Stewards of the Earth: The Art and Science of Landscape Architecture

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Sponsored by: The Stati Botaniga! Gar{en oJGorgia Georgia Museum of Art School of Environmental Design The Instirute of Community and


Stewards of the Earth: The Art and Science of Landscape Architecture Preface

In the broadest sense of the term, landscape architecture is a professional design discipline that deals with integrating people and the outdoor environment in a way that is beneficiat to both the society and to the environment. Yet, to limit the profession to a standard definition would be an injustice to what landscape architecture can actually accomplish. Through the years, landscape architects have been involved in countless numbers of projects associated with our outdooi environment. From the designing of small private gardens to the planning and management of hundreds of square miles, the tandscape architect is dedicated to serving our community by solving complex environmental problems in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. These designs, to be truly successful, must be profitable, stimulating, and enioyable from day to day. Thanks to the organizational efforts of Professors Marguerite Koepke, Bill Mann, and Forster Ndubisi of the Universiry of Georgia's School of Environmental Design, we have the opportuniry to see how landscape architecture combines art and science to integrate our community with the environment. The various submissions to the exhibition present proposed works, works-in-progress, and completed works to demonstrate how proiects begin and what is accomplished in the end. Most importantly, the exhibition successfully communicates the important role that landscape architecture plays in our society. The works clearly demonstrate that landscape architecture is beneficial to the community, from preservation and restoration of residences and gardens to ptanning and creatinB parks and recreational facilities. In addition to the exhibition, educational programs will address various important topics in landscape architecture. The informal lectures and walking tours will be held each Sunday at 2200 p.m. and will begin in the lobby of the Visitor Center/Conservatory Complex. Each program will last approximately two hours or less. Sponsors for this exhibition are the Georgia Museum of Art, The State Botanical Garden of Georgia, The Institute of Community and Area Development, and the University of Georgia's School of dnvironmental Design. The offices of the Vice Presidents for Research, Academic Affairs and Services provided generous financial suPPort. The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art and the Friends of the Garden sponsored the opening reception. Important in the planning and implementation of the exhibition was the participation of students in the museum studies program. Student coordinators are Melissa Lit',vhiler and Erik Mittman, interns at the Georgia Museum of Art. David'Wells, intem at the Georgia Museum of Art, designed the exhibition checklist, poster, and invitations. The organizers gratgfully acknowledge the assistance of Mollie Henry, information specialist, and Jayne Smith, manager, the Visitor Center at the State Botanical Garden; Villiam U. Eiland, director, Georgia Museum of Art; Jim Stipemaas; Lanie lrssard; Bonnie Uter; and Patricia Vright of the Georgia Museum of fut. Melissa D. Litwhiler Georgia Museum of Art, Intern Spring 1993

Lecture Topics



Demonstration of Computer Applications in Landscape Environmental Design, and Susan Crowe, lnstitute of Community and Area Development.



The Exploration of P,rinciples Used in the Design oJthe Shade Gardm and the Proposed International Garden in the Sute




Botanical Garden of Georgia: Professors Marguerite Koepke and Julie Myers, School of Environmental Design.

The Application of Ecological Principles in l-andscape Arcbitecture Planning and. Design: Robinson Fisher,

Robinson Fisher Associates, Athens.


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The Rob of Naliue Plants in Designing Sustainable Ittdscapes: Professor Darrel Morrison, Former Dean, School of Environmental Design.

Juror's Statement


This cross-section of landscape design illustrates the wide range of ways that environmental architecture can influence the desigr, management, and restorations of our physical environment. The exhibition includes remarkably innovative work. Particular attention should be given to the study of African-American garde-ns in the rural South and the integration and restoration of natural plant communities at the UI6 Corporate Office in Atlanta. Other striking examples inctude the National Garden Design for'Washington, D.C., and the community desigr study for enh4ncing the downtown area of Banff, Alberta, Canada. All submissions illustrate the importance of planning new development while respecting the

cultural and natural context that each development surrounds, Seen together the proiect designs in the exhibition are visually exciting and conceptually stimulating. Jury Members:

rHarV Baldwin, Baldwin and Associates; Atlanta elawrie Jordan, president, ERDAS Inc., Atlanta rDarrel Morrison, professor of landscape architecture, University of Georgia

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Checklist of the Exhibition


Marguerite Koepke

University of Georgia,

Athens, Georgia The

lnternatiotul Garden atThe State

Botanical Gaden of Georgia,



Small Scale Design: Park and Recreation Facilities 19f35


The International Garden was desigred to display plant communities from around the world, which are ecologically compatible with the Georgia piedrnont. The International Gaiden ihcreases public awareness of the inter-relationships of the region in its global context.


Juror's Comment The designer creatively exploits the viewing "rules of engagement" by drawing the audience into the design through time-honored elements of form, color, texture and repetition.

2. Roy Ashley and Associates, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia Rauina Hotel, Athntz, Georgia Small Scale Design: Commercial Facilities 1989


The 40-acre Ravina complex consists of four office towers and a hotel site that embraces a 10-acre

heavily wooded area. A fifth office tower to be constructed in the area of the forest was eliminated from ' the original master plan in order to save the forest that enhanced rhe natural environment of Ravina Creek and the surrounding gardens.

Juror's Comment At the heart of the notion of stewardship of the environment is the belief that we should conserve, protect, and enhance our natural resources, All too frequently in the Atlanta metropolitan area, this belief is discarded in favqr of siteleveling and tree-clearing followed by artificial or ornamental replacements of vegetation. Yet, the Ravina project recognizes the greatrasset that exists in the site's natural forest.

3. Roy Ashley and Associates,


Atlanta, Georgia Cify of Athntu Greentaay Trail Corridor Plan, Atlanta, Georgia Large Scale Desigrr:

RecreationaVTransportati on Plan



The Greenway Trail Plan was developed to provide a clear,

thorough documentation of the network of open space corridors and multi-use trails that have been proposed for imptementation prior to the 7996 Olympics in Atlanta. The document has been prep.ared to introduce the advantages that such a network offers Atlanta.

Jurorls Comment The projegt shows the value of looking comprehensively at a metropolitan region and identifu ing connections that proYide an alternative which can ultimately improve the quality of life for people throughout that region.


Roy Ashley and Associates, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia The Nationil Garden, Rose Garde4 Wasbington, D.C. Design Team: Roy Ashley, Martin

A. Harber, Jon E; Benson, Michael D. Browning, and Scott Coleman Small Scale Design: Park and Recreation Facilities

t992 Purpose

The award-winning design for the National Garden educates the public on the diversity of plants typical to the piedmont region. Native plants, newly developed hybrids, and the best of new and old garden plants will be displayed in distinct garden spaces and will demonstrate new garden ideas. One area will display the many varieties of our national flower, the rose.

Juror's Comment The proiect integrates historical context, symbolism, traditional design elements, and a unique setting into an award-winning


5. Hughes, Good, O'Leary 6c Ryan,


Atlanta, Georgia Moantain Park, Toutns County, Georgia Large Scale Design: Recreation Plans




Mountain Park is conceived,as proiect tliat demonstrates the


compatibility of economic development with environmental

concems. A site of 503 acres located in the north Georgia' mountains, Mountain Pqri contains a wide variery of mountain ecosystems from trout streams and flood plains to steep mountainous slopes. The history of the site encompasses ovsr 61000 years


continuogs habitation by Native Americans. Significant archaeological finds are located in the region.


Jurorls C,ornment This:project, rnore than any other in the exhibition, clearly illustrates the benefits and successful results obtained when analytical methods are employed by the landscape architect in the design process. :

5. 'Marguerite,Koepke and Ron Reid

Univerqiry of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Ron Reid (architect)


Manhattan, Kansas Riley County Courth ouse Renouation and P hza D esign Manhattan, Kansas Small Scale Desigrr: Streets and Public Spaces 1



The courthouse was renovated to serve as the iudicial center for the local district and as a community

gathering place. The plaza is available for various functions including political rallies, music festivals, farmers' market, fund raising campaigns, and lunch-hour


Juror's Comment This is an excellent example of the landscape architect's ability to integrate a beautiful and historically significant structure into the urban fabric through design prowess.

7. Richard 'Westmacott

Universiry of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Afi can - Amer ican G ar dens an d Yards of the Rural South Southem Region, U.S. Communication: Presentation on Landscape History

7992 Purpose

The NEA-funded rcsearch project, "Traditional Gardens and Yards of African-Americans in the Rural South,' describes patterns and practices in the gardens and yards of black families in three areas of the rural South. Until recently, the vemacular garden had received li6le attention from garden h istorians and African-American gardens none. The traveling

exhibition seeks to bring the findings of this proiect to a wider audience, tohelp to assure the preservation of a cultural heritage and to deepen understanding and appreciation of an art form that, for long-time rural AfricanAmericans, is also a way of life. Juror's C,omment This proiect is a two-way lens that allows us to look back at an elemeot of design which is almost totally undocumented and also allows us to look forward to preserving and building upon that heritage.

8. Design'Workshop


Aspen, Colorado B anff, Alb erta, D ountoun Enhancement Concept Plan, A Long Range Strategy for Susainable Tourism in the Town of Banff Banff, Alberta, Canada Large Scale Desigr: Streets and

Public Spaces

7992 Purpose

In Banff, Alberta, tourism and the popularity of this mountain town have been both positive and negative factors in its development. Banff generates an enormous amount of tax revenue through tourism, but very little of this money is retumed to the community to help resolve the congestion, parkiog, and public transportation ills that are inherent to a striving resort town. The purpose of this plan is to take advantage of the opportunities presented by this unique, pedestr.ian-scale village, where auto-management and pedestrian access are becoming increasingly

important issues.

Juror's Comment The proiect illustrates that the landscape architect must be able to define precisely a strategy for solving a problem such as the impact of tourism on a crowded


9. David Nichols

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

(while associated with Barbour Cooper and Partners, Birmingham, Alabama) Fo


Recreat ional Comp lex es

Birmingham, Alabama Large Scale Design:

Recreational Facilities





The illustrative panel displays the master plans of four different recreation complexes built in the general vicinity of Birmingham between 1985 and 1990. The purpose of the panel is to convey to the general .public another facet of the wide range of services provided by landscape architects.

Juror's Comment This project reflectg one of the basic requirements of a landscape architect in the design process, the need for compositional skills.

10. EDAIT ,


tqr, ,

Steuards of tbe furth 1993: An Au aruiew' of 'ED AW Desigtt P i o j e as


Juror's Con.rnent This series of vignettes on dgsign projects reprcsents the'signatureo :of one, of;theâ‚Źo.uotryis fogernost , landscape architecturil finTrs; We see all phases of the design process developed into resort, institutional, and land.plannirig applicatioos in a haodsome displav. It shows the viCwer that,the. profesqion is not onlyrrriultifaceted but als-q.'.r independent of scale. .




L1,. Ashley, Hughes, Good and Associates

Atlanta, Georgia UPS Corpo;,rate Officer Atlanta, Ge.orgia Corporate Facilities 1,992


To create a corporate envircrnment that accommodates the physical program requirements while it embraces the site's natural beauty,

Juror't Cornment A comprehensive plan that reflects an efficienry of design consistent

with the corporate client's theme of "running a tight ship," yet it is exccuted in an envirormenqally sensitive way.

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