live your conquest
live your conquest Gnatus G8 is a revolutionary dental set targeted to all dentistry proffessionals that seek for excellence. The G8 is the result of broad research and continous process of improvement and employment of the latest technologioes. Gnatus has lapidated each detail of the G8 so you can achive your top performance, optmizing the use of your experiencie and talent. The concepts of ergonomics, comfort and biosafety were extensively applied on each item of this equipment. Gnatus G8 is a rare diamond, different from anything you’ve ever seen before. It is a precious dental set that will add value to your work and to your clinic.
liVe youR Best MoMeNt. liVe youR CoNQuest.
Biosafety Committed to high standards of biosafety, Gnatus G8 is a product that settles a new milestone, a concept that changes the approach when it comes to cross contamination risk: The Chromatic Scale.
Surfaces in the dental set where the dentistry professional/patient does not maintain direct contact, with less risk of cross contamination.
Potential surfaces of cross contamination that require more careful sterilization and asepsis.
Surfaces where risks of cross contamination are low. Softer procedures cleaning required.
DeNtal CHaiR
EASY-FIX SYSTEM The dentist’s and patient’s feet supports are both removable, providing easier cleaning. The Easy-Fix system allows the removal of the head and lumbar upholstery for a better asepsis.
Massage Kit
soft coMfort systeM
upholstery with massage system that provides greater comfort for patient, minimizing stress and fatigue during procedures. wide padding with lumbar support - providing greater comfort for the patient. independent command and control that can be triggered by the patient.
Speed and vibration intenity adjustment
Speed or intensity selector Massage mode: pulsed, continuops, waves Massage location: seat, back or both simultaneously
Design: enhance ergonomics
TREnDELEMBuRG POSITIOn The G8 chair is equipped with synchronized movement of seat and back.
eRgoNoMiCs AuTOMATIC ARMCHAIR When “return to zero” position is activated the armchair goes automatically down, meaning freedom of movement to the patient and the professional.
HEADREST Biarticulated, removable anatomical with anterior, posterior, longitudinal and height movements. Ease of use, through a system of “Click.” Provides comfort for patients, with direct visualization of the quadrants of the mouth. Allows treatment of handcapped patients, dental-pediatrics and others.
safety AnTICRuSHInG SYSTEM With safety system that interrupts chair base movement when finding any obstacle.
iNtegRateD CoNtRol PeDal the G8 integrated foot control unifies all foot comands and allows activation of chair, lights, water unit and equipment.
MoVeMeNts locK systeM
locking system of functions and movements of the chair, which allows total security when performing procedures.
cHiP Blower Pedal
system to activate the function of air jet at high speed.
Program: 4 Working Positions P3 and P4 P1 and P2
Spit Position Return to zero position
Dental light DA: Seat Down SA: Seat up
Electronic micromotor reversal
DE: Seatback Down SE: Seatback up
Emergency/Lock Movements Acceleration rod Chip Blower/Water cut
Integrated foot control that allows free movements.
Activation system of handpieces through rod with acceleration. Possibility to work without using the water.
DeliVeRy uNit g8 full H arm with pneumatic lock. electrical micromotor oPtiMa Mx2. 2 high rotation hand pieces. led negatoscope. Pad control – with all comands of the chair, equipment functions, water unit and light. ultrasound with fine-tuning of power and water ow (Periodontics, endodontics and scalling). Photopolymerizer oPtiliGHt ld Max. triple syringe with warm water.
KIT BIEn-AIR OPTIMA MX2 designed to simplify dentistry procedures, enhacing quality and precision. superior to conventional pneumatic micromotors, the electrical micromotor has advantages such as: More silent. Fine-tuning: 100-40,000 [CA 1:1] and [CA 1:5] 500 to 200,000. Torque control with a wide range of variation 0:13 ncm to 3.5 ncm. Rotation direction automatic reversal for endodontic procedures.
BIEn-AIR COunTER-AnGLE Counter-angle and micromotor with internal spray. Fixation of drills: Push Button system. Duallook ďŹ ber optic lighting without shadows. Blue color – transmission ratio of 1:1. Red transmission of 1:5.
HIGH ROTATIOn COBRA LED LED lighting system. Aluminum body, with special treatment in titanium. Bearings with ceramic balls. Rotation at 420,00 rpm and torque at 0:13 ncm. More silent with precisely balanced rotors. Connection with electric contacts [midwest type].
SL 30 HAnD PIECES LInE Ergonomic design. Aluminum made, with anodized treatment. Available in pink, green and blue. Rotarion at 420,000 rpm and a torque at 0.13 ncm.
Allows the disposal of work materials at the professional´s reach.
Operating time programmable to 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 90 seconds with buzzer (beep) every 10 seconds. 600 mW/cm² power.
Wide lighting ямБeld for better view of periapical and occlusal radiographs. White and continuous LED lighting.
RODS LOCKInG SYSTEM* Tension relief on the hoses with greater mobility for the hand pieces.
*Except for syringe.
WateR uNit
CuP FILLER Double activation of water flow in the cup filler.
18O° ROTATInG WATER unIT Absolute comfort for the patient. Easy access to the operative area.
TRIPLE SYRInGE Ergonomic, with excellent grip, that ensures complete accuracy during the procedures.
Programmable, multi colored LED lighting System. It carries the concept of chromotherapy, which provides a more pleasant environment by estimulating comfort and wellbeing.
WATER HEATInG In TRIPLE SYRInGE Lowers the sensitivity during the procedure. nozzle with unique shape, spinner, removable and autoclavable. Green Button: Water. Blue button: Air. Air + Water Spray Function.
REMOVABLE SPITTOOn Deep and easy removal.
Master valve (key to cut water and air*).
Regulating the flow of water in the spittoon and cup filler. uSB output for transmission of images from the intra oral camera*.
Dual system for water supply (network/ Reservoir*).
FILTER DEBRIS Easy access, removal and cleaning.
*Optional G8 Fit.
EXTEnDED ARM (ALCAnCE) PAD control – with the following functions: Chromotherapy. Water heating for the triple syringe. Water activation on the spittoon. Triggering the flow of water in cup fillers. Emergency stop. Wide mobility that appromixates instruments to the surgical field. Supports up to five terminals, including intra oral camera.
siRius seNsoR leD DeNtal ligHt
orBital MoVeMeNt allows different lighting angles in the operative field.
differeNt Models
5 leds - light intensity at 35, 25 and 15 thousand lux. 3 leds - light intensity at 30, 20 and 10 thousand lux. 3x2 leds - light intensity at 35, 25 and 15 thousand lux and orange led 5 thousand lux.
led liGHtiNG tecHNoloGy
Provides greater durability of the light source - over of 50,000h about 1,000 times higher than conventional halogen lamps.
robust and easy to clean body.
REMOVABLE AnD AuTOCLAVABLE HAnDLES Ergonomic design and easy removal.
FROnTAL PROTECTOR Removable, made of a durable and transparent material easy to clean.
PROXIMITY SEnSOR Activation and adjustment of the light intensity without contact.
HAnDLES POSITIOnInG System that allows multiple positions of the handles.
RECTAnGuLAR LIGHT BEAM Ideal size with wide illumination of the operative ďŹ eld. Minimizes the need for constant repositioning of focus.
ERGOnOMICS AnD VERSATILITY The G8 enhances productivity through the combination of ergonomics, technology and biosafety in a versatile system that ďŹ ts multiple clinical situations.
A world-class dental set developed to meet the highest demands of Dentistry professional commited to patients full satisfaction.
Gnatus g8 full New excellence standards for your clinic.
The top version of the G8 dental set. Developed for the most demanding professionals. Its state-of-the-art technology with comfort combines biosafety and ergonomics.
Available on versions Gnatus G8 Full H and Gnatus G8 Full F.
An equipment that differenciates itself because of its funcionality combined with the refinement of its unique design. Versatile, Gnatus G8 F meets the highest concepts of technology, comfort, biosafety and ergonomics.
Hand pieces not included.
Available on versions Gnatus G8 H and Gnatus G8 F. Delivery unit cover in stainless steel (optional).
Gnatus presents a dental set that suits perfectly to professional that search for the latest technology. It combines an innovator design with ergonomics and patient’s comfort.
Hand pieces not included.
Avaliable on versions Gnatus G8 Fit H and Gnatus G8 Fit F.
oPtioNals Dental Chair
Delivery unit
Water unit
Dental light
Multimedia Kit Increases the interaction with your patient through intraoral camera and multimedia resources.
Negatoscope Kit Facilitates viewing of radiographic images for a more accurate diagnosis.
Peripheral tray Kit Optimizes space on your dental set.
soft Comfort Headrest Kit Perfect accommodation and comfort to the patient, made of exible material, soft and washable.
fiber optic terminal Kit + High speed CoBRa PB leD Prepare your dental set for the LED lighting system of COBRA handpieces line with the Fiber Optic terminal kit.
terminal Kit for Micromotor MCX + Micromotor MCX (Bien-air) Prepare your dental set to receive the electric engine MCX Bien-Air. High torque and precision with low noise level.
stainless steel Delivery unit Cover Allows the accommodation of all working material within reach of the professional. Removable cover measuring 47x28 cm.
Jet Hand Kit For prophylaxis and removing extrinsic stains.
ultrasound Kit Versatility in dierent specialties.
Terminal Kit (High Speed and Micromotor) Terminal with adjustable spray with smooth hose (no grooves).
Photopolymerizer Kit Digital display with time control and LED with power at 600 mW/cm².
Sirius Sensor G8 5 (3x2) LEDs dental light Illumination intensity in 35, 25 and 15 thousand lux and orange LED 5 thousand lux.
Sirius Sensor G8 3 LEDs dental light Illumination intensity in 30, 20 and 10 thousand lux.
Sirius Sensor G8 5 LEDs dental light Illumination intensity in 35, 25 and 15 thousand lux.
Massage Kit Upholstery with massage system the provides the patient a better comfort.
Chromoterapy Kit Provides a nicer place with comfort and well-being for your patients.
Triple Syringe Water Heating Kit More comfort and less sensitivity to the patient during procedures.
Triple Syringe Kit More mobility with a second triple syringe attached to the unit.
gNatus uPHolsteRy exclusiVe colors aNd GNatus tecHNoloGy for tHe deNtal set witH your style
Navy Blue
light Blue Metallic
light Blue coated
dark Green
Navy Blue Metallic coated
Metallic Pink
light Green coated
copper Metallic
red Metallic coated
Green Metallic
silver coated
gNatus leatHeR uPHolsteRy
G8 dental set reaďŹƒrms the evolution of a brand polished by talent and technology through time, the same way as you in your professional career. the trust that your patient put in your job is the same one that you demonstrate by using Gnatus´ product. from now on, live your best moment.
liVe youR CoNQuest.
live your conquest
300055054 January/14 Product benefited by the software legislation. illustrative photos. the colors may have changed on the graphic reproduction. Gnatus reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications of the equipment. Download a QR Code reader and watch the Gnatus institutional video .
Gnatus Equipamentos Médico-Odontológicos Ltda. Rodovia Abrão Assed, km 53 + 450m - Marginal Leste CEP 14097-500 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brasil Tel.: 55 16 2102 5000 | Fax: 55 16 2102 5001