Table of Content
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10
4 5 5 6 8 8 9 11 12 13
Introduction: All aboard Global trends Developments within GMP+ International Developments GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) Developments GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (FRA) Developments Responsible Biomass Assurance (RBA) Developments Certification & Compliance Developments Early Warning System (EWS) Developments Feed Support Products (FSP) General improvements of GMP+ schemes and standards
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
15 16 17 17 18 19
Vision and mission Core values Corporate objectives Platform function GMP+ certified companies Integrity
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
21 22 22 23 24 25 25
GMP+ Partners GMP+ NAtional Representatives IEC and subcommittees Certification Bodies Registered Consultants GMP+ Academy Mutual recognition of other feed scheme holders Collaboration with G.A.P. (certification) schemes in livestock and aqua farming
GMP+ International
Services Communication in 2016
29 30
5.1 5.2 5.3
33 33 34
Balance sheet as per December 31, 2015 Profit and loss account over 2015 Explanatory note to financial figures
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GMP+ International
Trends & Developments
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
When a large ship is at sea, the captain and his crew face lots of challenges. It is not just the travelers aboard that require their attention, they also have to cope with stronger and weaker currents, changing wind speeds and the equipment of the ship. In many ways, realizing the goals of GMP+ International is like traveling from one continent to another over the world seas. Just like a captain and his crew we are dealing with a lot of different elements during our journey: our dedicated employees, national representatives, consultants, auditors of Certification Bodies, existing and potential GMP+ certification scheme participants, members of our expert committees, feed & food stakeholder groups, the G.A.P. certification scheme: all have their own needs and expectations. And in every region we anchor our ship, we encounter unique cultures, challenges and market developments.
Roland van der Post, Operations Director
Johan den Hartog, Managing Director
GMP+ International
We proudly present the annual report 2016 of GMP+ International. This year, we have taken several important steps towards strenghtening our internal organization, one with more attention to the different desires in the market. We are striving to continu to improve the quality of our certification scheme’s. We focused strongly on improving the competences of our employees and added several highly qualified people to our staff. We also focused on optimizing operations as well as communication towards the market, by means of IT solutions. The effectuation will mainly be realized in 2017. We renewed our marketing strategy and focus. More than ever before, GMP+ International will be close to the market and respond to the needs of our target groups. More knowledge, expertise and practices will be shared online, and our website will be restructured in accordance with requests from our stakeholders. To overcome language barriers in growth markets, we will increasingly communicate with companies in a more visual way. With the steps GMP+ International has taken in 2016, we as an organization will be able to stay on course amid the waves of this fast changing environment. With an ever growing map and fleet, the 16.000th company joined the GMP+ Certification, it is up to us to navigate towards our destination of feed safety across the globe. Johan den Hartog Managing Director
Roland van der Post Operations Director
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
Global feed production is still growing: from 996 million tons in 2015 to over 1 billion tons in 2016, an increase of 3.7 percent. This continuing growth is the result of an increase in consumption demand of animal protein, and improved purchase power of the middle class in regions like Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Top animal-feed-producing countries in 2016 were China and the United States, producing over one third of the global production. Predominant growth came from several African, Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Beef, pig and aquaculture are the fastest growing feed sectors. In Europe, feed production volume grew by 3.4 percent. The region was led by Spain with 8 percent growth. Other major contributors within this region include Russia, Germany and France. China remained the top feed-producing country in Asia with 187.2 million metric tons, while increased production for the Asian region also came from Pakistan, India and Japan, and Vietnam in particular with 21 percent growth over the past year.
GMP+ International
The fastest growing regions were the Middle East (+16.7 percent) and Africa (+13.2 percent), although the total production volume in these regions is still just 6 percent of the global production. North American feed production remains relatively flat. In Latin America, Brazil remained the leader in feed production, while Mexico saw the highest growth in tonnage, now accounting for more than 20 percent of Latin America’s total feed production. The mixed feed production is focused on local livestock farming and aqua culture, while the supply of micro-components, pre-mixtures and feed materials is very much global. The production of these ingredients is not always located in the same country where production of mixed feed takes place. International trade of feed products is growing as a result.
The GMP+ International work organization made some changes to reflect market developments, resulting in new challenges and substantial growth in some countries and regions. In 2016, a management & organization development program resulted in follow-up projects to improve operations and performance. Our operational management has been strengthened in order to ensure the implementation of organizational changes. Additionally, we developed a new comprehensive marketing strategy. We identified the target countries and markets we want to focus on. For each country/region, we choose a preliminary marketing strategy (build, growth, consolidate) with defined activities per strategy. In 2016, we increased inter nal capacity to manage it all in coming years. We established a Business Development unit and will add capacity to Marketing & Communications next year.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
Our final goal is to realize the following objectives:
Realizing the needed capacity for Marketing & Communications and for Business Development
A more customer-oriented approach
GMP+ International is c with partner organizatio GMP+ Feed Certification The standards have pro a few editorial changes due to new legislation.
An adequate network of distributors (Certification Bodies, consultants) in target countries
A good relationship with this distributor network
Utilize a powerful set of IT solutions to support internal processes & organization
An effective involvement of stakeholders in feed and food chain in target countries
Fierce anchoring in the food chain with leading G.A.P. certification scheme holders active in target countries
Several frequencies for
in fats and oil, as laid d ‘Sampling and Analysis due to a change in Eur appendix will be publis
As a result of a more r
protocol for monitoring which is also a part of and Analysis’, was upd 2016. In this respect, cooperating with other order to harmonize req
The procedure in appe
which a company shou limit is exceeded, has
In appendix BA6 ‘Labe
requirement to declare delivered service (tran into force, as per 1 Oc
GMP+ International
consistently working ons to improve the n scheme. oven to be mature, yet were necessary, some
In appendix BA10, several changes have been made related to options for gatekeeping transport: road transport for hay/straw and inland waterway transport in specific regions. A new version will be published on March 1 2017.
r monitoring on dioxins down in appendix BA4 s’ have been adjusted, ropean legislation. A new shed in March 2017.
risk-based approach, the g on Aflatoxin in maize, appendix BA4 ‘Sampling dated several times in GMP+ International is r feed safety schemes in quirements.
endix BA5 ‘Early Warning’, uld follow when a safety been updated.
In addition to these editorial changes, there were other important developments within the GMP+ FSA scheme in 2016. Among those are Harmonization of Purchase Requirements and Reliable Laboratories and Testing.
elling and delivery’ the e the GMP+ status of the nsport and storage) came ctober 2016.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
HARMOnIzATIOn OF PuRcHASe RequIReMenTS Together with three other leading European feed safety schemes, important subsequent steps were taken to harmonize purchasing requirements. All parties involved aim for uniformity, transparency and clarity in the (international) market. Currently, there is too much confusion due to differences, and companies sometimes take advantage of that. Uniform purchasing requirements should also lead to improved safety in the food supply chains. The leading principle for harmonization, is that all suppliers need to have a feed safety assurance system established, and demonstrate correct operation with a certificate. However, for certain supply chains, Gatekeeper options still must be defined. In 2016, twelve different feed materials were specified for which common Gatekeeper requirements will be defined in line with the key gatekeeping principles. A structured comparison of all requirements in the different schemes was made, in order to define similarities and differences. Also, talks have been initiated, to define common purchase requirements for refinery byproducts. Final conclusions are expected spring, 2017. Talks about common gatekeeping requirements for other feed materials will begin in 2017.
GMP+ International
RELiAbLE LAbORAtORiEs And tEstinG This project aims to improve the reliability of analytical results with regard to feed safety. This improvement will be created by:
1. defining performance criteria for the analysis of contaminants in 2016, the performance criteria for Aflatoxin b1, dioxins and PCb’s, heavy metals, and pesticides were approved. A first draft of the performance criteria for antibiotics was discussed. Final performance criteria are expected in 2017, as some topics related to antibiotics (e.g. MRL’s) are under discussion in the European Union. the performance criteria for laboratories will be implemented into the standards in due time. 2. developing GMP+ protocols for the registration and verification of laboratories performing analyses for feed companies drafts of the protocol for the registration and verification of laboratories have been discussed. In due time, only GMP+ Registered Laboratories can be used to perform analyses for the presence of Aflatoxin b1, dioxins and PCb’s, heavy metals, pesticides and antibiotics in feed products from GMP+ companies. Laboratories will be registered as a GMP+ Registered Laboratory after certain requirements have been met, as verified by a Certification body. the protocols will be finalized in 2017. 3. Establishing suitable sampling methods (by adjusting GMP+ bA13 Minimum Requirements for sampling) Regarding sampling methods, a work group has been created to monitor the progress of the project. A first draft was discussed with the work group. Interviews with representatives of the feed sector were conducted to learn about sample taking in practice. Input is used to create a new draft of the updated sampling methods. These developments will continue in 2017.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
Within the GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (FRA) module, three market initiatives set requirements in ‘GMP+ Mi documents’ regarding the production and trade of responsible feed.
Both SMK (manager of the ‘Milieukeur’ certification scheme for pork, eggs and poultry meat) and the Dutch dairy industry (via ‘Duurzame Zuivelketen’ - Responsible Dairy Chain) requested a certification option for feed companies to demonstrate the use of responsible soy in feed supplied to pigs, poultry and dairy cows. Their requests have been laid down in the applicable MI documents: GMP+ MI102 Responsible pig & poultry feed and GMP+ MI103 Responsible dairy feed. The GMP+ MI101 contains requirements for the Chain of Custody (supply chain) of RTRS soy. In 2016, a change in the purchasing requirements for both MI102 and MI103 was prepared. As of February 1, 2017 it is no longer possible to buy RTRS credits outside of the RTRS trading platform, because of the undesirable risk of double-counting credits. After consulting with experts, GMP+ International concluded that removing this option from the GMP+ MI102 and MI103 documents was the best decision going forward.
GMP+ International
Due to a lack of interest in the market and the of absence of clear benefits, GMP+ International has drawn the conclusion that the Responsible biomass Assurance scheme is not viable.
With The Netherlands as the target market, the market potential was estimated at 50 to 70 companies in the segments production of biomass, trade and transport. However, the number of certified companies for the Responsible Biomass Assurance scheme is only six. The expected incentives from the Dutch Ministry for Economic Affairs were not realized, despite earlier expressed policy intentions in this regard. GMP+ International will work with the board of BBO (Biogas Branche Organisatie) towards a sustainable solution.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
in 2016, GMP+ international assessed the 30 accepted Certification bodies by means of compliance audits, as a result of the continuous implementation of the GMP+ Integrity Policy. Type of compliance audit
CB Audit (not risk-based)
Acceptance Audit (not risk-based)
Parallel Audit (risk-based)
Witness Audit (risk-based)
Repeat Audit / extra (not risk-based)
Desk Assessment (not risk-based)
* This table includes the number of Certifications Bodies and participants visited by GMP+ International auditors as part of the compliance assessment process
Compliance audits risk-based are selected utilizing our renewed risk-based audit framework, a methodology based on three pillars: 1) results of the annual risk assessment, 2) number of participants per Certification Body and 3) results of the annual grading system for the assessment of Certification Bodies (the third being in its pilot phase). Comparative table of compliance audits conducted since 2014 Year
Compliance audits conducted
* This table includes the number of Certifications Bodies and participants visited by GMP+ International auditors as part of the compliance assessment process
GMP+ International
Because of a decrease in the number of compliance audits in 2014 and 2015, GMP+ International hired a new auditor to be part of the GMP+ International audit team. After six months of training, the auditor started conducting audits in July 2016 As a result of parallel audits (to verify the method by which an audit is executed by Certification Bodies), GMP+ International encountered several findings at the participants related to noncompliances with the GMP+ FSA module (see below). These will be analyzed internally for improvement of the current requirements of the GMP+ FC scheme.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
Certification requirements
Infrastructure requirements (PRP of the infrastructure) / FSMS requirements
Purchase requirements
Delivery/labelling requirements
Monitoring and measuring
Identification and traceability requirements
Recall / EWS requirements
Internal audit requirements
Production requirements
HACCP requirements
GMP+ International
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Annual Report 2016
Top three critical nonconformities determined by Certification bodies in regular audits at GMP+ participants:
1. Purchase and Gatekeeper protocol for products and services from non-GMP+ certified companies. 2. noncompliance with the cleaning regime and registration requirements of transport companies. 3. Lack of cooperation of companies during the GMP+ audits with Certification bodies and contractual fulfilment of companies with Certification bodies.
Of the results mentioned above, purchase requirements are in the top three critical nonconformities observed by the Certification Bodies during regular audits and also in the top three critical findings observed during parallel audits (see previous table). These will be analyzed internally for improvement of the current requirements of the GMP+ FC scheme.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
With 250 EWs notifications across 152 EWs cases, we see a significant increase compared to 2015 (147). the number of warnings (21) was almost the same as in 2015 (+4). The relatively low number of warnings (compared to the number of notifications) shows that GMP+ certified companies take control of problems at an early stage, thereby reducing risks of contamination in the chain. Most warnings related to feed material contaminated with pesticides and mycotoxins. Four additional audits were required to further investigate compliance with the GMP+ FSA requirements. In 2016 we found companies in the feed chain to be increasingly confused about pesticide legislation. In 2017 GMP+ International will provide additional insight and information. nEW EWs PROCEdURE FOR GMP+ CERtiFiEd COMPAniEs (GMP+ bA5) In the final quarter of 2016 a renewed version of GMP+ BA5 Minimum Requirements EWS was approved. The changes encompass mainly clarifications of existing conditions and a more strict EWS reporting requirement. The renewed GMP+ BA5 went into effect on March 1, 2017. InFOGRAPHIcS For the second time in two years, conclusions of EWS were reported in an infographic. For the first time the (anonymized) list of notifications was shared with GMP+ certified companies. They are encouraged to use this information to improve their own HACCP system. In 2017 we will continue communicating EWS results in a more visual way. Using infographics, the main findings will be shared (at least twice a year) with participating companies.
GMP+ International
eWS cuSTOMeR SATISFAcTIOn SuRvey In 2016, a survey was held among GMP+ participants to measure the results of several implemented changes over the years regarding EWS. The survey shows that we are perceived as friendly, knowledgeable, and as a source of objective and informative information. However, companies don’t always know what to expect from GMP+ International regarding response time. Also, companies express the wish to receive more information from GMP+ International and make notifying more easier. The first step towards improved transparency has been taken by the publication of a list of products, contaminants and countries of origin which were involved in an EWS notification. Further steps will be taken by the development of the EWS-app in 2017. The main conclusions of EWS 2016 were reported in an Infographic
Early Warning System (EWS) Facts & figures 2016
Of which
+103 notifications compared to 2015
Resulted in
+54 cases compared to 2015
+4 warnings compared to 2015
Notifications by product type
-9 audits compared to 2015
Notifications by hazard Pesticides/insecticides
Feed material
67 45
199 117
Compound feed
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36 18
53 22
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
RISk ASSeSSMenTS In 2016, an update of a complete set of risk assessments of all feed material available in the Feed Support Products was realized. This process started in 2014 in collaboration with SecureFeed and eFISc. In 2016, the amount of new feed materials increased to 89 (from 75 in 2015). This continuing increase can be explained due to:
specific Feed safety Lim This year GMP+ Interna up a Frequently Asked Q GMP+ d3.19) about pes list was published due t asked by GMP+ particip determine the correct p FAq list offers help in c the MRL’s for pesticides recommendations in ca unclear.
changes in EU regulation (e.g. former feed additives). The EU has also extended the scope for animal by products for aqua. As a result, these feed materials also need to be listed on the FSP product list;
product innovations (e.g. insect meal and oil): nowadays, more products are considered to be feed material;
the application of new technology to produce more refined products, like the splitting of the (vegetable) raw materials into different components (e.g. Oligosaccharide from corncob);
the continuous search for new sources of protein or products that not only have nutritional value but also offer good results in animal health (e.g. yeast beta glucans).
GMP+ International
mits (GMP+ bA1) ational has drawn Questions List (FAQ sticide in feed. the to the many questions pants about how to pesticide MRL. the correctly determining s in feed and gives ase legislation is
GMP+ MOnitORinG dAtAbAsE The GMP+ Monitoring database is an extra service for all GMP+ certified companies to manage their monitoring program. This tool also allows for collaboration with other companies in a group and sharing analysis results. The more data becomes available, the better companies will be able to improve and update their monitoring program. In 2016 33,644 analysis results were stored in the GMP+ Monitoring database. 23,372 of those analysis results were shared with the GMP+ Community. Most users hail from The Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Thanks to feedback from our users we were able to fulfill a number practical requests. For example, the export of our results now shows which results have already been shared with the GMP+ Community. With this new option, users can easily and quickly show their auditor that they have complied with the obligation to share certain results. In 2017, we will continue asking users about their needs. This should lead to a clear vision at the end of the year.
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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments
FeeD FRAuD GuIDAnce Fraudulent practices can result in the presence of undesirable substances or products in feed. This is a direct threat to food and feed safety. That is why GMP+ International strives to increase awareness among certified companies. In 2015 a working group was established to develop a Feed Fraud Information document. This was done in cooperation with representatives from the feed chain and food authenticity professor dr. ir. S. van Ruth of Wageningen Research/Rikilt. The production of this document was mainly motivated by an increased number of fraud incidents, decreasing consumer confidence and requirements imposed by several quality schemes and governments. The Feed Fraud Information document was published in January 2017. This document provides companies with tips and information about how to prevent becoming involved in fraudulent practices. Feed Fraud, reported in an Infographic
Feed fraud and its impact Feed fraud is the fraudulent addition of non-authentic materials or fraudulent removal or replacement of authentic materials.
When intentional and economically motivated adulterations happen in the feed chain, it affects our business. • It undermines our assurance of feed safety • It affects the integrity of your products or business • It ends up for us in bad reputation and reduced confidence • It results for you in loss of clients and less sales
Feed fraud signals intercompany chain Purchase • Below normal market price • From another origin than normal • Name of product or supplier is not in line with contracts
Logistics/transport • Product traversed a non logical route within the supply chain • Product loaded at another location than expected • Other transporting company than contracted
Receiving • Product looks or smells strange • Documents are missing / changes are made on documents • Product is sealed but seal is broken or packaging has been opened
Production • Processing is different than normal (smell, capacity, melting point, etc.) • Finished product analysis are different than expected • Animal production results are reduced unexpectedly GMP+ International
1.10 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS OF GMP+ SCHEMES AND STANDARDS In response to requests from companies, consultants and stakeholders, GMP+ International started working on a comprehensive project aimed at restructuring schemes and standards. The last fundamental change in the structure of GMP+ schemes and GMP+ standards was implemented in 2006. In 2016, several brainstorm sessions with key parties were held. GMP+ International received feedback that will serve as the foundation for our project plan, which will be carried out in several phases, starting in 2017. The feedback we received is as follows (summarized):
New companies experience difficulties understanding the structure and requirements
Companies want less documents Companies want less detailed requirements Companies want more freedom in how to comply with requirements Focus on feed safety Avoid lots of text in communications A work group has been established to evaluate and improve the GMP+ scope system. The first results are expected to be presented to the IEC in April, 2017.
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GMP+ International
Target Audience & Relationship
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
It is crucial that feed companies are aware of the fact that they are part of the food chain. This means that feed must be safe in order to enable livestock and aqua farmers to produce safe milk, eggs, meat and aquatics for the consumers. Each individual entrepreneur in every link of the feed chain contributes, and therefore is responsible for the realization of safe feed for safe food. In 2016, the following vision and mission were leading in our activities.
GMP+ International
vISIOn Our dream is for all companies in the feed chain worldwide to be committed to contributing to the production of safe and responsible food of animal origin.
MISSIOn We see our role as a provider of a reliable, practical and comprehensive feed certification scheme, leading internationally. We also wish to link parties, stimulate shared responsibility and exchange knowledge and information.
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
in 2016, GMP+ international was guided by our organization’s guiding p and our relationships with stakeholders.
CONNECTED We are accessible, with an open attitude towards our partners and are involved with our partners and customers. We realize that feed is part of the food chain.
Our choices are made based on rationally defensible arguments, best practices and are if possible scientifically motivated.
GMP+ International
principles. these express our core values regarding internal conduct
We are reliable and transparent. We do what we say and we make clear why and how we do this in a morally and justified way.
AWARE We are knowledgeable and respond to developments, changes and wishes of both our external environment and our internal organization.
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
GMP+ International aim food chain by providing sustainable feed for ani
Improvement of the quality of certification; Strengthening our work organization; Focusing on customer service & product development according to customer needs;
Anchoring GMP+ certification in the feed & food chain.
GMP+ International does n for all parties in the feed c Certification Bodies and ot benefit of worldwide feed
Our platform function is re 4 (Services & Communica of our decisions, we apply committees (see appendix nomination of GMP+ Inter process of our standards.
Decision making process
Preparation o
consultation o
Public consult
Consultation o
Finalization de
GMP+ International
ms to be an international platform for stakeholders in the feed and g uniform and standardized guidelines and tools to assure safe and imals.
not only provide feed safety certificates. We are also a source for knowledge chain. It is essential for us to be continuously in touch with our participants, ther stakeholders in order to ensure experience and knowledge is shared for the safety.
ealized through various media and means of communication. Please see chapter ation) for more detailed information on this subject.To ensure global acceptance y the principle of well-balanced multi-stakeholder’ participation in our expert x 1 for the composition of the board bodies). The members are appointed on rnational’s partners (see section 3.1) and play a key role in the decision making
of draft by GMP+ International
of involved subcommittee
tation of all stakeholders
of international Expert Committee
ecision process and publication
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
2.5 GMP+ CERTIFIED COMPANIES in 2016, the number of certified companies (both GMP+ FsA and GMP+ FRA) again increased substantially. Also, GMP+ international expanded in several growth markets. At the end of 2016, the number of GMP+ FSA (Feed Safety Assurance) certificates was 16,018 (see appendix 3), the number of GMP+ FRA (Feed Responsibility Assurance) certificates was 344 (see appendix 4) and there were six GMP+ RBA certified companies for substrates for fermentation. Our year over year growth was over 10 percent overall. Companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy and Hungary were the main drivers for this growth. In Asia (China, Indonesia and Malaysia) we noticed moderate growth, while Vietnam shows increasing interest. In Latin America, we see moderate growth, and the market in North America is flat. ChALLEnGEs On EntRy Research among recently GMP+ certified companies shows some regions experience difficulties with language, culture, and interpretation of our standards. A lack of knowledge of EU legislation (on which GMP+ Feed Certification is strongly based), finding local qualified suppliers, or applying gatekeeper protocols are also frequently mentioned bottlenecks regarding entry. Also noted is a lack of qualified auditors of Certifications Bodies.
GMP+ International
GMP+ International will continue developing resources to better support companies facing these challenges. The objectives for next year are laid down in our 2017 business plan. In our communication, we will introduce more visuals and animations (see chapter 4). Focus newsletters, seminars and webinars are other communication tools to better educate our target audiences. New partnerships with training institutes (in the context of GMP+ Academy), or the introduction of Registered Consultants, as well as the simplification of our scheme serve the same purpose. Additionally, in the framework of capacity building, we will stimulate Certification Bodies to reflect to the market interest by investing in training in order to get more qualified auditors.
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
2.6 INTEGRITY GMP+ International applies the Integrity Policy to ensure confidence that certified companies comply with the principles and requirements of the applicable GMP+ normative standards in a proper and unimpaired manner. Therefore one of the core values of our organization is integrity. We are fair and sincere towards all parties involved, both internal and external. Applying our Integrity Policy in a proper way provides all parties in the feed chain with the trust that Certification Bodies conduct GMP+ audits in accordance with GMP+ requirements and that assessments are carried out in an impartial, competent and consistent way.
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
GMP+ International
Partners & Stakeholders
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Chapter 3
Partners & Stakeholders
We pursue support, involvement, and engagement of our stakeholders in the feed and food chain through partnerships. When a trade association in the feed and food chain endorses our vision, values, and ambitions, it can express its support and commitment by becoming a partner. Food companies can also become partner. Ultimo 2016, GMP+ International had 34 partners. These partners represent the whole feed chain as well as livestock farming, dairy, meat and egg processing industry.
29 national trade associations from the Netherlands (18), Germany (7), Ireland (1), France (1), Ukraine (1), and Chile (1);
1 international trade association (International Marine Fumigation Organization);
1 European trade association (EFPRA); 3 Netherlands-based but international operating food companies (veal, pork, and dairy).
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Chapter 3
Partners & Stakeholders
3.2 GMP+ NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES In growth regions or regions with growth potential, as well as regions with cultural differences and language barriers, we work with local professionals as national representative to answer questions from interested local parties. They also help GMP+ International to better understand regional challenges. bRAziL Mrs. Angela Pellegrino ( cHInA Ms. Berry Wang ( ukRAIne Mrs. Tatiana Kopnyak (
We operate according to the principle of well-balanced multi-stakeholder participation in our expert committees. Partners can nominate candidates in the International Expert Committee and its subcommittees. For the composition of the board bodies on December 31, 2016 see appendix 1.
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Partners & Stakeholders
3.4 CERTIFICATION bODIES in 2016 the number of accepted Certification bodies for the GMP+ FsA module was 30 (unchanged from 2015) with 346 accepted auditors. At the end of 2016 however, GMP+ International started a new acceptance process of a new Certification body.
the assessment of the com an impartial, competent an
Also the following 10 ce and 28 auditors are acc Responsibility Assuranc
Agrizert Zertifizierung The number of accepted Certification Bodies for the Control Union Certifica GMP+ FRA module increased from nine to ten, with DEKRA Certification Gm the new accepted certification body being Agrizert DNV GL Business Assu Zertifizierung GmbH. IFTA A.G. Kiwa Nederland GMP+ International is not a stand-alone party Lloyds Register Quality committed to feed safety. We work with GMP+ Schouten Certification participants and GMP+ accepted Certification Schutter Certification B Bodies to reach this important goal. We are bound SGS Product & Process by the same common interest. GMP+ participants are responsible for complying with the principles and requirements of the applicable GMP+ normative standards in a proper and unimpaired manner. Certification Bodies play an important role in assessing and certifying companies. By issuing a certificate the Certification Body expresses a justifiable confidence that the participant fulfils the applicable requirements regarding feed safety assurance. Therefore, the Certification Body must be committed to conduct GMP+ audits and manage the certification process in accordance with the requirements and applicable criteria, and carry out
GMP+ International
mpanies/participants in nd consistent way.
ertification bodies cepted for GMP+ Feed ce:
GmbH ation B.V. mbH urance B.V.
y Assuranc B.V. B.V. s Certification B.V.
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Chapter 3
Partners & Stakeholders
Certified companies are responsible for complying with GMP+ requirements, but the Certification Body has the responsibility to assess and certify companies. Issuing a certificate expresses justifiable confidence that the company complies with the applicable requirements of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. One of the important tasks of a Certification Body is to ensure the skills, knowledge and competences of their auditors and technical reviewers, so they can act impartially and assess compliance with the normative standards in a consistent way. To obtain and maintain trust, it is essential that a Certification Body’s decisions are based on objective evidence of (non)conformity, and that its decisions are not influenced by other interests or by other parties as mentioned in the ISO 17021 requirements.
With Registered consultants we aim to provide assistance to feed companies that are interested in GMP+ Feed safety Assurance (FsA) certification, as well as GMP+ FsA certified companies in their search for competent and reliable consultants to advise them on their feed safety management system. GMP+ International considers consultants as an important channel for the distribution of GMP+ FSA certification in the market. GMP+ International regularly receives requests from feed companies for consultants to give them support in order to obtain a GMP+ FSA certificate. It is in the interest of involved feed companies as well as GMP+ International that support is provided by competent consultants.
GMP+ International
Territory covered
AMIRANDA Ltd Mr. Alexander Miroshnichenko
AT.CF Mr. André Tinnes
France (especially north of Loire), Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium
CKBadvies Mr. Hedde Cazemier Ms. Lianne Goettsch
The Netherlands Other countries possible, provided that the language spoken is English Hungary Romania Serbia Croatia Bosnia Slovakia Ukraine (near to the border) Austria Slovenia
Argentina Chile Uruguay Paraguay
KDV Group Ms. Florencia Diaz Velez MNC Group LLC
Mr. Grigoriy Mazur
Russia Belarus Poland Cyprus
Neolab Malgorzata Świderska Mrs. Malgorzata Świderska
TDM Trade-Marketing-Group LLC Mr. Aleksandr Konoval and Ms. Natalia Lysenko Vetcetera AB Mr. Hakan Palm
Ukraine Russia Poland Cyprus Nordic & Baltic countries
*overview of GMP+ International Registered Consultants. For full company details and area of expertise, see appendix 5 Annual Report 2016
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Chapter 3
Partners & Stakeholders
3.6 GMP+ ACADEMY GMP+ Academy is an initiative of GMP+ International, in co-operation with several training institutes and has been set up with the objective of sharing knowledge about Feed Safety Management to all levels and of achieving maximum safety in the whole feed chain.
Overview of GMP+ Academy members
GMP+ International
3.7 MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF OTHER FEED SCHEME HOLDERS With some other feed safety assurance certification schemes in Europe, an official mutual recognition has been agreed upon based on equivalency. This means companies certified for one scheme can supply their products (to certified companies) in other schemes. This reduces the burden and the costs for a company with respect to feed safety assurance and certification, and avoids trade barriers.
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Chapter 3
Partners & Stakeholders
3.8 COLLAbORATION WITH G.A.P. (CERTIFICATION) SCHEMES IN LIVESTOCK AND AQUA FARMING A number of Good Agricultural Practice (G.A.P.) certification schemes require that participating livestock farmers to only buy feed from GMP+ FsA or equivalent certified feed suppliers. iKb’s, bEtER LEvEn And sMK (thE nEthERLAnds) In the Netherlands, a number of G.A.P. systems for veal, broilers, laying hens, and pigs require that the participating farmers purchase feed only from GMP+ FSA certified or equivalent feed suppliers. The so-called IKB systems are SMK (‘Milieukeur’) and Beter Leven.
GMP+ International
GLObALG.A.P. (intERnAtiOnAL) GLOBALG.A.P. and GMP+ International entered into a worldwide strategic partnership in 2015, which was confirmed by a Letter of Intent. Both organizations, while keeping their independence, are looking to harmonize governance and system rules in order to provide a strong, efficient and transparent tool for the feed industry. This is also in the best interest of downstream livestock and aquaculture farmers. Final attunement will be realized end 2017. Then, GLOBALG.A.P. will terminate its Compound Feed Standard and link the standards for livestock and aqua farming with regards to animal feed to the GMP+ feed certification scheme.
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Chapter 3
Partners & Stakeholders
POLish bEEF AssOCiAtiOn (POLAnd) In 2015, Polish Beef Association (Polskie Zrzeszenie Producentów Bydła Mięsnego - PZPBM) and GMP+ International also signed a Letter of Intent. PZPBM wants to add value to Polish beef by linking feed safety to its quality label. PZPBM is convinced it will be in the interest of the Polish beef producers to use feed from GMP+ FSA certified suppliers. Final attunement should be realized end 2017. QM-MiLCh (GERMAny) Furthermore GMP+ International has an agreement with QM-Milch e.V. (QM meaning Qualitätsmanagement Milch) in Germany about a Country Note for suppliers of feed to dairy farmers participating in the QM-Milch standard. It focuses on the production of high quality milk and safety. OQUALiM (FRAnCE) GMP+ International has a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with Oqualim in France. Currently there is no mutual recognition between GMP+ International and Oqualim. This MOU aims to work together on different topics of mutual interest. One of the goals of the project is to identify the GMP+ feed safety conditions - which are not (yet) part of the Oqualim standard - for the production of pre-mixtures and compound feed. Successful application of this document by an Oqualim certified company can result in obtaining an additional GMP+ FSA certificate in an efficient way. This initiative aims to facilitate trade between French companies and GMP+ certified counterparts internationally.
GMP+ International
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GMP+ International
Services & Communication
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Chapter 4 Services & Communication
The four distinct services of GMP+ International are all aimed at ensuring and promoting feed safety across the globe.
GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance is a complete module for the assurance of feed safety in all links of the feed chain.
GMP+ Feed Responsibil In order to demonstrate production and trade, a certified for the GMP+ F Assurance module.
Early Warning Syste Facts & figures 2016
Of which
+103 notifications compared to 2015
Demonstrable assurance of feed safety is a license to sell in many countries and markets and participation in the GMP+ FSA module facilitates this. Based on needs in practice, multiple components have been integrated into the GMP+ FSA module, such as requirements for the quality management system (ISO 9001), HACCP, product standards, traceability, monitoring, prerequisites programs, chain approach and the Early Warning System.
The feed sector faces dem Notifications Cases working responsibly. This the use of soy (including s products) and fishmeal, pr respect for humans, anima Notifications by product type The main goal of this mod participants in meeting ma responsibly produced feed
+54 cases compared to 2015
Feed material
199 117
Compound feed
36 18
Non-feed 5 7
Early Warning system ( Our Early Warning syst reporting of irregulariti safety. It aims to promo communication about ( risks throughout the pr Premixes
4 0
Feed additives
3 5
2 0
Premix and a complementary feed
1 0
2016 2015
Want to know which prod
A list of the EWS cases 2016 is for our participants on the GM
GMP077 EWS print.indd 1
GMP+ International
lity Assurance e responsible a company can get Feed Responsibility
EWS prevents or limits the harmful consequences for people, animals and the environment. No feed safety management system can prevent incidents caused by nature, human error or criminal actions. Within the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, EWS forms an important safety net, to limit a (potential) issue at an early stage through adequate measures.
em (EWS)
ed in
mands with regardAudits to Warnings includes, for example, soy derivatives and soy roduced and traded with als and the environment. Notifications by hazard dule is to facilitate GMP+ arket requirements for d.
+4 warnings compared to 2015
-9 audits compared to 2015
Feed support Products (FsP) The Feed Support Products provide a uniform source of data, links between relevant files and efficient search functionality, and a lot of facts and figures about hazards in feed, production processes of feed material – and for over more than 20 years of monitoring data in feed.
67 45
53 22
48 12
(EWs) tem (EWs) is the early ies regarding feed ote fast response and (new) hazards and roduction chain. 30 10
22 21
Heavy metals
16 19
Feed additives/ Veterinary medical products
7 0
Prohibited substances
6 18
1 0
2016 2015
ducts and from which origin?
With the Feed Support Products, GMP+ International offers various sources of information in an interactive way. This can support companies in the implementation of a proprietary HACCP system. It has a search engine for instance, and in a risk assessment, users can click straight to the applicable standards. It makes consulting the information more user friendly and efficient.
now available MP+Portal!
10-03-17 10:56
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Chapter 4 Services & Communication
4.2 COMMUNICATION IN 2016 the aim of communications within GMP+ international is to explain complex matters to a diverse audience with great diversity in language, culture, knowledge and background. There is an increasing need for communication through the latest channels available. As a non-profit organization we work with limited budgets and resources. this makes fulfilling our communications goals challenging. In 2016, the following methods of communication were used to provide support and explanation about existing and renewed requirements. nEWsLEttERs Through our newsletters, we frequently clarified new requirements, renewed standards and country notes. With these newsletters we aim for better understanding, application and implementation. Topics addressed include calibration of weighing and dosing devices, application and certification of feed additives, how trade and sales offices can participate in the GMP+ FC scheme, and guideline for sampling. In 2016 we published 22 EWS newsletters, 20 regular newsletters and eight withdrawals/suspensions. TRAInInG In Buenos Aires, we provided training for auditors. During this training all kinds of requirements and conditions, as laid down in the GMP+ standards, were clarified. Real life cases were used to make this event as useful as possible. hELP dEsK Throughout the year, we received numerous questions about the interpretation and application of our standards. These give us better insight into bottlenecks and serve as an inspiration for addressing improvements in our subcommittees. In relation to our ambition to become more customer oriented in 2016, a full-time employee was hired in the spring of 2016.
GMP+ International
New GMP+ International eWS Newsletter
New GMP+ International Newsletter
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Chapter 4 Services & Communication
Chart overview of topics being addressed at the helpdesk
Since May 2016 a total of 392 questions related to Standards have been received and registered by our helpdesk. As seen below, most of the questions related to Transport and Generals questions B standards. GuIDAnce In 2016, we released several GMP+ D documents. These guidance documents are not part of the normative documents, but provide background information and explain specific elements of our scheme. In addition, some FAQ lists were updated in 2016. Published D documents include: ‘D3.5 Where does GMP+ FSA certification start?’ and ‘D.3.6 Starting with GMP+’. RePReSenTATIveS In Brazil, China and the Ukraine, our Representatives serve as a gateway and have a signaling function with regard to the needs of their region. PUbLishinG By publishing articles in international professional magazines, we reach a larger target audience. We explain our basic principles or clarify new developments. In 2016 we published 17 articles in various magazines. WEbsitE With all information available about our scheme, the GMP+ International website forms the backbone of our communications strategy. Information about our requirements, certified companies, suspensions, events and much more is available in ten languages for Certification Bodies and companies. In 2016 we had 132,809 visitors from 174 countries. The top 10 countries of visitors are: The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Belgium, Brazil and Spain.
GMP+ International
sOCiAL MEdiA Social media such as LinkedIn in particular is frequently used to draw attention to publications and events. In China we set up WeChat. In 2016 we had 1,167 followers on LinkedIn and 97 on WeChat. WORKshOPs, sEMinARs And WEbinARs Workshops (both online and offline) are a great way to get in touch with participants and various target audiences in a more personal manner. Workshops and seminars are used in regions with an increasing need for knowledge expansion or information exchange. In 2016 we organized seven seminars and one webinar.
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
GMP+ International
Facts & Figures
Annual Report 2016
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Chapter 5 Facts & Figures
bALANCE SHEET AS PER DECEMbER 31, 2016 December 31, 2016
December 31, 2015
€ 221,475
€ 236,899
€ 822,00
€ 1,089,694
€ 877,456
Cash and cash equivalents
€ 1,029,900
€ 1,299,742
€ 2,341,891
€ 2,414,097
ASSeTS FIXeD ASSeTS Tangible fixed assets Financial fixed assets cuRRenT ASSeTS
December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015 LiAbiLitiEs Equity Provision Short-term debts
€ 1,808,345 € 533,546 € 2,341,891
€ 1,948,609 € 1,694 € 463,794 € 2,414,097
GMP+ International
5.2 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT OVER 2016 December 31, 2016
December 31, 2015
Gross Margin
€ 3,736,845
€ 3,319,924
Total operation costs
€ 3,604,324
€ 3,129,287
Operating result
€ 132,521
Financial benefits and charges
€ 1,991
€ 190,637
€ 4,456
Result on ordinary activities before taxation
€ 134,512
€ 195,093
Taxation on result from ordinary activities
€ -24,975
€ -37,816
€ 109,537
€ 157,277
€ 2,433
€ -8,627
€ 111,970
€ 148,650
Share in the result of participations Result after taxation
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Chapter 5 Facts & Figures
REsULts For 2016, there will be an estimated loss of € 177,375. This loss is a result of the heavily invest in the professionalization of the organization in that year as well. B different choices were made in 2016 (see below). The net (positive) result after t € 111,970. In 2015 the net (positive) result was € 148,651.
The GMP+ certificate has a strong place in the market. The scheme is solid and i in collaboration with our stakeholders. Because of that, the number of GMP+ cer growing (almost +10 percent in 2016). This explains the 13 percent increase in t
OPtiMizAtiOn it And bUsinEss PROCEssEs In addition to the professionalization of the personnel file, a lot of energy has bee reinforcing the business processes of the organization (one the strategic objectiv Before investing in IT, the processes were analyzed. As a result of this, an IT solu unnecessary in certain cases, after which a process-based solution was chosen. A were carried out within the ‘standard’ IT budgets. Key figures Key figures
Number of FTE
Working capital
€ 1,586,048
€ 1,713,404
€ 1,545,536
Liquidity Current Ratio Current assets / current liabilities Solvency EV / Balance sheet total
€ 981,
GMP+ International
e conscious choice to Based on new insights, tax for 2016 is
is frequently adjusted rtified sites keeps turnover.
en invested in ves) in 2016. ution proved to be A lot of adjustments
â‚Ź 1.040,774
Annual Report 2016
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Appendix 1
Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees
GMP+ International
Annual Report 2016
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees
General Shareholders Mr. J. (Johan) Schuttert MSc – for Foundation GMP+ International Mr. M. (Matthé) Vermeulen – for Foundation GMP+ International
Supervisory Board Mr. Prof. Dr. A. (Anton) Pijpers Mr. W.J.M. (Wim) Thus BSc Mr. J.G.A. (Jan) van Zuuren Management Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog, Managing Director Mr. R. (Roland) van der Post, Operations Director (per November 2015)
GMP+ International
Dispute committee Mr. J. Nicolai Mr. M. Helmstaedt Mr. F.A.M. Bouvy Mr. A. Fikse Mr. C (Ciaran) Dolan MLLA Ms. M (Marion) Schaefer Mr. P.W. (Pieter) van Baal MLLA Mr. H. (Harry) Valh Mr. C. Grütters Secretary: Hill International Lawyers
Annual Report 2016
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees International Expert Committee Animal Feed 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials
Mr. R.
Production of moist feed materials
Mr. W
Production of feed additives
Mr. P.
Trade in and collection of feed materials
Mr. S.
Storage and transshipment of feed materials and feeds
Ms. P.
Treatment of feed materials
Ms. D
Forage Trade
Ms. H
Transport and chartering of feed materials and feeds
Mr. H.
Mr. H. Production of pet foods
Mr. D.
Production of premixes and compound feeds
Mrs. B
Mr. F.
Mr. M
Mr. Y. Livestock Farming
Mr. H.
Processing, wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)
Mr. J.
Independent chairman
Mr. R.B.M. (Ruud) Huirne
Mrs. C
Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Mrs. L. (Leyla) Alpaca
GMP+ International
Deputy members
. (Ron) van Noord
Ms. A. (Anette) Klomp
W.J.G. (Wim) Thielen
Mr. A.J. (Anne-Jacob) Waterlander
. (Peter) Fidder
Mr. H. (Diek) van Ramshorst Mrs. J. (Jil-Denise) Bohmfalk
. (Stefan) Hodapp
Mrs. J. (Jana) Subei
P. (Paulien) van de Graaff
Mr. G.P.J. (Govert) Schouten
D. (Deirdre) Webb
H. (Huguette) Tychon
. (Hans) Ruumpol
Mr. F. (Frank) van den Eijnden
.E. (Henk) Steinmann
Mr. J. (Jan) Vogelaar
D. (Dirk) van Korven
B. (Birgit) Maier-Stein
Mr. M.J.M. (Martin) van Bohemen Mrs. A. (Anita) Holzenkamp
.W. (Friedrich) Schneider
M.J.C. (Manfred) Hessing
.J. (Ymte) Yntema
Mr. P. (Pieter) Kling Mrs. M. (Marieke) Pen
.J.M. (Henk) Boelrijk
.L. (Jacques) de Groot
Mr. D. (Derk) Oorburg
da member
C. (Clara) Hagen
Annual Report 2016
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees International Expert Committee Responsible Biomass 2015-2018 Subsectors
Trade in and collection of biomass products/ ingredients
Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association (Het ComitĂŠ)
Production of bio-energy
Biogas Branche Organisatie (BBO)
Trade in and collection of biomass products/ ingredients
Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelaren in Stro, Fourage en Aanverwante produkten (HISFA)
Production of bio-energy
Biogas Branche Organisatie (BBO)
company name
Independent expert
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (
Transport and Chartering of Biomass
Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Mrs. D. (Dalia) Brkulic
GMP+ International
Partner Deputy member
Deputy member
Mr. J. (John) van de Ven
Mr. K. (Koos) Felsbourg Mr. M. (Maarten) van Vulpen
Mr. A.J. (Anne Jacob) Waterlander Member
company name
Dhr. B. (Bert) van Asselt Mr. F. (Frank) v/d Eijnden Mr. T. (Toine) Peters
Annual Report 2016
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Composition Subcommittee Certification and Compliance 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials Production of liquid feed materials Production of additives
Mr. C.
Trade & collection of feed materials
Mr. C.
Road transport Rail transport Inland waterway transport Sea vessel transport
Mr. F.
Production of pet foods Production of premixes and compound feeds
Mr. D.
Mr. H.
Livestock farming & aqua culture Processing, wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)
Mr. D.
Certification bodies
Mrs. B
Ms. P.
Mr. A.
Mr. D.
Mr. M Mr. J.
Mr. R. Chairman
Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog
Mr. M
Secretary Mr. A. (Lex) van Ee Secretary Mrs. L. (Leyla) Alpaca
GMP+ International
Deputy members
. (Carl) van der Auwera
Mr. B. (Ben) van den Berg
. (Christian) Grütters (Frank) van den Eijnden
.E. (Henk) Steinmann
Mr. J. (Jan) Vogelaar
. (Dirk) van Korven
Mr. M. (Michaël) Hovenjürgen Ms. I. (Imelda) Gielen Van der Kruij
. (Derk) Oorburg
P. (Petra) Kock
B. (Birgitta) Kratochwil
. (Alan) Baccon
.J. (Erik) Verweij
M.E. (Evert) van de Pest (Joachim) Mehnert
Mrs. M. (Marjolein) van Meel Mr. J. (Jobst) Düstersiek
. (Remco) Pieters
da member
M. (Martin) van Bohemen
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Composition Subcommittee Production 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials
Ms. A. (Alice Mrs. C. (Car
Production of liquid feed materials
Mr. C. (Carl) Mrs. A.T. (An
Production of additives
Mr. H. (Diek
Production of pet foods
Mr. D. (Dirk)
Production of premixes and compound feeds
Mr. G. (Geo) Mr. H. (Heiko Mrs. A. (Astr
Livestock farming & aquaculture
Mr. H.J.M. (H
Processing, wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)
Mr. J. (Jan) v
Agenda me
Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog
Mr. C. (Coen
Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Mr. J. (Jaap) van der Kloet
GMP+ International
Deputy members
e) Visser rine) van Vuure
Mr. A. (Andreas) Bolte Mr. M. (Martin) Alm
) van der Auwera nne) Sikkema-Hof
Mr. D.G. (Derk) van Manen
k) van Ramshorst
Ms. N. (Natasja) Wouters
Mr. R. (Rene) Schepens
) van Korven
Mr. M. (Martin) van Bohemen
) Hengeveld o) Almann rid) den Hartog-den Bruinen
Mr. A.(Achim) Hedwig Mr. G.(Gerrit) van Heerikhuize
Henk) Boelrijk
van Esch
Mrs. C.L. (Clara) Hagen
n) van der Geest and Mr. P. (Piet) Barten
Annual Report 2016
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Composition Subcommittee Trade & Collection 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials
Mr. C. (Coen
Production of liquid feed materials Trade & Collection of feed materials Storage & transshipment of feed materials and feeds
Mr. R. (Robin Mrs. A. (And Mr. J. (Jaco) Mrs. A. (Aud
Verein der Getreidenhändler der Hamburger BÜrse E.V.
Mrs. B. (Bea
Treatment of feed materials
Mr. M. (Mart
Production of premixes and compound feeds
Ms. K. (Katja Mr. J.E.G.M.
Livestock farming & aqua culture
Mr. H.J.M.(H
Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Ms. A.J.M. (Sandra) de Bruin
GMP+ International
Deputy members
n) van der Geest
Ms. A. (Alice) Visser Mr. D.G. (Derk) van Manen
n) Sanders drea) Wenzel ) Scheurwater drey) Rensen-van Lijden
Mr. P. (Peter) van Vuren Mr. U. (Ulrich) Baudenbacher Mr. J.W. (Jan Willem) Baas Mr. B. (Billy) Stack
ate) Dahl
tin) Villa
Mr. C. (Cornel) Boere
a) Kubaschek .(Jos) Kroonen
Ms. J. (Julia) Danoci Mr. K.G. (Klaas Gerrit) Sikma
Henk) Boelrijk
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Composition Subcommittee Transport 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials
Mr. R. (Ron) Ms. S. (Sann
Production of liquid feed materials
Mr. C. (Cyrie
Trade in and collection of feed materials
Mr. J.D. (Jan Mr. A. (Arno
Road transport
Mr. F. (Frank
Rail transport Inland waterway transport
Mr. U. (Uwe) Mr. H.E. (He Mr. G.K.M. (
Sea vessel transport Production of premixes and compound feeds
Mrs. E. (Eva Mrs. J. (Jutt
Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Mrs. D. (Dalia) Brkulic
GMP+ International
Deputy members
) van Noord neli) Kingma
Mr. A. (Andreas) Bolte
el) van Erve
Ms. J. (Judith) Hoes
n Dirk) Stouten o) Hullen
Mr. R. (Robin) Sanders Mrs. H. (Hanneke) Bonninga
k) van den Eijnden
) Schiemann enk) Steinmann (Gerard) Kester
Mr. J. (Jรถrg) Wochnik Mr. J. (Jan) Vogelaar
a) Hรถrstmann ta) Meyl-Sievers
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Composition Technical Committee Feed Support Products 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials
Mr. R. (Ron) Mrs. M. (Mar
Production of liquid feed materials
Mr. E. (Enge
Production of additives Production of premixes and compound feeds
Mrs. S. (Suz Mr. T. (Ton) Mr. J. (Jelle) Mrs. A. (Aria
Trade in and collection of feed materials
Mrs. H. (Hug Mr. G.P.J. (G
Independent experts Mr. R. (Rob) Margry Mr. R. (Richard) Hageraats Mr. F. (Frank) Gort Mr. J. (John) Tersteeg Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mrs. E.A.J. (Els) van der Boon Secretary Mrs. L. (Liliana) Quillama Torres
GMP+ International
Deputy members
) van Noord rjoke) Collombon-Scherpenzeel
Ms. A. (Anette) Klomp Mr. A. (Alexander) Romme
elbert) Heutink
Mr. C. (Cyriel) van Erve Ms. J. (Judith) Hoes
zanne) Zebregs van Paassen ) van Bruggen anne) Schoofs
Mr. W. Scholten Mr. H. (Huub) Rotink
guette) Tychon Govert) Schouten
Mr. M. (Maarten) van Vulpen
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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Composition Subcommittee Responsible Feed 2015-2018 Subsectors
Production of dry feed materials
Mr. E. (Eddy Mr. K. (Kees
Production of liquid feed materials Production of additives Trade & collection of feed materials
Mr. R. (Roel) Ms. P.D. (Pa
Road Transport Rail Transport Inland waterway transport
Mr. U. (Uwe)
Production of pet foods
Mr. D. (Dirk)
Production of premixes and compound feeds
Ms. S. (Suza Mr. Y.J. (Ymt Mr. H. (Herm Mr. B. (Ben)
Livestock farming & aqua culture Processing wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector) Chairman
Agenda me
Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog
Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Ms. A.J.M. (Sandra) de Bruin
GMP+ International
Deputy members
y) Esselink s) van Gorp
) Baakman aulien) van de Graaff
) Schiemann
Mr. A. (Alexander) Romme
Mrs. S. (Sandra) Schouten-Kraaij
Mr. J. (Jรถrg) Wochnik
) van Korven
anne) Zebregs te) Yntema mann-Josef) Baaken ) Lamberigts
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Appendix 2
Partners of GMP+ International
GMP+ International
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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2016.12.31 Partner
Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Eierhandelaren (ANEVEI) The Netherlands
Processing, products int (food sector
Association of Dutch Poultry Processing Industry (Nederlandse Pluimvee Industrie) The Netherlands
Processing, products int (food sector
Binnenvaart Branche Unie (BBU) The Netherlands
Transport an feeds
Biogas Branche Organisatie The Netherlands
Production o
Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschiffahrt e.V. Germany
Transport an and feeds
Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart The Netherlands
Trade and c feeds Production o compound f
Cluster West France
Processing, products int sector)
Deutscher Verband Tiernahrung e.V. Germany
Production o collection of Production o compound f
Dutch Association Processors Slaughter by/products (Vereniging Verwerkers Slachtbijproducten) The Netherlands
Production o
GMP+ International
tive of following economic activities*
wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption r)
wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption r)
nd chartering of feed materials and
of bio energy
nd chartering of feed ingredients
collection of feed ingredients and
of premixes, concentrates and feeds wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food
of feed ingredients Trade and f feed ingredients and feeds of premixes, concentrates and feeds
of feed ingredients
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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2016.12.31 Partner
European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA) Belgium
Production o moist feed m
Feed Chile A.G. Chile
Production o Trade in and
IMFO (International Maritime Fumigation Organization) United Kingdom
Treatment o
Interregional Union of Poultry and Feed Producers Ukraine
Production o
Irish Grain and Feed Association (IGFA) Ireland
Production o Storage and and feeds Trade in and Transport an feeds Treatment o
LTO Nederland The Netherlands
Livestock fa
MVO The Netherlands
Trade in and Production o transshipme
Nederlandse Vereniging Diervoederindustrie The Netherlands
Production o compound f
Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelaren in Stro, Fourages en Aanverwante produkten (HISFA) The Netherlands
Forage trade Trade in and Trade in and ingredients
GMP+ International
tive of following economic activities*
of dry feed materials Production of materials
of premixes and compound feeds d collection of feed materials
of feed materials
of premixes and compound feeds
of premixes and compound feeds d transshipment of feed materials
d collection of feed materials nd chartering of feed materials and
of feed materials
d collection of feed materials of moist feed materials Storage and ent of feed materials and feeds
of premixes, concentrates and feeds
e d collection of feed materials d collection of biomass products/
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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International
Overview of partners anno 2016.12.31 Partner
Nederlandse Voedingsindustrie Gezelschapsdieren The Netherlands
Production o
Raiffeisen Futterring e.V. Germany
Production o Trade in and
Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association (Het ComitĂŠ) The Netherlands
Transport an feeds Trade in and Trade in and ingredients
Royal Friesland Campina The Netherlands
Processing, products int sector)
Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN) The Netherlands
Transport an ingredients Transport an feeds
VanDrie Group The Netherlands
Processing, products int sector)
Verband Deutscher MĂźhlen Germany
Production o
Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e.V. (VDV) Germany
Transport an feeds
GMP+ International
tive of following economic activities*
of pet foods
of premixes and compound feeds d collection of feed materials
nd chartering of feed materials and
d collection of feed materials d collection of biomass products/ wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food
nd chartering of biomass products/
nd chartering of feed materials and wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food
of dry feed materials
nd chartering of feed materials and
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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2016.12.31 Partner
Verein der Getreidehändler der Hamburger Börse E.V. (VdG) Germany
Trade in and Storage and and feeds
Verein der Zucker-Industrie Germany
Production o moist feed m
Vereniging Diervoederspecialiteiten en Diergezondheidsproducten Nederland (VDDN)
Production o
Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Eetbare Oliën en Vetten (Vernof) The Netherlands
Production o
Vereniging Overleggroep Producenten Natte Veevoeder (OPNV) The Netherlands
Production o
Vereniging Voedingsmiddelen in Diervoeder Overleg (VIDO) The Netherlands
Production o Production o collection of Treatment o
VION Food Group The Netherlands
Processing, products for
* These are the economic activities mentioned in section 3.
GMP+ International
tive of following economic activities*
d collection of feed materials d transshipment of feed materials
of dry feed materials Production of materials
of feed additives o
of dry feed materials
of moist feed materials
of dry feed materials of moist feed materials Trade in and f feed materials of feed materials
wholesale and retail of animal r human consumption (food sector)
.1 of the Regulation for Partnership of GMP+ International
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Appendix 3
Participants of the GMP+ FSA Modu
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Participants of GMP+ FSA
1 - 100 101 - 500 > 500
Argentina 59 Australia 1 Austria 486 Belarus 5 Belgium 161 Bosnia Herzegovina 1 Brazil 147 Bulgaria 31 Canada 121 Cayman Islands 2 Chile 4 China 85
Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Ecuador Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Germany Greece
18 9 751 320 3 2 7 3 11 284 5,090 5
Guatemala Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg
1 241 51 73 28 5 538 3 4 12 20 36
Macedonia Malaysia Maldives Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Morocco Netherlands Nicaragua Norway Pakistan Panama GMP+ International
ber 2016
1 52 1 3 4 4 12 4,503 2 18 19 1
Paraguay Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Korea
Annual Report 2016
Total: 16,018
13 65 1,753 8 91 21 30 320 147 18 1
Spain 119 Suriname 1 Sweden 26 Switzerland 47 Taiwan 3 Thailand 13 Tunisia 1 Turkey 26 Ukraine 72 United Arab Emirates 3 United Kingdom 42 full screen
United States Uruguay Vietnam Virgin Islands, British Total:
123 14 17 2
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Appendix 4
Participants of the GMP+ FRA Mod
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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship
Participants of GMP+ FRA
0 1 - 100 > 100
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ber 2016
Annual Report 2016
Total: 344
Belgium Germany The Netherlands
11 6 327
344 full screen
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Appendix 5
GMP+ International Registered Consultants
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Chapter 5 GMP+ International Registered Consultants
Registered Consultants for GMP+ FSA Consultant
Area of Expertise
Mr. Alexander Miroshnichenko
- Production Feed Materials - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm - Transport (road)
AMiRAndA Ltd, 33, Zhukovskogo street, 65045 Odessa, UKRAINE. tel./fax:+38 0482 356621; tel./fax:+38 0482 496698. e-mail: skype: amiranda_ua site: Mob. +38 050 3909380 Mr. AndrĂŠ Tinnes AT.cF 9, Route de Boulay 57220 Halling Les Boulay France tel.: +33 3 87 52 41 65 e-mail: site: Mob. +33 6 78 22 10 69 Mr. Hedde cazemier Ms. Lianne Goettsch CKbadvies Herenweg 76 8435 WX Donkerbroek The Netherlands Tel. +31(0)516 49 21 61 Mob. +31 (0) 653 30 22 26 e-mail: site:
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm - Transport - Production of and Trade in of petfood
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transhipm - Transport (Road) - Production of and Trade in of petfood
GMP+ International
mixtures ment
mixtures ment
Territory covered
France (especialliy North of Loire), Germany Luxemboug Belgium
The Netherlands
Other countries possible, provided that the language spoken is English
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Chapter 5 GMP+ International Registered Consultants
Registered Consultants for GMP+ FSA Consultant
Area of Expertise
Mr. András Pék
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm - Transport (Road, Rail & Inland Waterway Transport) - Production of and Trade in of petfood
FEEd sAFEty Ltd Hungary 8000 City: Székesfehérvár str: Sasvári 11 Mob. +36205630255 e-mail: site: Ms. Florencia Diaz velez kDv Group Santa Fe, Argentina Tel. 3462314406 e-mail: site: WWW.KDVGROUP.COM Mr. Grigoriy Mazur MnC Group LLC Novgorodskaya Str. 11, of. 402 Kharkov, Ukraine tel: +38(057) 752 30 49 e-mail: site:
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm Transport - Production of and Trade in of petfood
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm Transport - Production of and Trade in of petfood
GMP+ International
mixtures ment ys
mixtures ment
mixtures ment
Territory covered
Hungary Romania Serbia Croatia Bosnia Slovakai Ukraine(near to the border) Austria Slovenia
Argentina Chile Uruguay Paraguay
Ukraine Russia Belarus Poland Cyprus
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Chapter 5 GMP+ International Registered Consultants
Registered Consultants for GMP+ FSA Consultant
Area of Expertise
Mrs. Malgorzata Świderska
- Production Feed Materials - roduction Compound Feed and/or Premix - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm - Transport
neolab Malgorzata Świderska ul Hanki Sawickiej 11 63-210 Żerków, Poland tel: +48 695 795 959 e-mail: site: Mr. Aleksandr konoval and Ms. natalia Lysenko tdM trade-Marketing-Group LLC Kollektornaya st. 3a Kiev, Ukraine tel: +38-(095)-18-17-947 e-mail: site: com Mr. Hakan Palm vetcetera Ab Kagerod, Sweden Mob. +46 705 677 776 e-mail: site: or (English)
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm - Transport - Production of and Trade in of petfood
- Production Feed Materials - Production Compound Feed and/or Prem - Trade & Collection, Storage & Transshipm - Transport - Production of and Trade in of petfood
GMP+ International
xtures ment
mixtures ment
mixtures ment
Territory covered
Ukraine Russia Poland Cyprus com
Nordic & Baltic countries
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GMP+ INTERNATIONAL Braillelaan 9 2289 CL Rijswijk The Netherlands 070 3074 120
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COLOPHON Published by GMP+ International B.V., Rijswijk, The Netherlands Concept, Copywriting and Coordination: Joris de Gooijer Editor: Stonewall Tekst/Jeroen Langelaar Graphics and Layout: BB-Go grafisch ontwerp
© GMP+ International B.V. All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from GMP+ International B.V.
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