FESTIVAL 2012 June 9 - 17 Lloydminster
June 9 (Saturday)
June 9—Saturday
June 13—Wednesday
10:00 am—4:00 pm
Art Market ...................................... 3
Book Spine Poetry ................... 9
Atrium Centre
Summer Street Fest ....................... 4
Fine Arts Show ....................... 15
100 Mile House .............................. 6
artWalk .............................16-20
Book Spine Poetry ......................... 9 Fine Arts Show ............................. 15
June 14—Thursday
artWalk................................... 16-20
Lloydminster Reads................ 13 Book Spine Poetry ................... 9
June 10—Sunday
Fine Arts Show ....................... 15
Play With Clay ................................ 7
artWalk .............................16-20
Fine Arts Show ............................. 15
Enjoy the artwork of local ar sans as you wander through the Art Market. Mediums include po ery, pain ngs, photography, jewellery, and more. Ar sts: •
Kari Fell (pain ngs)
Shelly Racz (pain ngs)
Wayne Richardson (Ink-Ul mates)
June 15—Friday
Michelle Lake (pain ngs)
June 11—Monday
Book Spine Poetry ................... 9
Lloydminster Po$ers Guild
Author Reading .............................. 8
Fine Arts Show ....................... 15
Brandi Hofer (pain ngs)
Book Spine Poetry ......................... 9
artWalk .............................16-20
Yvonne Kurpjuweit and Dawn Lawrence Floen (jewellery)
June 16—Saturday
Sandra Styranka (folk art), Lorie Jones Flory & Merrit Jones Flory (photography)
Grace Allen (pain ngs)
Sandy Pe)grew (scratchboard art)
Erica Mor n (emerging ar st)
Amelia MacLauchlan (emerging ar st)
Henna Ta$oos and more !!
Fine Arts Show ............................. 15 artWalk................................... 16-20
Chalk It Up.............................. 14 June 12—Tuesday
Book Spine Poetry ................... 9
Mayor’s Celebra on of the Arts... 10
Fine Arts Show ....................... 15
Book Spine Poetry ......................... 9
artWalk .............................16-20
Fine Arts Show ............................. 15 artWalk................................... 16-20
June 17—Sunday Fine Arts Show ....................... 15
The O r c har d
Join in the fun as Downtown Lloydminster comes alive for Summer Stree est! Enjoy a number of great ac vi es, visit the farmers market, browse the Art Market, check out the sidewalk sales, and have fun with our many children’s ac vi es. We have a lot of excitement lined up for our main stage with dancers, musicians, fashion show, and The Orchard will perform their current radio single, S ck To Your Guns!
June 9 (Saturday)
June 10 (Sunday)
9:00 pm
12 Noon—3:00 pm
The Root: Community Emporium
Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre
Admission: Pay What You Can
Enter Studio Door—West Side There is no charge for this event.
The Root: Community Emporium present 100 Mile House — a band with frequent radio play on CBC, CKUA and college radio sta ons across Canada. With sincere lyrics, sweeping strings and breathtaking harmonies 100 Mile House have created a collec on of meless songs which carry the theme of escape, both from and back to the places they knew when they were young.
(Regular admission fees apply to Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre.)
Come join the Lloydminster Po ers Guild and Play with Clay at their Studio. Budding ar sts of all ages are invited to create their own clay masterpiece to take home the very same day. See the po ers at work and view some of their finished pieces.
June 11 (Monday)
June 9—16
1:30 pm
Regular Hours
Lloydminster Public Library
Lloydminster Public Library
5010—49 Street
5010—49 Street
Ken Burke Mee ng Room
Free Admission
Free Admission—Refreshments Provided John has endured much in his life me—crippling illness at age fourteen, permanent debilita ng injury in a plane crash, five years incarcera on for a tragic error in judgment. His life has taken twists and turns that, as a farm boy in rural Saskatchewan, he would never have believed possible. Yet at every bend in the road John has picked himself up, dusted himself off, and gone on to achieve the fulfillment of his hopes and dreams. From an account of his famous ancestral roots in Chapter 1 to a final chapter on life in Calgary, Alberta, John spares nothing of himself between the covers of The 13th Rope.
Lloydminster Public Library will once again be hos ng a Book Spine Poetry Display. The public is encouraged to create poems using book spines. Poems must be submi ed prior to June 2. For more details, please visit www.artswithoutborders.ca.
June 12 (Tuesday)
6:00 pm—Mayor’s Recep on Lakeland College Atrium Complimentary Appe zers, Cash Bar, Quick Draw Event 7:30 pm—Performances & Arts Awards
Literary Readings
One-Act Play
Arts Awards
Vic Juba Community Theatre Box Office: 780-872-7400 Adults: $15 Seniors: $10 Mayor Jeff Mulligan City of Lloydminster
Quick Draw Ar sts •
Janet Magdanz
Dawn Lawrence Floen
Graham Fla
Cindy Sorley-Keichinger
These four visual ar sts create original artwork during the Quick Draw event and donate it to a silent auc on. All proceeds will go to an Arts Bursary.
Students & Children: $5
LLOYDMINSTER READS Celebra on of the Arts Awards Mayor’s Award for Corporate Support of the Arts recognizes a business, organiza on or founda on that provided excep onal financial, staff or extraordinary volunteer support. Mayor’s Award for Sustained Support of the Arts recognizes an individual that has demonstrated leadership and financial commitment in support of the Arts. This can be support for a specific Art organiza on, event, or individual ar st or for general support of the Arts. Anne Townsend Award for Promo on of the Arts recognizes a media organiza on, arts organiza on, individual or business that has promoted the Arts in a dis nctly crea ve or excep onal manner. Gwen Mo$ram Art Volunteer Award recognizes outstanding service by an individual in support of the Arts. Servus Credit Union Bursary Arts Without Borders Bursary Awarded to the two most qualified applicants to assist in pursuing their professional training in the Arts either on a full me basis or a part me basis. Each bursary is valued at $1,000. Fine Arts Show Awards • Best of Show Award • Photography Award • Avalon Emerging Ar st Award • Category Winners • People’s Choice Award
June 14 (Thursday) 7:30 pm Vic Juba Community Theatre Book Discussion Evening
Box Office: 780.872.7400 Tickets: $20 Refreshments provided Facilitator: Margaret Lonsdale Lynn Coady’s fiction has been garnering acclaim since her first novel, Strange Heaven, was published when she was twenty-eight. Strange Heaven was nominated for a Governor General’s Award and was followed up by a best selling short story collection, Play the Monster Blind, as well as the award winning novels Saints of Big Harbour and Mean Boy. When not writing fiction she works as a journalist, editor, and newspaper columnist, and is co-founder and senior editor of Eighteen Bridges, a magazine of narrative journalism. Against his will and his true nature, Gordon Rankin (“Rank”) is cast as an enforcer, a goon, by his classmates, his hockey coaches, and especially his own “tiny, angry” father, Gordon Senior. Rank gamely lives up to his role – until tragedy strikes, using Rank as its blunt instrument. Escaping the only way he can, Rank disappears, striking his story from the cosmic record. Or so he thinks. Almost twenty years later, Rank discovers that an old, trusted friend – the only person to whom he has ever confessed his sins – has published a novel mirroring Rank’s life. The betrayal cuts to the deepest heart of him, and the cybergloves come off. In order to retaliate, though, Rank must finally confront the tragic story he’s been running from his whole life; in order to put himself back together, he must tear himself apart.
June 16 (Saturday)
June 6—22
Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre
Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre Regular Admission Applies
Free Activities:
Sidewalk Chalk Art 10:00 am—2:00 pm Winmar Property Restora on Tent Children’s Games & Face Pain ng Lloydminster Farmer’s Market Browse the market
Regular Admission Applies:
Telus Mobile Planetarium Night Sky and Greek Constella on Fine Arts Show See Page 15 Drip Art 12 Noon—4:00 pm
The Fine Arts Show is an opportunity for ar sts and cra:speople from several provinces to have their work on display at Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre for the public to view. The display includes the Best of Show $1000 Award winner as well as entries for the Novice/Hobby, Junior and Photography Shows. Remember to vote for the People’s Choice Award.
Art Shows 11 10 19 2 1 13 3 23 4 18 22 20 5 14 21
Art Market—Atrium Centre 5010—49 Street, Main Lobby and Outdoors, Atrium Centre June 9: 10:00 am—4:00 pm
Book Spine Poetry Display 5010—49 Street, Lloydminster Public Library June 1—30, except Sundays, Mon—Thu 10:00 am—9:00 pm, Fri 10:00 am—6:00 pm, Sat 10:00 am—5:00 pm
Colour Speaks—Dawn Interiors 4906—50 Avenue June 9—16, except Sunday Guided Tour: June 9, 11 am
Historic Lloydminster Photograph Collection Central Suite Hotel 4820—50 Avenue (In the Lounge, must be 18 or Over) June 9—17
Whimsy—Unbound Flowers & Design 4727—50 Avenue June 9: 10:00 am—4:00 pm
Photography by World Famous Peter Lik—Iron Jet 4610—49 Avenue June 11-15
Legacy Art Club—Legacy Centre 5101—46 Street June 9: 10:00 am—3:00 pm
Mohr Advertising & Gallery 5633—44 Street (Highway 16) June 9—16, except Sunday
Art as Prayer—St. John’s Anglican Church 4709—49 Avenue Paintings by late Lindsey Evans & Howard Sturge June 9—In Sanctuary 11:00 am—3:00 pm, viewing & prayer
6 15 7 16
artWALK 9
Art & Soul Framing and Gallery 5016—39 Street, Rendell Centre June 9, June 12—16 Mon—Fri 10:00 am—6:00 pm, Sat 10:00 am—5:00 pm Various mediums: watercolour, oil & photography
Artist Jasmin Ulmer—Socko 4819—50 Street June 9: 10:00 am—6:00 pm
Artists Berta Riguidel, Annette Vanance Singin’ Waitress Cafe 4910—49 Street June 9: 10:00 am—4:00 pm
The Root: Community Emporium 4901—50 Avenue June 9, June 12—16 Various artists and mediums
artWALK Murals (continued) 12
Murals by Ella Charette Vic Juba Community Theatre Near Box Office, College Gym Hallway
Phillips Family 80 Year Anniversary Mural 4901—50 Avenue, South side of building Artist: Bonnie Macnab
Mural by Michelle Lake Ulmer Chevrolet Cadillac 2101 50 Avenue
Mural by Michelle Lake Servus Sports Centre, Small Arena 5202 12 Street
Lloydminster Airport June 11-15: 7:00 am—6:30 pm Various artists
Murals 10
Alberta Provincial Building 5124—50 Street, Inside Foyer Mural by Grant Leier formerly of Lloydminster
Mural by Al Wallington 4920—50 Street, Exterior Only First building east of Ernie’s Coffee House Exterior West Wall
Buffalo Twins Mural Lakeland College, Exterior, West Entrance to the Vic Juba Community Theatre
Private and Public Collections 14
Leckie and Associates 5012—46 Street June 11—15: 8:00 am—5:00 pm Acrylic, Oil, Watercolour, Original Paintings & Prints
Lloydminster City Hall 4420—50 Avenue June 11—15: 8:00 am—5:00 pm Local & Regional Artists including Allen Sapp paintings and Rudy Schmidt’s Statue of Hope
Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre Highway 16 East & 45 Avenue June 9—17 Mon—Sat 9:00 am—5:00 pm, Sun 12 Noon to 8:00 pm Admission Applies
Sponsor of Fine Arts Show
Architecture 18
Gothic Revival St. John’s Anglican Church, 4709—49 Avenue (Exterior Only) Hallmarks to note, gothic arch windows, battlement
Greek Revival Ernie’s Coffee House 5001—50 Avenue (Exterior Only)
Art Deco Old May Theatre 4905—50 Avenue (Exterior Only)
Arts Bursary Sponsor
Central Suite Hotel 4820—50 Avenue (Exterior Only) International Style Canada Post 4616—49 Avenue (Exterior Only) Native Friendship Centre 4602—49 Avenue (Exterior Only)
Contemporary Style Iron Jet, 4610—49 Avenue (Exterior Only)
Grace United Church 4708—50 Avenue (Exterior Only)
Post Modern Style Lloydminster City Hall 4420—50 Avenue
Early Pioneer Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre, Hwy 16 East & 45 Avenue
Proud to sponsor the Festival
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Partners Vic Juba Community Theatre Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre Lloydminster Public Library Streetscapes Lloydminster Farmers Market Silver Sponsors Husky Energy Integra Engineering Ltd. Leckie & Associates Servus Credit Union Weatherford Bronze Sponsors Agland Lloydminster Po$ers Guild Moonlight Photography Musgrave Agencies Sobeys The Paint Spot Synergy Credit Union
Proud Sponsor of Local Arts
Friends of the Festival Blue Arc Welding Inc. Dave Bryson—RBC Dominion Securi es Graham Fla$ Golden K Farms Meridian Booster Kent D. Sutherland Architect Veracity Financial Services Acknowledgements Al & Joanne MacLaughlan Dawn Lawrence Floen Cindy Sorley Keichinger City of Lloydminster Colleen Valen ne Gazdewich Graham Fla$ Janet Magdanz Jus n Walker Mayor Jeff Mulligan Michelle Andres & Kim Drury Sabra Patmore Sharon Herbus Studio Encore Wendy Collins Winmar Property Restora on Writers Ink Vic Juba Community Players Eileen Yaxley
Proud Sponsor of the Festival