Brief - Spring / Summer 2013

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Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

The The voice voice of of Greater Greater Manchester Manchester Police Police

In this issue...

Cadet Scheme launched New Police and Crime Plan Excellence Awards Nominations

Cover feature: Meet Mo - one of our newest recruits


New ways of judging our successes THE month of April saw us start a new financial year with a new budget. It also meant we published the new Police and Crime Plan which is the first under the Police and Crime Commissioner. It includes many priorities that you would expect including tackling crime and antisocial behaviour and improving our service to victims of crime. This new plan signals a new way of accounting for our performance to the public. We will still use statistics to measure our achievements but give far greater emphasis to what the public actually experience and to making sure we don’t see statistics and targets as ends in themselves. Being able to get direct feedback

about our service is essential and I am delighted that we have taken our first community reporters out and about seeing policing at first hand. They are able to provide an independent viewpoint on policing in their neighbourhood both good and bad. The budget for the year ahead includes some difficult choices and overall staff reductions. The PCC Tony Lloyd has provided funds for important new developments such as 150 new police staff posts and the new apprenticeship scheme. We are also in the process of introducing a new cadets programme which is already attracting considerable interest. It is great to be able to extend the policing family to include

these young people. The year ahead will be challenging as austerity continues to bite but the past year saw considerable improvements in our service and in our performance and I am confident that with the continuing support of the public and the great dedication of our staff we can improve further.

Sir Peter Fahy, Chief Constable

Investing in youth

PCC Tony Lloyd (right), with North Manchester Divisional Commander Russ Jackson (left) and Supt Vanessa Jardine (middle) during Operation Resolute.

WHEN I unveiled my spending plans for 2013­14 back in February, I made a promise that the additional money raised through the council tax increase would be used to help make sure Greater Manchester Police maintains a visible presence on our streets. The creation of 50 apprenticeships is an important part of these plans and in March I met the first intake of 22 young people, ready to take up their roles with neighbourhood policing teams. As I talked to them, what really struck me


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

was their passion and ambition to start a career in local policing and play their part in building the safest communities in Britain. Not only will these new Operational Support Officer posts free up officer time by providing administration support ­ keeping local bobbies out and about in our communities where they should be ­ it’s also creating real opportunities for young people in our region. It shows that police are part of the community ­ helping to tackle long­ term unemployment and recruiting

people from within the very communities you serve. It’s easy to write young people off but my experience is that given the chance young people can be part of the solution. I went to Wigan a couple of weeks ago and had a refreshing and lively discussion with Deanery High School pupils about a range of topics, including cyber­ bullying and sex trafficking. It’s examples like this that highlight how important it is to engage and listen to our young people, empowering them to put forward ideas on how we can solve the issues that blight some our communities. Whether that’s through recruiting young apprentices, visiting schools or working with youth groups, it’s all valuable and in turn builds trust and confidence in the police and the wider criminal justice system, something I encourage and want to build on as Police and Crime Commissioner.

Tony Lloyd, PCC

Regulars Regulars

Letter from the editor Welcome to the latest issue of Brief. It’s now 12 months since Brief launched in the new format on­line. I’d like to start by saying a big thank you to all those who read it and have written for us along with those of you who continue to advertise. Without you there wouldn’t be a Brief magazine! Recruitment is not a subject we tend to talk about very often these days but it is great to be able to report on some of our latest new recruits. Jerry, Quade and Boz our three new graduates from the dog training unit can be found on page six while four of the 22 young people recruited to the Force’s new apprenticeship scheme talk about joining on page 10. Last month GMP also welcomed 300 students to Force Headquarters as part of the Lionheart challenge. There was certainly a buzz about the place and you can read more about these future entrepreneurs on page 28. There has also been some great work out in our communities. Police in Wythenshawe helped put a smile back on some pensioners’ faces after a break­in at their care home (page 30) while PCSO Gareth Price has helped to get some medical equipment installed in Tottington (page 18). Once again thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy the read and we’ll see you in the summer.

Catherine Barlow, Editor

Guest contributors DCI Tony Creely Tony is currently temporary Detective Superintendent in the Serious and Organised Crime Group (SOCG), where he also served as DCI for four years. For the majority of his career he has worked within CID units at every rank up to DCI in Stockport and Salford. Tony has coordinated the Lion Heart Challenge for the last two years.

Rebecca Murphy


Chief Constable’s Column


PCC’s Column


Excellence Awards

Features 6-7

New Recruits / Hate Crime


INPT Areas

10-11 You’re hired! / Boxing club 12-13 Court Process / Preparing for G8 14-15 Cadets / Gangnam Style 16-17 Performance Infographic 18-19 Defibrillators / Pride Network 20-21 Protest—all in a day’s work 22-23 Body Cameras / Lee Street 24-25 Retailer scam / Community Reporters 26-27 Flexible Services / GMP App 28-29 GMP hosts future entrepreneurs 30-31 Getting young people back on track / Domestic abuse 32-33 Transforming GMP 34-35 Officer saves toddler / Youth bus 36

Mental ill health / Interview suite


Twitter Day / GMPtv

GMP Community 38-39 Letters of Appreciation 40-41 Advertisements 42-43 Welsh 3000s / Marathon

Sports & Social 44-45 Charities / Sports news

Be published in Brief Editoral team: Catherine Barlow, Kevin Hoy, Krystyna Rudzki and Patricia Jones

Rebecca is the Head of Change and Transformation for GMP. She joined GMP two years ago having previously worked across the public sector on change and transformation initiatives. Rebecca was the Chief Executive of the North West Improvement and Efficiency Partnership before joining GMP

Photographers: Chris Oldham and Bill Morris 0161 856 2777 | Picture Desk: Lisa Marks 0161 856 2279

Insp Danny Inglis


Danny joined GMP in 2001 and currently seconded on work on a Criminal Justice project. He previously worked on the Oldham Division.

Brief online:

If you’ve got a great idea for a future issue, please get in touch by emailing the Brief team –

Designed and produced by: Corporate Communications, Force Headquarters, Central Park, M40 5BP Contact numbers: 0161 856 856 5939 / 2238 / 5938

Articles and contributions for the next edition of Brief should be submitted by

Friday, June 21 2013 Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition



Excellence Awards finalists The Chief Constable has selected the finalists for each category who will now be invited to the Excellence Awards on 7 June 2013 at the Manchester Town Hall. The winner for each category will be announced by the sponsor on the night. All finalists will be contacted by email with further details. Thank you to everyone who nominated, they were all of a very high quality.

Police Officer of the Year ¨

Sergeant Graham Cooke, Rochdale Division


Constable Peter Rickards, Serious Crime Division


Constable Darren Thornton, South Manchester Division

Police Staff Employee of the Year ¨

Tony Clitheroe, Vehicle Works Business Manager, Business Support Services


Michelle Snowden, Communications Coordinator, Counter Terrorist Unit


Adrian Worsley, Senior Press Officer, Corporate Communications Branch

Volunteer of the Year ¨

Martin Coyne, Volunteer – Police Cadet Scheme, Bury Division


Special Constabulary Constable Oliver Garner, Tameside Division


Special Constabulary Inspector David Hough, Specialist Operations Branch

Lifetime Achievement ¨

John Baron, Holmes Coordinator, Serious Crime Division


Superintendent Hughie Hardiman, South Manchester Division


Alan Mort, Finance Analyst/Forensic Accountant, Serious Crime Division

Partnership Working ¨

Constable Karla Fox, Stockport Division


Project Gulf/MASH, Salford Division


Judith Hackney, Crime Reduction Specialist, Professional Standards Branch

Outstanding Team Performance



INPT 2, Bolton Town Centre, Bolton Division


Operation Marine, Bury Division


Operation Rutlands, Wigan Division

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition


Outstanding Leadership ¨

Inspector Adam Greenslade, Specialist Operations Branch


Inspector Emma Taylor, Tameside Division


Sergeant Paul Walker, Oldham Division

Brave Officer of the Year ¨

Constables Helen Baxter and Paul Darlington, Oldham Division


Constable Claire Murphy, Salford Division


Constable Sharon Price and a member of the public, Specialist Operations Branch


Sergeant Martyn Schofield and Constables Nicolas Coan, Paul Darlington, Damieon Pickles and Dorne Smith, Oldham Division


Constable Aaron Wilson, Specialist Operations Branch


Constable David Wright, Tameside Division

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition



New Recruits Jerry, Quade and Boz graduated from the dog training unit following a 13week programme to become GMP staff. The three are now partnered and live full-time with their dog handlers.

PC Matt Greer with Boz

PC Jamie Winrow with Quade

Meet Mo - one of our newest recruits

PC Paul Jackson with Jerry

DOG handler PC Mark Richardson tells us what you need to know about Mo How did he get his name? He is called Mo after Mo Farah, who is my sporting hero. Who are his parents? He is bred from a GMP operational Police dog called Rory and a bitch from Merseyside Police . How old is he? He is now 15 weeks old. What’s his favourite activity? He loves food but he really likes mud! What will be his role in GMP? He is already doing the start of all aspects of general Police dog work— tracking, searching and obedience. How long will he be in training? He will continue training for around another year when he will complete a six week course and test. At this point my existing dog will retire and become my pet and Mo will become my Police dog hopefully for about the next six years, retiring when he is about eight.


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition


First Force to recognise subculture as hate crime THE mother of Sophie Lancaster, a young goth girl from Lancashire who died after being attacked in 2007 has praised GMP ­ after it became the first Force to recognise alternative subculture as a hate crime. The Force’s decision to take action follows work carried out in collaboration with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation – a campaign set up by Sophie’s mother Sylvia Lancaster following her death. From now on violence towards goths, emos, punks and others will be recorded in the same way as attacks carried out on the grounds of sexual orientation, transgender identity, race, disability and religious belief. Sylvia said: “It is a very proud day for me personally and the rest of the team. It is a validation of the work we have undertaken in the past five years and hopefully other forces will follow GMP’s lead. A big thank you to Greater Manchester Police and all our supporters.” ACC Garry Shewan said: “The launch of this new strand of recordable hate crime is a major breakthrough. We are able to officially recognise that people who wish to express their alternative sub­ culture identity freely should not have to tolerate hate crime – something that many people have to

ABOVE: Bafta award winning actress Vicky McClure (left), a supporter of the Foundation, Sylvia Lancaster (centre) and Sophie's friend Stacey Elder (right). INSET: Sophie Lancaster

endure on a daily basis. “This means that we can recognise the impact that alternative sub­culture hate crime has on its victims and the wider community. We can offer better support and risk­ assess the potential for repeat victimisation.” ACC Shewan continued: “Sophie’s tragic death brought forward a need to recognise that there are many other victims of hate crime that should be protected by law. While we have worked with the foundation for some time, I am proud to say we are now the first force in the country to officially record alternative sub­culture as a sixth strand of hate crime motivation."

For more information about this type of hate crime please visit hatecrime or The Sophie Lancaster Foundation website. Sophie’s Mum Sylvia with ACC Garry Shewan

kristalsmile @kristalsmile Huge well done to @sophie_charity for working with @gmpolice for recognising attacks on subcultures as a hate crime #neverforgotten Jaime Skuse @Jimmythreehats It's good to see @gmpolice taking the lead on attacks against minority cultures. Good stuff! Sarah Walters @SarahCityLife Called myself a goth at 11, verbal/ physical abuse followed. Well done @gmpolice for finally taking action against ignorance. #hatecrime PhoeniX PhiL @PhoeniXPhiL Kudos to @gmpolice for recognising Cultural #HateCrime. As a boy who's legged it from crusading chavs on a fair few occasions I salute you. Rebecca Winn @Winnthinking Wearing my @sophie_charity wristband with extra optimism today. Big step fwd by Sylvia and @gmpolice. Positive stuff. Wolfy Adder @wolfy_adder @gmpolice extending hate crime to include sub cultures. Well done them and hoping that other forces follow suit. Melanie Green @MelClareGreen Amazing to see @sophie_charity's great work with @gmpolice

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition



Neighbourhood and investigation officers are now working side by side in 28 Integrated Neighbourhood Policing Teams (INPTs) across Greater Manchester. Detectives and neighbourhood officers work within one team allowing them to share their knowledge, expertise and experience. More decisions are now being taken at a neighbourhood level and officers are able to provide a response that better suits local needs.


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition



You’re hired!

GMP takes on 22 apprentices in an innovative police scheme

Chief Constable Peter Fahy (far right) and PCC Tony Lloyd (second right) meet some of the apprentices.

FOLLOWING a flood of applications from across Greater Manchester, 22 young people have been recruited to the Force’s apprenticeship scheme – the first of its kind for a police force in the UK. More than 540 applications were received for the one­year scheme which will give young people valuable experience, to help them develop their skills, establish a career in GMP and become more employable in the wider workplace. Seven of the successful

candidates come from the traditionally ‘hard to reach’ workforce who are aged 18­24, from a diverse background and not in education, employment or training. Apprentice Coordinator Billa Duggal said: “We were overwhelmed by the number and quality of applications we received from people from a range of backgrounds. “Every one of the 22 young people we have recruited has the potential to succeed in this challenging role and really make a

Greater Manchester Police’s first apprentices


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difference to the people of Greater Manchester.” Having completed their initial training, the apprentices have now taken up their roles on division where their supervisors will play a key role in tasking and monitoring their progress throughout their 12­ month apprenticeship. A further 50 new apprentice opportunities will be advertised across the Force later in the year following an evaluation of the current scheme.


Boxing club rejuvenated by Sherriff’s Trust grant A £4,000 grant from the Sherriff’s Trust has secured the future of a local community boxing club on the South Manchester Division. Levenshulme and Burnage Boxing Academy based in Levenshulme has been transformed from a derelict eye­sore building into a growing and vibrant community boxing club. PC John Barber from the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Policing Team helped secure the funding. He said: “A few years ago Thomas Dolan, a former amateur boxer wanted to do something for his community and bought the building from the council.

“Since then it has gradually been transformed into a family amateur boxing club which provides boxing training for young people and adults in the local community. “Having seen the building take on a new purpose and grow over the last couple of years there is a real positivity among the young people living in the area who visit the club. In some cases it has taken them away from the risk of becoming involved in crime and given them a real purpose to life. “During one of my visits to see how things were going and who was there, I got chatting to Daniel Manford, the fundraising coordinator

The refurbished gym (left) and what it looked like before (right)

for Greater Places Housing Group. He mentioned the Sherriff’s Trust so I went on­line and completed an application form. “It was great when I heard that I had secured £4,000 for the club which will be used to build some showers and provide disabled access. “Although it doesn’t necessarily help victims of crime directly, it will certainly help to improve the quality of life in the area and make the area safer” One of the volunteers at the Club, Pauline, said: “When I found out that we would receive £4,000 from the Sherriff’s Trust, it was really good news for the continued success of the boxing club and for all the young people who attend.” Insp Lindsay Atherton who has supported John’s application added: “A big well done to John for securing this funding. I know how much work he put into this application that required great persistence.”

Pride of Primark PRIMARK’S senior manager, Anne McGarahan, was crowned Manchester city centre’s Business Watch Co­ordinator of the year at a recent award ceremony. Anne was presented with the award by ACC Garry Shewan at this year’s British Security Industry event. Primark Manchester is the country's largest single branch with a visitor footfall of around 6 million people a year.

Anne McGarahan is presented her award by ACC Gary Shewan

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Speeding up the court process THE way that forensic evidence is presented at court has changed with the introduction of a new Streamlined Forensic Reporting (SFR) system across Greater Manchester. SFR aims to achieve early agreement with the defence on forensic issues and has been introduced throughout the criminal justice system. It will initially deal with DNA and fingerprint identifications before being extended to other evidence types.

Emily Burton, Head of Forensic Services said: “Forensic evidence is often complex, time­consuming and costly to produce. It is often requested without fully understanding the benefit of it and so this wastes significant forensic resources in both time and costs, and produces delays in the criminal justice process. “The introduction of SFR will reduce costs and provide proportionate and more directed forensic evidence in preparation for trial.”

Forensic evidence provided to the courts will be in a much simpler format and officers will be able to respond to specific contested issues. “This will enable officers and the CPS to make early and informed charging decisions, and will allow benefits such as an increase in guilty pleas and will also result in a lower discontinuance of court cases as well as improved and more effective active case management throughout the criminal justice process.”

Easing up on Energy GMP’s sustainability team were on hand at Force HQ recently, to offer officers and staff advice on how they can save money on energy in their homes. During the event, which came as part of national ‘Climate Week,’ The team were also able to give an update on how the Force is reducing energy costs ­ having made savings of more than £214,000 in the last twelve months. Sustainability Officer Julian Dearlove said: “Climate Week is a national campaign designed to encourage everyone to think about the energy they use. It was an ideal


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

opportunity for us to showcase what we’re doing to make the best use of resources in GMP to make substantial cost savings. “Our stand in the atrium at Force Headquarters meant we were on hand to answer visitor questions on how to save energy in their own homes. “We also found people were interested to hear about the technologies we are using in GMP to save energy, such as advanced LED lighting, or the solar thermal hot water panels on top of Force Headquarters. “We are continuously working to

identify energy saving opportunities and sustainability initiatives around the Force and would like to hear suggestions from staff.” If you would like to know more about the Sustainability Team, or find out ways to help benefit the environment at work or at home, please contact us at their new group email #sustainability


Gearing up for the G8

Ch Insp Alec McMurchy from Specialist Operations Training is pictured with the PSNI vehicles

By Asmar Chaudhry ARMOURED vehicles used in Northern Ireland are being put to the test on the streets of Greater Manchester. GMP’s Driver Training team is assisting the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) as it gears up for a G8 summit, where world leaders gather in County Fermanagh in June. The team is working alongside a number of forces in the north of England to help prepare for tactical deployments during the PSNI’s policing operation for the summit. Officers are being trained in using the specialist Land Rovers, which are best known for their use in managing community tensions in

Northern Ireland. Superintendent Bryan Lawton said: “None of the vehicles will be used for operational policing on our

streets, but they are able to be put to the test safely on the mainland. “They will undoubtedly turn heads as they trundle around the streets of Greater Manchester, but there is no reason for anyone to be alarmed; we are just doing our bit to assist our colleagues in Northern Ireland as they prepare for one of the biggest international events of the year, which is no doubt being met with tight security.”

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Voluntary Cadet Schemes launched YOUNG people are being given the chance to gain key life skills as the first GMP volunteer police cadet scheme launches in North Manchester. The scheme for 13­17 year­olds is the first of 10 to open across Greater Manchester before the end of this year. It will promote and encourage a practical interest in policing among young people and comes as a result of funding made available following the disorder of 2011. More than £10 million has been invested by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to support the expansion of ‘uniformed’ youth groups in 11 areas in England. Sgt Jane Butler, Development Officer for GMP’s volunteer cadet scheme, said: “Following the disorder of 2011 the government saw the need to improve young people’s opportunities and life skills in some of the most disadvantaged areas of England. “Greater Manchester has been identified as one of those areas and has received some of the DCLG funding to create the GMP cadet scheme. “The North Manchester scheme is the first of ten planned to roll out in

! d You e e N We

priority areas across the Force by the end of the year. “Those priority areas have been identified by the DCLG ‘mapping tool’ which considers deprivation and the current youth provision available. “We want to ensure that our cadets are representative of Greater Manchester’s diverse communities, therefore, 25 per cent of cadets will be recruited from backgrounds vulnerable to crime and social exclusion. “We hope the cadet scheme will help to make Greater Manchester safer by reducing youth vulnerability to crime, and enhancing young people’s ability to contribute to their

communities. “The first scheme is being led by officers, PCSOs, Specials, trainers and Volunteers from GMP and provides young people with an opportunity to develop key life skills, learn about the policing family and volunteer their time to help their community. “They’ll be able to get involved in our work in lots of different ways by helping at community events, carrying out neighbourhood surveys and promoting crime prevention. “Cadets will also get the chance to meet new people, develop prospects for the future and gain new skills and experience.” The volunteer police cadet scheme is currently being developed in Tameside, Bury and Oldham. Sgt Butler hopes to have a cadet scheme in every Division by the end of the year.

To ensure the sustainability of these schemes volunteers are being sought to help support the Team Leaders of the cadet schemes across the Force. If you’re an officer, member of police staff or know of someone who would relish the chance to

“change hearts and minds” and have skills to support delivery of police, fitness or community activities contact Sgt Butler on extension 60331.


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition


Charity Gangnam Style By Danielle Newman MORE than 40,000 people watched the Chief pull out his best gangnam dance moves to help a young boy in Bury. GMP produced a short video to help raise money for 12­year­old Joshua Wilson, who was left with severe neuromuscular disabilities following intrusive surgery to remove a brain tumour. He needs to raise £25,000 to adapt his home. The video, which appears on GMP’s YouTube Channel GMPtv, features the cast of Scott & Bailey, the Chief Constable ‘on telly again’ and Gangnam style dancing. It was a huge success on social media and received a positive reaction from members of the public, including: · ‘Your Chief Constable is a legend. Seriously. What a top bloke’. · ‘Oi u lot, you just made me cry with your superb video for #superjosh But I'll forgive u!" · "Best police force in the country" · “Looks fab. Well done to you all. Nice to see that some people do still have a good sense of humour

Thumbs up if you’ve got gangnam style! Super Joshua Wilson with some of the officers who have helped raise money for him

in their jobs x” The video has helped raise more than £2,000 so far and donations continue to pour in. Dawn Fidler, Joshua's mum said: "We are totally overwhelmed by the support of GMP and would like to thank everyone involved with the video. "Joshua has just loved being a part of this and enjoyed making it, we watch it everyday.” "I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone for their time and support in raising awareness for Joshua and well done GMP for such a fantastic video." Inspector Mark Kenny from the Bury South Integrated

Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “Joshua loves the police and when he got in touch to see if there was anything we could do to help, we were only too happy to help out. “I think it’s safe to say that none of us will be auditioning for Strictly Come Dancing anytime soon but we had a great time producing the video and Joshua was certainly the star of the show.”

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Features POLICE and crime commissioner Tony Lloyd recently published his first Police and Crime Plan. Produced in conjunction with the Chief Constable and the people of Greater Manchester, the plan states how the Force will tackle crime and reduce the number of victims across the Force. The Chief Constable says that there are three commitments at the foundation of the action required to deliver this plan, these are: ¨Continuing to drive down crime and antisocial behaviour ¨Keeping people safe ¨Delivering a good service He said: “There is a lot of detail about how we will do this in the Force Delivery Plan but put simply it is just these three important things. If our work is supporting these then we will be making the difference we want to see.” A simple representation of the delivery plan has been produced in an ‘infographic’ (shown on the right), a graphic representation of what we do and how we are going to achieve the activities outlined in the delivery plan. The Chief Constable has also outlined six principles of how the force will work to deliver activities: ¨Make the best use of intelligence ¨Be responsive to the needs of communities and victims of crime ¨Acting with integrity, taking individual ownership and responsibility ¨Help build and support volunteering and civic action ¨Support early intervention, problem­solving Make the best use of our resources and partner resources “We have seen crime continue to fall and improvements in public confidence,” said Sir Peter. “This year is about making the changes to be more innovative in dealing with long­term and challenging problems.”


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Car parking for charity

Supt Jim Liggett and Ch Supt Kevin Mulligan with representatives from the Genesis Breast Cancer and MacMillan charities

MATCH day car parks that were shut down by officers after they were being run illegally, are now raising money for two cancer charities. The car parks were shut down last year by police following the launch of two operations to put a stop to organised crime groups ­ Project Gulf and Operation Bank. Officers swooped on the car parks when they discovered they were being run illegally. The criminals had not obtained permission from the landowners or had intimidated them into letting them use the land. It is estimated that the car parks brought in around £4,000 per game. Seven car parks are now being used by Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention and MacMillan, with cars being charged between £5 and £10 to park. G4S is helping to provide security for the scheme and all of the profits go to the charities.

Lifesaving defibrillators come to Tottington LIFESAVING defibrillators have been installed across Tottington following an appeal by officers and the community. PCSO Gareth Price from Bury Division came up with the idea of installing the medical equipment across the town following a discussion with a Ramsbottom Community First Responder. He worked alongside resident, Judith Kelly who tirelessly devoted her time to fundraise and contact businesses for their support. She even gained the backing of former Bolton Wanderers footballer Fabrice Muamba, who collapsed on the pitch after suffering a cardiac arrest last year. The community work paid off and Tottington now boast three of the lifesaving defibrillators. They are located outside Helen’s Flowers, Victoria Hotel in Hall Street, Walshaw and the Lamb Inn at Tottington Road. The equipment, which was


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

PCSO Gareth Price and Tottington resident Judith Kelly with one of the defibrillators

donated by manufacturer HeartSine and North West Ambulance Service, could be used by members of the public to restart a person’s heart should they suffer a cardiac arrest in the town. PCSO Price said: “My area is quite a rural patch and I thought it

would be a good idea to have some of these lifesaving devices installed. “The fact that any member of the public could potentially save a life should the need arise is great and it’s really thanks to the tireless work of the community and particularly Judith Kelly who made this happen.”


GMP Pride Network is the new name for the Force’s Lesbian and Gay Staff Association. Formerly known as LAGSA, the Pride Network will actively work to promote good community relationships and partnership working between the police and the LGBT community. They will also promote third party reporting of hate crimes. Not only does the network have a new name, it also has a new Chairman – Sgt Lee Broadstock (pictured below) from the North Manchester Division. The network aims to create and nurture trust and confidence in the police through working with the

LGBT community, the Lesbian and Gay Foundation and other staff networks based in Greater Manchester, such as the Co­ operatives Respect Network. Sgt Broadstock said: ”Although on the whole confidence in the police from the public of Greater Manchester has increased, there is still some work to be done in gaining the trust of some members of the lesbian, gay, bi­sexual and trans­ gender community. “In the coming months the network will also be working with ACPO and the new College of Policing as the lead Force involved in developing a new national diversity policy and guidance. “This is a new start for the staff association and we would welcome

anyone, whether assisting in organising our involvement in Pride, promoting police and community relationships or getting involved in social events.” For any officer or member of staff wish to take part in the Manchester Pride parade they should email the GMP Pride Network and state whether they wish to march in uniform or a ‘Police with Pride’ polo shirt. If you have any suggestions please email Pam Quinn on Key dates for the ‘Pride Network’ ·

Birmingham Pride ­ 25 & 26 May


Blackpool Pride ­ 8 & 9 June


Salford Party in the Park ­ 28 July


Liverpool Pride ­ 3 August


Manchester Pride ­ 23 to 26 August

Ready to hit the road The latest of GMP’s new Hyundai i30 patrol cars and Vauxhall Vivaro vans are being prepared to go into service. The vehicles should be arriving on division ready to begin their working life on the streets and roads of Greater Manchester in the next few days.

Did you know?


The Force spends approximately £4 million per year on fuel


GMP's vehicle fleet completes approximately 22 million miles/year


The tyre budget is £430,000 a year


GMP's current vehicle fleet is 1,750 vehicles


The current fleet is made up of 55% unliveried and 45% liveried vehicles


The Force spends approx £900,000 per year repairing damaged vehicles Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 19


Protest—all in a day’s work


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition



By Emily Pugh A joint operation between Greater Manchester Police, Manchester City Council and the community was needed to facilitate a recent protest in the city centre. More than 1,000 protesters from the English Defence League and counter demonstrators affiliated with United Against Fascism gathered at Albert Square. Five people were charged with public order and drug offences following a number of arrests on the day. Chief Superintendent John O’Hare said: “It was a challenging operation with tensions running high between two groups of people who are vehemently opposed to each other. “There was only minimal trouble at any point during the day and for most of Manchester city centre, it was just a case of business as usual.”

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Body camera technology gets tested By Insp Danny Inglis GMP has invested in the latest body camera technology to help officers capture the best possible evidence. The new body camera technology will also provide response officers with additional protection and reduce the burden of having to complete paperwork back in the office. Over the next few months, 80 cameras will be piloted on the North Manchester and South Manchester divisions. This will enable the Force to evaluate the effectiveness of the cameras and the viability for expansion to other areas. Inspector Danny Inglis (pictured above) from the Change and Transformation Branch said: “This technology differs from what the Force has used previously as this time there will be dedicated software to support the use of the cameras. “It will book the cameras in and out, is able to upload videos as well

as store and burn footage. “This is a significant change and ensures compliance with legislation around storage and retention. “The cameras have the ability to record in full HD and are superior to any of the equipment currently in use. They are really simple to use, with a slide switch to start and stop recording. “One of the key benefits seen from how other forces use this technology is the way that suspects change their behaviour when they know they are being filmed. “This has had a positive impact on reducing the number of officer assaults and complaints made against officers.”

Clamping down on cable theft A new national initiative has been launched that will help in the Force's continued crackdown on metal theft – particularly the theft of cable from BT lines. Operation RABiT will be used across the country to help police detect the theft of cable from BT lines by giving officers those valuable minutes and even seconds


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

to catch offenders in the act. Metal theft is a massive issue for BT with more than 56,000 network faults caused by thefts or malicious damage in 2012. RABiT which stands for the 'rapid assessment of incidents within the BT system's’ allows BT to monitor the whole network.

Benefits: · Enhance opportunities for evidence capture · Reduce the administration around contemporaneous interviews · Increase early guilty pleas, reducing officer case preparation and court time · Assist staff in reducing anti­social behaviour and in taking positive action · Reduce protracted complaint investigations through impartial, accurate evidence · Provide greater insight into service delivery and identifying good practice · Instant playback – For Fixed Penalty Notices

If one of their lines is cut or attacked BT can pin point the location using mapping software, they then contact the OCB via a dedicated line with details of the location of the theft. OCB operators will create a grade one incident on the location and officers should attend. Further information is available on the Operation Alloy pages of the Intranet.


Stockport says goodbye to Lee Street STOCKPORT officers and staff past and present gathered together to mark the closure of Lee Street DHQ which officially closed its doors on 22 February. Originally the HQ for the County of Stockport police the building was

officially opened by the Rt Hon R.A. Butler, the Secretary of State for the Home Department on 21 March 1958 Chief Supt Chris Sykes and Supt John Berry were joined by ex Chief Supt Tony Whittle and ex Chief Supt

Bill Hughes to mark the occasion. along with a large number of serving and retired staff who came to say goodbye and ponder on many happy, and some sad memories. DHQ staff are now based at Cheadle Heath station.

Switch to electronic payslips OFFICERS and staff can now download their payslip electronically at work or home. Introduced this month the emailed payslips can be forwarded to home email accounts, and then accessed via a smartphone, providing a much better service to officers and staff who do not always work from a fixed office base. Officers and staff are also reminded that their payslip details should be kept secure along with the retention of documents for personal or legal reasons.

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 23


GMP exposes scam targeting retailers By Stefan Jarmolowicz AN organised crime group behind a £20m scam to defraud major retailers out of goods has been exposed by GMP. In February this year the gang were sentenced to more than 15 years in prison at Manchester Crown Court, Crown Square following a three­year investigation. In 2009 an investigation was launched to target a criminal network suspected of fraudulently hijacking the corporate identities of fast food giant McDonalds and Greggs the bakery. In total, 13 companies became a

Daniel Pomeroy

victim to the scam. By setting up bogus email addresses using the names of genuine employees of both firms, they were able to fraudulently obtain credit. They ordered goods and arranged for them to be delivered to addresses in Manchester and Cheshire, where the goods were collected but never paid for. One of the scammed firms was Celltec Limited which recorded losses of over £400,000 and went into liquidation. Daniel Pomeroy of Oldham (aka Daniel McDonagh) pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to defraud and James Chapman of Sycamore


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Avenue, Chadderton, pleaded guilty homes. . to two counts of conspiracy to "This gang went to meticulous defraud. lengths to research genuine Daniel's uncle, Kevin George employees of blue­chip firms and Pomeroy of Stamford Drive, present a veneer of respectability. Failsworth, pleaded guilty to two “Using extremely plausible counts of conspiracy to defraud and scenarios, they fooled a number of one count of money laundering. companies who had no reason to Kevin's wife Julie Pomeroy also suspect the orders were anything of Stamford Drive, Failsworth, other than legitimate. pleaded guilty to money laundering. "Their legitimate means of Kevin Pomeroy was sentenced to income would not even come close a total of eight and a half years in to the tens of thousands they forked prison, James Chapman to three out on cars, plasma TVs, jewellery, years, Daniel Pomeroy to three and sports memorabilia, holidays, rented a half years which includes an 18­ apartments in Spain and Jacuzzis in month sentence for a separate fraud the back garden ­ they really were offence and Julie Pomeroy to 12 living a life of Riley.

James Chapman

Kevin Pomeroy

months, suspended for two years, and ordered to undertake 150 hours unpaid work. Kevin and Julie used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle.Detective Chief Inspector Dave Pester, Senior Investigating Officer, said: "This organised crime group successfully obtained £3m worth of goods, and if they had succeeded with every fraud would have pocketed just shy of £20m worth. “That is a staggering amount and if you consider this sort of scam could be happening across the UK, the cost to the economy is eye­ watering. Not only that but it feeds the black market which puts genuine retailers out of business as these goods find their way into people’s

Julie Pomeroy

"But despite the sophistication of their scam this still boils down to theft and in the end, they were not clever enough to avoid capture, or prison. "This was an extremely complex inquiry that was solved due to the sheer tenacity, expertise and skill of our officers who had to unpick the various threads of this conspiracy to unravel it. “Huge credit should go to everyone involved with this investigation as without their painstaking work stretching over many months I have no doubt this gang would still be out there committing these sorts of fraud today.”


#myGMP - citizens on patrol

Community reporter Harriet Blake on patrol in Chorlton. Find out more by visiting

Community members across Greater Manchester have become community reporters and joined their local officers on patrol as part of #myGMP. Launched in March 2013, #myGMP is a new campaign designed to find out what the public think of their local policing services and what issues they want to have tackled. Harriet Blake was GMP’s first community reporter offered the chance to tweet on the beat in Chorlton with PCSO Claire Ryan. Her time on patrol took her from a briefing at Elisabeth Slinger Road station to visiting the scene of a burglary and dealing with teenagers hanging out around a local estate. Harriet’s access to the officers patrolling her home gave her a unique insight into local policing and helped her to understand more about the realities of frontline policing. In her blog, which she posted on, she

observed; “I often think although we don’t mean to we see an officer of the law as a unit, a force, but rarely do we see a human being, a person with feelings and emotions, not a robot who has neither feelings or humanity.” Direct access to her local officers has helped to illustrate the complexity of policing in a way that simply reading about what GMP does on a daily basis could not achieve. Since Harriet’s time on patrol more and more people have taken time to pound the beat with their local officers. Community members have joined their officers on patrol in Radcliffe, Bolton town centre, Manchester city centre, Sale and Oldham, while more will soon be out in Moss Side and Gorton. Find out more about community reporters and how people in your area can get involved by visiting:

View from the street I saw first hand how the police are so much part of the community, they are not just there to chase the bad guy's .They have a real passion for what they are doing. Tracey Snelling, Radcliffe

It made me realise that when I see a police officer walking by, they aren’t there by accident never to be seen again. They are patrolling and will be back at that same spot again and again and again to make sure the area is safe. Stuart Kirby, city centre

PCSOs Jackson and Slater both offered an excellent insight to the valuable role of PCSOs. Pam Parish, Bolton

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 25


Flexible services to meet futu

Launched at the beginning of April, Specialist Protective Services brings together 2

Operations, Serious Crime, Force Intelligence, Public Protection a

OFFICERS and staff who work across a number of specialist areas in the Force were brought together last month to form the new Specialist Protective Services (SPS) Branch. Staff from SPS will now work with the Pegasus team so that the force can respond effectively to the different types of demand in the future. The Pegasus project was initially set up to establish the Force Hub and review the organisational structure of the Serious Crime Division, Specialist Operations Branch, Force Intelligence Branch, Forensic Services and Public Protection Division. The team will now co­ordinate the review of a number of key areas, known as thematic reviews. Det Supt Emily Higham who currently heads up the Pegasus


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team said: “We need to ensure we have a flexible and mixed workforce that can provide a co­ ordinated and consistent approach to how specialist services support divisions. “Ultimately, this will enable us to improve our response to critical incidents, operations and investigations. “We need to look at the skills of the staff and the workforce mix to ensure we provide the most appropriate response. We will be moving away from the away from the specialist and moving more towards generic roles going forward.” “We will also review workload and potentially identify areas of business that need re­investment. This is essentially reviewing how we currently do business, and does the demand match the current

resources, we will be looking to see how it can be improved and made more efficient. “It is not about cutting the numbers of staff within each department, but is about reviewing where the real demand lies and ensuring there are adequately trained staff within that business area.” As part of the reviews the Pegasus team will also look at the Operational Support Officers (OSO) posts. The OSOs are administrative police staff posts that were introduced as part of the PMIT2 rollout. Four of the thematic areas have been identified as a priority. They are how we manage and investigate death, sex offending, children and digital & visual evidence (including cyber policing).


ure demand

2,500 officers and staff from Specialist

and Forensic Services.

How working as a team will be better · Police officers and staff from across SPS are already working effectively together in one location within Force Hub · The Force Hub pacesetter meeting enable all divisions to join together along with other resources responding to incidents as a team · Based on criticality, divisions are supported by the Force Hub where specialist resources can be allocated based on intelligence or live time incident management

GMP proves very app-ealing to other Forces Greater Manchester Police’s first smartphone app, which has been downloaded by more than 10,000 people since launching in January 2013, has proved to be a hit with other forces, with many now interested in buying the app themselves. For a small charge, Corporate Communications are working in partnership with other interested forces to deliver a localised iPhone app based on GMP’s. The app delivers the same innovative location­based services but localised to the needs of each force. So far Cheshire Constabulary and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) have ordered their own version of the app, with many more forces interested.

· Managing resources in this way will ensure that officers are in the right place at the right time

What the mixed workforce will look like · Investigative Assistants and OSOs integrated into work­ ing with specialist officers · Administrative support provided to support specialist offi­ cers · Specialist officers able to put their skills and training into practice · Specialist officers providing a better service to the Greater Manchester community

Above: Cheshire’s app, which has been produced by GMP

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 27


GMP hosts future entrepreneurs By Det Supt Tony Creely THREE hundred pupils from 30 schools across Greater Manchester took part in the final LionHeart challenge at Force Headquarters in March. Encouraging students to develop their inner­entrepreneur skills, for this year’s final, students from year nine and 10 were asked to develop their ideas around a youth version of the current GMP app complete with how it would work, what it would look like. Each team then entered a ‘Dragon’s Den’ type scenario where they were asked to pitch their product to a panel of judges. The judging panel included senior


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officers and professionals from The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Glasgow School of Art and The Chartered Institute of Marketing. This is the second year that GMP has worked with project organisers to tailor an activity which challenges children’s preconceptions about crime and how they think their peers want to be communicated with by the police. Schoolchildren got the chance to meet and work with police officers face to face. The student’s impressions of the police are often shaped by what they hear or see in the news, or their limited dealings with officers on patrol in uniform.

Understandably, these experiences can form natural barriers for children, but this work enables the barriers to be broken down on both sides and gives us an opportunity to learn more about their views and how we can best communicate with people their age. Deputy Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: "Each team worked exceptionally hard in rising to the challenges throughout this process. “They have pulled together to come up with some very innovative ideas about how we should be reaching out to and communicating with the younger generations of our communities.”


What the judges said

“It enables Pupils to feel part of the solution to the problems identified. Their opinions are encouraged and listened to and ultimately rewarded. A rare and rewarding experience for Young People that helps in their development”

Bryan Jones, Strategic Financial Advisor, GMP, also representing CIMA

“Students were provided with a frank and friendly environment to pen up with

Pupils from one of the four winning schools with Chief Cons Sir Peter Fahy

new ideas. It was an encouragement to Pupils to clearly give their opinions and express how they can contribute towards “A fantastic experience, this being my third time

the community as a whole.”

participating in The LionHeart Challenge and I look

Rizwan Tahir, Chartered Institute of

forward to participating in the future!”


Detective Chief Superintendent Darren Shenton

What the teachers said “Many of our students come from “It allows the pupils to become more aware of how

areas where crime is an everyday occurrence and they see the police in a

much work is going on behind the scenes and that

negative light, but this helps to

they, as the youth of today, have a choice and a voice

change their view and gets them to

in society and has shown that the Police are just

think in detail about it all to have a

trying to keep people safe and make a difference. This

definite positive impact”

challenge has given a wonderful opportunity to our

Wright Robinson College, Manchester

Young People to get involved and have their voices heard.”

All Hallows RC High School, Salford

“Our students have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside the police and feel it is a great opportunity to

“The pupils have had a chance to work

be treated as young people whose

alongside the police and see them as

have loved the in-school

opinions have been highly valued”

‘real people’. An excellent opportunity

and area final challenges!”

Denton Community College,

for pupils to develop themselves as

Stockport Academy,


important citizens of the community”


Brilliant! Staff and pupils

Philips High School, Bury

What the students said

“Young people do not have the confidence to go straight to the

“This is a good way for

police. This challenge allows kids

us to communicate.”

to give their opinion.”

“This educates children about crime and teaches them lessons that they wouldn’t be able to learn otherwise.”

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 29


Helping young people get back on track By Det Ch Insp Debbie Dooley A joint employment event to help hard to reach communities is a big success thanks to the support of Patrick Viera from Manchester City Football Club. Organised by the Integrated Gang Management Unit (IGMU) and the Xcalibre Task Force (XTF), the event attracted people aged between 15 and 25 who have either a criminal record or gang association. Ch Supt Darren Shenton from the Serious Crime Division and the Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd opened the event held at Manchester City Football Club. Those who came along were able to find out more about either getting a job or getting a qualification. Patrick Viera, an ambassador for MCFC attended in his own time. As a role model for young people he was interested in not only their views but also the agencies who had given up their time to support the event. The most satisfying thing was that most of those who attended were from the hard to reach communities and were keen to get on the employment ladder. Some even came back later on

Pictured left to right PCC Tony Lloyd, Dionne Robinson from Achieve North West, Patrick Viera from Manchester City Football Club, Ch Insp Debbie Dooley and Ch Supt Darren Shenton

with family and friends. Dionne Robinson, an Employment Officer with Achieve North West is based at Greenheys Police Station and works with IGMU, the co­located multi agency arm of XTF. Dionne works on a project that provides services to improve the employment prospects of offenders and is designed to bridge the gap between offenders and existing mainstream education, skills and employment services. Using Dionne’s expertise and

POLICE in Wythenshawe teamed up with their local Tesco store to put a smile back on the faces of some elderly residents following a break in at their care home. Earlier this year, thieves broke into Carron House Residential Home on Royale Green Road and stole a computer and board games. PCSO Andrea Ball from the Wythenshawe said: “I was saddened when I found out that the residents had had their computer and games stolen. These items are a little value to anybody else but provided the residents with hours of fun.” Andrea approached Tesco Metro in Northenden who kindly donated £100 of vouchers to Carron House to fund the new dartboard and other games.


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contacts we were able to arrange what the older amongst us would remember as a careers’ fayre. There were 25 stalls consisting of household names such as Timpsons and the Co­operative Bank along with local businesses such as Nikki’s Nails. Together with partnership and third sector agencies we were all able to provide advice and support to those attending the event. As it was such a success, we will be holding another event next year but on a larger scale.

PCSO Andrea Ball with the new dartboard and a resident at Carron House


Domestic abuse definition expanded THE definition of domestic abuse has changed to include 16 and 17­ year­olds. With a growing body of evidence to suggest that young people are increasingly involved in abusive relationships the definition has changed to reflect this growing trend. Until now it only applied to people aged 18 and over. However, young people are the most likely to be abused by their partner, according to recent figures. The new definition of domestic abuse for England and Wales covers anyone aged 16 and over. It also recognises emotional abuse such as intimidation or controlling behaviour. ACPO lead on domestic abuse Chief Constable Carmel Napier said: “The new definition will assist police

The £50,000 pint

in identifying those most vulnerable to violence in domestic situations, particularly young victims. “The latest crime survey for England and Wales shows that 31 per cent of women and 18 per cent of men have experienced some form of domestic abuse since the age of 16 – equating to a staggering five million female victims and 2.9 million male victims. “We also know that domestic abuse may often include coercive control, a complex pattern of abuse using power and psychological control over another, such as financial control, verbal abuse and/or forced social isolation. “These incidents may vary in seriousness and are often repeated over time."

For further advice visit the Public Protection Division Intranet site or contact our local Public Protection Investigation Unit.

A beer dubbed the £50,000 pint and a car wreckage from the ‘Think’ campaign were showcased at a Manchester university campus to highlight to youngsters the consequences of drink­driving. The car was originally owned by a 21­year­old man who lost control of it while on his way home. He hit a tree in the drink­driving collision and was killed. The pint glass represents the personal financial cost of a conviction. It is based on fines, legal costs, rise in insurance premiums and possible job losses faced by those convicted. Other activities by officers from the South Manchester Division during the university wellbeing week included on the spot breathalyser tests and handing out free scratchcards.

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 31


Transforming GMP THE Change and Transformation Branch is responsible for delivering the many changes that are taking place across the Force. Brief caught up with Rebecca Murphy, head of the branch to find out more about how her team is supporting the Force to ensure it is fit for purpose for the future.

How has the Branch

What does change in GMP mean to you?


When I joined GMP the Branch was very much seen as a support function having just come out of the first round of Optimus. There was no clear vision and we were often seen as a Branch that made people fill in forms. Change projects were all in different places and this meant that it was difficult to quantify the investment and benefits from the wide range of change activity taking place. The Force has made inroads into the financial challenge it has been set by making incremental changes, redesigning processes and changing how some services are delivered. The Change and Transformation Branch is here to help look at howe we deliver services in different ways by working across GMP with staff and others to help reduce costs and improving our services to the public.

One of a number of changes: The creation of Divisional Hubs and Force Hub


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Personally, change is about whether there are ways we can deliver our services better. In the current environment where we’ve got to keep reducing costs and where the whole public sector is under duress, how do we continue to make improvements, how can we protect the service we provide to the public, how can we reduce the demands placed on the police service by working with others? There are future demands that will place further pressure on our services and we need to be able to

be flexible in how we can respond to these, with the reality of a reducing workforce. A good example is the increased demands being placed on us now around historic sexual abuse. A set of circumstances has led us to this demand and we would not have been able to anticipate what is happening now. Whether you are a member of staff providing HR support or an officer on the beat, we are all working to drive some sort of change in the Force.

One of a number of changes: The creation of Divisional Hubs and Force Hub

Features What does the Branch look like?

Our new structure, pictured right, has been built around helping and supporting others to look at how we do things differently. So, there are a few changes and some new roles. There is a smaller core of professional or change agents supported by resources that can be flexed in and out. We also have a new central design team, as well as Business Improvement Partners who will work with local officers and staff to identify new ideas that can be introduced locally. They will also promote continuous improvement, share good ideas and best practice across the Force. The new Partnering and Collaboration Manager will look at what opportunities exist for the Force to work more closely with our partners on a collaborative basis. We have also created one set of transformation activity with two key strands of work –Transforming Policing Services and Transforming Support Services. These are supported by our Delivery Team and Portfolio Office.

New Force HQ— part of the Estates Strategy

Programme Management Office

Business Improvement Team

Change & Transformation Service Central Design Team

Delivery Team

Partnering and Collaboration

Why do we need to

What does this mean to


our workforce?

Collaboration is about having an open approach to change and looking outside the organisation. In the future we may be able to share services, sell our internal services to others or reduce crime by investing in more prevention activity with our partners. We look at how across GMP and with partners we can reduce costs and jointly improve our services to the public. Working with partners will mean that we will be able to understand better new demand coming in as well as the issues that are societal and can drive increased crime.

To improve our services we need to be more innovative and step away from tradition. We need to engage with staff and look at the services we are delivering and ask ourselves what the service might look like in the future with the challenges we face. We should ask ourselves what are we doing that is of benefit to the people of Greater Manchester, where are we being wasteful or where are we prevented from delivering the service we really want because of red tape and bureaucracy.

How can the Branch help the Force introduce these changes?

The Change and Transformation Branch is here to help make these changes happen by working across GMP with staff and others to help reduce costs and improving our services to the public.

Why is it is so important to be telling staff now?

Whether you are a member of staff providing HR support or an officer on the beat, we are all working to drive some sort of change in the Force. Change is now a regular feature

in our daily work and we all need to work together to ensure we achieve sustainable change which improves what we do. We have a responsibility to the citizens of Greater Manchester to continue to improve and deliver good

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 33


Off-duty officer saves choking toddler

AN off duty officer saved a two­ year­old girl who was choking on her tongue at the side of a road in Merseyside. PC Scott Wolstenholme (pictured above), who works for the Roads Policing Unit based at Leigh was driving along the A49 near Newton­ le­Willows when he spotted a

Antiques Road Trip visits GMP Museum GMP’s Museum and Archives played host to a very special visitor recently when antiques expert Charles Hanson, star of the Antiques Road Trip stopped by. Charles called in to film a segment with the museum’s curator Duncan Broady (pictured right) for inclusion in the show’s next series. Also a TV regular on Bargain Hunt, Charles spent some time touring the museum’s Victorian charge office, cells and display of historic police uniform and equipment. He finished his visit with a behind the scenes look at some Victorian and Edwardian criminal records. 34

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woman on the side of the road, holding a little girl who looked ‘blue and floppy’. Gemma Lake, 26, had pulled her car over after noticing her two­year­ old niece having a seizure and choking on her tongue in the car. She was desperately trying to help her. PC Wolstenholme, who was in the car with his family pulled over and took charge of the situation. He gave her first aid and managed to get the little girl breathing again. He kept hold of her until the ambulance arrived and helped explain to the paramedics what had happened. Praising his actions, Gemma said: “He jumped out of the car, grabbed her off me and starting tapping her on the back. “She was still blue so he started slapping her on the back and finally

she gasped and could breathe again. We were so relieved when the colour came back into her face. “His prompt action will never be forgotten and he will always be seen as our hero. “He is one of a kind and a real credit to the police force. I can’t thank him enough.” PC Wolstenholme, who has two young children himself said: “The child was completely unresponsive – I could not see her breathing. “It is just something you do. It is in your nature. I am so pleased that everything turned out ok in the end.” Chief Inspector Mark Dexter, said: “We are immensely proud of Scott’s quick thinking and coolness in an incredibly stressful situation. “This was undoubtedly terrifying for Gemma and Scott used all his skill and training to take control. “He arguably saved this little girl’s life and is an absolute credit to GMP and the Roads Policing Unit.”


Seized money funds youth bus MONEY seized from criminals is being used to kit out a youth bus that is helping young people in one local community. PC Anthony Willis from the Fallowfield Integrated Neighbourhood Policing Team secured £700 of money seized from criminals to improve the youth bus. The money has been used to purchase a Wii Games Console, games, DVDs, CDs, karaoke machine and TV. PC Willis said: “The youth bus is a great tool for the police and always receives a great reception from younger residents. “After several years of use, the bus was in desperate need of some new equipment and I’m delighted that money seized from those that have caused harm within our communities has been used to fund something positive.” The Youth bus is run by the charity NGage which provides young people at risk of educational or

social exclusion opportunities, and gives them something to do to deter them from committing antisocial behaviour. The bus also enables PCSOs and youth workers to engage with young people in an informal surrounding. Rachel Stafford, Youth Inclusion Manager from NGage said: "It is such a privilege to be able to work alongside the police. The bus has proved to be so beneficial for the

young people that we have contact with. “It is a great resource and we are so thankful to PC Willis for securing the funding to get the extra equipment on the bus. “The young people have really appreciated it and have loved being able to engage in different ways because of it." The bus covers Burnage, Levenshulme and Fallowfield.

Joining forces to fight crime in Wythenshawe

Pictured left to right: Nigel Wilson, Group Chief Executive Parkway Green Housing; Paul Goggins MP; Rachel Christie, SRF Strategic Manager and Supt Ian Palmer

THE Wythenshawe Integrated Neighbourhood Policing Team has officially launched its new police post at Parkway Green Housing Trust,

part of Wythenshawe Community Housing Group. MP Paul Goggins attended the launch and spoke to staff and

officers about the benefits of agencies working closely together to deliver a better service for residents. As well as sharing intelligence, working in the same office as the housing associations and council means that residents can access all three services under one roof rather than having to make separate trips. Chief Superintendent Rob Potts said: “The police, Parkway Green Housing Trust and Manchester City Council are committed to making the area a safer place to live. “By working more closely together we can improve the service that residents receive from us and have better success in tackling crime and antisocial behaviour.”

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New Mental Ill Health Policy A new policy that will help officers and staff deal with situations involving mental ill health has been launched by the Force. The revised policy and procedure about mental ill health, mental incapacity and learning disabilities will also provide officers with advice on how best to work with other agencies. ACC Ian Wiggett said: “Mental ill health is a challenging issue for policing. Our officers deal each day with many incidents involving mental health. “Previous guidance has been unclear on what is the responsibility of the police in terms of dealing with people with mental ill health issues and what is the responsibility of other agencies ­ this left considerable scope for local variation.

“These local procedures often failed to ensure the best treatment for individuals experiencing mental ill health, and have involved risks for officers and the Force. “This new policy should give a common starting point for discussions with mental health professionals about when it is right for the police to be involved and when it isn't. “The overarching principle for all agencies involved is to ensure the best and most appropriate treatment of individuals experiencing mental ill health. “That remains our priority. Greater confidence and shared understanding of our role will help us deal with these incidents more effectively.” The new policy replaces the

policy on ‘dealing with mentally disordered people’ and can be found on the Intranet. An aide memoire is also available from either Force forms (form 1106) or from Design and Print (asking for form 1106).

Co-op helps with interview suite facelift VIDEO interview suites at Oldham police station have been given a facelift thanks to money raised by staff at the Co­operative bank. Staff at the bank held a series of sponsored fund­raising events to help raise the £10,000 needed for the refurbishment. The two suites are used to conduct visually recorded witness interviews with children, young


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people and vulnerable or intimidated adult witnesses. Kim Ormsby, from the Co­ operative Bank, was part of the group that raised the money she said: “We were told about the plans that Oldham Police Station had to make the interview rooms more welcoming and child­friendly and we wanted to help. “Luckily, our colleagues here at the bank were also keen to get involved, and the number of events that took place is testament to the charitable nature of our staff. “We are thrilled with the results and we’re glad that we could contribute to this great cause.” Kate and her

team raised money by holding cake sales, tombolas, non­uniform days and regular book sales at head office and selected branches. Detective Inspector Darren Meeks of Oldham Division’s Public Protection Investigation Unit said: “The interview suites were a bit on the austere side and in serious need of brightening up. Now that the refurbishment work is finished they have a much more welcoming feel. “We are very grateful to the Co­ operative Bank for their support with this project, and it is hoped that the new suites will help to put our most vulnerable witnesses a little more at ease while they are being interviewed during sensitive investigations. “I would also like to thank PC Janet Allen for all her hard work in organising the refurbishment of the suites.”


THE Force’s video channel takes on a brand new look reaching out to a growing social media market. Making it more appealing and easier to use the video channel is now known as GMPTV and builds on the growth of interest as a result of the Force’s successful development

of social media in GMP. Originally launched in 1996 by the Corporate Media and Imaging Unit, the channel featured in national media when it became the first in the UK to host a murder appeal with a video about killing of Manchester teenager Jessie James. In the last 12 months the team have seen more than 2.4 million people view the channel, most of which have been in the last six months. Geoff Lingard, the Corporate and Media Video Officer, pictured left, said: “This new look gives us the opportunity

to develop the channel further and nurture the growth that we have seen. “YouTube is not just a great way to make appeals for information but a fantastic opportunity to let our communities know about the wide range of duties the Force is undertaking on their behalf. "Nothing is so effective in getting our messages across to the public as them being able to see and hear GMP at work for themselves on screen. “We hope the new look will us to reach an ever increasing audience.” Chris Oldham, Head of CMI added: “The demands have certainly grown thanks to social media but we have been easily able to adapt to that changing market. As a specialist team we have just been able to use our skills in a different way. “As they say one picture speaks a thousand words and the results

Global success for GMP on Twitter Day Greater Manchester Police lead the world on global law enforcement Twitter day, which took place in March 2013. Police forces and law enforcement agencies from across the globe to part in a 24­hour tweet­a ­thon, organised by LAwS Communications in America, to highlight the issues facing police across the world. Officers and staff from each of the force’s 69 official Twitter accounts tweeted live updates to their local communities throughout the day, and held special online events. Community members were able to ‘Ask the Inspector’ in Atherton, follow live tweets for 24 hours from Manchester city centre and pose any policing questions they had when given the chance to #AskGMP . There were also regular updates from custody and the Operational Communications Branch throughout the day.

Talking about the global event, Deputy Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: “We were keen to support the day and hope that it gave people around the world more information about what officers are doing to tackle crime and keep people safe. “We are continually looking at ways we can provide people with better access to the work their local officers are involved in, and social media is a great way to achieve this.“ Figures released during the day from showed that GMP was the most influential force in the world using the day’s hashtag (#poltwt). GMP continues to look for ways to innovate in how it communicates with local communities through social media. If you have ideas you wish to discuss about how social media is used in the force, please contact the Web Unit in Corporate Communications.

Tweetmap showing level of influence for #poltwt in the UK, with GMP leading the way

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 37

GMP Community

Letters of Appreciation Send copies of letters or emails of thanks and appreciation to Brief, Corporate Communications, Force Headquarters, making sure that the recipient’s full name, not just number, is included. Letters may be edited for reasons of space.

Sensitive Reaction My wife and I were recently burgled and apart from the material loss, unsurprisingly, the incident left us feeling insecure and violated. Happily, our experience was mitigated to a large extent by the prompt, courteous, efficient and thoroughly sensitive reaction of the Police. We would like to sincerely thank you for the support that we got from your team following our recent burglary. We’d particularly like to commend PC Andy McMath & PCSO Pete Marriette. Mr & Mrs C­H

Beyond the Call of Duty I am writing to thank you all for the recent help I received. The GMP staff that were involved were fantastic, Lisa Cameron has been an angel. She dealt with our horrendous ordeal with some very ‘nuisance’ youths. My husband and I could not relax in our own home. I have recently had heart surgery and I am unwell and this has been very stressful. Lisa dealt with our situation very promptly and efficiently and has carried out her role in a manner that is above and beyond the call of duty. I even collapsed during Lisa’s taking of a statement and she rang paramedics and looked after me. She has kept in contact constantly and rang to see how I am. I am sure that you are all very proud of her, she is a credit to the Force. I just wanted to let you know of mine and my husband’s


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

appreciation. Thank you again as we hope our nightmare is now over and we can relax in our home again. Mr & Mrs Miller

Change d My Vie w s I would l ik an d than e t o ex press m ks to De y tective S sincere gratitu Stubbs de for his i ergeant n vo Je Stringer’ s, assau lv em ent in my s d lt o DS Stub bs – an d case. I was con n, Daniel tacted b at this t with the im e y p op inion. olice, but DS Stu I had lost all f a it b bs cha nged tha h He phon t e d a ft er ev ery to find o hos ut step s we how Daniel had pital appointm e nt g re being taken to ot on and what m end. get him on the W hen th ex plaine e court case sta rte d w worried m hat m ay happ d DS Stubbs en as he e a n d Da to pick u knew h o w s up wh niel were; He e ic h is so v e DS Stub n offer e k in d an d m ad bs escorted us i d and thoughtf u n to the c l. e sure w e wer e b o aft erward oth ok g urt room s. etting ho Once ag m e a we unde in DS Stubbs p rstood w honed to hat had h m ake s m ake su ure re w a pp DS Stub e were hom e s e ned and to a the polic bs has totally ch fe. e and ple anged m is a v ery y v iew o ase will n yo s will nev e pecial m an who u let him know h m yself a r forget e what he ’s done f nd Daniel or us. C String er

Little Star PC Emma Connett I just wanted to say a big thank you to you for all your help. I was completely at my wits end and petrified. You talked to me, listened and helped. What a fantastic police woman you are. Thank you for being a little star! R Murrell

A positive result I am writing to express our thanks and how much we were supported with a recent phone theft. PC Harper provided us with an excellent service and is a real credit to your team at Chadderton. I know the police get a lot of negative press mostly unwarranted and I want you to know that the case was handled superbly and fortunately, a positive result thanks to his support and dedication. It gives me confidence to know that we have excellent police

support. Ms James, Chadderton Demanding job well done In the early hours of Sunday morning our house was broken into and my car stolen off the driveway. It was found later crashed into a tree and I believe it was completely written off. I would just like to thank PC Ashton Malone along with her supervisors Sgt O’Connor, Sgt Doherty and Insp Rowson. They were extremely polite and efficient. The offender has been charged. Your officers provided a fantastic service and are a credit to a very demanding job. Thank you.

GMP Community C Starkie Leaving a good impression Following a home game against Caring in a sensitive situation I work as a paramedic for the Doncaster an incident occurred in a North West Ambulance Service. In pub in Leigh where two players got January my colleague and I attended involved in an altercation with some an emergency call regarding a locals. suicidal male. I would like to thank PC Paul PC Hannah Sydall, PC Mark Hardman for the discreet and professional way he has conducted Halliburton and PC Darren himself during the course of this Holligan were already on scene. Between us we assessed the male enquiry. He is a credit to GMP. who had mental health problems. Mr Barton, Leigh Centurions The three officers in question handled this situation with great Lightening the situation professionalism and sensitivity. I am writing to express my thanks At all times they were caring and for the way in which the officers we clearly had the patient in their heart spoke to dealt with my partner’s son. and minds. He suffers from bipolar disorder L White and on this occasion was acting like

a crazy person. I waited for the emergency services to arrive. The police arrived first, PC John Cross and PC Andy Bateson. I believe the police did an excellent job in understanding the situation. They took his illness seriously and communicated to us that they could see he was ill. Two female officers, PC Anna Macdonald­Cabbett and PC Janice Platt then took over and brilliant. They helped lighten the situation in a very professional manner, may I also help call handler Louise Nicholls. They all made a difficult and ongoing situation easier to bare and we are very grateful. J Tointon, Bolton

@clarerfinchxx Clare Finch

S Radcliffe

I have nothing but nice things to say about @gmpolice they have been so lovely, thank you

I wanted to get in touch after having dealings with your officers based at Leigh police station at the weekend after my son absconded from home. The officers I dealt with were fantastic and I could not ask for any better communication, empathy and understanding. I cannot recall the officers’ names with whom I spoke but they are a credit and made a very real difference in a difficult situation. Thank you

@Ian_Whelham Ian Welham Would like to say thankyou to @gmpolice for getting my phone back to me and doing the actual impossible to track me down. Very impressed. @c_Barls Chris Barlow @GMPBlackley #OpCairo amazing work by the force as a unit! Congratulations on the excellent work guys #patonthebackfromme @stephenreilly76 Stephen Reilly @gmpolice car reported stolen 08.30, was told at 13:30 it has been found. Top work guys! #respectforpolice

Michael O’Gorman I would like to thank GMP for their response today after my daughter was robbed and threatened with a knife on her way home from school with friends… at least she had the sense to give the idiot what he wanted and was unharmed but shocked...cheers guys n do a great but dangerous job...and we do appreciate it ;) Di Finch Thank you so much for catching the burglar who broke into my home in Horwich on 15th March, and for recovering most of my property. Especially PC Amanda Tricket (16950) who was fantastic, and Phil Unsworth of Bolton CID. Thank you all.

@Gillybean2505 Gill Daly So impressed with @gmpolice they have realy made us feel like everything possible is being done after our robbery. Thank you GMP ! @BmGDA Clare Really appreciate @gmpolice tonight for stopping and realising something was up, I genuinely am thankful that you guys patrol the area...

Bek Griffin Just writing as I don't know where else to thank the officer who came to help me when my car broke down on the M62, eastbound between junction 11 and 12 on 21/03/13, at around 20:00. I can’t begin to explain how much I appreciate your officer going out of his way to comfort me in a stressful situation, I am also grateful for his insistence to make sure I was safe. It’s great to know the police aren’t only fighting crime, but are also there for the public in situations like these :­)

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 39

GMP Community

Advertisements HOLIDAYS — ABROAD



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LANZAROTE: Costa Teguise, 2 bed apartment on gated complex, 3 swimming pools. Visit Mobile 07881 614045 CYPRUS ­ Unique luxury private villa max 12 adults, wheelchair friendly in 2 1/2 acres gated grounds, 6 double beds (2 ensuite), 2 lounges, UK TV channels, sports and movies, large swimming pool and child safety fencing. Central location between Limassol and Larnaca. Discounts for GMP personnel. Please visit Tel Christine or David Williams on 0161 491 5910 LUXURY FLORIDA VILLA. 10 mins to Disney, 5 beds, 3 baths, games room, south facing pool and hot tub. Special GMP rate, exclusive location. Visit or call 0161 973 1833. CLIMB Kilimanjaro. Trekking, climbing and mountaineering holidays in Europe, South America and Africa. Call Sam 07522 957646 or email


WILLS— Power of attorney, Protection Trusts, Ex GMP 16 years will writing experience. Mike Burnham. Web: Telephone: 0161 485 8980


Barking Mad. Dog lovers required to look after dogs whilst their owners are away on holiday. Contact Mick 01204 302 568 (retired officer) for

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Although all reasonable steps have been taken to check the authenticity of advertisers, it must be stressed that acceptance for publication does not imply the acceptance All adverts must be accompanied by a copy of the of any responsibility or liability to GMP in respect of any advertiser’s warrant/ID card or pension number advertisement. Publication does not imply any Cheques should be made payable to “Greater Manchester endorsement of the companies, individuals or products. Police” and sent to: Deadline for adverts to be submitted for the next Brief Advertising, Corporate Communications, Force HQ, edition is: Friday 21 June 2013 Northampton Road, Manchester M40 5BP.


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

GMP Community




PLASTERING, all aspects of plastering carried out both internal and external. Full qualified time served with 28 years experience and fully insured. Excellent rates for GMP staff. No obligation quotes given on all jobs. Please contact Carl on 0161 652 1218 or 07789 085985

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WELLWORTH Paving. Block paving concreting, decking, flagging, fencing, turfing. Garage bases/footings. Walling and house drainage. 25 yrs experience ­ free quotes. Tel: 07974 349271

Friends of No. 1 Copperpot Lottery Winners – April 2013

£2,000 · Andrew Baker, Retired £1,000 · Dawn Wade, Retired £500

TIME served professional & highly skilled plasterer. 30 years experience in domestic work, where Customer Care is at the forefront. Free quotes for internal and external work exc rates for GMP staff. Tel: Lorne 07899 042380

· A Bromley­Gleadhill, Leicestershire £250 · Yvonne Ali, GMP · Walter Bradshaw

PLASTERING Services ­ all types of plastering and rendering, 23 years experience, insurance claims undertaken. Special GMP rates. Call Alan 07810328003 or 0161 900 4373. Free quotes PAINTER and Decorator. R H Morris & sons. South Manchester based, City & Guilds qualified. Free estimates. Est 1973. Tel: 0161 962 7458. Mobile: 07979 797 477.

£150 · David Rogers, Retired · Bryan Schofield, Retired £100 · Frank Carman, Retired · John Fitzgerald, GMP · Paul Hurst, Leicestershire · Graham Todd, Retired


JOHN TURNER Domestic & Commercial Services. All aspects of electrical work, including full rewires, extra sockets, new lights, extensions, conservatories, testing and full refurbs. Free quotations, competitive prices. Tel: 07951 933059 email All work fully guaranteed.

· John Shepherd, Retired · Colin Slater, Retired · David Morgan, Retired £50 · Paula Hassett, South Wales · Greg Davies, North Yorkshire · Lorraine O’Brien, Relative · Josephine Sandall, Retired · John Ramsay, Retired · Shaun Drake, Retired · Shaun Drake, GMP · Donald Robertson, Retired · Sarah Crabb, Thames Valley · Antony Lowe, GMP · Rachel Rigg, GMP · G Copeland­Johnson, Retired · Joseph Panton, Metropolitan · Hannah Haywood, Leaver · Iain Jowett, Metropolitan · Tracey Wilkinson, GMP

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 41

GMP Community

Welsh 3000s challenge A group of officers from the Serious Crime Division are embarking on a huge mountain climb known as the Welsh 3000s Challenge. The challenge is to complete the walk which includes 16 mountains in North Wales within 24 hours. Completing the walk are intrepid mountaineers DI Aaron Duggan, DC Janine Simpson, DC Emma Hulston, DC Stuart Kay, DS Jon Connah, DI Chris Wood, DS Tony Hanlon, DI Chris Mossop, Andy Goggins along with colleagues Paul Axon from ‘Positive Steps’ (part of Probation Services) and his nephews Niam and Jordan Axon. Supporting the walkers are retired officers Fred Axon and DC Brendan Greally.

Det Insp Aaron Duggan said: “The walk is just over 26 miles but if you include the walk to the start point and down from the finish point it is over 30 miles. “The route starts at the top of Snowdon and finishes three mountain ranges to the north later on Foel Fras. In order to make the most of daylight hours we will have to start our ascent of Snowdon at around 3.45am on the Saturday morning. “There is a mixture of experience in the group but all wanted complete the Welsh 3000s challenge in memory of Fiona and Nicola so we chose COPS (Care of Police Survivors) as our main charity. “We will also be raising money for three other worthy causes – The British Heart Foundation, the

National Association for Colitis and Crohns Disease and Scouts UK. Paul Axon’s brother Neil died following a heart attack on Christmas Day last year. He was 39. Stuart Kay’s daughter Emily was diagnosed with Crohns disease last year. Tony Hanlon is a Scout Leader and gives up his time to work with the Scouting movement in East Manchester. “If we are lucky with the weather it is possible to complete this walk in 15 ­18 hours so we may make it back in time for last orders for a well earned shandy.” To donate and for more information visit teams/Welsh­3000­Challenge

Heroic walk to remember our heroes

Officers from Tameside took part in 110 mile charity walk around the Greater Manchester boundary, in memory of PC's Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone. The team of ten started the walk in Uppermill, before walking a total of 50 hours through the day and night 42

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

to finish the challenge in Rochdale. Those taking part were: Stuart Charlesworth, Will Fairchild, Dan Parsley, Karl Darlington, Chris Hayden and Annabell Biddle ­ took part in the full walk. There were also officers taking part in five­mile relays: Melita Worswick, Chris Gill

and Rachel Derby. Unfortunately, PC Will Fairchild was the only one to complete the full distance with the others having to pull out along the route due to injuries. The team raised more than £3,000 for the charity COPS (Care of Police Survivors).

GMP Community

Marathon success for

Three peaks

Tameside Sergeants

charity challenge

SERGEANTS Steve Cheetham and Phil Parker from Tameside Custody swapped their boots for trainers as they took part in this year’s London Marathon. The two raised more than £1,000 for the North West Police Benevolent Fund in memory of PCs Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone. The two officers are no strangers to the running circuit having previously taken part in the Three Peaks Challenge, the Manchester 10K as well marathons in London and Edinburgh. Sgt Steve Cheetham said: “We had always planned on racing for charity but following the deaths of Fiona and Nicola we wanted to be able to do the race in their memory. “The two were our colleagues and their deaths left a mark on everyone here in Tameside. The opportunity to be able to raise funds for a charity that we know has helped their families and of course many others over the years was something we knew we couldn’t pass up. “Our aim was to run in less than four hours which we did – Phil did it in three hours, 47 minutes and I

did it in three hours, 56 minutes. “It was obviously very tiring, but there was never a point that we didn't think we wouldn’t make it. We enjoyed a bottle of champagne at the end with family who'd cheered us on at various points along the route. “It was a fantastic day, and the support from the crowds was amazing, cheering our names as we passed them. “The news stated there were approx ten million people lining the route, and it certainly felt like it.” Anyone wishing to donate money can do so by visiting the North West Police Benevolent Fund website: Those donating via PayPal are asked to quote ‘London Marathon’ in the message box.

A team of 15 officers and social workers from Wigan Division, will tackle the Yorkshire Three Peaks to raise money for the Meningitis Trust. Led by PC Chris Smith, the team will take on the challenge on 22 June, trekking 40km in less than 12 hours: in the order of Pen­Y­Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. The team have chosen to raise money for the charity after their friend and colleague PC Mark Mercer fell ill with Meningitis in December 2012. PC Chris Smith said: “We know how meningitis can affect someone, as our colleague contracted meningitis over Christmas. He is currently on long­term leave whilst he recovers. Taking part in the challenge is our way of giving back to a charity that has provided tremendous support to him and his family.” If you would like to help them raise money, please sponsor them by either visiting their website ppdyorkshirethreepeaks or texting the word 'PPIU99' plus the amount you would like to to 70070 from any UK mobile phone.

HOT OFF THE PRESS: PC Steve Phillips arrived safely at Bournemouth after his mammoth 230­mile run. Read all about it in the next issue of Brief.

Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 43

Sports & Social


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Obituaries FEBRUARY ·







Brian Harrison, 66, died Friday 1 February.


John Taylor, 61 died Sunday 3 February.


Thomas Ridsdale, 70, died Monday 4 February.


Alfred Edge, 61, died Monday 4 February.


Miles Kirkham, 72, died Tuesday 5 February.


Kenneth Edward Stevenson, 83, died Friday 8 February. Robert Hughes, 79, died Saturday


Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition

12 March.

9 February. Edward Smith, 91, died Sunday 10 February.


Stanley Reginald Collier, 79, died Saturday 16 February.


Bernard Greenhalgh, 81, died Sunday 24 February.


Peter Thomas Stanisstreet, 65, died Wednesday 27 February. Leonard Farmer, 89, died Thursday 28 February.


William Collett, 88, died Tuesday

William Robert Stephen, 78, died Saturday 23 March. Noel Griffiths, 89, died Tuesday 26 March. APRIL




David Geoffrey Chapman, 69, died Thursday 14 March.

William Glynn, 90, died Tuesday 2 April. William Byford, 95, died Tuesday 2 April.

Sports & Social GMP’s softball team are looking for new members. Softball is a great social game, similar to baseball or rounders and currently one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Both men and women are invited to join the team, who practice on Monday evenings and play on either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings in the Manchester Softball League. Contact Peter Jones on 07824 460 599 or

SLIM TO WIN SGT Abed Hussain proved to be the biggest loser when he and his response team in Bury took on a weight loss challenge. The team held a weight loss competition starting in October last year, weighing in every other week. Sgt Hussain lost more than three and a half stone in five months by healthy eating and running regularly.

The Bootle Street Sports and Social Club recently donated £1,000 to the Ronald McDonald House in Manchester. Their donation has been marked with a plaque at the centre which offers free accommodation for families of patients at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. Pictured is Inspector Mike Coombs, with Tony Morton, director for Ronald McDonald House."

PSUK Cross Country Championship mile course, representing Police Forces from across the UK. The men's team finished in 10th position overall with Rick Lloyd the first GMP finisher in an excellent 17th place. This gave Rick third place overall in the veterans category (over 40­years­of­age) with the team also picking up third prize for the veterans team. In the ladies race the team finished in 8th place with Joanne Glynn picking up a well­earned third position as a veteran. If you are interested in running for GMP please contact Supt Bryan Lawton via e­mail.

BACK ROW (L-R): Jim Bentley, Dave Fulton, Steve Quinn, Bryan

Lawton, Dave Wood, Gaz Corns, Ian Campbell. FRONT ROW: Andy Wright, Mark Evans Rick Lloyd.

By Supt Bryan Lawton BOTH the GMP men's and ladies team put up strong performances at the recent Police Sport UK cross country championships, staged by West Midlands Police at Crofton Park in Birmingham. More than 350 runners took part over the very cold and muddy seven

Bowled over to represent GMP PC Adam Samouelle from the Tactical Aid Unit and Dave Morrell a member of police staff are excited to have been called up to play in the Great British Police cricket team. The pair will represent GMP during the match in Nottinghamshire in July. This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the formation of the British police team. To celebrate, a charity dinner has been organised with all proceeds being donated to the COPS charity. Raffle tickets are being sold for a draw to support the event ­ some great prizes are on offer! Tickets are £1 each and available from Adam Samouelle at TAU or Jess Samouelle at FHQ, the draw will be made at the charity dinner in July. Brief Spring/Summer 2013 Edition 45

We’ve found some great archive photographs of Chester House and would also like your photographic memories of working at HQ and policing in general in the 1970s. On April 1, 1974, GMP was formed and new headquarters planned. In December 1976, Chester House was in business, opened by Princess Anne. Fast forward 35 years and GMP’s HQ is now at Central Park and Chester House is being demolished. Email your memories to us at and we’ll feature as many as we can in the next issue (closing date 21 June).

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