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The sponsors of the Georgia Student Art Exhibition believe that there is a growing consciousness of the importancc of art in the development of a well-rounded individual, and they believe that this annual exhibition has become a positive instrument for the encouragement of art expression in the State of Georgia
dates: Lrhibition open: APril 7-21, 1950 Last date for entries: March 8, 1950
pldces: Georgia Nluseum of Art and Fine Arts Gallerv on the University camPus
regulatio ns:
l. Any school in the State of Georgia mav ele, submit lvork: kindergarten, primary, and college, l.
mentary, junior high, seiiortrigh, public,' piiur,. or-parochial schools' Th.t. ,.. .rn limitations as to the number of pieces submitted from any school as long as each is accompanied
by an entry fee of
art work;
entries must be original
of other work 'rvill be considered'
+. \\brk in any medium is
acceptable, i'e'
drawing, painting, prints' textiles, designs'
sculpture, crafts.
5. Eveiy precaution u'ill be taken to care for ,l'or( submimed, but u/e cannot for damage to or loss of rvork.
be responsible
mounting All work must
be matted or mounted on 22 x 28 inch gray chip, tag, or mat board. Oil paintings should be simply framed. Scotch or masking tap should not be used in mounting. Paste, mucilage, or brown paper tape is suggested. Crafts and ceramics should be carefully packed to insure safe arrival
Sibyl Browne, Associate Professor in Art Education and Secretary, Georgia Student Art Exhibition, University of Georgia Caroline Dick, Art Teacher Ensley High School Birmingham, Alabama Reaunette Everett, Head Department
of Art
LaGrange Colleee LaGrange, Georgia
identi[ication Entry blanks will be sent upon requesr. One entry blank should be attached to the back, lower right-hand corner of each mount. A duplicate must be sent ro the Secretary with the fee of 25 cents per entry. For articles other than flat work, entry blanks should be mounted on cardboard and attached by means of a heavy cord.
fezs and moiling 1. Send all entries, fees' and correspondence to Miss Sibyl Browne, Secretary, Georgia
Srudent Art- Exhibition, Department of Art,
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Make checks or money orders payable to Secretary, Georgia Student Art Exhibition.
2. All entries must be postmarked not later than March 8, 1950. Ail entry blanks and fees must be mailed on or before this date.
in person must be turned into the Secretary, Georgia Student Art Exhibition Room 204, Fine Arts Building, University of Georgia, on or before March 8, 1950.
3. Work delivered
Entries should be sent exPress prepaid, and they will be returned to owners exPress charges collect.
dwdrds Certificates
of Distinction will be awarded to
students whose work is selected
for the Georgia for
Art Exhibition Travelling Show
High school seniors submitting outstanding work will be eligible for the Art Departnxeffi Sbholdrship and Michael Brothers, lnc., Scbolarsbip Ausard, two tuition scholarships (g123.00) to be usedduring the year 1950-51 in the Department of Art, The University of Georgiai Athens.
traveling exhibit A mounted travelling exhibit and set of slides of choice work retained from this 1950 exhibition will be available to schools all over Georgia in the fall. Requests for slides or mounts shou-ld be made to the Secretary, Georgia Student Art Exhibition before September
April 7,1950
10:00 a. m. General Meeting The Gallery, Fine Arts Building chairman: Lamar Dodd wclcome: Lamar Dodd, Head, Department of Art Fred Ayers, Superintendent, Athens Public Schools Ernest A. Lowe, Director, Division .of General Extension Satisfying Cbildren's Needs Tbrough Art in Our Schools Speaker: A{rs. Howard Thomas, Supervisor of Art, Athens Public Schools
a. m.
to visit Athens Public Schools to observe art activities. Lunch at each school. Transportation furnished. (Those expecting to attend the conference will please send Miss Browne before April 1 their choice of grades to visit. Senior high school teachers may choose either the Junior High School or the Department of Art at the University.
2:00 p. m. Leave schools 2:30 p. m. Group discussions
Problems that Ha.oe Arisen in One's orun Situation or During Today's Yisitaian
Kindergarten-Primary Grades, Fine Arts Gailery chairman
Virginia Hall, Elementary Art Supervisor A4acon
discussion leader:
Magdalene Glenn, Principal, College Avenue School, Athens.
seventh annual georgia srudenr art exhibition and conference the university ,t ,*rf,fJ:
of the individual
through art experience
resource leaders:
Mary. Small, Public Schools, Valdosta Richard Emerson W'illiams, Art Departmenr, Georgia State College for \l,'omen b
Intermediate Grade Teachers,
R"r. Fi#ooP
Arts Auditorium chairman:
Dorothy Firor, Instructional Supervisor Morgan County discussion leader: [sabelle Lumsden, Director, Teacher Education, Piedmont College, Demorest
resource leaders:
Elizabeth Deariso, Instructional Supervisor, Worth County, Sylvester Lynn Shufelt, Emory University - -Dr. Mrs. Fred White, Art Teacher, Toccoa Junior and Senior High School T.r"h.r3to*P " Room 202, Fine Arts Building
Mrs. Lucia Corbin, *"rr.";rf"tt#rfi School, Atlanta discussion leader: A{rs. Winifred Van Cise, Art Supervisor,
Albany resource leaders:
Ellen Brooks, High School, Loganville Lula Jones, Public Schools, Gainesville group d College Teachers
Balcony Fine Arts Auditorium chairman: Mamie Padgett, Head, Department of Arr Georgia State College for Women discussion leader: Reaunette Everett, Head, Department of Art, LaGrange College
resource leaders:
Frieda Gernant, Georgia Teachers College State Joseph W. Pember, Valdosta
Hugh Wallace, West Georgia College Carrollton
Front Fine Arts Auditorium chairman:
M;;. HamPton Rowland, Principal' Chase
Street School, Athens discussion leader:
Elizabeth Donovan, Instructioral Consultant, State Department of Education resource leaders:
n. C. Casteel, Principal,
Lavonia High
Margaret MurPhY, SuPervisor Savannah E*"tv Rose Wood, Director,
of Art'
Art Educa-
don, Fulton CountY these meetings, each group is asked to Preto Dare not more than two important questlons Saturday on discussion [.-in" u^tit of the panel ;;;i"g. These questions will be called for by messenger at 3:30'
4:00 p. m. Joint Meeting with Junior Section
Arts Auditorium Fine -O"rt;ty -iri in tbe
Georgia Student Art
slides of some of the Exhibit' work in the 1950 speaker: Sibyl Browne, Department of Art
Trif. iff""tated with
5:00 p. m. OPen House 7:00 p. m. Dinner Holman Hotel U.,rroi' Guest: Martha Griffin' Art Education Division, G. E. A. and other members of Advisory Council, Gporgia Student Art Exhibition
8:00 o. m. Inforrlal recePtion to see Georgia Nluseum of Art
the 1950 Exhibit
soturday, april B 10:00 a. m. General lVleeting Georgia N{useum of Art chairman
Lamar Dodd
in Art-Film
of Art Experience Helps Youth De,oelop? Panel Discussion
Whdt Kind
discussion leader
Sibyl Browne panel
Dr. O. C. Aderhold Lamar Dodd Elizabeth Donovan Reaunette Everett Magdalene Glenn Dr. Lynn Shufelt
Winifred Van
l2:00 noon Luncheon, Georgian Hotel presiding:
Dr. O. C. Aderhold speaker:
Art Actiuity for
Lamar Dodd Eaery Georgia Student Presentation of Awards
2:00 p. m. of Advisory Council
Mr. Dodd's
7 leader: Ezra Sellers
10:00 a. m.
Visits to classes in the Department the University
of Art
l2:00 noon Lunch: Denmark Hall
1:00 p. m. Meeting for high school and university students
Georgia museum of Art Why-l Aw Taking Art-Parnel Discussion discussion leader:
Howard Thomas, DePartment of Art oanel members: high school students: ' Tho*as Beritly, High School, Hapeville L. T. Dowdle, High ' School, Columbus Benjamin Hirsch, Hoke Smith High School, Atlanta Carlton Huie, High School, Albanv Kay Ragsdale, University Demonstration School
Ann West, High School, Madison Tommy Whitehead, Athens
2:00 p. m. Visit io murals by Jean Charlot and to Georgia Student Art L,xhibition, Georgia Museum of Art
4:00 p. m. Joint meeting with adult grouP The Gallery, Fine Arts Building
odvisory council chainnan
Mrs. Winifred Van Cise
of Art
Albany Katherine Comfort Supervisor of Art Atlantr Reaunette Everett LaGrange College LaGrange
A4ary Goddard i\{orningside Drive Route I Colunrbus
l\{artha Griffin Head, Deparmrent of Art
O. K. Jolly Principal, Chester School Chester
Isable Lunrsden Piedmont College Denrorest
Nlaurie Padgett Head, Departnrent of Art Georgia State College for \\'ornen Milledgevillc Joe Pernber Departlllent of Art Georgia State \\r<lmen's College Valdostrr
Alrs. Howirrd Thtxnm Supervisor of Art Athens
designed by
frances hamilton