wellness Foundation, LTD, the nonprofit affiliate of the Ministry of Health. Primary health care in Jamaica is delivered through a network of over 320 community health centres spread across its 14 parishes. Most facilities were built in the 1970s and Jamaica received global recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO) then for its best practices in primary health care. But today, this essential service is severely underresourced and woefully inadequate. Deteriorating infrastructure, inadequate maintenance and aging equipment amidst the limited fiscal resources of the government have impaired the primary health care system to sufficiently respond to increased population and changes in demographics and epidemiological profiles. Jamaica has invested J$1.5 billion over the last six years on refurbishing and equipping 150 of its health centres and seeks philanthropic support from the private sector and the diaspora to bridge the gap and upgrade the others.

For more details on how to participate in the Adopt-a-clinic program contact: Courtney Cephas: Off: (876) 633-8206 Cell: (876) 820-6019 Email: Phyllis Hall Off: (876) 633-8201 Cell: (876) 537-2868 Email:

38 CIJ FALL 2018


to Jamaica’s Education Sector


hilanthropic donations in cash and kind to Jamaica’s education sector are facilitated and managed by the National Education Trust (NET), under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MOEYI). Your donations may be sent to a predetermined beneficiary or the NET office can assist you to identify a suitable institution to receive your donations. NET’s online database has an exhaustive list of schools categorized by parish and their respective

educational needs. In order to receive duty concessions including a waiver on the General Consumption Tax (GCT), Special Consumption Tax, Stamp Duty, Import Duties and 50% off the Customs Administrative Fees, the items being donated must be consigned to the National Education Trust and all shipping documents must state “National Education Trust” and the name of the recipient institution.

REQUIREMENTS BEFORE SHIPPING The following documents are all required at minimum one week before your scheduled shipping date:

üü Completed NET Donations Form detailing: Items being donated, quantities, actual or estimated value üü Letter of Offer – sent to the beneficiary and copied to NET üü Official Letter of Acceptance – from recipient üü Copies of invoices or receipts for the items üü Flight itinerary and name(s) of the passenger(s) responsible for the items if they are being transported on a commercial flight Note: 1. 2. 3.

Certain items may require a special permit or must meet certain specifications prior to shipment. Non-educational goods, educational materials and personal items must be packaged separately. It is advisable that items be shipped in pallets, containers, D-containers, crates, skids, drums or barrels.

REQUIREMENTS AFTER SHIPMENT Once the items have been shipped, a copy of the Bill of Lading as well as a copy of the ‘Arrival Notice’ must be submitted to the NET. If the total value of the items is greater than US $5000, a registered Customs Broker will be required to clear the shipment. The approval process typically takes a maximum of ten (10) working days. Further information and relevant forms can be retrieved online at You may contact Miss Latoya Harris Director, Donor and Partnership Management, National Education Trust 37 Arnold Road Road, Caenwood Centre, Kingston 4 Office: 1 (876) 922 3134 or 1 (876) 967-7962 | Mobile: 1 (876) 562 9542 | Email: CIJ FALL 2018 39

Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation hosts the Jamrock annual gala to raise funds for building Basic Schools in Jamaica. They’ve raised over CAD $2 million to date and built 19 schools in Jamaica.

MORE SCHOOLS Less Barriers to Success by KEISHA JOHNSON (L-R) Singer Sean Paul, Tennis champ Serena Williams and Karl Hale at the school built by Serena.


ight-year-old Shyan Henry made her debut appearance in Toronto, Canada on September 14, 2018 at the 13th annual Helping Hands

Jamaica Foundation Fundraising Gala. Accompanied by her mother, Francine Brown, they travelled from Montego Bay, St. James in Jamaica and took the stage at the Donalda Club in Toronto as ambassadors for the many children and communities in Jamaica that have received new schools and educational supplies from the Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation (HHJF). “When I grow up I want to be just like you,� Shyan told the room of approximately 250 generous donors who

Former NFL player Orlando Franklin (L) gets handy with a paint brush on this school build.

that night gave over CAD $500,000 to build more basic schools on the island.

CIJ FALL 2018 41

It was a record evening of fundraising for the HHJF that remains resolute in its mission to provide Jamaica’s children with opportunities for education and eliminate barriers to their success. Shyan attended the Triumphant Basic School in Montpellier, St. James, which was outfitted by the Helping Hands team in 2015 with eight classrooms, 10 bathrooms, a kitchen, computer room, teachers’ lounge, expanded principal’s office, lunch area and outdoor play grounds. The opening of the new school, Shyan said “felt like paradise” to her and fellow schoolmates. “I was a proud mom to know that my child was not going to be cooped up anymore in this little, tiny, cramped area,” Francine shared in reference to the two small classrooms that were divided into three rooms to accommodate the 150 students prior to the build. Her daughter has since graduated to primary school but the impact of the build remains a high point in their lives and in their community. “It’s a school that teaches very well so it [the new school] was very well deserved,” Francine emphasized with great joy for the expanded capacity of the new school to better serve the needs of the community. Since its founding by Jamaican-born pro tennis player Karl Hale in 2005, HHJF in partnership with private and corporate donors have gifted over CAD $1.5 million in infrastructure and resources for early childhood education across the island. In its genesis, the Foundation renovated existing schools and provided much needed school supplies. With the onboarding of Food for the Poor in 2009 as implementing partner, they expanded to the Photo credit: Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation

construction of new schools and have since built 19 basic schools island wide. Annually, the Foundation teams with members of the diaspora, friends of Jamaica, pro athletes and celebrities for its ‘voluntourism’ school builds. During these five-day trips to Jamaica, participants get handson with the local foremen, tradesmen and the community to construct new basic schools, which cost approximately CAD $80,000 each. “When we arrive it’s just the foundation, when we leave everything is up for the tradesmen to come in and add plumbing and electrical,” says Natasha Borota of the It Factor Ltd that provides event management for HHJF. Throughout the year the Foundation facilitates additional school build trips from partners interested to fundraise or fulfill the amount and take their own volunteers, Borota says. 42 CIJ FALL 2018

TOP (L-R): Shyan with mom Francine Brown and HHJF’s Natasha Borota. BOTTOM (L-R): HHJF Chairman, Karl Hale with Samantha Mahfood of Food for the Poor (Canada).

Sponsors of the 2017-2018 school builds were recognized at the HHJF gala. They included, Sunwing, David Morrison, Kisko, Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 27 and The Caribbean Chinese Association.

“A positive spin off was that the HEART Trust NTA received thousands of dollars of brand new tools taken to Jamaica by the team of 27 people who went to the Trelawny build. Carpenters Union 27 met Jamaica’s Prime Minister, made another donation to the education system and has laid the foundation for the Sports superstars, Serena Williams, Donovan Bailey, Orlando

development of an internship program. In addition, United

Franklin, Stephen Tulloch, alongside Peter Jensen, Maple

Black Trade Unionists and Metrolinx donated school bags

Leaf Sports & Entertainment, Kisko, The Caribbean Chinese

complete with supplies to all the students in the adjoining

Association, Sunwing, David Morrison and most recently

primary school. Carpenters Union 27 members wore their

Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 27 have each built a

hotel slippers back to the hotel the last day of the build.

school in Jamaica through the HHJF program.

They turned their steel toed boots over to workers on the ground in Jamaica. That extended generosity was silently

“I love what they are doing. People are engaged in it and

noticed and acknowledged from the hearts of each of us,”

I support anything that has to do with education,” said

the Consul General noted.

recently retired NFL player Orlando Franklin who has participated in several of the school builds.

HHJF chairman Karl Hale says the foundation is looking to complete its 20th school build next summer and welcomes

In 2017 he donated 50 percent of the cost of one build and

all who wish to join them. CIJ

took along his mother and two siblings then invited several family members from Jamaica to join in and get their hands dirty in the construction. “They loved it and I am extremely happy to support anything with education on the island and support the school system because early childhood education can help to put kids in a better situation in life,” he noted. “It’s a good thing to do and I would have my kids get involved when they get older,” added Franklin who migrated from Jamaica at age three. Consul General of Jamaica at Toronto, Lloyd Wilks who participated in two of the HHJF school builds this year underscored the ripple effects of the “selfless giving” of the HHJF teams.

The silent auction helps raise funds for the HHJF school builds. CIJ FALL 2018 43




amaica is known for its one-of-a-kind accommodations, which provide a welcome refuge for visitors and a luxurious backdrop to the island’s natural beauty. Private villas are

mainstays in Jamaica, as they give vacationers that peace and relaxation that they seek. Unique in their offerings, no two villas are the same. In just about every nook and cranny of the island are exquisite villa options to suit every taste. Below is a sample of Jamaica’s diverse villa offerings from Portland to St. James.

44 CIJ FALL 2018

Images courtesy of Jamaica Tourist Board


Images courtesy of GoldenEye Fleming Villa

GoldenEye Fleming Villa

GoldenEye Fleming Villa ORACABESSA, JAMAICA While on vacation at this exclusive private villa that he built in Oracabessa, British author and WWII veteran Ian Fleming was inspired to create one of the most iconic characters in literary and cinematic history – James Bond. For decades, Fleming’s hide-away along a beach bearing his name and the mysterious Blue Lagoon has welcomed countless celebrities. Situated on a private enclave within the Golden Eye resort, Fleming Villa has its own private beach, pool and gardens. The Villa comprises a three-bedroom main house annexed by two, one-bedroom cottages and together sleeps 10 adults comfortably. Both guesthouses are built into the natural landscape, and boast views of the pool and Caribbean Sea respectively. The master bedroom in the main villa still contains Fleming’s original writing desk where he penned his classic James Bond. Each of the three rooms in the main villa is completed with a spacious outdoor tropical bathroom and shower. Your stay at Fleming Villa comes with a butler, housekeeper, cook and access to all the amenities of the award winning Golden Eye resort, including its spa, restaurant and bar just steps away. The villa is a 20-minute drive from Ocho Rios, 10 minutes from the Ian Fleming Airport and a 90-minute hop on the new highway from the international airport in Kingston or Montego Bay.

Weekly rates range from US$50,000 – US$70,500 and peak at US$91,000 for stays during Christmas and New Year’s. Sleeps 10 46 CIJ FALL 2018

Round Hill Hotel and Villas MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA This award-winning property boasts 27 private, luxury accommodations, each with their own character and charm.Distinct villa features include ocean views, private or semi-private pools in a tropical setting, and open-air living rooms or verandas. Each villa has on-site staff that caters to the needs of guests, such as serving made-to-order breakfast on the terrace every morning if that’s what you desire.Round Hill offers two to six-bedroom villa options under four categories: Luxury Villas, Deluxe Villas, Classic Villas and Premium Villas. Rates and occupancy details are available on their website.

Images courtesy of Jamaica Tourist Board

CIJ FALL 2018 47

48 CIJ FALL 2018

Images courtesy of Aqua Bay at Tryall Club

Aqua Bay at the Tryall Club MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA

Renovated and refurbished in 2017, this 8500 sq. ft, four-bedroom 5.5 bath contemporary beachfront villa is one of the newest luxury properties at The Tryall Club. Aqua Bay’s special accommodation features, including a heated swimming pool with a spa and sundeck that faces the ocean. The en suite bathrooms contain walk-in showers and bathtubs, a number of which are in the open air. A private garden accentuates the villa, along with a covered veranda with a dining area for twelve people. Guests can enjoy the services of an on-site chef, butler, gardener and housekeeper. The villa comes with two four-seater golf carts for getting around. Golfing is available at the Tryall Club or at Half Moon, Cinnamon Hill or White Witch. You can also play a game of table tennis, work out at the gym or kayak along the coast. The Tryall Club is known for its world-class golf course and first-class athletic amenities, which villa-goers are welcome to try.

US $18,000 – US $22,000 per week with higher rates for stays during the week of Christmas and New Year’s holiday. Sleeps 10 adults CIJ FALL 2018 49

50 CIJ FALL 2018




irbnb is making waves in Jamaica. Thanks in part to a growing appetite among travellers— especially millennials— for ‘living like locals’ and the recurring inflow of diaspora tourists.

The last year has seen a 50% increase in the number of hosts actively using the home sharing platform to promote short-term rentals of houses, apartments and even rooms and beds within homes in local communities across the island. If there is any question whether people are booking, Airbnb reports that 65% of the listings last year hosted guests for at least one night. A recent case study of peer-to-peer accommodation and the Impact of Airbnb in Jamaica conducted by the World Bank, revealed that Kingston had over 15,000 guests, St. Ann 14,700+ and St. James 13,000+. Across all parishes, listings are popping up on the platform to suit travellers’ varied tastes and budgets. Island wide, over 3000 hosts in 2017 welcomed 59,500 guests equating to 186% more visitors via Airbnb than in 2016. Host revenues for 2017 amounted to US$9.4 million, a lift from the US $5.8 million earned in 2016 with 910 hosts in Kingston collectively earning US$2.4 million dollars. For many hosts that’s additional funds to help pay off mortgages, school fees and other expenses, seed new business and improve their quality of life. In fact, Airbnb has reported that globally, 43% of hosting income is used to pay for regular household expenses. Created in the US during the 2008 economic recession as a means to help people use their homes to supplement their income, the platform has since gained global popularity. The metrics are simple and done right, it’s a win-win investment. If you have a property in Jamaica with a US$1200 mortgage for example, securing 20-nights occupancy per month can comfortably pay that off. The key is to cover your fixed and variable costs with room for a markup, yet remain within the range of rates offered by similar listings in your area.

AIRBNB’S TURNKEY APPROACH WORKS WELL IN JAMAICA FOR SEVERAL OTHER REASONS. Its fees are cheaper than similar platforms allowing hosts to retain approximately 97% of the listing price. Compulsory detailed profiles of hosts and guests, professional site photos and legitimate guest reviews make it easy to match expectations and anticipate standards. The back office supports an efficient automated operation that facilitates a smooth online interface for guests and host. And through its global marketing machinery and extensive network, it offers hosts exponential visibility that many small businesses struggle to attain. CIJ FALL 2018 51

The sweet spot of the model is providing superior guests experiences that earn and maintain 5-star guest reviews. This ‘seal of approval’ attracts more guests. More guest stays make a listing stand out in the Airbnb algorithm and unlocks access to increased benefits and tools from Airbnb to boost your business. “It is the single most important thing to happen to Jamaica in last 50 years because it makes Jamaica’s tourism market inclusive of everyone from the home side of it to the experiences side and then you take it into the communities and you create sustainable tourism,” Havanah Llewelyn, president of the Jamaica Home Sharing Association told Caribbean Insider, Jamaica.

“It is the single most important thing to happen to Jamaica in the last 50 years because it makes Jamaica’s tourism market inclusive of everyone ...” The association is Airbnb’s first host club in the Caribbean and joins 200+ counterparts worldwide with a mission to “drive initiatives to better their neighbourhoods.” The association shares best practices among hosts, support community tourism and advocate for fair home sharing legislation. Membership is open to all home sharers whether they list on Airbnb or another platform. Llewelyn’s sentiment reflects the array of opportunities this level of community tourism affords to ordinary Jamaicans in just about every sector. Single moms, retirees, professionals, the unemployed, anyone with property or extra space in their home can earn directly from the model. TOP RIGHT: A guest gets to harvest local produce for his picnic on an airbnb Experience in St Ann, Jamaica.BOTTOM RIGHT: Living like residents these Airbnb guests discover a river head enjoyed mostly by locals. 52 CIJ FALL 2018

And then there is Airbnb Experiences, another product launched in Jamaica late 2017. “Experiences go beyond typical tours and immerse guests into an activity designed and led by a local. It’s an opportunity for a Jamaican to share their hobbies, skills or expertise,” says Sherie Anderson, vice president of the Jamaica host club and host of several experiences and accommodations on the platform.

IT KEEPS TOURISM DOLLARS CIRCULATING IN LOCAL ECONOMIES. Everything from farm tours, to street dances, cooking experiences and nature hikes to music lessons in studios can be made an experience from which the community earns, once the proposed experience passes Airbnb vetting standards. Income opportunities therefore extend beyond accommodations to service providers along the value chain benefitting taxi drivers, shops, housekeepers, entertainment venues, property managers and anyone with a service or product for guests. The scope for partnerships is extensive. “We are now looking to partner with HEART [Trust NTA] to fill the gap for trained housekeepers for example. There is also an emerging market for individuals to manage property for absentee owners offering short-term rental,” Jamaica’s host club president said. In a real way, tourism is now filtered outside the typical tourist belts and beyond the traditional players, fulfilling the democratization of travel and tourism that Airbnb purports. To the benefit of local economies, Airbnb indicated that based on its 2017 global performance, 42% of guest spending happens in the neighbourhood where guests

TOP: There are Airbnb listings in almost every community in Jamaica. BOTTOM: These Airbnb guests stopped to smell the “roses” on a nature walk experience.

stay and 53% of guests spent the money they saved from staying at an Airbnb in the neighbourhoods and cities they stayed in. “This model is what transforms a country,” says Llewelyn who is also a returning resident and host of multiple accommodations for himself and others on the site. “Having home sharing in a community is the best security you can have in a country. When people are coming into a community and spending and supporting that community, they are welcomed. With revenues coming in the community, it lessens the violence and the crime. The community looks out for them and takes care of them to give them the best CIJ FALL 2018 53

L-R: Sherie Anderson and Havannah Llewelyn of the Jamaica Home Sharing Association (Host Club).

This word of mouth advertising is a huge part of Airbnb’s success and could augur well for restoring Jamaica’s image as a safe place to visit. In the long term, Llewelyn foresees great potential for many more players in Jamaica. “When you consider where people are living and staying you’ll find opportunities for housing and accommodations,” he said. To avoid over saturation, he advises, “Look at rural areas where property is inexpensive such as St. Thomas, Negril and Westmoreland for example, and look to develop that area.” experiences. In turn, when you have an individual who stays in a community and experience the true spirit of Jamaica,

Jamaica was the second Caribbean country to sign a

they become the ambassadors for Jamaica,” he says of

Memorandum of Understanding with Airbnb to collaborate

what he has observed.

on advancing the tourism sector. CIJ

5 Tips for New Airbnb Hosts Airbnb Super host Sherie Anderson and vice president of the Jamaica shares five tried and proven tips to accelerate your success as a new Airbnb host whether you homeshare or provide an experience.

Excellent Photos Accurate Description Introductory Pricing Great Availability Rapid Response Time

take photos that impressively showcase your listing. Airbnb provides professional photographers if you don’t have one. describe your accommodation or experience as accurately as it is. If writing is not your strength, Airbnb provides editorial assistance. when starting out, set your prices a little lower than the average comps in your area so you can over deliver to get the 5 star reviews. make your calendar as available as possible by showing at least 6 months out, as vacationers often plan in advance. aim for maximum 20-minutes response time when corresponding with your guests or potential guests. They need to know you are accessible and responsive or they’ll find another host who is.

Sherie has been using Airbnb since 2012 as a traveller and hosting since 2016. Her Jerk in the River experience is one of the most popular on the Jamaica platform 54 CIJ FALL 2018

Explore Jamaica

East to West via North Coast Kingston, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, St. Ann, Trelawny, St. James and Hanover


e asked local trip advisor Carey Dennis of the Jamaica Tourist Board, who has masterfully designed tours on the island for film crews to media and royalties, to recommend options for planning a 10-day tour along the coast from Kingston to Hanover. Choosing from these options here’s what a family of four spending approximately

US$500 per day could enjoy inclusive of accommodation, attractions, dining and transportation.

Downtown Kingston Knutsford Court Hotel

Montego Bay

Breakfast at the Pegasus

Transportation Providers Kingston:

Ocho Rios:

Montego Bay:

Tyrone Moore – 876 417 4535 (JCAL)

Alfred Hoilett – 876 381 8818 (JUTA)

Everton Esmie – 876 845 2497 (JUTA)

Gesford Suglam – 876 879 7943 (JUTA)

Markland Brown – 876 373 6631 (JUTA) Kirkton Sergeant – 876 371 3820 (JCAL)

Marlon Mcintyre – 876 895 2278 (JUTA)

Ewart Dennis - 876 546 3946 (JUTA)

Jermain Smith – 876 873 2975 (JUTA)

CIJ FALL 2018 55

Kingston & St. Andrew DAY 1 to DAY 3 HOST HOTELS Jamaica Pegasus, Knutsford Court, Terra Nova RESTAURANTS Gloria’s by the Waterfront, Pepperwood Jerk, Sweetwood Jerk, Grogg Shop at Devon House, UB Tracks & Records, Red Bones, Melting Pot at Knutsford Court Hotel, Strawberry Hill, EITS Café, Crystal Edge Restaurant and Café Blue, Tastee, Juci or Mothers Patties, Pan Jerk chicken area along mid Red Hills Road VISIT CHOICE OF ATTRACTIONS Institute of Jamaica, Ocean Boulevard, National Gallery, Coronation Market, Parade Square, Gleaner Company, National Heroes Park, Sabina Park, Cross Roads, Halfway Tree, Coffee tours at: UCC Craighton Estate or Twyman’s coffee Estate or Clifton Mount Estate, Hollywell Park, New Castle Military Camp, School of Vision Rastafari Village; NIGHTLIFE Dub Club (Sunday), Uptown Mondays (Monday) Weddy Weddy (Wednesday)

St. Thomas & Portland DAY 4 to DAY 5 HOST HOTELS Goblin Hill Villas, Bay View or Trident Hotel RESTAURANTS Pan jerked chicken area in Morant Bay, Bath Fountain Hotel & Spa, Goblin Hill home cooked, Woodies Low Bridge, Trident Resort, Tastee Patties, Boston Jerk area, Hanna Bananas, Dickies Best Kept Secret, Soldier Camp VISIT CHOICE OF ATTRACTIONS Fort Charles Port Royal, Bull Bay, Jamnesia, Three Finger Jack Memorial, Morant Bay Square (Paul Bogle statue), Yallahs Salt pond, Bath Botanical Gardens, Bath Fountain Hotel & Spa, Cliff Hangar, Holland Point Light House, Duckenfield Sugar Estate, Visit Dam Falls; Long Bay Beach, Manchioneal, Reach Falls, Visit Boston Bay Jerk Village and Beach, Winnifred beach, Frenchman’s Cove, Blue lagoon, Folly Ruins, Light House, Moore Town Maroons, Rio Grande Rafting, Titchfield Hill - Titchfield High School (formerly Fort George), Titchfield Town area (Cenotaph, Clock, Musgrave Market etc.)

Jewel Grande

56 CIJ FALL 2018

Heroes Park

National Gallery

St. Ann & Trelawny DAY 6 to DAY 7 HOST HOTELS RIU Ocho Rios, Fisherman’s Point; Beaches Boscobel; Moon Palace RESTAURANTS Seafood on Pagee Beach, Essie’, Evitas, Host Hotel, Scotchies Too, Ms. T’s Kitchen, Tastee, Juici and Mothers Patties, Oceans 11, Margaritaville VISIT CHOICE OF ATTRACTIONS Buff Bay, Robins Bay, Annotto Bay, Port Maria Town (Pagee Beach, Tacky Memorial, St. Mary Parish Church, Old Court House, Cenotaph, Sir Claude Stewart’s Park, Fort Haldane, Noel Coward’s Firefly/Henry Morgan’s Lookout, Golden Eye (James Bond Beach), Oracabessa, Errol Flynn Aerodrome, Rio Nuevo Battle Site, Yaaman Adventures (formerly Prospect Plantation), Jamaica Inn, Yaaman Adventures (Prospect Plantation), Ocho Rios Town area, Fern Gully, Shaw Park Gardens, Mystic Mountain, Dolphin Cove, Ocho Rios Craft Market, Dunns River Falls & Park, Island Village.

St. James DAY 8 to DAY 9 HOST HOTELS RIU Mobay, Sea Gardens, Holiday Inn, Hilton Hotel, Jewel Grande RESTAURANTS Ultimate Jerk Centre (Runaway Bay), Club Nazz (Falmouth), Host hotel, Pelican Grill, House Boat, Pier 1, UB Tracks & Records, Scotchies, Margaritaville, Restaurants in the White House area VISIT CHOICE OF ATTRACTIONS St. Ann’s Bay; Green Grotto Caves; Discovery Bay (Columbus Park), Rio Bueno Village; Duncans District; Silver Sands; Hampden Sugar Estate; Martha Brae Rafting; Chukka Good Hope; Falmouth Town area (Cruise Chip Pier, Churches, Water Square, Farmer’s Market, Edwardian architecture etc.); Green Wood District (Great house; Fish restaurants), Rose Hall Great House; Rose Hall Aqueduct; Cinnamon Hill (Johnny Cash house); Dead end Beach, Gloucester Avenue (Hip Strip environ); Old Fort Craft market; Sam Sharpe Square; National Library West; Fairview Shopping area

Westmoreland DAY 10 HOST HOTELS RIU Negril; Country Country; Rock House RESTAURANTS Woodstock Sports bar & Grill, Margaritaville, Rick’s Café, Push Kart at Rock House; Rick’s Café, Sweet Spice Restaurant, Murphy’s West End VISIT CHOICE OF ATTRACTIONS Hopewell District, Sandy Bay, Lucea Town square and environs, Russeaus High School (formerly Fort Charlotte), Green Island, Orange Bay, Seven Mile Beach environs; Negril town; West End (Negril Lighthouse, Rick’s Café).

CIJ FALL 2018 57


3 1 Rest Awhile The coastline from Kingston to Hanover has its fair share of 5-star hotels, quaint boutique properties, and posh villas, to make your vacation the perfect retreat. Budget, ambience, available


conveniences and activities will help narrow best ďŹ t for you.

2 1. Jewel Grande, Montego Bay 2. A room at the Trident Hotel, Portland 3. Executive Suite at Jewel Grande 4. Deluxe Room at the Courtleigh Hotel, Kingston 5. Jamaica Pegasus, Kingston. Photo credit: images provided courtesy of the respective hotels. 58 CIJ FALL 2018


Lots to Explore Carey Dennis has shared a host of attractions to



give you a true taste of Jamaica while traversing the coast from Kingston to Hanover. This is but a snippet to whet your appetite. Many more options are available at


4 1 1. Go rafting on the Rio Grande, Portland. 2. Make your own rum at Appleton Estate, St. Elizabeth

3. De-stress and rejuvenate in the Himalayan Salt Lounge at Grande Spa, Montego Bay

4. Ride a camel, jitney, ATV or Segway at the Yaaman Adventure Park in Ocho Rios, St Ann.

Photo credit: images provided courtesy of Jamaica Tourist Board and Barney Bishop

CIJ FALL 2018 59

Eat Eat



t the end of Summer, 16 Diaspora journalist from North America, including yours truly, were invited on a one-week tour of Jamaica by the Jamaica Tourist Board. It was a quick trip to sample some of the latest developments from Kingston to Montego Bay in places to stay, play and eat so we could share insights and

choices for your next visit. Here’s a roundup of the gastronomy experiences I thoroughly enjoyed in our sampling of roadside pit stops to fine dining.

MISS T’S, Main Street, Ocho Rios Two thumbs up for Miss T’s home-style Jamaican restaurant on Main Street in Ocho Rios. You can’t help but love the ambiance of this little alcove that lulls the frenzy of the hustle and bustle around it. There’s an intentionality about everything here; from the vibrant tropical decor, purposely hung motivational quotes to spark conversation, to the very neighbourly staff eager to serve and ensure your ultimate comfort. Miss T’s aura oozes cheerfulness and inspires a heightened anticipation of the meal to come. And yes Miss T’s delivers above and beyond with finger licking curry goat, ox tail and vegetable rundown served unexpectedly in mini Dutch pots. Perfectly cooked escovitch fish and jerk chicken pair delightfully with steaming rice and peas and fried plantain. Vegetarian or carnivore you’re not likely to be disappointed here. It’s definitely now one of my favourite places for real Jamaican home style food. Check out their full menu at

PUDDING MAN, Priory St. Ann The ultimate roadside treat! That’s what you’ll get from the string of quietly sizzling coal stoves lining the verandah of the Just Cool Grocery Store renown as the Pudding Man in Priory, St. Ann. Pick your favourite. Is it sweet potato, cornmeal or some other pudding? I guarantee here you’ll love them all. Learning from his parents and experimenting Wallace says he’s advanced traditional pudding baking to perfect this culinary art form Jamaicans call, ‘hell a top, hell a bottom and hallelujah in the middle’. And I’ve got to say the proof of the pudding is indeed in the eating: delicately spiced, soft on top, moderately moist in the middle and lightly encrust all around. That’s what keeps people coming back again and again. I savored my single serving of sweet potato pudding over two days! 60 CIJ FALL 2018

Images courtesy of Barney Bishop

with new techniques of his own, Pudding man, Edgar

SUMMERHOUSE RESTAURANT AT THE LIGUANEA CLUB, New Kingston ‘Modern Heritage Dining’ that’s what Summerhouse at the Liguanea Club intends to distinguish itself for. Our entourage of diaspora journalists were treated to a delightful sampling of the signature dishes Images courtesy of Shawn Walsh

patrons can enjoy at this new upscale restaurant and bar operated by Suzanne and Michelle Rousseau, local cookbook authors, television producers and food entrepreneurs. Intending to fully celebrate the soul, heritage and lifestyle of the Caribbean, the sisters have taken traditional foods from across the Region and given them an elevated taste for a sophisticated dining experience. Snapper journey cakes with Haitian pikliz and Trinidadian chadon beni make an appearance alongside French and British influenced dishes such as smoked marlin tartine and coconut tempura fish and chips that pay homage to the Region’s colonial past. Summerhouse’s exquisite breakfast and lunch menu also combines best sellers from the Rousseau’s catering days like creamy callaloo dip, penne with ackee and coconut cream and sherried pumpkin bisque as well as personal favourites from their first cookbook Caribbean Potluck such as curried mutton with coconut milk, white rum and mango and their signature tomato scotch bonnet soup. From the bar menu we enjoyed root chips with roasted tomato and scotch bonnet salsa and cassava crusted shrimp. This is a great spot for a celebratory lunch, date night or Sunday brunch with friends and family. Explore the full menu at

EITS CAFÉ, Blue Mountain I have to mention EITS Café in the Blue Mountains. Time did not permit us to sample much from their menu but the atmosphere here is unequivocally therapeutic. They could easily rename the joint “Above concern”. Picture sitting on a tree top deck at least 3500 feet above sea level with unobstructed panoramic views of the Blue Mountains and also the glistening waters of the Kingston Harbour. The air is cool and crisply clean. Families of iridescent humming birds dart and zing by as if you don’t even exist reminding you that here you are one with nature. A few meters away greenhouses perch on Images courtesy of Ron Fanfair

the upper edge of the hillside yielding to terraced gardens of herbs and vegetables below from which the restaurant proudly delivers its organic farm-toplate dishes. And per chance you need to soak this in overnight or for a few days, they have some comfy guest quarters available for rent. EITS Café is one of the many eateries on the Blue Mountain culinary trail that showcases the rich culinary diversity and ecotourism attractions of the region. CIJ FALL 2018 61


NATIONAL LAND AGENCY p. 9 - 12 T: 1 (876) 750 LAND (5263) or 1 (876) 946 LAND (5263) 11 Ardenne Road Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I.


E: T: 1 (876) 506 5812 Donovan Forbes, Property Manager T: 1 (416) 258 7844, Charmaine Tial

JAMAICA NATIONAL REWARDS p. 18 SAMPARS SHOP ONLINE p. 18 E: | T: 1 (876) 923-8733 233 Marcus Garvey Drive, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.

PASSPORT IMMIGRATION & CITIZENSHIP AGENCY p. 18 E: T: 1 (876) 754 PICA or (876) 754 7422 F: 1 (876) 906-4372 25C Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I.

DIASPORA HOME BUILDING SERVICES p. 18 T: 1 (876) 929 6350-2 | E: 33 Tobago Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.

ROUND HILL LUXURY VILLAS p. 47 T: 1 (800) 972 2159 Montego Bay, Jamaica, W.I.

JAMAICA PEGASUS p. 58 E: reservation@ T: 1 (876) 926 3691-9

THE COURTLEIGH HOTEL & SUITES p. 58 E: T: 1 (876) 936 3570

JEWEL GRANDE p. 58 YAMAAN ADVENTURE PARK p. 59 CRAIGHTON ESTATE BLUE MOUNTAIN COFFEE TOUR T: 1 (876) 929 8490 Irish Town, St. Andrew, Jamaica W.I. APPLETON ESTATE TOUR p. 59 E: T: 1 (876) 963 9215-7

PUDDING MAN p. 60 T: (876) 375 2709 Priory, St. Ann, Jamaica, W.I. MISS T’S KITCHEN p. 60 T: 1 (876) 795 0099 65 Main Street, Ocho Rios, Jamaica W.I.



SUMMER HOUSE RESTAURANT p. 61 E: T: 1 (876) 906 6515 The Liguanea Club, 88 Knutsford Boulevard, New Kingston, Jamaica W.I.

P.O. Box 86, Valley Cottage, NY 10989

DESTINY ACHIEVED COACHING p. 28 - 30 E: T: 1 (876) 848 7267

ALTON BEDWARD p. 20 - 23 Blue Mountain Coffee Marketer E: | T: 1 (876) 292 3774

THE JAMAICA AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY p. 22 - 23 Formerly the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board E: | T: 1 (876) 758 1259


MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND FOREIGN TRADE p. 32 - 35 21 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I. T: 1 (876) 926-4220

NATIONAL EDUCATION TRUST p. 37 Contact: Latoya Harris E: T: 1 (876) 922 3134 or 1 (876) 967-7962 37 Arnold Road Road, Caenwood Centre, Kingston 4, Jamaica W.I.



AQUA BAY Cover, p. 48 - 49 T: 1 (800) 238 5290

FLEMING VILLA, GOLDEN EYE p. 46 T: 1 (876) 622 9007 Oracabessa, St. Mary, Jamaica, W.I.

62 CIJ FALL 2018

c/o Health for Life and Wellness Foundation Contact: Courtney Cephas E: Off: 1 (876) 633-8206 Cell: 1 (876) 820-6019

HELPING HANDS JAMAICA FOUNDATION p. 40-43 Natasha Borota T: 416 516 9898


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