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If you don’t read it we’ll moon ya! Vol.1 Issue 1 2/29/12 If you buy this magazine you’ll get a postcard from Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong.

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How moon was formed…….................page 1 Phases of the moon…………………….page 2 Orbit of the Moon………………………page 3 Differences………………………………page 4 Timeline………………………………….page 5 Effects on earth……………………….....page 6 Free car…...………………………………page 7

How was the moon formed? The giant impact hypothesis states that the Moon was created out of the debris left over from a collision between the Earth and a Mars-sized body, sometime around 4 and a half billion years ago. It is the leading hypothesis supported by scientist right now.

FUN FACTS Did you know that the surface of the moon is -9 F.

Buy moon pies today. Their a delight in every bite. This is how they think the giant impact happened .

There are eight different phases of the moon. FUN FACT: The moon is 225,632 miles away from the earth.

The moon makes a complete orbit around the earth in about 27.3 days. However, since the Earth is moving in its orbit about the Sun at the same time, it takes slightly longer for the Moon to show the same phase to Earth, which is about 29.5 days. Every day the moon moves 10cm a day away from earth. Moon boots! Take a step into space.


The moon consist of a crust, mantle , and core much like earth but are thinner. They consist of mostly metal and rock. The gravity on the moon is 1/6th of the earths gravity


Obviously earth has oxygen therefore things like plants and animals can live on it also it has water. The earth is 13,007,544,637,490,199,7 53,916,416 pounds larger the moon.

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1959 Click here for a list of all lunar instruments. Luna 1 Jan 2, 1959 Flyby Instruments Pioneer 4 Mar 3, 1959 Flyby Instruments Luna 2 Sep 12, 1959 Impact Instruments Luna 3 Oct 4, 1959 Probe Instruments 1961 Ranger 1 Aug 23, 1961 Attempted Test Flight Ranger 2 Nov 18, 1961 Attempted Test Flight 1962 Ranger 3 Jan 26, 1962 Attempted Impact Ranger 4 Apr 23, 1962 Impact Ranger 5 Oct 18, 1962 Attempted Impact 1963 Luna 4 Apr 2, 1963 Flyby Instruments 1964 Ranger 6 Jan 30, 1964 Impact Ranger 7 Jul 28, 1964 Impact Instruments 1965 Ranger 8 Feb 17, 1965 Impact Instruments Ranger 9 Mar 21, 1965 Impact Instruments Luna 5 May 9, 1965 Impact Instruments Luna 6 Jun 8, 1965 Attempted Lander Instruments Zond 3 Jul 18, 1965 Flyby Instruments Luna 7 Oct 4, 1965 Impact Instruments Luna 8 Dec 3, 1965 Impact Instruments 1966 Luna 9 Jan 31, 1966 Lander Instruments Luna 10 Mar 31, 1966 Orbiter Instruments Surveyor 1 May 30, 1966 Lander Instruments Lunar Orbiter 1 Aug 10, 1966 Orbiter Instruments Luna 11 Aug 24, 1966 Orbiter Instruments Surveyor 2 Sep 20, 1966 Attempted Lander Instruments Luna 12 Oct 22, 1966 Orbiter Instruments Lunar Orbiter 2 Nov 6, 1966 Orbiter Instruments Luna 13 Dec 21, 1966 Lander Instruments 1967 Lunar Orbiter 3 Feb 4, 1967 Orbiter Instruments Surveyor 3 Apr 17, 1967 Lander Instruments Lunar Orbiter 4 May 8, 1967 Orbiter Instruments Surveyor 4 Jul 14, 1967 Attempted Lander Instruments Lunar Orbiter 5 Aug 1, 1967 Orbiter Instruments Surveyor 5 Sep 8, 1967 Lander Instruments Surveyor 6 Nov 7, 1967 Lander Instruments 1968 Surveyor 7 Jan 7, 1968 Lander Instruments Luna 14 Apr 7, 1968 Orbiter Instruments Zond 5 Sep 15, 1968 Return Probe Instruments Apollo 7 Oct 11, 1968 Zond 6 Nov 10, 1968 Return Probe Instruments Apollo 8 Dec 21, 1968 Crewed Orbiter Instruments 1969 Apollo 9 March 3, 1969 Apollo 10 May 18, 1969 Orbiter Instruments Luna 15 Jul 13, 1969 Orbiter Instruments Apollo 11 Jul 16, 1969 Crewed Lander Instruments Zond 7 Aug 7, 1969 Return Probe Instruments Apollo 12 Nov 14, 1969 Crewed Lander Instruments 1970 Apollo 13 Apr 11, 1970 Crewed Lander (aborted) Instruments Luna 16 Sep 12, 1970 Sample Return Instruments Zond 8 Oct 20, 1970 Return Probe Instruments Luna 17/Lunokhod 1 Nov 10, 1970 Rover Instruments 1971 Apollo 14 Jan 31, 1971 Crewed Lander Instruments Apollo 15 Jul 26, 1971 Crewed Lander Instruments Luna 18 Sep 2, 1971 Impact Instruments Luna 19 Sep 28, 1971 Orbiter Instruments 1972 Luna 20 Feb 14, 1972 Sample Return Instruments Apollo 16 Apr 16, 1972 Crewed Landing Instruments Apollo 17 Dec 7, 1972 Crewed Landing Instruments 1973 Luna 21/Lunokhod 2 Jan 8, 1973 Rover Instruments 1974 Luna 22 Jun 2, 1974 Orbiter Instruments Luna 23 Oct 28, 1974 Lander Instruments 1976 Luna 24 Aug 14, 1976 Sample Return Instruments 1990 Hiten Jan 24, 1990 Flyby, Orbiter, and Impact Instruments 1994 Clementine Jan 25, 1994 Orbiter Instruments 1997 AsiaSat 3/HGS-1 Dec 24, 1997 Lunar Flyby 1998 Lunar Prospector Jan 7, 1998 Orbiter and Impact Instruments 2003 SMART 1 Sep 27, 2003 Orbiter Instruments 2007 Kaguya (SELENE) Sep 14, 2007 Orbiter Instruments Chang'e 1 Oct 24, 2007 Orbiter Instruments 2008 Chandrayaan-1 Oct 22, 2008 Orbiter Instruments Lunar-A Cancelled Orbiter and Penetrators 2009 LRO Jun 18, 2009 Orbiter Instruments LCROSS Jun 18, 2009 Impact Instruments 2010 Chang'e 2 October 1, 2010 Orbiter ARTEMIS 2010 Orbiter 2011 GRAIL September 8, 2011 Orbiter 2013 Chang'e 3 Orbiter LADEE May 2, 2013 Orbiter 2017 Chang'e 5 2017 Sample Return

The moon has several effects on the earth some are.  Tides  Animals  Light at night  gravity Drink moonshine it will light up your night.

We are supporting a new contest all you have to do is write a essay about the moon. It can be about its landings, gravity, or even the rocks but if its good enough you’ll get a free car and a post card from Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

Last week winner wrote an essay about mars and got a free car

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