ffuffi wwww
this print, I(:rnsas was rccling liorn thc cllccts of economic depression in the l9l0s, conclitions that lbrced srnall macle
prrrduced his first
lit rgiorr,rIi.;l Iitlrogr.rph (rtc;uar r). Llrrtillt
i1 rl('l)i(
lllrr<' Vullt:y Fo: lltLnt,
ls Iirrrr nrcn g:rLhcrecl
lirt r,r,ilh Lrvo hounds, onc ol ll:t lrrrnlcrs hlowing a
Lhcir m.rin sourcc of livclihood.
lo si1,r,,,1 ,1,., ot.l'rer dogs tcr urn. lri l in lilLrc Vallcy otLtsidc l(,urs,rs ('il 1,, Ilrc prirtt lbcuscs
Aggr;r,alcd by Lhc inlarnous droueht ar-rd llust Born,l o1' 19 15, lhrmland in thc southwcst corncr ol- thc s1a1.c was scvcrcly damaged but the el'f'ects wcrc
ltor n rt'1
tlrt :;inrpli'
plc.rsurcs o1'rural
irr rriiln,r':rlt't n Arncriclr
rtril,ing cxanrple of' \ilr, r.,,rrr li,;1i,,rr.rlisrn, Jn .rrir\-
lunri is .r
Lir' rrovcnrt
nl IIr,rl
.rrr ilii,,1r ,,il i,,ti',n,rl iJcntitv irr 1l)r' l ') 1O.,, lor'.rlizing thc historv ol' lrillr, rlo ovt'r loohcd placcs "rrrt1 p,,,1,1,:,.
&ffi ffi s'
Lri nt,'r's trr .Lh,rndon [.Lrnritrg as
.rrrrurrrl .r
Al lilst
It thror-rghout l(ansas. The
dcep ridges of plowed land draw attention to the plight ol farming
r'r,ithout any overt ref'ereni:es
to the dire conditions that h:rd allccted thc f:rrming communitv. -But 1hc contcntmcnt of t.hc hunl.crs and Lhc hounds,
tlit irrt.rl,, i';,r Ilrist.tlgic vic'v o1'
the gontJc curvcs of cullivatcd
lancl, and thc warm glor,r,
nrl.rrrrl .rnrl pasloral
l)Lrsllil.,, lrrrl llrr' :;tarli oullincs ol'
tr( ( :r l)i('r('ing Llrc opcrr
sky ili.,trr lr Ilrr' lr,l ntony of'thc sc(
r){ .il lr.rrrtl
\\ltt ir rlr:N,llrlt'llr,.
ol thc firc sccm a1 odds rn,ith tl'rc harslr shapcs of trcc Ir
urrl.s, l,r.rrr, Ir, s, .rnJ t rvigs
in l}rt'foreeronnd. Jn ir scnsc,
l(r)\rrir\rrr,r)iilrir'\ir1l,r i.oL lltult,\t, )(r.l,itlrogr,rplrorpJpcr, I I l,lr, li, l, I if( rr'.r (icor,li.r Nlrrs|rrnr ol Art. []nirr:rsilt,ol'(lcortir; tili o[ Nlr rrr,i xl r ill\\, xl!llr.. lll.rrrrl ('.rrl\\.\'lLrllisl\',elass01 'Ol.(tN,t(r\20Ol.ltX) I
deMarteily depi.cts the pioneering spirit of the midwestern community, resilient in the face of economic deprivation and natural disasters.
of the Fine Arts, An accomplished draftsmen from the start, his passion for drawing created a strong foundation for Printmaking, a form of art he would
first pursue seriously at the
Of special note is the figure sleeping beneath the tree, identi-
Accademia delle Belle
Although he learned a wide range of printmaking techniques there, deMartelly was esPeciallY attracted to lithography, a tech-
the famous Regionalist
Thomas Hart Benton, deMartelly's
friend and colleague at the Kansas Ciry Art Institute. The motif of sleep appears frequently throughout the artistt Regionalist prints and in his later and more abstract Prints from the 1950s. Furthermore, the three seated men echo the arrangement of a trio of figures,
lncluding that ol Christ from deMartelly's earlier etching, T/re Supper dt Emmc,us (ntcunr z), a print that focuses on the wellknown Biblical subject painted by master European artists like Titian, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, and VelSzquez. The techniques used to make the two prints,
their subjects, and deMartellY's articulation of contour and shape could not have been more different in both images. What then is the story behind the artist's transition from one picture to another? A native of Philadelphia, deMartelly began his formal artistic training in l92l at the Pennsylvania AcademY
Florence, Italy,
1927 and L928.
nique he subsequently studied more intensively at the RoYal Coliege of
Art in London. It
during his English sojourn that he focused on coPying o1d master prints, an exercise required ofevery young artist in training at the Royal College of Art. In 1930. deMartellY returned to Amedca and moved to Kansas City where he established a studio and offered
printmaking courses. Thus began his teaching career to
which he devoted himself for the rest of his lifb. Four years later, he had joined the faculty of the Kansas City Art Institute where he taught printmaking alongside Benton.
1931, deMartellY exhibited
at Emmaus at the Women's City Club along with thirteen other etchings. Art critics reviewing the exhibiThe Supper
tion compared the print with Rembrandt's Christ at Emmaus
covqe^ Laoking at the Sunshine, c. 1938. Lithograph on paper,
x 12 l/4 inches. Georgia Museum of Art. University ofGeorgia; gift ol Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mu11is IV class of '01. GMoA 2001'1o3 10 1/4
(1654), remarking that he had
the subsequent popularity of
"a technical mastery ... rarely
deMartellyt print won the gold medal in the graphics division
lithography signaled a r adical shift away from the Whistlerian tradition. Like many ol his contemporaries, deMartelly embraced the medium that he
of the Midwestern Artists'
had long favored.
Annual Exhibition held at the Kansas City Art Institute. By 1936, the practice of lithography had surpassed the preference for etching, the most popular print-
an independent Regionalist
in the work of contempo-
rary etchers." That same year,
The Euangelis, (FrcuRE 3),
making technique in the iate
lithograph and Greek Boxer (r'rcunn 4), one of the last prints deMartelly made before he died,
nineteenth century exemplified
represent the span of the artist's
by prints made by James McNeiIl Whistler and Mary Cassatt. Pioneered by Joseph Pennell who taught the first lithography class in an American art school in 1922 at the Art
versati Ie hand li ng
Students League in New York,
FrcuRE 2 The Supper
Georgia Museum of
ol lirhography.
The former is one of at least rhree lithographs he made in
addition to the twelve prints published by the American Association of Artists (AAA). Executed in the Regionalist
at Emmaus, c. 1930. Etching on paper, 6 lfZ x 7 inches. Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W.
Mullis III and Carl W. Mu1lis IV class of '0I. cMoA 200I.95 -3-
style, it depicts Lizzie Ozgood,
battered prizefighter in a visual
deMartelly's neighbor in rural
blur of lines and deep shadows.
New Hampshire, where the
The barely discernible features oflnis Boxer in fact recall the
artist and his family spent their summers. Devoted to
damaged visage of the Hellenistic
the Bible, Lizzie is shown as a wizened old woman, the details
fighter, particularly the left eye rendered like a wounded
of her wrinkled skin contra.sting
"black eye." Similarly, the
sharply with the smooth surfaces
curls across the boxer's forehead
of the furniture and walls. While she grasps a weighty volume of the
repeat the arrangement of
Bible, her attention, however, has wavered away from the book. Such visual nuances,
including the tiny cru-
cifix on the scroll hanging on the wall juxtaposed with Lizzie's tightly woven bun, and the cat slinking out of the door, reveal the
artistt suspicion of organized religion. Compared to this highly
contoured rendering, deMartelly's Greek Boxer is a striking
abstract composition
typical of the prints he produced during the last three decades of his life. He turns yet again to a subject from the
past-the famous
Terme Boxer,
tight curls on the head of the Terme Boxer.
1943, the dynamic Albert Christ-Janer invited deMartelly
the Hellenistic bronze sculpture
to teach at Michigan State
(3rd-2nd century BC) characterized by swollen ears, a broken
University (then Michigan State College). The artist remained
nose, and facial scars.
there until his death in 1979.
DeMartelly reinvents the
He also served as a consultant in
4 Greek Boxer,1979. Lithograph on paper, 10 x 7 inches. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '0I. cMoA 2001.163 FIGURE
:::ntmaking to the Cranbrook -{cademv of Art in Bloomfield Hi11s, llichigan, until I960.
during his teaching career
organized by curator Romita Ray
from the generous donation of deMartelly's drawings and prints
the moniker "The Wise and
gifted to the museum by Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III of Atlanta in honor of their son Carl Mullis
Porverful Wizard," a testimony
to his devotion to teaching
University of Georgia. The curator is also grateful to Carl and Marion Mullis for loaning kev paintings and drawings to the exhibition. In addition, she thanks Libby Hatmaker for her
at -\ISU that deMartelly earned
rvel1 as
to printmaking.
The Georgia Museum of Art is honored to present a retrospec-
tive of deMartelly's prints made throughout his artistic career, including his famous Regionalist lithographs. Complemented by a selection of drawings and paintings, the exhibition has been
a recent graduate of the
meticulous conservation of the paintings, and Mark Callahan for his excellent research on deMartelly's prints.
Selected Bibliography Adams, Clinton, ed. Second Intpressions: Modern Prints and Printmakers Reconsidered. Albuquerque: University ofNew lr{exico Prers, 1996. Johnson, Deborah J. Whistkr to Weidenaar: American Prints 1870-1950. Providence: Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, 1987.
North. Bill, The Prints of John
deMartelly. East Lanslng: Iftesge Art Museum,
Michigan State University, 1997.
O' Gorman, James F., ed. Aspects of American Printmaking 1800-1950Syracuse, New'icrk: Syracuse Uaiversity Press, 1988. Walker, Barry. The Americln Artist as Printmaker. New York: The Brooklyn Museum, i983. Zink, Vic. John Stockton deMartel$ 1903-1979. Gaflord, Michigan: Mid-
North Printing, 1990.
t 1 e ^E q-ffiecKlrsE
, ?
6ire .Erxffilbrffiom
eB',fu1 PRIT"{TS Al)th att tsiqarr, 1950. Edition 10. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia \{useum of Art, Universitv of Georgia: gitt of I{r. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl \\'. \Iul]is 1\., class of'o1. cuoa 2001.11i. Zink I Al{ ern.tt i ve
,Yir,,,i.. :i: :-. 1 9i1. Liihograph
Iti l'|. Fr'!iri.!.ri!t,
1941. lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gilt of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl \{l Mu1lis IV class of'O1.
c\', 11
wove paper. Georgia \tuser:m of Art. University of Georgia: gifi of \tr. and \Irs. Carl W. Mullis III anC Cari \\-. llLrllis I\', ciass o1"01. cMoa 2001.i28. Zirk l
Btketl Tontilt,, 1965. ECiLor: 20 Lithograph on wove paper. Georqia \luseum of Art, Universitv of Georgiar gift ol Mr. and NIrs. Carl W Mullis lII ar:d Cari \\:. Muilis IV class of'01. cNrcA 2001.141. Zink 7
'tht'Bircl Stltdtt;r,
Zink l9
1966. 1st state. tithograph on wove Dacer Ceorgia MuseJm of Afl, Universitv oI Ceorgid; giu o[ ]\1r. :nd lMrs. Carl W. Uuill. t.ll and Carl \V. -\4ullis tV class o['01.
,,\', 12
A 2001.109.
A 2001.
l40. Zink 20
lr1liirs, 1966-1970.4th state, second variation. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, Unive.sity of Georgia; gift ol Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Multis lll and Carl W. Mullis IV. class ot 'Ol. GMoA 2001.148. Zinl< 20
1975. Edition 20.
Li&ograph on h,ove paper. Georgia Museum ul Arl, Unirer\il\ ol Ceorgiaj giir ot Mr. and Mrs. CarI W Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV, class ol '01. GMOA 2001.Io0. Zink 9
Blut \,'tLllc.:; Fo.\ ll[t1t, 1936. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, Universiiy of Ceoigia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Mullis III aad Carl W Mullis I! class of 'ol. c\roA 2001.100. /ink lO AAA
t t'.,., ltt. 1942. Lirhogrdph on wove pdper. Ceorgia Muscum ol An. U1:ver\jlv ol Ceorgia; gift of X{r. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl 1V- Mu11is I\.. class of '01. Gi\{oA 2001 111. Zinli 12 AAA
Far lhe Lqt.,e ol Borbttra ALttt, 1942. Ljrhograph on wove pdper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Mullis lll and Carl W. Mullis IV class ol '01. !\aoA 200.1.I lO. Zink 8 AAA
l,:t.; I t.( :'.ti.tt. Iqbo. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '01. cMoA 2001.135. Zink 24
1i Gr|l :il.rirp
1951. Lithograph on wove paper Georgia Museum of Art, University oI Ceorgi;:gjJL o- Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Mullis Ill :no tarl W. Muljis IV, class ol 0l.
,rr ,r 200l.lio. Zink
lrr',:..,- : l9i-i.
paper. Georgia -\iii.!euilt o;.-qr:, L ilirersitY of Georgia; gift oi irl:. ;::,i -\I:s. Cari W Mullis IlI .rni Carl 1\.. l\iu,,rs I\r .iass of '0t. cNlol\2001.1-:1. Z]r li Ctooil.ech 11, 1954.
]b l;r r i
s ir;:-r ,!.i_r, 1937. lithograph on wove Droer. C(orgid Museum of Art, Unjversily of r-ieorgia: g'ft ol Mr. and Mrs. Cdrl W Mullis IIi and Carl W'. Mullis IV class of '01. r',,r 2001 -02. l:nk 27 AAA
Frrsi.o...r 1,1:ratlon. Color
lithograph on wo\ie paf<.. Ge.rgta \lliseun o[ Art. Unir.-r<.Lr o-,,o..- -.- o: \lr. a J Mrs. Carl W Mullis III trni Carl \\'. \Iullis I\r, class
Lr:no-graph on l'or.e
of'01. GMOA2001.12i. Zink
li r;r,'rr
/Jl,...r-, 1979. Lithograph on wove paper.
CeoLgia -\4rseum of
Art, Univetsity of
Georgia; Bilr ol Mr. and Mrs. Car[ W Mullis lll ano Carl W. Mullis IV, class of '01. , I'n\ 20Ol.l6J. Zink 29
[cottorttc Dl.s..l.!sior]. 1916. tithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University ol Georgla; gift of trdr. and X{rs. Carl W Mullis III and Carl \\,'. Mullls IV class
cMoA2OO1.101. Zink
l8 AAA
h ; i. ( lq4b. Lirhograph on wove pdper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gilt of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis iV class of '01. LiM(rA 2002.78. link ]O
: ri ria:h on t\oYe : :-i.:-::.: {ri, Lnt\,ersitv of .'.lr :.r \1:s. Carl\\i N{ul1is . l.l: ,:: :1. .1ass ol'01.
Pensiue, 1950. Lithograph on paper' Georgia
Museum of Art, Univenity of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs- Carl \4/. Mullis I11 and Carl W. Mullis I\'. class ol '01. GM0A 2001.
- ' .- \:a1e. eoition 20. r . -TeT. Ceorgia Muscum .. ..'. ' CcorBia gill ol Mr. . -,... \lullis lli and Carl lN.
iO Ponte i'...chj0,
Cari W.
Mullis IY
rr-roA 2001.92. Zlnk 67
5rh state, edition 50. Etchirg er. Georgia Museum of Art, - ::. .:::r:1- cl Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. '.: l,iuilis III and Carl W Mullis IV - :: :.-: : - : r]l . c\'loA 2001 .97. Zink 37
-:ll :: : . :lf
- , .:::.'rs, .
': :n!er.
,:-:'.::si:r' ol Georgia; gift oI Mr. and Mrs','.. \lullis III and CarlW Mullis iY
:-::: :i
2001.94. Zink 38
.-: :,: .:: t]re Suftshine, f938. I-ithograph ....r\ e paper. Georgia Muse um of Art,
: ,::r:rsitv
of Georgia;
Portrait oJ' Whistler, 1932. Etching on wove paper. Georgia ll{useum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis '01. Lll and Carl w. Mullis IV class ol cvr)A 20t) Lqh. linl< 52
32 RembnntJt Drauing at a \\/ifidou, 1929. Etching on wove paper. Georgia Museum ol Art, University of Georgla; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis IIt and Carl w. Mullis IV .0t. GVUA 2OOl.gt. Zinl( \s class ui
).929. 4tb, state. Etching on
Georgia Museum of
gllt of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl W. Mullis IV cI{oA 20O1.1O1. Zink 40 AAA
-::-'r\'. ],,lullis III and :--:s: ..i'01.
Rjdc J Lo(( Horie. Ig40. LithogrdPh on uove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gih of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W Mul}is IV class of '01. GMoA 2.,ul.lo- linl.56 AAA
34 The Ristti,1935. lithograph on lvove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of :: Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis Georgia; gilt of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis 1I1 and Carl W Mullis 1V class o['01. .:' :rd Carl W Mullis IV class of '01. cMoA20OI.99. Zink 7i ..'.'..r 1001.151. Zink 41
:: ,i" l's;rs, 1968. I-ithograph on wove :::e:. Georgia Museum ofArt, University
:. '.' i:
-i",Jc, 1953. Trial prooi edition 20. r::iograph on \{ove paper. Georgia Museum i: .{rI, University ol Georgia; gift of Mr. and
1928. 1st Stale. Etching and
aquatint on wove Paper. Georgia l{useum ol Art, Universitv of Georgia; gift of \'1r. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis IIl and Carl \\'. \Iullis I\' class of '01. t]uoa 2001.9o. Zink 21
l.i:.::s lII and
14. Zink 49
PlafietLlr! ]]ombadment, 1951. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum oI Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis IlI and Carl W. Mullis IV class of'0]. (;\{o-{ 2001.120. Zink 51
r<: i,f'01. GMoA 2001.129. Zink 31
, .. -928. 2rd state. Etching on -- ..( rqld \luseum ofArt, :. :: Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Car] \,V. Muilis
III and
GMIIA 2001-I21.
Car] W. Mullis
Zink 44
lS l..r ,"Iron, 1938- Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of AIt, University of Georgiai Bift of Mr. and Mrs (-'arl W Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis I\'. class of '01.
Lniler(ill o[Ceorgir: 8i11,'l'Mr' and Mrs. Crrl W. Mullis Illand Crrl W Mullis tV tla's of '01. GMOA 200i.91. Zink 3l
r .,; ]-t*r; 'fownâ&#x201A;Ź tsauglll a Neu Sctthe. \938. L::hograph on s'ove Paper. Georgia Museum .ri Ari, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and 'rlrs. Carl \\i Mullis lII and Carl W. Mullis IV ciass of'01. GxloA 2001-105. Zinh 45 AAA
GVOA 200I.104.
Pistoiese {Pistoiaft lc?eeJ, 1928 Etching on wove paper. Georgia Museum ol Art,
35 Siffa
.', rA
The SuPPet qL Effifia1\s,1930.
Etching on wove paper. Georgia Museum oi Arl, University of Georgia; gift ol Mr' and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis 1I1 and Carl \v, Mullis IV. ,01. cNloA 20r)l q;. zinl, h() chss ot
Strinfierl lg50. lithograph on wovc papcr. Georgia Museum of Art, UniYersitv ol ircrgir: grtr ,'l .tr4r. anJ Mrs. Carl W. Mullis rII and Car.l W. Mullis IV class ol '01.
17 The
(,vu^ 2O0l,l lb. lirrli hl
Three Graces, 1965. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '01. cMoA2001.142. Ziak 62
Tropical Flowers,1951. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, Universitv of ceorgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '0I. cMoA 2001.118. Zink 63
Hillside Farm, I941. Graphite, charcoal, pen and ink, and watercolor on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Cal W. Mullis III and Cal W. Mullis IV class of '01. cMoA2002.79
Sru.i _tbf Ricle a Cock Horse, 1940. Graphite and charcoal on thin wove paper. Georgia Musem of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. md Mrs. Cal W. Mullis III and Carl W, Mullis I\i class of '01. GMOA 200I.166
Two Old Toms,1939. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '0I. GM1A2OOL.11. Zink 64 AAA
Stul', tbr Tro Old Toms, 1939. Graphite and chacoal on thin wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Cal W. Mullis Itr md Carl W. Mullis IV class
4\ Undine, L967. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of ceorgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '0I. cMoA 2001.150. Zink 65
cMoA 2001.17I Study Jbr Two OLd Toms, 1939. Graphite and charcoal on thin wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; glft of Mr. and Mrs. carl w. Mullis III and Carl w. Mullis IV class of'0i. cMoA 2001.I70
cMoA 200I.1I3. Zink 66
Study for While the Sun Shines, i938-1943. Graphite and charcoal on thin wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of ceorgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis Itr and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '01. cMoA
WhiLe the Sun Shines,1943. lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. md Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Cal \t'. Mullis IV, class of '01. cMoA 200i. 1 I2. Znk 69 AAA
2001.171 Stu,lr jor white PastLU'es, 1939. Graphite on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; on temporary loan from Cal and Maian Mullis.
Lithograph on siove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. md Mrs. Cdl w. Mullis III and Cal W. Mulis ry class of '0L
45 White Pastures.1939.
GMOA 2001.108.
Zink 70 AAA
cMoA 200I.I45.
With Apologies ta Hokusdi,1965. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Musem of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV 6
DRAWTNGS Studl Jbr Hayride, 1946. Graphite on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; museum purchase with funds provided by William U. Eiland and Andrew Ladis. cMoA 2003.140
cMoA 2001.170
5I Studl for While the Sun Shines, 1938-I943. Graphite and charcoal on thin wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '01.
Llnholy One,1950. Lithograph on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of ceorgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '01.
Westuard (Large Portrait ol a Gifl), 1933. Drypoint on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Mullis III and Carl W. Mullis IV class of '01. c.NloA 2oo1.98. Zink
Sara, 194l-1942. Egg tempera on canvas mounted on board. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; on temporary loan from Cal and Marian Mullis.
\\'hile the Sun Shines,1945. Egg tempera on cdnvds mounted on plywood. Ceorgia
Museum of Art, University of Georgia; on temporary loan from Carl and Marian Mullis.
Ennara Checklist numbers 49 and 51 should read as
follows: 49. Old Chris, L939. Graphite on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Arr, Universiry of Georgia; on temporary loan from Carl and Mari.an Mullis. 51. Sar4 l94l-L942. Graphite on wove paper. Georgia Museum of Arq Universiry of Georgia; on
temporary loan from Carl and Marian Mullis. The publications depaftment regrets chis error.