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Tourism expansion 2018 2022
from LCI, Part III - Coastal Land and Plain Watersheds Planning in the Rilán Peninsula
by Global Nomad
Green infrastructure has moved from ecology to economics, seeing resources such as rural, coastal, wetlands, urban parks, street trees and their ecosystems as critical for sustainable economic growth and social goals, not just a way of supporting wildlife and ‘the environment’.
Figure 20 | Source: East Coast Greenway
Tourism expansion 2018-2022
A ZOIT (Zona de Interés Turístico) or Tourist Interest Zone is a public-private management tool to promote tourism that is developed and implemented through participation, coordination and commitment from both the public and the private sectors.Castrois the only commune within Chiloéthat has been declared Tourist Interest Zone, which in addition to focusing on the execution of public programs and projects that promote tourism growth, provides resources to build infrastructure and facilities that support the industry.
Therefore, the commune has aZOITAction Plan that was developed by the Undersecretary of Tourismin 2015. According tothis initiative“by 2020 Chiloéwill be the fourth international destination in Chile, with Castro being the main engine of such development”. Rilán is also an important destination within the communeand within the ZOIT, which considers a whole program for the Rilán Peninsula that includes the IglesiadeRilán as part ofits main guiding axis, along with another two initiatives. The church of Rilán is part of the Churches of Chiloé- UNESCO World Heritage Centre, representing unique examplesin Latin America of an outstanding form of ecclesiastical wooden architecturesince 2001.
The ZOIT Action Plan considers a budget of CLP $ 2,000 million, sourced by the Municipalityand the Regional Government, to jointly fund a total of twentymeasures, that include
• Sectional Master Plan for Putemún; • Elevated observation platforms on the Putemún wetland; • Establish a marine concession on the Putemún wetland; • Establish a marine concession on the Pullao wetland; • Enhance the scenic outlooks within the Peninsula; • Rebuild the Corrales de Pesca on Yutuy; • Consolidate the Peninsula’s traditional Festivales Costumbristas (Quento, Quel Quel, Rilán, Yutuy,
Within the ZOIT Action Plan, there is also a Tourist Competitive Plan, which is meant to permeate all communal regulations, ordinances and bylaws through a program that also promotes amendments to Castro’s Communal Land-use Plan, in order to align with the spirit of the ZOITAction Plan.
The declaration of a ZOIT is approved by the Ministerial Tourism Committeeand will last for four years, renewable for another four-yearterm.
Figure 21 | Source: The Basalt River Restoration
Sectional Master Plan for Rilán
An initiative like the ZOIT Action Plan can be very beneficial to trigger a new trend of development that is indeed based on sustainability goals. Within this measure, there are two fundamental aspects contained in the ZOIT Action Plan identified in a SWOTanalysis with direct influence over this exercise.
Sustainable land management
The commune has four recognized UNESCO World Heritage Centrechurches–including Rilán–and a diverse suite of nationally relevant tourist attractions like the palafitos (stilt houses) in Castro, its market, its artisanry, and its regional fairs, which attract visitorsyear-round. The public sector has recognized the importance of a sustainable management of the destination, which will require a Land Management Plan and new public infrastructure to take advantage of Castro’sscenic and cultural potential in a competitive way.
Strategic goals
• Distributeinformation about the Tourist Competitive Planand promote local empowerment; • Strengthen tools and documents that guide tourist management; • Create an Intercommunal Tourist Development Master Plan for Chiloé.
Enabling public infrastructure
Enhancing roads to access tourist attractions and scenic routes, provide more scenic outlooks, building docks for tourist vessels, develop coastal greenways with access to the coastline, create urban parks with universal access, and attract private investments, including more hotels.
Strategic goals
• Create and advance enabling tourist infrastructure development micro-plans for prioritary tourist destinations within the commune; • Collaboratively build, with the other communes of Chiloé,an EnablingPublic InfrastructureMaster Plan that help develop the tourist destination sustainably.