50th Birthday Celebration Calendar

Page 1

lFOr 5 0 yArs, ile Qeorgia -lLuvum role in


Afred Heber Holbrook initialll



to honor hts kte wit'e

Jrom Nu

tle Universitl

dirtrtar. Visitors todry




plaled a tentral

began his

Era Unfurhill

art colbrtion in






oJ Georgia and kter semed as the museuml malt

fnd. it


onte ronsisted oJ

to beline that the


two galluks on the

graundyloor oJ the old unirersitl librarl on nortlt mmpus when opmed in



York Cit1, Holbrook generousll donated his colbttlon oJ 100

paintings to



prtsertation and ?resffitation oJ the tisual arts in Ctorgla.

In 1996 tb

Novmber 1948.

relotated to a *ate-oJ-the-art,


Ceorgia Museum of



square-Joot building on the east

campus oJ the Untuersitl oJ Cnrgia, housing

ovr 7,000

works oJ art.

The Georgia Statt hgklature fustgnated the Ceorgia Muvum oJ Art the


state museum oJ


oJ exhibitions,





19 82. This yar will nark a halJ collections, edwational actitities and

catalngur produred and. promoted lry the muvum to reacl) out

to the citi<ns oJ Ctorgia. To rcbbrate the museum\ athievements, both past and present, sperial aaitities and nents haw bun plmned throryh_ out



along with sewral exbibitions that are rhedubd to hghlght

tle btrthdry cebbration. (Jnless otherwist noted, all nents areJru and a?en to the ?ublic.

STpTEMBER r998 The Lfe of the Virgin in Textiles dnd prints September5-OctoberrS Martha and Eugene Odum Gallery of Decorative Arts Organized by the Indiana University Art Museum, this exhibition features prints and textiles with scenes of the life of the Virgin Mary and is enriched by texts on

the literary and the historical sources for h".lft. fn" engravings, woodcuts and etchings by Albrecht Dilrer, Hendrick Goltzius, parmigialino ird oth.., represent the mass-produced art of printmaking of the l5th thr'ough

the ITth centuries,

Cenerousll sponsored b1 D.irttori Circh members Mr. ard Mrs. Dlnid W Mathery and Margaret



Rrlarro EvrNr Slmposium: "Art anil tlte Spettator in Larly halian September z5 - 26,9 a.m. - 4i)o p,m. (both days)


M. Smith Griffith Auditorium

This biennial conference, devoted to the arts of Italy from approximately 1250 to I425, will feature national and international ,.hol".., ir.lrdirg Marvin

Trachtenberg of the Institute of Fine Arts, Newyork Universiiy; Hayden B. J. Maginnis from McMaster University; and Debra pincus from the National Gallerv

of Art.

Plcase call the departn ent

of education


(706) 542-GMOA for r

speakers and iopics. 5ponsozl byThe Llnirersitl oJ Ceorgiai Oljo oJ tb Vke PruidentJor R*earch, the Lanar.[)odd School oJ Arr andTbc {-inircrsitl oJ Gtoryia\ CnrttrJor schedule



lunantrcs and Arts

Faculty Exhibition'gI September rz - October z5 Km1 Gq11egl119f Pritit5 arid Drawings; Virginia and Alfred.Kennedy Gallery; PhiJip Henry Alston Jr. Gallery flrrs crhibition learures p:rnring.,5(ulprurc. ceratnic, and print' br rhc oI rhe Lamar Dodd Scl-ool oI Art ,r fhc Urriver'it1 ul Ccorgia.


Rereruo Evrr


Prnel Discussro n: Fatulry fxhibition'g8


Thursday, September

5.lo p.m.

M. Snith Griffith Auditorium Join professors of painting, sculpturc, printmaking rnr'1 ceramics fiom the Lamar Dodd School ol Arr as rhcy.'liscuss thcir work. Of{ired in conjunction with the exhibition }irrnltl E>hibtrcn 98.

OcroBER r998 Elegant Salute Saturday, Octgbgr

l, 7.p.m.

The Friends of- the Georgia.Museum of Art will host thejr biennial fund .gi;er Elegant Saiute, celebiating thd muieum's 50th innivetsary.iCocktails. will be served at 7 p.m., followed by dinner and dancing until midnight, Tickets me $300 per couple and $ t.50 pcr person- Gmerousll sponsored bl Atura oJ Athn1I'Alto oJ Athens, Autum Stu,lios,

Ltl., Bilk,



Balloors, Lucent Ttchnologits,


end Dr. anl Mrs, Edwin Pittrnan, with spuial tbanks to flowcrs, Lnr., and Codtua Chocolatier.

of the

Family Dayr Day


Saturdap October )r, z p.m. Don't miss the Georgia Museum of Art's secon.l annual celebr:ation



Mexican holiday, Dta dc ks Muertos. or Day of the Dead, Thc afrernoon will include refrethmanr$ rifriliai



$'*!4iriaid Allox, Mq:ni.(i,1,:'



Hry*qrd,Albn Try9n, m$;hi Friindi oJ rbe Museum.

'., ..



rr'r . :..,.








ivA.Ni rRiI,Nr'.. i .r :.

:, .




i. i li







SrlJ-po"trait. letntug on o .tont stll. t619 I T(HINC & DRYPO]N']

2o5 X 164 ( V (.<;rtrrrloN of rHit RLvsnarur



NovsMBER r998 REMBRANDT: Treasures from the Rembrandt House, Amsterdam November 7, rygB - Janrary rc, ry99 Virginia and Alfred Kennedy Gallery; Philip Henry AIston Jr. Gallery This exhibition

inclucles 82 etchingr n.id two copper

p.lates by dre greabst nlasteriof ithei l'gold*l6gsfi1r.6f

Dutch art. Rembrand!


masia:y'.of ,!;ght.,.iud t5hrylow,,,,, is .ccn jr lri. prinrings. drruing, and erchings, is ursurpasse.1. f hi' cxhrbirron com.5 ro thc Ceorgia Museum



ot' Art lrorn r hc RcmL,randr Houre Mrt'eum tn Arrr"tcldam ir exchangc for a rcviscJ vcrrion of the exhibition Al.riaer wn Ostafu: Etrhiugs oJ hdsant LtJe nt Holland\ Collut Age, orlanized


by the Ceorgia Museum of Art, which opcnccl the new wing of the Rcmbrandt Housc on May 7, 1998. R.EMBR,4-\Df is extmordinary bccruse each of the w.,rks rs l rrrc inrprc.srou drawn, crchcd .rnd prrnrcd by RembrandL him.clf lrom thc collecrion of tlre RerrbranJt House Museum, '' the truusc rn whrch he lived in


with rhe R.'mbrrnJt Ho'tite.:-. Cnerturll sponsond bS CCR AAmre


A,lattta. ,4nnll. Coldet aid. Grcpory. '



$ DimtoiT 9t|1h 'ye11!ll.

C,L. Monheai.!r.

The Age oJ Rembrandt: Seventeenth-Centurl

European Prints

October zv ry98 - lanrary 24, rg99 Knox Gallery of Prints and Drawings The ITth century was a "golden age" of printmaking in Europe, with artists


ing renown for their etchings and engravings and for paintings, drawings and other designs translated through the medium of prints. Included in rhis abbreviated survey of mainly Dutch, Flemish, Italian and French etchings and engrauings are works by some of the most important printmakers of the era, including the Dutch virtuoso engraver Hendrick Goltzius and the Italian painter-etchers Guido Reni and Pietro Testa. The exhibition accompanies RIMBR,4NDIT Treasures Jrom the Rembrandt House, Amsterdam and includes etchings by Rembrandt

print collection of Museum of Art.


from the extensive

William and Leona Pelletier, Iongtime patrons of the

81 or AJter Rembrandt: Two Paintings Jrom November 7, ry98 - Jamary rc, rygg


the Bader Colleaion

Martha Thompson Dinos Gallery sma1l focus exhibition of two paintings from the well-known collection of chemist Dr. Alfred Bader of Milwaukee accompanies the larger RIMBR/ADIr


Tteasures Jrom the Rembrand.t Housq Amsterdam, In recent years, Rembrandt's painted oeuvre has undergone an intense period of study and re-examination. On display is

A ManWrrtingbl Canrllelight, a small oil on copper panel artributed to Rembrandt and for many years accepted as a work by the Dutch master. The exhibition also includes a vigorous oil sketch on wood panel by the Rembrandt School for or after Rembrandt's Dad.d Prcenting the Head oJ Coharh to SauL (whrch is in Basel at the Offentliche Kunstsammlung). Both painting and sketch relate to works in the exhibition from the Rembrandt Hotse. Generousll sponsored by Dtuctor\ Cirde member C. L. Moreheatl


EvsNrs Symposium: " Rembrandt dnd Rsr-.A.rgo

Ne\.v Research: The

Pilnts and


Rembrandt House" Saturday, Noyember 7, 10 a,m. Offered in conjunction with the exhibition R-EMBR/IDL TreasuresJrom tlte Rembrandt House, Amsterdam, this symposium wiil present unpublished research by national and international experts and will feature Nadine Orenstein, assistant curator of drawings and prints at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York; A.R.E. de Heer, director of the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdan; Thomas Rassieur, a Ph.D. candidate in art history at NewYork University; and Bas Dudok van Heel, archiyist for the city of Amsterdam. SponsordblThe Unirersitl oJ Georgia\ CenterJor Humanities and Arts.


Workshop:,R-EMBRI-I/D Z/ Thursdap Noyember e, 4 p.m. This tacher Workshop will focus on the Dutch master Rembrandt van Rijn, reviewing his life and his significance to the historf of art and examining specific works in the exhibition relating to a variety of themes, including self-portraits, landscapes and portraits of men and women. A11 participants will receive a complimentary slide-illustrated teacher packet. Refreshments will be served. This workshop is open to al1 Georgia educators. Please call the Georgia Museun of Arts department of education at (706) 542-GMOA for reservations.

DETAIL: Rslrsn,A.Nor veN


SeLJ-portrait, leaning on a stone

sill, t619


x 164 cu Corrscrrolr oF zo5

THE REMBRANDT HousE, Ausrsno-Lrra

Family Day MMBRANDT! Saturdap November 14, 10 a.m. Are you interested in learning more about one of the most famous artists in history) Join us for this family program and explore the exhibition and create your own "masterpiece" to take home with you. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored $t Hrywdd Allen Motor Co., lnc., Hryaard Albn Tolota, and the Friends oJ the Mu*um,

Lecture: " A Stufu oJ Rembrandt Etchings," fu Dr.


Willidm Pelletier

Tiresday, December r, ,:ro p,m.

M. Smith Griffith Auditorium S. William Pelletier, an Alumi Foundation Distrnguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Georgia, whose collecrion of Adriaen van Ostades works was shown at the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam in exchange for IfMBR,4I\DT; Treasures Jrom the Rembrand: Houv,

This lecture will feature Dt.

Amsterdam. Co-sponsore d bl The Unirersitl oJ Ceorgia\ Center Jor Humanitie s and Arts.

Elements oJ Stlle: The


oJ ArnocroJt

October y-Jtnuuyl Martha and Eugene Odum Gallery of Decorative Arts; Letitia and Rowland Radford Collection Study Gallery This exhibition features decorative arm from the collection of Arnocroft, the home in Athens, Georgia, of the late Eugenia Arnold Friend, who bequeathed the house, furnishings and gardens to the Junior League of Athens upon her death in 1994. The exhibrtion focuses on the eclecticism of one Southern familyt collection and includes period and reproduction furniture and other objects such as porcelain. Visitors can stroll through history and view decorative arts representing various styles from the Queen Anne to Edwardian. Cenerousll sponsored b1 Dirutori Cirdt members Dr. and. Mrs. Daniel H. Magill lll and Mrs. Augusta H. Warren.

REre.rr,o Evsur

Decorative Arts Lecture:

Thomas Savage, curator dnd director oJ the

fituseufir division oJ tbe Historic Charleston foundation

Thursday, November 12, t p,m; Lunch: noon, M. Smith Griffith Auditorium


Thomas Savage, curator and director of the museum division of the Historic Charleston Foundation, will present this afternoon lecture, which will focus on Southern decorative arts and the eclecticism of collecting. A box lunch will be served prior to the lecture. Please call the Georgia Museum





education at (706) 542-GMOA to make lunch reservations.

DECEMBER rgg8 Family Day;Kwanzaa! Sundap December 6, 4 - 6 p.m. Discover the African-American holiday Kwanzaa with a special programJ food, storytelling and art activities. Co-sponsored b1 the Unirersitl oJ Ceoqia\ Oljre oJ Minoitl Servies.

zoth Annual



Symposium Exhibition

December rr - z3 Lamar Dodd School of Art and the Georgia Museum of Art This annual exhibition, hosted in conjunction with the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University


Georgia, presents Georgia's most talented high school students

in grades I0, I1 and 12. Students submit work in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, ceramics, fiber art and jewelry. Sponsored by the United Partel Senius Foundation.

JeNueRY r999 BeJore

t948: American PaintingsJrom


Ceorgia Colleaions


Virginia and Alfred Kennedy Gallery In honor of the museumt 50th anniversary, this exhibition will showcase some of the finest examples of American art from collections throughout Georgra. BeJore l94E commemorates the year that the Georgia Museum of Art first opened its doors to the public with a collection of American paintings carefully assembled over the years by founder Alfred Heber Holbrook. One of Georgia's most beloved writers, Terry Kay, is contributing an essay to the catalogue that will complement the exhibition. Cenerousll sponsoredbl Belk and$ Dirutori Circle members Mrs. EdithV Jodan and Mr. and Mrs. Chrnr A. Roush Jr.

Rnre.rso EvrNrs Family Day: American Vision! Saturdap January zJ, ro a.m. - noon This Family Day will focus on American art and history. Join us for a special look ar rhe exhibirion Belore 1946 Amrrtran Paintings in Georgia Colltttlons, followed by

an art activiq; and tefreshments. -lponsorrl b1 Hryward Albn Motor Co., lnt., HEward Allcn [o1ora. and thc flend< oJ the Muvum.





fi -March4

Martha and Eugene Odum Gallery

of Decorative Arts This exhibitron brings together

a collec-

tion of approximately 20 early AfricanAmerican decorative objects fiom the late I8th century through the mid-I9th century. The exhibition


reveal the

beauty and crafrman.hip




arts created by slaves and free men during a period when such utilitarian objects may well have been their sole


of artistic expression.

sponsored by


Direaor's Circle mmbers Paul R.

Jonu and Mr. axd Mrs. Michael Erknger

RrL,c.rso EvrNr

Decorative Arts Lecture: Dr. John Michael Vlacb, proJessor oJ Amerimn studies dud anfiropologl

and director oJ the FolkliJe Program


Ceorge Washington


January (date: TBA), r p.m., sro

M. Smith Griffith Auditorium

This lecrru-e ivill present Dr. Jolin Michael \rlach, professor of Anerican studies ancl anthropologl' ancl director of the FolklilL Progran at George \Vashington University. \/lach is one of the natior's leading scholars or1 the subject of AflricanArrerican clecor:rtive arts. which will be the focrrs of his lecture. A box lunch wt1l be served prior to the lecture. Call the Georgia Museum of Art's department of education at (70(r) 542-GMOA for lurch reservations.

tacher Workshop:




Thursday, January zr, 4 - 6 p.m. Offered in


junction with the exhibitio n lfith

teachers examines the history



Handl this workshop for

early decorative arrs by African Americans. A1l

participants rvill receive a complimentary slide-illusrated teacher packet. This workshop is open to all Georgia educiltors. Please call the Georgia Museum of Art's clep;rrtnent of education at (706) 542-GMOA for reservations. 5porisoral 1,1 tl;r lriends oJ the Mttsetnn.

Winslow Homer Jmuary 16 - March z8 Martha Thompson Dinos Gallery This sma1l focus exhibition will feature works on loan to the Georgia Museum Art that relate to the museun's watercolor by Homer, Taking Sunjlowers to Teacher.


Rsra.rrn EvpNr Alfred H. Holbrook Memorial Lecture: "Winslow Homer and the Nature oJ

Ob servationtt Fridap January 29,73o p,m, M. Smith Griffith Auditorium This year's Holbrook lecturer is Elizabeth Johns, art historian and professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Johns will share her latest research on American artist Winslow Homer. A reception will follow the lecture. Sponsore d b1 the Friends oJ the Museum.

AYisual l4ac1:

The Founding oJ the




March z8 Knox Gallery of Prints md Drawings January z5

Alfred H. Holbrook, the founder of the museum, established the print collection of the Georgia Museum of Art, which has grown to be one of the most significant university print collections in the Southeast. Over 6,000 American, European and prints comprise the collection, which ranges from European Old Masters to American contemporary artists.


Heritage oJ the Brush: The Ro1 and


Papp Collection

oJ Chinese Painting

- March zB Philip Henry Alston Jr. Gallery January z9

This exhibition, organized by the Phoenix Art Museum, features Chinese hand scro1ls, hanging scrolls and fan paintings from the Ming (1368-I644) and Qing (I644-19iI) dynasties. On display will be works by both masters of the art and their stude5rts.

Rpr.a.rpo EveNr Family Day: Journey through Chinal Saturday, February 20, ro a.m, - noon Discover the ancient art of the Chinese landscape during this Family Day. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored b1, Hryward Albn Motor Co., lnc., Helward Allen Toyota, anl the Friends oJ the Muvum.

MARCr] rggg Jackson be Nesbin: Prints Jrom

the Colleaion oJ S.


and ltona Pelletier

March 3o - ]une ri Knox Gallery of Prints and Drawings A student of Midwestern Regionalist Thomas Hart Benton, Jackson Lee Nesbitt has created a body of lithographs recalling rural life in the Midwest during the Great Depression. A painter and printmaker in the American Scene tradition, Nesbitt turned to commercial art in the 1950s as interest in Regionalism waned. In the I980s, inspired by a renewed interest in Depression-era art, he returned to printmaking, creating a number of lithographs with imagery inspired by his life in the Midwest. The prints in this exhibition are from the collection of S. William and Leona Pelletier, long-time supporters of the print room at the museum. Gexerousll sponsored b1 Dire aor\ Circb member Martin E. Segal.



42 x 84 x 30


LsNr counrssy oF THE Seuusrf]Nrvsnsrry or Flonrol


HenN Musruu or Anr.

FnoM rHs ExnrsrrroN INNaa Eyz' CoNttupot,tty ART FRoM THE MARC AND LIVIA SrI.,Ius coLTI.crToN

Patrons' Lecture: Bradford Rauschenberg, director Museum oJ Earll Southern Decorutive Arts, Win


t on- S alem,

oJ .rzsearrh



N o r tlt C arolina

March 27, Lecture: 8 p.m., Dinner: 6 p.m. M. Smith Griffth Auditorium This annual event, co-hosted by the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art and the Friends of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, features a dinner and lecture, followed by dessert and coffee. This year's lecturer will be Bradford Rauschenberg, director of research at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Ars in WinstonNorth Carolina. Please call the Georgia Museum of Art at (706) 542-


GMOA for further information and reseryations.

Master oJ Fine Arts Degree Candidates'Exbibition March z7 - M^y g Virginia and Alfted Kennedy Gallery; Martha and Eugene Odum Gallery of Decorative Arts This annual exhibition features works by candidates for the Master of Fine Arts degtee at the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia. Groundbreaking artists will exhibir an array of thought-provoking works in a variety of media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics and fabric design.



Family Day: 50th Anniversary Party! April 24, ro tm. Don't miss the grand celebration of the Georgia Museum of Artt 50th birthday, featuring a treasure hunt in the galleries, door prizes, food and art activities. A special childrent concert will also be presented by the University of Georgia School of Music Choral Department in the Performing Arts Center, adjacent to the museum. Sponsored b1

Helward Allen Motar Co., lnc., Helward AlbnTolota, and


Ftiends oJ




Unique American Vision: Paintings b1 Gregorl Cillespie

April ro -Mey


Philip Henry Alston Jr, Gallery This exhibition of 45 paintings by the American realist painter Gregory Gillespie is divided into six sections: introduction, self-portraits, portraits, shrines and still lifes, landscapes and curent imagery/unique vision, Gillespie is noted for his selfportraits, which are celebrated particularly for their iconographic individualism and visionary subject matter.

Rsr-,A.rso EvsNrs

Lecture: Gregorl Gillespie Ti.resdap




5:Jo p.m.

M. Smith Griffith Auditorium

MAY rggg Lecture: "Museum Quality Designs: A Bouquet From the Met" Thursdap May 6, z p.m., s25 for members; s5o for non-members M. Smith Griffith Auditorium Join the museum in welcoming guest speaker Chris Giftos, special events manager and renowned foral designer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NewYork City. Giftos has been working at the Met for 25 years, and he has been responsible for the museumi splendid galas, whose guests of honor have included presidents, kings and emperors. Watch as he works his magic at the Georgia Musem of Art in a foral demonstration and lecture, followed by afternoon tea, a book signing and a silent auction of foral arrangments created by Giftos. Space is limited; call the museum at (706) 542-GMOA for details.

JULY lggg lnner E1e: Conteffiporar! Art from the Maru dnd Lfuid Straus Colbaion

July3-September5 Virginia and Alfred Kennedy Gallery; Philip Henry Alston lr. Gallery fina1e to the anniversary year, this collection of contenporary art moves the museum into the year 1999 and forward into the next century. This wideranging collection challenges its yiewers to experience a side of art thel may not be accustomed to seeing. Marc and Livia Straus of New York have been collecting

A fitting

contemporary works since the I960s, primarily in painting, sculpture, photography and installation art. Over the years, the Strauses have continued to collect diverse works, ranging fiom conventional paintings to works using unusual materials such as basketballs, aquaria., mohair and plastic refuse containers.

The exhibition focuses

on the I980s and the I990s and includes works by many of the most prominent artists working today, including Mike and Doug Starn, Louise Bourgeois, Anselm Kiefer, Magdalena Abakanowitz, Robert Gober, Ann Hamilton, Jeff Koons and Kiki Smith.


and event sponsors

August I5,I998

are listed




Partial support Jor the exhibitions and programs at the Georgia




is prodded b1 the Ceorgia CouncilJor the


through appropriations oJ the Georgia Central Asemb\. A portion oJ the museum's




operating support has bun

pro"idel through tht

Muvum and Librarl Senim, a Jcderal agentl sening


publlr b1 strengthening museums and librarir. lndkihak, Joundations and corporations protide additional museum sulryort through their

glfts to the Unittersitl oJ Georgia Foundation. Edumtional programming is gentrousll sponsorcd b1 Target Stores, Inc.

The Ceorgia Museum oJ


Art k




PerJorming andl4sual

Complex on the East Campus oJ the Unitersitl oJ Ceorgia. The


k 90

Cadton Strut, Unbtrsitl oJ Ceorgia, Atbens, GA


Houns: Turlal,Thursdal, Fridal until 5 p.m,WdnudalJrom until 5 p.m., and





9 p.m., Sundal




dosed Monday.

Mussuu Snop Houns: a.m.

and SaturdalJrom


until 4 p.m., Wdnesdal Jrom

through SaturdalJrom

7 p.m.



9 ?.m., and Sundal

Jrom I p.m. until 4 p.m.



M.crro N: (7

Fex: (7o5)




ExHrrrrroN LrNr: (7o6)



(7o6) 542-0447

Parking is lorated adjaent to the building; bus turn around is prorided. Handimpped accessibb. Admission



covER: HeurrrouHllttrroN Woman

with Fan, ca, 1900


Tnr coLr-scrroN oF

MR. Ah-D MRS. Re.Nnalr

BsNrrv Sn. Fnorrr rtrr ExHIBITIoN BeJore 1948, Amtritan Paintings from Ceorgia Collections

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