Photo credit: David Spencer
Senator The Honorable Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
Strengthening Diaspora
ENGAGEMENT n March 2018, Senator The Honourable Pearnel
a four-pronged approach, aimed at strengthening the
Charles Jr. was appointed Minister of State in
linkages between Jamaicans abroad and those at home,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
creating opportunities for investment and serving the
(MOFT) with responsibility for Diaspora Affairs.
needs of our Diaspora.
The Generation X minister says he’s intimately au fait with many of the interests and concerns of the diaspora having
The first approach is to strengthen the lines of
studied and lived overseas. He outlines the immediate
communication between Jamaica and the Diaspora. This
priorities of the MOFT to strengthen diaspora engagement,
move would capture data of the various demographics
contextualises diaspora impact and contributions to nation
in the Diaspora and assist in devising a strategic
building and highlights key investment opportunities for
communication plan to creatively engage these groups.
their continued support.
This would include maximizing the traditional media platforms to further connect to our people.
What are your goals and plans to further engage members of the Jamaican Diaspora?
Secondly, we are also striving to improve collaboration
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade holds
more efficient system for philanthropic donations.
among ministries, departments and agencies to create a
portfolio responsibility for Diaspora engagement. We recognise the immense talent, skills, boundless creativity
Thirdly, we will seek to facilitate the transfer of Diaspora
and ingenuity which are resident in the Diaspora. In order
skills and expertise for the development of local
to drive the engagement process forward, I have developed
communities and our nation as a whole.
32 CIJ FALL 2018