Georgia Museum of Art rental brochure, ca. 1996-2006

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The Most

Inviting Event Space in Athens!

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Your organization'can plan an informal luncheon or meeting

in Figgie's Caf6, which accommodates as many.


furty people

for a sit-down event and looks out onto the landscaped groundls of the Performing and Visual Arts Complex at the llniversity

of Georgia. Larger events can {ind a home in the museum's Reception Hall, whlch features rich wood paneling, large windows, a sweeping staircase, marble floors. and space for nearly,e116

hundred guests for a sit-down dirrner and up to two hundred guests for a stand-up event. For your corryenience, both the caf6 and the Reception Hall have access to a catering htchen,


The galleries can be opened upon request as an adjunct to events for an aclditional fee. Foocl and clrink are not permitted in the galleries for consen'atiol reasons. In aclclition to the current erhibitions trncl permanent collec-

tion, selections from the \Vest Founclation Collection of Neo-classictrl marble sculptures are o1l r.ieu, throughout the museum, adding to the atmospirere. Just remember, u,e put the "art" in pady!

Rentals are granted on a first-come, first-served basis, and a deposit is required. You

will be invoiced immediately

lollowing your event based on the actua] attendance and the length of your event. The building is fully accessible

lor persons with disabilities and has extensive free prrrking. For more information. Io receive a complete list ol'guidelines and prices, to arrange a tour of the faciliry or to make reservations, please contact the special events coordinator

at 7o6.542.4662.

Partial support for the exhi,biti,ons and programs at the Georgi.a Museum of Art is prooided by the Georgia Cannci.l for the Arts

through appropriations of the Georgia Ceneral Assembly. The Cruncil is a partner agency of the National Endowment


the Arts. Adrlitional support is prooidedby the lnstitute of Museum and Library Seraices,


federal grantmnking agency that

fosters leadership, innooation, and a lifettme of learningby

supporting museu.nts and libraries. lndioiduak, foundntions, and corporations prooide additional support thratgfi their gifts to the Unioersity of Georgi,a Foundntion. The Georgia Museum of Art X Incated in the Performi,ng andVimal Arts Compbx on the Eost Campus of the Unioersity of Georgia.

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