News Man Revival
“To be revived, men need a masculine approach to the gospel”
hink of some best-selling movies amongst women. "Sleepless in Seattle", "The Notebook", or "Twilight" they are all about
a woman who finds a relationship with a man who loves her unconditionally. Sound familiar? Then you look at best-selling guy
engage when they feel safe. Men engage
movies like, "Black Hawk Down", "Gladiator"
when they feel challenged.
or "300" and they are all about a group of men who come together to save the world from insurmountable odds!
In Matthew 10 Jesus recruits nearly 100 men using this policy. He tells them, “I came not to send peace but a sword. Whoever finds
Do you notice the difference? It seems the great film makers in Hollywood know what we often lose sight of. And that is: Women
1 Building Men. Raising Sons!
his life will lose it. Whoever loses his life for me will find it” [Matthew 10:34 and 39]
Mountain Of Blessings Christian Center Sat., December 8th @ 8:00 A.M. Admission is Free
nd? 2 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Like the manly filmmakers, Jesus knew
Galadriel reminded Frodo in The Lord of the
that Men want to give their lives for a great
Rings, “This task was appointed to you, and if
cause, even if it involves risk. But today’s
you do not find a way, no one will!” Men need
gospel is no longer described as a heroic
to know that without their participation all is
mission to save the world – it’s a personal
lost. When these two things happen, Podles
relationship with a man who loves you. Guys
believes men are spiritually awakened.
feel like they’ve wandered into a showing of “Sleepless in Seattle.” Leon Podles, author of ‘The Church Impotent’ outlines several ways to make the gospel message appealing to men. First, recapture the life and death importance of the gospel. Though it’s not fashionable to mention Hell anymore, men must receive the briefing. Our world is literally going to Hell and if heroes don’t step up evil will prevail. Secondly, make men feel needed. As Lady
3 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Famous explorer Sir Earnest Shakelton once embarked on a voyage to Antarctica. Before doing so, he decided to recruit men with an ad in the London Times. The ad read,
“Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success”
With only 26 spaces available, this bitter
careful how you hear.” [Luke 8:18] To be
sweet ad brought in 5,000 male applicants!
revived men need to hear a masculine
Jesus still has a mission on which he wants us to embark. Like Sir Earnest, he too is looking to recruit men. He warned, “…be
approach to the gospel. The Word has to be reframed as the quest to save humanity that it really is!
Earnest Shakelton recruited men for unsafe voyages by appealing to their masculine nature
4 Building Men. Raising Sons!
What does God
expect from me as a husband? 5 Building Men. Raising Sons!
God wants you to love your wife as evident of your laying down what is important to you on her behalf.
he scripture says, “Husbands love
spiritually. God wants you to lead and guide
your wives as Christ loved the
her in faith. Second is romantically, that is to
church and gave his life for her”
say, you continue to court her. Also,
[Ephesians 5:25]. God intends for you to love
financially, being a provider and last as a
your wife, as evident of you laying down what
farther to the children. By Gods standard, you
is important to you on her behalf. Marriage
are loving your wife when you meet these
Today founder Jimmy Evans says that
needs sacrificially, insomuch that you put
husbands must do this in 4 areas. First is
them before your own welfare.
6 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Will you break under
e often say the word “integrity” without really thinking about what it means. One way
Webster defines it is “being sound, whole or
complete”. But do you know what integrity really is? It’s being spiritually tough enough to
resist temptation! In other words, when the pressure comes to go against God’s Word,
good (first class) soldier of Christ Jesus” [2 Timothy 2:3 AMP] God wants all of His sons to stand strong against the enemy! Trained For Combat So how do we become tough enough to
you don’t break in two! You remain sound.
resist temptation? There are 3 things the bible
You remain whole. You remain complete!
outlines which properly train a man.
Paul said to Timothy, “Endure hardness as a
7 Building Men. Raising Sons!
First, set up boundaries. When you decide to live for God, you have to set up boundaries that fortify that decision [Proverbs
5:8 Amp]. Second, structure a holy environment. Your environment is the sum
total of people, places and things to which you are exposed [1 Corinthians 15:3]. And finally, know your enemy. This is the most important. The bible says, “Unless Satan
vigilant of how Satan operates, you can better prepare to resist when he shows up. Job said, “Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know my integrity.” [Job 31:6]. Men of God in the past all knew this truth: God tests and promotes men according to their integrity. Some He can send up the street. Others He can send to Africa. It’s all based on your level of integrity.
should gain an advantage over us, we shouldn’t be ignorant of his devices” [2 Corinthians 2:11 Amp]. As you become
8 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Are you spiritually tough?
Remember to inform us of any announcements you have for the men before the first week of that month.
Commissioned men are needed to assist with registration for our 2012 Men’s Breakfast. Email us at to confirm.
Events Our next men’s meeting is on Friday, November 9th at 7:00 P.M. Our 2012 Men’s Breakfast will be on Saturday December the 8th at 8:00 A.M. Admission is free.
9 Building Men. Raising Sons!
2 Corinthians 2:11
Unless Satan should get an advantage over us, we are not ignorant of his devices
Thought Only those who risk going too far can find out how far you can possibly go!
10 Building Men. Raising Sons!