The boy inside the
Man And?
News Contrary to popular opinion, you shouldn’t get rid of the boy in you. The key is to subject him to the man in you.
lot of guys I meet who are supposedly
mature try to suppress their boyhood. You read that right. Not their manhood but their
boyhood. And while I think it should
definitely be managed, I don’t think it should be suppressed altogether.
Continued on page 2
It’s the boy in us that thinks, “Wow”
Suddenly, the little boy sneaks out to
when we see a nice ride. It’s the boy in us
play. Why? Because you never let him out.
that thinks, “whoa” when we see an attractive
Suddenly, these grown men cheat on their
woman. The boy is so foundational. The boy
wives, instead of letting the boy help them
makes being a man so much fun. It’s ironic
make marriage interesting. Suddenly these
that the boy in us keeps the man being
grown men watch days of pornography,
manly. He keeps you attracted to women. He
because they never allowed the boy to enjoy
keeps you liking fast cars, power, money and
fulfillment elsewhere. Suddenly these grown
sex. So it follows that, when we lose touch of
men ruin themselves with things like alcohol
our boyhood, our manhood gets out of order.
and drugs because they have kept the boy in
Why? Because we’ve lost touch of ourselves.
the cage for so long, he is now sneaking out unadvised and unattended.
So what’s the answer? Here are three things every man can do, to keep the boy in him in check.
Confront the boy, - admit that he is
joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it
there. You can’t conquer what you won’t
yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness
confront. Proverbs says, “He that covereth his
unto them which are exercised thereby.” Like
sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth
exercise, it starts off difficult, but eventually, it
and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”
becomes easier. And if you continue to
[28:19]. Before God, Admit that, “I want to
practice it, the next step takes place.
sleep with _______” or “I still feel like having a drink” You have to admit those desires are present, before you can get them under control. Challenge the boy, - give him a positive
Change the boy, - make him a different person. You can get to where, its no longer fun for you to step out on your wife, smoke weed, or cheat on your taxes. As unbelievable as it sounds, you can get to
outlet. If the boy in you, has nothing positive
where, sinful pleasures no longer entice you.
to do, he’s going to keep getting you in
Your habits create your character. That’s
trouble. Hebrews 12:11 says “Now no
where we get the phrase, “force of habit”.
chastening for the present seemeth to be
Repeated behavior gains momentum.
I’m convinced men run from God
and yes, change the boy in you this year; but
because we’ve taught them that they have to
whatever you do gentlemen, don’t get rid of
get rid of the boy. That the boy is icky. That
the boy inside you. Why? Because when we
the boy is nasty. That the boy is wicked and
get out of touch with our boyhood, our
wrong. So confront the boy, challenge the boy
manhood gets out of order.
Bulletins If you are commissioned and desire to go to the Noble Warriors Conference the deadline for free registration is Wednesday 15th. Contact Gmen@mobcc.orrg to sign up.
If you are able to participate in this year’s commissioning ceremony please contact Jamiel Cotman at 804-833-7628
Q: When is it ok to fight?
Strife on the other hand, is when you initiate or take it too far. Don’t fall victim to your spiritual enemy’s trap. The man of God must
The bible says, “The servant of the
not strive.
LORD must not strive…that he may recover himself from the snare of the devil, being taken captive by him at his own will” [James 2:24-26]. There are many men who have died, are in prison, or are permanently injured, because they allowed Satan to pressure them into strife. What’s the difference? Fighting is physically opposing someone who is physically opposing you.
Having said that, it is our duty to protect both our loved ones and ourselves [Proverbs 17:17]. If you find yourself in a dilemma where you’re being physically opposed, you have a green light from Heaven to do what’s necessary to stop them, and no more. The bible says, “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without
walls.”[Proverbs 25:28]. It’s ok to defend
strife. Being a man in Gods eyes, has more to
ourselves, but the greater matter here is
do with having control, not lacking it.
staying out of strife. Don’t let things get out of hand. Stop the person, and go to the necessary authority, be it a police officer, a school teacher, or parent from there. Don’t let Satan use today’s culture to pressure you into
“Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression
or an offense.”[Proverbs 19:1] As you commit to Gods method of conflict resolution, you’ll find Him fighting battles on your behalf.
The commissioned alumni will be visiting Grove Avenue for their Noble Warriors Conference on January 21ts at 8:30 A.M. Our commissioning ceremony will be on Father’s Day June 15th after 2nd service. Our next men’s meeting is on February 21st
Review Uncommon
Manhood oo often we define a man’s success by what he has rather than who he is. But Super Bowl–winning coach
and bestselling author Tony Dungy knows there’s a better way. His deluxe gift book
Uncommon Manhood will help you to celebrate the men in your life who have
Tony Dungy’s book will help you celebrate the men in your life who have character, integrity and courage.
character, integrity, and courage. Men with both confidence and humility. Men who know the value of family and faith. Men who are truly uncommon. Adapted from Tony Dungy’s
New York Times bestseller Uncommon, this book is the perfect gift for dads, sports fans, young men, and anyone ready to embark on a life of uncommon significance.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. 2 Corinthians 10:3 Boys 18 and under
Call Duty of
Spiritual Warfare
May 16
@7:00 P.M.
The Lord will fight for you. You need only be still Exodus 14:14
Quotes If you’re too big to do small things, you’re too small to do big things.