The Performing and Visual Arts Complex, 1996-2006

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The Performing







Visual Arts Complex



1Oth-Anniversary Week Saturday, April 1 @ t Lecture, 11 a.m. Bruce Cole, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humaniries M. Smith Griffith Auditorium


Hodgson Concert


Saturday April 1 mE Opening, 7 p.^. to 9 p.m. MFA Degree Candidates and Spring Exhibitions Saturday, April 1 ) UCA Symphony Concert and UCA Choirs, 8 p.m. Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 Hodgson Concert





Walking SculptureTour, 2 p.m. Feeli ng the Fa mi lia

r Pul l,

AndrewT Crawford Led by the artist



Scheduled Events

Spoleto Festival USA Chamber Music with Charles Wadsworth, 3


Hodgson Concert Hall


Saturday, April 1 ,N Clee Club Reunion Concert, 3

April 2



Friday, AprilT @il Book Signing, Talk and Reception 5 p... to7 p.m. Richard Weisman's From Picasso to Pop


ARCO Chamber Orchestra, 8 Hodgson Concert Hall


Wednesday, April 5 @ GalleryTalk! MFA Speaks, 5:30 p.m. Second-floor Galleries



UCA Wind Ensemble, 8 Hodgson Concert



Saturday, AprilS @ Family Day Spring Festival, 10 a.m. Pam Blanchard and the Sunny-Side

Up Band Wednesday, April 5 .N UCA Steel Band and UCA Salsa Band, 6 p.m. Hodgson Concert Hall Wednesday, April


Ed and Phoebe Forio Studio Classroom




Classic City )azz, 8 p... Ramsey Concert Hall




Alumni Electronic Music Concert, 8 p.m.


Dancz Center for New Music

Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 3 Hodgson Concert Hall


April6 @

GalleryTalk by Collector Richard Weisman, 2 p.^.


Tickets: $38 and $43

Kress Callery

Hodgson Concert Hall is located in tbe Perforrning Arts Centen (Jnless noted, all euents are free and open to tbe public.



for Performing Arts Center @ events for Ceorgia Museum of Art .N


for Hugh Hodgson School of Music

Highlights of the Past Decade 199 6 er^ d opening of the New Builfing The Georgia Museum ofArt found a new home at the University of Ceorgia's Performing and Visual Arts Complex in April '1996. The dedication and celebration included a lecture by Robert Hughes, art critic atTime magazine, and a concert by the illustrious opera singer Jessye Norman._,ilare Manus, Sculptor;Tiffany Glass from the Collection of the Late Dr. Edward L. McConnell; ltdlidn Renaissance and Baroque Drawings from the Collection of Giuliano Ceseri; and Masterpieces of European Paintingfrom BobJones Universitywere the inaugural exhibitions in

the new facility. Director William U. Eiland welcomed the public. Masterpieces ofRenaissance anil Baroque Sculpture from t h e Pakzzo Ve n e zi.a, Rome Traveling to the Ceorgia Museum of Art from the Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia in Rome, this exhibition assembled outstanding sculpture from the Renaissance

and Baroque periods of ltalian art. The exhibition was organized by the Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia and Claudio Strindti, Soprintende per i Beni Artistice Storici di Roma.

The Giuliano Ceseri Collection of Works on Paper Placed on Long-Term Loan to the Museum An important group of drawings and prints, the Ceseri Collection has grown to nearly 1,200 works of art. Rich in Italian master drawings, prints and drawings of the 19th and 20th centuries, it includes works by eminent artists such as Pietro de Pietri, Cuercino andJean-AugusteDominique lngres. Outstanding period frames expand the scope of the collection to the area of the decorative arts.

T'he Sea Grant Program Established in 1971 in Ceorgia, the National Sea Crant Program encouraged the development, use and conservation of marine and Creat Lakes resources by tapping the expertise residing in coastal state university centers. ln 1980, the University of Ceorgia was awarded Sea Grant status. The same year, a project involving a collection focusing on coastal subject matter was designed to incorporate the use ofvisual art into an educational venture. This collection includes 1 1 artists' interpretations of the Ceorgia coast and was transferred to the state museum in 1996.

(99 7 w"tt Found ation Collection Consisting of more than 50 British watercolors from the 18th and 19th centuries, the West Foundarion Collection contains significant British landscape painrings. Renderings include images of streets, hillsides and people of rural and urban Britain. Samuel Owen, Samuel Prout and Thomas Rowlandson are some of the renowned artists in the collection, which is a long-term loan. More than half the collection is devoted to rhe more highly finished "exhibition" watercolori as prized as an oil painting on display.

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ln 1998, the Ceorgia Museum of Art celebrated its 50th anniversary. The museum was founded and first directed byAlfred Heber Holbrook, a retired attorneyfrom New York who moved to Ceorgia in 1945. He donated the museLrm's first hundred paintings to a collection that now

art. Fourteen exhibirions were shown during the SOth-anniversary year, includin g lnner surpasses 9,000 works of Eye: Contemporary

Art from the Marc and Livia

Straus Collection.

REMBRANDT: Treasares frotn tbe Rembrand,t Hause, Arusterdarn As an exchange for the Ceorgia Museum of Art's exhibition Adrian van Ostade: Erchings of Peasant Life in Holland's Golden Age, this exhibition made its American debut at the museum. Each work was a rare impression drawn, etched or printed by Rembrandt van Rijn. The exhibition was organized by the museum in collaboration with the Rem bra


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Masterttorksfrom tbe San Carlos Natianal

Museum ofArt, Mexico City

Organized by the Museo Nacional de San Carlos in Mexico City, this exhibition had never been shown in the United States and included works from some of the most recognizable European masters in its collection, including paintings byJacopo Pontormo and Frans Hals.The exhibition was organized and curated by the San Carlos National Museum of Art, Mexico City, andJoseph S. Czestochowski.






Natianal Galterj



Selected as one of only three venues in the United States, the Ceorgia Museum of Art showcased Masterpieces from the National Callery of Scotland,

on loan from Edinburgh. lt

of the most famous men and women of England's Regency period, such as Lord Byron, painted byThomas Philips, and Napoleon Bonaparte, by Benjamin Robert Haydon. The exhibition was organized by the National Portrait Gallery, London, and the U.S. tour was organized by ArtRea ch I nternati o n a l.

The Pierre Daura Center for the Stody of European Art Established at the Ceorgia Museum of Art with a gift from Martha R. Daura in honor of her father, the center contains a collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures by the Catalan-American artist Pierre Daura, who co-founded the artists' group Cercle et Ca116.The center is dedicated to the study of modern European and American art. Henry D. Green Center for the Study of the Decorative Arts First Biennial Symposium The Henry D. Creen Center for the Study of the Decorative Arts organizes ed ucatio nal o p portu n ities, p rovides access

to important resources for researchers, and.assists with the development of the museum's decorative arts collection with emphasis on works made in or of significance co the state of Ceorgia. A primary activity of the center is the organization of decorative arts symposia focusing on new research in Ceorgia decorative arts.

TheJacob Burns Fotrndation's Collection of Works by Gerald Brockhtrrst ln 2002, the Ceorgia Museum of Art became the primary repository of Cerald Brockhurst's paintings, prints and drawings, as well as archives of his correspondence and other records. Brockhurst emerged as an outstanding etcher and fashionable portrait painter in the 1920s and 1930s. This partnership between the Burns Foundation and the Ceorgia Museum of Art continues the research that led to the exhibition The Art of Cerald Brockhurst in 1993.

2 0 03

BecowingaNation: Atnericanafrow the

Di.plarnatic Reception Roomsn US. DEartunent


ln cooperation with the U.S. State Department, Becoming a Nation included more than 160 works of fine and decorative art from the country's diplomatic reception rooms at the Department of State in Washington D.C. This exhibition was organized by the Trust for Museum Exhibitions in association with the U.S. Department of State.

highlighted works by European and American artists from

the 15th to 19th centuries and featured the return to the United States of Frederic Church's famous Niagara


The exhibition was a project of the National Callery of Scotland. The tour was organized by ArtReach lnternational.

2 O 02 Rornantics 6 Retol*ti.onaries: Regency Portraitsfrom the National Partrait Gdlleryt, Lond.oa Romantics 6 Revolutionaries made the first of its two U.S. stops at the museum. lt included 70 portraits of some

2 0 0J 7%A-79

crmingHome: Awericdn Paintings, 5A,from the Scboen Collection

national tour at the museum. Originating from theJason Schoen Collection in Miami, chese Regionalist, Social Realist and Surrealist works included a variety of American artists from the Creat Depression and World War ll eras. The Coming Home ended its seven-venue

exhibition was co-organized by the Ceorgla Museum of Art and the Mobile Museum of Art.

On view at the

Ceorgia Museum of Art during the 1 Oth Annive!'sary Celebration . Feeli,ngtbe Familiar Pwll, Andreu T Crauford Andrew Crawford, an Atlanta-based sculptor, works in metal, wood and found objects. His goal is to match organic form with mechanical objects and to investigate the tension between the natural and the manmade. This outdoor display of eight sculptures by Crawford makes use of the topography of the Performing and Visual Arts Complex.


. Ten Year s of Acqui.sitions,


Artists ofProminencefroru tbe Permanent Collection Beginning with the original gift of paintings to the museum by its founder, Alfred Heber Holbrook, the Ceorgia Museum of Art

has housed worl<s of art created by many of the most renowned artists of Europe and America. For this special display during the 'l 0th Anniversary Celebration, the museum will provide its visitors an opportunity to see works of art created by a stellar Iist of famous artists such as Albrecht Duirer, Rembrandt van Rijn, Joseph Mallord William Turner,James A. McNeill Whistler, Mary Cassatt, Pablo Picasso, Ceorgia O'Keeffe and Andy Warhol.

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Weisman's Anily'Warh ols Unveiled in 1979, the'Athletes Series" byAndyWarhol was made possible by Richard Weisman's interest in art and friendship with the artist. Weisman, who collected some of the most important names in contemporary art in the 1960s and 1970s, urged Warhol to undertake a series of portraits of popular athletes of the time. Warhol painted 'l 0 portraits of famous sports figures, including heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali, golferJack Nicklaus and tennis player Chris Evert, which will be on display at the museum.

. MFA D egree Canili.dates E xhibiti.on This annual exhibition features work by 16 students in the Master of Fine Arts degree program at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Ceorgia. lt is an opportunity to view the work of emerging artists as they finish their education in studio art. Many of the artists, though still students, have begun to establish themselves in galleries and museums throughout the United States and Europe in solo, group and juried exhibitions.


.,r, ,., .., ... . Hdurs,,,l.,,,',:.,,.,',::r..1....... 10 a.m. - 5 p.*. TUE THU FRI SAT 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. WED

-2006 Thanks to the benevolence and generosity ofdonors and lenders, the vigilance of museum staff and relationships with


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collectors, the collections of the Ceorgia Museum of Art are constantly growing, improving and expanding. One of the essentials of a healthy, active art museum is its function of collecting. Ten Years of Acquisitions, 1996-2006 features a sampling of the wide range of objects the museum has obtained since the opening of its current building in 1996. This exhibition features worl<s of art byJohn Taylor Arms, Francis Hyman Criss, Jasper Francis Cropsey, Pierre Daura,John Stockton de Martelly, Andr6e Ruellan, Lucy May Stanton and WilmerWallace, among others.


, : 1,.P,m ,.,5 p m..SUhl ...,4..t,,'.. .:'r . . , Admission is free, ,.



with a sugested donation of $2.

Huih Flodgson School of:'Mgsit .,,,,'

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,..'i:I''," Partia I su pport fo r the exhib iti on ;, a nd'p:/b.g.d rrti',the Ceorgia M useum af Art is p'raujded;,:by:;ihe,,W.','N1u4to! Morrk Cha ritabl e Foq nd;qt!on,,',the,,Frje4d.s af trhq ;;Mu seum and the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations. of the; Gearyja Cenglqt ;As,iembly- Th,e Counci\is'a partuer agency of :th:e Naii6a/1,,Ea46*,**t for the Arts. lndividuals, foundations and corporations provide additional support through their gifts to the Arch Foandatiorrand,iheUniveisig,,af



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The Performing and Visr,ral Arts Camplex 1996 " 2AA6






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