First general information brochure of the Georgia Museum of Art

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How was it started? Peyton Boswell, Jr. (Art Digest) says 'oPerhaps the most successful artist in residence appointment was that of Lamar Dodd to the University of Georgia. Dodd remained to becorne head of one of our most progressive and active art depart. ments and his labors met and encouraged a love of art in Alfred H. Holbrook retired lawyer. Alfred H. Holbrook had practiced law in New York City since 1898 and he and Mrs. Holbrook had begun their collection before her death in 1940. Shortly afterwards he decided to retire, determined to expand their art collection as a memorial to their mutual interest. As the eollection grew, and space for its display became essential, he began looking for an art school where his collection might be properly housed and give value to future art lovers. In 1945 he enrolled as an art student of Lamar Dodd. The gift of the Col. lection to Georgia and in effect, to the entire South followed." Is the Museum worthwhile? Chancellor Harmon \V. Caldwell of the University System of Georgia writes "'Within recent years .an impetus has been given to the artistic and cultural life of the University of Georgia, the State and the South !y adopted son of Georgia, Alfred

H.",Holbrook. Mr. Holbrook has

the University and Athens one of the principal art centers of the South by his gift of a distinguished collection of paiutiugs and




uSeum A$red



Holbrook. Director

by his coming to the fJniversity to serve as Curator of this Colleetion." Ol what does the Museum consisr? The original gift qf .100 paintings has been doubled and with gifts from others now amounts ro 225 pictures-a typical original painting by each prominent American artist during 100 years. It i" housed in the ground floor of the University Library building where it has two galleries. The North one is called "The Eva Underhill Holbrook Memorial Gallery" and the South one ooThe Lamar Dodd Gallery". A new library building is now under construction and upon completion the Museum will occupy the whole of the present Library building with half a dozen or more galleries and other facilities. How useful is the Museum,?


has been visited try thousands. The art students have frequently used it in studying outstanding works of Art in the Memorial Gallery which displays paintings from its collection and in the Lamar Dodd Gallery which houses loan exhibits. Each year pu-blic School teachers with four to five thousand school children visit the Museum to study special exhihits for young people.

The exhibits are changed each month and the Museum is open eYery day in the week from 9:00

to 5:30, Saturdays 9:00 to 12:00 and on Sundays from 2:30 to 5:30. Frequent meetings are held in the Museum by the Extension Depart-

ment for its conferences, by the College of Journalism'for its conventions of Editors, by the Athens Art Association for 'its rnonthly meetings, and others. Special ex. hibits are given in support of the several objects of these conventions and




the Museum need,?

It should gradually acquire paiutings by foreign artists, sculptures, prints and other objects of art to develop a eompletb museum equipment.

In order to solve these needs, a beneficial corporation has been formed and chartered by the State entitled "Georgia Museurn Porrons Inc." This wili enable members of the corporation to join in a supporting organization. What ad.aantages does a member enjoy?




The becoming a useful part of a growing constructive enter. prise promoting culture and art

spirit in Georgia, Invitations to all previews,


ceptions and lectures.

Attending demonstrations with talks by experts on arts, crafts, interior decoration, etc. organ. ized especially for members.-

Membership, Associate Members


Actiae Illembers $10.00 Sustaining Members $25.00 Life Members $r00.00 Honorary Memberships shall be designated by the Board of Directors in consideration of extraordinary service or unusual donation t; the Museurn, and no dues shall be re. quired of them.


duee are payable annually

To Georgia Museum Patrons Inc.


Application for membership


of Georgia Museum o{ Art,

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.




Member Member

Li{e Member

Make Check

To "Georgia Patrons


25.00 Annual Fee 100.00

Payable Signed Museum


5.00 Annual

10.00 Annua1 Fee

Active Member Sustaining





NOTE Check belore Membership Desired.

(Enclose Payment)

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