3 minute read

'A growing online audience'

Marketing & Communication is responsible for developing and implementing the marketing & communication strategy and planning of GMP+ International. M&C supports the other business units in communicating with the GMP+ Community. In doing so, it ensures communication is aligned with the organisation’s corporate objectives, and meets the needs of our stakeholders.

We outperform our competitors when itcomes to name recognition and benefits

If you look back on 2021, what sticks out?

Marjon – ‘Well, there are several things we’re proud of. Most notable is the development and launch of the GMP+ Academy. It is unbelievable how much was accomplished in such a short period, especially during a pandemic. This was also due to the great efforts of our partners. Also special were the pre-summit webinars, two of which were held in 2021. Both webinars were attended by about 500 people from over 80 countries. The pandemic really motivated us to reach out even more to our community online. Because of this, we have seen our online audience grow significantly. For example, our corporate LinkedIn following grew more than 20 percent last year.’

How do you know what the GMP+ community wants?

Marjon – ‘Primarily by listening. That is why we conduct market surveys every year. In 2021 we held surveys in Italy, Austria, France and Spain. The main goal of this survey was to gain insights in the needs of our value chain partners in order to keep our product and services relevant. This way we can serve our existing customers better, and also become more effective in attracting new prospects, and strengthen our position. Next to some points of improvement we found that GMP+ International’s market position is very solid and that we outperform our competitors when it comes to name recognition and benefits.’

Talking about name recognition, how’s employer branding coming along?

Marjon – ‘We continued the ‘Add a + to your career’ recruitment campaign in 2021. We reached over 15,000 people in November and December through our corporate social media accounts, and thousands more through our personal accounts.’

‘In addition, we published a GMP+ Culture Guide for internal use. This guide explains the core- and work values of GMP+ International to employees. It elaborates on what we, as an organisation, aspire to be, and what kind of work culture we want to establish. We want our values to be front and center in everything we do. They are our guide in decision making, collaborations, and our everyday work with colleagues. This publication help us bringing these values to life.’

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