Mineral Use Poster Book

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Minerals in your kitchen

Trash can are one thing that you can most likely find in your kitchen. You would be surprised what you can find in just a metal trashcan. There are two minerals and those two minerals are chromite and hematite.

Another thing that most people have in their kitchen are matches. Matches only have a couple minerals but they start the fire. These are stibnite, and sulfur

Another place in your kitchen that you can find minerals is just in your common refrigerator. Your refrigerator has a lot of cool minerals in it that when tou look at it you don't even think of. These minerals are Hematite, chromate(stainless steal), Galena, copper, cinnabar, and pentlandite.

Another place in your kitchen that you can find minerals is in your plain old dish washer. your dishwasher has a lot of different minerals in it. Those minerals are Hematite, Chromite,Galena, Copper, Quartz,and Hematite

There are many other places in your kitchen to find minerals, you just have to look

Minerals in the Makeup Most People Use Everyday!

Lipstick There are many minerals in makeup the significant minerals that are in most lipsticks are Talc, Barite, and Bismuth. Usually the mineral Hematite is used to color lipstick and other makeup products.

Eye Shadow Eye shadows have many minerals in them and it usually depends on the color of the eye shadow. Zinc and talc are usually the most common minerals in eyeshadow this is because there are so many various colors that for each color there are different minerals.

Face Powder The main minerals that are needed in the making of face powders are zinc and silica. Most face powders are mineral face powders and contain many various minerals.

Mascara Mascara has minerals in it just like most other makeup products. There aren’t many minerals in mascara but the most common one is silica. Silica is used in most makeup products.

Bibliography: http://www.bareescentuals.com/bareMinerals-Flawless-DefinitionMascara---Black/USmasterflawless,default,pd.html http://www.physiciansformula.com/en-us/productdetail/face/pressed-powders/ 03835.html http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101216095614AABdIK8

Elly Graham

Minerals in Make-up Eyeshadow has a mineral called Talc in it that is a magnesium silicate mineral. Its a platy crystal habit is part of the reason way it has been used since 3500 B.C. The plates are able to glide together smoothly making it easy to apply.

Titanium Dioxide can be found in lipstick. It is also a type of natural sunblock.

Powered calcite, is a calcium carbonate that can absorbs moisture.

Iron oxide is one of the most important mineral to make-up because it’s able to give off colors to your skin, and it was used by Cleopatra, Titanium Dioxide is also found in blush.

Zinc Oxide is also found in lotions to help cure and prevent chapped skin.

inerals i

MINERALS WITH BEAUTY Eye Shadow : one ingredient in eye shadow is talc. Talc is a mineral. I use eyeshadow every morning, which makes minerals important to everyday life.

therefore Clay: Clay is used in powdered makeups such as foundation. Clay is used in make up to absorb moister such as oils. Many times when I apply makeup i use powdered foundation. that makes clay a important mineral to me.

Although makeup is a part of my every day life, so are minerals. Minerals are in most everything. They make up about 96% of the earth’s crust but, they can also be one of the most important ingredients to the things we use daily.


Mica: Mica is a mineral that is used in many makeups as well. Mica is used in lipsticks, nail polish and eyeshadow.

bibliography: Google images

Minerals in Makeup Arianna Marquis

In most type of eyeshadow have natural earth minerals some of the things that are in the minerals are sunscreen protectors they can hide fine lines and wrinkle.

In most type of lipsticks they have mica, iron oxides, silica and natural through mineral makeup. They can also have healing properties which is antioxidant or the sunscreen properties.

Most eyeliners contain pigmented minerals. It mostly depends on what kind of eyeliner you use.

In most mascara products there are many types of minerals but some of the most common minerals are pigments, oils, waxes and water and coloring. In some of the color browns there are iron oxides but some products don’t contain iron oxides.


By Ryan Pooler Silver is usually found mixed with gold.

Silver can be found pure.

Silver will not react with oxygen or water.

1 gram of silver is worth $.064 Silver can be found in forks.

Toothpaste Minerals Used In Toothpaste • Fluorite- Sodium fluorite is a mineral found in most toothpastes. It is also known as fluoride and helps to prevent tooth decay and cavities.

• Mica- Mica is a mineral found in many brands of toothpaste and is used as a cleaner for the tooth surface. It is also what gives some toothpastes sparkles throughout.

• Sand- Sand is a mineral in toothpaste that has a job similar to mica. It is a hard ingredient, but not too hard, and it cleans teeth of any bacteria and/or plaque. It is also used as a thickener to hold all ingredients in toothpaste together just like neutrons keep protons and electrons together in atoms.

• Titanium-

Titanium dioxide is a mineral in toothpaste that gives it a white base color. So, technically toothpaste is not naturally colored.

• Calcite- Calcium carbonate is another hard mineral that is the most common ingredient in toothpaste. It works with the other hard ingredients to clean teeth and make the shine.

Why Minerals in Toothpaste are Important to Me. Toothpaste is very helpful in my and many other people’s everyday lives. I use it and it’s minerals twice a day to brush my teeth and keep them healthy. On top of going to the dentist and drinking fluorinated water, brushing my teeth with toothpaste really helps to keep my teeth clean and in great shape. All of the minerals found in toothpaste work together to do just what I need to take good care of my teeth. So, that’s how and why toothpaste is a very big help in my everyday life of taking care of my teeth.

Toothpaste/Teeth Brushing Fun Facts (U.S.) • The amount of teeth lost each year due to sports injuries- 5 million • The percentage of people who claim they floss- 22% • The yearly amount of money spent on toothpaste- 1.8 billion •The yearly amount of money spent on toothbrushes- 775 million • The percentage of people who don’t replace their toothbrushes frequently- 75% • A while back, before toothpicks were invented, people used to use porcupine quills.

Minerals in Foods by Izzy Bachelder

Minerals in y!r morning r!tine 70 tons of gold is used for dental replacements

Did you know the sparkly parts in toothpaste are

In the olden days porcupine quills were used

Clay is added to makeup to help absorb

Talc is a major ingredient in eye shadow to help Iron oxide which is still used today was used by Cleopatra

Zinc helps heal dry/ cracked skin

Silica is an abrasive found in toothpaste

! Minerals in Everyday Life ! ! ! ! In the Kitchen ! ! ! ! ! By Matt Dubbert

Stove and Refrigerator! One thing a stove contains for a mineral is Hematite. Hematite is full of energy, thus giving the stove some of the power it uses. Hematite is also calm and cool so that it doesn’t react violently. ! Another that is in stove is Chromite. Chromite is stainless steel, and it cannot be with electrical heating equipment. ! ! Galena is a lead form mineral and it is used wirelessly for communication systems. ! Copper is used for electrical wiring like other electrical things. Copper is a great conductor so that is why it is used.

Cinnabar is used in electrical controls, instruments and as a fungicide. It is also used as a pigment in some stuff. ! ! ! ! Pentlandite is the many mineral, ore, for nickel.

DishwasherHematite gives the dishwasher power that it needs, but not too much from hematite being a very calm and cool minerals. ! ! ! ! Chromite is stainless steal and can’t be with electrical heating equipment.

Makeup & Minerals



• Eyeshadow’s first ingredient is Talc • Eyeshadow is made up of a lot of minerals! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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• Iron oxide puts the color in most makeup • Today, iron oxides make red, orange, yellow, brown, and black makeup • Chrome oxides make green, purple, and blue makeup

Talc: • Talc is in almost all cosmetic materials •Talc is made of magnesium silicate minerals •It is used to prevent pores from clogging

Lotions: •Body lotion can be used to help lots of things •Borax and beeswax can make a cleansing lotion •Zinc oxide is used to help chapped skin (or sunburns) •Calamine lotions help itchy and irritated skin

Minerals can be found in everyday lives, so next time you pause to put on makeup, imagine all of the minerals in the stuff you are using! Minerals help us in many ways, they even help make us look beautiful!

Skateboard Includes aluminum, calcite, mica, nickel, petroleum products, clays, silica and talc.

! ! Automobiles Includes aluminum, barite, calcite, iron, lead, mica, nepheline syenite, nickel, petroleum products, clays, silica and zinc.

Computers Includes gold, silica, nickel, aluminum, zinc, iron, petroleum products, and about thirty other minerals.

Television ! !

! Includes aluminum, copper, iron, nickel, silica, rare earths, and strontium. !


Dandruff Shampoo Includes coal tar, lithium clays and selenium. The container is made of petroleum products.

Minerals In The Bathroom

In a bathtub there are a total of four minerals in all. First there is feldspar for porcelain. Next there is Pyrolusite for the coloring around the tub. Then there is chromite for plumbing features. Lastly in the tub they use copper for tubbing.

The towel doesn’t have a lot of minerals to it. There is only two. The first one is chromite which is used for dyes. Also there is sphalerite which is used for dyes as well.

The toilet is a basic concept, but I bet not a lot of people have looked at what minerals are in it. The first one is pyrolusite. This mineral gives the toilet color. Next there is copper which is used for tubbing. The third mineral is felspar which is used for the porcelain. Finally Chromite is used for plumbing features around the whole toilet.

The dental care is very important, and it has a lot of minerals to the items. Firstly apatite this is in your teeth. Secondly there is fluorite which is in toothpaste. Thirdly rutile used to color faise teeth yellow. Finally gold, and cinnabar

Bibliography Harder, Vicki, VH. "Minerals in Your House." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <http://www.mineralogy4kids.org/

Makeup: Makeup contains large amounts of minerals that are not even considered by those who use it everyday. One of the main minerals included in a lot of makeup is talc. Talc is part of the sulfide mineral group. It’s flat characteristics allows it to be applied easily and smoothly. Mica is another mineral used in makeup. It’s luster gives a shine to makeup and also it has the same flat characteristic as talc. Kaolin and bentonite, both clays, are used in makeup for cleansers and moisture absorbents. There are many minerals that give makeup its color. One of the main ones is iron oxides which then goes on and ranges all the way to gold. A final mineral used in makeup is titanium dioxide. This can be found in almost all types Toothpaste: of makeup which is funny because it can Toothpaste has the job of also be found in Oreo cookies and cleaning teeth. This cleaning is m&m’s. actually done with abrasives. Abrasives come from rock which makes it their job to scrape of all plaque leaving clean teeth. Also within toothpaste is fluoride. Fluoride is used to help avoid cavities. Fluoride also comes from a mineral called fluorite. Also in toothpaste there is titanium dioxide which gives toothpaste the white color and mica which may show up as the sparkles in various toothpastes.

Minerals in the Morning

creams/ lotions: There are many different minerals used in many different lotions, but here are just to name a few. Borax and beeswax are commonly used as a mixture in creams and lotions to keep the oil and water together. If these weren’t added in, creams and lotions would be separated due to density. Zinc oxide is added to creams to help them cover more. There is also a zinc oxide ointment which is similar to lotion in which it helps heal dry skin. Finally, in very specific lotions, there is calamine. Calamine helps heal conditions such as poison ivy.

alarm clock: Just like many other everyday items, alarm clocks also contain minerals. Just like a computer or phone, most alarm clocks contain copper wiring. Copper is a mineral that conducts electricity extremely well. This is one of the main reasons it’s included in many items. Also, almost all alarm clocks are manufactured from talc, mica, clays, silica, and limestone.

Mirror: Mirrors actually do contain minerals. One of the main minerals in mirrors is quartz. Quartz is used in the reflection part of the mirror. Also hematite is used in some mirror handles. Sometimes silver and gold can be used as plating on certain mirrors.

Minerals importance to me: All five of these items I use almost everyday. People don’t think about it a lot,z but if there weren’t minerals, almost all your everyday stuff would be eliminated. Think about living without a roof on your house or no bed. It’s weird to think about, but it’s true. This is what minerals are.

Minerals at Night The average person uses 3.7 million pounds of minerals in their life

At night it is dark and people need lightbulbs to see at night. Lightbulbs would not exist without minerals. The base of lightbulbs are usually made of zinc and copper. The wire in the bulb is usually made of tungsten. The wires that hold the middle wire are made of copper and nickel. The gas in the bulb consist of argon and nitrogen.

Coins are made of mostly all minerals just a quarter is made out of lots of copper lots of nickel and a little silver. Pennies are made of zinc and a copper coating. Nickels, dimes, and quarters are made of copper and nickel. Copper is the main mineral that are in each coin except the one cent coin. The Sacagewea is made of copper, zinc, manganese, and nickel.

The average women spends 474 days of her life putting on makeup. Makeup contains lots of minerals. For example in most eyeliners talc is the first ingredient. Talc is made up of magnesium silicate minerals that came from the earth. Lots of makeup is shiny like nail polish, lipstick, and eyeshadow. One of the main ingredients in those is probably the mineral mica.

For Americans to live that standard life 7.1 billion tons of rocks and minerals last year were made for things we use and depend on every day

Women always wear gold jewelry at night because it is lustrous and and pretty. That is because of the minerals that make up gold jewelry.

http://www.kennecott.com/ library/media/human %20consumption.pdf Google images

Minerals in Makeup

There are many mineral materials in makeup Good: Other kinds of makeup can be good. They can be a cleanser or a kind or powder that helps remove the extra oil or makeup on your face. Kaolin is a mineral that is used to help clean off all the extra oils, and can make your face clean. Using Clinique, it is a face cream that can help your clogged pours and left over oils from makeup.

Bad: Different types of makeup can be sometimes bad. Certain ones that have oils in them can effect your face with acne from the left over oils.

Talc is also a well known mineral, but it is known as a bad mineral. Talc tends to carry lots of oils. When oils are on you skin, it can cause serious damage and make your face break out because of all the minerals.

Be Cautious: Although people tend to use makeup everyday, be careful of what you put on your face because most of the makeup products like cream, facial cleaner and powder can have different types of minerals and things that can harm you. There is also another mineral called Titanium Dioxide. Titanium Dioxide is a type of mineral that is used in mostly cremes, not only makeup creme but also food creme such as Oreo Cookie Creme and also M+Ms chocolate filling! This is a safe mineral, so there should be no problems with usage or eating.

Powdered Calcite is a type of mineral that picks up moistures that are left over. Also it helps clean out dirt in pours and oils left on skin. When its used in makeup, it is usually used in foundations where it tends to help cover up all of the clogged pours.

Minerals in Ballet... ! ! ! In order to dance on pointe, you typically need extra padding. The most common of these accessories are toe pads and silicon toe spacers. Silicon is considered to be a mineral

One of the most common materials used in pointe shoes is cardboard. Cardboard is a form of paper and comes from trees, however, it also contains the mineral calcite.

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even in this state -----> Weird facts:

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-A 3 hour ballet = Running 18 miles -A male dancer lifts over 1-1/2 tons worth of ballerinas during one performance. - Dancing on pointe, you hold three times your body weight on you big toes.

Minerals in Computers Minerals in the Monitor: Silver, Gold, Zinc Sulfide, Chlorine, Aluminum, Copper, Yttrium Sulfate, Europium, Potassium-Magnesium Zinc Cadmium Sulfate, Zinc silicate, Manganese, Arsenic, Gadolinium Sulfate: Terbium, Yttrium Silicate: Cerium. Minerals in the CRT Glass: Lead and Silicon dioxide.

Minerals in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): Lead, Then Film Transistors, Ferro Electric Liquid Crystal, Indium Tin Oxide

Minerals in a plastic keyboard case: Polypropylene, CaCO2, TiO2, Ammonium Polyphosphate.

FUN FACT: For a 70 lb computer, 4.8 lbs of it is copper, 17.5 lbs is plastic and 14.3 lbs are Silica

Minerals in the Morning By Jane Grandchamp

Toothpaste contains many different minerals. Some of these minerals are: fluorite, limestone, titanium and many other minerals. Some of these minerals are from small rocks that get the plaque off teeth, some are used to prevent cavities, and some are used to make the toothpaste sparkle

Many fruits contain lots of the same minerals. Some of the common minerals in fruits are potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Orange juice contains minerals as well. Some minerals that orange juice contains are potassium and calcium. Potassium strengthens

Makeup also contains minerals. Some of the most common minerals that are used in makeup are: mica, iron oxides, and titanium oxide. Mica is used for shimmer, iron oxides are used for tinting makeup, and titanium oxide is used to whiten things like

Some common minerals used in making cell phones are magnesium and platinum. Magnesium is used for the casing of the phone. Platinum, long with many other minerals , is used for the electric circuitry of the cell phone. A cell phone can be used in the morning to listen to music as you get ready.

Minerals in the Winter Calcium Chloride: ! Calcium chloride is used in the winter to melt ice off the road and make everything less slippery so that cars don’t get in accidents and people don’t slip and get hurt on the side walk. And it in warm wether because sun activates it.

Minerals in fun: Zinc Copper Chromium are all in spark plugs which are need to make snowmobiles start and keep them running. Lead is in batteries which are used in ski lifts and snowmobiles and pumps to blow up snow tubes.

Minerals in fireplaces: Fireplaces can be make up of minerals and minerals can stain them.


Dangerous Minerals in Skin Care Products ! ! ! ! There are very dangerous minerals in skin care products that could ruin skin. This is one of the many reasons that people should always read ingredients of any product that they’re about to put on their skin. Some people may think that it doesn’t matter what goes on the skin, but skin is a very delicate thing.


 January 10, 2014

 We can find minerals such as sodium in the drinks we have Another to fuel us for mineral the sports we we find is play Such as

sports is Clay. Clay is found in tennis courts baseball fields and more.

We can find many minerals on the fields we play on in the dirt. We can find, clay, gypsum, carbonates,


titanium is found as the main ingredient in Phiten® Necklaces most commonly used in baseball. They are used to relax muscles and balance you Lacrosse sticks do not grow on trees. Todays lacrosse sticks are made of minerals such as aluminum, graphite, titanium,, or alloys.

, Page 1and zinc aluminum, magnesium, scandium,

Minerals In Hiking Aluminum--Cooking Pots, many are made of aluminum for it’s lightweight properties.

Titanium---Used in Cookware and hiking poles

Minerals in glass--Flashlights and headlamps both utilize glass and lightbulbs.

Magnesium, Used to create sparks, striker bar

Sulfur--Used in Matches for fire starting

Calcium carbonate, kaolin clay, titanium dioxide, and talc. --Used in paper maps and other paper products such as newspaper for starting fires.

Talc, and Calcium Carbonates--These are in plastic often used for water bottles.

Minerals in the Kitchen! Salt:


Salt is used for cooking and

flavoring. Salt is also essential to life.

Clay is used to make the

plates and bowls that we eat out of.

Pots and Pans:

Cans and Tins:

Chalcopyrite is used to make many pots and

pans that people use to

Tins are mostly used in

Drinking Glass:

the kitchen to store food.


Some drinking glasses are made with Quartz crystals.

Minerals In the House Milk contains calcium and calcium is good for you because it helps your bone structure. Also, calcium affects your muscles, hormones, nerve function, and ability to form blood clots.

Cell phones contain the mineral arsenic which is an amplifier and a receiver. Another mineral in cell phones is tin. Tin gives the phone its LCD or liquid crystal display.

Toothpaste contains fluoride and calcite. Calcite is an important mineral in toothpaste because it gives toothpaste its cleaning power.

Laundry detergent contains the mineral zeolite. This a dangerous mineral to have around the house because if it is consumed, it can cause nausea, vomiting, convulsions and comas.

Meat contains the minerals iron, calcium and phosphorus. Iron is important because it is a part of all of the cells in a human body. Also, iron transports oxygen through our bodies.

Minerals in the Things you use daily


Yttrium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium all contribute to making a phone work. If we did not have these minerals we could not have the capability to make phones.


Calcium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium and a lot of other minerals are in milk, nobody knows how many

Makeup In many products there is a mineral called “talc” it is a naturally occurring mineral. It is made up of magnesium, silicone, oxygen, and hydrogen. It lays easily across the skin and has less of a chance of clogging pores.

Mineral makeup can also because it isn’t as harsh as chemicals in it.

Mica is also in many beauty products. Mica is made up of aluminum silicate and alkalis with hydroxyl.

be good for sensitive skin some makeup with

In other beauty products they add minerals for moisture. In some thy add kaolin, a type of clay for moisture, and it also spreads over your skin easily.

MINERALS IN THE KITCHEN ! There are many minerals in kitchens. There are minerals in pots and pans, countertops, blenders, stoves, refrigerators, etc.

Aluminum, cast iron, steel, tin, copper, and ceramic are all materials used in pots and pans.

Countertops can be made out of granite, slate, formica, and wood.

Stoves usually consist of minerals like copper, cinnabar, galena, hematite, and chromite.

Blenders have minerals such as, copper, quartz, chromite, hematite, and galena.

Uses of Petroleum in our Everyday Lives

Petroleum is used in many things in our everyday lives. For example, candles. Wax is a raw petroleum product. Petroleum is used in make-­up. It is used as a preservative and for texture. Petroleum is also used in plastic. Plastic is derived from petrochemicals. Petroleum is in oil based paints, and synthetic fibers. The compounds needed to create the synthetic fibers come from petroleum based chemicals. There is even petroleum in toothpaste. Toothpaste contains saccharin which is an artificial sweetener that is manufactured from petroleum. Petroleum is in many other things that we encounter in our everyday lives. Most things have petroleum in them. Minerals are important to me because many different minerals are needed in order to keep the human body healthy and running properly.

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