Your introduction to the GMP+ Academy June 2022
Collective Feed Industry Knowledge Program
Knowledge about Feed Safety Management is a key point for the future of the feed business internationally
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December 2020
GMP+ Academy mission The mission of the GMP+ Academy is to enable professionals in the feed chain to contribute to feed safety worldwide by facilitating, sharing and securing knowledge. We achieve this by collaborating with renowned training institutes and trainers.
'Harvesting the power of knowledge, together!' Roland van der Post Managing Director, GMP+ International
Collective Your introduction Feed Industry to the Knowledge GMP+ Academy Program
December May 2021 2020
Why a GMP+ Academy for Feed Safety? Everyone, no matter where in the world, should have access to safe food. Thanks to the consistent focus on uniform standards within the entire feed chain, GMP+ International brings global feed safety one step closer every single day. To fulfil our ambition, knowledge exchange about Feed Safety and in-depth knowledge of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme is a crucial and strategic subject.
Knowledge exchange about Feed Safety is crucial in our global feed safety mission 5
Your introduction to the GMP+ Academy
Challenges for feed companies The need to obtain knowledge To lower feed safety risks, companies in the feed chain have the need to obtain knowledge about feed safety within their own organisation and towards their suppliers.
Needs differ widely The needs for actual knowledge, new insights and skills on feed safety differ widely between regions and sectors. Therefore, sometimes it is hard to acquire or maintain the right knowledge and skills to manage feed safety risks.
Financial and or time resources It is not always feasible to create specific training materials about relevant feed safety topics yourself due to a lack of financial or time resources, or specific knowledge.
May 2021
Your introduction to the GMP+ Academy
The GMP+ Academy: bringing learning needs and offer together! Exchange of knowledge • Accessible knowledge for the global feed community • Keep your knowledge up to date • A customised approach for every feed professional with specific demands • Enable collaboration between the trainers / training institutes
Safeguard quality of knowledge • Offer a high level of quality-knowledge • Facilitate and maintenance of knowledge • Secure knowledge on one central platform
May 2021
GMP+ Academy vision on learning, three pillars:
Learning together and from each other
2 Learning on a global and regional level
3 Learning on the job, learning material must be practically applicable
Your introduction to the GMP+ Academy
The benefits of the GMP+ Academy Find global and regional feed safety modules in one platform Accessible anytime, anywhere The entire feed chain benefits from mutual learning goals Practically applicable learning materials Grow your network by getting access to the GMP+ Academy marketplace Get directly in touch with the community through the online forum
May 2021
The GMP+ Academy Designed for companies in the feed chain, made possible by Training Institutes from all around the world. The entire feed chain can participate.
Visit the digital platform at
The GMP+ Acdemy's Advisory Board
The GMP+ Academy’s Advisory Board Main task of the Advisory Board (AB): To support the GMP+ Academy to bridge the gap between the need of the feed industry, and the learning offer, To close this gap successfully, both the need of the industry and the learning offer should be identified
Role of the AB: Be a ‘critical friend’, Be an ambassador, give stature to the quality level of the GMP+ Academy to the outside world, Give input on new needs that should be addressed by the GMP+ Academy and its partners, identify relevant trends, Be able to create access to AB’s own organisation if needed, e.g. when the GMP+ Academy seeks professionals that could help to validate new offerings of the GMP+ Academy
May 2021
Advisory Board members: Justyna Maczynska - FIPAA (Feed Ingredients and Premix Association of Asia) Representing: Association/ Feed Chain Region: Asia Florencia Diaz Velez - KDV Consulting Representing: Consultants Region: Latin America Reinder Sijstsma - Nutreco Representing: Companies Region: Europe Carl IJzerman - De Heus Representing: Companies & Collective Knowledge Program Region: Europe Pablo Lomeli - SGS North America Representing: Certification Bodies Region: North America Ine van der Fels - Wageningen University & Research (WUR) Representing: Institutes Region: Europe
Collective Feed Industry Knowledge Program
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