GMP+ International Annual Report 2021

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A new beginning Annual report 2021


Editors: Joris de Gooijer - Marketing & Communication GMP+ International Jeroen Langelaar - MJL Corporate Communicatie Design: Thijs Ruijgrok - Studio Ruig Photography: Adriaan Verhoeven, Der Fotograf Gerald Schmidt, Shutterstock, Pexels Disclaimer: This publication was established for the purpose of providing information to interested parties with respect to GMP+-standards. The publication will be updated regularly. GMP+ International B.V. is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication. © GMP+ International B.V. All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted on the screen, downloaded and printed as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from the GMP+ International B.V.

A new beginning Annual report 2021



Vision & Mission


Corporate objectives


Core values


Certification & Compliance


Business strategy


GMP+ International in numbers


GMP+ FC scheme 2020


Business Information Management


Standards & Feed Support Products


Transition in management


Product overview / performance


GMP+ Academy


Human Resources


Interactions with the GMP+ Community


Marketing & Communication


New GMP+ International office


Business Development


GMP+ Community Partner overview, Certification Bodies, Mutual Recognition, National Representatives, IEC and sub-committee, Registered consultants




Financial results




A new beginning Just like the previous year, 2021 was marked by great uncertainty as a result of the enduring COVID-19 pandemic. But this time around, along came glimmers of hope. The shared efforts of governments, scientists, businesses and general populations allowed for cautious optimism, and promises of a new beginning. For GMP+ International, a new beginning it certainly was. Not only did we finally get to implement the completely redesigned GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, we also launched the GMP+ Academy, and welcomed a new management team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Johan den Hartog for his decadeslong dedication to our organisation, and to Feed Safety Worldwide. We are thankful that Johan’s experience and knowledge will be around for a few more years, and wish him the best in his new, parttime role as Business Development Director. At the same time, we've welcomed Bram Schuit as Commericial Director at GMP+ International. New GMP+ Feed Certification scheme After years of preparation, and gathering input and feedback from our worldwide community, we are proud to report that the new GMP+ FC scheme is up and running. With a restructured layout, and clearer and more goal-oriented standards, the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme stands ready to serve our community – and feed safety – for decades to come. In September, Microbalans, based in Oirschot, the Netherlands, became the first company to be certified under the renewed scheme standards.

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Rijswijk, the Netherlands, May 2022

GMP+ Academy By launching the brand-new GMP+ Academy in July, we fulfilled the challenge presented by our community during our 25-year anniversary conference in Amsterdam in 2017. The feed sector challenged GMP+ International to play an active role in gathering and sharing feed safety knowledge. Along with training institutes and feed safety experts from our organisation, we created an easy-to-use online marketplace with feed safety modules for feed companies all over the world (read more on page 34). To be able to launch a new GMP+ FC scheme as well as a professional learning platform in the midst of a pandemic, shows what our sector is capable of when we work together. That spirit is much needed in the years ahead, as our sector navigates through challenges in feed safety, shifting consumer demands, sustainability, climate change, transparency and the data revolution. So let this be a new beginning for all of us. We invite feed companies and all our stakeholders to participate. Take the lead, share your thoughts and ideas, and continue to work together for Feed Safety Worldwide.

‘ The launch of the GMP+ Academy shows what the feed sector is capable of when we work together’

Bram Schuit

Roland van der Post

Commercial Director

Operations Director


Vision & mission

Vision Everyone in the world should have access to safe food. Therefore every company in the animal feed chain should be committed to safe feed.

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Mission We deploy a certification scheme that facilitates companies to contribute to safe feed. To keep our scheme and community up to date we gather and share worldwide valuable information regarding feed safety assurance.


Corporate objectives

For 2021, we continued to work in accordance with the corporate strategic objectives established in 2017, and our 2018-2023 roadmap. Extra emphasis was placed on the market approach.

Corporate objectives for 2021

Systematic Market Approach ptimising services & products O according to customer needs nchoring GMP+ certification A in the feed & food chain

A new beginning Annual report 2021


Core values

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Thought Leadership As an international platform, we are in a unique position for the whole feed supply chain. We feel the moral obligation to inspire our community through innovative ideas. We turn ideas into reality towards Feed Safety Worldwide.

Market Focus Our drive is to facilitate our customers to provide Feed Safety Worldwide. By nature we are curious to understand the needs of our customers in this mission. So we can align our approach effectively.

Pragmatic Our passion is Feed Safety Worldwide. We believe we can achieve this by acting in a way that makes sense and is realistic in daily practice.

Together We can achieve the best results in the whole chain by working together both in and with our community in weighing the various interests towards Feed Safety Worldwide.


Certification & Compliance

‘Remote auditing will be part of the standard toolbox’ Roland van der Post Managing Director

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Certification & Compliance (C&C) makes sure GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA certificates are awarded in accordance with the GMP+ FC scheme. It does so by continuously monitoring the performance of Certification Bodies (CB’s). C&C is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the certification rules, harmonization of processes of CB’s and GMP+ auditors, and the examination of auditors. 2021 was the final year of C&C as a separate department. What stood out? ‘ Immediately after the first travel restrictions were put in place, Roland we worked together with CB’s to facilitate remote auditing. In 2021, remote auditing really took center stage. We published a management decree for remote auditing that allowed Certification Bodies to conduct audits (partially) remote. Local audits were still often performed on-site, audits that would normally involve border crossing were frequently done digitally. This did really vary per region, depending on the COVID-19 rules and regulations.’ Is remote auditing the future? ‘ We believe it will be a standard part of the auditor tool box Roland going forward. In what way, shape or form precisely, is not yet determined. We did publish a guidance for remote auditing to provide auditors with some direction. Remote auditing provided a responsible way to audit companies that otherwise couldn’t be visited.’ What did GMP+ International’s own audits look like in 2021? ‘ GMP+ International conducts so-called office audits in which Roland we audit our CB's. We performed 35 office audits in 2021, 19 of which took place remote. We also revised our Integrity Policy. It is now more to the point and concrete. The Integrity Policy is the basis for our compliance assessments of which the office audits, parallel audits and witness audits are a part.’


‘ GMP+ is not just a project, it is about implementing a new way of working’ Erik Visser Hamlet Protein - Denmark

A new beginning Annual report 2021


Business strategy

Business strategy In 2018, we made a Strategic Business Plan 2019 – 2023. This is our guidance for the remaining years. For the second straight year, the COVID-19 pandemic had an effect on our business strategy, although this time around we were better prepared and its impact was less disruptive than in 2020. Working from home, remote auditing, and hybrid meetings became part of our standard way of working.

Main achievements per strategic area: Market & customers

Certification Scheme & additional services

Updated market surveys for target countries and conducted customer survey for Italy, France, Spain & Italy

After years of preparation, 2021 marked the year that companies started to transfer to the renewed GMP+ FC scheme 2020

Optimised capacity: Registered Consultants, National Representatives and Certification Bodies

Increased focus on customer needs

Expanded our network, formed task forces (Italy, Brazil, Poland), and increased the number of partners Facilitated knowledge transfer (launch GMP+ Academy) and organized regional webinars Executed Certification Body support program

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Developed a FSP improvement strategy Optimised Certification Body support Promoted Registered Services

‘ We were better prepared and its impace was less disruptive’

Anchoring in the feed and food chain



Developed strategic collaboration with certification schemes in livestock & aqua farming in food industry

Optimised customerand internal support by streamlining internal organisation

Optimised CRM based on added value for CB’s and companies

Harmonised feed safety procedures with other feed safety schemes Increased involvement of chain partners in the GMP+ program/events

Training Business English Lean training for 5 employees and start with a lean project approach

Rationalised application landscape Increased efficiency and reduced paper use Anchored IT's place in the organisation

Employer Branding aligned with core values Optimised organisation and processes of the GMP+ Helpdesk Implemented the GMP+ new way of working (new open office, hybrid working)


GMP+ International in numbers

19,139 801 GMP+ FSA Certified companies as of December 31, 2021

A new beginning Annual report 2021

GMP+ FRA Certified companies as of December 31, 2021

3,859 384* 1

87 Countries with GMP+ FSA certified companies 500+ certificates 101 to 500 certificates < 100 certificates No certificates

31 385 43

Resolved GMP+ Helpdesk cases

Notifications received on our Early Warning System (EWS)

EWS Warnings published

GMP+ accepted Certification Bodies

GMP+ accepted auditors

Feed & Food strategic chain partnerships


GMP+ FC scheme 2020

GMP+ FC scheme 2020 After years of preparations, GMP+ International launched the redesigned GMP+ Feed Certification scheme in march 2021. Originally scheduled to be launched in 2020, the new scheme was delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new scheme is easier to read, more goal-oriented, and structured in a more logical way. These changes make the management system easier to understand and implement. By having goal-oriented standards, companies get more freedom in how they achieve the required end result. GMP+ International decided to redesign the scheme after carefully listening to feedback from the worldwide GMP+ community. During the process of rewriting and restructuring the scheme, certified companies and industry experts were regularly consulted to ensure the new scheme aligned with their needs. Although there is a three-year transition period in place, Certification Bodies started auditing based on the new scheme in September of 2021. Microbalans from Oirschot, the Netherlands, was the first company to be certified under the new system. ‘As a newly-founded company in the feed sector, it is important to have simplicity and structure in business operations’, Jasper Oomen, owner of Microbalans, said afterwards. ‘The new GMP+ FC 2020 standard helps achieving this and ensures feed safety standards that are accepted worldwide. We are thankful to join the growing GMP+ community and look forward to a beautiful future.’




Company documents



Learn about the feed safety system and how we work together towards feed safety and responsibility

Work with the right requirements for your certification

Consult the guidance for explanations and terminology. Contact GMP+ International for additional support

Company documents & Certification Body documents

Company documents

A new beginning Annual report 2021


Business Information Management

‘ Modernizing and optimizing data’ Martin van den Bedum Business Information Manager

It is the responsibility of GMP+ International’s Business Information Management department to contribute to the realisation of the company’s goals and ensure that all IT means are up to date, and properly aligned with all informational flows of GMP+ International.

How did BIM contribute to a more efficient organization in 2021? ‘ By further optimising and modernising our application landscape. We introduced Martin HelloSign for digital signing, introduced SRXP and expanded the use of Exact Online. We did this because we had too many isolated applications for timesheet registration, financial reports, commuting and expense allowance. Not to forget all the manual processes that came along with it. This was time consuming and error sensitive. Because of these changes, the process of approving invoices and declaring receipts is much more efficient. By going completely digital, we use a lot less paper and improved the quality and reliability of our processes and data.’

‘By joining forces, we not only created more flexibility but also a more lean organisation as well.’

A new beginning Annual report 2021

What was the contribution of BIM to the development of the GMP+ Academy? ‘ We were heavily involved from the start. We took part in the discussions about the Martin strategy and goals, and our specific responsibility was to ensure a solid, robust platform. Our team determined the necessary non-functional requirements for the software and hardware like availability, redundancy and speed. We looked at the ideal way to store data and which tool would support the GMP+ Academy goals best. The development of the platform could only start when all preconditions were met. We are very satisfied with the process and the results. Because of the strong technical basis, we now have a modern and future-proof platform to share knowledge with our community. In addition, the way we developed the Academy can be used as a best-practice for other projects within GMP+ International.’ Any other accomplishments which you are proud of? ‘ In the final quarter of 2021, we finalized the merge of the service-providing departments Martin within GMP+ International. Business Information Management, Office Management, Finance, and Support now belong to the newly-formed Business Operations Team. This gives everybody, especially Business Information Management, an improved existence within GMP+ International. We are more able then before to support our colleagues and GMP+ International’s main business. By joining forces, we not only created more flexibility but also a more lean organization as well.’


A new beginning Annual report 2021

‘GMP+ certification has been an enriching experience for us’ Jorge Martinez Cargill Animal Nutrition - Spain

‘ GMP+ FSA certification allows us to access new markets’ Sid Ahmed Sidha Winterisation - Mauritania


Standards & Feed Support Products

‘ New scheme is a huge step forward for feed safety’ Standards & Feed Support Products is responsible for the standards and supporting services of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. Standards are regularly updated on the basis of new insights about feed safety management, both from our community as well as from feed industry experts. The department is also in charge of developing and updating the Feed Support Products, which offer support to certified companies and auditors. With the launch of the new GMP+ FC scheme, 2021 must have been a busy year for your department? ‘ It was a busy year indeed, but an exciting year as well. The redesigned scheme Els represents a huge step forward for GMP+ International, our worldwide community, and feed safety at large. Since we have a transition period in place, the 2010 scheme and the 2020 scheme now co-exist. This means that our team is constantly working to process changes and improvements in both schemes. As for the 2020 scheme, there were still some open ends that had to be solved.’ Dik

‘ For instance, it is now possible to exclude a part of the production from GMP+ FSA certification. Before, it was only possible to certify the whole production. The new situation is much more efficient for production plants, and makes it easier to join the scheme. This is especially true for companies that only have one or a few customers within the GMP+ chain.’

Were there other ‘open ends’ that needed to be solved? ‘ Yes, there were several others. One of them was the issue of carry-over and Dik homogeneity. The new scheme is more goal-oriented, yet there were some topics that were so technical that we needed some more time with, and this was one of them. Standards for carry-over are in place to prevent unwanted substances and residues of feed additives and veterinary medicinal products ending up in feed. Instead of having

A new beginning Annual report 2021

extremely specific descriptions of the methods for carryovers, like in the old scheme, we now define only the required outcome. This gives companies more freedom in how to reach that goal. Similar changes were made for requirements for monitoring in fats and oils.’ With the focus on the 2020 scheme, did the Feed Support Products receive any attention as well? ‘ They certainly did! It is our goal to support the GMP+ Els Community through the Feed Support Products and other services. We aim for an optimal user experience. That is why we asked several GMP+ certified companies about their experiences with our Feed Support Products, their usefulness, and their needs for improvement. This will result in an improvement program for the coming years. The first actions will be shared with the community next year.’ ‘ Furthermore, in 2021 the International Database Transport for Feed (IDTF) got a significant upgrade. A new platform was launched, that included an improved search function. The GMP+ Helpdesk fielded over 4,500 questions from our community, and did so in more languages than ever. We added new staff to the Helpdesk and specifically looked at broadening the available languages. Now, we have Helpdesk colleagues who are fluent in English, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. This is crucial to our goal of serving our worldwide community the best way we can.’

Dik Wolters

Els van der Boon

Are you satisfied with the progress made in 2021? ‘ Absolutely. Both the scheme and the support are structured Dik and displayed in a way that is much more clear. That is also what we hear from our community. They are happy with the redesigned scheme and its goal-oriented approach.’ Els

‘ And we make sure that we continue to listen to the certified companies. That is why we also started interviewing companies about our Feed Support Products. What do you value? What elements should be improved or perhaps discontinued? How can we serve you better? These interviews provided us with valuable insights for our multiyear FSP plan.’


Transition in management

Transition in management In the summer of 2021, GMP+ International started a transition in leadership. Roland van der Post took on the role of Managing Director, replacing Johan den Hartog, who assumed the role of parttime Business Development Manager. Bram Schuit joined the management team as Commercial Director. Approaching retirement age, Johan believed it is time for GMP+ International to start the process of transitioning to a next-generation management team. Johan has worked in the animal feed sector for over 40 years, and has led GMP+ International since its founding in 1992. Roland van der Post, the company’s former Operations Director, started as Managing Director on August 1st. Confidence ‘ I certainly do not have a lack of energy, motivation or ideas, but I feel it is in the Johan best interest of GMP+ International to responsibly start transferring my duties and assignments’, Johan said. ‘I have the utmost confidence that my successor, together with our teams and partners, will succeed in expanding our worldwide feed safety community. I am happy to be able support this transition for a couple of years until my full retirement age.’ Continue to build Upon taking his new role, Roland said he wants certified companies to benefit from the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme to the fullest extent and that he looked forward to getting to know the GMP+ community even better. ‘ Thanks to Johan, I inherit the lead of an organization that is financially solid and Roland strategically well-prepared for the future. We will continue with our current strategy and build on the foundation he has laid over the past 30 years.’ Opportunities Bram Schuit, with two-plus decades in the feed and food sector under his belt, joined the management team on September 1st. ‘ With over 19,000 certified companies and stakeholders all over the world, we are the Bram frontrunner in the world of feed safety’, Bram said. ‘GMP+ International, in collaboration with its stakeholders, provides tools to produce safe feed. That carries a lot of responsibility, but offers beautiful opportunities at the same time.’

A new beginning Annual report 2021


Product overview / performance

GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance As of December 2021, 19,139 companies in over 87 countries worldwide were GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certified. This constitutes an increase of 513 (+2.75%) compared to 2020. In close cooperation with the GMP+ committees, who represent the GMP+ Community, a number of changes to the scheme have been prepared and implemented in the GMP+ standards. The changes mainly concern corrections - better explanation of the requirements, alignment with the GMP+ FC scheme 2020 principles and better alignment with the daily practice of GMP+ certified companies. Some changes address content topics: • Control of residues & homogeneity, • Exclusion of production from GMP+ certification, • Partial lifting of the feed ban, • Performance criteria for pesticides analysed by registered laboratories.

GMP+ FSA certified companies Region/s





C.w. of Ind. States



C.w. of Ind. States

Northern & Southern Europe



Northern & Southern Europe

Eastern Europe



Eastern Europe


Western Europe



Western Europe
















Asia (ex. Near East)

Latin America & Caribians Near East Northern Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Northern America Oceania Total

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Region/s Asia (ex. Near East)

Latin America & Caribians

2019 531 71 1,810


Middle East




Northern America Oceania

270 8 18,270












Middle East












Asia (ex. Near East) C.w. of Ind. States


Latin America & Caribians

Northern America Oceania


Countries with GMP+ FSA certified companies

500+ certificates 101 to 500 certificates < 100 certificates No certificates


Product overview / performance

GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance As of December 2021, 801 companies in 16 countries were GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (FRA) certified. This is an increase of 41 companies, which represents a 5,3% increase over 2020. The certified companies in Westen- and Eastern Europe have grown. In close cooperation with the GMP+ committees, who represent the GMP+ Community, two standards of the GMP+ FRA module received an update; GMP+ MI5.1 / MI101 and GMP+ MI5.4/MI105. The changes mainly concern corrections, better explanation of the documents and more aligned with the day to day needs of participants. The changes in MI5.4/MI105 (GMO Controlled) aligned the standard with the updated VLOG requirements (published in June 2021).

A new beginning Annual report 2021

GMP+ FRA certified companies Country























Czech Republic

































































United Kingdom






United States












The Netherlands



Countries with GMP+ FRA certified companies

50+ certificates < 50 certificates No certificates


GMP+ Academy

A new beginning Annual report 2021

GMP+ Academy Feed companies often struggle to organise knowledge transfer within their organisation. The all-new GMP+ Academy provides companies with the tools and training materials needed to acquire and share feed safety skills and expertise. The GMP+ Academy was launched during an online event on July 7, 2021. It is a joint initiative of GMP+ International and partnering Training Institutes. Attendants of the live event received a virtual tour of the GMP+ Academy platform, listened to interviews with international feed safety experts, and participated in breakout sessions with GMP+ Registered Training Institutes and Trainers. Saving costs, higher quality According to Johan den Hartog, at the time still Managing Director of GMP+ International, knowledge is a crucial prerequisite for successfully implementing feed safety management systems, and to realise feed safety worldwide. ‘The GMP+ Academy enables companies to use, develop and share top-of-the-line feed safety training materials. Training institutes and companies will save money and have access to high-quality tools, while the industry can rest assured that companies all over the world base their trainings and policies on the same information.’ Collective Knowledge Program (CKP) The CKP has been created to focus on universal topics that are relevant to all parties in the feed chain, but are hard to develop individually and makes these accessible to the entire sector. CKP is the result of a collaboration by the GMP+ Academy, UK-based AB Agri, De Heus International and Nutreco-Trouw Nutrition from The Netherlands, and VERAVIS/AGRAVIS from Germany. Preventing incidents Brazilian feed safety consultant Ms. Angela Pellegrino Missaglia told the audience that sharing information is fundamental for a healthy industry. ‘As clients and suppliers we are all connected, but each of us deals with different methods, regulations and cultures. Having access to the same information and training materials will go a long way in strengthening the chain.’


Human Resources

‘ Creating an open and inviting work environment’ GMP+ International’s Human Resources department ensures that the company’s workforce is aligned with its core values. HR is a strategic sounding board for the Management and offers support in achieving organisational goals. It supports employees in adapting to strategic directions of the company and supports them in matters of working conditions and employment contracts. What were the biggest changes in 2021 to the internal GMP+ International organisation? ‘ The management transition and the new organizational structure. Johan stepped down Roland as Managing Director and took on his new role as parttime Business Development Director. We attracted Bram Schuit for the new function of Commercial Director, while I took on the role as the new Managing Director.’ ‘ In addition to the management transition, we streamlined our internal organisation by merging departments. Certification & Compliance joined Standards & Feed Support Products in the new Scheme & Customer service department. In addition, Office Management, Business Information Management, Finance, and Support, now together form the new Business Operations department. Martin van den Bedum was named Business Operations Director. These changes enable us to work more efficiently and better support each other.’ 2021 marked the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. How did this affect the organisation? ‘ While 2020 was a year of adjusting, in 2021 remote working became the new normal. Roland Still, we felt responsible for creating a healthy working environment for our employees. That is why we provided them with the means to organise their workspace at home.’

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Roland van der Post Managing Director



‘ Despite the fact that remote working obviously has its downsides, the pandemic did bring out great creativity and collegiality. The team was in touch with each other constantly, and individuals took initiatives for digital quizzes, informal meetings, drinks, and even healthy food packages that were delivered to everyone at home. That tells you a lot about our team.’ And when colleagues return to the office, they won’t find the same office they left, correct? ‘ That’s right. We completely redesigned and redecorated our headquarters in Rijswijk, The Netherlands. We wanted our offices to be an open, inviting and inspirational meeting space, instead of having all these walls separating the different teams. We have flexible work spaces, so everybody is free to sit wherever he or she pleases. This improves office collaboration and sparks creativity.’


Interactions with GMP+ Community

80+ +20%

LinkedIn posts LinkedIn followers

Follow GMP+ International on linkedIn

A new beginning Annual report 2021

12 33 10



Online/offline articles


Monthly newsletters


Marketing & Communication

‘A growing online audience’ Marketing & Communication is responsible for developing and implementing the marketing & communication strategy and planning of GMP+ International. M&C supports the other business units in communicating with the GMP+ Community. In doing so, it ensures communication is aligned with the organisation’s corporate objectives, and meets the needs of our stakeholders.

‘We outperform our competitors when it comes to name recognition and benefits’

A new beginning Annual report 2021

If you look back on 2021, what sticks out? ‘ Well, there are several things we’re proud of. Most notable is the development and Marjon launch of the GMP+ Academy. It is unbelievable how much was accomplished in such a short period, especially during a pandemic. This was also due to the great efforts of our partners. Also special were the pre-summit webinars, two of which were held in 2021. Both webinars were attended by about 500 people from over 80 countries. The pandemic really motivated us to reach out even more to our community online. Because of this, we have seen our online audience grow significantly. For example, our corporate LinkedIn following grew more than 20 percent last year.’ How do you know what the GMP+ community wants? ‘ Primarily by listening. That is why we conduct market surveys every year. In 2021 we Marjon held surveys in Italy, Austria, France and Spain. The main goal of this survey was to gain insights in the needs of our value chain partners in order to keep our product and services relevant. This way we can serve our existing customers better, and also become more effective in attracting new prospects, and strengthen our position. Next to some points of improvement we found that GMP+ International’s market position is very solid and that we outperform our competitors when it comes to name recognition and benefits.’ Talking about name recognition, how’s employer branding coming along? ‘ We continued the ‘Add a + to your career’ recruitment campaign in 2021. We reached Marjon over 15,000 people in November and December through our corporate social media accounts, and thousands more through our personal accounts.’ ‘ In addition, we published a GMP+ Culture Guide for internal use. This guide explains the core- and work values of GMP+ International to employees. It elaborates on what we, as an organisation, aspire to be, and what kind of work culture we want to establish. We want our values to be front and center in everything we do. They are our guide in decision making, collaborations, and our everyday work with colleagues. This publication help us bringing these values to life.’

Marjon Vaartjes Marketing & Communication Manager


New GMP+ International office

A new beginning Annual report 2021

New GMP+ International office GMP+ International completely renewed and redecorated its office in Rijswijk, the Netherlands. With a more spacious and open lay-out, this new work environment improves office workflow, boosts collaboration and interaction. Included in the new office are a redesigned pantry, acoustic seating, meeting rooms and designated focus/silence areas. This area is recognisable by the green dividers between the desks. The purple area allows for more interaction and discussion. Roland

‘ We wanted our offices to be an open, inviting and inspirational meeting space, instead of having all these walls separating the different teams’, said Roland van der Post, GMP+ International’s Managing Director. ‘We have flexible work spaces, so everybody is free to sit wherever he or she pleases. This improves office collaboration and sparks creativity.’ The walls that remain are decorated with GMP+ corporate identity colors and slogans, as well as beautiful photos from throughout the feed sector.


‘GMP+ FSA is a practical guide for our company’s production processes’ Chu Huajun Zhucheng Dongxiao Biotechnology Co., Ltd - China

‘ GMP+ certification gives us peace of mind’ Teresa Rodríguez Verdasco Nanta (Nutreco) - Iberian Peninsula

A new beginning Annual report 2021


Business Development

‘ Commitment to our community’ Business Development analyses market needs, promotes feed safety awareness and is responsible for expanding the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme and external affairs. The department consists of the Commercial Director, Business Development Director and the Business Development Manager. Together they are the public face of the company during international events and meetings.


How did you connect online with the GMP+ community in 2021? ‘ Connecting online with our community worked out great! For example, we organized feed safety webcast series for Asia, Latin America and North America. We created three episodes for each region. The webcasts were hugely successful. Online events eliminate all remaining barriers for companies to attend. We received a lot of support from companies, organisations and industry associations. Sharing feed safety awareness and knowledge globally is a crucial commitment to our community. By organizing these webcasts, we ensure feed safety knowledge is accessible to everyone.’

Olyn San Miguel

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Johan den Hartog

Was it difficult to maintain or strengthen stakeholder relationships during COVID? ‘ One of our core values is ‘together’. Having spent over three decades in this industry, Johan I know the importance of working together with individuals and groups across the globe. That is why we always strive to strengthen our support group and partnerships worldwide. Maintaining and strengthening our relationship digitally because of the pandemic was quite challenging.’ ‘ Nevertheless in 2021, our partnerships with stakeholders continued to grow. In total, we reached 70 partners in feed, food and other schemes. We also reached 15 GMP+ Registered consultants. And after launching the GMP+ Academy on July 7, 2021, we now have 9 Registered Training Institutes and Trainers. We can only sustain knowledge if we keep sharing it – in the right way, with the right mind set, and at the right platform.’

That innovative mindset also extended to attracting new auditors? ‘ That’s right. Certification Bodies are our main support group when it comes to facilitating Olyn feed safety. The role they and their auditors play cannot be underestimated. That is why in 2021 we launched a professional campaign called Life of an auditor, as part of the CB support program we initiated two years ago. Part of the campaign is an infomercial that showcases how important and diverse the work of an auditor really is. This video helps Certification Bodies in attracting auditors, and to solve the shortage of GMP+ auditors worldwide. We are committed to supporting our Certification Bodies any way we can.’

‘ We are committed to ensure feed safety is accessible to everyone’


GMP+ Community

Partners In 2021, GMP+ International supported, involved, and engaged its stakeholders in the Feed and Food chain through partnerships. When a trade association in the feed and food chain endorses our vision, values, and ambitions, it can express its support and commitment by becoming a partner. The graph below does not limit any other collaboration we develop with (non)feed- & food partners.

Feed and Food partners

GMP+ International strategic partner

Private Associations & Food Companies Private Collectives

Feed Scheme Holders

Food Scheme Holders

Good Agriculture Practice Scheme Holders (GAP) Food Safety and Responsibility Assurance Scheme Holders

The graph presents an overview of the structure of GMP+ International’s (strategic) partners.

Partners newsletter Read our Partner Newsletter and other publications on

A new beginning Annual report 2021


GMP+ Community

Collaborations and goals of partnerships Feed and Food Partners Involvement and engagement in the development of our GMP+ certifications scheme(s) and supporting products & services in order to comply with customers’ needs.

VDDN Vereniging Diervoederspecialiteiten Diergezondheidsproducten Nederland

Private Collectives Involvement and commitment to optimise the use and application of expertise and services of each other in order to operate in an efficient and effective manner for stakeholders.

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Feed Scheme Holders Optimising alignment of the several schemes and realising mutual recognition.

G.A.P. Scheme Holders Optimising alignment of GMP+ certification scheme with requirements / needs of schemes for livestock and aqua farming.

Food Safety & Responsibility Scheme Holders Providing combined audits for food companies also producing by-products fit for animal feed; as well as alignment of the GMP+ certification scheme with food industry schemes.


GMP+ Community

Certification Bodies In 2021, the number of accepted Certification Bodies for the GMP+ FSA module was 31 with 385 accepted auditors. Certification Bodies play an important role in assessing and certifying companies. They are responsible for ensuring companies are complying with the principles and requirements of the applicable GMP+ normative standards. Certification Bodies must do so in a proper and unimpaired manner.


31 2 385

Total number of Certification Bodies for the GMP+ feed certification scheme

Critical locations

Total number of accepted auditors

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Mutual recognition with other feed scheme holders With the most feed safety assurance certification schemes in Europe, an official mutual recognition has been agreed upon based on equivalency. This means companies certified for one scheme can sell to and buy from certified companies certified from other schemes. This reduces the offert and the costs for a company with respect to feed safety assurance and certification, and avoids trade barriers.

National Representatives In 2021, we supported growth regions or regions with growth potential, as well as regions with cultural differences and language barriers. We have worked with local professionals as National Representative to answer questions from interested local parties. They also helped GMP+ International to better understand regional challenges. GMP+ International was represented by National Representatives in the following countries: Brazil, China, Italy, Ukraine and Spain.

International Expert Committee (IEC) and subcommittees We operated according to the principle of well-balanced multi-stakeholder participation in our IEC and (sub) committees. For a full overview of our International Expert Committee and subcommittees, please visit

GMP+ Registered Consultants With GMP+ Registered Consultants, we aim to provide assistance to feed companies that are interested in GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certification, as well as GMP+ FSA certified companies in their search for competent and reliable consultants to advise them on their feed safety management system. GMP+ International considers consultants an important extension for the support and distribution of GMP+ FSA certification in the market. In 2021, 15 Registered Consultants were active in 25 countries. For a full overview please visit



A new beginning Annual report 2021

Governance GMP+ International is an independent non-profit organisation. It is a private company with limited liability under Dutch law (B.V.), registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration no. 27364542. This legal form enables us to operate independently and flexible in the operation and international cooperation. The mandate of the management of the organisation is laid down in its Articles of Association. The shareholder of GMP+ International is GMP+ International Foundation. Ten Dutch trade associations participate in this foundation, representing the whole feed chain. This Dutch character shows our origin. We are open to extend shareholdings to other stakeholder groups internationally. According to Dutch law, the Managing Director is the board of the organisation and authorised in final decision making. According Dutch company law, for specified strategic decisions he needs the approval of the General Shareholders Meeting or the Supervisory Board. The chairman and secretary of GMP+ International Foundation compose the General Shareholders Meeting. The Supervisory Board consists of three persons. It serves as a sounding board and advises the Management Board. The Management Board consists of the Commercial Director and the Operations Director. They are supported by several teams with in total 28 employees and a number of external service providers.


‘GMP+ FRA prepares us for tomorrow’s feed sector’ Geert Scherrens Voeders Scherrens NV - Belgium

‘ Because we benefit in so m we will continue our collab GMP+ for years to come’ Sigrid Pauwelyn Trotec NV - Belgium

A new beginning Annual report 2021

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Financial results

Explanatory note to financial figures Like last year, the net margin increased significantly. This was mainly due to COVID-19 as we had lower travel and event costs. Filled vacancies also contributed to lower costs. In addition, the turnover showed a steady growth. We continued investing in IT to improve our support to customers. With growing liquidity and equity, we have a solid financial position for the coming years.

Key figures Key figures
















Number of FTE






Working capital

€ 1,834,521

€ 1,322,908

€ 1,079,370

€ 1,045,119

€ 1,518,280

Liquidity Current Ratio Solvency Other

A new beginning Annual report 2021

Balance sheet as per December 31, 2021 Assets

Dec, 31, 2021

Dec, 31, 2020

Tangible fixed assets



Financial fixed assets






Cash and cash equivalents





Dec. 31, 2021

Dec. 31, 2020







Dec. 31, 2021

Dec. 31, 2020

Gross Margin



Total operation costs







Result on ordinary activities before taxation



Taxation on result from ordinary activities





Fixed assets

Current assets

Liabilities Equity Short-term debts

Profit and loss account over 2021

Operating result Financial benefits and charges


We believe everybody, no matter who they are or where they live, should have access to safe food.

GMP+ International Braillelaan 9 2289 CL Rijswijk The Netherlands t. +31 (0)70 - 307 41 20 (Office) +31 (0)70 - 307 41 44 (Help Desk) e.

A new beginning Annual report 2021

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